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Orion Colony #1

Orion Colony

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Humanity’s Exodus is about to begin.

When half of mankind revolts and demands more opportunity, those at the top decide on a compromise: they will build the first colony ships and allow those who are willing to discover new worlds to leave and start over.

Twelve ships are built, the first of which is called Orion. Many are eager to go, but only one hundred thousand are chosen for each vessel. Far from Earth, a new life awaits, and it promises the prosperity they’ve always wanted.

But still, resistance stirs, eager to sabotage this new expansion effort, threatening the promise of a new life. As Orion moves through the void of space, towards a distant world, its passengers must fight for survival in an unprecedented conflict.

Win or lose, their future will be forever changed.

282 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 3, 2018

About the author

J.N. Chaney

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,869 reviews2,298 followers
August 24, 2021
Orion Colony
(Orion Colony #1)
by J.N. Chaney and Jonathan Yanez

This was a action packed, futuristic thriller that I really enjoyed! Two great authors too! I had to try it and boy was it worth it!
A ship is designed to go on Orion taking 130,000 citizens. Our hero doesn't plan to go but ends up on the ship trying to save his friend's life. Now, he is stuck. There is also at least one cult saboteur on board that is trying to stop the mission.
It's filled with suspense, action, wit, great dialogue, world building, awesome characters, and terrific plot!
I picked up the next book and will start as soon as possible!
November 7, 2019
This is not a story. This is chapter 1 of a story. There's a current trend of turning books as much as possible into serializations. That's being overdone here.
Profile Image for Meenaz Lodhi.
978 reviews82 followers
November 16, 2018
“The wonders of humankind were truly boundless and so was their hate.”
I love this new series based in the Renegade world. The conflict between the Eternals and the Transients is a vivid reflection of present day situations in some of today’s Earth. A human exodus to the stars in search of a better life, to escape the injustice of rich and poor struggle...Chaney and Yanez have done a wonderful job together! An emotive, moral and ethical story, with lots of action, fast paced and gripping, with a touch of humour always a fine characteristic in both authors’ works. Unexpected turns, with very realistic characters. Looking forward to read the rest!
Profile Image for Jeff Willis.
316 reviews4 followers
November 29, 2018
This was a solid book overall. Chaney and Yanez are both good writers with other series that I've enjoyed, so I was excited to check out their combined effort and wasn't disappointed by the technical aspects of the writing itself. The premise was good and the narrative was well-paced, but I found that the characters lacked depth and I had a hard time getting really invested in them. The antagonists were actually far better developed and more interesting to me.
Profile Image for Gr.
1,003 reviews9 followers
February 16, 2020
I received this book as an audible daily deal for a few bucks. The narration was solid but the book itself lacked depth and the story is a bit fanciful. As others have commented, at a total of 6 hours, this reads like it was only the part of a story and not an entire book that is part of an overall series. As if an editorial decision was made to break the book into parts to charge the readers more.

As stated, the characters in the book and the plot lack depth. The sci-fi tech and world-building were lacking. When combined with the improbability of the plot, it made the flow of the story seem stilted and immature. Had the book reached a logical conclusion, enough to stand on its own, it might have earned 3 stars and I might consider purchasing the next in the series, but I am not going to pay more just to hear how the story is supposed to end especially at full price.
Profile Image for Rebecka.
254 reviews
January 12, 2020
DNF: The MC went from being a loner who hardly spoke for five years to engaging in snarky banter in like two seconds. I don't mind either character type, but the sudden change caused some whiplash. I also really disliked the person he was partnered up with. I'm sure she'd have come across more sympathetic further along the story, but I've read too much sci-fi lately and think my patience is running thin. I should probably change genre for a while and might try this again later. I quite liked Renegade Star series which I believe is set in the future of the same universe.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,997 reviews157 followers
November 13, 2019
This was good but just didn't cross over into amazing territory for me, despite Ray Porter's narration. He definitely brought it up a few notches. It reads like an action movie, largely predictable but entertaining nonetheless. It just didn't engender the kind of emotional investment I was expecting.
Profile Image for Trish R..
1,772 reviews55 followers
July 25, 2022
This was a pretty good story about a ship carrying one hundred thousand people leaving earth and the crazy people called the Disciple's who finally sabotaged it enough to bring the ship, Orion, down on a strange planet. And talk about a CHIFFHANGER! You are in total darkness if you don't read the next one. Which I intend to do.

One thing about the "hero" that is not so great is the fact that every time you turn around he's getting his ass kicked. It hard to like Dean Slade all that much. He's supposed to have been a famous fighter but he can't seem to fight worth a shit. Go figure!

No romance and no swearing to speak of.

As for the narration: I bought the audible book because Ray Porter was narrating it. And I'll listen to anything he narrates.
Profile Image for Arnis.
1,830 reviews168 followers
August 17, 2024
Uz Zemes dzīve vienai daļai to turīgāko kļuvusi par mūžības pilnu dzīvi ar visu to labāko, ko zinātniskie un medicīniskie sasniegumi spējuši sasniegt, bet šie minētie bagātnieki ne ar visu uzskatījuši par svarīgu dalīties. To skaitā, savā ziņā saprotami, ar šķietamo nemirstību, ja vien netiek nogalināti vai citādi neizārstējami cieš, apdāvinātie un par Eternals iesauktie.

Profile Image for Jason Rose.
Author 2 books43 followers
March 4, 2019
Fast Paced Space Opera

If your in the mood for a light, fast paced, and entertaining space opera, you'll enjoy this yarn. All the ingredients are present for a compelling series. Moving on to book two.
Profile Image for Frank Cavanaugh.
85 reviews
June 20, 2024
Fun read. Good characters that make you want to read the next installment. It’s really one long story and you should start at the beginning.
Profile Image for Lady The Owls.
386 reviews1 follower
November 9, 2018
Adventure, Mystery and a bit of romance

If found this story intriguing, kept me turning the pages to the end. I want more of the story. I can not wait for the next book. Way to go Chaney and Yanze.
Profile Image for William Fulton.
36 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2018
Loved it

Not your normal fist contact, but well worth the read. I can't wait till book two comes out. Great story line
225 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2024
If not for Ray Porter narrating, i would have dropped it early.
Story that has been done before, many times & this book is all set-up no meat.
I will continue with series & edit this up/down after, as calling this one its own book is a joke IMO.

Edit: yeah if you can get all the 4 for cheap its not bad. Also i dont recommend it for scify veterans as its all been done before. For newbies, this should be entertaining.
Definitely no re-do qualities IMO.
Profile Image for Ernesto I. Ramirez.
543 reviews7 followers
November 14, 2019
Really interesting story, good characters (a bit of cliché, and the Eternal, in general, are too nice, except Arun, I like her, but they even have alien names).

Also many clichés in phrases and comments and descriptions.

Issues with the timing, the attacks on the ship happen too soon... and unless it was a group, they happen non-stop, Dean should have slowed the attacker down after the fight. The attacks need preparation, materials and more important access (big ship and the assassin is getting access to hard places) for that you need to know the place, have schematics, such places have security, even invisible places will show doors or hatches opening by themselves.

plot issues... seriously? no heat detectors to find invisible people, they need sonar?
Profile Image for Fate's Lady.
1,351 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2019
A taciturn former prize fighter with some sort of secret is dragged into political intrigue and sabotage with one misplaced good deed, and finds himself making friends even as his life and situation grow increasingly out of control. It's a typical written-by-a-white-guy adventure fantasy, but it's fun and Ray Porter is a pleasant narrator, if also Very White Guy. Worth a read/listen for some light, mindless entertainment.
Profile Image for Jay Collins.
1,577 reviews14 followers
June 20, 2019
2.5 to maybe 3 stars. It was okay but a slow burn for the most part. The MC is okay but some small issues with him. The Story is a little slow and only gets kind of good when it is almost over and setting up for the next book. I don't think I will continue with this series as it was nothing special and just okay.
27 reviews
November 20, 2018
Orion Colony

Poorly edited and storyline lacks imagination. There is potential with a rewrite, but nothing stands out or powerfully grabs your attention. Character development is shallow. It’s a good first try. Don’t give up!
Profile Image for Greg.
7 reviews1 follower
November 27, 2019
I enjoyed much of the story, but the sheer improbability of the physical situations (coming out of faster-than-light travel near a planet--given the vastness of space, what are the chances??) wrecked it for me.
Profile Image for Nancy Phy.
314 reviews6 followers
January 3, 2020
Loved it

Great story with lots of action and mystery. It has well developed characters and I can't wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Jim.
1,122 reviews44 followers
December 15, 2018
A familiar and very good author has started a new series and it’s good! While it’s not my usual “military” science fiction, it still has a lot of action to it. Still, it’s something of a detective story which isn’t bad, but a lot depends on how it’s written. The story is also pretty straight-forward and simple. Although, getting ready to depart Earth for a new home world might not seem all that simple.

Earth is currently split into to major cultures that don’t exactly get along very well. The Eternals are wealthy, very prosperous people who just happen to have the money to buy an immortality drug. Yeah, they’ll live forever as long as they don’t have a terminal accident. They are also changing with this drug. They appear as albinos with pure white skin and deep blue eyes. On the other side are the Transients. This is the middle and lower classes of society or those who can’t afford the miracle immortality drug.

Initially, the Transients weren’t happy with the way they were treated as second-class citizens by the Eternals. It seemed as if all the top management jobs were always filled by Eternals who controlled about everything. The Transients staged something of a revolt and the Eternals decided to offer the Transients an out. Build a number of colony ships and head out to deep space to form your own civilizations. There were to be twelve colony ships including the one that Dean Slade was working on as Mechanic Grade-2, Transient.

You’ll find that Dean is a very quiet type of guy and he really doesn’t want to get involved in most anything. He seems to have a past that he’s hiding and you’ll eventually find out about it. Dean also definitely doesn’t want to go on one of the colony ships. He’s just kind of happy with where he’s at and not into all the recent uprisings.

As I mentioned, he’s a Grade-2 Mechanic which isn’t much more than a common laborer except that he’s working on one of the colony ships currently on Earth. Then his normal routine of going to work is interrupted when he sees a trio of gang members attacking a female mechanic in his neighborhood. Although he’s reluctant to step in and do anything, he does so and runs the three thugs off. The other mechanic is grateful, but she’s not what she appears to be and her and Dean will be spending some interesting times together.

Then there’s the Disciples. This is the group of Transients that are still causing a great deal of trouble. It seems that they don’t like the idea of the Transients being told to leave Earth. They think the Eternals are an abomination and no longer humans and Earth should belong to humans and these monsters. So, they have become a terrorist group bent on stopping the colony ships from leaving if at all possible. The do attack the Orion while Dean is working and he does get involved, involved in a big way.

The story is not that long and it’s pretty easy to understand what’s going on. The ending is interesting and that’s what makes this series much more interesting. I’m looking forward to reading the next book which I hope will be out soon.
Profile Image for Lynda Engler.
Author 7 books72 followers
May 17, 2021
Ever buy an #audiobook based solely on the narrator? I do if it's Ray Porter! "Orion Colony" is one such audiobook. I've never heard of the authors, Jonathan Yanez and J. N. Chaney, but the story sounded intriguing and if Porter is narrating, it must be decent because he wouldn't lend his voice to anything subpar.

SUMMARY: The richest on Earth become Eternals, but the life prolonging treatment - of course - isn't available to everyone. Only those at the top of society. When half of mankind revolts and demands more opportunity, the Eternals decide on a compromise: They build colony ships and allow the rest to discover new worlds and start over. Twelve ships are built. The first is called the Orion.

Many are eager to go, but only 100,000 are chosen for each vessel. Far from Earth, a new life awaits, and it promises the prosperity they've always wanted.

Of course there are those who resist and turn terrorist, trying to stop mankind's exodus to the stars. As Orion moves through the void of space, towards a distant world, its passengers must fight for survival in an unprecedented conflict. Win or lose, their future will be forever changed.

REVIEW: 5 stars for Ray Porter. The book itself I'll give 3.5 stars. It's action-packed and thrilling, but the characters are not well developed and rather predictable. I think I bought this one as a Daily Deal from #Audible, so I didn't spend much on it. I don't think I would spend a full credit on the rest of the 3 books in the series. Still, it was an enjoyable 6 hours through headphones while out walking or at the gym. Warning for future readers: it ends just as it gets exciting, and you must read book 2 to get the 2nd half. At only 6+ hours, this is barely a novel - more of a short story. Books 1+2 could have been first in series, and books 3+4 as second in a duology. I rated it a 3 because of that. Might have given it a 3.5 on the merits of the tale itself.
Profile Image for Ivanhoe.
306 reviews21 followers
March 10, 2020
Antes de cualquier cosa, quiero expresar que los ingenieros encargados de diseñar el Orion son sin lugar a dudas las personas mas idiotas e incompetentes que he visto en cualquier libro de sci-fi jajajajaja

Tl-dr: Esto es literatura ligera, trama y personaje cliches, facil de digerir sin pensar mucho y mas util para pasar el tiempo en un transporte publico.

Bueno, este libro me hizo reir bastante, de lo malo que era jajajaja La cantidad de inconsistencias en la trama, los personajes cliches y los obvios giros durante la narrativa fueron tan vulgarmente malos que simplemente me hicieron reir muchas veces, incluso el nivel de sci-fi creo que ni siquiera llega a ser "light".

Una de mis frases favoritas fue la de Arun "We made sure all critical systems were secured with the most state-of-the-art locking system available at the time of construction. Civil Authority Officers are also standing guard. ", ese "state of the art locking system" es una puerta sin seguro y con dos guardias adelante de la puerta, dios, cuando me describieron la escena simplemente no deje de reirme, en ese momento pense que quizas el escritor escribio fue una parodia.

Para concluir, si leistes el ultimo parrafo de la sinopsis donde dice "If you’re a fan of Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, or Indiana Jones, you’ll love this epic, space opera adventure. ", pues te puedo decir con seguridad que aca no hay nada que remotamente te haga identificarte con esas series, ni siquiera creo que se vuelva una space opera por lo mediocre de la trama.

Estoy bastante tentado a leer el segundo libro solo para ver que tan malo es comparado al primero, pero lo dejare para luego.
Profile Image for Frances Law.
1,102 reviews12 followers
June 8, 2019

The Earth is divided. There are now some people who are immortal but it costs a lot of money for the treatment which puts it out of the reach of most people. The immortals are called Eternals and the ordinary humans are now called Transients.
To avoid a war it was decided to build twelve colony ships to take 100,000 colonists each to different worlds.
The MC in this the first book, is Dean Slade. Dean was a Gladiator in his old life and he was the world champion, but events happened that made him give up that life and now he just wants to be left alone. He is a mechanic working on modules for one of the colony ships but has no wish to travel on it. Fate has other plans for him though and he finds himself on the way to Kronos Five.
With him is his only friend Ricky; Stacy, another mechanic he met by chance; Boss Creed, the shipyard foreman; the Cognitive Iris who runs the ship and two Eternals, the brother and sister team Elon and Arun. They find themselves embattled and could never imagine what is to come.
It’s probably best to read this serial before the Renegade series but not necessary.
Profile Image for Heidi .
184 reviews
October 5, 2022
Orion Colony is a perfect introduction to a new series. So far it's unlike any other Jonathan Yanez book I've read, and it proved as enjoyable as his other series I have. The Orion Colony ship has been the labor of thousands and one of mankind's greatest accomplishments. Once mankind can become immortal, those too poor to (transients) rebel against the super-rich who never die and never retire. The Immortals in an attempt to give the transients a chance decided to build 12 colony ships to transport 100,000 colonists on each ship to planets selected for their ability to sustain life.

The cultist group of terrorists called The Disciples work to sabotage these efforts as the colonists are slaves to the immortals and thus impure. They feel that instead of the transients leaving Earth which is their home, the Immortals should leave allowing humanity the chance to grow without them. They will stop at nothing to undermine the efforts to relocate humanity.

This is a thrilling foray into space and mirrors the unrest seen around the world today.
A poignant reminder that we must all work together to survive.
Profile Image for Magnus Halsnes.
43 reviews4 followers
November 23, 2019
Dette er ikkje ei fullstendig bok, men første del av ei bok delt i fire. Boka er ikkje lang, men den er unødvendig treig å få i gang. Mykje av bakgrunnen som ein brukar nesten halve boka på å ugreie om kunne vore mykje kortare, eller aller helst skrive om til noko interessant. Det er lite nytt i boka og det meste baserer seg på velkjende klisjear og tropar, med tanke på dialog, karakterar og historie. Hovudkarakteren er ein klassisk stille amerikansk machomann som aller helst vil vere i fred, men som ufriviljug blir dratt med på eventyr. Det heile kunne fungert som ein middels dårleg pilotepisode av ein scifi-serie. Mogleg det heile tar seg opp i dei neste bøkene, men eg har mine tvil. Det fungerer heilt greitt på lydbok og passar heilt greitt hjernedaud underhaldning om ein vil ha noko som summar i bakgrunnen.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews

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