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Heart of a Redneck

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Colby McBride is a blue-collar cowboy trying to make ends meet laying tile in Colorado. A loner by choice, Colby works hard with his hands and finds his peace camping in the mountains outside Boulder. Gordon James is a white-collar restaurateur who owns not one, but two successful establishments in downtown Boulder. He’s a sophisticated urbanite who is devoted to his work and is accustomed to getting what he wants.

The men are friends, but sparks fly when Colby falls in love and decides to show Gordon how much fun a good old boy can be. They’re just beginning to explore their relationship when Gordon’s sister’s suicide leaves him with custody of his five-year-old niece.

Colby comes from a huge family and is eager to help with the girl and to prove his worth to Gordon. But neither of them is ready for the tremendous changes to their already busy lives, or for how this new relationship with Olivia challenges them, complicating the way they interact with each other.

They say opposites attract, but can these two very different men work together to join their disparate lives and form a strong, if highly unlikely, family?

240 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 13, 2018

About the author

Jodi Payne

82 books394 followers
JODI spent too many years in New York and San Francisco stage managing classical plays, edgy fringe work, and the occasional musical. She, therefore, is overdramatic, takes herself way too seriously, and has been known to randomly break out in song. Her men are imperfect but genuine, stubborn but likable, often kinky, and frequently their own worst enemies. They are characters you can’t help but fall in love with while they stumble along the path to their happily ever after.

For those looking to get on her good side, Jodi’s addictions include nonfat lattes, Malbec and tequila however you pour it. She’s also obsessed with Shakespeare and Broadway musicals. She can be found wearing sock monkey gloves while typing when it’s cold, and on the beach enjoying the sun and the ocean when it’s hot. When she’s not writing and/or vacuuming sand out of her laptop, Jodi mentors queer youth and will drop everything for live music. Jodi lives near New York City with her beautiful wife, and together they are mothers of dragons (cleverly disguised as children) and slaves to an enormous polydactyl cat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews
Profile Image for Madigan Likes to Read.
1,186 reviews95 followers
September 6, 2022
(For context, I am Texas born and raised and lived there for over 30 years before recently escaping to a significantly less hostile environment.)

CW: This book contains ignorance and misogyny, both written into the book as if they are attractive qualities in a man. This book includes references to a suicide that occurs off page. Subsequently, disparaging remarks are made about mental health generally and about the deceased side character specifically, including calling her "messed-up". Finally, this book contains parenting so poor that it cannot be described as such. This poor parenting may be rage-inducing for parents and for people that care about the well-being of children.

When I began this book, it read like it would be a friends to lovers story. But this book is missing the development of a friendship. Instead, at 8% it read like two men who barely know each other fucking because it's convenient. It's clear Colby has a crush on Gordon (though it's not made clear why), but Gordon seems to just need a body to use.

Later in the book, Colby describes his relationship with Gordon perfectly:

"I think we said seventeen words to each other about the weather in between blow jobs before Liv [Gordon's niece] showed up."

So far, so romantic, yes?

And then Gordon's sister commits suicide (this is where the insensitive remarks about mental health come in, including disparaging someone suffering from mental health issues) and leaves Gordon with custody of his niece (this is where the parenting so poor it can't be described as such comes in).

When Gordon returns home with niece in tow, he immediately saddles Colby with the burden of caring for his niece while Gordon kicks back and does almost none of the work. From there, they form a relationship based on Gordon relying completely on Colby to take care of his niece. When the first ILYs were exchanged, I laughed out loud and said "I don't believe that at all!" Does Gordon love Colby the man, or is he simply grateful for Colby for releasing him from the burden of parenting? Because that sounds less like heartfelt love between men and more like valuing a good employee.

And look, I'm from Texas; I know big dumb cowboy is a type. But just how dumb is Colby? Just how irresponsible is Gordon's parenting? When Colby gets into a serious car accident, totals his truck, and potentially has a concussion affecting his motor skills and response time, Colby tells Gordon it's fine because he (Colby) is a cowboy. And Gordon is fine with that explanation and allows Colby (who likely should be in a hospital or at least consulting with a doctor) to drive Gordon's niece to school. For reference (and this is based on my personal experience as a Texan), "cowboy" don't mean shit to a concussion and it won't save a little girl's life if you're not medically fit to drive.

In conclusion, this did not read like a romance. I did not feel the love between these two men. At most, I sensed that Gordon was grateful to Colby for shouldering the bulk of the responsibility of raising his niece.

Finally, this is not a new release. Someone has alerted these authors that "redneck" is a pejorative and so changed the title from Heart of a Redneck to Heart of a Cowboy. I have not read the original work but would guess that a find and replace of the text was performed to replace all instances of "redneck" with "cowboy". I do not believe any further edits were made for sensitivity or to modernize the book so it fits with the current cultural landscape. I believe this is why ignorance, misogyny, disregard for those suffering from mental health issues, and poor parenting are written as attractive or sympathetic qualities in this book.

For those considering this book, please read the above mentioned CWs and proceed carefully.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,123 reviews252 followers
March 27, 2023
Re-read March 26, 2023
One man is all cowboy, and the other is a suit wearing businessman !

This charming Colorado story just made me smile, a lot !
Cowboy and expert tile man, Colby,

about 28, lean muscled and loves his work and he has an artistic flair. He has worked and had sexy hookups with
restaurateur, Gordon, 35, a handsome,

suit wearing guy. These two are scorching hot with sexiness.
Then Gordon gets horrible news, and Gordon is guardian of 5 yr. old Olivia. He brings her home, where Colby has stepped up to get a cute child’s room ready. Colby slides right into “care” mode, and the little girl is terrific.

It’s a tough adjustment for Gordon who works constantly to run his restaurants, and never wanted kids, but Colby loves it because he came from a big, close and loving family.

Our men gets frustrated and communications break down, but they keep trying, never giving up.
They have inner thoughts, realizations, and decisions. We see the fun, camping, swimming and all the great togetherness.

When Colby needs help, Gordon is there for him.

Friends to lovers to more...

Loved these guys and little Olivia, plus Colby’s folks.
Entertaining and fantastic fun for these guys. Loved it !

Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
December 15, 2019
A variation on ‘Country Mouse, City Mouse’, this is a story about two opposites attracting, finding common ground, and learning to deal with the unexpected stress – and joy – of raising a girl together. Colby is a cowboy trying to make a living laying tile in Boulder, Colorado, and Gordon owns two restaurants and is a sophisticated city-dweller, but that doesn’t stop them from being friends. Until they become more – and discover their chemistry is explosive. Then Gordon’s sister dies and leaves him in charge of five-year-old Olivia, something Gordon had agreed to but didn’t believe would ever be necessary. Needless to say, it moves their relationship into an entirely different light and the adjustment is not easy.

Please find my full review of the second edition on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Feel The Book.
1,739 reviews54 followers
February 3, 2019
Recensione a cura di Lilith per Feel The Book

Gordon è un imprenditore elegante e sofisticato, gestisce due locali che funzionano bene e ha un buon amico come Colby con il quale passa dei piacevoli momenti, cosa può volere di più?
Colby, cowboy dal cuore grande che fa il posatore di piastrelle, è attratto da Gordon e sta aspettando il momento giusto per fare il primo passo, per ora però si accontenta di provocarlo a ‘parole’.
Ma un pomeriggio, mentre osservano un lavoro quasi finito di Colby, sarà Gordon a baciarlo iniziando così una relazione di ‘amici con benefici'. Certo, Colby vorrebbe di più, ma a Gordon sembra andare bene così, quindi lui... aspetta.
Tutto sembra procedere per il meglio, quando una telefonata metterà la vita di Gordon sottosopra: dopo il suicidio della sorella, Gordon diventa il tutore legale di sua nipote.
Gordon non ha avuto una famiglia affettuosa e presente, quindi vede tutto quello che è un legame come fumo negli occhi; inoltre, da sempre, la sua priorità è il lavoro, ma con Olivia capitata all'improvviso deve rivoluzionare la sua vita. Non è facile e la situazione lo fa andare spesso nel panico. Fortunatamente Colby, che ha una famiglia numerosa e affettuosa, e cerca una stabilità affettiva, gli sta vicino sostenendolo e aiutandolo nell'accudire Olivia, togliendogli il peso della responsabilità dedicando tempo alla nuova arrivata e a lui.
Il legame tra Colby e Olivia si fa sempre più profondo, tanto da rendere Gordon geloso, scontroso ed egoista, tanto da allontanare il cowboy a causa del suo comportamento e delle sue parole che riescono a ferire nel profondo.
Sarà proprio grazie a Olivia però, che il rapporto tra Colby e Gordon riuscirà ad evolversi nonostante tutte le difficoltà che possono trovarsi davanti un uomo che non sa come lasciarsi andare all'amore e uno per cui l'amore è una necessità...
Un romanzo ben scritto e ben tradotto, che forse ha un inizio lento ma che poi  aumenta di intensità.
Cercate una bella storia, dolce e romantica, dove non mancano scene sexy e gradevolmente piccanti? Leggetelo!

Editing della recensione a cura di The Goddess per Feel The Book
Profile Image for Lisa.
332 reviews29 followers
November 16, 2018
Oh my god what was there not to love about this story. It had everything it was sweet with some anguish shot cowboy a slick restauranteur and the most adorable 5 year old ever.
Liv has lost her mom her only living relative and guardian happens to be her over worked workaholic Gordon.

Gordon has no intention of settling down and having a family he has two successful restaurants to take care of and he has just started casually seeing his cowboy. That all comes crashing down when he hears about the death of his sister and now his life will change for good.

He is going to need help but he has always been independent can his cowboy break down those barriers and show him what he is missing and how to be a good father and in a happy relationship.

I loved this guys but for me the cowboy stole the show with his Witt and laidback devil may care attitude he was perfect mix that with an adorable 5 year old and a highly strung adult and your in for laughter and tears. I highly recommend this story it’s easy reading and fun.
Profile Image for Wyatt 9toes.
22 reviews
November 6, 2018
Heart of a Redneck is a ultimately a love story with a good lesson in family. Gordon and Colby are just having a good time together when a death in the family suddenly changes their lives. Now responsible for a little one, Gordon is at a loss and falling apart but Colby is more than willing to step up and be the rock that he needs. Their new budding relationship faces challenges as they each learn how to both help each other and accept help as well as parent a grieving child. These changes in their lives break down their barriers and help them find a way to flesh out (pun intended) their relationship and admit to what they mean to each other. It is a sweet love story but also a view into today’s blended families. A good read and I would recommend to friends.
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
March 13, 2019
I really wanted to like this one a lot more than I ended up liking it. I just didn't really believe that these two characters fell in love. It seemed more like a convenience to Gordon than it did love. When they were friends with benefits it was believable but there really wasn't a transition from that to being in a solid relationship. I also thought the changes from one POV to the other were jarring. Still it was an easy, quick and fairly sweet book with a cute 5 year old girl.
Profile Image for Cynthia Osborne.
377 reviews4 followers
May 10, 2022
What a beautiful story about growing into a family. Miscommunication got the better of them on occasion but both of them worked it out. Throw an unexpected gift of a little girl into the mix and both of them have some thinking and readjustment they need to make.

I did receive an Arc for a review
2,424 reviews123 followers
August 3, 2023
Four and a half stars

HEART OF A REDNECK is part of Jodi Payne and BA Tortuga’s Higher Elevation series.

Restauranteur Gordon James and tile artist Colby McBride are enjoying some no-strings fun when Gordy suddenly needs to step up to parent his niece. And then they’re coparenting almost before they can blink.
Profile Image for Elyxyz Elyxyz.
Author 7 books49 followers
December 22, 2018
Chi legge molto sa che ci sono storie in cui la scintilla con il lettore scatta fin dalle prime pagine e altre che ci mettono un po’ a carburare.
Ammetto che, per mio gusto personale, questo libro rientra nella seconda categoria, perché ho faticato a inquadrare i protagonisti, almeno all’inizio, anche se poi la storia mi ha conquistata e mi è piaciuta parecchio.
Colby e Gordon si presentano come amici – definendosi persino migliori amici, in certi momenti – ma in realtà non conoscono praticamente niente l’uno dell’altro, né i rispettivi passati né le loro famiglie, e hanno ben poco in comune, perché il primo è un cowboy dall’animo buono, con la passione per la natura, il campeggio e le cose semplici e l’altro è tipo sofisticato, un manager ristoratore che ama i bei vestiti costosi, le auto accessoriate ed è il suo esatto opposto.
Pur sentendo un’attrazione reciproca, nessuno dei due ha il coraggio di fare qualcosa per non rovinare il loro curioso legame, fino a quando, improvvisamente, non gettano la prudenza alle ortiche e diventano scopamici senza impegno.
La storia prende una svolta improvvisa allorché la piccola Olivia piomba nelle loro vite e le stravolge, perché devono essere completamente riadattate alle sue esigenze.
Gordy è lo zio affidatario, ma è Colby che – con animo generoso e servizievole – prende in mano le redini della loro quotidianità e aiuta la bambina a sistemarsi, mentre Gordon è in balia di sentimenti contrastanti.
Questa convivenza forzata non è affatto semplice, e ho amato come tutto sia verosimile, sia le incertezze di Gordon e, apparentemente, le sue incongruenze, sia la generosità di Colby, che è un pezzo di pane e ha la pazienza di un santo. Confesso che, fra i due protagonisti, il mio preferito è lui, ma è facile affezionarsi a un uomo così buono.
Il personaggio migliore della storia è però Olivia, piccola stellina adorabile. Malgrado sia rimasta orfana così piccina, dimostra coraggio e una sensibilità disarmanti. Fa venire voglia di abbracciarla per non lasciarla mai e capisco perché Colby se ne sia innamorato all’istante.
Dentro la storia ci sono un paio di personaggi secondari preziosi, come la famiglia di Colby, ma una menzione speciale spetta a Oscar, il braccio destro di Gordon.
Nella trama non mancano problemi vari e momenti di attrito e imprevisti, ma questa storia è soprattutto ricca di affetto e amore. Non mancano neppure delle scene sensuali piacevolmente descritte e tutto il testo è ben tradotto, con un editing curato.
Come ho detto all’inizio, dopo una partenza in sordina è riuscito ad appassionarmi e vi invito a leggerlo e a farvi coccolare, se cercate un romanzo m/m che parli di genitorialità e dolcezza.
Profile Image for llv.
2,142 reviews12 followers
May 31, 2021
Rating: 3.5 stars
There were things I really loved about this story. I absolutely loved Colby and little Olivia. They made this story for me. I loved how they interacted together and I loved how Colby gave his whole heart and soul to both Gordon and Olivia. What I didn’t like too much was Gordon. I pretty much disliked his character for most of the story. There were times I really wanted to kick his butt for not appreciating what he had with Colby. I was really glad when he finally got his head screwed on correctly and embraced his life with Colby and Olivia. All in all, I thought this to be an enjoyable read. I would have rated it higher if I had liked Gordon a bit more as a character.
Profile Image for Erika Tamburini.
Author 8 books24 followers
November 15, 2018
Recensione del blog Piume di Carta
Nuova recensione, questa volta un’uscita Dreamspinner Press. Io sono una grandissima fan di BA Tortuga, soprattutto dopo aver letto Nuovo Vecchio Amore (qui potete trovare la mia recensione); sono andata a occhi chiusi per questo altro romanzo e sì, lo so, non lo ha scritto da sola, ma a quattro mani con un’altra autrice. Autrice che è molto apprezzata, quindi anche se c’era un cowboy, e chi segue il blog sa cosa penso dell’accoppiata cowboy/romance, ho deciso di leggerlo.
Partiamo dallo stile: diversamente da Nuovo Vecchio Amore, qui ho trovato la lettura macchinosa, un po’ lenta, ma non per questo brutta o pesante. Solamente differente a quanto ero abituata, ma, avendolo scritto in due, la cosa non mi stupisce.
La storia è molto semplice, poco arzigogolata; una lettura leggera, che si incastra pian piano andando avanti. Una storia semplice che però mi è piaciuta per la sua dolcezza.
Ho apprezzato i due personaggi, il loro essere completamenti opposti, sia per carattere, che per estrazione sociale, ma anche per il modo in cui sono cresciuti, lo studio e il modo in cui portano avanti la loro vita.
Anche il loro passato è differente, come il presente e il modo in cui affrontano la vita.
Colby è un operaio edile, bravo nel suo lavoro; ha una sorprendente vena artistica, ma allo stesso tempo è un uomo solare e allegro, gentile, sempre sorridente. Quel sorriso che rivolge sempre a Gordon.
Nessuno di due sa bene come è nata la loro amicizia eppure, giorno dopo giorno, da quando si sono conosciuti, si sono trovati simpatici e, anche se non lo hanno mai ammesso per molto tempo, erano attratti l’uno dall’altro.
Ovviamente a frenarli per lungo tempo ci sono stati differenti fattori: le differenze sociali, il modo in cui affrontano la vita, fino a quando tra di loro non scocca la scintilla. Tutto inizia con una storia fisica, priva di sentimenti, da buoni amici di letto che passano piacevoli ore insieme.
Tutto però viene stravolto nel momento in cui nella vita di Gordon arriva la piccola Olivia, figlia di sua sorella. L’uomo è il tutore legale della bimba di appena cinque anni, rimasta orfana, e si ritrova a dover crescere la bambina senza avere idea da che parte cominciare.
Dall’altra parte, sempre con il suo splendido sorriso, il buon cuore, c’�� invece un cowboy magico che sembra nato per fare il padre, per giocare con una bambina, tanto che questa si affeziona all’uomo come se anche lui fosse parte della sua famiglia, un altro zio che dispensa amore.
Da questo punto il romanzo si fa più intricato, i rapporti tra i due protagonisti molto più complessi: se per Colby per un verso la vita rimane semplice come dovrebbe essere, senza chiedere nulla di quanto Gordon può offrirgli, per il secondo tutto diventa complicato, come se un uragano si fosse abbattuto sulla sua vita, sconvolgendola.
Una bambina, un compagno, una famiglia, sono cose a cui non aveva mai pensato; per Gordon c’è il lavoro, i locali di cui è proprietario e basta, tutto il resto sono cose che per lui sono estranee e, nel momento in cui entrano a far parte della sua vita, lo spaventano, lo terrorizzano.
Tutta la parte in cui i due uomini devono cambiare il loro modo di rapportarsi, con l’arrivo della piccola Olivia, l’ho adorato.
Come ho detto lo stile forse è un po’ macchinoso ma a livello di dialoghi e descrizioni, soprattutto introspezione e sentimenti, l’ho trovato ben scritto, ben strutturato.
Entrambi i protagonisti hanno avuto una splendida evoluzione; pur essendo due uomini adulti, anche loro sono dovuti crescere, cambiare, prendere decisioni importanti quando ce n’è stato il bisogno.
L’interazione tra i due protagonisti è stupenda, come è quella con la piccola Olivia, che è stupenda come personaggio.
Il libro alla fine ci racconta l’inizio di una storia, le paure che possono avere due uomini quando si tratta di amore, il terrore di dover crescere un bambino, soprattutto quando non si è pronti, quando nessuno ci ha mai pensato.
L’ho trovato un romanzo molto realistico, una storia d’amore e di crescita ben scritta, ben strutturata e che mi è veramente piaciuta.
I due protagonisti poi sono ben caratterizzati, ma soprattutto mi piace il modo in cui le autrici li svelano, non tutti assieme, ma un po’ per volta e pian piano si scoprono tra di loro, il passato, le loro passioni, i loro segreti.
Veramente uno splendido libro, quattro piume per lui e per le sue splendide autrici.
Profile Image for Samantha Ortega.
542 reviews11 followers
November 16, 2018
FR- Alors alors.... alors j'adoooooooooore les romances avec des cowboys, et j'adore les romances avec des enfants.. mélangez les deux et normalement on devrait obtenir une romance qui a tout pour me plaire. Rajoutez à ça qu'une des deux auteures de ce roman n'est autre que BA Tortuga, la reine de la romance MM cowboy et forcément le résultat est à la hauteur.

J'ai tout simplement adoré ce roman. Je l'ai lu en quelques heures parce que je n'arrivais pas à le reposer. J'ai adoré adoré adoré. Ici pour une fois, nous ne sommes pas au Texas mais au Colorado mais un des deux personnages est quand même un cowboy texan dans toute sa splendeur. J'ai d'ailleurs beaucoup aimé toutes les allusions à son accent ou à ses expressions. Parce que, soyons honnête, la plupart du temps j'ai un mal fou avec l'argot texan et j'étais contente de voir que je n'étais pas la seule.

J'ai énormément aimé les différences entre les deux personnages. J'ai aimé qu'il y ai autant de différences entre eux et que du coup ça ne soit pas un point en particulier mais plein de petits détails qui les éloignent.. et finalement les rapprochent.  On a là deux hommes à deux stades différents de leur vie même si l'écart d'âge entre eux est minime mais j'ai aimé lire leurs différences et les différentes façons qu'ils ont d'aborder les choses, que ça soit du point de vue professionnel ou plus personnel.

J'ai adoré la relation de Colby avec Olivia. Cette gamine est super attachante et j'ai énormément aimé le lien qu'ils vont tisser tous les deux. Gordy lui est plus en retrait et met plus de temps à créer des liens avec Olivia ou avec Colby mais j'ai énormément aimé ce personnage qui fait du mieux qu'il peut.

J'ai beaucoup aimé l'évolution de la relation entre Colby et Gordy et les nombreux problèmes de communication qu'ils rencontrent. J'ai également aimé le fait qu'ils finissent très rapidement par parler et arranger les choses sans rester chacun sur leurs positions.

Ce roman est pour moi un de mes romans préférés dans le genre romances MM avec des enfants. Je sais déjà que ça sera une de mes romances chouchou, doudou, que je relirai encore et encore.

Un énorme bravo à ces deux auteurs pour une romance super mignonne, au rythme entrainant et à l'écriture fluide et entrainante.

ENG- So well well well... well I looooooooooooooove romances with cowboys, and I love romances with kids .. mix both and normally one should get a romance that has everything to please me. Add to that one of the two authors of this novel is none other than BA Tortuga, the queen of MM/cowboy romance and necessarily the result is almost perfect.

I just loved this novel. I read it in a few hours because I could not put it down. I loved loved loved it. Here, for once, we are not in Texas but in Colorado but one of the two characters is still a Texan cowboy in all its splendor. I really liked all the references to his accent or his expressions. Because, let's be honest, most of the time I have a lot of trouble with Texas slang and I was glad to see that I was not the only one.

I really liked the differences between the two characters. I liked that there are so many differences between them and that  it is not a one point in particular but lots of small details that push them appart.. and finally bring them closer. We have two men at two different stages of their lives even though the age gap between them is minimal but I liked to read their differences and the different ways they approach things, whether it's Professional point of view or a more personnal point of view.

I loved Colby's relationship with Olivia. This girl is great, endearing and I loved the link between them. Gordy is more withdrawn and takes  more time to create a link with Olivia or with Colby but I really liked this character who does the best he can.

I really liked the evolution of the relationship between Colby and Gordy and the many communication problems they face. I also liked the fact that they very quickly end up talking and fixing things without staying in their positions.

This novel is for me one of my favorite novels in the genre romances MM with children. I already know that it will be one of my comfort romances , that I will re-read again and again.

A huge congratulations to these two authors for a super cute romance, with a lively rhythm and fluid and catchy writing.
Profile Image for Angela Goodrich.
1,608 reviews101 followers
November 14, 2018
I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

I really enjoyed Heart of a Redneck. While I think this might be the first book by Jodi Payne I’ve read, I’m a big fan of BA Tortuga’s writing, especially her Texas cowboys, so it was a no-brainer to pick this one up. I gotta say that Colby and Gordon certainly kept me twisted up inside because it was so obvious to see how well matched they were, even if on paper they shouldn’t work. Despite knowing that Payne and Tortuga would give the guys the happy ending they (and the reader) deserved, it still proved to be a bumpy ride fraught with emotional tension, sexual tension, and huge upheavals that had me wondering how they were going to make it all work out in the end.

One of the things I really liked about this book was that we get to spend a good chunk of time with Colby and Gordon before Gordon’s world is turned upside down. I love that the authors gave me a chance to get to know Colby and Gordon, both as individuals and as a potential couple – an idea they had both been toying with when their thoughts strayed to the future. These two had some serious chemistry and it was easy to see them becoming more than friends with benefits, especially after seeing them hanging out together and how comfortable they were in one another’s company. Because of the way the foundation for their fledgling relationship was laid, it was easy to accept Colby jumping in feet first to help Gordon out when he had to assume guardianship of his niece, Olivia.

I also enjoyed how Payne and Tortuga balanced out Gordon’s complex emotions with Colby’s straightforwardness. It would be really easy to characterize Colby as a simple man, but it was more that he saw what needed to be done and utilized the skills he had to get it done. In the same vein, it would have been even easier to see Gordon as a user who was taking advantage of Colby’s generosity and kind-hearted nature when it came to Oliva – I know I fought with just that. The fact that Gordon worked so hard to avoid dealing with his sister’s suicide just added to that because his coping mechanism of throwing himself into his work made it easy to forget that the man not only suffered a loss, but his whole world changed in a way he never planned for – he was suddenly a father, even though he’d never wanted children. That Colby seemed so comfortable with Olivia and eased her transition into her uncle’s home, while appreciated, added to Gordon’s feeling of being overwhelmed because he saw his inability to connect with his niece as a personal failure, which strained his already precarious relationship with Colby. Getting the story from both men’s perspective went a long way in helping me not demonize Gordon and automatically side with Colby, but it also made me adore Colby that much more because the man was such a sweetheart who put his love for that little girl ahead of the seemingly inevitable heartbreak he was headed for with Gordon. Rather than risk ruining the story for anyone, I’m gonna stop here and say that if you’re a fan of Payne or Tortuga, if you enjoy opposites attract romances, or if you enjoy going along for a bumpy ride to happiness, then you’ll want to check out Heart of a Redneck because Colby’s is a big one and so full of love that I dare you not to fall in love with his redneck heart.

Please note: My review is of an unedited, pre-release copy of this book and assumes that any errors were corrected prior to publication.

Wicked Reads Review Team
November 15, 2018
Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls

Premetto che i libri che ho letto finora di BA Tortuga mi sono piaciuti molto e, probabilmente, questa collaborazione con Jodi Payne ha permesso di creare un libro che attenuasse un po’ le forti emozioni che si trovano nelle altre sue storie, a favore di uno stile più romantico e meno “forte”.
A parte qualche salto temporale non ben definito che mi ha un po’ destabilizzata durante la lettura, devo dire che non mi è affatto dispiaciuta. Il pov alternato tra Colby e Gordon permette di conoscere meglio le loro motivazioni e i loro pensieri più personali, consentendo così la nascita di due personaggi a tutto tondo.
All’inizio Gordon appare come un uomo piuttosto freddo, anche la sua prima reazione quando gli viene comunicata la morte della sorella e la custodia della nipote è distaccata. Non sembra proprio la persona adatta a gestire una bambina di cinque anni appena rimasta orfana, meno male che c’è Colby ad aiutarlo. Il cowboy risulta fin dal principio un personaggio solare, semplice e alla mano, colui che vorresti avere accanto in ogni situazione perché nulla sembra mai abbatterlo. Infatti, Colby diventerà la roccia di Gordon, ma anche dell’adorabile Olivia.
La trama non ha nulla di particolarmente nuovo, ci sono solo due uomini che si divertono “a letto” e nella loro nascente relazione viene introdotta una variabile rappresentata da una cinquenne bisognosa di attenzioni e nuovi punti di riferimento.
Mi è piaciuta la caratterizzazione data ai personaggi, non solo i due protagonisti, ma anche la piccola Liv che la fa da padrone una volta presa confidenza con la sua nuova vita.
Insomma, è una lettura piacevole che mixa sapientemente il classico romance con scene decisamente hot in un libro che offre dolcezza, sentimenti, ma che pone l’accento anche su come sia difficile affrontare le difficoltà che la vita di mette sul cammino e come riuscire a trarre il buono dalle situazioni più difficili.

Profile Image for Anne Barwell.
Author 22 books107 followers
May 10, 2022
I love these authors’ books about cowboys with children. This story was a wonderful read with all the feels. I liked both Colby and Gordon and that everything doesn’t fall into place but they have to find their way in their relationship and looking after Olivia.

Colby is a good guy, although he’s been treated badly in another relationship, and I liked how that made him second guess where he stands with Gordon. He’s wonderful with Olivia and a natural with children. I also liked how Gordon has no clue about children but does the best he can. These guys need to learn how to communicate, and figure out what they mean to each other. Their depth of emotion towards each other is very clear by their actions, but doubt is a nasty thing. I loved the scene when Gordon introduces Colby as his boyfriend for the first time.

I loved the strong family vibe in this story. Colby’s family are close and their love for each other shows. I liked Oscar too, and how he’s more than a colleague to Gordon, but a friend who sits him down and tells him what he needs to hear. Colby’s parents are exactly what both men need. I particularly loved the heart-to-heart between Colby’s dad and Gordon.

The scenes with Olivia are delightful, and I loved how both men bond with her. I thought the authors did a great job in capturing the nuances of a five-year-old, as even the well-behaved ones at that age have their moments when they’re overtired and grumpy.

Although this is a low-angst story, it held my attention and kept me turning pages as I was invested very early on in Colby and Gordon getting their HEA.

Their HEA is sweet, and the perfect conclusion to the story. Loved it.
488 reviews9 followers
May 17, 2022
Knowing this book was written by Jodi Payne & BA Tortuga, it had to be more than good and I wasn’t disappointed at all. It was very good! I really love their writing style and how the characters came together. Keep in mind that it was the first book in the Higher Elevation series which has 4 books already out and it was printed under a different title. From what I understand, they hadn’t changed anything in the story but the title. I haven’t read a book collaborated between Payne and Tortuga that I didn’t like. I love how they can weave out many stories and keep them all unique and interesting! I know it is cheesy but their stories would make awesome Gay Hallmark TV movies under the Gay Western genre!

This story focuses on Colby, a tile layman who secretly has a crush on Gordon, the owner of two different restaurant/bar. It so happened that Gordon’s sister passed away and left a very young daughter named Olivia. Gordon had to fly to Boston from Boulder. He found out that his sister named him Olivia’s guardian. While he was connecting with Olivia, he asked Colby to turn a room in his pad to accommodate her when he brings her home. Colby went above and beyond since he had siblings much younger than himself and was able to handle a child with ease. Pick up the book to find out how their relationship developed with an “instant family” thrown into the mix. Such a sweet story to read!
Profile Image for Xanthe.
2,271 reviews40 followers
May 6, 2022
I'm such a fan of this series and was surprised there was one I hadn't read. This is a rerelease, just with a different title. This series of standalone stories are so easy to fall in love with and enjoy from the start. I like the romance and relationship development as well and all the shenanigans with the kids.
This outing sees Gordon become sudden guardian to his five year old niece after his sister does and his recent lover, Colby, jumps in with both feet to help take care of her. He's made for the job, having so many nieces and nephews of his own but Gordon is completely of his comfort zone, having only ever envisioned running his own successful restaurants. They definitely have chemistry as a couple and with time could have made it into a relationship but they're thrown in the deep end now and whilst they don't make it easy on themselves, they handle most of it pretty well. There are occasions where they seem to talk in circles or never really say their point but eventually, they come out on the right side and everyone is happy. Olivia is totally adorable and has most wrapped around her finger. Some things she says sounds older than her five years but, as I don't have any of my own, I'm able to just enjoy the fun and drama that plays out.
Overall, another great story that makes a house a home and a family for all those involved. Now I want to go and re-read the rest!
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.
3,058 reviews21 followers
May 12, 2022
Firstly let me say I’ve got this book of gay romance reviews and this is me leaving my Honest review.
I just couldn’t put this book down there is just so much love and joy about two people who are perfect for each other to be together.
First you’ve got Gordon who runs a highly successful restaurant loves Wearing a killer suit and looking dashing. He’s not scared hard work or long hours. Then you’ve got Colby who is a extremely talented Tiler, Who has got a brilliant Work ethic and has the most stunning finishes that leave everyone highly impressed with his work. These two were friends enjoying watching The game together or a film over a few beers. That was until they both admitted that they found each other extremely attractive and couldn’t keep their hands off one another. But then Gordon got a phone call that changed his life forever. His sister committed suicide leaving him as a legal guardian to her five-year-old daughter Olivia. She is the cutest little thing in the world. Can there be a future for them together??

Oh my gosh I just could not put this book down I was totally pulled in to this relationship that Colby and Gordon had. I thoroughly enjoy the way that they became a family. These three were made to be together I cannot wait to read more from these authors. This book left my heart singing
Profile Image for Valeria  DePaula.
952 reviews6 followers
July 16, 2020
✔ Letto! pensavo di aver già letto questo libro nella sua prima edizione invece non è così. Sono stata moto felice di leggere la storia di Colby McBride il nostro cowboy, che arriva dal Texas ma che di lavoro fa il piastrellista e la storia su Gordon James.
Gordon e Colby si stanno appena conoscendo meglio e portando il loro relazionamento un po' più in là, quando Gordon riceve inaspettatamente custodia della sua nipotina di 5 anni. Non sa cosa fare con lei, ma con l'aiuto di Colby che vieni da una grande família e tanti nipoti l'adattamento della bambina nella sua vida sembra facile e anche per loro due il salto per diventare una famiglia è quasi troppo veloce per Gordon.
'Che il signore gli desse in testa stampella rosa se Gordon non ama i suoi ristoranti. Li ama più di qualunque altra cosa. Li ha costruiti dal niente.' E lavora sempre. Forse dando per scontato il cuore del suo dolce cowboy e la piccola Olivia.
Per fotuna la pazienza e l'amore di Colby è enorme e aspetta che il suo uomo accetti tutti i cambiamenti che ha avuto la sua vita nei suoi tempi, e quando lo farà, come al solito sarà tutto o niente.
Ho amato questo cowboy.... dolce, fragile, amoroso e gentile. La piccolina è una gioia per la loro vita.
Per me è ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Profile Image for AshPenny37 .
896 reviews2 followers
May 6, 2022
A word of caution, Heart Of A Cowboy has been previously published under a slightly different name, with no change to the story. If you haven't already jumped into the Higher Elevation series, this is a great place to start, though all of the 'shoes' books work perfectly well as standalones.

Colby and Gordon's tale is a classic opposites attract, friends with benefits to lovers story, with the added vibe of found family when Gordon becomes responsible for his niece and finds himself with support from not just Colby, but his restaurant manager and Colby's clan. There are some ups and downs along the way to the HEA as the MCs try to find their balance and their place in each other's world's, but it never strays into angst territory to me. That doesn't mean that there aren't some pretty heavy issues to deal with, it's just these authors manage to resolve them for their characters with such sweetness and (in the right places) humour.

A large part of my appreciation for this book is Olivia. I really like the way her character has been written. She's a delight and responsible for as much of the humour as she is for some of the more emotional moments. 

Overall, for me, Heart Of A Cowboy is a satisfying read with likeable characters. 3.5* 

A copy was provided by GRR. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews135 followers
November 18, 2018
I love Heart Of A Redneck by Jodi Payne and BA Tortuga.

In the beginning, I was a little put off by the writing, as it seems jittery and gets off to a slow start. But, wow am I glad that I continued reading. The pace picked up and I soon found myself fully invested in these characters.

When we first meet Gordon and Colby, they're in a casual relationship, involved just hook ups, despite Colby wanting more. But things change immediately when Gordon becomes the guardian for his five year old niece. Suddenly Gordon is thrown into instant fatherhood, just trying to survive day by day. Admittedly there were times I wanted to yell at Gordon, but I still came to love him.

I can't praise Colby enough, as he is one of the most gentle characters ever. He is absolutely caring, loving and selfless. He is a rare gem of a man. I also adore Oliva, Gordon's niece, as she's adorable and well written.

Heart of a Redneck does an amazing job of demonstrating how quickly life can change. It's beautifully written and positively gripping. I am thrilled to have found this sweet romance.
8 reviews
December 14, 2023
I am baffled at the number of positive reviews for this book. The "city slicker" character Gordon is beyond unlikeable. Gordon's porn collection is such a weird and off-putting detail the author included, I cannot understand what the author's logic is there (this comes up very very early on in the book so I would not consider it a spoiler). The writing is incredibly weak, and the story is simply not romantic. At all. Gordon's "love" reads as unbelievable and false. The "instant family" trope could be cute but this was just bad. The plot is also odd, the last half of the book is utterly boring with a very weak and easily solvable conflict. Not to mention that the redneck character Colby isn't a redneck... like at all. Being Southern and blue collar does not render one a redneck. To be fair, I did like Colby but his character is relaly the only thing I found likeable about this book

Yes, there is some smut in this book. But the circumstances around it were weak, little tension was successfully built up, and the romance is just not romantic.
Profile Image for Cathy Brockman.
Author 5 books95 followers
November 12, 2018
I am a huge fan of BA Tortuga and automatically jump for one of her books. I have to admit this one had me confused. I found myself having to reread several paragraphs to figure out who was talking and about what. Generally in collaborations each character has a chapter or at least a sen break for a view, here it was nothing to have both characters paragraph. The timeline also was inconstant. I had to reread there to see what I missed and there was missing information. Like where were Gordian's parents, Olivia's paternal side? Who was the lady that had her and she just disapeared. When and how did Gordon and Colby meet and become friends...then benefits?

Now having said all that, I did like the characters. I love me a cowboy with an accent and i love a restaurateur toss in a cute little 5 year old that's quite spunky and you can't go wrong
If you like friends to lovers, friends with benefits, cute kids restaurant owners artists and hot man-sex you should like this one
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
December 16, 2019
A variation on ‘Country Mouse, City Mouse’, this is a story about two opposites attracting, finding common ground, and learning to deal with the unexpected stress – and joy – of raising a girl together. Colby is a cowboy trying to make a living laying tile in Boulder, Colorado, and Gordon owns two restaurants and is a sophisticated city-dweller, but that doesn’t stop them from being friends. Until they become more – and discover their chemistry is explosive. Then Gordon’s sister dies and leaves him in charge of five-year-old Olivia, something Gordon had agreed to but didn’t believe would ever be necessary. Needless to say, it moves their relationship into an entirely different light and the adjustment is not easy.

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
4,038 reviews16 followers
May 13, 2022
We can draw strength from meeting challenges. Colby, usually prefers to spend his time on his own. Gordon, is a successful restauranteur, comfortable in his ways who usually gets what he wants, when he wants it. He answers to no one and likes it that way. Colby and Gordon, are exploring a friendship. Then a tragedy Blesses him with his niece, Olivia. Life, as he knows it is no longer. Is it better with Olivia in it? Colby, tries to step up and help and brings his boisterous family with him. Is Gordon, overwhelmed? The new friendship, must reform to include Olivia. Is the path smooth, or can Gordon accept Colby's help? We get to enjoy watching these two men reform their relationship and try to nurture, mentor and love Livie. Nicely done. Excellent family support. Livie is an absolute peach. Well done! I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Shelley Chastagner.
2,599 reviews37 followers
July 13, 2023
Lord have mercy, but I wanted to shake Gordon...a lot! The man is so self-absorbed that he doesn't recognize the amazing man he has. Colby's laid-back attitude has him keeping his mouth shut when he should be yelling at the top of his voice. I loved how he welcomes Olivia into his heart without hesitation. Gordon may have taken Olivia after his sister's death but the man struggled to keep any aspect of his life from changing. He finally recognizes that he loves both Colby and Olivia but it takes him way too long to put them at the top of his priorities. The ending made me sigh with relief that he finally puts things right and does it in the perfect way.
Highly recommended authors and series

*This book has been renamed in a new edition as Heart of a Cowboy
Profile Image for Shelley Chastagner.
2,599 reviews37 followers
July 13, 2023
Lord have mercy, but I wanted to shake Gordon...a lot! The man is so self-absorbed that he doesn't recognize the amazing man he has. Colby's laid-back attitude has him keeping his mouth shut when he should be yelling at the top of his voice. I loved how he welcomes Olivia into his heart without hesitation. Gordon may have taken Olivia after his sister's death but the man struggled to keep any aspect of his life from changing. He finally recognizes that he loves both Colby and Olivia but it takes him way too long to put them at the top of his priorities. The ending made me sigh with relief that he finally puts things right and does it in the perfect way.
Highly recommended authors and series
Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews

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