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A bully romance like no other...

Caelum: an Academy built to protect people like Eve.
Who they can't protect her from?
Its own student body.

The threat of death isn't new to Eve, but when she's given the chance to escape her past, she prays her future will be brighter.

How wrong she is.

Raised in a cult, Eve has no understanding of the modern world. Targeted as a freak, a Pack of boys take her under their wing but one among them recognizes Eve for what she is.


And a threat.

At Caelum, threats need eliminating...

Eve survived her past, but what of her future?

Find out if she makes it out alive in book ONE of the complete Caelum Academy trilogy.

A Why Choose Romance. 

290 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 26, 2019

About the author

Serena Akeroyd

155 books5,830 followers
USA Today and International Best Selling Author Serena Akeroyd aka G. A. Mazurke is most known for her mafia and MC series set in the Five Points Mob Universe. 

Avid reader of all things romance, she first started her career as a why choose author in both contemporary and paranormal.

She eventually made her way to MF romance where she found her groove with the O’Donnelly brothers, the Satan Sinners and most recently the Valentini Family. 

In her back list you can find some MM, MF, MFM and Why Choose romances. 
HEA guaranteed!

When not writing Serena is either reading, traveling or coloring. 

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 323 reviews
Profile Image for Marguerite (M).
767 reviews628 followers
September 21, 2023
Rating: 4.5 stars

The Caelum Academy Trilogy was one good read and I devoured the three books in a couple of days.

But the blurb is crap. I do not know who decided to call it a bully romance in the first place because it's very very VERY far from that. In the whole trilogy? There is one scene of bullying, from a random character, that stops as soon as it starts.
Eve is in danger from the Student Body? Right, no. Unless the blurb is actually a very generic blurb for the whole trilogy.

The publishing work was seriously badly done and it is a really good thing Serena has a real fan-base. Because this trilogy? It's badass and so much better and original than what we could expect.

The Caelum Academy Trilogy is a little bit gothic, kinda poetic story with a very intriguing and interesting concept. Eve might just be the paranormal version of Echo, from Dollhouse and hell, that's just awesome.

I wish I could read more books like that. Try it, guys!

Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
August 9, 2021
This book was just okay. In the beginning, I was so interested in this book and how Eve was raised in a cult and was really this special creature who had souls living inside of her. It was fun when she was rescued and taken to a special school with people like her. I'm confused, though, about what the end goal of this romance is supposed to be. It's tagged as reverse harem and we get POVs of a few different guys at the school, but she's mated to only one guy and not a whole lot of romance was even developed that much in this book. Maybe things will progress in the next book, but I'm not a fan of series where there isn't a lot to really hook and engage me in book one. I also think the author included too much slang in order to emphasize the fact that Eve was so sheltered that she didn't understand everyday speech. It already feels a bit dated and this book is only two years old. I'm not sure I'll continue with the series, but we'll see.
Profile Image for Kay.
172 reviews40 followers
July 2, 2019
Yeah, ok. Slow, but good!

Lemme make this short and sweet.

Things that this book is:
- A paranormal reverse harem academy story with some very small bits of romance and veeeeery mild bullying in very few instances. It's so mild that I was even wondering why it is mentioned in the blurb in the first place. The bullying isn't, in fact, like it is in the usual academy/high school bully stories, and thus it isn't the main focus of the story at all. So if you dislike bully romances, you can still totally enjoy this one. If you're worried, here's a spoilery list of what type of bullying there is in this book:
- A super slow-burn RH romance. (Not all guys are even on board the FMC-train yet.)
- Well written with an interestingly original take on multiple paranormal creatures as well as the seven deadly sins.
- Somewhat slow in parts, where the FMC aka Eve gets to know the boys and their personal histories are explored. The book almost functions as an introductory book for the trilogy.
- A relatively cool leading lady: Eve is clueless about most things in the world, having been born and raised in a cult. But she is smart, doesn't back down, and she seems kick-ass in her own way. She slowly learns about the modern world with the help of her boys.
- Totally worth the read!

Things that are in the book that possibly shouldn't be (in my opinion):
Mild spoilers ahead.
- Two of Eve's boys that I still can't tell apart, aka Eren and Nestor. They both seem, sorry to say, super lame and uninteresting. They're nice, but just.. bleh. And they almost feel as if they're in this book just to be Stefan's hype men or merely as filler material.
- Eve's shapely body. Eve is not thin, aka she's round, wide, overweight, soft, curvy, etc. And how do we know this? Because it's mentioned a few too many times in different ways in the book. The point of it is... What? That only unfit and slightly fat girls are special, hot, and pretty? (The reverse is true in other books, with thin or fit girls being praised, and I've yet to understand why any of this is important to mention a gazillion times. How does it affect the story one bit? Does it make people like her more? Does it make her a special unicorn compared to the rest?)
- Women moaning while eating something good and men getting boners over the sounds she makes. Yet another thing I wish someone would explain to me. Does anyone actually do this ever?
- Eve's first kiss. The next bit is more than mildly spoilerly, so..
Profile Image for Scarlett Vora.
Author 6 books11 followers
July 13, 2019
This trilogy starts so strong and ends in a trainwreck. Two main complaints here:

1. The premise is that our heroine Eve grows up in a religious cult that's completely cut off from the outside world. She's saved from marriage to a 70-something polygamist cult leader when she's whisked away to an academy for supernatural creatures. Of course she's Extra Special, which raises alarm bells at this academy, and in between trying to figure out whether or not the faculty are going to execute her for being different she provides a lot of comedic relief by not understanding the modern world or contemporary idioms. Her harem coalesces around her, ramping up to that RH sweet spot where a crowd of guys are anxiously fussing over her every move.

At first, it seems like the series is about Eve shedding her indoctrination, growing into her powers/specialness, and maybe taking on the powers that be in this new supernatural world. But in the third book, the series takes a turn and all of a sudden

That's just not the story I signed up for, and coming so far along into the trilogy it felt like a really unpleasant bait-and-switch.

2. The pacing is wonky. The first book has great pacing. The reader is introduced to this world, the conflicts emerge naturally, the harem guys have time to distinguish themselves as individuals, it's an enjoyably slow burn. The second book starts the same but becomes increasingly rushed. Guys are added to the harem too fast, in a way that squanders all the tension the authors have built. The conflict, which had been building naturally, shifts into such high gear that I started to feel like we were whizzing past all the good stuff. By the time the third book rolls around, I felt like I'd been thrown out the window in the middle of a car chase. The plot was zooming ahead and I was sitting on the sidewalk nursing my bruises. Lots of handwaving, lots of time skips, lots of, 'Quick, move on to the next action scene so there's no time to explain anything that just happened.'

Look, this is a reverse harem that has male members and it's also an urban fantasy that goes from 'surprise, the supernatural is real!' to 'save the world' in three books. Doing either one of those things would be a feat; doing both is... probably not possible. Take into account that the first book is written as though this series could go on forever and so about 2/3 of the RH + UF plots are crammed into about a book and a half and... something's going to give.

3. Those are the two main things but along with the SPOILER stuff, there's a lot of really unpleasant gender essentialism. Male creatures are fighters and female creatures are book-learners, male creatures are more mentally stable than female creatures. And then there's the fact that Eve is 'not like other girls' insofar as the 'other girls' at this academy are ambitious, toned fighters who can't wait to charge on the front lines while Eve is soft and round and gentle and not cut out to be a soldier. Plus, thanks to her cult background, she's innocent (yet sensual!), modest (yet sexy!), and a naive virgin (who's totally DTF!).
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,495 followers
January 6, 2022

This was an interesting one very unique and imaginative it’s an academy reverse harem romance and it’s very slow burn. There isn’t much actual action in regards to heat yet but it does seem to be building.

Eve grew up in a compound part of a cult that she longed to escape from. She finds herself rescued by a mystery woman and introduced to a world of creatures and a mysterious school accessed through a strange portal. The story set-up here was very different each person and they are not human holds the souls of seven different creatures all fighting for dominance within a single body until eventually, only one identity remains. Wrongly diagnosed as a mental illness in childhood this academy is their only option of survival taking control before they turn ghoul who are also the enemy they are trained to eradicate.

But Eve knows she’s different and not just her strange upbringing housed within herself are actually eight distinct personalities or moods a prospect unheard of and one that frightens Eve with what it could eventually mean for her. She’s also aware that she needs to keep this on the down-low if she wants to survive and thrive here.

So I’m assuming there’s going to be seven potential mates here and the building blocks are being set for this eventuality. I’m intrigued as this is definitely the biggest harem I’ve personally encountered to date my tastes usually run too much smaller set-ups. There’s also quite a bit of instalove being banded around but it is balanced out slightly by that idiot Dre who is actually a bit of a jerk like twenty-four seven.

I do like Eve but I’m not sure yet about how I feel in regards to some of the boys. I’m not liking how they seem to be deferring to Dre so much. I’d like them to stand up to his attitude and actually go the extra mile for Eve. Statements like with time Eve will be a worthy member of the pack bloody infuriated me. I felt they had his back and not Eves and were placated him when they should have told him straight to back off right from the start. I also found some of them a bit bland and insipid well two mostly so I’m withholding my judgement until more is revealed and for the moment I’m on the fence slightly with this one.

This author is a wonderful writer and I usually adore whatever she produces and whilst I’m intrigued here it’s definitely not my favourite of hers to date. I’m going to read the next one before I decide if I’m out. Finally, ignore the blurb it definitely doesn’t match the book that’s for sure this is in no way shape or form a bully romance there may be a few ass-hats involved but thats about the extent of it really.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Rachel.
246 reviews24 followers
January 20, 2024
I couldn't find this book to read on Amazon only the audiobook version for the first book, the rest of the series seems to be available in ebook form.

It was a decent audiobook listen with only two narrators. The male narrator however was not good at differentiating between all the different MMCs voices for their POVs and as such I couldn't tell the characters apart. Also, I wasn't paying close enough attention to the names at the beginning of the chapters that would have told me which character POV was playing. So it might be partially my fault.

The story however has some series potential,
Let me start with the FMC. She's grown up in a religious community that refuses all modern-day technology and lives in seclusion growing and making everything they need. There the men were allowed to marry multiple women and the women were subjugated. Similar to Mormon compounds but that term wasn't used. She was almost old enough to be married off and the old pervy priest had her eye on her and she was going to have to be his next wife soon. She has always known there was different about her, multiple personalities she tried to control, the way men seemed to be lured to her on certain days even though she didn't want their attention, days when she had to sleep a lot, and other when she felt rage that she learned to suppress and control some way. Her life was one she wished she could escape from and at the start of this story, she gets her chance when a woman arrives and takes her away, not to the modern-day world outside her compound but to a hidden academy/ training center/ safe home for people like her.

Here she learns that those personalities are souls, representing the 7 deadly sins but that term wasn't used in this story. They exhibit like common supernaturals but aren't necessarily called by the commonly known names like Vampires, Shifters, Incubi, and so on. When they are young each soul comes out 1 day a week all getting equal time until they are older and the more dominant soul will rise and fight out the others for control, meaning only one soul will remain and they turn the soul carrier into a Vamp/Shifter or whatever supe is attached to that type of soul/deadly sin.

All very interesting and confusing stuff. Let us get back to the FMC. She's been raised in a sheltered environment and is in many ways innocent (and of course a virgin) but she's by no means slow or naive. She's highly intelligent and gets to work reading tons of books to quickly help her learn about not only the modern world and its advances like kitchen appliances and slang words. But also to learn all about the supernatural world she's suddenly a part of. She's not a pushover, but also not confrontational. I really enjoyed this type of FMC, one who is innocent and capable of taking the higher moral ground, but also smart and willing to work hard to become strong and informed.

It's odd but her POV chapters reminded me of Elena from The Vampire Diaries (book version not TV) when she would write in her journal. I can't tell if it's the writing style or the FMCs themselves yet but there are some similarities there that I just can't fully explain yet. I think it's something about how they both think about friendship and value the people in their lives, not sure.

The FMC of course ends up attached to a few different guys most of whom are besotted from day one, and others are not as happy. I guess these Seven Deadly Sin Supes end up forming packs and she's inavertianly attached herself to one. I can't remember a whole lot about the guys, but that's mainly because I used the audiobook. If I had read the story I'm pretty sure I would have remembered a lot more and given this a higher rating.

I look forward to reading book 2 in the future when I've finished with my current reads. I'm interested to learn if I'll enjoy it more without the audiobook narrating.
Profile Image for Staciamedusa.
152 reviews8 followers
June 19, 2020
what in the world did i just read? I read the blurb to this book and was like ok, this sounds good. Bully RH romance in an academy setting, is all the rage right now, and i've read several series that have been really good.

This is not one of those good stories.

First let's start off by saying, this is NOT a Bully Romance. There is pretty much NO BULLYING in this book. Which is fine. Don't get me wrong i don't need my MC to continually get shit upon. But at the same time, that's what you're expecting when it is branded as such. There is one instance where it is eluded to that Eve is a slut, but no one actually calls her that outright. They just assume she is because she is hanging around with Stefan and his other friends all the time, i mean you can only be friends with guys if you're banging them, right?

Let me also say that I only made it through 60% of this book before I just had to stop. What happened in that 60% you ask.....absolutely NOTHING of interest happened in that much of the book.

Eve who was apparently raised in some sort of cult setting gets picked up and sent to a school for people with multiple "souls" inside them. Premise seems like it could be really great. It got my attention. Backwards girl goes to school with modern kids. But again absolutely nothing happened. The whole 60% of the book i managed to get through was nothing but Eve asking ridiculous questions about everything. Whats a tv? How do you work a microwave? Whats's a shower and a toilet? OMG what is this thing you call and smart phone and how do you google?

We GET IT....she's from a cult and she knows nothing of the outside world, but for the love of all that's holy why the hell did we need to read about it for more than 60% of the book. She doesn't know what sex is, or what a penis is, or why she has these "Feelings" towards these boys. There was no romance in the part of the book i managed to read, from what I read in other reviews there is ONE kiss. That's it. In a supposed RH Bully Romance, and there is no damn romance and no Bullying. Maybe REthink how you label your books in the future.

I could go on and on about how utterly bad this book was on so many levels. But i'll just leave it as it is. If you need a book that is going to put you to sleep at bed time, pick this up. It'll do the trick.

To all you people leaving 4 star or better reviews, what the hell you guys smoking? Cause i'd need it to finish this awful attempt at a story.

October 4, 2022
It didn't take long for this story to suck me in. The plot is original and the heroine was enchanting as she's essentially a newborn in the free world. On the cusp of her 18th birthday all Eve can think of is escaping the commune AKA cult she's called home all her life. Luckily fate comes calling before she has to marry her 78 year priest. For so long Eve has felt out of place and completely out of sorts depending on the day. Turns out Eve's not entirely human and there's a school for those just like her. She's far behind her peers but with a photographic memory and the determination of a bull, Eve is ready to claim her life and be the best person she can. Then again she's hiding a pretty large secret that could throw everything up in the air so time will tell when she feels comfortable telling someone about her 8th soul. Seems everyone has seven unique souls inside them, all which come out to play on various days. From the hell hound to the gargoyle, Eve is finally happy to understand the feelings and beings that are a part of her.

When she arrives at the school she immediately catches the eye of a few male students. It's not just her innocent nature or the fact that she's a vulnerable as a kitten, something about her draws them in and soon she's growing a harem, something she's 100% in the dark about. It's not crystal clear who will be in her harem as she has (at of the end of the book) two official mates. However with time and her 8 souls somehow I think she'll be adding a lot more. This was a very fun and engaging read. I did find her ignorance to be a little exhausting and corny at times but if I'm being honest the author really did stay true to Eve's character being so sheltered from the world. Simple sayings and technologies are foreign to her and she has to be taught everything. Unlike others Eve pays attention and in no time will be the best student at the school I'm sure. This was a quick read and I'm excited to see where the series goes!
Profile Image for Ada.
455 reviews47 followers
July 5, 2019
Seven Wishes didn't start off strong but does gain some traction once the boys get involved. It doesn't have a strong heroine or unique harem members but it does have a PNR concept that is fresh and something that makes me want to read on further to see it explored.

First of all, that synopsis is just misleading. Bully romance? A stereotypical harem asshole doesn't make up bully romance. The vibe is very different and I wished the synopsis matched that since the whole multiple souls thing is the USP of this book, IMO.

Reading through Eve's POV was rather bland. I understand it fits well with the whole cult past but damn sometimes it was monotonous and repetitive that made me want to skim. Even the guys' POV (except Dre's) sprinkled through the book was about going gaga over Eve and how different she is. Ugh.

I felt like this book had this subtle undertone of dissing every other female character other than Eve and Merry who was obviously not in the same age category as Eve so she doesn't count. All of Eve's peers are catty, bitchy, chasing boys and wanting to avoid Eve like the plague for no reason.

It does the whole fated mates thing but it's not insta-love. Insta-gaga or lust? Sure. Because there are so many guys in the picture, not exactly sure how many harem members are going to be there but eventually after I was finished with the book, I realised the guys are underdeveloped despite having some strong foundation to build their characters on. I hope this changes in the next book.

As much as it was a fresh concept of multiple paranormal souls, I felt it wasn't fully immersed in the story as it should have been. I felt it was treated more like an accessory than something vital. Academy setting or not, I want to see more of this multi souls into play than just gym classes or episodic lashing out.
Profile Image for Kimberly Garner.
1,257 reviews29 followers
December 15, 2019
Totally dug this book. It was recommended to me, and I can't say It was a bad one. It was so different from other Paranormal RH books I had read. I was gripped by the story, the world, and the characters so much so I downloaded the rest without even finishing the first. The storytelling is so great, I felt like I was part of the story. I didn't want the story to end, and I can't wait to read more of the series.
Profile Image for Tab.
201 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2019
A tad annoying

Eve, her predicament, circumstances, previous life before the academy, it felt more annoying than connecting. Then everyone tiptoeing around the nitty gritty important bits, it just flashes me with anger because I'm so annoyed and frustrated by it. Everyone treats her like a toddler. Letting her discover things on her own and adapt, all the while praising how intelligent, resilient, amazing she is. I can't wait until they start treating her like the adult/young adult she is. Sort of got muddied on the timeline, so I'm not sure if she had her birthday yet or not, probably not.

The story is interesting, but hard to grasp. I like the idea of having different "souls" in them, battling to be the creature that's most dominant. Then again, I don't like that term for it. I wish it was called something else. Essence, maybe? That would mesh better than souls.

The Academy only accepting students at certain times of the year, that makes no sense. Especially since they recruit to protect the students, to make warriors for their ongoing war. That just seemed odd and wasn't at all organic or logical.

Moving on to book two. Fun fun.
Profile Image for Maria.
2,486 reviews90 followers
April 28, 2020
Oh man! I adore Eve. Shes so different. And tries so hard to understand everyone and everything. She is handling being different really well. But I guess with her background shes used to being different. I absolutely love all the guys shes hanging out with. Stefan, Eren, and Nestor. Although Dre is a freaking douche the way he treats her. Eve is a freaking bad ass and those sniveling bitches need to go on somewhere! Hope Eve shows them a thing or two. And I'm really curious about her 8th soul. I'm thinking it's a Ghoul soul
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Zen.
2,392 reviews
December 26, 2021
4.5 stars

Great start to this series. I like how the world is built and the different classes/creatures are set. I also like the history behind them and their relation to the seven sins. Although we haven't spent a lot of time with all of them and there are still a ton of questions, I like how each of them are distinctly themselves.
Profile Image for Camilla (thecrazyreader).
965 reviews165 followers
July 30, 2023
3.5 stelle!

Trope: Fantasy con reverse harem, mates e mutaforma.

Al centro della storia c'è la protagonista e la relazione che intraprende con i co-protagonisti. Mi è piaciuto molto come la scrittrice si sia presa il suo tempo per creare dei rapporti genuini tra i personaggi, senza affrettare niente.
L'elemento fantasy è un po' carente, ma ci sta come introduzione al mondo.
Punto bonus per l'originalità del background della protagonista.
Profile Image for Saint Fitz.
271 reviews
July 8, 2019
This book does not come off as a bully read. In fact, I’d say the only real bullying comes in the form of Dre, but he’s really just a selfish dick. And Eve takes it without retaliating. So, false advertising (though I don’t mind, as I am new to the bullyverse and not terribly interested in reading about guys ganging up on a girl).

As for the story—definitely well written and the relationships build as a slow burn. I love how Eve was developed but I wish that she got a bit more of a backbone earlier on. It was only just starting to emerge at the end of the book and I want to see how she develops. I like my heroines with a healthy side of snark so there’s only so much blushing i can take before i get annoyed.

Speaking of...It got a bit tiring to read about how “soft” she was...big brown eyes. Curvy and big tits. We get it. We get it. And the author keeps reminding us she’s smart. So super duper smart! She’s not slow! I wonder if her giant brain will come into play in this series? 😏 hmmm.

So, what I don’t like was how all the “Eve is so inexplicably great and she has a nice rack” descriptions devolved into making the other girls out to be “less than.” Why do so many RH harem authors write their female MCs to have no female friends? And moreover, the author kept putting down the other girls because they were fit and in shape. And they hit on guys they wanted to have sex with. Isn’t that, uh, the point of this genre? That women choose or, really, don’t have to choose at all if they don’t want? I’m not sure why the author wrote it this way, I’m guessing to really make Eve seem ostracized. But to me, her lack of knowledge was enough to set her apart from the other academy kids.

But alas these are all pretty minor complaints. I’m enjoying this series a lot, and unexpectedly. I normally don’t like “blushing flower” types, so kudos to the author for making the plot intriguing and making the other guys in the harem jump off the page.
Profile Image for Deanna Lang.
780 reviews51 followers
July 29, 2019
Seven Wishes is everything you'd want an academy story to be. Fabulous heroine, great guys, powerful creatures, and a mysterious school that is the answer to every desire with untold dangers lurking.

Eve is an innocent. Raised in an unforgiving environment that has kept her ignorant of the world and ignorant of who she is, what she is. But despite being an innocent, Eve is also a survivor and has a hidden core of steel in her. As she learns her way around this new school she's been taken to, she makes friends, forms bonds, and learns at a breakneck speed. There's no mistaking her intelligence, her instincts, and her desire to know about this new world she's thrust into. I love Eve. She's exactly the kind of heroine I adore.

The guys are terrific. From Stefan's initial kindness, to Eren and Nestor's acceptance and care, Reed and Frazer's begruding friendliness. Even Samuel being mean and Dre being a dick doesn't take away from them being great guys. It will take them all time to find their footing and come together as long standing rivalries get in the way.

This story is epic and one of the best from Ms Akeroyd that I've read. I could not put it down and devoured it in one sitting. I love everything about it.

Deanna's World

See more from Deanna's World
Profile Image for Britt B.
401 reviews
June 27, 2021
Much potential but lacks depth

First off, I liked the concept and storyline. There is much potential and the fact that there are all of these "supes" vying for dominance in each creature (that was a dumb name by the way) was really interesting.

Eve is an excellent portrayal of innocence and naivety, but some of her relaxed demeanor contradicts that persona. Yes it's this pull she feels for her mate, but she doesn't question the feeling.
The guys all seem shallow even when we have their POV. You see the friendships budding and even those in the beta team as well. You do not see what draws them to her romantically speaking though. The information that is shared with her is minimal.

I just wanted more connection and chemistry. They went from friends to that celebration scene really quickly. They hide that she is mated to Stephen from her and then the twist. I'm trying to work out how they will explain her RH feelings to her.
It was just all over the place in pacing in my opinion.

I saw the ending coming and that enough makes me curious enough to see how that little tid bit will play out.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,083 reviews30 followers
July 9, 2019
Ignore the blurb. This isn’t a bully romance although there is a little subtle bullying going on, though not with the guys. Eve is rescued from a cult and taken to a school where everyone has ‘schizophrenia’ in human terms but otherwise it’s seven different creature souls. This one reminds me of stained egos and quintessence.

Multiple POVs
I’m gonna say seven guys

Usually I’d say Dre was a breath of fresh air, the only one not in insta love but he came across as an a hole. Favourite of the guys was Frazer. Ends on a cliffhanger but not an unexpected one. Looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Bianca Souza.
279 reviews38 followers
August 12, 2019
I started this book once and stopped in the first pages thinking I wouldn't like it.
After reading a lot of great reviews I decided to try it again, I love this series now!
If you haven't read this one, please, run and do it!
Profile Image for TheDailyKaylee.
358 reviews68 followers
February 18, 2020
Hooked!! (Some spoilers)

What a great start to the series! We have a girl who has been raised in a cult find out that she isn’t human right before she’s planning to escape the cult. She’s actually a creature with 8 souls, until she hits the age of 21, when one soul will take complete control. The “souls” aren’t other people, they are her creature, such as vampire, were, succubi, etc. There is some bullying, but not much at all. Definitely a slow burn romance. Also, the academy aspect plays a background roll. Yes, she’s at an academy but it’s not a traditional academy, it’s their safe haven they go to learn about themselves and train to eventually join the war against the ghouls once they are of age. Eve is a breath of fresh air! I love her innocence and watching her learn the ways of our current time since she was raised in a cult that used no technology, etc. it was also neat to see her go from super passive, to standing up for herself. I’m excited to find out more about her eighth soul, and what that means since they are only supposed to have 7. I’m also excited to see her relationships blossom with the guys and see how the two groups of guys, who hate each other, will come together now that she’s marked one in each group. I wasn’t crazy that Dre hooked up with another girl, but at this point in the series, he and Eve can’t stand each other, so he’s not cheating on her or anything and he hasn’t been marked by her yet, so I guess I’ll let it slide lol and thankfully it doesn’t go into details. This really was an excellent book. On to the next I go.
Profile Image for jamies_bookreads.
1,095 reviews16 followers
June 28, 2021
5/Stars & 2/Slow burn spice & 5/Performance
I was not expecting this story at all, I knew it was RH, and I love Serena’s work. However, this truly blew me away. It started out with our FMC Eve, living in a religious cult-like setting where she is almost 18 and her parents plan to marry her to the pastor (a 78 yr old man) to help them gain status! I wanted to hurt someone for her, and the more you learn you want to hurt them all. Then a woman comes to help her escape to the outside world, which Eve had never seen anything like. She rode in her first car, ate her first hamburger, she was innocent like a baby to the ways of the world, but brilliant at the same time. She took everything literally, since her main sources of knowledge came from the cult's version of the Bible and a basic schooling. Her only other source was a dictionary, which really confused a lot of things for her. She learns that she is really not human and is being taken to The Caelum Academy and taught to handle what she is. The voices she hears are not her going crazy, they are souls within her. She also meets some wonderful guys that make her feel safe and protected for the first time in her life. But secrets are being kept and her sweet child-like innocence is keeping the guys from pursuing more with her.

This book hooks you in fast and I don’t want to give too much away so we will stop here. If you like audiobooks, the narrators are amazing.
Profile Image for Belle .
585 reviews38 followers
January 2, 2021
Really enjoy the premise of this book and the characters! The idea of seven mates is always a little daunting to me, as i feel like some of them never get fully developed, so I’ll be anxious to see how that goes. I did like the idea of the two Packs coming together because of Eve.

I do feel like there’s a little too much repetition in dialogue though, as things are repeated multiple times. Multiple POVs is good, but I feel like things like a first kiss should’ve been from Eve’s POV, not Stefan’s. Also, i wondered how Frazer and Reed could keep their marks quiet for seemingly days when it should hurt?

This is definitely not a bully romance though. Eve’s character is interesting and can be funny.
Profile Image for Ga Books LoverX.
2,390 reviews26 followers
December 20, 2019

Oh my goodness a RH Academy read that is quite different from the rest. I freaking love Eve and the guys are freaking perfect too! If you like paranormal NA reads- pick this up!!
Profile Image for Melissa G.
337 reviews4 followers
August 10, 2021
I’m here for this series right now!

Eve grew up in a cult and she knows she’s different but doesn’t understand anything about her true culture as a creature with multiple souls.
She is actively planning her escape from the cult before Merinda shows up to save her.
“You must agree to relinquish her to my care. She will be well looked after, I can assure you. Her safety and her future are guaranteed with me.”

She then gets “recruited” and taken to the Academy, where she learns that there is an entire world outside her cult that she had no idea about.
She is the weird and awkward new girl who doesn’t know anything and everyone avoids her, except a few guys who take her under their wing.
Stefan, Eren, and Nester are immediately enhanced by her; and the minute she touches Stefans hand for the first time he makes a startling realization..
“She’s from a cult, has no idea what an orgasm is, is years behind on her training, and somehow managed to trigger a mating bond by holding hands with me when it’s normally activated through fucking… You don’t think shit just hit the fan?”

Except she has no clue that she marked him.
And he’s not the only one… as we come to learn with the bloody cliffhanger at the end of this book!
SERENA! Why did you do us SO DIRTY??? I’m dying to find out what happens next!

We learn that Eve is different from the other creatures because while she is only supposed to have 7 souls fighting for dominance within her mind, she in fact, has 8. A secret she has yet to divulge to anyone but I’m sure will be a huge revelation. It makes her stronger and more powerful; I’m eager to see what type of creature it is!
It’s really cool how they rotate between souls every day until they mature and then the dominant one comes to the surface. That’s a really unique concept!

Also the multiple POV in this book is simply perfection.
I LOVED that we got a healthy dose of perspective from each of the six guys in the picture currently.
I shamelessly eat that shit up.
Speaking of the guys, not all of them are so keen on Eve.
Dre, for one, is part of the crew with Stefan and them and he is particularly not fond of Eve. He insults her, is cruel, and makes it known how much he dislikes her.
“Useless was useful when it came down to describing this bitch, and fuck me, I was stuck with her.”
Although, underneath all of that persona, we know something is brewing in his head when it comes to Eve, she definitely has her clutches in him but he’s yet to succumb to them.
Also, his boys are head over heels for her and she’s part of their pack, whether he likes it or not.
SIDENOTE: aside from Dre being a douche I’ve yet to see how this is a bully romance… not much bullying going on in my opinion.

We know the 4 guys are enemies with the other 3 guys who make up their biggest competition in training. Frazer, Reed, and Samuel. Frazer and Reed definitely have a thing for Eve too and when I tell you I didn’t anticipate a 6-7 man harem for this novel, I really would have never guessed. But HELL am I fucking thrilled and pleased if this will be the case!

Eves innocence is very intriguing to me because I can already tell watching her change and experiencing her character development is going to be epic. She will be such a confident, seductive, bad ass bitch by the end of this and I’m practically salivating just thinking about what she will endure to become that person. Bring it on baby!

We get the barest whisper of sexy times with Stefan and Eve sharing their first kiss with a happy ending…even though it was basically PG, the angst and build-up of emotions combined with her innocence of the world around her made this moment incredibly steamy.
If this is a taste of what is to come with the smut, I already know it’s going to be A-one.
“When her chest stopped jittering with her panting breaths, I whispered in her ear, “Who am I?”
For a second, she was quiet, contemplative. Then she whispered, “Mine,” and my evening was complete.”

Currently speeding to read book 2 because this series has me hooked! I’m pumped to see where the plot goes and the bigger part Eve has to play in their world.

~4 stars~
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Allons-y.
238 reviews45 followers
November 24, 2019
This is not a bully romance in the slightest. I have no clue who was in charge of the blurb but ya done fucked up. I picked this up because quite a few other reviews assured me the blurb was way off.
This was a very enjoyable read.
LOTS of world building and character development.
Not a ton of action but I read this in one sitting so it definitely was not boring.
Profile Image for Mary.
169 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2019
Bully romance? *looks around* Where?

This was a surprise, I didn’t expect to like it more than I should have but I did. I find the eight soul concept intriguing though I would have loved there being more of it. This 1st book felt more of a set up and getting to know the characters than showing the creatures.
I liked how not all the bois liked her immediately and I found it funny how clueless she was on modern things.
I did find faults in the world building, like, the souls/creatures are considered an ill and humans are unaware so then when there are Ghoul attacks, aren’t people gonna find out? And is Caelum shielded from the world by a magic ward or what? Where do they all that money? Lol
I’m curious about her 8h soul and I was hoping it might have to do with healing but that’s not the case it seems and I felt that ending coming but was sure Reed would the one......
All in all, I liked the interactions with le bois and I’m curious to see how Eve ends up.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 323 reviews

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