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A Gathering of Dragons #1

A Heart of Blood and Ashes

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A generation past, the western realms were embroiled in endless war. Then the Destroyer came. From the blood and ashes he left behind, a tenuous alliance rose between the barbarian riders of Parsathe and the walled kingdoms of the south. That alliance is all that stands against the return of an ancient evil—until the barbarian king and queen are slain in an act of bloody betrayal.

Though forbidden by the alliance council to kill the corrupt king responsible for his parents’ murders, Maddek vows to avenge them, even if it costs him the Parsathean crown. But when he learns it was the king’s daughter who lured his parents to their deaths, the barbarian warrior is determined to make her pay.

Yet the woman Maddek captures is not what he expected. Though the last in a line of legendary warrior-queens, Yvenne is small and weak, and the sharpest weapons she wields are her mind and her tongue. Even more surprising is the marriage she proposes to unite them in their goals and to claim their thrones—because her desire for vengeance against her father burns even hotter than his own…

534 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 4, 2020

About the author

Milla Vane

7 books632 followers
Milla Vane is an alternate name for author Meljean Brook.

Meljean was raised in the middle of the woods, and hid under her blankets at night with fairy tales, comic books, and romances. She left the forest and went on a misguided tour through the world of accounting before focusing on her first loves, reading and writing-and she realized that monsters, superheroes, and happily-ever-afters are easily found between the covers, as well as under them, so she set out to make her own.

Meljean lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and daughter.

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
March 3, 2020
3 Conflicted Stars

Before I get started, I have a confession to make...

When requesting this book from NetGalley, I did not realize that Milla Vane is really Meljean Brook. All I saw were several glittering reviews from some trusted GR friends, the word "Dragons" in the title (more on that later), a hot barbarian on the cover, and the mention of a marriage of convenience in the blurb.

And so this was me:


Now, I have nothing against Meljean Brook. She is a wildly popular author who has written some much-beloved series...

It's just that I have DNF'd book one for two of those series.


After that, I never picked her stuff up again as I figured she just wasn't for me.

But enter NetGalley.
And Dragons.
And Barbarians.
And an arranged marriage.
And I have no self-control.


Plus, it wasn't until after I had already gotten the book from NetGalley that I learned it was authored by Meljean Brook. And, since I've already fucked up my "feedback" average with those fine folks enough already, I figured I should at least give this a shot.

My long-winded point in explaining all this?

Take this review with a grain of salt. Because it's probably just me. And I probably shouldn't have read this being that I already know this author just isn't for me.

But, let's do this anyway. On to my "review."

The first - and perhaps most important, dammit! - thing I want anyone to know is that there are NO actual dragons in this book with Dragons in the title.


Instead, the "dragon" being referred to here is really a squad of barbarian warriors acting as the personal guard of someone royal or important. Or something. And they ride in a formation and "fly" AKA ride. And each warrior is referred to as a part of the "dragon." So-and-so is the wings and so-and-so is the tail. Or something.

But anyway, I digress.

There are no fucking dragons, people. Moving on.

Secondly, the whole time I was reading this book, I found it equal parts enjoyable and yet tedious.

I enjoyed the story line and I enjoyed the characters. And, despite my disappoint that there were no actual dragons to be had here, I really liked Maddek and his metaphorical "Dragon" (AKA his band of warriors). I am always a sucker for the band of brothers/sisters shtick. Because #squadgoals. And the world-building?

Excellent. Truly excellent.

I remember from my attempts at reading Brook's other books that she really does excel at world-building. The magic system and mythology got a little hazy at times, but overall, she does a really great job of building the world without the heavy info-dumping from which a lot of first-in-series books suffer. So bravo. That takes a lot of skill and I truly believe Brook is a talented author.


As great as the world-building was and as much as I enjoyed the characters, I also felt like I never truly got to know them as well as I would have liked. I also never had any problems putting the book down or felt any urgency to pick it back up.

I attribute a lot of that to the aforementioned tediousness, which I feel stemmed from both the writing style and the fact that the romance between Maddek and Yvenne would go one step forward and three steps back all throughout the book.

But before I get into the square dance that was the relationship build here, let's go back to the writing.

Honest to God, I sometimes felt like I was in an episode of Star Wars with Yoda as the narrator.

I mean, read some excerpts with me here, folks:

"So hot and hard he was, Maddek barely trusted himself to touch her."

"Hard Maddek must have slept. He knew not when Yvenne left their bed or their quarters."

"Rough he was, rougher than he'd ever been, his grip tight upon her arms and legs as he held her wrists..."

"So quiet the tent was, only filled with the sound of their breaths."

"How long Yvenne cried, she knew not."

"Patience you must have, my young padawan."


Okay, so obviously that last one was me fucking with you, but still. You get the idea.

Not only did said style make the writing feel stilted to me, but having Yoda-speak so often occur during the (super delayed) sex scenes?


The biggest annoyance to me in the book though, and what is probably my main reason for not rating it higher, is the aforementioned romance square dance.

I felt like Maddek and Yvenne took FOREVER to get anywhere. They kept hashing and rehashing the same shit - Maddek's inability to see past Yvenne's supposed "sly-tongued" nature. Now, I get that this was very important to Maddek's character. His people take lying and the truth VERY seriously. But I feel like they go back and forth about the same conversation for pretty much the entirety of the book.

And despite the fact that Yvenne's sole goal in this whole thing is to get knocked up with an heir, these two don't get really get busy until upwards of 80%. Eighty percent, people.

Now, I am all for a good slow burn every now and then. One of my favorite authors is Mariana Zapata - the QUEEN of the slow burn. But the situation in this book just left me super frustrated.

First it was that they wanted to make sure she wasn't already pregnant.
Then they had to wait for her "moon night."
Then there was a fight scenario.
And then there was me:


Now, I'm not trying to tear this book apart by any means. I DID rate it three stars - which means I "liked it" - I just didn't love it like I was hoping to. As solid as the world building was, it just didn't keep me captivated. As I mentioned earlier, I had no problem putting this book down and had to actually remind myself to pick it back up.

All that said, despite having have mad respect for this author, I truly think it just boils down to something about her writing style and construction just not being for me. But I know a lot of people for whom this book totally worked. And I think anyone interested in this blurb should give it a shot.

***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Navessa.
449 reviews184 followers
January 6, 2020

This book is a lusciously brutal foray into romantic fantasy, with a love story that burns so hot, you might singe your fingers while reading it. I devoured it in a single sitting and have been struggling to re-emerge back into the real world ever since. It’ll be a travesty if it doesn’t top the “Best Romance of 2020” lists.

“There are enemies, and there are monsters. Always slay the monsters first, because enemies may one day become allies – but monsters never will.”

I know we’re barely into January, but I’m just going to come right out and say it:


I’m confident in that, because I have been waiting for a book like this for years. YEARS, I TELL YOU. My two favorite genres are romance and fantasy. Therefore, my favorite subgenre of all time is romantic fantasy.

Do you know how many romantic fantasy books there are? I do, because I have read all of them and there are simply NOT ENOUGH.

With A Heart of Blood and Ashes, Milla Vane has crowned herself as the new queen of the genre for me. Seriously, this book was THAT good.

Okay, now let me try to get my shit together and do it justice in an actual review instead of just flailing all over my keyboard.

*deep breath*

This story is centered in a fantastical world. It has a sort of medieval setting, complete with towering castles, barbarian hordes, vengeful gods, and evil sorcerers. Also, dinosaurs are a thing. Just an FYI for those of you with shorter attention spans, this is definitely on the high fantasy side of the genre, with extensive world building.

The great thing about that world building is that it never once reads like an info dump. Milla Vane did a genius thing with this. The female lead, Yvenne, has spent her entire life locked away in a tower, so you see the lands and cities she travels through from her awed perspective. Everything is fresh and new, and because of this, the setting and history of all the places she visits unfolds in a natural, organic way.

The story opens with the murder of the king and queen of one of these nations. Their son and heir, Maddek (the male lead), is a military commander at the time, fighting on the front lines of the allied nations’ territory.

The message he receives about their deaths is cryptic. Because the leaders of the alliance council know he will freak out when he learns the truth. As much as these allied nations claim to be civilized and fair, they know the story they were fed about the deaths of his king and queen is total bullshit.

And so does Maddek.

Seeking vengeance, he abducts the daughter of King Zhalen, the man who had his parents murdered. That princess would be Yvenne, and whoo-boy do they have some instant chemistry.

Real talk: I’m not typically a fan of darker romances. In fact, I usually avoid the subgenre at all costs, because I almost always find the “romances” in them to read more like glorified tales of abuse and manipulation. Seldom do I understand the character choices.

That said, I loved the hell out of Maddek and Yvenne, regardless of the fact that their interactions sometimes dipped toward the darker side of romance. Because, through their perspectives, I understood them both, and though I might not agree with their choices, I could see why they made them.

Thanks to the book blurb, it’s not a spoiler to say that Yvenne is nothing like what Maddek expected. He’d been led to believe that she acted as an agent of her father and betrayed his parents by luring them to their deaths. Imagine his surprise when he finds out that her hatred for her father eclipses even his own. Instead of murdering her, he winds up betrothed instead.

From the moment they meet, they’re on the run. Because Yvenne’s father will do anything to keep the truth of what he did hidden. And he’s even more desperate to keep his motivations a secret.

Yvenne and Maddek are pursued through several nations, guarded by an incredible cast of side characters that I liked so much, I would gladly read a story from each and every one of their perspectives.

Another thing I’ll say is that this is not always an easy read. There are some harder themes in here. The violence is brutal and sometimes gory. I was so invested in these characters that every time one of them was hurt, I got a little bit ragey on their behalf. And it’s not always smooth sailing for our hero and heroine. It’s more like they chartered their course through a storm-swept sea. But what never flags is their heat.

Good lord, these two set the pages on fire.

One thing I loved, loved, LOVED about this book was how inclusive it was. More than half of the cast are characters of color, men and women hold equal power in leadership roles, and sexuality is so widely accepted as being fluid that it’s literally never made into a “thing”. It’s just written along the lines of “she took her to bed”, without further dissection, and amen for that.

Another thing I loved was the way that Yvenne was portrayed. She’s easily one of my favorite female leads of all time. I am sick to death of readers equating traditional male qualities as strengths in heroines. Like, a heroine is only ever deemed “strong” if she swears a lot, and is violent, and is short-tempered, and never cries, etc.

Yvenne is not physically strong. She spent her life locked in a room. She has chronic pain thanks to a knee that was once shattered. But Yvenne is not without strength. Her mind is an exquisite thing. Her political acumen is prodigious. She was cutthroat and manipulative and deceptive and did anything to get what she wanted – all for the good of her people – and I fucking adored her for it.

And Maddek. Oh, Maddek. At times I wanted to punch him in the face. Then half a page later I wanted to climb him like a tree. What I’m saying is that I understood why Yvenne lusted after him and was pissed at him in equal measure.

It’s important to point out that I never, ever gave up on him. I rooted for him as hard as I did Yvenne, and his character arc is as strong as hers. He learns from his mistakes. He strives to be a better man. While he sometimes pissed me off, I totally got why he acted the way he did, and I never stopped believing that he would work through his demons.

Which he does, and lord is it worth it. I damn near cried when this ended.

One last note is that while their romance is a dominant part of the story, it shares space with one gloriously complicated plot. This is a highly political fantasy setting, with kings and queens and gods all vying for power on the same playing board. Just when you think you know what is going on, the rug is pulled out from under your feet. Just when you think these characters have finally made it to safety, a new threat emerges.

I was honestly terrified that this was going to end on a massive cliffhanger and I’d be left waiting in breathless desperation for the next one to come out.

Fear not, fellow reader! This ends with the HEA we expect from romance, but with room for more installments.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to avoid the massive book hangover this will give me by just picking it back up and reading it all over again.

What a way to start the year!

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Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,062 followers
December 16, 2022
How can this be awesome yet boring and bloody frustrating at the same time? :( Also, what kind of genius do you have to be to name a series ‘A Gathering of Dragons when there’s not one lick of said creature found in it? The Milla Vane kind of genius, obviously. Boo! That’s deceptive marketing right there! I—

*Calling the police.

Well, I guess... Serves me right for being a dim bulb; it didn’t occur to me that the word ‘dragon’ can actually refer to a number of things (at least according to Google Dictionary). To be fair, tell me how many of you would see/hear the word ‘dragon’ and not automatically think of…

Equally fierce, she said, “All I have ever known is pain. So use me to avenge your queen and king, if you must. Through your vengeance I will also have mine. To see my people freed, to see my father and brothers destroyed, I will bear anything.”

Anyway, the story is of military commander/warrior royalty Maddek (H) who is seeking to avenge the deaths of his parents; but in a twisted turn of events, he receives a proposal instead from Yvenne (h)—the secret daughter of the king responsible for his parents’ murders. Yvenne despises her cruel, abusive father as much as Maddek wants to chop off his head; thus, begins their unlikely, tempestuous alliance.

Safety details: H has been celibate for eight years; h is a virgin; no cheating or OM/OW drama, but there’s a bit of jealousy involved; third person, dual POV; considering the nature of the book, some blood and gore are warranted.

One of the best parts about this book is the characters. More specifically Yvenne, who’s akin to the barbarian version of Rapunzel. Except, she isn’t like anyone you’d imagine growing up locked in a tower. For her body might be frail, but her mind (and tongue) is sharp. She is not meek because she has a backbone made of steel. Meanwhile, Maddek is a formidable warrior who values truth above all else; hence, his straightforward nature. He can be annoyingly stubborn though, especially when it comes to his misguided convictions of Yvenne.

Their first meeting was intense, violent, and hostile, but they had instant chemistry. Watching them banter, argue, and fall in love was a sweet descent to Romance Cloud Nine. It was also a slow burn that at times proved to be more vexing than it was worth for the two of them would rehash the same argument over and over. Their relationship would reach a breakthrough, only to have it regressed some time later. It was mainly Maddek’s fault and his continued refusal to believe and see things from Yvenne’s point of view. Honestly, he was a total *bum* half the time.

“There are enemies, and there are monsters. Always slay the monsters first, because enemies may one day become allies—but monsters never will.”

The budding friendship in this book is also something worthy of note—amicable and heartwarming. Maddek & Yvenne are on the run from the king, and they’re guarded by a group of Maddek’s warrior guards. These people are what the book refers to as ‘dragons.’ Yes, now you know the mystery behind the series title is finally unveiled. In regards to world building, it’s marvelous without being too info-dumpey or suffocating and has a medieval type of setting complete with belief systems, barbarian hordes, and palace politics. I didn’t really understand the magic though.

Ultimately, I’m a plot person. While the premise of this book (marriage of convenience, forced proximity, enemies to lovers) is to die for, it’s too bad that there is SCARCELY any excitement or action to be had in the plot. For the majority of the book, the characters are travelling across the realm, and they spend time conversing and strategizing—which is the epitome of snoozefest for my thrill seeking, bookish spirit. Surely, that hardly conveys the magnitude of danger of the situation these people are trapped in. *SMH*

She had promised to make his life a misery. He still believed she would. But in that moment, he’d realized his life would also be a greater misery if Yvenne wasn’t in it.

On another note, the writing is impeccable. There’s an old timey, historical feel to it that I adored. Some might consider it stilted, but I think it’s rather beautiful and fits the ambience of the story. You must know, the author truly does love her euphimisms, LOL. Not only does she uses ‘dragon’ as a metaphor for royal guardsmen, but the words ‘nipple’ and ‘clitoris’ are also substituted with ‘ruby’ and ‘pearl’ respectively. I mean no criticism by it. In fact, I dug it. I think it was playful and sexy without being too vulgar, haha.

All that being said, this book was good (top notch writing, solid world building, mostly wholesome romance), but in a way that was disheartening and unfulfilling because it didn’t keep me invested all throughout or made me want to compulsively flip the pages and read on out of the urgency to find out what happened next. Instead, I was exasperated a few times by the couple’s push & pull and bored of the flat plot. In any case, I won’t be reading the rest of the series. Oh, and I thought that A Heart of Blood and Ashes reminded me of Comanche Moon by Catherine Anderson.

(Read as an Audiobook)
April 23, 2020
Audio - 4 Stars. I would have preferred a male narrator, but that's just me.

Story - 5 +++ Stars


My kind of action-adventure romance because there's equal parts action and romance.

Read the blurb it’s all that and more with a fierce, fearless, strong of mind and heart heroine who doesn’t back down from an asshole-ish alpha hero. Instead her actions and words make him realize she is the SHERO, and he needs to COME CORRECT!!! And he does!!

Can't wait for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews517 followers
October 30, 2020
"What have I done, that you do not know how I would ride across the world just to lay my gaze upon your face?"
I savored every word! There's nothing I love more than two strong characters going head-to-head in forced proximity. Then, add in a historical-fantasy road trip and I'm on cloud 9.😍😍

Plot in a nutshell: So historical fantasy plots generally elude easy summary, lol, so I won't bother. I will tell you that the world building was top-notch here and it wasn't dumped all at once.

Maddek is the son of a murdered king and queen, and a warrior in his own right.
Every Parsathean warrior knew life was too uncertain to leave important words unspoken.
He's the epitome of strength, and his culture makes him blunt and extremely straight-forward.

In his quest to avenge his parents, he ends up with Yvenne - the heir to her own throne - in his custody. Maddek is convinced she's involved in their murders.
"Sometimes the only justice is burning rule and law to the ground."
After years of abuse at the hands of her father, Yvenne is physically weak, but she attempts to use her sharp mind to convince Maddek of her version of the truth . . . something he's not disposed to believe.
A queen did not cry when there was someone to see her tears.
Oh, these two! Watching them fall in love against all the odds was wonderful; the banter, the chemistry, their knee-jerk reactions, their remorse, their moments of vulnerability - all of it, such good stuff!
"My only prayer is that your wounded heart will one day heal enough to love me in return."
Yes, Maddek was a total ass half the time, but Yvenne had a backbone of steel. And I loved how it all played out against a backdrop of intrigue and magic. I enjoyed the heck out of this one!
Profile Image for Mrinmayi.
155 reviews654 followers
August 20, 2020
Nothing is better than a man who is loyal & honorable

TBH this book made me love the Romance Genre again
Another example of "Don't judge the book by its cover"
I will explain my problem with cover later on in the review...

Let's start with the review...
I knew the Hero was going to end up being my favorite when he straight away refused to take any lover
His reason was ..that his parents were searching a bride for him & while they had NOT selected a bride for him..he STILL thought it would be insulting his "Future vows"
He won't insult his bride like that...

Stark Maddek(Hero)
Add to the fact that he was NOT a playboy!!!!

Now..this might sound stupid BUT the main reason why I got tired of the romance genre was the PLAYBOY TROPE
I understand if there were a "few" books out there with this trope BUT looks like almost every author was using this trope
So obviously having the HERO who was dedicated ONLY to the h made me do the happy dance

I don't mean the Hero wasPERFECT but that's what made him more realistic in my eyes
MANYTIMESsometimes I wanted to hit him BUT then he would do something really sweet which made me go...

The main character (heroine)Yvenne
She was NOT a doormat
Was not a "warrior"
She had this quiet strength which made me respect her even more
The girl suffered sooo much YET she took her future in her own hands
The banter she had with the H had me smiling all over
Another thing I appreciated as that she had self-respect*thanks romance Gods*
She did not let anyone walk over her
Also, the scene where she stabs her brother.....(Don't worry not a spoiler .It happens early on)

Sooo..overall a great experience!!!
My fav part was obviously the fantasy element
The world was amazing
Hopefully, we will get more world-building in future books!!*fingers crossed*
The tropes included in this book were
1) Enemies to lovers
2)Kinda slow burn
3)marriage of convenience
4)Shared bed trope *laughs giddily*
5)Opposites attract

Now the cover...
I only saw this part at first...

It looked like an alien wearing clothes..
That was his pecs btw..
BUT the image stuck with me & every time I started this book it reminded me of the "alien eye/pec" dude😂😅
That's it..nothing funny BUT it did make ME laugh

Enjoyed this "it was kinda BR but not actually a BR" with my Best friend Joey Tribbiani
Profile Image for Lacey (laceybooklovers).
2,136 reviews11.9k followers
February 4, 2020

I’ve had so much hype ever since A Heart of Blood and Ashes got on my radar. I’m always on the looking for an epic fantasy romance, and this one sounded so promising. Plus, I’d read Milla Vane years ago not just under her pseudonym Meljean Brook (The Iron Duke is still one of my favorite fantasy romances!), but also when she published a novella under MV in an anthology. So I knew she could write incredible fantasy worlds – and she didn’t disappoint with this first A Gathering of Dragons book. It was a fantastic start to a new series that I already need more of!

An enemies to lovers romance, slow burn, political intrigue, spilled blood, and barbarian warriors – this fantasy romance has it all. AHoBaA kicks off with the murder of our hero Maddek’s parents, who were king and queen of their barbarian kingdom and part of an alliance council that formed out of a truce between all five kingdoms. Now Maddek is next in line for the throne, but first he wants revenge against the rival king he believed killed his parents… starting with their daughter. But Yvenne offers herself up as his bride instead, because the one thing she wants most in the world is her corrupt father’s death. Neither of them expects the insane amount of chemistry to build between them or that they would start falling for one another.

This book was SO FREAKING GOOD! It was a little slow to get into in the beginning, with all the world-building and info dumping we’re getting hit with straight off. There are a ton of characters and kingdoms to keep track of. But once I hit my reading stride I couldn’t put this book down. I’ve been wanting a new, epic fantasy (romance) to get obsessed with, and AHoBaA hit all the right buttons for me. Alpha, barbarian warrior; heroine who uses her words and brain to kick ass; a delicious, sexy slow burn in a marriage of convenience; and some epic world-building. The pacing is fairly slow but it’s never boring. I loved the amount of steam we got as well as a good dose of angst between our main characters. I was HOOKED onto the romance – I was so glad that despite everything going on, Milla Vane made the romance the main focus of the story.

I do have to say, sadly, there are no actual dragons in this book (they used to exist, but not anymore), but there are Dragons! They are basically Maddek’s bodyguard/friends. Other than that, I can’t wait to read more of this fantasy world. I’m so glad we don’t have to wait too long for the next book (only five months!). Even though this first book concludes Maddek and Yvenne’s romance and revenge subplot, there is still an over-arcing plot that deals with a dangerous, powerful being that’s about to wreak havoc. I’m so looking forward to where Milla Vane will take us next

Amazon ebook: https://amzn.to/37gYwZL
Amazon paperback: https://amzn.to/2ttCuEx
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,123 followers
June 5, 2020
What do you get if you combine fantasy + captive romance + angst + dinosaurs + singe-your-eyeballs sexiness into one book? Well, you get A Heart of Blood and Ashes of course!

This book had me from the very beginning until the end. The world building, the characters, the romance—every element I wanted in a fantasy romance is in this book. Maddek and Yvenne are characters I won't soon forget.

If you're a reader of fantasy, you would recognize some of the tropes that Milla Vane used & subverted in this book. Yvenne is the hidden heir. She's literally Rapunzel hidden in the tower but instead of waiting for the prince to rescue her, she schemed her way into getting kidnapped by him.

And then there's Maddek. The conquering barbarian king hell bent on revenge after his parents were brutally murdered by the Syssian king. He's just as compelling as Yvenne. His journey from warrior to king was Vane's answer to Martin's "Kill the boy, Jon Snow and let the man be born" and I loved it.

But what sets this book apart from other fantasy stories out there is the romance. One of my frustrations with fantasy is often how romantic elements or love stories were treated. This book did it justice. It's emotional, sexy, and satisfying. The alliance between Maddek and Yvenne is the heart of this book. Period.

Don't get wrong. I loved the dinosaurs and the battles and the magic and the political machinations but if the romance had failed, I probably wouldn't have loved it as much. The romance between Maddek and Yvenne was truly breathtaking and unforgettable.

Whether you're a fantasy fan or a romance fan, or both, I would highly recommend you check this book out. It's fantastic.


ARC provided by Berkley Romance
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
April 28, 2020
There are enemies, and there are monsters. Always slay the monsters first, because enemies may one day become allies but monsters never will.

When I realized that Milla Vane is also Meljean Brook, I knew I had to read this book. I've loved some of her steampunk books (even though I read them ages ago) and the one thing that always stood out to me was her ability to create unique worlds. And when I read fantasy and barbarian in this blurb, I was on it like a sex addict at a porn convention. Or white on rice for all of you clutching your pearls right now.

When it comes to unique and rich world building, no one does it quite like this. I was immediately enraptured in this world of magic and warring kingdoms. Think Withcher meet Game of Thrones. I'll warn you that this book is not for the faint of heart. It's graphic, violent, and deliciously gritty. It spares no bloody detail and I was so here for it. Not the blood, but the details. Oh you know what I mean, stop judging.

Granted, the dialogue took a bit to get used to. I get we're in olden times here, but the fact that everyone speaks like Yoda took me a hot minute to look past. Not going to lie, it seriously took me a minute to get used to. Weird it was. Not used to it was I. But all that began to pale in comparison to the story.

Now look, if you love a good captive romance, this one deliver in spades. SPADES I tells ya. Picture this: Maddek of Parsathe, a barbarian warrior, leader of the Parsathe army and soon to be king finds out his beloved parents have been brutally murdered and their good name smeared. The man responsible for their death seems untouchable due to politics. A man desperate for bloody revenge gets the chance through the daughter of his enemy when she offers him a deal. Save her from her father and take her for a bride so that she may take the throne from her father and Maddek can wreak his vengeance. The only problem is she may also be who lured his parents to their death. A deal forged through fragile bonds. A woman desperate to escape a certain hell that's been her life only to walk into the flames of fire and into the arms of the man that sees her as nothing but a tool for his vengeance. GAH. Delicious, right?
Yvenne was like gravel between his teeth. A splinter beneath his skin. The steel in his cock.

Theirs was an arrangement full of distrust and bitter anger. Maddek refuses to believe that anything Yvenne says is true. She's the daughter of a liar and a murdering king. He sees her only as a tool and treats her no better. You want to hate him for his cold and brutal treatment of her, but being in his head makes it impossible. You understand where that distrust comes from.

Yevenne has survived certain hell in her young life, yet she's fierce as hell. This woman is a warrior, even if she doesn't look it. Held captive, tortured, she sees no other escape but to offer herself as a bride to man that distrusts her almost as much as he hates her. Yet none of that took away her fierceness. She chips away at Maddek's walls and defenses little by little, and nothing has felt more gratifying than watching his unwilling fall.

If you love a good alpahole with a splash of hate to love and an epic grovel, this one will tick every box for you. I'm totally addicted on this new series and salivating for more. If you're looking for something utterly unique and completely addictive, you found your next read.

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Profile Image for Arena♡.
410 reviews723 followers
October 13, 2020

“There are enemies, and there are monsters. Always slay the monsters first, because enemies may one day become allies—but monsters never will.”

Firstly, Thank you so much, Chandler for recommending me this fabulous book!

That being said, when I first started this book, I don’t think I was really invested into it not until the third chapter anyway, which was probably one of the reasons for my four star rating I’ll come back to this soon, but other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the book! Even though the start was a little slow, it all went up hill from the time Maddek and Yvenne met! These two were just so combustible and you could see the sparks flying from miles away!

Both main characters are amazingly written and I think the author did a great job of portraying their personalities.

Maddek was the son the king and queen of Parsatheans and commander of the army. Naturally, since he was the son of the king and queen, he was a prince, but that’s not how the Parsatheans decided their kings, no, instead the tribes voted. But either way, Maddek was truly deserving and had proved himself on numerous occasions but, in his heart, he knew that he was a warrior and to rule his people, he needed a warriors thinking and a king’s heart, the latter, something he lacked.

Yvenne is daughter of king Zhalen, the king of Syssia. Her existence is a secret and she is his most guarded secret, someone very few people know about. From the day she born, she was locked up in a tower, not knowing about the world existing outside those walls, except for what her mother told her, who was imprisoned in the same tower, poisoned and left her there to rot, dying slowly and painfully by her father.

Yvenne’s mother had moonstone eyes, that allowed her to see beyond, a gift which she used to entertain and warn Yvenne by telling her stories of the outside worlds and about people’s life. That was how Yvenne knew about the outside world, through her imagination and through her mother’s descriptions.

She had the moonstone eyes too, which showed her as Nyx’s heir. She didn’t have the ability to see beyond like her mother, nor was she a warrior-queen, instead she was frail and weak, tortured by her own father and brothers. But even though she didn’t know how to yield a sword, she had her tongue, which was sharp as a whip, and her most important weapon.


Maddek receives news of the death of his parents, and soon learns that they were killed by Zhalen. He is furious and when he hears the news and wants revenge but the alliance council takes Zhalen’s testimony that the king of Parsatheans assaulted a women and Zhalen therefore had to kill him while in reality, nothing like such had happened. Nevertheless, the alliance council took his testimony as the truth and forbade Maddek from extracting his revenge.

Maddek refused to listen to them. And when he learned that his parents were lured to Syssia by a letter written to his parents by the princess, he is livid and see’s his chance to exact his revenge when he is informed that she’d be journeying to Toleh to marry the king of Toleh. He then journeys with the Dragon’s to get Princess Yvenne and ambushes her on her way to Toleh.

The Dragon are Maddek’s group of warrior guards; there are six of them

His original plan was to kill Yvenne and toss her over the wall of Syssia as revenge but she persuades him to marry her instead, and in return she promises to help him kill her father for her thirst for revenge burns brighter than his. Maddek had decided to kill Zhalen either way, but marrying her would humiliate Zhalen to the deepest level and well, it would help Yveene too because if her father and all of her brothers are dead, then she can take up the throne of Syssia. Syssia is a matriarchal kingdom.

Reason it was a 4 star read for me:

↪︎The beginning was slow as I mentioned before and I wasn’t really invested in it, not until they met anyways.

↪︎Maddek really hurt her at times even though unintentionally. He refused to see things from Yvenne point of view which was something I didn’t like.

↪︎Maddek was unwilling to hear out Yvenne where his mother is concerned and her side of the story which was unpleasant, especially when he almost ripped her tongue out.

Final Thoughts:

This story was beautifully told with it’s amazing characters and a mind-blowing storyline. I loved both of them so much, Yvenne with her insightful and strategic mind and Maddek with his warrior heart. I also loved how they strived each other to be better and how both of them gave each other lessons; Maddek teaching her to be a warrior-queen and Yvenne helping him to have a king’s heart and helping him towards ruling as a king. The side characters were just as amazing and I loved how close they were and didn't treat Yvenne as an outsider and instead welcomed her, albeit gradually because they still had their doubts about her killing their king and queen. Needless to say, I would highly recommend this book!
3,202 reviews386 followers
June 6, 2022

This book. This book is fucking amazing. It was, honestly, a perfect read for me.

2019 was the year of re-reads for me. But 2020 looks to be the year of amazing new books - if they follow in the path of A Heart of Blood and Ashes.

I've read books by Meljean Brook, and I've LOVED them - especially her Iron Seas series - so I was excited when I first heard she has a new barbarian romance series coming out under her pen-name, Milla Vane. So much so that I pre-ordered the book.<

The cherry on top was when we got it for review from Berkley. And so started the impromptu buddy-read between Navessa, Sarah, and I. We've spent the last couple of days texting amongst ourselves our thoughts, feelings, and favorite quotes.

I began reading in fantasy when I was just a child. I migrated to romance for the relationships and depth of characters that so many other genres lack. Finding an amazing fantasy story together with a heart-stopping romance? It's the best of the best. There are so few fantasy-romance books out there. And fewer still that do it so exceptionally well.

A Heart of Blood and Ashes is definitely on the high-fantasy end of the spectrum. There's a vaguely medieval setting, complete with barbarians, gods and goddesses, sorcerers, magic, monsters, revenants, and deeply political machinations. It gets dark. This isn't an easy world, with easily defeated enemies and challenges. But the journey through this world, with these characters is so very worth it.

Milla Vane has done the world-building perfectly. It's so subtly done that you are never stuck in information dumps on places or peoples. I viewed the world through (newly free) Yvenne's eyes, and through Maddek's widening sight. We learned of people and places as we traveled with them. We camped with them in the open, were stuck behind walls, rode through cities. We met people at inns, in fields, and through memories. Every moment moved the story forward, moved Yvenne and Maddek.

Yvenne and Maddek's love story is strong, and fraught with hope. It's also hot as hell. Their chemistry fairly burned off the pages. And more than once I had to stop and breathe.

It starts with blood and vengeance, and misunderstanding. I usually hate the hell out of misunderstandings in a romance book, but it works really, really well here. There's good reason, on both Yvenne and Maddek's parts to act and believe as they do.

When Maddek receives word that his parents are dead, with no other explanation, it's immediately obvious that no one is going to like the how of their deaths. Least of all Maddek, who immediately vows vengeance on Zhalen. How to get that vengeance? By taking his only living daughter, Yvenne, and destroying her.

Except Yvenne isn't what he expects either. When Maddek thinks to capture her, kill her, and toss her over her home city's walls, she surprises him. And us. Yvenne has more reason than anyone to hate her father, and she seeks her own vengeance upon him. Yvenne is one of the best female characters I've read in a long, long time.

She's a strong woman, without the physical strength that so many "strong" women get. She's frail, has a permanent knee injury, and struggles with physical tasks. But she is also vicious, manipulative, honest, so very intelligent with a head for politics. Yvenne sees to the truth of a matter and isn't afraid to say what needs to be said; she also knows when to hold her tongue.

I love her. She's extraordinary, magnificent, and absolutely formidable.

So begins an unlikely betrothal and race. Yvenne and Maddek's journey is fraught with danger. Not simply from outside, not only from pursuers, but from each other. And those hurts are the ones that sting the most. Never did I stop rooting for Yvenne and Maddek. I always hoped they would come together, in love and trust.

It's a hard road to get there. Maddek makes many mistakes. I wanted to strangle him more than once. However, he is constantly growing and learning, AND he APOLOGIZES when he's wrong. Not just at the end, but right away. In the moment. He works to change the behavior that he had to apologize for. He's not perfect. He stumbles. He makes some mistakes more than once. But he never stops working at having the heart of a king - of being worthy of his to-be queen. This alone makes me adore him. If I hadn't already I certainly would have by the end, with his speech of words he'd left unspoken for too long to Yvenne.

There were many other things here to love - the easy banter between characters; the relationship between Maddek and his Dragon; the inclusivity and diversity; the way love was simply love, without qualifiers or explanations; far too many things to go into them all in one review.

A Heart of Blood and Ashes, I already know just 6 days into the year, will be my favorite book this year. If everything else I read is only half as good as this, I'm going to have an amazing year of books.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,590 followers
March 1, 2020
4 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was a fun read! I enjoy it when authors just throw us into the new world and have us get caught up as we go instead of bombarding us with backstory to start-- and that is what happened here. That being said, I did struggle with getting into it at the beginning. It might have just been my mood or other things going on at the time though and that fact is not fully attributed to the story itself. I enjoyed the magic/fantasy/adventure/ suspense aspects, the couple's development of stronger feelings, and the heat was hot! My only gripe is the end. But! I get that this is the first to a series and they have a lot to still do, so I really hope we get to see some closure with these two in the future.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Yvenne and Maddik's story. Yvenne is a royal heir and she has been hidden away and abused most of her life. Maddik is out to seek revenge for his parents death caused by her family, but is surprised to find himself agreeing to marry her instead of killing her like he had planned. Yvenne is desperate to free her people from her evil father and brothers and Maddik is just the man to help her. There are some magical aspects to their world that prove to be obstacles, some political relationships that need strengthening, and their own relationship that needs to be smoothed out...and they get a HFN ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Yvenne and Maddek's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good for the most part, but I did find it a little slow at the very beginning.

Instalove: No, they take a while to develop stronger feelings.

H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Maddek. He is a warrior's warrior. So, there absolutely were times where I wanted to smack him upside the head for being so inconsiderate at times -- but I grew to care for him.

h (heroine) rating: 4.5 stars. Yvenne. She was so strong considering how weak her body was. I really liked her, especially her ability to hope even though she had been through so much.

Sadness level: Low/moderate. I shed a few stray tears but it is mainly because I'm a sucker for unrequited love type feelings.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Not really

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes, but only physically

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had what I would call a HFN ending, but others might be fine saying it's a HEA. It's just that I had so many unanswered questions (that I'm sure will be answered as the story continue through the rest of the series) in the end.

Safety: This one should be either Safe or Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences.
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,296 reviews3,562 followers
July 17, 2024
Reread in 2024

Still the neatest!

Great reread for a Patron. I love this series so much. It makes me so excited for more of the series, whenever that may be.

6 stars
3 on my spice scale
Profile Image for aarya.
1,510 reviews12 followers
July 22, 2020
This series scratches the part of my id that is satiated by Old Skool romances. I do not deny the problematic aspects, but I’m self-aware enough to know when I love problematic shit. I cannot stop thinking about these books. Totally obsessed with the worldbuilding and overarching series conflict.

As I said in the novella review, A Gathering of Dragons is very dark and I would not recommend it to everyone. I also think book 2 is a better starting point to the series (especially if you have a low tolerance for infuriating/asshole heroes).

Disclaimer: I received a free e-ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anna.
191 reviews170 followers
December 10, 2022
… WOW.

I don't even know what to say!!! What an incredible, epic book.

The romance in this story was such a beautiful journey, with so many arresting, heart-wrenching scenes. This author managed to write a female character who was a literal princess in a tower in a magical land, and yet her pain spoke to me on so many levels.

I want to talk about this plot because it's so good! Maddek is a warrior from a kingdom called Parsathe who you can basically imagine as Khal Drogo (this is canon to me and I will not be taking questions at this time). While traveling with the soldiers under his command, he receives the heartbreaking news that his parents, the rulers of Parsathe, have died, although the messenger can't explain what happened exactly.

After traveling to meet with the Alliance – which is basically the United Nations of this land, with representatives from all the kingdoms – Maddek finds out that his parents were actually brutally murdered in Syssia, which is ruled by an evil regent king, who is only holding onto his throne because, as far as anyone knows, he and the deceased queen did not have daughters, as Syssia is a queendom instead of a kingdom.

Maddek is all for murdering the Syssian king in retribution, but the Alliance makes it clear he will be fucking up their whole cooperation if he does that. Instead, Maddek is presented with a better opportunity: he is contacted by a servant who tells him the Syssian king has a secret daughter, Yvenne, who (i) he is currently shipping off to a land far away, and (ii) might be the one responsible for his parents' death.

From there, Maddek's path is clear: he is going to kidnap Yvenne and feed her to the wolves, or something. Except, once they meet, he finds out that she's less of an evil mastermind and more of a victim to her father's abuse, having been raised in a tower and tortured whenever she did something that affronted him. She suggests that they get married and have children so she can take her rightful place as the queen of Syssia and he can get revenge on the king, who did in fact set his parents up.

Maddek agrees to her scheme, even though he makes it clear he doesn't trust her and will never treat her well. Yvenne and Maddek and his warriors then set off a journey to make it all happen. All of this to say that this is largely a roadtrip romance, albeit a very medieval and bloody one, lol.

I can't begin to explain how beautifully written and well thought out this book is. Yvenne's characterization made me incredibly emotional; her transition from a life of pain and despair to freedom isn't at all simple, and the pain that Maddek himself inflicts on her is incredibly gut-wrenching to read.

Plus, the conclusion to the story and the evolution of their relationship is so well done.

I guess my only complaint is that, even though this is an epic story and deserves to be told in its entirety, I still felt like, by the time I got to the middle of this incredibly long book, I was exhausted. Especially because the characters are on a journey that seems endless, it didn't manage to hold my attention for the whole thing. By the end, it was truly an effort to turn the pages, even though the story was so good.

In any case, this book is truly beyond beautiful, and I'm really glad I read it. 💘
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
February 1, 2020
As soon as I saw this book was releasing in 2020, it went on my most anticipated releases of the year. A barbarian fantasy romance? I NEED IT NOW.

When this book started, it was definitely a slower start as we got introduced to this fantasy world. I don't think I was really invested in the tory until Maddek and Yvenne actually met and the chemistry between them instantly started sizzling between them. I absolutely loved the enemies to lovers in this one and how Maddek and Yvenne tried so hard to act like they didn't like each other or weren't attracted to one another. The more they started to like each other, the more I wanted them to just be together already for real.

There are a lot of politics in this book and it did take me a bit to wrap my head around them. Honestly, I really only cared about the romance and how Yvenne was going to get revenge on her brothers and father. I do think it didn't need to be over 500 pages for this book, but I did like the slow burn of the romance and how hard Maddek tried to fight any feelings he started to feel for Yvenne. If you're a fan of fantasy romance, you definitely have to pick this book up!
Profile Image for ✧ FLINN ✧ (Semi-Hiatus).
504 reviews112 followers
October 23, 2021
I wanted to like it much more than I did.

The heroine was perfect but the hero quite frustrating.
The world building was excruciatingly dense and it felt very messy with too much going on without much explanation and without the use of a map or a glossary. It’s WAY overwritten.
The love story was way too slow, it’s only back-and-forth between Maddek and Yvenne until 80% of the book. The pacing was really strange as well….

✔️ Barbarian romance
✔️ Enemies-to-Lovers
✔️ Arranged marriage
✔️ Revenge story
✔️ Grumpy Hero
✔️ Disability rep
✔️ Virgin heroine
✔️ Slow burn
✔️ Forced proximity
Profile Image for ❤️Emma Book Lover ❤️.
499 reviews295 followers
April 2, 2020
“There are enemies, and there are monsters. Always slay the monsters first,because enemies may one day become allies—but monsters never will.”

This book was a bit harder for me to read..hence the time it took me to finish it, because I had to translate some words that I didn't knew before, and the language (english yes) is one that I struggled with a bit because of old format and phrases, but once I got going nothing could have stopped me and ...Well..I took it as a challenge , and I enjoyed it very much, and I can say I added quite a few words to my vocabulary😁.

The world building in this book is no less than phenomenal. this new fantastical world built is Everything! the cities, the landscape, the creatures, the people, the sky , the statues, the ruins..we see them all thru the heroine's eyes, for she sees them for the first time too. All of it is described in such manner that makes you close your eyes and imagine how it would look like. As I said..the world building deserves 5 stars if not more.

Maddek is the commander of the alliance's army, also son of king and queen of Parsatheans . He is sent word that his parents were killed, the message is cryptic and hides the truth of the real reason of why.The alliance is made up from Parsathe and the five other realms. They are the law and justice, and even if they know the story about why king Zhalen killed his parents is a bunch of crap, they forbid any act of vengeance from Maddek against the syssian king.

Yvenne is daughter of king Zhalen, and the most kept secret of his. She was held in a tower since she was born, without as much seeing the light of the day.

Seeking for revenge, Maddek steals the princess. He believes she lured his parents in a trap and its her fault they have been killed. But little did he knew that Yvenne's hate for her father and brothers is even bigger than his.

Oh boy!!! this two had some serious chemistry between them..The romance was so beautiful. I loved them both, even if I didn't always agree with their words or choices.

Was such a pleasant surprise that I might have like the h more than the H. To be honest here, most of the time I read a book for the Hero, yeah...I am not shy to admit it, they usually make the story for me, but here they are on equal foot.

Yvenne is no strong woman and the author states that clearly, she is thin, weak and almost crippled but her strong advantage is her mind. She is cunning, strategic, ambitious but in the same time so very gentle and caring and with a heart full of hope and love to give, like a child discovering the world.
Maddek is no fool, but his sight is blinded by grief and hate and vengeance , so sometimes he might seem like mean and harsh, but he is so fiercely loyal and possessive with the ones he loves, and once he realizes that Yvenne has stolen his heart he dedicates himself completely to his queen.

The side characters, Maddek Dragon( the group of his warriors guards), add so much to this book. Each one of them has an important role in their journey thru all lands in escape of Yvenne father. I loved how close they were, how they gave advice from one another and how well they knew eachother.
A beautiful journey filled with complex characters, sometimes violence and gore, but also so much love.
This book takes you from the stressful reality of nowadays and drops you into a world of fantasy, gods and goddesses, creatures, monsters and warriors, so I would recommend you go for it!
Profile Image for JenReadsRomance.
300 reviews1,583 followers
July 22, 2020
Wow! I loved this book so much. I will admit that I am a terrible fantasy reader, and so it was kind of hard for me to get into it. But once the MCs are on page together, I was IN IT. I just thought it was so interesting and I loved how strong and fierce Yvenne is, and the fact that even though she's been literally locked in a tower, she's so amazing.

My only complaint, really, is that I think Maddek could have done a lot more groveling. ALTHOUGH I GUESS BEING AT DEATH'S DOOR WILL HAVE TO WORK.

Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
March 12, 2020
WOW!!! Two excellent books in a row!!!! Yeahhh!!!!!

A fantastic tale and a new breath in the romantic fantasy world!!!

I just couldn't stop reading! It was so interesting and so very well written! I loved every moment!
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,611 reviews4,300 followers
April 23, 2021
Actual Rating: 2.5 stars (rating changed from 3 stars after sitting on this)

Okay, this is a tricky one to review. A Heart of Blood and Ashes is a barbarian fantasy romance.

As a fantasy, I liked it. The world-building is interesting, the political stakes are high, there are gods and goddesses, political intrigue, assassinations....all cool stuff. Plus, I really like the heroine. She's gritty and determined even in the face of overwhelming odds. She finds ways to kick ass even while dealing with physical disabilities. She's great.

As a romance....honestly I wasn't really a fan. I frequently enjoy stories surrounding political arranged marriages, although this one isn't entirely that either since the betrothal (so to speak) is a means of gaining revenge. But the biggest issue is that I really did not like the hero and thought the heroine deserved better. He's kind of an asshole, he consistently doesn't treat her very well, doesn't trust her to tell him the truth long after he should have. I didn't like him.

And if this wasn't a romance, if the main plot was the character arc of the heroine becoming queen and saving her people even while having to deal with a bad marriage, then fine. But that's not what this is. It's a romance. *sigh* So there is a LOT of them wanting to have sex and having sex, (early on in ways that are also kind of degrading) which I guess is supposed to be a stand-in for the communication and relationship development that we're not getting. But at least for me, that just doesn't cut it and doesn't make me root for them to be together.

Ultimately, for me this was somewhat a success as a fantasy but a failure as a romance, so I'm landing at 3 stars. At least for now.

Content warnings are...a lot. Murder, violence, gore, consuming blood during sex acts, drugging, forced miscarriage, mentions of domestic violence and marital rape...probably others as well but those are some big ones.
Profile Image for Maida (Medley of Books).
1,821 reviews525 followers
February 8, 2020

RATING: 4.5 'Warrior-Queen' HEARTS! <3

A Heart of Blood and Ashes is captivating from beginning to end, Ms. Vane delivering an exhilarating reading experience with eye-widening action, vivid imagery that stretches the limits of our imaginations, and a passionate romance with just a kiss of heartache.

What makes this read truly exceptional is not just Ms. Vane’s masterful storytelling, but also the fascinating characters that easily win us over right from the start. Yvenne, although not physically befitting the role of warrior, nonetheless, refuses to be cowed, meeting every challenge with not only royal poise but with her head always held high, holding true to her title as ‘Warrior-Queen’. Maddek simply delights with his alpha, barbarian warrior badassery, and has us swooning left and right with every possessive action and words of affection—albeit hesitant at first.

With an amalgamation of enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience, slow burn, fantasy and action genres, A Heart of Blood and Ashes delivers on every possible level, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next addition in this series.

Posted: February 8, 2020
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,297 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 6, 2020

Since this was a DNF for me, I'm just going to explain as briefly as possible why I struggled and ultimately decided the book wasn't for me. I really hate not finishing an arc, in fact I usually push myself through longer than I would normally in the hopes that things will eventually improve. I don't make the decision lightly, however if you're still forcing yourself to read after the halfway point, that's a good indicator that you're trying to force something that will not fit.

If I were judging the book solely on the highly intricate worldbuilding, or the attention to detail in the plot, hands down it would be a five star read. The romance in this book was where things went wrong and ruined all hopes of me being able to immerse myself in the overall story. Maddek of Parsathe was the main character who is described as a barbarian, and he certainly lived up to that title. Basically, his Kingdom is part of an alliance with five other realms that was formed to defend their lands from warlords and sorcerers looking to conquer after the Destroyer had gone. Former enemies became reluctant allies, and peace fell upon the land until whispers of the Destroyer's return started circulating. Tensions began to mount.

Maddek is High Commander of the Army of the Great Alliance. After learning that his parents, the king and queen were lured by the Syssians in the hopes of a marital match to the only heir Yvenne. This entire family is hideously evil, with the exception of Yvenne who has been locked in a tower with her mother and abused horribly. Despite her lack of firsthand exposure to the outside world, she has grown to be a brave and wily woman, fit for the throne. I had a lot of respect for what she endured, and the situations she knowingly put herself into in order to eventually remove her family from power. Knowing nothing but suffering her whole life, she doesn't hesitate to align herself with a man who blames her for his parents' deaths and despises the very air she breathes.

I couldn't blame Maddek for his hatred for her at first. The torture his parents endured, particularly his mother was brutal and devastating. Anyone would feel rage and the need for retribution when your loved ones are harmed in that way. The fact that he was told she was willingly a part of what happened to them would rightfully so make them bitter enemies. The problem is, he was manipulated into believing that about her and he categorically refused to let her defend herself. No matter what she said and did to show him that she disavowed her family's actions and wanted to punish them for it, he would not listen. In fact, he threatened to rip her tongue out if she even mentioned his mother's name to explain her true relationship with her. This is not an idle threat either. I think the turning point for me is when they have their first "intimate" moment and he misunderstands what she is saying, thinking she's speaking of his mother. Am I supposed to root for a male character that viciously reaches into a woman's mouth (while still in bed) and starts to follow through with his threat of harm? I found his actions disgusting and by this point he should have afforded her some sliver of trust.

She endured a shattered knee, fingers amputated, beatings, being locked away and hearing her mother's abuse. No matter what occurred to her, she faced it all without tears or self-pity. Again and again she showed her strength of character as she traveled with him and his men. So for him to treat and speak to her in the way he did for at least half of the book ruined all enjoyment of the story. This is probably the most erotic romantic fantasy I've read, and for me that's not necessarily a good thing.

I tried to ignore how I was feeling because I genuinely loved the fantasy world that was created with the different deities, dinosaurs, and political machinations. I just had to cut my losses and move on.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,105 followers
February 4, 2020
<3 4 STARS <3

I really liked the premise of this one and the world the author creates.I loved the set up and the story was intrigued!I liked the characters a lot and the writing was great!


Maddek is a commander and the story starts with him learning that his parents, the king and queen of Parsathe have been executed.Yvenne is the last heir of Nyset and she has been locked away in a tower by her father.I loved Maddek and Yvenne.Maddek is a strong hero. I loved the intimacy between these two!

I'm really excited for the next read!


Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,012 reviews918 followers
February 10, 2020
✓Romance + fantasy.
✓Barbarian seeking revenge.
✓A kidnapped frail looking but badass queen.
✓Forced proximity.
✓Hot sex.
✓Gory battles.
✓Extended world building.

Any of this speaks to you?

I've been in the mood for fantasy lately and fatefully enough this book recommendation fell into my book pile just in time. (Thank you Geri!)
Not just fantasy with romance-lite or YA romance though, I've been meaning to find in depth fantasy world building and a strong romance arc. And steam. Duh.

I'm really impressed by Milla Vane ability to create such a balanced world that merged both romance and fantasy without impairing one or another. A Heart of Blood and Ashes was dark and violent, battles scenes and sex pretty graphic on the pages.

My fantasy cravings were deeply satisfied with a pretty decent world building. Nothing was left amiss. Great characters descriptions, social statuses, clans and political issues, customs and laws, food and vernacular, vivid geography depiction, a war brewing, weaponry, an extended bestiary, and of course... magic.

Just a bit of forewarning, as in any fantasy world, it takes a bit to adjust to the world building, as such, I found the first 10% of the book to be a bit dense, the setup part done though, it takes no time to fall into the story. Eargerly I turned the pages, needing more.

My romance reader heart powered through this barbaric environment lead by the most hostile enemies to lovers trope. MY HEART. Antagonism doesn't even cover it! Animosity, rancor, mistrust, revenge are a potent mix and Milla Vane spares no pain using them in the most tormenting ways. And I LOVED IT.

Though the extended world building, the focus is very much given to Yvenne and Maddek and it's been such a thrill to read them sparring words of banter, tease of sexual promises or threats. The angst build upon their shared enmity and Maddek oblivious revenge plans lead to the most heartwrenching scenes. Spoiler alert: good groveling ahead.

I loved Yvenne and Maddek unconventional romance, I wouldn't go so far as calling it a dark romance, she is but a pawn in his great plan of revenge... at first. Yvenne may look frail but she is fierce of mind and strong willed. A true queen. She's quick to suggest an alliance with her kidnapper to defeat her own treacherous, vile family and a more threatening menace... The Destroyer.

This gem ends with an HEA, no cliffhanger. A second book is in the making and I can't wait to get my hands on it.

I'm leaving you with the gif of a song prompted by the author's pen name! #GirlYouKnowItsTrue

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Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
February 13, 2020
Though it was under a different name, this author has written some of my favorite books and even though those were steampunk and paranormal romance, this journey into barbarian fantasy did not disappoint.

The story follows Maddek, a formidable warrior who is pulled from the battlefield when his parents— the king and queen— are unexpectedly killed. Maddek learns quickly that not only were they brutalized in horrific fashion, but the rest of their consortium of rulers has allowed it to be swept under the rug. He is forbidden to seek the vengeance he burns for, else he jeopardize the alliances his parents worked so hard to secure. But the hidden daughter of his enemy offers him a tidy alternative.

Yvenne has spent her entire life locked in a tower, her mother, her only companion. You see, her family line is a matriarchal one and her father does not want to grant her the power to be queen. Not only does he cloister her, but he mistreats her terribly. That’s why she wrote to Maddek’s family, hoping to secure a marriage for herself. That way, she could get away from her father and become the queen she was destined to be. She never expected her father to murder their guests.

I don’t want to spoil too much, but suffice it to say she manages to get to Maddek. Unfortunately, it is hardly a happy joining. He blames her for his parents' deaths, and as much as he yearns to rip away her father’s throne by marrying her, he simply can’t see her as any different than her brethren.

So this is not a warm and fuzzy romance. Maddek is a hard man and can be unkind and unfair to Yvenne. It makes more sense in the beginning, but as the story goes on, it gets harder and harder to reconcile the things I grew to like about him with his obstinate unwillingness to see past his initial misconceptions. Honestly, it was probably my only problem with the book. Because otherwise it had so many great things going for it. The world building is amazing. I felt like I was in this land outside of time where barbarians and swords and monsters and magic all lived. I loved Yvenne and her smarts and quiet strength, despite her physical weaknesses. I loved her stories of her mother and the powerful queens of the past. I loved the gender equality and overall inclusiveness of the many characters we meet.

There is a solid plot going on as these characters move through their emotional journey. Yvenne, learning to trust, and Maddek, learning not to be such a single minded warrior. He really takes a king's journey of self discovery. And she only get stronger as the book wears on.

The ending is a triumph and a solid HEA. And while I did want to kick Maddek in the 'nads a few times, I was all-in and highly satisfied. Would recommend. (And if you haven't read the books she published as Meljean Brook, I recommend those too!)

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for Betül.
1,041 reviews284 followers
January 19, 2020
**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**

- 4.5 stars -

I was excited to read this book ever since I laid eyes on the blurb and cover. When I started reading and saw how long it was I got even more excited. In the fantasy genre, especially if it is the first book in a series, it can get very difficult and sometimes chaotic when introducing a new world to a reader. So I really appreciate it when an author really takes the time to explain everything, but not dumping the information on the reader at once. In the beginning it took me some time to remember the names of characters and tribes. I had to get familiar with everything, but once that was done I was hooked to the story. I love Fantasy Romance novels, and this book was an amazing addition to the genre. Maddek is blinded with the revenge for the deaths of his parents, and can't see that Yvenne is innocent as well. I fell in love with so many different characters, but Yvenne especially stole my heart with her determination and persistence. She looked small and weak, but inside she was so strong. She did everything in her power to convince Maddek that she isn't anything like her treacherous family. It wasn't an easy road, and Maddek broke her heart and soul many times.

However, she isn't some meek and obedient woman. She was absolutely amazing. She had to overcome so many hardships and learn things that are normal to anyone else. She didn't give up and also didn't let Maddek bully her around. She stood her ground and gave him her piece of mind whenever it was needed. The banter and chemistry between Yvenne and Maddek was incredible. The pacing of the story is slow, but it really gave me time to see everything happen in real time. I didn't mind it at all, and I loved seeing the respect and love grow for each other. They both had to learn many things and were the best teacher to each other. Maddek had to learn to behave and think more like a king, and Yvenne had to became the warrior queen she was destined to be. The side characters were great and I enjoyed getting to know them. The action was also very captivating and suspenseful as well. The author had me on the edge of my seat a couple of times. The romance was perfect, and I loved the attraction and fire between Yvenne and Maddek. A Heart of Blood and Ashes was a complete story, the author took her time to tell it and create a new world. The detailed descriptions were easy to read and really came alive in my mind. This book was a great introduction to the series, and I already look forward to the next book.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,611 reviews2,228 followers
April 10, 2021
This was a little all over the place for me.

First off, it'll feel long.. because it is long. Almost six hundred pages. No wonder my eyes glazed over or I skipped ahead for some scenes; I feel better knowing it was actual length and not just me being bored for why I just gave up every so often and skimmed. I did feel the worldbuilding was almost solid but often I would just be confused by references, sometimes even character names (and they weren't similar), or often not care enough to reread to understand. This isn't just a romance dressed up by a fantastical setting. It really feels like Vane put in the work to create this world, with lots of stakes and history, but other than the broad bones, I just couldn't keep track of things. Might just be me.

Or maybe it was compounded by the style? Because the writing.. it seemed like she was trying for something formal or old time-y but every now and then it was just too Yoda-like (which could be a major boner killer when things were getting spicy.. though that happened so much you're bound to enjoy at least a few without picturing an old wrinkled green creature). Not to mention a lot was repetitive or rehashed over and over. All factors, I think.

It had a solid hate to love foundation, though, and the push and pull of the partnership, how it evolved, was done very well. It did not feel contrived but very realistic. Also, I liked Yvenne, our queen-to-be a lot. Whereas while I think there was some character growth for the male protagonist, whose name I already forget (Maddek!), he was definitely frustrating to endure at times.

Another check in the good box column, though? Hey, here's a fantasy that talks about periods.. and more than once! We love to see it.

I can see why this hits all the right notes for so many of my friends, I do. But it wasn't quite as smooth a ride for me. I'm curious to pick up the others in the series though because I did see potential in this.. and also, why not.

2.75 stars


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,886 reviews2,067 followers
February 5, 2020

‘She had promised to make his life a misery. He still believed she would. But in that moment, he’d realized his life would also be a greater misery if Yvenne wasn’t in it.’

Epic! Positively EPIC! A Heart of Blood and Ashes is, without doubt, one of our favourite fantasy romance stories ever. Embarking on this adventure of vengeance, lust, passion, loyalty and love we became instantly swept up in Milla Vane’s fantasy dark romance! We met a brave and battle hardened warrior and a heroine with the heart of a warrior-queen who both consumed us in a rich, seductive, passionate and vivid world so expertly woven together with masterful storytelling! What an adventure! Netflix…take note…you NEED to bring this book to our screens!

“Only a fool would underestimate you, Yvenne….”

This is a lengthy book as the author really takes her time building her spectacular fantasy world. It’s so rich and detailed, and her imagination is extraordinary. The world building is phenomenal and breathtaking, never does it halt the flow of the story, and instead drawing the reader into brutal and unforgiving a world of gods, monsters, warriors, and magic with a sort of medieval feel about it, reminiscent of Game of Thrones/Witcher in a true fantasy romance. We became instantly transfixed.

“There are enemies, and there are monsters. Always slay the monsters first, because enemies may one day become allies, but monsters never will.”

Maddek is a battle seasoned Commander whose world is decimated when his parents, Parsathes King and Queen are murdered. It is a loss and pain unlike any other Maddek has experienced. He immediately sets out on a quest to seek vengeance on those responsible.

He comes upon Yvenne, the daughter of the cruel King Zhalen, the man responsible for the murders of Maddeks parents. Yvenne proposes a deal to Maddek – to save her from a betrothal to an old King, she proposes she and Maddek marry and have a child, in order to both rule. Yvenne is also seeking revenge on the King for his cruel treatment of her and free her people of his tyrannical rule.

‘Also true was that every wound inflicted on an entangled heart bled more.’

With a common enemy and a need to better their people’s way of life, Maddek agrees to her deal. Seeing her as manipulative and treacherous, as a woman not to be trusted, Maddek warns the marriage is in act only and that love and affection would not come readily.

‘He held her gaze for another long moment, an odd tightness squeezing within his chest.’

Yvenne is not what he had envisioned as his bride – frail and weakened by years of abuse and torment at the hands of her father and brothers, Maddek soon learns Yvenne’s physical hindrances hide a courageous and tenacious heart! She too, is a true warrior! Maddek needs to see past his preconceived views of her to find the heart that beats beneath.

‘She was like a broken doll, put back together. Put back together stronger.’

The sparring between Maddek and Yvenne was at times humorous, other times heartbreaking and often very, very sensual. The heat factor was off the charts! The dual perspectives were paramount to the romance of the story, as we found ourselves despairing at Maddek’s reasoning, though we did understand his feelings and reluctance. Through Yvenne, we learn the heartbreak and torture she experienced throughout her life and her story tore at our hearts. Pain and sadness would have been her only friends during her lifetime, if not for her mother, Queen Vysen’s, love. Yvenne’s story broke us, her strength and beauty enamoured us.

“If you intend to kill me, I only beg that you do it quickly. My life has been a torment. I pray my death will not be.”

We can’t say enough about the stellar writing of Milla Vane. Vibrant and imaginative, haunting, brutal, passionate, menacing and exquisitely vivid, her words burst before our eyes! It was magnificent! The romance aspect was everything we could have hoped for. Absolutely stunning and compelling reading. And the end….spellbinding perfection!

We closed this story with eyes brimming with tears, hearts full of adventure, reflecting on a story that rendered us willing captives. Bravo! There is no cliffy ending, however we’ll be beside ourselves waiting for the next book in the series, A Touch of Stone and Snow, to release in July!

“Queen Vysen had told her that love was not something to avoid. For when love was given freely or genuinely returned, everyone it touched was strengthened by it. Yet love could also blind, just as anger and hatred and fear did. I could be wielded as a weapon. It could hurt, when it was rejected betrayed or lost. It could be confused with lust, or with pleasure, or with gratitude – for it often entwined with other emotions and was not so easily separated from them."

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