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Your Escape Into A World of Dark Mysteries & Spicy Romance.

Jade Roberts is in love with Talon Steel but no longer welcome in his home. While she resolves to move on, she still longs for the passion she and Talon shared…and when her boss asks her to dig up information on the Steels, she’s only too happy to comply. Talon and his brothers are hiding something, and Jade is determined to find out what it is.

The moment Talon saw Jade he wanted her, ached for her, craved her…and now his desire has become his obsession. He knows she deserves better than his broken soul, but he can’t stay away from her, and he finally confesses his love. If he and Jade are to have a future, he knows he must make peace with the dark shadows and horrors of his past.

But as Talon begins his journey of healing, Jade uncovers some startling secrets…

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 19, 2016

About the author

Helen Hardt

174 books8,056 followers
#1 New York Times, #1 USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author Helen Hardt's passion for the written word began with the books her mother read to her at bedtime. She wrote her first story at age six and hasn’t stopped since. In addition to being an award winning author of contemporary and historical romance and erotica, she’s a mother, an attorney, a black belt in Taekwondo, a grammar geek, an appreciator of fine red wine, and a lover of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. She writes from her home in Colorado, where she lives with her family.

Join my official street team on Facebook, Hardt & Soul, for exclusive excerpts and giveaways! https://www.facebook.com/groups/hardt...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,099 reviews
Profile Image for Lissa.
1,256 reviews135 followers
December 17, 2016
And I'm back for round two in this mess!

So, in the last book, Talon, the ever-polite gentleman and "hero" of this book, kicked his love interest, Jade, out of the house she'd been sharing with him and his sister (who is also Jade's best friend), even though he knows that she literally has nowhere to really go that isn't tied to him, because Jade is new to the area and the only friends she really has are all related to Talon. What a great guy and totally worthy of love!

The second book doesn't get any better. I am seriously baffled how this book has such a high rating, because Talon is a fucking asshole, and I'm going to say it right here, right now - having a shitty childhood, no matter what kind of abuse you were subjected to, does not give you the right to be a fucking asshole to everyone as an adult. It doesn't. And before anyone says ~*~oh he was abused~*~ and you will never understand his ~*~pain~*~, let me tell you - yeah, I actually can, and I don't use it as an excuse to be a fucking jackass like Talon does.

Anyway, Jade and Talon have entered into a destructive relationship where they can't stay away from one another, even though they both know that the best thing they could do for one another is to break up for good and stay far, far away from each other for the rest of their lives. And all this in barely a month, even though Jade, at the beginning of book one, had just been jilted at the altar by her (now ex) fiance. I'm not saying that the girl can't move on, especially since Colin is ALSO a jackass (she seems to attract them), but this tru wuv romance that Talon and Jade have going on just screams "HORRIBLE REBOUND RELATIONSHIP MISTAKE" to me.

Apparently the author wants to pretend that Jade is a "strong woman" or whatever, but Jade's actions never portray her as strong, independent, or anything. The most "independent" thing she does is get her own apartment, but as soon as Talon says that he's coming to stay with her, she backs down fast and meekly allows him to do whatever he wants.

Talon is a grade-A alphahole.

Oh, but it gets better, because we soon all see how messed up this relationship and Jade is because of it.

And that is how fucking MESSED UP this relationship is, and I just look at all of these four and five star reviews on Goodreads and I am puzzled beyond all shit, because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how anyone can think these books are "romantic." Jade and Talon's relationship is not romantic. You would not want this kind of relationship in your real life. And I say that as someone who loves fucked up shit - but, at the same time, I will admit the entire time how fucked up and unhealthy the relationship is.

Also, I fucking hate it when authors end with a huge cliffhanger at the end of every book. It feels like a cheap ploy to keep people reading, and that is exactly what it is in these books. The bummer is, the whole "mystery" could have been intriguing if it was well-written. You don't need all of the ridiculous sex scenes and Talon being a grade-A asshole to make the book interesting - but apparently, that is the direction the author chose for this series, and that's disappointing.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to read the third book, so I am sure that I will have tons of more ranting to come in the near future about this series.
Profile Image for Layeshia.
372 reviews
August 3, 2016
Good Lord the boss has a missing toe!
Lord have mercy another cliffhanger this romance has woven into a mystery of who done it! We're getting a little closer to who kidnapped and sexually assaulted a little boy over 25 years ago!
Profile Image for Joanne Maltas.
394 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2016
Omfg I actually shouted no at the end ... Brilliant story .. I love this story ,heartbreaking,gripping it justs gets better and the plot thickens ... Can't wait for next book and can't believe it's not out until September gutted
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,284 reviews958 followers
February 6, 2021
I am obsess with this series and adore Miss Hardt writing skill. She is a very talented writer. Obsession is the continueance of Talon and Jade story.

Slowly and painfully, Talon horrific past revealed. I know can feel his traumatic behavior. He is such broken, lonely and scared little boy. Even he is now growing as a man, deep down he is still that scared little boy.

In such twisted way, Miss Hardt brings us in a gripping suspense. I love how Miss Hardt contructs the suspense and the romance together in perfect story.

I can not wait to read the next book.

4 stars
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,379 reviews327 followers
March 20, 2021
Al doilea volum al seriei continuă povestea plină de suspans și adrenalină a lui Talon Steel. Acesta luptă în continuare cu proprii săi demoni, cu emoțiile și sentimentele pe care le are față de Jade, cea mai bună prietenă a surorii lui.
Totuși, ce este diferit față de primul volum al seriei? Faptul că își acceptă sentimentele și este dispus să facă eforturi pentru a avea o relație cu tânăra. Pentru el a fost un șoc să constate că o iubește și că își dorește un copil cu ea.
Dar în continuare are secrete față de ea, iar coșmarurile îi tulbură nopțile. Atunci când se trezește că era cât pe ce să o rănească pe Jade în timpul unui coșmar se sperie foarte tare și este hotărât să ceară ajutor de specialitate.
Pe de altă parte, Jade desfășoară propria investigație în ceea ce îi privește pe frații Steel, în numele procurorului districtual în numele căruia lucrează... iar treptat, ceea ce află este șocant...
“Obsesie” este cea de-a doua parte din povestea lui Talon, un personaj cu o forță psihică impresionantă dacă privim la copilăria lui traumatizantă și la cicatricile care i-au marcat sufletul și care nici după 25 de ani nu s-au vindecat.
Oare iubirea lor va fi suficient de puternică încât să îi ajute să vindece rănile?
Din păcate, răspunsul la această întrebare nu îl aflăm încă.
Să sperăm că nu vom aștepta ani până se va traduce și volumul următor.
Am avut parte de o lectură cu multe emoții bulversante, care fac din cititor un adevărat yo-yo emoțional, oferind o mare doză de suspans și o urmă de thriller, pe lângă scenele fierbinți și pline de sentiment.
Profile Image for Bria.
523 reviews
February 17, 2017
Why am I reading this series....

In the first book I was a little surprised that both main characters had extreme difficulty conversing with one another. Usually I expect a couple with intense chemistry, like Talon and Jade, to enjoy each other's company and want to talk for hours, continually learning that they share the same passions or interests. But, Talon and Jade have no similar interests, not even music, and I am at a loss to think of a single topic that they could talk about. This seems to be the author's dilemma as well because every time it looks like they might have a serious conversation, they just stop and start having sex. It sounds like their sex is fun, but it got the point where it was obviously just filler because the author can't write conversations. Having sex four times in the morning and still having time to get to work? That takes dedication and possibly a want to never talk to or actually spend quality time with the person you are supposedly 'dating'.

I really hope this plot gets wrapped up in the next book because it really isn't complex enough to stretch as far as Hardt has tried to do. We are aware that Talon was abused from almost his first chapter and now the stories and therapy or getting a little repetitive. TWO BOOKS and Jade still has no idea or even a guess that Talon must've gone through something traumatic as a child? She's a little dense...
Profile Image for Angel Payne.
Author 91 books3,315 followers
November 22, 2016
This book was so perfectly titled. I have become seriously obsessed with this series!
While Book 1, "Craving", was a wonderful beginning to the Steel Brothers saga, Book 2 is where the bold, fearless beauty of Helen Hardt's writing bursts into brilliant life. I was so blown away by this section of Talon and Jade's story, I'm not even certain where to start on the raving. Let's just say that while I adore an amazing tormented hero, it's also tough to give me one that pulls me deeply into his soul. Well, Talon Steel has now hit my Top 5 of Best Tormented Guys. GAH, how he has twisted me, broken me, simply compelled me to fall in love with him! Jade is his perfect heroine: smart, strong, persistent, and most of all, compassionate. I also loved how the supporting cast were all given more development and "time on stage", helping to move this incredible plot along.
Sometimes, you can think of a thousand superlatives for a book--and sometimes, you just have to collapse on the couch and surrender to just one word.
Profile Image for Bonita.
51 reviews
January 8, 2017
I am a sucker for punishment....

I read the first book in the series and I liked it enough. I decided to read the second because I was confident this storyline could be concluded in two books. Was I wrong...

This book was the same as the first: girl allows herself to be boy's emotional and physical garbage can. Girl asks boy a question concerning the legitimacy of their relationship. Boy shuts her up/distracts her with sex. Girl knows aversion/distraction tactic, yet still has sex with boy. Boy loves girl, but pushes her away... yada yada yada...

It got old really quick. But being I am a sucker for punishment, I'm going to read book 3. Mainly because my mama didn't raise a quitter and I just have to see how much longer this writer can drag this crap out...
Profile Image for Catherine.
399 reviews53 followers
April 22, 2023
God. Fucking. Damnit.

So much of this book I'm thinking to myself, girl, you had better get away from Talon. Then, a few hints of things were dropped throughout and I had my suspicions. Then there was the ending! I hate how absorbed into this story I'm getting.

I won't recommend this series because I don't want you to live react to me as you're reading it like I'm doing for the friend who recommended it to me.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,275 reviews43 followers
September 1, 2017
I am hooked on this series! Full of intrigue and suspense, mysteries, love, scandal, and sexiness. Another crazy ending, not a happily ever after- I'm guessing none of them will have that since it's a connected series. Helen Hardt gives us one more tiny piece of the puzzle but then gives us more questions, leaving me more lost than when I started. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to dive into the next!
Profile Image for Helen Hardt.
Author 174 books8,056 followers
July 15, 2020
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Profile Image for Lustful Literature.
1,822 reviews334 followers
July 21, 2016

Josie's Review 4.5 STARS

Obsession picks right where we left off from the first book. In this latest installment the author digs further into Talon’s past and we get a greater glimpse into his PTSD. Please heed the authors warnings regarding the flashbacks. They are harsh and contain physical and sexual abuse of a minor. Helen Hardt has done such an amazing job with showing readers who Talon Steel really is and what makes this man tick. I cried a lot while reading this book but I also experienced a great sense of hope and pride.

Talon’s is very confused in the start of this book. He does not understand his feelings for Jade only that he has an intense need to have her near and to consume her. He seeks help from his brothers to try and make sense of his feelings while trying to battle his demons. When the author takes readers back into Talon’s past it broke my heart. It literally brought me to ugly tears. I’m so grateful that we see this because it explains his demeanor and hesitation with Jade.

Jade is truly a strong character. She loves Talon and makes no excuses to the contrary. She wants to be there for him and get him the help he needs but she also understands that Talon has to want the same. I really love that she never gives up on Talon. When he seeks her out she is there for him and tries to offer him the only support she can give. I absolutely loved Jades commitment to Talon and the Steel’s. She knows there is more to the story and I really admired her determination to find out what is really behind her bosses need to destroy that family.

Talon really grows in this book. He explores his feelings for Jade and tries hard to right his wrongs. The author does an amazing job with expressing his thoughts and turmoil when it came to Jade. It broke my heart that this big war hero couldn’t understand his feelings or couldn’t equate what they meant. This intense love between Jade and Talon isn’t the story here, there is the mystery of Talon’s past and the secrets behind the Steel family that really is the driving force of this story. Talon and Jade are made for each other, their relationship feels so natural and you want so badly for things to work out for them. The journey has just begun for Talon and Jade and the secrets to his pasts are just starting to surface, can Talon and Jades love survive when all is revealed? You really need to pick up this incredible, deep and intense read. You won’t be sorry.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,644 reviews921 followers
July 19, 2017
Release Date: July 19, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance (with some darkness)
Series: The Steel Brothers Saga #2

:: 5 Pretty Little Stars ::

NOTE: This book is not a standalone. You have to read the first book in the series (Craving) prior to reading this one as it is the continuation of Jade and Talon’s story.

This series is amazing. Helen Hardt really knows how to bring out the darkness and pain that reside in the character’s life which allows readers to become invested and emotionally involved in the story. Now, as I said in my note, this book is the continuation and Talon and Jade’s love story. Their love story, while it has its sweet pieces, is ultimately dark and tragic because Talon is unable to get over what happened to him when he was 10 years old (you’ll know all about this if you have read CRAVING). But we do get to see a lot of character growth in this novel when it comes to Talon, which makes him all the more relatable and lovable for all readers. We also get more of a backstory in terms of Talon’s tragic past, and get a little glimpse of who these monsters that kidnapped him are. All of this put together makes for a very strong book that will leave readers not only haunted, but extremely satisfied. OH… And when you read the ending?!?! HOLY COW. A major plot twist. Yikes! If you haven’t read this series, I strongly suggest picking it up. The books are pretty fast paced (I read both in just a few hours) and the story sucks you in from the get go. I honestly cannot wait until the final book in Talon and Jade’s series comes out next month. I simply NEED to know what is happening! Oh, yes… It does end in a cliffhanger too…

This is only the second book that I have had the pleasure of reading by Helen Hardt and I have to say I am quickly becoming a huge fan of her work. Her writing style is on point- there has never been any confusion as to which characters are giving us their POV’s- she weaves a tragic yet beautiful storyline that immediately hooks all readers- and she uses vivid descriptions about the past and present. All of this put together makes for a fantastic story and I think all readers should give her work a try!

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Bare Naked Words Promotions.
108 reviews81 followers
July 18, 2016
Review by Wendy @ Bare Naked Words

Helen Hardt delivers the continuation of the Steel Brothers saga, with Craving she left us on a cliff hanger, and I loved her for it. Now she is back with Obsession, bringing us more of Jade and Talon’s difficult journey of discovery, danger and healing.

Obsession continues right where Craving ended and suddenly you find yourself right back with them, the feelings of frustration and anger at Talon resurfacing immediately, it was like there had been no wait at all for the next instalment.

Written in dual POV, we get an insight in to Talon’s darkness, while Jade tries to unravel the secrets of the Steel Family’s past. It soon becomes clear that some of those secrets may be better left buried, but as will all secrets, you can only truly heal if you face them head on. And its how Jade and Talon face these challenges that drives this story and keeps us riveted.

There is no denying that in Talon, Helen has given us a big brooding masterful man, but I found him cold on occasion, over bearing other times and definitely hot headed, but I want to try to understand him more and when secrets start to be uncovered it is obvious that we will still have more questions than answers.

Anyone else want Colin to get his come-uppance, yeah me too, he’s a piece of work that one. I wanted Talon to kick his conniving arse.

I want to tell you more, I really do, but you have to discover for yourselves what each page brings. Helen has weaved a delicately balanced story of intrigue, secrets and passion, which practically melts the pages.

And then another cliffhanger! I flipped the page and there was a blank page and I thought “nicely done Ms Hardt, nicely flipping well done” I love a cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Kayla Sheppard.
163 reviews137 followers
December 15, 2018
These books are a mess! Are they somewhat entertaining? yes! Are they supper steamy? Yes! But are they a bloody disaster? Also yes...
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,833 reviews747 followers
November 6, 2021
I'm still liking this series. For being the second book into Talon and Jade's story, it's mainly focused on Talon and Jade getting closer but the secrets Talon are keeping from her does keep them at a distance still.

Talon is starting to remember some things from his traumatic event that I hope we will see these men eventually get arrested and off the street. I do find it hard to listen to what he went through when he remembers things.I'm hoping we will see more of a conclusion to this part in book 3.
Profile Image for Ramona Popescu.
408 reviews137 followers
July 12, 2021
It was not my favorite romance book by faaar, but something about it made me read it quickly and wanting to see what will happen next. That element made me gave it 3 stars. :)
Profile Image for Kimberly.
684 reviews35 followers
July 13, 2016
Fasten your seatbelts people, this is going to be a bumpy ride! This story picks up right where Craving left off, Talon is miserable after asking Jade to leave. Jade is miserable and lost too and doesn't know quite what to do. After talking to Marj she decides to go back to Snow Creek where she resumes her job. Jade's boss gives her a new assignment, he wants her to investigate the Steel family, she knows it's for nefarious reasons but she has to have answers. Talon is desperately in love with Jade and realizes he has to get help if he wants a relationship with her. Things really start to heat up between the two, but there is trouble ahead! Secrets and lies are coming to light, will Jade and Talon's love be able to survive?

Wow, this story has so many twist and turns, my head is spinning! It reads like a soap opera, and I love it! Talon is the epitome of a tortured hero. His flashbacks to his kidnapping will shock you and break your heart. He has endured so much, and I want so badly for him to get help. Every time he pushed Jade away I was saying "No Talon, don't do it! Get some help, it will be ok!" He really got to me. Jade is a great character because she is smart and tenacious, and has absolutely no fear. Talon and Jade's chemistry sizzles and the love scenes will melt your heart and your Kindle. Whew, good stuff! I'm really enjoying this series and I can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Teresa McEnulty.
7 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2016
This book as in the first book Craving brought out deep emotions in the characters. The writing is so good I felt the same emotions through Helen's writing.

Talon is changing thanks to Jade. The changes are brining back things from his past he doesn't want to remember but also new revelations. Jade is also investigating the Steele's past and between the two the pieces are coming together. It will take Talon opening up fully to Jade for the pieces of his past to fall into place.

Unfortunately the more the story unfolds the more dangerous the situation will be for all the Steel's and Jade. The bad guys have an agenda and are hidden in plain sight. (A wife's boyfriend, a city attorney and possibly a tattoo artist link?). The secrets in the Steele family are the key to the uncovering the reason to Talon's unfortunate past.

I can't wait for part 3 in the saga. Im hoping Jonah and the doc get some pen'd time in book three as well as a future relationship for Ryan and Marjorie. But more importantly I can't wait for Talon to get his justice.
Profile Image for Becki.
246 reviews
February 20, 2018
Sheesh! What a mess! I was hoping as the story progressed it would get better but sadly that was not the case. This book seemed like more of a filler than an actual progression of the story. Lots and lots of sex. So much so that I found myself skipping multiple pages (yes pages) to get past all of it and I NEVER like to skip a word in a book but it was just to much! Talon and Jade’s answer to all the problems in their relationship is sex. I forbid you to get a tattoo! Let’s have sex. I catch you having dinner with your ex and it pissed me off! Let’s go have sex! You choked me in my sleep but I trust you completely! Tie me up and let’s have sex. Where’s the dialogue? Where’s the communication? Where’s the growth as a couple?

Sadly I am to far into the plot to stop now (hence the 2 star rating) so I will continue with the third book which I believe will wrap up this particular storyline and I can leave the Steele’s behind for good.
Profile Image for Bellereader.
733 reviews54 followers
December 24, 2019
Jade and Talon continue their captivating and intriguing tale still cloaked in mystery. Jade didn't mean to fall in love with the egimna that is Talon Steel. She knows he is hurting from things buried deep, but he is determined to hid behind his wall. It's one step forward, two leaps back every time she makes some in road. Talon knows his darkness is enough to swallow anyone whole - he's living proof of that. Keeping it from tainting Jade is paramount regardless of how much she soothes the savage beast. Talon has tried to keep it buried and those he loves at arm's length, but that's just a bandaid over a bullet hole. If he wants to lay the demons to rest for good and have a shot with his blue eyed Angel, he is going to need to face those terrors headon.
Profile Image for Author "Tip Mack".
237 reviews25 followers
July 27, 2017
These books keep getting better and better. What a way to leave your readers hanging and waiting for book 3 Helen Hardt.....how dare you? lol I can't wait to read book 3 and learn more of what I'm already figuring out and wanting to know. Poor Talon he is so afraid of everything but is finally making some lead way and Jade is just caught up in emotions, drama all the while trying to figure out her job as a woman in love with a mysterious man and working with a boss that she gets bad vibes from. On to book 3. You must read these books for yourself. I promise they are worth every minute.
Profile Image for White Hot Reads.
347 reviews27 followers
August 29, 2018

Obsession- the perfect word for how I feel about Talon Steel (and his brothers).

Talon Steel is the epitome of dark and dangerous. He battles demons that no one should have to experience, yet he doesn’t let them own him. Jade is such a patient and kind woman. She’s strong, determined and smart. She keeps the reader and Talon on their toes.

As much as Obsession answers questions, it also poses more. Each time I thought I figured out what was happening, I turned around and questioned myself. The white hot connection that Jade and Talon had - made me blush.

Profile Image for Marie Vasquez.
1,598 reviews78 followers
February 16, 2017
This saga is just getting better. The suspense behind Talon's history is building!

Helen Hardt does such a great job of conveying the torment that Talon lives with on a daily basis and showing his emotional growth due to his time with Jade. Her understanding is exactly what he needs to allow him the space and time needed to come to terms with feelings and nightmares that have weighed him down for more than two decades.

I can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Lauren.
285 reviews5 followers
July 27, 2019
Really enjoyed this one!

Although this story deals with some pretty confronting issues it is written well and is able to convey the hurt without crossing over into a graphical re-telling. If it went graphical it probably wouldn’t work anyway.

The chemistry between Jade and Talon is undeniable and Helen Hardt certainly knows how to write the ‘bedroom’ scenes. Golly! 😉

I’m looking forward to the next book!
1 review
January 9, 2017

Author uses gratuitous sex to mask how she drags this story out into multiple, expensive books. By the time this story is told, it will be a $50 novel.
Profile Image for Alecia (The Staircase Reader).
1,065 reviews71 followers
December 28, 2021
I received Obsession by Helen Hardt from my boyfriend for Christmas this year! This man remembers everything! Last year he gave me Craving and I believe he remembers my complaints about the brutal cliffhanger and the emotional whiplash Craving left me with. I have to say, I’m continuously being knocked on my ass by this author. Helen Hardt has a way with words and pulling every emotion from her readers. One minute I’m smiling like a loon, and the very next I have a river of tears running down my face. With that being said, I’m so happy I decided to read this series in one long ass haul rather than wait for the books to release one by one. Because I’m sitting here still waiting for Talon and Jade’s happily ever after. I can’t imagine having to wait for the next book to be released. That wait must have been hard!

So onto Talon and Jade’s second romance, Obsession. I loved this continuation of their relationship. In this book Jade is excelling at her new attorney position. But she’s been dropped a secret case from her boss. The job is to uncover any and all secrets the Steel family is housing. But she’s about to realize, some secrets are best left buried…

While Jade is looking into the Steel family, Talon is working his way through the flashbacks that keep coming to him. He’s being drowned daily by the pain that was inflicted on him all those years ago. He’s starting to remember those who held him captive and tortured him. And he’s making it his mission to uncover all the memories his brain has protected him from. This poor man has already been through hell. I'm feeling a strong need to wrap my arms around this character and protect him from all the horrors in this world. And once again, Helen Hardt has yanked every single emotion from me.

Now onto why I dropped a star and rated this one four stars. I dropped a star not for the flashback moments, but for a few moments regarding Jade’s character. This woman is said to love Talon with all her heart and soul. Yet she takes the *secret case* given to her from her boss to uncover any and all secrets of the Steel family house. And even though she feels off about this case, she still takes it. Now, If I had a man in my life who had demons a mile wide and and ocean deep and was told to uncover said secrets… I think I’d be taking the unemployment route and throwing that case back in my sleazy boss's face. I’d even fly a couple birds his way as I depart the office. But no, this woman went on her way to uncover secrets. WTF! I honestly didn’t get this woman through this novel when regarding her job. I would have gladly went back to learning about wine and working the Steel Family Farm over doing anything for that slimy man… But that’s just me and my moral high ground, I guess.

However, when it comes to Talon, I loved his part of this novel! He finally sees he has an issue and needs professional help to get through the tragedy ingrained in his memories. It takes a lot of strength to admit you can’t fight your demons by yourself. Which is quite alright, some demons need a team to destroy them. I loved Talon and the strength he showed through his weakest moments. Helen Hardt has ultimately stolen my heart with this character.

Overall, I’m still loving Jade and Talon’s romance. But here’s to hoping Jade get’s her shit together and tells her boss to shove this *secret detective work* where the sun doesn't shine. Obsession comes with some pretty heavy and dark triggers. If child abuse of any and all forms is a trigger for you, I highly recommend you go into this one with your eyes wide open.



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