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Surviving Time #3

Echoes of Time

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For Etienne and me, our love has always left a trace.  It reigns over kingdoms, and rules over time.  With Etienne now in the present day, the echoes of time grow louder.  We must face the answers we seek to set things right. However, we must be incredibly careful. One false move and everything we love will be destroyed. And this time, could be the end of our surviving trace.   Echoes of Time is the epic finale in The Surviving Time Series.

403 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 25, 2019

About the author

Calia Read

19 books2,902 followers
Calia Read lives in Texas with her husband and their five kids.

You can find her constantly on Facebook and Instagram:


IG: https://www.instagram.com/ailacread/

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Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
November 1, 2022
"Time is
Too Slow for those who Wait,
Too Swift for those who Fear,
Too Long for those who Grieve,
Too Short for those who Rejoice;
But for those who Love,
Time is not."

-Henry van Dyke, Music and Other Poems


Somehow I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that I'm officially finished with Serene and Etienne's portion of the Belgrave Dynasty. When I stumbled across King of the South last year, I had no idea it was the beginning of a spinoff series from this original trilogy, but I kind of liked starting there. Rainey and Livingston completely captured my heart, and I remember immediately looking up Calia's backlist books to see if I could find more about Livingston's twin and his wife, because there were hints of time travel and it just seemed like their story needed to be told. I stumbled upon this series, and the rest is history. 😉

Is this historical fiction? Yes and no, I suppose. In my mind, I refer to it as time traveling HF due to the fact a majority of each book is spent in early 1900's Charleston, although there are quite a few extended scenes in the modern day, and Belgrave Estate is such a central character in itself that its presence sets the tone of atmosphere for the entire series. I can understand Serene's obsession with constantly trying to return to Belgrave, because I often think of this fictional place myself. The lush, opulent descriptions are tantalizing to the senses, and I wholly see myself revisiting this world over and over for decades to come. *she says as she prepares for her KotS reread*

After our shock of an ending from The Reigning and the Rule, we were left with Etienne traveling to modern era Virginia to be with Serene, something that hadn't happened yet in the series. While the couple is trying to figure out how to return to Etienne's family and life, we are also watching Livingston recover from the surprise attack he received at the end of the last book. During this last part to the trilogy, we have POV's from Serene, Etienne, Nathalie, and Old Serene, which was a welcome addition to the bunch! Lot's of moving parts in this one, but they all work together to bring about a multi-layered, satisfactory plot.

My only complaint here is that it felt like the ending was a bit rushed. A lot of things happen in the final few chapters, and while the reveal of Livingston's attacker was no surprise, I did wish to gain a little more insight behind the conundrum of Old/New Serene. I enjoyed the beautiful set up for another long running series set in the same city and era focusing on other beloved characters, and knowing I will have a bountiful supply of future Belgrave books to read makes me giddy with joy. If you enjoy romance that doesn't quite fit into neat and tidy genre classifications, you should definitely give these books a try. I'm already looking forward to the time I can revisit these stories when I'm needing a comforting experience with old friends.

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,415 reviews9,971 followers
May 22, 2019
The entire time, we need to keep one thing in mind. Time waits for noone...
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'ECHOES OF TIME' is the final book in Calia Read's 'Surviving time' series. It picks up where the previous book left off.

A Unique, Unputdownable, compelling read, that got it's hooks into me from the get go.

This was one of my most highly anticipated reads of the year!! I couldn't wait to get my hands on it..Once it arrived on my kindle it was a bittersweet moment, I couldn't prolong it any longer, knowing this was the end made that anticipation worse. Like the previous books I fell so hard in love with these characters and best of all those questions all got those answers we were seeking. I'm hoping this really isn't the end, because I really don't want to say goodbye.

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Etienne will do everything in his power to be with the love of his life Serene, his soul mate even though they are from two very different worlds, it could even mean that he leaves his family behind. And that's exactly what happens for a time.

"Serene," Ian calls out.
"Where did you find your fiance again?"
I built a time machine and plucked him from the 1900's."
Oh you're so funny, Serene my brother replies."
Etienne gives me a murderous look.

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As Etienne experiences the modern world I fell so in love with his childlike glee as he attempted and failed to keep it all together. God I loved him in this era totally out of his element. So distracted by modern technology. This is where he wormed his way into my heart even more so.

Teasers by: under the cover blog (off the authors facebook page)

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Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,255 followers
May 21, 2019
“Je t’aime tellement que je passerais l’éternité à essayer de te trouver, juste pour passer un moment avec toi.”
"I love you so much that I would spend eternity trying to find you, just to spend some time with you."

I'm going to miss Étienne & Serene soooo much... 😭😭😭

Full review to come later. ❤
*ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review. ❤

Expected publication: May 26th 2019


For Etienne and me, our love has always left a trace.
It reigns over kingdoms, and rules over time.
With Etienne now in the present day, the echoes of time grow louder.
We must face the answers we seek to set things right.
However, we must be incredibly careful. One false move and everything we love will be destroyed.
And this time, could be the end of our surviving trace.
Echoes of Time is the epic finale in The Surviving Time Series.
Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
618 reviews1,915 followers
June 5, 2019
3.75 stars

“If I feel the pull back, I will hold on to you,” I vow.

I refuse to believe that this is the end of my Belgrave journey!

I refuse to believe that there will be no more Serene and Étienne Lacroix. Nope I’ll just wait patiently for a spin-off where I can get more of them, or Livingston story, or maybe more of Asa and Natalie because seriously this two deserve to be together!

”I’ve fallen in time. I’ve loved through time. I’ll die in time.”

To be honest this wasn’t as great as the first book which I was totally OBSESSED with! It was brilliant! The beginning of this book was a little bit dragged, nothing much happen in this book that was interesting enough. But I still enjoyed it anyway. The end of Serene and Étienne story was completely satisfying. I was so worried about how this book would end, but fortunately it didn’t disappoint. The writing style was so captivating. And I would never have enough of Serene and Étienne. This was such an amazing series that deserves more recognition and love!! It’s brilliant!

”I lost my heart but found my soul in you. This was all worth it. My surviving trace.”

Song recommendation:

Time by Mikky Ekko
Adventure of a lifetime by Coldplay
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
May 24, 2019
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”No matter what you believe, there’s no opposing the undeniable fact: once we accept any truth into our lives, change is imminent.”

Time: that four letter word that we would kill to have more of is like a double edged sword sometimes. Whether it’s to go back to rewrite a wrong, have more of those precious moments with a loved one, or just to be selfish because you feel that you deserve it, time is always going to be a powerful thing that we can never have enough of.

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I started the first book in this series with no expectations. I knew a little bit about the plot and that it was going to be a time traveling romance and that was it. I remember the exact moment that I fell heart first in love with the characters and I remembered the moment that my heart felt incomplete. It was sudden, steadfast and dangerously addicting. I needed more of these characters, I craved the past era that the heroine also fell in love with, but I loathed their situation. After finishing the first book, I knew that this series was going to become a favorite of mine and I was right.

Echoes Of Time wrapped up the tumultuous journey of a couple who has literally loved each other through different times. They’ve altered their pasts, stalled their present, and made a huge mark on their impending future. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing was ever easy when it came to Etienne and Serene’s relationship. These two fought so hard for the life that they knew would bring them nothing but happiness and joy and I admired the dedication.

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“You’ve been careful with time so time will be careful with you.”

Seeing that this was the final book in the series, I was on high alert because I knew that everything had to be wrapped up but I also knew that there was going to be a lot of complications. How can Etienne and Serene stay in the present without any type of repercussions? Can love really conquer all? I am so happy that I took a chance on these beautiful books because they turned out to be more than what I knew I wanted. These characters were powerful in their own right, became game changers, and built an everlasting dynasty.

If you’re looking for a different all consuming read, then I highly recommend these books. You wont be disappointed!!

Profile Image for ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader.
627 reviews317 followers
February 15, 2022
Reread February 15, 2022

Still one of my favorite series of all time! Its so unique and addictive! Once you start you can’t stop reading. Highly recommend this series!

Original review: May 28, 2019

4.5 stars

Love Etienne and Serene ❤️ This entire series is amazing! If you like time travel romance you need to read this series! Its one of the best.

I hope we get Asa and Nathalie’s story next! I need them to be together!
Profile Image for m ✦ foesandlovers.
836 reviews84 followers
May 31, 2019

I've been sitting on this review for a while, unsure of what I wanted to say or even how to say it. I think the main thing is that I'm sad this final novel did not resonate with me the way it has a lot of other people. That being said, I'm happy for those with whom it did.

This rating is not reflective of the author or her talent, it's simply reflective of my own personal experience reading this book. I do think she has a lot of talent. In fact, Calia Read has written one of my all time favorite novels which happens to be The Surviving Trace, the first book in this series.

Was my experience reading Echoes of Time affected negatively by my overwhelming love for the first novel? It's a possibility, but I don't think it's the whole truth.

Honestly, despite me having enjoyed the second novel, The Reigning and the Rule, I also was not particularly excited with some of the directions this story was being taken into. So, I was quite apprehensive going into this third novel, but obviously, also hopeful things would turn out great and I would love it.

This review will be getting into somewhat spoilery territory from here on out, so beware:

I think my biggest issue with Echoes of Time was Etienne and Serene's selfishness. It's an issue I was already struggling with in book two, with how Serene used Nicholas only for the purpose of making Etienne jealous, completely disregarding the fact Nicholas had feelings for her and she was toying with and using him carelessly. The same could be said for Etienne, who kept up an engagement to Scarlett while also fooling around with Serene, once again, without having much care for his fiancée's feelings (especially since we learned in this third book he never intended to marry Scarlett at all)...

In this book, that selfishness reached a point where I found it really hard to even like our two main characters anymore. The way they treated Old Serene was so unfair and uncalled for. Sure, Old Serene was described as a cold bitch in The Surviving Trace, but I can't say I got that feeling from her POVs in this book. If anything, what I saw in her POVs was a woman whose life had been stolen from her (by Serene. Unintentionally, but still), a woman who had lost herself, who was confused and scared. Imagine the feeling of walking through life not knowing who you are anymore, not knowing your own memories, having people come up to you acting like they know you yet you don't know them. It's horrible, she thought she was going insane. No one deserves that.

The last scene in which the two Serenes come face to face showed some really ugly colors in Serene. Old Serene dies ultimately because Serene stole her life, fell in love and now wishes to stay in Old Serene's life. Old Serene is basically discarded to the side as a commodity, some issue you'd rather sweep under the rug and forget about. The last thing, if I remember correctly, that Serene sees in Old Serene's eyes as she's dying is fright and confusion. Old Serene—who wasn't even worth an explanation as to what the heck happened and why her life doesn't feel like her own anymore—died scared and confused. What a way to go... What takes the cake is that what Serene towards old Serene's death is not remorse—it's relief. She's relieved Old Serene is gone so now she can fully immerse herself into the other woman's life.

I think my issue here is choice. What makes Etienne and Serene seem so super selfish is that they gave Old Serene no choice nor the decency of an explanation. In my opinion, this whole final scene would have had so much more emotional impact if the two Serenes had met, and if Serene had explained what happened with the time travelling and why it happened and that she fell in love and now carries her lovers child. If Old Serene would have CHOSEN to make the ultimate sacrifice and die because she sees the love between Serene and Etienne and acknowledges that where she has nothing to lose—they have everything to lose/fight for. That, to me, would've been such a great way to tie everything up, it would've given this ending so much more depth of emotion and honestly—it would've made more sense.

Instead what we got was Scarlett suddenly turning crazy—even though she never showed any signs previously to this scene of being somewhat deranged and/or of having a vengeful personality. In fact, in book two, she was pretty even-tempered in my opinion. Anyway, so she kills Old Serene who dies without knowing what the hell is even happening and Serene and Etienne now live happily ever after without feeling any remorse for all the hurt they've brought on those around them for the sake of their "love". Again, maybe I'm too emotionally attached to this series and looking at it too closely, but that selfishness was my point of no return with this book.

Other things bothered me as well, like the fact most of the book is spent in present day and it feels like nothing's really happening till the end other than Etienne learning about technology which, after two books with such high stakes like The Surviving Trace and The Reigning and the Rule, the lack of intensity in this one (a finale, especially) was really quite noticeable. Etienne discovering how to use a remote or a laptop is funny like once, but when the whole book is more or less made up of scenes like that... it's a lot harder to stay interested, for me anyway.

I think this series might've worked better as two longer books instead of three. The lack of intensity in this book or even the MCs not being very active in their own story here made me question whether a third novel was truly needed? I also feel like the lack of presence from any of the characters introduced in book two as well as the lack of impact that whole storyline has had on this third novel makes book two feel almost like it doesn't belong? Sort of like, what was the point of the Emmeline character and spending so much time with her in book two if in the end her story has had zero impact on Etienne and Serene's arc? It's little things like this that make me think the pacing of this series as a whole was perhaps not the best, which I guess bodes well for the spin-off series since I believe those novels will all be standalones. I could be wrong about that though, so don't take my word for it.

That being said, I did enjoy Nathalie's storyline in this one, her chapter POVs were definitely a big part of what kept be reading this book. I'm very curious to see where she ends up in her own novel. I feel it will most likely be super angsty which I'm always here for! Her and Asa together are just UGH, YAS! I WANT IT SO BAD.

Again, this long review serves more as a way for me to write all my feelings down so I can let them go. The point is really not to undermine this author's talent. I do think, or rather, I know for a fact she can write a damn good, extremely solid and tightly written novel. This just wasn't that novel for me. Oh well, onward!

I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,442 reviews2,166 followers
May 22, 2019
Genre: Time Travel Romance
Type: Book 3 of 3 from Surviving Time Series
POV: First Person- Multiple

Time was never on Serene and Étienne Lacroix’s side. As they learned in the present of what happened to all the things they loved in the past, they must discover what caused the ripple in time and fix it before it’s lost forever.

And as frustrating as I found people with their lack of manners, how they carried themselves without a thought to the stranger next to them was frankly quite refreshing.

What I loved the most about this book was Étienne’s new experiences. It was amusing seeing him navigating the places and the culture. After the last book, I’m glad my thoughts on Serene back to how it was before.

f Étienne and I have broken barriers with our love, maybe we’re truly shaking things up in the world. Two people from different times simply don’t belong together, and this is the result you get. A natural disaster.

I enjoyed the overall storyline and the plot was entertaining and easy to follow. Though, I wish it could match the intensity and novelty of book 1.

Echoes of Time is the conclusion of Surviving Time trilogy. It would appeal to readers who want to get lost in an opulent time traveling romance.

Books in the series:
The Surviving Trace (Surviving Time, #1) by Calia Read The Reigning and the Rule (Surviving Time, #2) by Calia Read Echoes of Time (Surviving Time, #3) by Calia Read

⏳ 👑 ⏳ . . . (F)BR With Twinsie CC . . . ⏳ 👑 ⏳

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Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
May 22, 2019
Echoes of Time concludes Serene and Étienne story. They had to go through a lot to be together. Go through a lot of eras and change timelines. Compared to book 2 The Reigning and The Rule where they spent a lot of their time being apart, here in EoT they’re together and fighting against time to stay together.

EoT started out slow but it picked up the pace. It was a lot of fun to see Étienne in Serene’s time. Figuring out the world of electronics and of course the language. Also trying to fit in with Serene’s parents and brothers.
Serene and Étienne has a choice to make. Stay together in the present time or go back to Étienne’s time and his family. Things comes to light regarding Étienne’s companies and what happened to Livingston and Nathalie.

I really enjoyed EoT mainly because of the fabulous characters and their relationship they have. The writing is compelling and kept me intrigued and I was so invested in Serene and Étienne. I could easily read more about these characters and I hope Livingston will get a book cause just as Étienne he has captured my heart. Don’t get me started on Nathalie and Asa. The ending to Serene and Étienne’s story was incredible. I’m beyond pleased and satisfied. I don’t want to leave Belgrave and the Lacroix Family.

4 Endless Love Stars

I received an ARC
Profile Image for Lacey (laceybooklovers).
2,136 reviews11.9k followers
August 31, 2019
Originally posted at Booklovers For Life

“Our love holds time together.”

Serene and Etienne have been on a wild, epic, time-defying journey for their love, in finding it and keeping it alive. I can’t think of another series like this one – it’s about time travel, yes, but it’s a romance like no other. This series has kept my heart pounding and aching for these two characters who we KNOW are meant to be, despite time dictating otherwise. We finally come to the conclusion to Serene and Etienne’s heart-wrenching romance in Echoes of Time, and I couldn’t be happier about how their story ended.

“I lost my heart but found my soul in you. This was all worth it. My surviving trace.”

Echoes of Time picks up right where The Reigning and the Rule left off, with the cliffhanger that was both epic and god-awful. Serene and Etienne are reunited, but how do they stay together, in whatever era they’re in? Will their love be enough to defy time? Calia Read once again delivers an emotional, tumultuous, breathtaking novel, one that fans of the series will not want to miss. This is the book we’ve been waiting for, the one with all the answers that have built up throughout the series. We get POVs from Etienne, Serene, and even Nathalie. Things are left a little open-ended for side characters, especially Nathalie, Asa, and Livingston, so I hope we get their books.

You know that one book or series that makes you a lifelong fan of an author? The Surviving Time series is it for me for Calia Read. When I started The Surviving Trace, I had no idea what I was in for. Two books later, I can firmly say that Serene and Etienne’s love story is an unforgettable one and they’ve made a place in my heart. THANK YOU to Calia Read for giving us such an epic romance. What a wonderful ending to this whirlwind of a story!

Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version.

Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review.

Amazon Ebook: https://amzn.to/2EBcxVF

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Profile Image for CC.
1,170 reviews696 followers
May 29, 2019

Continuing without interruption in the plot timeline, Serene and Étienne are trying to decipher the meaning of past events through the lens of the present in hopes of not losing each other again. Though Serene and Étienne are making the most of their moments together, Étienne cannot shake the feeling something is deeply wrong.

“No matter what you believe, there’s no opposing the undeniable fact: once we accept any truth into our lives, change is imminent.”

Being the final volume in the Surviving Time trilogy, much had to occur in order to align these characters through the passage of time. With added incentive, they carefully move forward to avoid changing the course of events.

“Je t’aime tellement que je paserais l’éternité à essayer de te trouver, juste pour passer un moment avec toi.”

For me, Étienne is such a gentleman, and though he is broody, he is also smart and inquisitive. Serene remains a whirlwind. As for Nathalie, Livingston and Asa, they all added dimension to this story and I wonder about the open ended nature of a certain relationship.

What I enjoyed about this trilogy is the theme of time travel. The nostalgic element of the past intrigued me with its opulence in craftsmanship and perhaps the hint of a simpler time. However, I did find some challenges and one in particular made me feel sorry for a certain character’s role. That said, those points didn’t necessarily detract from Étienne and Serene.

Echoes of Time is a time travel romance that will appeal to those who enjoy the romanticism of the past and how love can transcend time.

Surviving Time series:
The Surviving Trace (Surviving Time, #1) by Calia Read The Reigning and the Rule (Surviving Time, #2) by Calia Read Echoes of Time (Surviving Time, #3) by Calia Read

*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

*This was a (F)BR with Twinsie Hawkey!*

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Profile Image for The Book Bee.
568 reviews279 followers
May 28, 2019
"Whoever believes love comes without sacrifice is a fool."

SIX MONTHS I waited for this conclusion. SIX MONTHS I whined about needing more Etienne and Serene. SIX MONTHS I freaked out over this love that consumed my thoughts.

And now that I am done with it, I don't even know what I am supposed to do with myself. How will my excitement level ante up for the next series, Belgrave Dynasty? How am I even going to wait for that one with a calm demeanor and a cool facade? I'm fooling myself if I think I can, because there is no way I will be able to. So now that I will be wandering around Goodreads lost, looking for another epic love, I will wait as (im)patiently as possible for the next addition to Calia Read's library of books that will center around Belgrave and the Lacroix family. I'll be desolate and I'm pretty sure I'll seem melancholy. Not my normal cheery self. But, I'll cope with the seemingly never-ending time that it will take for KotS to be here... sigh /end sarcasm font

Ok, really though - let me see if I can find all the words I need to try and explain this one. While this book didn't have the same desperation that the first two books did, I couldn't help but feel the anticipation and excitement that leapt off the pages. Etienne and Serene had time fighting against them as they were trying to cheat fate. I say cheat fate, because even though I knew fate was what brought them together, I wasn't entirely sure that was going to be strong enough to keep them together. I may have been worried at a few points during this read - I won't lie!!

Their love, their desire, their need - their world revolved around each other, and I felt that intimacy they had with each other. It was all there and I couldn't help but fight for them, screaming at my kindle as I read their story. I reveled in the happiness, I grumbled through the angering times, but I sighed a huge sigh of relief when they started to figure things out. And when it all fell into line, it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm sure it was off theirs as well...but we are talkin' about me here!

"I've fallen in time. I've loved through time. I'll die in time."

Etienne still had his old world charm and Serene still possessed the witty and oh-so-busy mouth she arrived with, but there was a different air to this book that made it feel much more fast paced; there was a sense of urgency to it. Originally, their story was told with a more intricate process. It had a slow pace with an anxiousness about it because they never really knew what was going to happen or for how long they would have together. Their moments were lived with intensity and a certain desperateness, and I ached alongside them as they moved through time, fighting to be together. But somewhere along the way, it moved to dusting over happenings and areas, surroundings and such, in this third book, so it didn't read like the first two. I wasn't disappointed. I still got my HEA - a fitting one at that. It just lost some of its intensity with the unearthing of info. I needed for this book to be an all-consuming, mind-racing, nail-biting read to keep me on the edge of my seat....and while it kept me enthralled, some parts felt a little winded and a lot confusing. I had to highlight so much, and I am not sure at this point that all the i's were dotted and the t's were crossed, but it all worked out in the end, so I am a happy Bee. Totally happy. Still slightly confused at all the names and the twists and the dates and schtuff that were thrown at me over the course of three books, but overall - still very happy. I still loved it. I still felt very in tune with Etienne and Serene. I still got caught up in their larger than life story. It wasn't anything to make me stop reading, and certainly not anything to make me roll my eyes. It was just very busy and confusing at some points, but still centered around a love that was undeniably one that time had no power over.

But that leads me to her writing style. Calia doesn't spoon feed you a story that you know what's going to happen and when, and that is part of the allure of her voice for me. I liked that she kept me guessing until the very end of the story, up to and including that epilogue that made me smile. I don't want run of the mill, and she most definitely does NOT give me that. I'm thankful for that, and I loved that she gave me a few answers but that also led me to a lot more questions. I like that she will be able to bend this into another series with more questions and answers, so that will keep me coming back for plenty more.

I can readily admit that I won't stop talking about this series for some time to come. This was my introduction to Calia Read - and it was a most epic introduction at that. Not only did I say in my first review that I couldn't get the synopsis out of my head, but I couldn't stop thinking about it and it took me a few days to finally say ok to reading it. It was a big leap of faith for me because not only was I jumping into an unfinished series by an unknown author, but it was for a time travel romance!!! THREE strikes right there. While I am so freaking excited to say I have an author that I will follow unconditionally now, that wait was rough for all three books. Absolutely ROUGH. But, again....new fan for life here. I need more of her writing. I need her to throw me for a loop. I want her to confuse me and surprise me and enlighten me and torment me. I look forward to more and cannot wait to dive into the next one.

Mark my words: Every single one of these books will be on my shelf in their present covers. These are my favorite covers she has done for this series and I am IN LOVE. I loved the original one for the first book, but I am smitten with these new ones. Such perfection.

"Our love holds time together."

PURCHASE Echoes of Time: AMAZON (AA Link): https://amzn.to/2Qt6urb

ENTER HERE TO WIN AN ECOPY: http://bit.ly/2WrD5Tz

Because time waits for no one.

My love for Étienne and Serene knows no end. I cannot wait to read more of their story. Their love. Their life. This has been my FAVORITE series of 2018.

Profile Image for Kim.
742 reviews1,877 followers
April 10, 2021
A solid end to a good trilogy.

It’s been a while since I read a time travel romance so I am very happy I enjoyed these books so much.

There are flaws, yes, but the story never stops being interesting, the connection and chemistry between Serene and Étienne seems so deep and real and they have to overcome a lot to be together.

Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them in the Belgrave Dynasty books.

Profile Image for Mirelleisreading.
378 reviews121 followers
December 25, 2022
SOLID 4.5 stars 🥰🥰

How did I go through this series so fast?
Even though usually this is trope is not my thing I loved how it added to this story.
Serene and Etienne are just *chefs kiss*
Profile Image for Sentranced Jem.
1,148 reviews606 followers
April 30, 2020
And it all came tumbling down........

Oh! I could see the fall and what a fall it was....

Well, that was a let down.

There is a reason why I love time traveling romance...mostly because they travel back in time. I don't like it when half of the book is set in the present world!
And Serene...I can finally point out what annoyed me about her. In the first book, she was 'heartbroken' over the fact that her parents in the past weren't the same parents from the future/present time. She went on and on about feeling sad and what not. But somehow in book 2 and 3 she had NO OUNCE of remorse to leave them and travel back in time. She didn't for one second stop to think about leaving her so called 'beloved' family...atleast show a tiny amount of regret that you might not see them again. But no.

Anyway, I lost interest in this book when thee setting shifted to the present world. I had no Interest in the fact that Etienne was fascinated with the world of technology. Yawn.


Luckily they go back in time..and they live happily ever after.
Profile Image for Heather❀Kiss The Pages❀.
712 reviews295 followers
March 17, 2020
"𝐼𝑓 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠, 𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒. 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒. 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝘩𝑖𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝘩𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒."

I have been COMPLETELY engrossed in The Surviving Time series!

Etienne and Serene have one of the most EPIC love stories that you can't help but be pulled into. Soulmates from two different centuries fall in love under the most unique circumstances. This is their journey to hold on to each other even as time tries to rip them apart. There is so much romance, passion and steam but also suspense and mystery!

Serene was a spitfire of a heroine with so much sass! She was wildly inappropriate regardless of the era and I loved her sarcastic humor. She was so perfect for the brooding alpha that is Etienne LaCroix. He appears emotionally detached to the rest of the world but to Serene and his siblings, his full heart and selfless character shines through. Don't get me started on how my heart swooned when he spoke french as they made love! I just LOVED these books so much! A beautiful love story, a fantastic plot and characters you will absolutely fall in love with! A top read for me this year!

5 Stars
Time Travel Romance
Heat Level: Moderate to Hot
POV: Dual
HEA: Yes

Follow me for your next comfort read!
Profile Image for Beatrix.
546 reviews94 followers
May 30, 2019
I will miss Belgrave.

This one was not my favorite of the series, but it was a lovely conclusion. And I loved the series as a whole. I hope the author revisits this world, I really want other characters to get their own books.
Profile Image for talon smith.
710 reviews129 followers
May 21, 2019
"I’ve fallen in time. I’ve loved through time. I’ll die in time."

Well shit.

I cannot believe it’s over. Now what am I supposed to do with myself? I’ve been powering through these books every chance that Calia gives me and I just don’t know what to do now that it’s all over with. Pout? Cry? Whine? Beg for more? I’m going with all of the above. Starting with pouting. 

Per the freaking usual— Calia’s writing was top notch. It’s 10 times as enchanting as Belgrave is. And her vivid imagery is what dreams are made of. All of the heart eyes. I get lost in every single page that I turn. The imagination that this story pulls from me surprises me so much. I don’t see a lot of places and settings very vividly when I am reading books but with the help of Calia’s writing, I see it all so clear. 

"There are some truths that refuse to lay down and die."

Calia did not have to go hard for us with this series. She did not have to deliver a series that is packed full of angst, yearning, love, heartbreak, and challenges. But yet here she is... out here DELIVERING like she was made for it.  I will miss not only these characters and Belgrave but Calia’s fun way of creating a world so magical that it grabs ahold of you and doesn’t let you go. The heartache, the pain, the laughs, and all of the adventures were worth it. Calia deserves all of the stars for these three books combined. True magic in book form. 

I guess in the meantime...I’ll just be here. Patiently waiting for Livingston’s book.
Profile Image for Ashlee » libraryinthecountry.
784 reviews731 followers
July 6, 2021
Gosh, I really loved the way this ended and it’s safe to say this trilogy completely swept me away into its embrace. Definitely earned an easy spot into my all-time favorites.

Fantastic romance, multifaceted and interesting characters you can root for, and a plot that will constantly keep you on your toes. Worth every star and then some.

It’s left me even more excited to get to Livingston and Nat’s stories!
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,270 reviews13.4k followers
August 6, 2021
I am in full blown mourning! I can’t believe this is my last Serene & Etienne book! What a ride this series has been. Some set in historical times, and some in modern. That’s the thing with time travel. I’ve never read a story where the characters can travel back and forth except for Outlander, and it didn’t happen a whole lot of times in that series.

I love that this series is set in my city, and those surrounding Charleston SC. It made this so extra for me!!

If you are looking for romantic suspense, steamy passion, a strong heroine, and a hero that loves his woman with a passion so deep that transcends both time, and space—this series is for you!
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,345 reviews489 followers
June 3, 2021
Overall, this series is pretty awesome. I loved the time traveling back and forth. Loved that Etienne got the chance to explore the future and that they finally got to be together and happy. I was a bit confused by the multiple POVs, personally didn’t care for some of them, and I felt like the epilogue was a bit of a mess and left me with more questions, not to mention it had nothing to do with the main couple. But as a whole, this series is fantastic and kept me hooked all the time. The audiobooks are just great! Can’t wait to dive into Livingston’s book ❤️
Profile Image for ash |.
589 reviews105 followers
October 23, 2020
“If I feel the pull back, I will hold on to you,” I vow.

Black And White Love GIF

Book 1: The Surviving Trace 5 Stars
Book 2: The Reigning and the Rule 4 Stars

Spellbinding, mesmerizing, and absolutely captivating, THE SURVIVING TIME SERIES immerses you into a historical time travelling romance filled with old southern charm and strong character development. This series will make you long to travel back in history. Angst and tension that will cause your heart to ache because the author writes in a way where you feel as if you are there experiencing it for yourself.

This was a very satisfying conclusion to the series! The first half drags a bit but the second half makes up for it all. The only piece that I didn't enjoy was the ending involving a particular character -- it just felt so out of character. I'm excited that we are getting Livingston and Nat's stories in the spin off series, Belgrave Dynasty. NASA FOR LIFE! THE SHIP OF SHIPS.
Profile Image for Butthisbook.
502 reviews18 followers
May 28, 2019
Uhh what was up with that epilogue??? 🤔


This book wasn’t at all what I expected and it makes me sad. ☹️

I’ll try to have a longer review with what didn’t work for me soon.
Profile Image for yel ♡.
504 reviews151 followers
March 22, 2020
3 of 5 stars


To be honest, the first book was the best book out of the trilogy. This book ended without even giving a solid ground. There's so many things left unexplained about how the time travelling system worked. I mean, there are tiny information splashed everywhere, like the characters giving their own conclusions, but no firm explanation as to why they were brought together despite living in different eras. That being said, it was kind of underwhelming that this hadn't given a solid story.

About the romance between Etienne and Serene, I'll be honest and say that that was one heck of a love between the characters. I admire the connection and the love they have for each other. I know this book was all about them, but I can't help but hope for something more. Not out of them, exactly. Their relationship was enough and more. But I do wish there are more Livingston in the story. Hell, he was amnesiac the whole time and I missed the jolly Livingston and his shit-eating grin. And aside from that, I want more of Nat and Asa! I mean, I know they are just the side characters, but I wished the author added more of Nat and Asa and their secret glances with each other. They deserved to have their own story. I think there will be because I've seen the latest book from Calia Read The Belgrave Dynasty series with Livingston and Rainey as the main character in the first book. Hoping that Nat and Asa will have their own.

Overall, this book was not exactly bad. It was just underwhelming and could have been more.
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
954 reviews550 followers
November 9, 2022
~~ “My story is made up of unpredictable moments that will cause you to suspend reality. You may not believe me. I beg of you, please do. Because the moment you do, you will hear the echoes of time and know anything is possible.”

<><> Story Overview <><>
This book picks up where the previous left off. Étienne has time traveled and is now in the present with Serene.

Once again, thanks to some events that happened in the past, Serene’s present is different than the last time she was here. Thankfully, the changes seem to be for the better.

Things in the past, however, are not as good. Livingston has been brutally attacked and Nat’s new marriage is not shaping up to be everything she hoped for.

Even though Serene and Étienne are clueless about what’s going on In the past, they feel a strong pull to that era and want to find their way back.

<><> A Few Thoughts <><>
^^ ~ Initially I liked Étienne’s fascination with the future, but I got bored with it. His fascination didn’t push the story forward.

^^ ~ Most of the book is in the present tense, and similar to the issues I had with the previous book, there was a lot of the story that didn’t really feel like it was moving forward regarding finding clues to understanding their current predicament.

Why weren’t they trying to find a way back? Why weren’t they trying to find out why Étienne was in the future? Why weren’t they trying to find clues about anything? Sure, they did a little searching, but it really wasn’t the focal point of the story. At 80% they finally find their way back to the past and that’s when the story got interesting. The majority of the book was them in the present with not much happening and it got very boring.

^^ ~ 1914 is not the 19th century. Over and over this book kept saying they were in the 19th century. Spoiler alert, 1901-2000 = 20th Century!

^^ ~ they fly to Charleston. Hmmm, exactly how did Étienne get through TSA and board a plane with no identification?? 🤔

^^ ~ the spelling errors really picked up in the last 10% of the book.

^^ ~ I was not extremely fulfilled at the end. I would’ve liked an epilogue that looked further into the future regarding Étienne and Serene rather than the epilogue I was provided. Who was the person in the epilogue??? Obviously it was a relative, but I just felt the epilogue left more questions than giving me a feeling that everything was wrapped up.
Also I would’ve preferred some closure with her present family. Do they think she’s missing or do they have a life where she was never part of their existence? I kept thinking Old Serene and this Serene we’re ultimately going to switch places in history. When all was said and done, I felt bad for what happened to Old Serene.

^^ ~ The Scarlett thing - out of left field and I didn’t buy into it because she had no previous tendencies in this direction (i.e. crazy)

^^ ~ I was hoping to get a completely wrapped up story about the whole family. I realize now there are other books that will tell Livingston and Nat’s stories. I don’t think I’ll read them as I just haven’t been blown away by this series. All books were long and books two and three got boring and I lost the excitement I experienced in book one.

<><> Quotes <><>
“Nothing’s sexier than a man oblivious to his own appeal.”

“Does any frustration compare to when someone refuses to take ownership of their behavior?”

“I lost my heart but found my soul in you. This was all worth it. My surviving trace.”
Profile Image for Vivian .
572 reviews6 followers
May 26, 2019

“Je t’aime tellement que je passerais l’éternité à essayer de te trouver, juste pour passer un moment avec toi.”-Etienne
(I love you so much, that I would spend eternity trying to find you. Just to have a moment with you.)

I have so many emotions coursing through me now that I have finished this book. Back when I started this series in November of 2018, I had NO IDEA the journey it would take me on. The love I would have for these characters and their story. This is by far the BEST time travel romance EVER! Etienne and Serene's love is timeless and proves to be able to withstand the test of time. And it's not just Etienne and Serene that I love. I LOVE Livingston, Natalie and A too and I can NOT wait for all of there books to come!!

This series will stay with me until the end of my time. I will recommend it to EVERYONE that will listen. The writing is beyond genius. The way in which Calia had to write the storyline to fit the ever changing plot was pure PERFECTION! (Because when you mess with time, you ultimately alter history, right???). I once again found myself taking notes upon notes while reading this book. There is just so many details that are important and then there are minor things that made me go, hmm, will I need to remember that???, so I wrote that down too LOL. I've learned from the previous books, that ANY LITTLE THING could be important and needed "farther down the road".

My mind was blown with the twists and revelation that happened towards the end of the book. I just kept thinking while reading "how is this all going to play out?" and then everything just fell into place flawlessly! I am utterly floored how every piece of the storyline ended up working out. Kudos to Calia and her brilliant brain because I couldn't of thought up and executed all of this. The only thing I had hoped for was for this novel to match the intensity that the other books did in this series. This one was more "mellow" in nature, with most of it's angst to happen towards the end of the book when everything fell into place. Also, I was anticipating the whole time travel aspect to be a HUGE reveal in this final installment, but there really wasn't one. I can't give more details without spoiling so that's all I will say. But even with these "issues" I had, I still very much enjoyed Etienne and Serene's story. I was overjoyed to read their HEA!

"I lost my heart but found my soul in you. This was all worth it. My surviving trace."
"My surviving trace."
I whisper back.

If you have not started this series, NOW IS THE TIME! You will not have to suffer through the pain I endured when I had to wait months in between each release to get more of their story and their breathtaking world. ECHOES OF TIME is the conclusion of Surviving Time trilogy, but Calia plans to write spinoff books for secondary characters from this series.

4 stars
Profile Image for Melanie THEE Reader.
360 reviews52 followers
March 17, 2024
A dynamic end to an enjoyable series. I have to say.... this might be my favorite book in the series. Mostly because Serena wasn't as obnoxious as she was in the other two books. It was way more enjoyable reading about Etienne adjusting to a new time period than it was seeing Serena not even attempt to adjust to living in the past. I could've read 2 more books about Etienne learning about technology! But one thing bugs me about Calia Read's writing: she randomly inserts cheesy phrases and it's incredibly jarring, in this book most of the cheesy phrases are about time like "Time isn't always on our side" blah blah blah. At one point I was expecting to see "Time is the wisest counselor of all” or “Lost time is never found again” somewhere in the book. Her writing is good but sticking random phrases that you’ll see on a coffee mug took me out a bit. But that's just me nitpicking.

3.5 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 377 reviews

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