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The Devouring Gray #2

The Deck of Omens

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The teenagers of Four Paths must save their home.

Though the Beast is seemingly subdued for now, a new threat looms in Four Paths: a corruption seeping from the Gray into the forest. And with the other Founders preoccupied by their tangled alliances and fraying relationships, only May Hawthorne seems to realize the danger. But saving the town she loves means seeking aid from the person her family despises most--her and Justin's father.

May's father isn't the only newcomer in town--Isaac Sullivan's older brother has also returned, seeking forgiveness for the role he played in Isaac's troubled past. But Isaac isn't ready to let go of his family's history, especially when that history might hold the key that he and Violet Saunders need to destroy the Gray and the monster within it.

Harper Carlisle isn't ready to forgive, either. Two devastating betrayals have left her isolated from her family and uncertain who to trust. As the corruption becomes impossible to ignore, Harper must learn to control her newfound powers in order to protect Four Paths. But the only people who can help her do that are the ones who have hurt her the most.

With the veil between the Gray and the town growing ever thinner, all of the Founder descendants must put their grievances with one another aside to stop the corruption and kill the Beast once and for all.

But maybe the monster they truly need to slay has never been the Beast...

405 pages, Paperback

First published April 21, 2020

About the author

C.L. Herman

9 books852 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 537 reviews
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,898 reviews12.7k followers
July 21, 2022
**4.5-stars rounded up**

After the events of The Devouring Gray, the Beast is seemingly back under control and May, Justin, Harper, Violet and Isaac, are left to recover and rebuild.

Even after all they have overcome, old anxieties remain and as the teens move forward, they find themselves continuing to flounder as the town at large feels hostile, especially for Justin.

Unfortunately, things are far from over. A mysterious corruption beings to seep from the Gray, infecting those citizens it comes into contact with.

The Founder's children seem to be immune, so again it is up to them to save the town of Four Paths. Honestly, they should start charging for their services.

May seems especially tuned in to the changes around her, as she continues working on her powers dealing with the Deck of Omens.

As her relationship with her mother, Augusta, remains tedious, she reaches out to her estranged father for guidance.

Obviously her mother is less than pleased when he arrives, thus deepening the hole May is already in with her.

Speaking of people returning to town, Isaac's older brother, Gabriel, makes a sudden appearance as well. Thus forcing the Sullivan boys to have it out once and for all.

As the Gray continues to destabilize and the corruption begins to get out of control, the town leaders have no choice. They must evacuate the town's citizens for their own safety.

The Founding Families remain, preparing themselves for the ultimate showdown.

This second book of The Devouring Gray duology continues the themes of long buried secrets and heartbreaking deceptions.

The truth about the Gray and its early beginnings are revealed, as it flips everything you thought you knew on its head.

You may think the most dangerous thing in Four Paths is the Beast, or the Gray, but you're wrong!

Guys, I enjoyed this story so, so much! Once I started, I absolutely could not put it down.

While with the first book, I felt that a lot of the plot got bogged down in the details, I didn't feel that at all with this one.

The town of Four Paths has a complex history and there is a lot to learn in regards to the Founding families, their powers, the Gray and the Beast.

I think, for me, I let myself get too caught up with all the details in the first book and it ended up losing some of its fun.

With The Deck of Omens I went in with that foundation and was just able to relax into the story.

I loved the relationships and how they grew and changed as the teens gained more knowledge about their own family histories. At this point, I am so attached to these characters, I can't believe it is over.

I am so satisfied with the conclusion. If it has to end, I am happy with this result.

The ultimate showdown was pure nail-biting fun, which is another strong selling point, it was fast-paced the WHOLE way through! There was never a lull in the action.

I am beyond happy that I continued on with this duology and send a very hearty thank you to the publisher, Disney Book Group, for providing with a copy to read and review.

It's so far one of my favorite reads of the year! Well done, Christine Lynn Herman!

Profile Image for Charlotte May.
783 reviews1,259 followers
January 23, 2022
4 stars 💙

“Ah, Four Paths…always finding new ways to ruin our lives.”

The founder kids find themselves facing a new challenge when a strange corruption begins to spread from the gray.

Each character is facing their own personal demons and when the corruption gets worse they need to find a way to work together to defeat it.

As expected there are plenty of town secrets and hidden information that leads to explaining how the corruption was formed and why.

I’d be lying if I said the explanation was entirely straightforward and that I’ll remember it in the future, because i doubt I will.

But while reading I found it made rough sense so I could roll with it.

My main love for this duology are the characters - platonic or romantic.

“Family is a privilege, not a right.”

The Devouring Gray was great so I’ve ordered this one immediately. 💜
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
March 13, 2020
Returning to Four Paths was a breath of fresh air; I really enjoyed the eery, atmospheric buildup that was provided in The Devouring Gray, which left me prepared to find out more regarding The Beast and Gray in The Deck of Omens. What started out as backstory in book one has bled into determining a plan to defeat the evil entity encompassing the founding family's beloved home, while also dealing with personal struggles pertaining to each character individually. This sequel was again, very atmospheric, but also felt a bit more manic in the sense of everything coming to fruition, rather than the slow building suspense of the first book. A wonderful conclusion to the story, and I look forward to reading the author's future endeavors.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.
Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
November 25, 2021
TW: lots of body horror; possession; domestic violence

Even though I could not find a summary online of all the details of book one before reading this second book, I got back into the world quickly. This has a lot of elements that I enjoy: spooky corrupted forest, almost the entire cast of characters being disaster bisexuals, tarot cards, and some necromancy. While there are some definite plot holes in the world building and how the magic works, I still overall enjoyed this series and the atmosphere. I fly through these books. Some of the ending was rushed, but I really liked how a few plot points in particular were resolved.
Profile Image for tappkalina.
685 reviews515 followers
September 12, 2023
Can we please normalize killing off main characters (when there are more)?
I just want some death that will actually affect me.
Everybody can't survive all the time.
Just kill them.

Not these two, tho.

art by @LesyaBlackBird.
Profile Image for Becca & The Books.
333 reviews8,229 followers
December 26, 2022
My favourite thing about Christine Lynne Herman is her ability to provide an atmospheric and slightly
spooky story that is compulsively readable with a group cast of characters.
I'm not one for YA these days and I did like The Devouring Gray just slightly more but after having read this duology and All of Us Villains, Christine Lynne Herman is an author I'm sure to return to.

Reading Vlog - https://youtu.be/mKS9_hHcspk
Profile Image for Ellie.
579 reviews2,417 followers
April 30, 2020

I went into this still struggling with the lingering effects of a reading slump, so the first 100 pages were quite an effort for me. I felt The Deck of Omens took a little while to develop, but once I was securely halfway, I streamed through this book. And I'm so glad about that, because I loved The Devouring Gray, and if I hadn't enjoyed the sequel, I would have been devastated.

Once again, Christine Lynn Herman displays her talent at writing ensemble casts and making each character distinct with motivations, desires and opinions that differ for each. I think perhaps in this book there was a bit more telling what characters thought and felt and wanted rather than showing, but I can't recall whether that was also present in the first book or not. Nevertheless, we get to see a lot more of Isaac Sullivan and May Hawthorne this time around, and I especially loved the development of romance between Isaac and Violet. I love them, they're so cute.

I did feel this book verged slightly more into horror that the previous book did. (I know Rory Power was involved somewhat as she's in the acknowledgements, and there were definitely descriptions of nature horror that felt like they were from Rory's book Wilder Girls.) I wasn't overly grossed out, but I still squirmed at the thought of roots worming under skin and weird hand-shaped flowers and people trapped in trees. The conflict in this plot primarily centres around a corruption of the woods which leads to a sickness, and considering how The Deck of Omens is currently being released during a worldwide pandemic, this may or may not affect whether some readers want to read it right now versus later when everything is back to normal.

The conclusion of the duology's narrative was satisfying and felt appropriate. I really respected the resolution of Harper's character arc especially, as it did feel realistic and suited her character - looking forward to the future and not letting things hold her back, no matter how much she loves them. I still hope in the future they'll be reunited. The epilogue also gave me Feels with a capital F; I loved the mythical vibes it has.

Also I'm just here shipping Augusta and Juniper lmao, gay moms let's go!!

With a complete duology now under her belt, I'm extremely excited to see what Christine Lynn Herman has up next (I've been following her tweets about her upcoming project The Drowning Summer and I am exciteeeed.) She's definitely one of my favourite debut authors from the last few years, and I can't wait to support her in the future.

> 4 stars

a slightly edited version of this review will be up on my blog beyondabookshelf.co.uk for my stop on the deck of omens blog tour on may 7th!

thank you Titan Books for the review copy <3
Profile Image for Angela Staudt.
484 reviews115 followers
May 16, 2020
“Ah, Four Paths.” Violet sighed. “Always finding new ways to ruin our lives.”

First off, I really enjoyed The Devouring Gray and absolutely loved the eerie atmosphere, and the depth to all the characters. So of course, I was super excited to dive back into Four Paths in The Deck of Omens. I really loved how much action was in this book and we actually got to see new perspectives from characters in the first book. I really enjoyed how there really wasn’t a slow burn to the action, it was definitely crazy from the beginning.

I think we learned a lot more about the characters and they have so much more depth to them, which really made me care for them all. I adored the cute romances that were a side part of this amazing plot line. I really enjoyed how the author didn’t make the romance this huge part of the storyline, it was just kind of there and had just the right amount of cuteness. Another thing I really enjoyed which I stated above are the new perspectives. I love Isaac and getting to read from his perspective was everything. We also did see some of the same perspectives from The Devouring Gray which I loved, I really adore Violet and I’m glad she still had a huge part in this book.

Another aspect that I really appreciated was that in this book we had more horror. We got to see way more of The Gray and the beast that lives inside. The corruption that is happening in Four Paths was vividly written and I squirmed while reading. I loved how this story came together and had so many plot lines that all came together and had such a satisfying ending. I am sad that my time in Four Paths is over, but I can’t wait for the author to write more incredible books!
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,153 reviews1,738 followers
December 19, 2021
This is the second instalment in The Devouring Grey series.

The Beast was vanquished and peace descended, in the first book in the series, but now a new evil entity approaches. The founders should be focusing on this new threat lurking at their community's borders but instead the shifting alliances between each family take centre-stage. The founding children take on the roles of their parents and also discover their plans within the town's confines, and inside of each other's lives.

I did enjoy my time within this story but did also find myself, like some of the characters, eager to focus on the magical and supernatural elements this contained, rather than the seemingly trivial contemporary and dramatic ones that appeared alongside. The interpersonal relationships did not interest me and it also felt like some of my connection with these characters was somehow lost between the first and second book, which further prompted my interest to remain elsewhere.

This contained no unlikable elements, it merely did not go in the direction I had anticipated nor remained on where I was most personally intrigued.
Profile Image for Niki.
903 reviews155 followers
June 24, 2020
Comparing this series and The Raven Cycle was a more apt comparison than anyone realized: by the end, both series fell in the same "great potential, shoddy execution" pitfall, except TRC did, at least, the one thing I wanted it to do: delve deep into the characters.

I said this in one of my updates for the book but here it comes again: I had read 70% of this book and felt like I had read absolutely nothing, both character-wise and plot-wise. The plot was kickstarted a little at the end (more on this later), but the character development (as in, getting to know the characters better, not them ~changing for the better~, I don't care about that part all that much) I wanted never happened. Either the character development in the first book was better, or I just believed in its potential to develop later, because I remember being a lot more invested in them in the first book.

I definitely believed that the adults would get a little more "screentime" the second time around, but Augusta and Juniper were firmly benched (and yet we're supposed to care when they by the end), and Harper's dad, despite being a founder and a pretty important part of the first book, is completely absent here. Are we supposed to believe that he wasn't involved with running the town AT ALL and just left Augusta and Juniper make all the decisions? Truth be told, they didn't make all that many decisions at all because it's the kids running the show, but you get my point.

As for the kids, there was SO MUCH we didn't get. Harper learning the truth about her powers and having to leave her family home wasn't explored at all, and don't even get me started on the laughably vague "lessons to control her powers" she was supposed to be having with Augusta and Juniper, of which we're shown ONE lesson, that never amounted to anything anyway because she learned to control them by herself. More emphasis was given in That One Passionate Make Out Scene in the Lake With Justin than anything else regarding Harper.

Of course, poor Justin was underdeveloped in the first book to begin with, and that didn't change at all here. His fall from grace in the eyes of the townspeople, when he went from being the town's Golden Boy to basically being a pariah, or his relationship with his mother and sister when his mother still treats him like he's more special than May even when SHE has the Hawthorne powers, neither is explored at all. We're just told things instead of being shown them. Also, how the hell was he able to Because I know I didn't.

Same goes for Violet's I wasn't expecting something to predictable and eyeroll-worthy, but here we are.

Violet and Isaac are probably the most well-developed characters. I liked seeing them together (except for that stupid as balls scene in the beginning, when they think it's a great idea to do that ritual with the Beast again all on their own; like hell it'd work, if it did the book would just end right there, and that was in the first 50 pages of a 350 page book) and respected their interactions.... when I thought that it was just a platonic friendship ("Finally! A friendship between a boy and a girl in a YA book, with no romantic undercurrent! Violet herself says that she mistook Isaac's human decency for romantic attention when that wasn't the case! Fucking finally!") But then, predictably, they start dating in the end. I love how the two explicitly bi characters end up in a "straight" relationship, while the lesbian relationship of Augusta and Juniper is nothing more than a footnote, and this is the series that was marketed as "a more diverse Raven Cycle".

May was alright, probably the most nuanced character in the book. I don't have anything else to say about her.

The reveal that Ezra, May and Justin's dad, was

This book would've benefited A LOT from having POV chapters for the characters instead of just third person narration.

TL;DR because I want to wrap this review up already: the characters were pretty flat, a lot of potential wasn't taken advantage of at all, and things happened just because the plot required them to happen by the end. I still mostly enjoyed the book, but I think that's mostly because I spent the entirety of it taking the scraps and hoping for more to come, that never came. I definitely enjoyed The Devouring Gray more.
Profile Image for Tara.
322 reviews266 followers
April 22, 2020
The writing in this is so pedestrian BUT MY SHIP SAILED SO DO I GIVE A FUCK? NO BITCH NO
Profile Image for Jen.
29 reviews
June 11, 2020
OKAY SO WHY 2020? I MIGHT BE DEAD BY THEN SMH. I need some #Visaac in my life, okay. And OMG, what’s Harper gonna do? (#Jarper is also not-so-secretly OTP, even though they might not end up together because there’s just so much bad history there, wow).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for The Nerd Daily.
720 reviews389 followers
April 11, 2020
Originally published on The Nerd Daily | Review by Maša Tome

“And it’s as true as most stories are, which is to say that it is and it isn’t.”

As I am sitting here, trying hard to write a coherent review and make some sense out of the jumbled mess in my mind, I am realising that this might be hard to do. Why? Simply because I loved this book so much! I picked up The Devouring Gray last year soon after it came out and I was dying for the sequel as soon as I finished it.

The Deck of Omens is the conclusion to a YA magical realism duology that follows five main characters, all descendants of Founders of their town Four Paths – a town full of dark secrets and monsters. The book was first described as Stranger Things meets The Raven Boys and honestly I can agree with that, especially the Stranger Things part. They have their very own Upside Down called the Gray plus endless dark secrets!

This duology will really steal your heart! The Deck of Omens is a story threaded through with pain, raw love, and realism, and it is wound together into a lyrical masterpiece full of quotable moments and heartstopping twists! Now let’s take a look at our five main protagonists, shall we?

We follow five Founder descendants (Violet, Harper, Isaac, Justin, and May) whose legacy granted them powers and must use these powers to work together to save Four Paths and bring peace to it once and for all. While this book did an admirable job of developing their characters to the fullest, two of these characters stood out for me. Two of them had story arcs interwoven with so much pain and realness that it was hard not to applause them and be basically proud as a soccer mum. Also cry because this is what we do in this house.

One of them was Isaac Sullivan, one of our two main male protagonists, who started in The Devouring Gray as this brooding and dark bad boy whose power always did more good than bad. A sacrifice, not a hero. But with the ending of The Devouring Gray and throughout The Deck of Omens, we really see him grow as he is done running from his ugly past and instead embraces it and grows into his powers. I don’t know about you, but that always makes me super emotional and proud.

“Love had always been painful for him, a weapon held to his throat that his family and friends had used to control him. It was an unanswered question, a constant ache in his chest, the distant echoes of memories he wished he could forget. Yet none of that could quash the hope he carried that, one day, he’d be able to care for the people around him and have it feel like victory instead of surrender. That his emotional bonds would make it easier, not harder, to be human.”

The other character I have to mention for her amazing development is Violet Saunders. Now I was a fan of Violet since book one because she is the cynicism queen and the force of her glare could literally burn a hole through your body, but she really blossoms in The Deck of Omens. No more denial, Violet embraces her powers and shines as the brave goddess she always was!

On another note, The Deck of Omens deals with a lot of heavy topics in between the mysterious disease that is plaguing Four Paths, relationship drama, and magical stand-offs. One that stands out most is life after survival. All five main characters bear scars as they have lost their loved ones, their powers, and respect of the people around them. Throughout this duology, we see them struggle with the consequences of said survival and realise that the scars (literal or figurative) are there to stay, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn to live with them.

This book as a whole could be described as bittersweet. There is no idealism that some authors tend to go for with conclusions to either make fans happy or save their characters the heartache. The Deck of Omens is painfully realistic – there is some sugar, some hurt, some acceptance. One part of the book that really brought tears to my eyes (okay there were many, because I am a pretty emotional reader and I am attached to all these characters) was the epilogue. No spoilers, of course, but there was just something so powerful in the way Herman decided to end her duology.

And in case you’re not convinced yet, here are seven epic reasons why you should most definitely pick up this duology!

Our three main female protagonists are all so different from one another yet all utter badasses! Violet’s dry humour especially made me laugh out loud countless times!
Isaac Sullivan. I promise you, you’ll be rearranging your favourite characters list sooner than you can say The Gray after you first meet him! (Also he is an avid reader! Did I mention that?)
Strong bonds of friendship! This quote describes it best:
“A friendship was its own type of ritual, she realised, one where people bound themselves to one another not with blood but with words. And it had a power all its own, that belonging, that incalculable internal chemistry of choosing to let someone in.”

Great representation! Two of our five protagonists are bisexual and we even see a few parents who are definitely not straight! Herman said bisexual rights!
The plot twists! Look, you simply cannot know what is coming next! Herman filled this duology with so many twists and turns, betrayal and sacrifice, it will make your head spin.
The beautiful writing! There are so many lovely quotes that will make you really think (and maybe make you want to tattoo them on your body).
Even though this is a book full of magic and supernatural stuff, it is also a stunning story of pain and how we can learn to live despite the hurt and scars, our heads held high and our hearts light.
So now go add this dark and enchanting book to your TBR and enjoy the ride!
Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,791 reviews932 followers
July 24, 2021
#1) The Devouring Gray ★★★★☆

Trigger warnings for .

Representation: Violet (mc) bisexual; Isaac (mc) bisexual & PTSD; Harper (mc) limb difference; queer scs.

BlogTrigger Warning DatabaseTwitterInstagram
Profile Image for Rachel.
377 reviews75 followers
July 9, 2020
What a great book! Definitely more spooky than the first one which made it so good!
Profile Image for Zoë ☆.
911 reviews201 followers
April 21, 2020
*4.5 stars!

This book was SO GOOOD! I started reading it immediately when I got sent an e-arc (thank you so much Titan Books!!) and I instantly got sucked back into the story. The story picks up pretty much where the Devouring Gray left off, so there was immediately some action going on. In this book we get further pulled into the secrets of the Gray and the mysterious past of Four Paths. We discover along with the characters if and how they can banish the Gray from the town once and for all (well... I hope so 😂).

I had SUCH a good time reading this book! It felt so good to be back in Four Paths with all of these amazing characters. In this book we definitely got more background stories on all the families and even the main characters themselves, and it was so interesting to read! I was especially intrigued by Isaac's back story and I liked reading from his perspective best of all. The writing and the humour in this book are also so so good!! I highlighted so many sentences/paragraphs 🙌🏻 The only thing I would say held me back from giving this book 5 stars was that some things that happened in the book were a bit hard to imagine (could just be me though), but I didn't really mind that overall.

I highly recommend this series to anyone who is intrigued by the synopsis (and tbh, how can you not be?!) 😍🙌🏻 These characters are honestly too precious and this series deserves all the love!! 👏🏻👏🏻

Thanks again to Titan Books for providing me with an e-arc!! 💕
Profile Image for Carol.
3,147 reviews121 followers
October 2, 2021
Of course, I didn’t read the first book first...what else is new under the sun? So, I didn’t really get exactly what the Beast was but I had it figured out by the middle of the book. The Beast is a mysterious sentient creature which was trapped by the four founders of the town over a century ago and therefore becomes the problem of every generation that comes after. The Beast will stop at nothing to break its constraints. The main characters of the story must work together to keep the town and the rest of the world, safe from what creeps through the woods when no one is watching. The question comes up asking is the Beast really that evil? Could there be deeper...darker secrets going back to the founders' days that may unravel everything that has been taught and passed down? Of course, the Beast could be playing games with the founding families as a way to pay them back for years of being a prisoner in the Gray. The ending of this book ties up the storyline in a way that is both curious and questionable...and I really believe I should have started with book 1 but I'm not sure I liked this one enough to make the effort.
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,618 reviews4,306 followers
June 18, 2020
Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

I liked but didn't love Deck of Omens. I was a fan of The Devouring Gray for its atmospheric prose, interesting characters, and twisty plot. The followup was still fairly atmospheric and added in some creepy elements, but it felt like everything was getting a little too neatly and quickly tied up. Which, for me, made the characters feel a little flat and the plot a tad predictable. There were some cool moments, and opportunities for characters to talk through important issues. There's nothing really wrong with it, I just was hoping for more. We do get some good representation of and discussion surrounding bisexual identity, so that's appreciated. I will probably read more from this author in the future since I think she does creepy atmosphere and interesting ideas well.
Profile Image for Becca (Horners_book_corner).
181 reviews35 followers
June 4, 2020
Nice second book - I really like this series. Has Raven Boys vibes but is way grosser in descriptions 😅 A shame the LGBT romance elements both resulted in M/F pairings.
Profile Image for Umairah (Sereadipity).
246 reviews117 followers
April 13, 2021
4 stars
This was great! A solid plot, good character development, nuanced portayals of different relationships and a satisfying ending!
Profile Image for Diana.
1,874 reviews295 followers
May 10, 2020
EDIT: Forced myself to read a bit more (again, for the sake of how I liked the 1st one) only to dnf at pg 210

And yeah, it felt like forcing myself to care again for the story - I didn't- and the characters - did I really liked them? I don't seem to be able to now...- so I just stopped. You are supposed to enjoy your reading, not to force your way thru the pages.

And yes, it's a pity because I thought I would enjoy this 2nd part.

DNF'ed at pag 192 or so after been skipping some parts of it

I just didn't stop reading sooner because I loved The Devouring Gray so much! And reading the first pages I just couldn't wait to immerse myself on it, and enjoy being back with this squad of misfits, all of them so broken and so full of promise... But I dunno what happened, but I didn't care.

I don't know if it's because it would have been better to do a re read or to find a summary of the first book, but the return felt a bit anticlimatic for me as I didn't remember much about the first book and felt like I was stumbling into remembering who is who and what is what...

Bit by bit I began to feel back in place, but still the book failed to caught my attention. I mean, the parents are still bickering, the kids too, they are the Founders, they have to save the day, no one knows what they are doing, they are patrolling and finding things that go bump in the night (seems like the major breakthrough maybe will come from the Sullivan's cellar?) and the Beast, when visited in his realm in which it looks like he has no power whatsoever because people come and go as they see fit, tells them that the contamination that is happening is not something the Beast itself is doing, but something that is also affecting it.

And I am beggining to suspect there is a new bad guy in town, and I am suspecting that if that is the case that there is a new villain it might be May's faher as he seems to have been asking lots of questions about the Founders, their powers, the town and the Beast (that was also talked in book 1, I think, and it's also said again in this one) and that's why May's mother kick him out.

As much as I wanted to enjoy it I don't know if I will keep reading... Maybe I'll skip some pages more and read some others, to see how it all wraps up, for the first book's sake, but so far it feels like no one knows what they are doing and that the plot moves aimlessly...
Profile Image for Esme.
731 reviews27 followers
March 14, 2024
I loved the devouring gray so much but this book just lacked the same energy the first book delivered. The characters felt a little hard to tell apart, they kinda all blended in together after a certain point. The plot itself probably could have been done better in a book that's shorter, but I still liked it.
Profile Image for Nicole.
889 reviews364 followers
April 8, 2020
Normally, when I read the second book in a YA fantasy series, I don't like it as much as the first but I'm very pleased to say, that I enjoyed this one just as much as the first.

Obviously, I can't say too much on the plot of this one as it's a sequel but if you like stranger things, the raven cycle etc. I think you will really like this series, which starts with the devouring Gray.

There is just something about the writing of these books. It's so addictive and easy to read.

I can't lie, its been about a year since I read the devouring Gray, and I didn't reread before picking this one up. So there was a lot that I didn't remember at first but I quickly got into the story.

I love the setting and the town of four paths. It's just so creepy and eerie. Honestly, I think this series would make such a perfect TV show or film series.

This book also has some bi rep, which was nice to see!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I don't know if there is going to be more in this series but if there is, I'll for sure be picking them up
Profile Image for Ashlee » libraryinthecountry.
784 reviews731 followers
January 29, 2021
This was an exciting conclusion to The Devouring Gray duology and I enjoyed returning to Four Paths and especially to these characters. The Gray and the woods are as creepy and atmospheric as ever and if you thought everything was back to normal after the end of the first book, you’re in for a surprise. Things are just getting started.

Absolutely my favorite parts are that we get to spend so much time with Isaac (love him) and that May plays a much larger role in this book than she did in the first one. Plus, we learn so much about the Founding Families, Four Paths, the beast and the Gray itself, I was delighted to get so much back story.

There are times that the pacing in this lulls and it was easy to feel as though you were lost in the Gray itself while trying to unpack what was happening in the story and where it was going. However, I feel as though the last quarter or so of the book makes up for this well, especially as all of the pieces fall together.

Needless to say, I’m greatly looking forward to seeing what Herman has in store for us next and absolutely look forward to reading her upcoming novel with Amanda Foody.
Profile Image for Lauren.
911 reviews926 followers
May 10, 2020
This was a great and very satisfying conclusion to The Devouring Gray.

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