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Heart2Heart: A Charity Anthology (Collection), Volume 2

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Once upon a time, a bunch of M/M authors wondered… What if the Heart2Heart dating app put on a charity raffle in cities around the globe, and random guys in each location were paired up for an adventure? The dates could go terribly wrong…or spectacularly right. Seventeen of your favorite gay romance authors have joined forces once again, bringing you back to the Heart2Heart world for more love and laughter just in time for the holidays. This collection of fun, sexy, and hot short stories features all-new characters once again chosen from your reader suggestions! From Boston to Los Angeles to Melbourne, Australia and cities in between, these lucky raffle winners will learn love has a way of appearing when you least expect it.Once again, all proceeds from this collection will go to the authors’ favorite LGBTQ charities, to ensure that love in all its incarnations will be celebrated and protected every single day of the year!

651 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 13, 2018

About the author

Leslie Copeland

7 books26 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 127 reviews
November 27, 2018
My final rating is based on the seven stories I read.

I'm throwing in the towel. I feel like the authors just phoned it in. It's possible there are a few hidden gems in this collection I missed, but the stories I read were a big disappointment. Even the two I liked well enough were just meh.

Why bother writing for charity if you're going to be half-arsed about it? The cause deserves better.

Sorry if that's harsh (I feel kind of guilty saying this), but even the titles have naught to do with anything since none of the stories I read had a sense of place. Boston could be San Francisco could be Paris for all the authors seem to care. 😡


I bought this anthology because the proceeds go to a good cause. Volume 1 had a great author lineup, and I enjoyed most of the stories.

I'm not as excited by this collection but will give a few of the stories by authors I like a go.

Los Angeles
by A.E. Wasp

I may have rated this story about a pediatric nurse and firefighter higher had it not been for the terrible, horrible, very bad ending. Nothing was resolved! It's like the author ran out of time and called it quits.

Both MCs were cookie-cutter and one-dimensional. I didn't love the constant flashbacks. The chemistry seemed forced. I was told how into each other the men were, but I wasn't feeling it.

I liked Kurt's friendship with Sally, his friend and colleague, and I loved Calvin, a teenager with cancer Kurt befriends. I wish we could have gotten to know Calvin better.

by Lucy Lennox

Now I'm worried all the endings will be abrupt because this story also lacked resolution. The MCs went on a date, had sex, and ordered pizza.

The intimacy felt forced considering they barely knew each other. Neither character was well developed; there was a lot of info dumping during the conversations.

I didn't think the prosthetic leg jokes were funny either, even though they were meant to show Josh didn't let his disability stop him.

I'm majorly disappointed, since I usually like Lucy Lennox's work.

Cape Town
by Alison Hendricks

Two's a coincidence; three's a pattern. Here's yet another crappy ending!

This story is set in Cape Town, but there's no sense of time and place.

Two guys go on a date. One fears sharks; the other is a vet and shows exotic animals on talk shows. We got a bit of background info on both, but the story never gelled.

No steam, no real emotion, just a bland, forgettable story.

by May Archer

Hurrah for an epilogue!

This is a quirky, enemies-to-lovers story about a struggling freelance writer and self-made millionaire who are coerced by a meddling friend to go on a date to Disneyworld.

I liked the dual POV. Both MCs, including awkward Tai, were likeable.

This is a short story, and I wanted more time with the men once they started getting along. The last chapter ended abruptly, but the epilogue made up for it.

by Sloane Kennedy

I don't even know, you guys. I was looking forward to Sloane working her sexy voodoo magic, but this story was a flop: silly, scattered, bordering on nonsensical.

A beefy dude named Knox shows up on Ryan's doorstep to pick him up for a date, but Ryan (whose real name is Orion apparently, a random detail that didn't need to be included) knows nothing about it and won't open the door.

It's not a misunderstanding but an OTT move by a relative, which IMO wasn't cute but grossly inappropriate, no matter how well meaning.

The scene at the art class was weird and not remotely funny. I didn't believe the setup at all. The whole thing was rushed and, like all but one of the stories I've read thus far, ended abruptly on the first date.

by Aimee Nicole Walker

Very cute, best-friends-to-lovers story with an epilogue! Can I get a HELL YEAH?

I do wish Evan's sexuality had been explored more. What was up with the parade of women?

Lucas was quite the naive narrator. I'm not sure how a grown man who's not drunk can think he's dreaming when he's fully awake. That was kind of silly.

But I couldn't begrudge these guys their HEA, even though I was annoyed the virgin remained one, at least on page. Talk about the big tease.

by Ruthie Luhnow

Bartender and Sad Guy meet at a bar. Sad Guy is sad because he was stood up by his date, so the bartender takes him out instead. The two walk and talk about deep things. Then they go home and have sex.

The last line of the story is: "Let's see what happens."

*face palm*

I just can't with this bullshit, you guys. What is even the point of this story?
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,604 reviews260 followers
July 26, 2020
Let me just start by saying that I appreciate all of the authors for donating their time and creative energy to participate in this anthology and help raise much needed funds for their favourite LGBTQ charities. You're doing a wonderful thing and I hope this book sells thousands and thousands of copies!

Forget Paris by R.G. Alexander ~ 2 stars

This was my first story by this author, and I can't say that I was impressed. In fact, I don't think that you can actually call this a short story since there was no real beginning and no satisfying ending; it was a single, unfinished scene about an uptight American and a beefy, more-than-meets-the-eye Canadian that ends abruptly with fade-to-black sex.

It sounds harsh, but there is nothing of substance here. It wasn't funny or super sweet or heart wrenching, it just sort of... was. The vapid characters didn't earn a HEA, so, in a way, I'm glad that the author didn't bother to give them one.

If this was supposed to be the amuse-bouche for the anthology, I'm already rethinking the next course.

Los Angeles by A.E. Wasp ~ 3 stars

Another story by a new-to-me author, this time with a slightly better outcome. I liked this story about a compassionate and a little OTT pediatric cancer nurse who meets up with a hunky firefighter on Halloween and instantly falls in lust.

Although I appreciated Zane's sweet attentiveness (the effort he put into seeing Kurt after their initially meeting was swoon-worthy), the highlight of the story for me wasn't the romance between the two main characters, but the relationships and interactions that Kurt (the nurse) had with his coworkers and patients, especially Calvin. Those were the moments that his character sparkled and I found myself rooting for him to get a HEA.

I did find the story's timeline to be a little frenetic, flip-flopping rapidly between the present day, flashbacks, and then fast forwarding near the end of the story in order to give readers even a semblance of reality to the characters' HEA.

Also, the story could have used some serious proofreading. Not only did the name of the club that the characters met at change throughout the story (Trunks to Tracks and then back again), but there was all sorts of wonky punctuation, spelling errors, etc.

Cincinnati by Aimee Nicole Walker ~ 2.5 stars

Let me be upfront with you: I love best friends to lovers stories! Maybe it's my inner teen that swooned when Joey and finally Pacey got together, but these stories usually score big with me.

This one... Was sort of hit or miss.

I liked the characters well enough, but when - BAM! - the straight-presenting dude all of a sudden started getting possessive and handsy over his best friend of 9 years with little conversation about the whys and whatfors and whynows (beyond he was a "late bloomer")...? I was majorly disappointed. I absolutely buy the gay dude pining after his straight bestie keeping that knowledge to himself, but I didn't feel like the reasons why the reverse would be true was resolved in a way that felt at all rooted in reality.

Also, the dream shtick was cute for the first 30 seconds or so, then it became eye roll inducing.

Oakland by Alexa Land ~ 3 stars

Shout out to a biracial MC (neither of which was Caucasian)! That rarely happens.

I really appreciated the meet cute in this one. Or, rather, the re-meet cute giving that all of these stories start with the Heart2Heart fundraiser. An escape room is either a really awesome or a really terrible first date option and this story flirted with both. Now I want to try one, but it may be tougher because I definitely don't have the head for random trivia that Ryan did.

I also appreciated that Ryan was vulnerable and forthright about what he viewed as his shortcomings; it was a refreshing mix. And Rick's persistence at the end? Yeah, that dude's a keeper.

Overall, this was a cute story that felt complete.

Cape Town by Alison Hendricks ~ 2 stars

Honestly? This story did nothing for me. I couldn't relate at all with the celebrity/infamy of the two main characters and Mitchell outright irked me.

Apparently, Mitchell was a teacher who fell into the profession as a back up plan when his true dream (being a marine biologist) was crushed beneath discovering that he had a crippling fear of sharks. At one point, Mitchell protested that he didn't hate his job, but he wasn't too convincing and all of the other characters in the story seemed to innately know how much he loathed it.

Full disclosure: I'm a teacher.

I wanted to be a classroom teacher from the time I was 5 years old and I never wavered from that goal. I graduated teacher's college back in 2008, and although I eventually chose not to work in a classroom, I still consider myself a teacher (I work in the museum sector now; who do you think plans your kids' school trip programming, creates hands-on interactive exhibit components, and schedules your insanely interesting and informative public lectures?!).

It sounds lame, but teaching really is a calling. I've never met a single teacher who just "fell into" the profession or anyone who entered the profession but stuck it out for years and years when they didn't truly enjoy it, so this bit of Mitchell's background story made me want to throat punch him. Or, like, push him into the ocean without a shark cage.

Also, what the hell was with his drama queen moment over Lucas' grand gesture? Of course he didn't ask your permission, dummy - he was trying to surprise you! Grrr!

Definitely not a favourite story of mine.

Boston by Annabella Michaels ~ 3 stars

Did anyone else find it strange that the editor of this anthology put two stories back to back in which the characters were having their blind date at an aquarium? Or that they both had a character who was a teacher and, in one case, he wanted to be a marine biologist and, in the other, the second MC was a marine biologist? That is one heck of a coincidence.

Fortunately for Annabella Michaels, she came out the victor in this apples to apples comparison.

I know everything about this story was sweet and easy - too easy, really - but I was cool with that. It was a cute story that provided me with a few moments of entertainment, and sparked my interest enough to check out something full-length by Michaels to see what she can do with a little more time to develop her characters and their story.

Athens by Charlie Cochet ~ 3 stars

Utterly predictable, but that's half the fun of soapy trope-y stories, right?

And with Charlie Cochet as an author, you know you're at least going to get a solidly written, well edited story with likeable characters and a smile inducing HEA.

Denver by E. Davies ~ 2 stars

I think there was too much story here for the number of pages written. The characters, their back story and their relationship development really needed – and deserved - more pages in order to be told properly.

Melbourne by Eden Finley ~ 3.75 stars

I spent this whole weekend with a bunch of rowdy Aussies who came to Canada for my friend's wedding, so I could clearly hear their accents ringing in my head as I read this story about a cute graduate student and an older, workaholic music label exec.

Unfortunately, that was only possibly due to my imagination, not because there was anything in this story that screamed "I'm set in Australia!" That's right, this was yet another story that could have been set in any city in any country on any continent in the world. Thankfully, the story did actually have a strong sense of place - the sights and sounds and smells of a weekend music festival are distinctive - and I think Finley did a great job capturing this vibe.

I also really liked her characters. Their banter was cute and their chemistry was unexpected and therefore exciting.

I would have gone to 4 stars, but I had to knock off a little bit because I didn't get to see enough of the payoff of the story's set up. I wanted to see Marty get the dream experience Luce promised him, and then see how the two of them interacted in the immediate aftermath of that (can we say gratitude sex?! lol).

Even with that minor hiccup (which is totally a personal preference, anyway), this story is still the strongest outing in this anthology that I've read thus far and I'm finally a happy reader!

San Francisco by Hailey Turner ~ 2 stars

I know I have a shitty memory, but I read this story last night and I've already forgotten the characters' names, most of the plot, and my general feelings towards the story. I mean, there was nothing offensively bad about this one, it just wasn't very memorable.

One thing that it did have going for it was a strong sense of place. This story FELT like San Francisco - it had specific street names and related traffic woes, mentions of particular neighbourhoods and landmarks, San Fran's quirky line culture, specific businesses, what seems like never-ending disruptions due to filming, etc. So kudos to the author for that.

Scotland by K.M. Neuhold ~ 2 stars

While all of the other authors in this anthology picked a specific city to set their stories in, Neuhold went with a generic "Scotland", and it wasn't particularly well done.

I've never been to Scotland before - can you drive from one end to the other in a few hours? It sounds implausible to me, but that's how the author made it seem when her characters were able to have adventures in the morning, explore - off page, mind you - Tucker's ancestral castle, have more sightseeing adventures in the afternoon, and still make it back to the hotel long before midnight.

This is my skeptical expression...

Washington by Lucy Lennox ~ 4 stars

Good banter, hot sex. I'm a fan of this story.

New Orleans by Macy Blake ~ 3 stars

Okay, this one had an energy level that I appreciated. Cute but forgettable.

Toronto by Max Walker ~DNF @ Chapter 6

The two main characters interacted more with the zookeeper than each other, and had barely any dialogue in the main story, yet I was supposed to believe that they fell madly in love with one another over the course of a single night. Yeah, okay. *snort*

But you know that saying, "be careful what you wish for"? Well, that applies here. Because although I was bummed about the lack of dialogue in the first half of the story, when we finally did get some dialogue, all I wanted to do was chant "make it stop, make it stop!"

What the HELL was that mascot phobia reveal scene?! Someone should have told this author 'no' during the editing process. I rarely say this about an author's plot point because it's all part of the artistic license, but... this reveal was beyond dumb and had no place in a story that was supposed to be taking itself seriously.

Boston by May Archer ~ 2.5 stars

A struggling writer shows an uptight tech tycoon how to stop and smell the roses (or enjoy Disneyland as the case may be). The story was fine. I mean, it got the job done, but I won't remember a single thing about it in 3 days.

Baltimore by Ruthie Luhnow ~ 2 stars

This story felt like it was a one night stand kinda couple that the author wanted you to believe - and hope! - could make it in the long run, but I just don't believe they could. Too short (in terms of both word count and time passed in the actual story) to see any real feelings develop between the MCs.

Atlanta by Sloane Kennedy ~ 3 stars

I actually think these characters and their story would have made for a great full-length novel; I wanted to know more about what made them tick and what made them infinitely perfect for one another.

Uncle Frank's shenanigans were a little too over the top for my liking, but I think that they'd play well with many other readers.

Oh... Canada by R.G. Alexander ~ 2 stars

Call me crazy, but I think stories in an anthology should stand on their own - especially since readers may pick up and put down the volume over several days/weeks/months/years, reading a little bit here and there. That's what I did, anyway.

So, by the time I got to this scene at the end of the antho, I couldn't remember the characters from their first appearance at the start of the antho, and their sexy shower scene and subsequent HEA meant nothing to me.

Overall anthology ~ 2.5 stars

Can someone please tell me why none of these stories that are set all over the world have any sense of place? The only reason I knew the first one was set in Toronto was because they told me it didn't live up to the MC's dreams of Paris, L.A. felt like any other generic American city, and with the descriptions of stained glass and painted Victorian houses, I honestly forgot one of the stories was set in Oakland and thought it was set in San Fran.

Also, if this raffle is sponsored by Heart2Heart, why are some people winning an amazing week in Scotland as their trip and others only won 4 free drinks at a bar where they weren't even allowed to skip the line?!
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,123 reviews252 followers
July 15, 2020
**** A collection of short tales about a night of fun in the gay scene of different cities. The premise is of the Heart2Heart App is sponsoring charity events all over to raise money for LGBT Charities. We see the different prizes offered, the unique men who are joining the raffle, and how some of the dates turn out. Each tale is totally different and the outcomes are, too.
1) Forget Paris, R.G. Alexander. Martin and Luke overlooking Toronto, and figuring out the future.
2) Los Angeles, A.E. Wasp. Living in LA, but the getaway is in Chicago. A pediatric Nurse, Kurt, and
a Fireman, Zane. The Fireman has a red and black lace jock strap on under his uniform, but there
is so much more to him that Kurt finds out.

3) Cincinnati, Aimee Nicole Walker. Friends and roommates, Evan surprises Luke on his birthday
with his reveal.

4) Oakland, Alexa Land. Recently jilted Rick, tall, black/Asian man is trapped with pink-haired
Ryan on their date, and their close quarters turns into destiny.
5) Cape Town, Alison Hendricks. Mitchell and Lucas win a date to an Aquarium, but there's more to
tell as they balance over the shark tank.
6) Boston, Annabelle Michaels. Harry the teacher spots a gorgeous man across the room, Milo, who
wins the prize, but no one in their group won. We see the guys, in their 30s, a group of buddies
having fun, but Harry goes home alone. Then as Milo meets his late date at the Aquarium, Harry
shows up by himself to check out the venue for his class, and as fate took over, Harry knew
"sign language" and signed for deaf Milo and his date. The date was less than
impressed and split, but Harry and Milo hit it off in a big way.

Milo runs the place and gave Harry a behind the scenes look around. I really liked these guys.
7) Athens, Charlie Cochet. Nico is there to pick up an artifact, while Aedan is there to steal it, but
things change, and each man finds something more precious than the treasure.
8) Denver, E. Davies. Transgender Henry and agoraphobic Jaden discover that each can do more
than they imagined. A helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, hiking, biking, picnicking and
sexy times are life changing.

9) Melbourne, Eden Finley. Marty, 32, wants to see his favorite band, and Luce, 23, is undercover to
see the music festival he arranged. The guys hang out and discover affection.
10) San Francisco, Hailey Turner. Bernard and Eliot win drinks and dinner, but also end up with
donuts and a passionate night, with plans for more nights...
11) Scotland, K.M. Neuhold. At a bar for the H2H dating event, Maverick spots a ginger bear with
green eyes and a broad chest, Tucker, who is hoping for the trip to Scotland.

It's Maverick who turns up for the flight, and they are both excited.
12) Washington, D.C., Lucy Lennox. Josh, beautiful black man with a prosthetic leg met Cameron at
Arlington Cemetery for their arranged date. An odd place, but H2H chose it. They toured
monuments, talked, laughed and much more. A great pair with similar likes and snarky

13) New Orleans, Macy Blake. Antonio, a menswear designer and wealthy donor, Paxton get the
date, and it's insta love.
14) Toronto, Max Walker. Jordan the investment banker, dates Brody at the wildlife preserve, that
ends up leading the pair on an adventure to Africa for Brody's dream come true.

15) Boston, May Archer. Taika, a stuffy tech wiz gets off on the wrong foot with reporter, Ethan,
but they end up on their date to Disney World in Florida, where Ethan loosens up Tai.
16) Baltimore, Ruthie Luhnow. Bartender Michael helps out sad guy, Adam, who was stood up for
his H2H date.

17) Atlanta, Sloane Kennedy. Now, a big muscled, tattooed biker came to Ryan's door with flowers
for their H2H date, but Ryan was never told about it. They end up going, and get an even
bigger surprise.

18) Oh...Canada, R.G. Alexander. Two very different guys who really click in bed. Could they work it
out? Could they be together in the reality of life?

We're reminded often about the Heart2Heart App dating events, and we see varied prizes and many opposites who seem to get their HFN. The prizes were random, and the guys unique. I'm glad that this Anthology was for a good cause.

Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
December 6, 2018
Can't say I'm impressed. I loved Volume 1 so much more.
Maybe it's because there are more authors participating than last year, hence less space, hence shorter, lacking stories. :(

Most of these little novelettes had the same problem: they started out good, but then progressed too fast, they would kiss and there would be a big time jump for the epilogue. Meh. Also instalove or insta...something, which I expected, and it's not a bad thing, I just don't like it.

I'm not reviewing them individually, but you'll find a list below of the stories I would buy if they ever get released, hopefully an extended version.

List of stories to buy:
1. Boston - Annabella Michaels
I don't need this to be a full-length novel, or even a novella. I just want them to go one or two more dates and I would be satisfied. Loved it!

3. Denver - E. Davies
Well, damn. Ed is the only author who managed to write an insta-romance that didn't actually feel insta. It's a special story. I loved this. I should really read more books written by him.

And here are the maybe
Boston by May Archer
Enemies to lovers. Loved the characters.

Athens by Charlie Cochet
I'm only mentioning this cuz it was fun, not sure if it would work outside of the anthology, even with extension, or added scenes.

Melbourne by Eden Finley
San Francisco by Hailey Turner

My overall feelings about the anthology are still positive.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,812 reviews2 followers
November 20, 2018
3.25 stars from me for this anthology. I much preferred volume 1...most of these particular stories ended rather abruptly and felt as though they'd been rushed out. I can't pick a single story out and say I liked it more than the others which is a little sad, although A.E. Wasp and Lucy Lennox were maybe a tad better than the others but it is for good causes so that's a win in my book.
Profile Image for Valerie ❈M/M Romance Junkie❈.
1,703 reviews428 followers
November 26, 2018
How’s the song go? that don’t impress me much Well, that’s how I feel about this anthology. I get it. Authors are busy with RL and writing their for-profit books, but this anthology left me feeling underwhelmed. It’s like this was completely half assed. Maybe because they knew people would buy it anyway for charity? I don’t know. Either way, this did not live up to th last Heart2Heart anthology.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,764 reviews379 followers
September 29, 2019

I don't think this is as good as the first one in terms of the actual stories themselves, even though I still absolutely think having a fund-raising anthology is a fabulous idea and the authors and other contributors giving their time should be applauded.

But, having said that, I still enjoyed most of the stories even if a lot of them did just feel like Chapter One in something that should have been far longer.
Profile Image for Jennie.
777 reviews23 followers
October 4, 2019
I loved the idea of the classifieds adds for the H2H app. How it all came about in the first story drew me right into this anthology and In couldn't wait to see how it went..
I loved the ads that started each story. They were cute, fun and sassy.
I found this to be a sweet, romantic, funny and sexy collection of stories that I'd happily recommend.
I have read and enjoyed all of them and there was only one I wasn't a fan of.
Profile Image for Megan.
1,467 reviews27 followers
November 23, 2018
Forget Paris, R.G. Alexander:
Forced to organize the anniversary charity event in Toronto instead of his dreamed-of moment in Paris, Martin is undeniably testy. Despite the bluster, short temper, and sniping he captures the attention of Luke, the very helpful and very attractive bartender. After accepting an offer to experience a bit more of Toronto before Martin has to leave, he discovers that there might be something more to Toronto for him than Paris...but his little adventure is just beginning. The start of Martin and Luke's story has an interesting beginning and goes from mopey to sexy very quickly. We'll get to see their "conclusion" at the end of the anthology...

Los Angeles, A.E. Wasp:
Kurtis and Zane are very cute together. I accepted the characters without in-depth background or well-established motives because their hearts were so very obvious. They also didn't play games. The honesty and desire for depth and something lasting was very clear from the get-go. At first meeting they were adorable, from Kurt's lack of smooth to Zane's upfront honesty. I will say that the back and forth between present and Kurt's flashback-ish moments was a bit difficult to get into. While the end came too soon for me, there was such a great connection between Kurt and one of his patients in addition to what he was building with Zane that the sentiment and intimation of something long-lasting and expanding was fantastic. I just really wanted more. 3.5 stars.
(ARC of this book was provided by this author)

Cincinnati, Aimee Nicole Walker:
This story was merely okay for me. It wasn't as transformative as I hoped. We get to know Evan through Lucas' eyes and the picture isn't exactly pretty despite their long-lasting friendship. Evan is sweet, kind, but a playboy and Luke is a late-blooming virgin in love with Evan, his best friend. A lot of time was spent defining stereotypes which felt like a waste of page space since we're all pretty well aware of the myriad of stereotypes ascribed to gay men. It didn't enhance the story or Luke's situation at all. Why were they best friends? Why are we just told that Evan did a lot of proving to Luke but we didn't get to see any of that at all when the main thing we know about Evan was that he willingly bedded a lot of women prior to the big revelation moment? Without the actual evolution of their relationship the sweetness of the epilogue is lackluster and more like a gloss-over with an overview. 2 stars.

Oakland, Alexa Land:
Rick and Ryan's first meeting was definitely less than stellar and first impressions are difficult to change. At their second meeting, though, it doesn't take long for their situation to bring out the best and the damaged parts of them and both men end up yearning for more. Their separation was predictable based on what we learn in a letter but it's the way Rick goes about seeking a reunion with Ryan that has me falling for him so hard. Their reunion was cute and while it was an HFN it held so much promise. 3.5 stars.

Cape Town, Alison Hendricks:
This story had a really great start. We really got to know both men very well right away which laid out their biggest individual vulnerabilities and insecurities. It ended quite abruptly though. With a vague mention of more but a sweet sense of hope to accompany it I can't say it was unsatisfying, but I can't say it was the best point to end on either. The dual POV was nice but I might have been willing to sacrifice that for more of a story than a super nice first date with vague mentions of maybes and possiblys regarding career and romance. Mitchell and Lucas had a ton of potential with such a great set-up that the story just seemed too short. It was nice but I just wanted more. 3.5 stars.

Boston, Annabella Michaels:
Harry and Milo were surprisingly awesome. I was immediately interested and then when they really meet for the first time I became enchanted. The surprise was both in their abilities and warmth for one another and I couldn't get enough. The ending felt natural for a segue between the end of their date and a hint toward their future. I genuinely liked both men but more in a general sense that they were both very good men and almost made for one another. I'd love to see this couple in a longer story. 3.5 stars.

Athens, Charlie Cochet:
Nico was an archaeologist lamenting his unknown nemesis only to find out that his nemesis could very well be his forever love. Aedan is a thief pursuing something he's willing to let Nico do all the work to acquire and yet there's something that makes him second-guess his life's profession. There was more a sense of yearning than actual conflict between these men and with all the sexual chemistry added to that it was difficult for me to sink deep into their story. The resolution was nice, not a lot of a plan for the career move or repercussions of defiance, but the gesture toward a happy future together was a good one. I liked that both men were changed by their encounter before they were reunited. 3 stars.

Denver, E. Davies:
Jaden and Henry were so real and honest. I enjoyed the honesty and forthright nature of both men especially concerning Henry's revelation. That questions and desires could be discussed and shared went a long way to making their relationship believable. We really got to know both men well by the end, enough to know that they truly fit and complemented one another. It was fantastic that there was no magic cure at the end, but that the progress was there and it felt organic and real. 4.5 stars.

Melbourne, Eden Finley:
The individual motivations in this story was quite different from the others we've read thus far and I have to say I really liked the direction it took. The sniping between Marty and Luce was more amusing than grating and they were very sexy together. Their dynamic was slightly unexpected and really hot. Their story's "end" was very cute and had loads of potential. 4 stars.

San Francisco, Hailey Turner:
Right from the beginning I felt like I was there with them. From a cute beginning to great characters to a nice ending that was very light-hearted and hopeful, I enjoyed reading this one. The donuts meeting their doom was funny and the best part was the consumption the next morning. Eliot's love of sweets and Bernard's love of rum give a quirky-cute vibe to both men that make them memorable. 3 stars.

Scotland, K.M. Neuhold:
Maverick was much more of a free spirit than Tucker but both men seemed to genuinely fit together. They were good characters that I truly liked. Specifically, which character ended up making the life change felt natural and believable for their personalities and inner wants despite the practicalities. Those were skipped in favor of story length giving us another HFN rather than an HEA, but it was their intimacy progression that felt the most fitting for the story. It wasn't rushed and it was more subtle while still maintaining the spice. 3.5 stars.

Washington, Lucy Lennox:
I really, really liked these men. Cam and Josh were amusing and caring, very warm right from the start. Their sexual chemistry was there also but it felt more comfortable than incendiary. They were awkward at times yet so honest and sweet. Tender and flirty and all the things. The ending was a good combination of sexy and sweet and with only three sentences we're shown how they tied together for now and forever. 4.5 stars.

New Orleans, Macy Blake:
Antonio and Paxton's beginning was quite awkward. I almost cringed when Antonio shot off at the mouth, but the immediacy of the making-nice to apologize was really good. My initial impressions of the men were that Antonio was shallow and arrogant but for his family while Paxton was a downer and pessimistic. Those impressions quickly changed, though, and their interactions felt much more fluid and interesting. While I'm not exactly sure how much I liked the cousin's visit I won't deny that it was pretty sweet and gave a sense of the family's inclusion of Paxton going a long way to making me believe that their romance would become pretty solid. 3 stars.

Toronto, Max Walker:
The drama here was much bigger than the story length could accommodate. It felt contrived. Between Brody's family tragedy and mascot trouble to the poaching it felt like there was way too much to resolve in such a short time. Not enough attention was given to the couple. Jordan and Brody's connection was definitely there but I didn't find the humor to be, well, humorous, and their interactions felt more awkward than anything. The dinner scene was nice and while the setting was a bit more fantasy than I expected, it was trying to fit in all that crazy that made it less special than it could have been. Aside from everyone and everything feeling like it was all trying too hard, there was potential there between Jordan and Brody that I would have liked more of. 2 stars.

Boston, May Archer:
An unfortunate first impression gives way to something more, something deeper, something neither Taika nor Ethan ever expected. I kind of liked their awkward start because while their contention felt juvenile (age-wise) with their temperaments and reactions, it felt relatable. Their back-and-forth was highly amusing, especially their ridiculously cute texting and their confessions were beyond adorable because they were so heartfelt coming from men who were pretty untried in the serious-relationship department. Their dynamic for being together and making things work out was very right for the characters. And that epilogue? Cute and much appreciated. 4 stars.

Baltimore, Ruthie Luhnow:
I was slow to warm up to both Michael and Adam. Michael never really grew true confidence outside of the sexy times. It was as if Adam had the potential to bring it out in him, but I'm not convinced that it'll last and encourage Michael to want to make individual changes to grow as a person. Adam seemed to tap into something softer and a small change that could lead to something more between them was there, the seed just needed germination. By the end I was kind of on the fence about the two both individually and together, but they were still intriguing enough that I hoped they'd get everything they needed and would find a way to make a future between them work. 2.5 stars.

Atlanta, Sloane Kennedy:
I was a little apprehensive as to where this story was going when we first meet Ryan and Knox. There was a little awkwardness but Knox endeared me to him straight away. It's clear at the outset that there are some really big issues in both of their pasts that both align and could keep them apart. There was a lot of healing, sweetness, and tenderness between the two men (and I'm always a sucker for a big, bad, tatted hottie that's a giant marshmallow inside). The big reveal was all kinds of awkward despite the good intentions and I'm not sure if I liked how that all played out. The sentiments and sentimentality was there from the instigator, it was just cringey-awkward as all get out. The ending was sweet with a hope for more. 3 stars.

Oh...Canada, R.G. Alexander:
Martin and Luke find their first connection is definitely the type to last longer than Martin's business trip. But it's also clear that lots of sex didn't cure his neuroses completely. Luke's humorous take on the level of bluntness necessary to get through to Martin really saved both their romance as well as the written story. I kind of liked the men, more Luke than Martin, but their final "scene" was where it brought their initial meeting and the entire anthology full-circle. The guest-list additions were awkward at best; tossing a mention of other couples invited to the event last-minute despite not really being near them in location nor were they even formerly acquainted was more out of place than the author intended, I feel. Overall the happiness was there even if we didn't really get a chance to see how they progressed outside of the overview we got as an explanation for why Martin extended his trip. 3 stars.

**I have to admit that I was generous with these star ratings most of the time because I felt it was my own dislike of an HFN ending rather than something that felt like a solid potential for an HEA that affected my feelings for the stories. Once I realized all of them would be HFN's, despite being surprised by a couple epilogues, I tried to not be so upset by that. Some stories caught me off guard with their lack of depth and ability to grasp and keep my attention because many of the authors are ones I enjoy. So make of that what you will...Volume 1 was FAR better than volume 2.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,546 reviews218 followers
November 13, 2018

I really loved the first Heart2Heart anthology so I was excited to see they were putting out a second collection! I made the “mistake” with the first one by reading out of order, or at least not reading the first story to start, so that I understood what was happening- so I made sure not to do that with this collection. Other than that, these stories can be read in any order.
This is another cute set-up, with the raffle winners being paired up and sent off on adventures. And once again I’m left wanting more from each of the stories I’ve read so far!

I was lucky enough to win a copy of the anthology from Lucy Lennox so after reading Forget Paris by R.G. Alexander to get started, I jumped to Lucy’s story, Washington. Then I took a little side trip to Baltimore with Ruthie Luhnow.

Forget Paris- R.G. Alexander
This was a really cute start to this collection, with one of the organizers from the app getting a taste of things to come- I need more!
Washington- Lucy Lennox
I always love to read stories centered around my “hometown” of DC - it’s fun to see places I know mentioned. Josh and Cam were very cute- I really enjoyed Josh’s sense of humor and how protective Cam was, for only knowing him such a short time! They had great chemistry and I hope Ms. Lennox might expand their story at a later date!
Baltimore- Ruthie Luhnow
When I saw this story took place in Baltimore I had to jump to it, since it’s in my home state! I think this is probably my favorite of the stories I’ve read so far. Adam was such a cutie- a little insecure and unsure of himself and I loved how Michael worked to pull him out of his shell. They are such opposites but quite perfect for each other.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the stories in the anthology- such quick, easy reads, but so delightful!
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
September 29, 2019
Honestly I wasn't that impressed with this group of short stories. Maybe because the premise was a blind date between characters that just met (for most of the stories) and they were all very short there just wasn't enough for me to be pulled in. Not enough character development, not enough sense of place to be able to tell where hardly any of the stories took place, not enough relationship development and most of all in almost all of these there was no sense of closure. Of course that's hard to do after just one date. Some author's did it better than others but no story in this book made me want to read more by that author or wish that their was a series or full book about the characters. Overall it was a disappointment.
Profile Image for LauraSt.
1,473 reviews48 followers
November 19, 2018
Best MM anthology ever!

This was literally one of the best anthologies I’ve read in my life! I simply adored it! It was everything you could want and more, especially considering the short length of each story. Simply amazing. Best part? Although the theme is the same, it never felt repetitive or boring. Amazing.
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,248 reviews2 followers
December 15, 2018
3 stars

Pretty decent anthology. More hits than misses but also a lot of just okay ones but I do understand that the stories are shorter so it’s not a lot of character progression nor can they stretch the time line too far so everything happens very fast! Lol

I enjoyed it. Some more than others =]
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1,005 reviews25 followers
November 19, 2018
This is different than the first one. Very abrupt endings and no resolutions whatsoever. There are some stories better than others but as a whole I feel like there were very underdeveloped stories even for it being a short story compilation. I get the feeling some of these might actually become full lengths or at least I hope. First book was way better but they are not bad stories in general and it's for a great cause.
Profile Image for Badh.
3,308 reviews61 followers
November 18, 2018
OK, if you like MM, you definitely need to get this anthology, because it's packed full of great authors and wonderful stories. None of the stories are a long read, so if you just have a few minutes and you want something to make your heart feel better, one of these stories will work. And better yet, proceeds go to a LGBT+ charity picked by each author.

The premise behind this one is that the Heart2Heart dating app is holding raffles in several different cities. What they are raffling off is dates. Basically, there are all kinds of different kinds of dates and different locations. You drop your ticket in and 2 tickets are drawn from each pile. The winners get to go out on a blind date together.

There are several brilliant authors in here, including 3 of my favorites, Macy Blake, Lucy Lennox, and May Archer.

Lucy Lennox-Washington

Lucy Lennox landed in Washington DC. Her characters are Cam, an art therapist, and Josh, who is an investigative reporter. The date they won was a tour through Arlington Cemetary. OMG, Josh is a freaking hoot! He has a such a wicked sense of humor, and he uses it well, especially to fend off nosy people. Josh and Cam are super cute together. I want more of them.

Macy Blake-New Orleans

From DC to the Big Easy, Macy Blake takes on NOLA, and hands us Antonio and Paxton, as well as Antonio's pushy cousin Michelle and her husband, Dave. Antonio is a delight, and our first into to him includes him explaining exactly what he's (not) wearing to his cousin when she tries to prank call him. I know I wouldn't want to hear that my cousin was naked and about to put on his best, snug fitting, black briefs. I mean, I love them and all, but TMI. Paxton has a twin brother who set Antonio up with a jerk, so when Antonio sees Paxton, he first insults his suit and then says that the twin would deserve it. I really want to be Antonio's friend, because I'm pretty sure he would make any life better.

May Archer-Boston

May Archer also had a story in last years H2H, and it spun off into a series. This year's story is sort of related to that series, at least it takes place in the same world. We have workaholic and self-made gazillionaire Taika who is drug to the event by his best friend Simone, who is producing it. On the other side, we have Ethan, who is working as a freelance writer and is covering the event for a magazine. He wants to be a travel blogger, and since all the dates in this story are destination dates, he's hoping to win because he's pretty sure that on his budget, it's the only way he's going to travel. So when he and Tai end up going to Disney in FLA, he's excited.

Each and every story in this book is worth reading, and they are all fantastic.
Profile Image for Annie.
1,715 reviews25 followers
January 22, 2019
Easily one of the best anthologies I've ever read

I loved the first volume, but honestly, given the unique original premise, I wasn't sure the second Heart2Heart anthology could come close. Wow, was I wrong. Not only did I get some great shorts from favorites, but I've added a number of new-to-me authors to my "read more from" list. I loved the theme that once again ran throughout and tied the myriad of stories together. All of the shorts were well written and edited, never leaving me frustrated or tempted to skip ahead; and the collection of characters and plots ensured I'll be hoping there's a third volume to come.

Brief commentary and rating on individual stories:

Forget Paris/Oh...Canada- R.G. Alexander: 4 stars- A cute, smooth story that offered a great launch and close to the anthology.

Los Angeles- A.e. Wasp: 4.5 stars- Sweet and romantic story that offered all "awws".

Cincinnati- Aimee Nicole Walker: 4.5 stars- Many laughs in a great friend to lovers story

Oakland- Alexa Land: 5 stars- A surprising and smooth story with good humor. I will definitely be reading more by this new-to-me author.

Cape Town- Alison Hendricks: 3 stars- A solid story with sweet characters.

Boston- Annabella Michaels: 3.5 stars- An enjoyable story with characters who were almost too good together to be true.

Athens- Charlie Cochet: 4 stars- Interesting characters and story that left me wanting more details

Denver- E. Davies: 3.5 stars- Different and likable cast of characters I enjoyed getting to know and see fall for each other

Melbourne- Eden Finley: 4.5 stars- Funny, sexy, and some snark. There was just enough story to satisfy but leave you wanting to spend more time with these men.

San Francisco- Hailey Turner: 3 stars- A nice pairing and an easy romance.

Scotland- K.M. Neuhold: 4 stars- SEXY. I definitely wouldn't mind more from these two's adventures and will be checking out this author's other books.

Washington- Lucy Lennox: 4.5 stars- A cute couple with good laughs and dialogue, plus a nice dose of sexiness. I liked the smooth flow and writing style.

New Orleans- Macy Blake: 3.5 stars- A fun couple that fell fast and hard but were super cute together.

Toronto- Max Walker: 3.5 stars- A good couple plus some action in this story to switch things up.

Boston- May Archer: 5 stars- A sweet story with some humor featuring a couple that simply made me happy and my heart swell. I can't believe I haven't read this author before.

Baltimore- Ruthie Luhnow: 4 stars- I loved the way this one started because it was different than the others in the collection, plus I love a good opposites attract romance.

Atlanta- Sloane Kennedy: 3 stars- A cute pairing with some fun moments and interesting characters I wanted to get to know better.

*Kindle Unlimited book*

Profile Image for Grace.
3,042 reviews184 followers
November 26, 2018
Cumulative rating based on average of all the stories I read. Honestly, it was pretty lackluster. A couple of enjoyable reads, but even those didn't totally knock my socks off. The thing that so many m/m romance writers don't seem to understand, is that writing a satisfying short story is hard and almost NONE of them have the ability. Which, that's fine, but if you're not going to try and improve, then maybe stop participating in anthologies? There are a ton of authors here I'm not super familiar with, so this was essentially my introduction to their work, and based on what I read, I have ZERO interest in reading more by most of them. Authors: creating shitty short stories can actually alienate potential readers, so maybe put some more effort into learning how to craft a shorter self-contained work, or stop writing them.

Forget Paris / Oh Canada by R.G. Alexander - 2 stars
Insta love, way too fast. I like the idea of bookending the anthology in theory, but in practice, I'd completely forgotten about this couple by the time I got to the end and didn't care about them at all.

Los Angeles by A.E. Wasp - 4 stars
Pediatric nurse & firefighter.

San Francisco by Hailey Turner - 2 stars
Both won. Meh chemistry.

Athens by Charlie Cochet - 2 stars
Archelogist & the artifact. Predictable and too much insta-love

New Orleans by Macy Blake - 0 stars
DNF. Bad writing, boring set-up.

Atlanta by Sloane Kennedy - 0 stars
Dnf. Ridiculous bordering on non-sensical

Washington DC by Lucy Lennox - 4 stars
Art therapist & political newscaster w/ prosthetic leg. Decent connection & well developed, though the banter felt a little forced and off at times.

Baltimore by Ruthie Luhnow - 2 stars
Bartender and sad stood up date. Had promise but way too short to sell as anything more than a one off.

Cincinnati by Aimee Nicole Walker - 2 stars
Straight bff suddenly in love. Could have worked if it was longer and had more development.

Oakland by Alexa Land - 2 stars
Escape room. Meh plot and random twist.

Boston by Annabella Michaels - 3 stars
Deaf marine biologist & teacher who interprets for date.

Boston by May Archer - 4 stars
Billionaire & travel writer. The writing & connection, though moved a smidge fast.

Denver by E. Davies - 0 stars
Dnf. The writing was atrocious.

Toronto by Max Walker - 0 stars
DNF after a couple of pages. The writing was awful

Melbourne by Eden Finley - 5 stars
Music festival, best one of the bunch.

Cape Town by Alison Hendricks - 3 stars
Shark incident. Nice setup but no steam.

Scotland by K.M Neuhold - 0 stars
DNF after the first chapter. Didn't grab me, editing errors, and stupid set-up.
Profile Image for Joscelyn Smith.
2,085 reviews15 followers
November 12, 2018
This is a great collection from an amazing group of authors, I really enjoyed going around the world with these characters as they find love through the luck of the draw (sometimes with a little help).

San Francisco - Hailey Turner

Bernard and Eliot were fun flirty characters who hit it off right from the start. I really enjoyed their interactions, so sweet and it made up for the donut carnage.

Athens - Charlie Cochet

I loved the international intrigue aspect of the storyline. Nico had me at praying mantis and Aedan was just the sexy he needed. I loved it. (See Rose, some people aren't selfish, they know that a door can fit two)

New Orleans - Macy Blake

Antonio and Paxton were love at first insult, who knew 🤷‍♀️. I absolutely loved Antonio's cousin, she was the best. This one was funny too, I also wouldn't step foot on a swamp tour...just no.

Atlanta - Sloane Kennedy

This one had me laughing out loud. Ryan and Knox's date was trauma inducing, there were dangly bits of a certain age flopping about 😲. From setup to sunrise, this was so sweet.
Profile Image for Katherine.
5,053 reviews36 followers
July 8, 2019
Note: I don't own this anthology, but there isn't a separate listing for Ms. Cochet's contribution.

Three Little Words
The event that gets the two heroes together is a bit contrived, their chemistry is sooo good. And man, did I like that Aedan, one of the heroes is genderqueer, male body wearing lace underwear, garter belts and stockings. So very hot.

Freebie from author. Originally published in Heart2Heart anthology, volume 2.
Profile Image for BR11.
647 reviews17 followers
December 2, 2018
Several short stories by some of my fav mm romance authors. There is a mix of steam levels. The stories happen all in different cities with a common theme: Heart2heart, the famous lgbtq dating app, has events around the world and blind dates are raffled.
Some stories were better than others but they were all entertaining and the proceeds go to charity.
Profile Image for Jessica Frances.
Author 27 books400 followers
January 23, 2019
This was definitely a five star read for me. Some of the stories I loved, and some I didn’t connect to as much, but for such a great cause you can’t go wrong. I have definitely put some new to me authors on my TBR list. Recommended!
Profile Image for Mhor.
204 reviews12 followers
April 9, 2023
Nice, not really memorable.
Profile Image for Heather.
840 reviews6 followers
November 13, 2018
Amazing Short Stories

As if you needed a better reason to support this charitable anthology that benefits LGBTQ charities, then how about new short stories from 17 amazing authors?

I started off with reading Max Walker’s contribution, which paired up Jordan and Brody based in Toronto. Their blind date had them meeting at an animal sanctuary. While the date started off unexpectedly, it quickly turned into instant attraction for both of them. They each had a mutual love of animals that brought them together very quickly. I really loved their how their relationship developed and how they opened up with each other. Jordan and Brody were super sweet and their story left me smiling.

I also read Lucy Lennox’s contribution which saw Joshua and Cam meeting each other for their date on the Mall in Washington, DC for a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Cam was initially taken aback by the fact that Josh had a prosthetic leg, but was completely put back at ease by Josh’s good natured joking. Josh and Cam spent the afternoon joking and getting to know each other. I loved their instant chemistry with each other. Then when they went back to Cam’s place? H-O-T!!!

Eden Finley’s contribution was Luce and Marty whose winning raffle date took them to a music festival in Melbourne. A festival that both just HAD to go to, but for different reasons. I loved their early snarky banter with each other. They had a true magnetism together and things get quite steamy on a grassy knoll.

I can’t wait to get started on the other stories!
Profile Image for avid reader 1.
734 reviews1 follower
November 18, 2018
Forget Paris/Oh...Canada by R.G. Alexander
I like Martin and Luke. Their very different personalities play well against each other, and their romance is sweet, sexy and satisfying.
This is a nice introduction to the anthology. It put me in the mind space needed to jump feet first into the stories without a whole lot of backstory. I haven't read anything by this author before this but look forward to more in the future.

Los Angeles by A. E. Wasp
The author takes a heart-wrenching storyline and turns it into a beautiful offering of strength, love, support, and acceptance. The secondary characters are beautifully written and tug at my heartstrings.
Kurt is a lovely person. He is warm and giving even though he is slightly awkward when confronted with a half-dressed Zane at the charity affair at the bar. The progression to passion and deeper feelings is smooth, interesting and spicy.
I enjoy this author.

Cincinnati by Aimee Nicole Walker
This is a familiar storyline, but the author makes it fresh and exciting. Evan and Luke are perfect together. The love and passion they embrace after the charity event are strengthened by the affection they have carried for each other over the years. I love this author, and she is an automatic one click for me.

Oakland by Alexa Land
Rick is uptight and wary of dating again while Ryan is fun loving and outgoing. The author, in fewer words and descriptions than I would think possible, made me care about these damaged guys and yearn for their happiness. Their journey to each other is not easy or quick, but the result is lovely and passionate. This is the first I've read by this author, and I look forward to more in the future.

Cape Town by Alison Hendricks
Mitchell and Lucas want the chance to be themselves. They find that in each other. The story is sweet and sexy, and I wish it could have been longer. I enjoy this author and look forward to more from her.

Boston by Annabella Michaels
Harry and Milo are sweet, interesting guys who make a well-matched couple. Their connection is immediate, and their passion is strong.
This is the first I’ve read by this author and look forward to more.

Athens by Charlie Cochet
Nico and Aeden find love and acceptance in their enemy. After working for opposing goals, they throw their differences aside and embrace something new and exciting that will change their lives as they know it. The passion is intense and cushions their burgeoning feelings. This is the first I've read by this author. I would be interested in seeing more.

Denver by E. Davies
I love this author. He has once more taken a damaged character, paired him with another who is finding his way in his new world, and set them up to become my new favorite characters. He has the knack of making you understand their feelings and desires, and you find yourself reaching for them to hold them up and support them as they figure it all out. This is sweet and sexy and just… all the feels.

Melbourne by Eden Finley
Marty and Luce are a surprisingly engaging pair. The storyline is fresh, and the progression of the relationship and the passion is interesting. This is the first I've read by this author and would be interested in seeing more.

San Francisco by Hailey Turner
This is another author that I love. She does a beautiful job of drawing the reader into whatever environment she has created.
Bernard and Eliot pair up wonderfully and their strong passion and the affection building between them are a good foundation on which to build a future. I always look forward to more from Hailey Turner.

Scotland, K.M. Neuhold
I enjoyed this. These characters are so perfect for each other. Maverick and Tucker are interesting and sweet. The results of the charity event lead them to each other and frees Tucker to be who he was meant to be. Their chemistry is strong, and their need to be together is beautiful.
This is the first I’ve read by this author and look forward to more.

Washington by Lucy Lennox
This is another one click author for me. She has a gift for making characters lovable. And fall in love I did.
Josh and Cam are beautiful characters that complement each other in many ways. Even with the humor, passion, dimples and the love for banana ice cream in this short offering, there is still time for seriousness and getting to know each other. They are a lovely couple.
I wish it were longer.

New Orleans by Macy Blake
This is a fun and interesting read. Paxton and Antonio are a good couple who end up being just what the other needs. I particularly enjoyed Michelle’s character.
This is the first I’ve read by this author and look forward to more.

Toronto by Max Walker
Brody and Jordan lead different lifestyles but are searching for the same thing. They find that something after the charity raffle. They have an instant connection that only grows as they spend more time together. This is a sweet, sexy read that convinces me to put my Max Walker collection at the top of my TBR list.

Boston by May Archer
This is another author I enjoy. She created two lovely characters, both at what could be turning points in their lives, that make a connection at the charity event. They find that they are not as different as they thought and their time spent together leads them to a future that is loving, passionate and complete.

Baltimore by Ruthie Luhnow
The bartender and Sad Guy. These are sweet, sexy, somewhat geeky guys who find that they have an opportunity at something wonderful. The author gives the reader a glimpse of what their future could be if they are willing to take the chance. I like this author.

Atlanta by Sloane Kennedy
This is my favorite story in this anthology. I laughed, I cried, I covered my eyes. This author has an innate ability to bring her characters to vibrant, soulful life. Their personalities have depth, and the budding relationship is exciting, sexy and satisfying. There is humor in different forms, but mainly the naked forms of Knox's uncles.
Knox is a gentle giant with a lot of patience and Ryan is damaged but personable and kind. They blend so beautifully that their HEA is a given.
I love this author.

The thing I like most about the Heart 2 Heart Anthology is the kindness and generosity exhibited by these authors and the editor, Leslie Copeland, who took the time to create something so beautiful to benefit LGBTQ charities.
Profile Image for Liza.
1,404 reviews17 followers
September 11, 2019
I loved the first anthology about the dating app gone awry. This one was a continuation, of sorts, with charity events set up around the world to raffle off destination dates. There were more unlikely pairings, fun times, and sweetness. The winner for me was definitely Los Angeles by A.E. Wasp, about the pediatric cancer nurse and sexy firefighter. This story made me weep. I really felt the emotional punch of Kurt and Zane, but Calvin most of all. I would love a follow-up on this. Another winner was Denver by E Davies. This was the first time I have ever read a story that went so in-depth with a sex scene involving a FTM post-op trans and it was wonderful. The rest of the anthology was hit or miss, but overall fun. I am excited for the 3rd volume next month.
Profile Image for Meri.
156 reviews27 followers
March 19, 2019
Thoroughly enjoyable anthology

I gave the anthology an overall 4 stars as I loved the majority of the stories, in particular I absolutely loved the story by A.E. Wasp – I’ve read that story twice over, it was just as great the second time. Some stories suffered from being too short and not having enough time to develop the characters or their relationship, felt a bit rushed. The longer stories were all excellent. Definitely a great way to read books from new author‘s and find new series to read.
Profile Image for Sali .
1,321 reviews8 followers
November 19, 2018
Reviews with spoilers

Most of those shorts are only the first meeting of both MC until their first kiss or a promise for more. Some start with sex and then more, some do not have sex. All are short but just enough. Just their first date.
I wouldn't mind reading more about them (All of them). But I kinda like having just that enterlude into their lives.

R.G. Alexander : Forget Paris (4*) Luke & Martin.
A bartender/owner and an uptight publicist/event planner.
Love it. Sweet and fun.
This short is kinda the first you need to read. Give the basis for the whole anthology. The idea is fun.

A.E. Wasp : Los Angeles (5*) Kurt & Zane.
Pediatric nurse & Firefighter. Plus, a cute 15yo.
Love it. Really sweet and hot and fun! Great story, I like how they met. Both guys are awesome, Zane sweet and calm and hot and Kurt is fun and sassy! And Calvin's friendship! Their futur look bright. (This short go past the first date!!)

Aimee Nicole Walker : Cincinnati (4*) Evan & Luke.
Bestfriend to lover. (First time bi)
Well written. Love the prelude! Both guys are great. Luke is hilarious.

Alexa Land : Oakland (3*)
Patrick & Ryan
(Black Asian MC & Femme sex worker)
Opposite attract. I love uptight heroes! Grumpy & genuine young guy.
Love the idea with the escape room. I so want to try it out too! (Just, both guys end up stuck in the room because of a power outage, the door automatically locked. I'm not sure about US law, but in France there would have been a exit fire escape door. They would never have been stuck. That bother me) but overall, sweet story.

Alison Hendricks : Cape Town (3*) Mitchell & Lucas
Guys who works in Production of commercial & Wildlife talk show guy
Awww. Sweet first date!
It's short, really short but it's a beautiful first meeting.
We don't learn much about the guys beside their job but we don't need too. Their date was cute!

Annabella Michaels : Boston (3*) Harry & Milo
Teacher & Marine Biologist.
Milo is deaf and Harry is fluent in ASL.
Sweet, sweet, sweet. Every story is sweet! The first date has a little twist here.
He does not end up with the guy from the app!

Charlie Cochet : Athens (2*) Niko & Aedan.
An archeologist and a thief!
Sweet short, uptight guy & outgoing guy.
Kinda have to suspend disbelief at the end. A bit too easy. But it's sweet so..

E. Davies : Denver (2*) Harry & Jaden.
Trans man & guy with agoraphobia.
It was sweet and beautiful. Just a bit too easy on managing and "overcoming" Jaden's agoraphobia.

Eden Finley : Melbourne. (5*) Marty & Luce.
Molecular engineers & event manager.
Music play a part. Love their meeting and both guys's attitude. They were hilarious and genuine. Great match!

Hailey Turner : San Francisco. (3*) Bernard & Eliot.
Dog walker & Programmer.
Two guys meet, go on a date, end up with sex. It was a bit bland. There is not much to tell.

K.M. Neuhold : Scotland (3*)
Tucker & Maverick.
Ginger bear guy & Free of life guy.
It was awkward. They were awkward without even trying and I love it because it felt real. Like two stranger who spend time together, get to know each other..
And the sex was hot!

Lucy Lennox : Washington (3*)
Josh & Cam
News reporter & art therapist.
Love the idea of the date.
Great chemistry. They were so adorable and fun.

Macy Blake : New Orleans (4*)
Antonio & Paxton
Business man both of them.
Love both guys. It was quite hilarious! It's short and fast! Not much happen, beside sex. We only get to see their meeting/first time together.

Max Walker : Toronto (2*)
Jordan & Brody
Office worker & Investement advisor
Cute story. The idea for the date is great. It's a really cheesy story. The dialogue were awkward.

May Archer : Boston (5*)
Taika & Ethan
Rich Business guy & poor journalist.
I love this one!
Taika is a funny man *not*. He's a stoic guy and watching Ethan bringing a smile to his face was EVERYTHING. Love those text message! We have a full story here. Beautiful to read!

Ruthie Luhnow : Baltimore (5*)
Michael & Adam
Bartender & Shy accademic guy
Loved it. They took it slow. No ruch, they experienced the butterfly feeling. Going on a walk, talking, getting to know each other. It was awesome!

Sloane Kennedy : Atlanta (5*)
Ryan & Knox
Counselor at a shelter & Tattoo artist.
I loved it. Really sweet and beautiful and perfect. Ryan hasn't had an easy life and Knox is a teddy bear. Their date started on the wrong foot and end up amazing.

R.G. Alexander : Oh…Canada (5*)
Martin & Luke
Surpise surprise!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 127 reviews

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