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Strays and Lovers

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Forty-six-year-old Eddie Hightower has a problem. He’s all alone. The only thing that saves him from facing that stark reality is the fact that he isn’t really alone at all. He has a house full of pets and a refuge full of stray unwanted animals he spends every waking hour trying to place in homes. While he loves what he does with all the joy in his heart, that same poor aging heart is still missing something. And Eddie knows exactly what it is. Romance.

But wait. Cue the music. Suddenly, beyond all hope, it happens. In the small desert town of Spangle, California, where Eddie lives, comes a sad young stranger with piercing gray eyes. They are the palest, most stunningly beautiful eyes Eddie has ever seen. Poor Eddie Hightower is swallowed up in their silver depths and disappears without a gurgle. The stranger’s name is Gray Grissom. Gray, like his eyes. Without hesitation Eddie opens his doors—and his heart—to the lost young man. After all, that’s what Eddie does. He finds homes for strays. But this is one stray Eddie intends to keep for himself.

152 pages, ebook

First published November 30, 2018

About the author

John Inman

42 books438 followers
A Lambda Literary Award finalist and the author of over forty novels, John has been writing fiction for as long as he can remember. Born on a small farm in Indiana, he now resides in San Diego, California where he spends his time gardening, pampering his pets, hiking and biking the trails and canyons of San Diego, and of course, writing. He and his partner share a passion for theater, books, film, and the continuing fight for marriage equality. If you would like to know more about John, check out his website at----
http://www.johninmanauthor.com/John_I... or follow him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/john.inman.79

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November 6, 2018
Top marks go to the band of strays Eddie has collected at his animal refuge, especially Louie the fluffy white puppy of indeterminate breed who worms his way into Eddie's heart. Louie is instrumental in bringing the MCs together and falls for Gray as quickly as Eddie does.

Eddie, who is in his mid-40s, is 20 years older than Gray. Gray reminds Eddie that he's an "old man" at every turn.

Gray is not an easy guy to like, truth be told. He's blunt and standoffish, although mostly he's just scared of being left. He pushes Eddie away, even though Eddie does everything in his power to make Gray feel cared for, including moving Gray in with him when Gray breaks his ankle.

Because the story is told solely from Eddie's POV, I couldn't fully relate to Gray, even after hearing his sad backstory. I liked Eddie well enough but wished we saw him interact with the refuge animals more. The cats and dogs Eddie keeps as family were pretty damn cute, though.

John Inman's writing isn't fancy or formal. He has a very straightforward writing style that's relatable. The first couple chapters were a little slow, with some info dumping about how Eddie came to be owner of an animal refuge, but the story did pick up and ended up being a mostly enjoyable read.

Strays and Lovers is a sleepy, relationship-driven book. It's sweet and subdued but lacks anticipation and oomph. The ending contains at least 50 grams of sugar. It's a strong HFN with a family reunion, some happy tears, and laughter.
Profile Image for Gabis Laberladen.
1,125 reviews
June 18, 2019
Darum geht's:

Eddie Hightower ist glücklich mit seinem Tierheim, aus dem regelmäßig Tiere in ein neues Zuhause vermittelt werden und das ihm gerade so viel Einkommen beschert, dass er davon leben kann. Was ihm fehlt, ist ein Mann an seiner Seite, denn Eddie ist einsam. Dass er sein Herz ausgerechnet an einen eigenbrötlerischen, 20 Jahre jüngeren Mann verliert, der eine harte Vergangenheit und die schönsten grauen Augen der Welt hat, darauf hatte sich Eddie nicht eingestellt.

Meine Meinung dazu gibt’s hier
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
April 13, 2019
Getting old is no fun, doing it without a permanent partner makes it worse, and, as Eddie discovers in this story, finding someone to share your life with when you’re already caring for strays (of the animal kind) and sharing your house with some of them doesn���t exactly help either. This is the story of Eddie finding a human companion, against all odds. Gray is twenty years younger than Eddie, somewhat of a recluse himself, and by no means immediately enamored with Eddie. Between wooing Gray and taking care of all his animals, Eddie certainly has his hands full.

Eddie is easy to love. He uses his inheritance to take care of animals that people don’t want or have harmed, always thinks of their needs before his own, and while he is a great guy, he does not make deeper connections to others easily. The pets he has taken into his home are great personalities and they make the story really come alive. I have to admit that I liked them at least as much as the other characters in this story!

Gray is a bit of an enigma, and I had a much harder time connecting to him. He clearly has some darkness in his past, doesn’t open up easily, and as for trusting others? Not really his thing. But Eddie sees something in him that makes him want to find out more, and I was willing to trust those instincts and follow along. And I am glad I did – Gray turns out to be wonderful in his own way.

If you like romances between unlikely partners, if men who love animals are your thing, and if you’re looking for a sweet read with lots of humor, warmth, and a few surprises, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,302 reviews481 followers
November 30, 2018
A Joyfully Jay review.

3.75 stars

John Inman’s latest release, Strays and Lovers, is a gentle romance that focuses on healing past hurts and recognizing one’s own worth through the eyes of someone who loves you. Gray Grissom is a bit of a mystery. Suddenly appearing in the sleepy little town of Spangles and filling the job that animal refuge owner Eddie Hightower vacated at the local hardware store, Gray keeps to himself. Despite Eddie trying to strike up a conversation, Gray is both bristly and non-communicative, causing Eddie to back off in a hurry. But while life at his refuge may be fulfilling in the sense that he is rescuing unwanted animals in need and finding them new homes, it is also lonely. Eddie, well past prime dating age and in his late forties, often feels a sadness creeping over him at the thought of being without a lover for the rest of his days.

Read Sammy’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Mathilda Grace.
Author 102 books49 followers
June 19, 2019
Ich gestehe, ich habe eine Weile mit mir gehadert, wie ich diese Review schreiben soll, weil ich John Inmans Dramen liebe und auch diese Geschichte ist keine schlechte – im Gegenteil.

Die Charaktere sind durch die Bank weg sympathisch (allen voran Ruth, ich liebe die alte Dame), die Story drumherum macht Spaß, aber trotzdem hat mir von Anfang bis Ende irgendetwas gefehlt. Der Funke ist einfach nicht übergesprungen und ich kann nicht den Finger drauflegen, woran es lag.

Stattdessen hatte ich beim Lesen immer wieder das Gefühl, dass John Inman versucht, die Story extra romantisch und süß zu gestalten, aber das kam teilweise so aufgesetzt daher, dass es auf mich eher albern wirkte. Auch die Sexszenen fand ich wenig ansprechend. Sie sind an sich gut geschrieben, nur die Wortwahl empfand ich mitunter als ziemlich abtörnend.

Vielleicht gebe ich der Geschichte irgendwann noch mal eine Chance, aber vorläufig bleibe ich lieber bei seinen anderen Werken, die ich immer wieder gern lese.
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,029 reviews102 followers
June 28, 2019
I loved Eddie and Gray slowly grew on me...he was a little prickly at first.

Very sweet story and Louis the puppy is adorable. The ending was a bit too easy but I'm still content.
Profile Image for Chris Kottner-Kirschner.
1,086 reviews13 followers
June 20, 2019
4.5 von 5 *

Wäre nicht diese Einsamkeit - Eddie Hightower hätte keinen Grund zu klagen. Seine tierischen Mitbewohner sind ihm zwar lieb und teuer, können ihm aber einen Partner nicht ersetzen. Eddie lebt für die Tiere in seinem Asyl, die er aufnimmt, aufpäppelt und versucht in gute Hände zu vermitteln. Dabei gerät er finanziell natürlich immer wieder an seine Grenzen. Seinen Job hat er dafür aufgegeben, mit seinen früheren Arbeitgebern ist er jedoch noch verbunden. Natürlich, die Community ist überschaubar und Eddie kommt immer wieder in die Stadt um einzukaufen.

De Lagerarbeiterjob von Eddie hat inzwischen Gray Grissom übernommen. Ein sehr zurückhaltender und schweigsamer Mann. Gray ist deutlich jünger als Eddie und gibt ihm schon beim ersten Kennenlernen zu verstehen, dass er sich nicht sozialisieren möchte. Viel lieber bleibt er für sich, hält die Menschen auf Distanz und will vor allem kein Mitleid und schon gar nicht von seiner Vergangenheit erzählen.

Geliebter Streuner ist eine zucker- aber auch bittersüsse Geschichte über zwei einsame Herzen, die sich am Rande der Wüste finden. Der Anfang ist holprig und rauh. Gray ist scheu und mißtrauisch. Dass ihm jemand etwas Gutes tun will und dabei nichts von ihm erwartet, das ist ihm nicht ganz geheuer. Dabei gewöhnt er sich langsam an den hartnäckigen, freundlichen und gutmütgen Eddie. Dieser ist älter und lebenserfahrener als Gray. Doch die nagende Einsamkeit teilen Gray und Eddie.

Eddie kann gar nicht anders als sich um Gray zu kümmern. Vor allem, als dieser einen Unfall hat und definitiv Hilfe braucht. Egal ob er sie nun will oder nicht. Doch Gray wird für Eddie immer wichtiger und er spürt, dass er sich immer mehr in den jungen Mann verliebt. Doch das Alter ist für Eddie ein Problem, ist er doch 20 Jahre älter als Gray. Und Gray scheint immer auf dem Sprung zu sein; hat Angst diese Nähe und die Gefühle zuzulassen. Für beide Männer ein schwieriges Unterfangen, dann doch einen gemeinsamen Weg zu finden.

Ein wirklich schönes Buch, das mich mit einem Lächeln zurücklässt.
Profile Image for Tj.
1,594 reviews19 followers
February 22, 2019
I must confess Strays and Lovers is not my favorite. Eddie is sweet and has devoted his life to caring for abandoned and abused animals. He is in his late forties and is lonely and in need of physical and emotional contact. The book is told from his POV, and due to his loneliness, it tends to drag at times. The poor man needs a hug!

Gray comes into his life, and Eddie is ready to try again. All does not go to plan. Gray is as prickly as a hedgehog and carefully guards his past. If Eddie can gentle an abused damaged animal, he should be able to do the same for a gray-eyed man who is working his way into Eddie's heart.

Louie the pup will steal your heart!!
Profile Image for Risa.
448 reviews4 followers
June 25, 2019
Ungewohnt zuckrig für John Inman

Eddie Hightower hat sich seinen Traum von einem eigenen Tierasyl erfüllt. Aber bei all der Liebe und Anhänglichkeit der Tiere fehlt ihm doch ein Partner an seiner Seite. Doch mit seinen 46 Jahren glaubt Eddie nicht mehr an diesen Wunsch.
Gray Grissom landet durch einen Zufall in Spangle und übernimmt Eddies alten Job. Für Eddie ist es Liebe auf den ersten Blick, doch Gray ist 20 Jahre jünger als er und hat eine unschöne Vergangenheit, die ihn misstrauisch gemacht hat.

Die Liebesgeschichte von Eddie und Gray hat mir gefallen. Der Anfang des Paares ist zwar geprägt von Zweifeln und Missverständnissen, doch Eddies Tiere sind wunderbare Vermittler. Besonders dem Charme des kleinen Hündchen Louie kann Gray nicht widerstehen. Lediglich das Ende war für mich zu abrupt. Da hätte ich gerne noch einen Epilog gelesen.

Mein Dank geht an Dreamspinner Press für das erhaltene Rezensionsexemplar
Profile Image for Tina J.
1,274 reviews171 followers
November 23, 2018
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ 4-STAR ✩ REVIEW ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩

> > Judging a Book by its Cover < <
Cover caught my eye. A man stands cuddling a fluffy pup, aww! There’s another man in the near background, posed in a standoffish manner. Synopsis interested me.

> > Looking Deeper < <
POV ~> Third-person

Eddie’s in his mid-forties and resigned to live alone a handful of miles outside a tiny desert down and running his Pet Refuge. Gray is new in town. Mid-twenties and carrying a ton of guilt and baggage, he’s desperate to keep his head down and determined to keep to himself. Too bad Eddie is not a “leave it be” kind of guy. Add to it a meddlesome boss’s wife and Gray’s been basically ordered to make an appearance at the refuge to help Eddie.
When an injury occurs, both men must work together or face losing it all.
This was more animal magnetism and raw chemistry than romance. Add in a few quirky moments and enough awkward attempts at humor and you have an entertaining read but it lacks the depth and dynamics I was hoping for.
A few conflicts were presented with minimal effort and simplified resolve. Conclusion has an implied HEA but nothing truly concrete-solid.
Rating: [R] ~ Score: 4.05 ~ Stars: 4
⭐ ⭐ **** Disclosure of Material: I received a copy of this book from the Author/Publisher with the hope that I would voluntarily leave unbiased and unsolicited feedback. I was not asked, encouraged, or required to leave a review - nor was I compensated in any way. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". ***** ⭐ ⭐
Profile Image for Writer's Relief.
549 reviews
February 5, 2021
Strays and Lovers introduces us to 46-year-old Eddie, who runs an animal rescue center on his rural Southern California property. Eddie is content living with the animals, including Louie, a mixture of “maybe Bichon Frise, Spitz, Pomeranian, and with a teaspoon or two of West Highland Terrier thrown in for flavor.” But then, at a shop owned by some of his friends, Eddie meets Gray—and Eddie realizes how lonely he is and begins to long for more.

This is exactly the feel-good kind of book to read when you've had enough of the real world and think that love will never find you again, or you've had a really bad day. The main characters seem like real people who suffered real heartaches in their lives. But the true star of the show is Louie, who successfully navigates the two men closer and places them in a position where they can reveal their feelings to one another. He’s just adorable! And while some readers might think Eddie may have overstepped at the end...who can say what lengths someone might go to for the happiness of the one they love?
Profile Image for Katy Beth Mckee.
4,317 reviews52 followers
March 31, 2019
I love the feeling that wasn't rushed and that these men took their time. It was great to see how each one brought out the best in the other. The ending was so beautiful.
Profile Image for Xanthe.
2,271 reviews40 followers
November 23, 2018
So this is my first book from John Inman and I really enjoyed it. There are few characters other than our MC's and it takes place in a town out in the sticks and then at an animal refuge outside of that town in the desert.
We follow the story of Eddie, a man in his late forties who lives at, and runs, an animal refuge/rescue. He takes in sick and abandoned animals, ranging from dogs and cats to snakes. His aunt's inheritance has allowed him to do work he loves and he just about keeps the charity above water. Recently, he's been feeling loneliness more keenly but can't see any changes to his future. Until he comes across Grey working in the local hardware store. He's beautiful, shy but so mesmerising to Eddie that he wants to know everything about the man. With Grey preferring to keep to himself, it's hard going trying to create a friendship let alone a relationship but Eddie has nothing but time as he cares for all of his animals.
This, for me, was a slow burn, low angst romance with a may/december theme and it was a good story to read. I enjoyed Eddie's character and the interactions he had with the animals at his home. Each one of those came with their own personalities and gave a lot to the fun and family feel of the story.
It's Eddie's POV that we follow throughout the book and he has an interesting way of thinking things over as he goes about his day. His inner monologue goes along just as mine would if I were thinking out loud. I like that with a character and it's easy to follow what they're thinking and saying. The attraction he feels towards Grey is obvious from the start but I was glad when he left Grey to himself when it was clear the other man wanted to be left alone. There's a fair amount of back and forth between the two men before bad weather and a puppy intervene. With Grey's history, his reluctance is understandable and seeing the two men grow closer makes for a heartwarming read, especially in the setting that it's in. I liked the journey that the two went on and how things ended for them both.
John's writing style is great for this story, pulling you along on amazing descriptions of the locations that everything takes place as well as the extremes in weather they have, going from drought inducing heat to severe thunderstorms. The animals all bring their own little bit to Eddie's home and this story, especially little Louie! The other few characters that we meet in the book are a hoot with the old couple that run the hardware store giving us a few chuckles.
I'd recommend reading this story, for those new to John and his fans, I think it's a heartwarming romance that also makes you want to go out and adopt an animal!
I received an ARC from the publisher and am happily giving a review
1,007 reviews8 followers
November 22, 2018
I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

Strays & Lovers starts by introducing us to 46 year old Eddie who runs an animal rescue centre from his home in rural Southern California. The story starts off slowly as we learn about Eddie and his animals and the lonely life he lives. At that point is isn’t particularly interesting. But the story got interesting when Eddie meets 20 something year old Gray at the local hardware store.

Gray is a bit of a mystery and not the nicest or most social guy you’d ever me. Not at first at least. I really enjoyed getting to the bottom of Gray’s at time rude behaviour and seeing Eddie and Gray’s story unfold from two men attracted to each other to two men falling in love.

I think my favourite thing about Strays & Lovers is the laid back feel to the story. It is a lovely, easy to read romance. A solid 3 stars from me.

Wicked Reads Review Team

Profile Image for Sue bowdley.
1,449 reviews
April 26, 2022
I love John Inmans books....They are always a comfort to read..Yes even his darker books...This one is an easy read...Eddie and Gray are just perfect together...Eddie is a lot older than Gray, but never does he have a problem with Gray's past..They fit together just right....An easy comfortable read that just makes you smile x
Profile Image for Lisa.
3,093 reviews125 followers
September 26, 2020
A short sweet romance between a 46 year old man and a man half his age. The younger man Gray, starts off remote and not really wanting a relationship but gradually feelings develop between the 2 men. An enjoyable read

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Profile Image for Aerielle Bondi.
618 reviews2 followers
June 3, 2019
Eddie is a lonely man who spends his days caring for the animals at his rescue. He longs for the love and companionship of another person. He ends up meeting an unknown man named Gray at the hardware store he used to work at.

After a less than warm first meeting, Gray comes out to the animal sanctuary to help Eddie with building a new dog run. The two men spend the day working together and feelings start to form but then Gray leaves and Eddie is again alone. The next meeting between the men has Gray acting cold and callous once more.

Eddie leave Gray alone feeling rejected once more. Time passes and Eddie still thinks about Gray but instead of happiness, he feels considerable sadness at the loss of a potential friend.

Eddie eventually breaks down the walls Gray has built up around himself. Gray finally opens up about his past and both men admit to the attraction that had been stirring between them.

While their romance slowly starts to develop, Gray also starts opening up to Eddie more and more.

Eddie is a character that you can’t help falling for. He has devoted his life to helping unloved animals. Gray on the other hand was harder to get a feel for. His attitude changes are abrupt and at first, we don’t know why he is acting out that way. A lot of the secondary character are animals and they are all just as interesting as the humans in the story. This is a great, low angst love story!

Profile Image for Kirstin.
1,756 reviews22 followers
November 16, 2018
Eddie Hightower is lonely. He's surrounded by animals, so he's never alone, but he has no one in his life. When he goes into town for supplies, he's surprised to find someone new working at the hardware store. Gray has had a troubled past and uses it as an excuse not to get close to anyone, but Eddie is persistent and Gray wants to have a future.

I'll be honest. The story was very very sweet. The words shared between Eddie and Gray were romantic and deep. The bones were all there to be a winning book. I just didn't feel like there was anything to keep me interested. It was told solely from Eddie's point of view and I felt like I didnt' get enough of Gray. Gray was the MC who had the rough past and the rough life and the one who had so much going on in his head that it would have been nice to get a glimpse of that first hand. There wasn't a build up to anything and the momentum just wasn't there for me.

I found Eddie to be so open and honest and loving. He was obviously a very giving man and spent his life rescuing animals and giving them an opportunity to have a family and love. And he did the same for Gray, even though he was resistant.

Overall, it was a quick, easy read with a lot of sweet and a HEA to boot.

*Galley copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted on http://gaybook.reviews/ *
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews135 followers
November 30, 2018
Strays and Lovers is a good May to December romance by John Inman. It just so happens to include a whole lot of animals too.

Eddie, who's closer to 50 than to 40, runs an animal refugee. Gray meanwhile, is 20 years his junior, but he certainly helps Eddie to feel less lonely.

When they first meet, Eddie can easily see the sadness in Gray. He's ashamed and embarrassed by his past, full of pain and fear. He's definitely a survivor, he just doesn't realize this.

Eddie and Gray are two men who are definitely better off together than alone. Each man fills a hole in the other's life and heart.

I found the story to start off with a slow start. But, soon the pace and the story picked up. It is most definitely a relationship-driven story.

Strays and Lovers has an ending that's super sweet, and you can just feel the love jumping off the pages.
Profile Image for Ashley D.
1,352 reviews10 followers
June 29, 2019
Eddie is alone and lonely, he accepts that for the most part and just takes care of the animals in his refugee and uses them as a way to give and gain love. Life has a way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it. Gray is just trying to fly under the radar, he just wants to live his life and have people stop asking him questions, but he can't help but feel an attractions to Eddie.

Eddie wants to keep Gray, but Gray needs to learn to be wanted before Eddie can keep him. This was a nice quick read that was pretty low on the angst level for the most part, there was a couple of sections, but they were resolved quickly and without drama which is always nice, the characters actually talked about their issues which was also a plus.
Profile Image for Ashley.
1,001 reviews14 followers
November 20, 2018
I mean, these are some well written animals! I can't believe how much the animals play an integral part in the storyline, and how adorable and well described they were. From their actions to their playing aspects and how they looked - it was unreal.

I didn't mind Gray or Eddie - Eddie acted his age (mostly, aside from the occasional awkward giggle) and Gray (also an awkward giggler) and his past were a truly interesting integration as well into the story.

I need myself a Louie - you know what, I'll take every single one of the pets in the book I was seriously in love with them before the story was over.

Slow burn, sweet, funny, cute

Profile Image for Cathy Brockman.
Author 5 books95 followers
November 29, 2018
Eddie is in his late forties. He is surrounded by his pets and refuge animals. He stays busy, but is getting lonely for human company.
Gray has a lot of secrets and is very standoffish. He too is lonely but has trust issues. Meeting Eddie and his animals makes him want more but breaking out of his shell is hard.
I loved both Eddie and Gray. I especially loved Eddie. I relate to older characters and pet lovers are a plus.
The storyline is good, and the animals are like characters in their own right.
Strays and Lovers is a cute book, unique job, and makes an enjoyable read.
If you like large age gaps, animals, sweet romance, and some hot man-sex with a very sweet end this is for you.
Profile Image for Aelfwina.
802 reviews
July 1, 2019
Could have been more to it, I guess. Nice, nothing special pallet cleanser after some really bad writing. But that's about it. Some really hard to believe scenarios made it lose a star or two.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,004 reviews119 followers
December 1, 2018
I have often thought that if I won, or inherited, a substantial amount of money I would set up a refuge for unwanted and unloved animals. I can’t say that I’m always thrilled with my fellow homo sapiens but I’m pretty enthusiastic about the animal kingdom, to say the least. This author has brought me many enjoyable novels and the blurb drew me right in, so I was looking forward to reading about Eddie, Gray and all of the strays.

Eddie opened the Desert Sky Pet Refuge after his aunt left him her home, property, and a healthy sum of money a few years ago. He loves the strays that he cares for, although only seven have become permanent fixtures in his home, doing his best to get them the medical care, love, and understanding that so many of them need. Eddie works hard at finding forever homes for his animals and he’s proud of the work he does. Even though he has managed to keep the refuge in the black, most of his inheritance has gone to all of the outstanding expenses animals can accrue (and they can be a lot!). Lately, though, Eddie has been feeling the loneliness and quiet of his home more than ever. He lives a number of miles outside the very small town of Spangle and he has few neighbors, much less anyone he’s very close to.

Please find my full review at Rainbow Book Reviews
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