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You Let Me In

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Spine-tingling, chilling, and utterly compulsive, YOU LET ME IN is the stunning new novel from Richard & Judy Book Club author, Lucy Clarke

Nothing has felt right since Elle rented out her house . . .


There’s a new coldness. A shift in the atmosphere. The prickling feeling that someone is watching her every move from the shadows.


Maybe it’s all in Elle’s mind? She’s a writer – her imagination, after all, is her strength. And yet every threat seems personal. As if someone has discovered the secrets that keep her awake at night.


As fear and paranoia close in, Elle’s own home becomes a prison. Someone is unlocking her past – and she’s given them the key…

418 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 16, 2018

About the author

Lucy Clarke

19 books2,464 followers
Sunday Times bestseller, Lucy Clarke, writes from a beach hut, using the inspiration from the wild south coast to craft her stories. Her debut novel, THE SEA SISTERS, was a Richard & Judy Book Club pick, and she has since published A SINGLE BREATH, THE BLUE/NO ESCAPE, LAST SEEN, YOU LET ME IN, and THE CASTAWAYS, which was a Waterstones Thriller of the Month. Lucy's seventh novel, ONE OF THE GIRLS, is 'an electric, sun-soaked thriller', released in May 2022.

Lucy's books are published in twenty territories. THE BLUE, is currently being filmed for a major international TV series for Paramount+ and will be on screens in 2023.

Lucy is a passionate traveller and fresh air enthusiast. She's married to a professional windsurfer and, together with their two children, they spend their winters travelling and their summers at home by the sea.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,039 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa.
900 reviews
November 17, 2020
Elle Fielding is an author trying to get her book published, she returns from France to her home in Cornwell , she feels uneasy , her sister Fiona rents it out as a Air BNB but doesn't meet the occupants , this infuriates Elle , as we go on its looks like Elle is seeing shadows & Her paranoia is going into overdrive.

I will not say anymore about this book but for me it was like Elle was writing her book but was telling you the prose i just thought it was long winded & drawn out, also Elle book was getting into her own psyche somehow. I didn't like the characters & the ending was a little to predictable.
Profile Image for 8stitches 9lives.
2,853 reviews1,690 followers
August 19, 2018
'You Let Me In' is the fifth psychological thriller from bestselling author and Richard & Judy book club pick, Lucy Clarke, whose novels have been translated into 12 different languages. Having enjoyed her previous book, 'Last Seen,' which was chock-a-block full of secrets, lies and deception, I knew this was dead cert to be a fantastic follow-up.

Elle Fielding is a successful author with her first book hitting the bestsellers lists and making her lots of cash in the process. Now, she is under immense pressure from her publisher to make the follow-up just as compelling. Having spent a lot of her earnings remodelling her dream house on the cliffs, she decides to take a break to hopefully cure her writers block at a writing retreat and rent her home out on AirBnB to rake back some cash. When she returns she is refreshed and ready to finishing penning her second novel, but she soon comes to the realisation that something has changed. Despite her friends reassuring her that everything is normal, and it is just her imagination, Elle insists there is something seriously wrong. They put it down to the pressure of creating another bestseller. It doesn't take long for her to be lost to the piut of despair and paranoia sets in. Can Elle be correct that there is something not quite right? Or is it just her vivid imagination, the one that thought-up the plot of her bestseller?

Well, talking of bestsellers, this is a page-turning success and features all the traits of a great psychological thriller. We see the power paranoia has over an individual which is rather scary, if i'm honest. The plot is incredibly suspenseful, and the author does a sterling job of ratcheting up the tension right up until the conclusion. The writing is smooth and flows well, there are red herrings, twists and turns throughout that pull you one way then another at great speed! I found that the writing created a wonderful atmosphere that only superior authors can muster, and the main protagonist Elle is a well developed, three-dimensional character that you can't help but admire. I absolutely loved the creepy factor (the creepier the better, I think), I felt I was suffering with Elle through her ordeal, and her situation was brought vividly to life.

All in all, a riveting, satisfying and beautifully written novel that crime fans should not miss! Truly, a real page-turner.

Many thanks to HarperCollins for an ARC. I was not required to post a review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Ruth.
705 reviews292 followers
September 4, 2020
4,5 Sterne (= fast perfekt), Rezensionsexemplar

- heftige Themen (siehe ganz unten)
- geniales Setting: Traumhaus an der rauen Küste Englands, das zunehmend zur bedrohlichen Kulisse wird
- abwechselnde Kapitel zur Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und einer weiteren Erzählperspektive, die sich ziemlich stalkerhaft anfühlt, sorgen für rasante Sogwirkung
- lädt absolut zum Miträtseln ein und wirft zwischendurch immer wieder alle Theorien über den Haufen (inklusive der Frage, wie zuverlässig die Hauptfigur überhaupt ist)
- logische Auflösung, ohne VÖLLIGEN Schockeffekt (den ich gerne noch gehabt hätte)

Inhaltswarnungen: sexuelle Gewalt, Victim Blaming, Tod eines Elternteils, Infertilität, Nachtfalter/Motten, Abtreibung
Profile Image for Anja.
139 reviews40 followers
September 16, 2021
Rezi folgt nach LM/ Hangout auf YouTube...die Spannung steigt😂😂😂
Profile Image for Ken.
2,391 reviews1,363 followers
July 10, 2019
Ever since the success of Elle’s debut novel hitting the top of many best sellers list, the pressure on her to replicate the success has intensified.

As well as the pressure to produce a compelling follow up theirs the numerous book tours and a need for a social media presence.
Trying to shut herself off from any unnecessary distractions, Elle spends much of her time alone in a writers room in her cliff top house in Cornwall.

She’d previously rented the house out on Airbnb and even through her writers room had been locked, she’s convinced that someone had been in that room after discovering her favourite paperweight has now been chipped.

There’s a heighten sense of the pressures put upon modern day authors, trying to balance the seclusion of writing whist being active on social media.
Elle’s harmless posts gives any potential stalker all the information they need of her day to day activities and can easily track her movements.
Her sanctuary could soon become her worst nightmare...

This was a real slow burner that evolved into a riveting read, I really liked the main protagonist Elle but was curious to learn more about her past.
A really surprising but satisfying conclusion.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews405 followers
October 24, 2020
Spine chilling, dark, goosebumps, hairs on the back of my neck stood up to attention. I kid you not. This is a twisted psychological thriller that will eat you up. You won’t care what’s going on around you, your attention is going to be focused in between these pages!

Lucy Clarke is an author that I live and need to read more of for sure. Her writing is superb, she weaves a thriller so well.

If you like unexpected surprises in your reads......read this.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,594 reviews1,058 followers
August 1, 2018
I’ve always enjoyed books from this author, this time I had no clue about the plot so I went in with no expectation and I loved it – a pacy psychological thriller with a totally brilliant ending that I really didn’t see coming – at least not in its entirety. That was super cool.
Honestly I’m tempted to say nothing at all about plot but I will caution that if you use AirBnB you might want to tread carefully…Also I think I’ll have to give a little away to tell you why it worked so well.
Elle was an excellent character to follow along with and I really enjoyed the underneath of it all.  I think Lucy Clarke has definitely brought the benefit of experience in creating a writer character following up her first extremely popular novel with a 2nd book that isn’t coming easy..although I hope not all Elle’s experiences come from reality as she’s also facing down an unknown intruder…
The story twists in on itself so beautifully, it is occasionally very creepy and also has the benefit of a beautifully described Cornish setting. It flows out, with some lovely touches for those of us who have read this author before and ultimately it was a right proper page turner that goes in unexpected directions.
A great read. One of the best in this genre I’ve had for a while.
Profile Image for Johann (jobis89).
726 reviews4,461 followers
November 18, 2019
“I am no trespasser, I remind myself. You let me in.”

Nothing has felt right since Elle rented out her house to a family through Airbnb. Since coming home from her vacation in France, she feels like she is being watched...

Some of the lessons I learnt whilst reading this book:
- drinking and driving after one or two large glasses of wine is okay apparently (sidebar: IT IS NOT)
- noting all your passwords in one location is a great idea (again: it is NOT)
- it might be a good idea to visit your doctor if your insomnia has gotten to the point where you’re going batshit crazy (it bugged me that she didn’t do this)
- it’s not a good idea to constantly post clues suggesting the location of your home on social media when you’re a famous author (or even if you’re not famous, for that matter!)
- don’t fucking walk home drunk alone on the beach at night
- if you have a glass room at the top of your house (pfft, don’t we all), maybe you should invest in some blinds or curtains

With all that being said, I did finish this 400 page book in less than 48 hours - it’s a page turner, for sure, but it is accompanied with a lot of eye-rolling. There are far too many red herrings and strands of the story that just don’t get any resolution. A lot of it is also very repetitive.

But it wasn’t all terrible. It was a breezy read, and I particularly enjoyed the setting on the coast of Cornwall. It was also shocking at times as I didn’t predict what the outcome was going to be! Some parts were kinda creepy - but that might just be because being alone in the house and hearing weird noises and freaking out about it is something I do on a regular basis, so I relate hardcore.

This book reinforces that most thrillers just aren’t for me. Only one or two of us in the book club actually liked it, so tomorrow’s meeting will probably just be spent ranting about the idiocy of the protagonist whilst indulging in our salted caramel brownies... can’t wait!

2 stars.
Profile Image for Claudia - BookButterflies.
503 reviews301 followers
August 22, 2020
Ein Spannungsroman - ich würde es schon Psychothriller nennen - der mich begeistert hat. Das Setting ist so athmosphärisch - Ein riesiges modern umgebautes Haus am Rande von Cornwalls Klippen. Stürmische See und eine stürmische Seele der Protagonisten der wir nicht immer als Leser trauen und die sich selbst nicht so recht traut. Was passiert ihr wirklich, will ihr jemand etwas böses und allen voran: Wer war in ihrem Haus und warum fühlt sie sich verfolgt. Welche Geheimnisse hat sie? Und wurden diese entdeckt? Dazu die Schreibblockade und Schlafstörungen.

Elle war als Charakter nicht immer super sympathisch, aber das musste sie für mich gar nicht sein, um mit ihr mitzufühlen und die Angst zu spüren.

Ein absoluter Pageturner, der sich durch den klaren (einfachen), aber trotzdem sehr schönen Schreibstil sehr flott lesen lässt. Besonders das bedrohliche Setting im Haus am Rande der Klippen hat die Autorin toll dargestellt.

Man kann wunderbar miträtsel (...was wir gemeinsam im Buchclub auch gemacht haben) und wird ständig mit den eigenen Theorien hin und her geworfen. Es gibt viele Verdächtige, aber nicht zu viele. Es gibt spannende Verwicklungen, aber nicht extrem überzogene oder konstruierte.

Das Ende könnte für manche vielleicht etwas zu dramatisch sein, mir hat es aber wunderbar gepasst und vor allem war es schlüssig.
Profile Image for C.L. Taylor.
Author 25 books3,138 followers
June 11, 2018
THIS is how you write a psychological thriller. You pique the reader's curiosity, lure them in, add a mystery, several secrets and a ton of red herrings, heighten the tension until they are breathless and then BAM! surprise them with an ending that is so clever it makes them grin. Clever, tense, twisty and unpredictable You Let Me In is Lucy Clarke's best book yet! Brilliant. I hugely enjoyed it.
Profile Image for BIBLIOMANIAC MJ.
91 reviews53 followers
September 6, 2018
If you like your psychological thrillers to provide you with a good dose of goosebumps, then look no further than ' You Let Me In' by Lucy Clarke!

Not knowing anything about the book, I went in blind...and I suggest you do the same! This is the type of book that the less you know going in, the better the reading experience will be. Needless to say, I won't be delving into any particular details, except to say that this will grab you hostage from the get go, with its tension filled plot, well written characters and chilling twists and turns, I have nothing but great things to say about this psychological thriller. You'll certainly be missing out if you don't get your hands on a copy.

I'd like to thank Netgalley, Harper Collins UK and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion of this book.
1,391 reviews98 followers
October 22, 2019
What can I say about this book.... it was thrilling, creepy and very well written. It gave me goosebumps as I was reading it, it would make a brilliant film.
I love all of Lucy Clarke’s books and this latest one was as good if not better.
It kept me guessing from beginning to end. I would love to give it 10 stars.
Profile Image for Lucy'sLilLibrary.
449 reviews
August 28, 2024
I found this little gem in a charity shop – I’ve never read anything by Lucy Clark so I didn’t have any expectations. I had a hard time working out how may stars I should give this but I settled with 4 in the end because I couldn’t deny that it was a brilliant page-turner. It only took me 2 days to read this book because it was so hard to put down. I could feel the twist coming but I just need to know what it would be.

I would say it slowed towards the end and became very obvious the seeds of the twist were planted throughout the book. Elle the main character did start to bug me because no one can be this naïve! There were defiantly some eye-roll moments where I just wanted to give her and slap and tell her to wake up.

Although this book wasn’t my usual gore, guts and murders I did really enjoy it. I wouldn’t mind reading more of Lucy Clark’s books – if this is anything to go by. The way she writes has a good flow, helping the reader to get imbedded into the story.
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews481 followers
December 2, 2019
It really was a good book. Author Elle Fielding returns home after letting out her remote clifftop home on Airbnb and something feels off. She can't put her finger on it though. Meanwhile she needs to crack on with her second book as her deadline is looming. But Elle can't concentrate or capture that magic again that made her first book such a success. There is a sense of creeping menace as a host of things start to concern Elle and she wonders who among the other characters that populate this story she can trust.

Yes a good story that I found very slow at the start. I must admit the ending was quite spectacular and I didn't see that one coming for a long time. There is quite a cast of suspects and you have no clue who the baddie is til quite close to the end.
Profile Image for Bill Kupersmith.
Author 1 book233 followers
January 23, 2019
By the standards of routine psychological thrillers, You Let Me In is a decent piece of work, though a very slow boiler indeed; one’s three hundred pages into the story before the shoes start dropping. But I expected so much more, because the author is Lucy Clarke, author of The Blue, now renamed No Escape. (Why do publishers do this? Are they trying to trick readers into buying it twice? Shame!) The Blue, the name of a sailing yacht, was my choice for the best novel of 2017, a hauntingly tragic account of a doomed ocean passage with a mostly young pick-up crew, a book I’d class with Joseph Conrad amongst great sea stories.

This current book is about a writer who is quite literally house-bound. Elle was catapulted into fame when her debut novel turned into a best-seller. Now she has returned to her beautiful cliff-side house in Cornwall, into which she sank all her profits, to find that an Airbnb visitor seems to have subtly vandalised her retreat. Elle is also suffering from a mammoth case of writer’s block and is far behind her deadline for the second book. Elle also seems to have a strained relationship with her sister Fiona, a journalist turned stay-at-home mum envious of her successful sister. There is also an ex with whom Elle’s not getting along, and a neighbour’s motorcyclist son who may be a stalker. To complicate matters more, there is a backstory set in 2003/4 when Elle was an undergraduate in Cardiff.

Despite the home-alone menaces, I never found the frights very scary, which made waiting for this one to boil a tedious experience. When the revelations finally start, though, I was awed and admiring of the author’s artistry. There are basically three of them, in ascending order of surprise with a nice little twist at the very end that seemed most appropriate. For me the best twists are the one’s I foresee about two pages before they are revealed. That shows they have been nicely foreshadowed. The major one I found implausible in the extreme, at least in hindsight, but it was a perfect a resolution of what had gone before and tied the threads together most delightfully. So if you’re looking for a longer read you can spend some time with, you may well find You Let Me In an agreeable four-star for a long flight. At her best, though, Lucy Clarke is capable of working at so much higher a level, artistically and spiritually, and I so wish she would give us another story as moving as The Blue.
August 31, 2018
Supremely chilling and brilliantly atmospheric, Lucy Clarke’s fifth psychological thriller is an absolute powerhouse read that utterly consumed me and takes a seemingly innocuous experience - an Airbnb rental - and overlays it with paranoia, suspicion and menace. When author, Elle Fielding, returns home after two weeks in France to her spectacular clifftop home overlooking the sea in Cornwall the whole atmosphere feels off; objects moved slightly out of place, a broken ornament and her treasured writing room unlocked. As Elle’s unease mounts she starts to wonder just who she has let into her home and what parts of themselves they might have left behind.. Her practical older sister, Fiona, tells her that’s it her vivid imagination and a product of her craft as a creative writer and Elle herself is only too aware of staring down the barrel of a deadline for delivering her second book on which the house, her livelihood and finances are hanging. Unravelling under the weight of expectation after her bestselling debut and ravaged by insomnia further exacerbate Elle’s paranoia.

Taunted by the knowledge that her life as portrayed through the medium of Facebook filters is a fiction, a second occasional timeline offering all too brief glimpses into Elle’s backstory with a third narrative telling of a shadowy figure prying into every corner of her dream home in chapters entitled ‘previously’. But where is this real or imagined threat coming from and what are the perpetrators intentions? A cast of viable contenders emerge with figures from Elle’s past, locals who resent the blow-ins who have priced natives out of the property market through to the obsessive social media followers offered access all areas glimpses into Elle’s perfect life. Forced to reevaluate her acrimonious divorce and fraught relationship with ex-husband, Flynn, and the solidity of her sister’s marriage to brother-in-law, Bill, she must also contend with the fan-girl young librarian and the indignant son of a neighbour. Refreshingly unpredictable, the spotlight of suspicion switches multiple times as the clock ticks down to Elle’s impending deadline..

With a fully realised protagonist who is easy to empathise with, a vast house echoing with silence that readers can visualise and steadily mounting tension, a stunning denouement delivers not one, but two, staggering surprises. A smart, meticulously plotted psychological thriller which is grounded in reality! You Let Me In is a novel within a novel, with a second parallel narrative that reveals itself before the reader’s eye!

With thanks to LoveReading who provided me with a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Namita.
579 reviews32 followers
December 26, 2018
Elle’s first novel was a bestseller but she is suffering a writer's block now. Her next book is approaching its deadline and she has nothing to show for it. Renovating her new house has put her in a lot of debt and to get out of it she decides to rent her house for two weeks on Airbnb while she travels to France. After returning though she feels as if something is amiss. Her things start disappearing, she feels as if someone is watching her house and maybe somebody went through her locked things and discovered her most dark and deadliest secret of all.

You Let Me In by Lucy Clarke is a dark, creepy, psychological thriller with some unlikeable characters that added to the story . A satisfying , twisty read and will definitely recommend to all psychological thriller lovers.

I would like to thank Harper Collins , HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

This and more reviews at https://chloesbooksblog.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Julie.
546 reviews3 followers
May 3, 2022

Yay... I guessed correctly the perpetrator!

I was undecided if I should award three or four stars and finally plumped for four because of the ending, which I enjoyed.
Cleverly written and I liked how the front cover of this book was loosely tied into the plot.
The one thing that did grate on me in the first half of the book was the repetition of phrases. Was it bad editing or was it used for impact? If it was for impact, it didn't work for me.

If you like a reasonably fast paced psychological thriller , this one will keep you turning the pages.
Profile Image for Sónia.
514 reviews52 followers
April 21, 2019
Este, sim, é um thriller psicológico na verdadeira acepção da palavra. Muito bem escrito, muito bem contextualizado e que proporciona uma leitura imparável sem que se consiga adivinhar o fim.

De notar que há editoras que têm feito um trabalho fantástico, em termos de marketing, para difundir obras que não são tão fantásticas assim. Refiro-me, por exemplo, a O Homem das Castanhas que, apesar de dar mais ênfase a violência física que este, não tem uma estória tão bem estruturada e tão rica quanto o presente livro. E a escrita... A questão da escrita assume, cada vez mais importância, na minha "avaliação" e são livros bem díspares nesse aspecto. E, com isso, tive que "reavaliar" a obra da Suma de Letras.
Profile Image for Fabi.
482 reviews31 followers
April 18, 2019
Este livro ficou a ser dos melhores thrillers que li este ano.Brutal. Bem escrito,com um enredo maravilhoso e que nunca ne permitiu descobrir o final . Recomendo.
Profile Image for Adele Shea.
597 reviews16 followers
August 23, 2018
When Elle Fielding builds her dream house by the sea with money from her book deal, things around her start coming apart. She must write her next book by the fast approaching deadline day but having rented her home to a stranger whilst out of the country, she stumbles on some sinister things when she returns, slowing down her progress. Who did she let in?
Lucy Clarke's, You Let Me In, has you guessing from the get go. I really do recommend this book.
Profile Image for Roman Clodia.
2,682 reviews3,855 followers
July 13, 2018
After all, who owns a story? The person who tells it? The person who reads it? The person whom it is about? Or all of them?

In a world over-populated with 'twisty' psychological thrillers, this stands out for keeping things creepy but real. Clarke certainly re-uses tropes of the genre like the big empty house, though now renovated and modernised, and that old chestnut of 'how well do we know those around us?' - but, importantly, she makes them work for her by not going over the top and by keeping the focus on characterisation rather than hokey twists. Ok, there is one huge coincidence but I was happy to overlook it in view of how adroitly we're wrong-footed - and even if I guessed the villain, the motive was kept well hidden till the last.

A deliciously creepy read, then, with emotional payoff - clear your calendar for this one, I literally couldn't stop reading once I'd started it!

Thanks to HarperCollins for an ARC via NetGalley
Profile Image for Antonio.
250 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2018
There's one thing I learned from reading this book, never will I let a stranger rent my home.
I cringe at the thought that my private stuff can be used against me, that my letters can be intercepted, and my keys copied and sold to just about anybody.
Elle Fielding arrives home from abroad to begin writing a sequel to her latest novel, she feels nervous about being in her newly built home which has been let to a family while she was away. It might be her imagination but some of her belongings that had been under lock and key have been interfered with. With noises in the night, strangers watching the house, and unexplained occurrences happening daily, is she going mad, or is someone targeting her!!
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,361 reviews
May 21, 2020
DNF at 25%

I can't get into this one at all. The characters don't appeal and I'm not interested in trying to push through.

It's a shame as loads of people have loved this book but it's not for me.
Profile Image for Andrea.
811 reviews40 followers
August 16, 2021
Spannende Geschichte mit einigen Wendungen und Rätseln, bei denen mal als Leser oft schwer unterscheiden kann zwischen Buchwahrheit und Fiktion der Protagonistin. Interessante aber nicht unbedingt sympathische Charaktere, die für mich leider nicht immer logisch und vor Allem nachvollziehbar handeln. Toller lebendiger Schreibstil, der mich durch die Seiten hat fliegen lassen. Wendungen und lose Fäden die für mich am Ende wirklich fast vollständig gut aufgelöst wurden. Ein Pageturner mit viel Dramatik und fantastischer Kulisse
Profile Image for Erica⭐.
385 reviews
November 23, 2020
The book starts out with Elle returning from a trip to France. Returning to her luxury home by the sea in Cornwall which she had rented out via Airbnb.

We learn that Elle is estranged from her husband Finn and lives alone in her house. Within the first few chapters we are introduced to her sister Fiona who lives close by and we also meet Mark – Elle’s next door neighbour – not the friendliest of neighbours.

As the book moves on, Elle finds little things in her house that don’t seem quite right, making her more and more on edge. She is a best selling author who had huge success with her debut novel but is now struggling to even get a start on her new book. A lot of which is down to the feeling that she is constantly being watched and the insomnia she is suffering.

Meanwhile she needs to crack on with her second book as her deadline is looming. But Elle can't concentrate or capture that magic again that made her first book such a success. There is a sense of creeping menace as a host of things start to concern Elle and she wonders who among the other characters that populate this story she can trust.
Profile Image for Babywave.
252 reviews111 followers
August 18, 2021
3,5 Sterne.
Es war ein solider "Psycho- Roman ". Für mich war das Ende leider zuuuu konstruiert. Ich habe miträtseln können und tatsächlich lag ich hin und wieder falsch, was ganz cool war. Man möchte ja nicht schon zu Beginn die richtige Ahnung haben. Aber zwischendurch zog es sich für mich leider auch etwas. Natürlich wollte ich wissen, wie es ausgeht und bin daher interessiert gewesen, aber leider konnte mich das Ende nicht mitreißen/ überraschen. Alles in Allem trotzdem eine solide, interessante Story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,039 reviews

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