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Sherlock #4

Sherlock: Scandalo a Belgravia parte I

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La dominatrice Irene Adler è in possesso di fotografie compromettenti che minacciano di travolgere il Regno Unito. Fortunatamente il fascino femminile lascia indifferente la razionale mente di Sherlock Holmes… O forse no?

200 pages, Paperback

First published July 4, 2019

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29 books27 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
April 4, 2020
This collected volume comes out in July 2020 in English, but since we are rewatching the series, I decided to read the manga version in single issues (viewed via Hoopla through my library system). As with the other three (so far) volumes, the story, scripted by series writer Stephen Moffat, pretty much follows the tv series format and story, but hey, it's still pretty good.

This volume introduces us to Irene Adler, the only woman who might just be seen as a match for Sherlock. Clearly Moriarty is, but Adler, a dominatrix and like Sherlock, a brilliant strategist, in this volume, also makes a strong emotional/intellectual connection to Sherlock. As she says,

"Smart is the new sexy,"

and that's the main appeal for them to each other. And sex appeal, too? Well, when Adler's personal assistant asks her what she will be wearing to meet Sherlock, she says,

"My power suit" (which is, to say, nothing).

"Oh, lucky man!"

But how does Sherlock, encountering the (discreetly, this is a family manga) naked Adler, respond? Ambiguously, I'd say. Sherlock Holmes's sexuality has long been a topic of speculation (as is his drug addiction); is he straight? Bisexual? Asexual? Is he in love with Watson? Several interpretations point to or at least hint at this. In the Jonny Lee Miller tv series version, Elementary, Watson is a woman who lives with him, though they are not romantically linked (well, I mean they don't have sex) and Sherlock periodically sees prostitutes, with Watson (played by Lucy Liu) seen sometimes as mildy jealous, just as he seems jealous about her dates.

But this is just an introduction to Irene Adler, who is the focus of yet another comics series, which I will review here soon.
Profile Image for ♡ Martina ♡.
244 reviews287 followers
September 21, 2021
Inutile dire che anche questo volume è stupendo come i precedenti. Aspetto con ansia la seconda parte, sperando che arrivi presto.
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,839 reviews170 followers
August 16, 2021
The best way to enjoy SHERLOCK, the Moffat-Gatiss joint, is by watching it on Netflix or your own choice of streaming service which has the rights to it in your territory. Thus, I ignored the manga adaptations, until "A Scandal in Belgravia", which happened to be my favorite episode.

The art is pedestrian at best, obviously hampered by the licensing demands on likenesses which constrained the artist's storytelling. However, I still enjoyed it. It is more to the fact that I could control the pacing of the story
Profile Image for Markéta Forejtová.
Author 4 books615 followers
May 7, 2022
Přesně podle seriálu, takže přesně podle očekávání. Škoda, že v knihovně neměli další díly, jinak bych si je půjčila hned... A všichni z vás, kdo váhají, jestli si Sherlocka pustit: pusťte. Je to skvělost.
4/5* (protože manga formát prostě seriál nezosobní)
Profile Image for Estíbaliz Montero Iniesta.
Author 61 books1,290 followers
June 17, 2021
Es exactamente clavado al capítulo de la serie, pero eso es lo que yo buscaba. Es mi segundo capítulo favorito, así que he disfrutado mucho de la lectura. Sin embargo, lástima que en esta ocasión este volumen solo recoja la primera parte del capítulo. Sé que es para que así quepa más información y ser más fiel a la serie pero...
En fin, creo que sobre todo Sherlock y Watson están muy bien conseguidos. Sin duda esta edición en tapa dura es una pasada y un objeto de coleccionista para los fans acérrimos de la serie😍.
Profile Image for eveadri13.
7 reviews32 followers
February 20, 2020
Mi capitulo favorito de la serie. No me agrada el hecho de que lo hayan dividido en varias partes, pero definitivamente comprare la siguente, supongo que era era la idea de la editorial, engancharnos para seguir comprando, y funcionó.
La versión deluxe es de otro nivel, me encanta la encuadernación y los detalles, siento que el tono rosa de la pasta resalta la imagen de la portada y las letras doradas a comparación del azul de las anteriores versiones. ¡Estoy ansiosa por la segunda parte!
Profile Image for Ades Barnes.
16 reviews
January 4, 2024
"Sherlock. Escándalo en Belgravia" fue uno de los episodios dónde más le sufrí, pues desde el comienzo Irene Adler me cayó de la súper patada, hacía muchos corajes con ella y leer el tomo, que es fiel a la serie, fue muy agotador (Para los que me conocen saben que le presto bastante atención a los personajes y cuando uno me cae mal, me vuelve difícil la lectura o la serie o lo que sea).

Creo que es uno de los tomos que más tardé en completar porque era tipo: Leía unas dos o tres páginas, me enojaba con Irene y las ganas de leer se me esfumaban. No obstante, hay que reconocer que sí es un buen episodio que nos muestra un poco más sobre Sherlock Holmes y otros personajes, el cómo todos se preocupan por la salud de Sherlock y el cómo él está decidido a resolver éste nuevo misterio que cayó en sus manos; Escándalo en Belgravia es uno de esos raros tomos dónde considero que la historia y el trasfondo tienen más peso que algún otro aspecto y por eso decido que es buena lectura.
Profile Image for Mariela.
181 reviews
September 20, 2020
Es casi la misma experiencia y sensación que sentí al ver el capítulo, divertido, frustrante, más divertido y con esos finales que ya quieres el otro volumen o capítulo. El manga está demasiado fiel a la serie y cada volumen es como si viera un capítulo, las ilustraciones son hermosas y cada personaje muy bien caracterizado, tenia muchisimo que no veía o leía a Sherlock y me dieron ganas de ver la serie una vez más.
Profile Image for Antonella Imperiali.
1,227 reviews130 followers
November 27, 2022
I disegni meritano, sono molto belli, puliti ed eleganti grazie ad un tratto leggero.
La storia, invece, non mi ha detto un granché, anche perché si interrompe lasciando intendere sviluppi in una seconda parte.
Per ora tre stelle (neanche piene,eh!), vedrò poi il quadro generale.

💬 Manga
Profile Image for Angie Crumer.
88 reviews4 followers
June 17, 2020
No sé cuántas partes vayan a ser, pero me parece una buena estrategia; podemos tener más dibujos a cambio de esperar un poco para la siguiente entrega
Profile Image for Stephanie (aka WW).
888 reviews20 followers
December 11, 2021
I miss the BBC Sherlock show with Benedict Cumberbatch and these mangas are just like watching on TV. No new episodes since I last checked, so this is a reread.
Profile Image for Czytam co podleci.
53 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2024
Nikt nie czeka na skandal, nikt nie lubi skandalu... A skandal wisi w powietrzu i tylko Sherlock może mu zapobiec... Kolejne Sherlock'owe smaczki zapożyczenia i cytaty... uwielbiam... :)
Profile Image for Mia.
22 reviews
October 26, 2020
Okay, first of all, THE ART! HELLO! The art just fits so perfectly with the storyline, and I'm in love with how the artist uses a bunch of different perspective and angles to convey emotions and significant plot points. And I ADORE how Irene is drawn(she's great, she's beautiful, she's Irene). Absolutely brilliant.
Of course the plot itself is great, I mean, it follows the show right down to the lines being spoken, and the manga adaptation doesn't stray off from the show at all.
A Scandal in Belgravia isn't my favorite episode by any means, but I love how you can see Sherlock's character begin to change from an aloof self-proclaimed sociopath to someone who actually cares about his friends(uh oh, foreshadowing).
Okay maybe I just like this episode because of Irene Adler, but shh.
All in all, I loved this newest installment of the manga adaptation, can't wait for the next part, and I'm going to cry when Reichenbach is released. Good? Good.
Profile Image for Eros Rubbuano.
Author 1 book26 followers
November 7, 2022
Recensione veloce:

Il manga è molto fedele alla serie tv anche nei disegni è una lettura molto carina se siete fan della serie. Per il resto ho letto altri manga gialli molto più coinvolgenti e preferisco di sicuro la serie tv.
Profile Image for Mariangeles De La Cruz Laguna.
22 reviews8 followers
September 5, 2020
Me encanto, una de las cosas que me preocupaba de la adaptación de la serie al manga era que caricaturizaran mucho a los personajes o por el contrario se sintiera demasiado serio, pero Jay quien esta adaptando el manga consiguió un buen equilibrio y a logrado rescatar la esencia de la serie en estos tomos.
Por un lado, "Escándalo en Belgravia" es uno de mis capítulos favoritos de la serie, junto con el relato original de Doyle, la lectura es ligera, divertida y mantiene la adicción de querer llegar hasta el final del caso (aunque quienes ya hayamos visto la serie sabemos su desenlace), la química entre Sherlock y John se mantiene casi intacta, literal puedo leí todo el manga con las voces de los actores. Por otro lado la edición en pasta blanda de la editorial Panini aquí en México es muy bonita, el separador es hermoso, la traducción en la edición de Panini en México también mejoro a comparación a los tres tomos anteriores (aunque tampoco eran detalles que estropearan la lectura), vale la pena esperar para disfrutar de los tomos.
¡Espero el siguiente número!
Profile Image for Tess .
47 reviews3 followers
November 19, 2020
+rozdělení na dva díly
+děj odpovídá seriálu
Manga k mému oblíbenému dílu Sherlocka, zakončená v tom nejlepším. Jsem hodně natěšená na další díl.
Profile Image for Orin.
20 reviews
August 29, 2022
This is one of my favourite episodes from the sherlock BBC series. I love how this is whole manga is illustrated, it's so great. I truly adore this book for its amazingly captured moments
Profile Image for Namratha.
1,124 reviews252 followers
June 22, 2023
Dodgy artwork but oh, it is Scandal in Belgravia and didn’t we all love the sizzle and chemistry between Sherlock and the dangerous dominatrix, Irene Adler?

Part 1 takes us into the bit where Sherlock, fresh from his menacing encounter with Moriarty, is summoned to Buckingham Palace. A young, unnamed female member of the royal family is being blackmailed with compromising data secretly collected during a round of, as Mycroft delicately pegs it: “Recreational Scolding” with a dominatrix known only as “The Woman”. Mr. Holmes and his trusty sidekick, Dr. Watson have a prestigious case on their hands but their foe is formidable and more than a match for the infallible detective of 221B Baker Street.

Irene Adler might possibly be the only person who parries Sherlock’s intellectual prowess and also answers the question about Sherlock’s unknown sexual orientation. However, Watson still hovers about like a ticked-off but amused possible love interest. It was fun to revisit a series that captured our imaginations a few years back. I honestly wish that the artwork didn’t look so troubled but I guess, the makers had to respect licensing restraints.

In all, an exhilarating ride.
Profile Image for Sara Platero.
530 reviews7 followers
August 16, 2023
La verdad es que estaba leyendo estos mangas para no volver a ver la serie pero, dado que los mangas con un fiel reflejo de la misma, ahora tengo más ganas que nunca de volver a ver la serie, jajaja.

En esta ocasión se introduce el personaje de "La Mujer" ("The Woman"). Una dominatrix profesional con una pequeña obsesión con Sherlock Holmes. Esta mujer dispone de material susceptible para personas muy importantes e influyentes de diferentes partes del mundo, especialmente Reino Unido, por lo que a Sherlock se le encargará la misión de recuperar dichos datos.

Durante esta primera parte del "Escándalo en Belgravia" únicamente se presentará el personaje de "La Mujer" y se dará mucha relevancia a su influencia sobre Sherlock Holmes desde su aparición.

De nuevo, me fascina la capacidad de Jay para dibujar con una precisión y detalles tan acurados las mismas imágenes que representa la serie.

Muy recomendable para los fans de este Sherlock Holmes moderno.
Profile Image for Moriah Venable.
1,295 reviews39 followers
March 28, 2024
For such a short book, this took me forever to read at work. I kept getting interrupted. XD

I forgot how this episode starts, and few scenes made me laugh, such as Sherlock in just sheets. Not wanting to put on clothes.

Sherlock meeting Irene Adler. I don't know if I realized this years ago, and forgot but I now understand why Irene went to meet him in nothing. From her clothes he would be able to deduced things about her, such as he did with John, but when he turns back to her, he knows nothing. There is nothing he can find out about her.

When Sherlock deduces that Irene is dead and just the way that makes him feel, though he tries to hide it. My hearts aches for him.

The only woman who was able to outsmart him. I ordered the series and I am going to start from the beginning, including watching the fourth series. I know people were not very happy with it, but I think it is time I watch it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marie Yañez.
47 reviews
August 8, 2020
This is my favorite episode in “Sherlock” and I love the work of Jay with the art, that just was amazing, the complexity of the characters is very realistic, especially with Irene Adler, my favorite character (hehe), and the depth of the story is exceptional.
I didn’t like at all that they divided it into several parts, but I'ts not bad.

Éste es mi capítulo favorito en “Sherlock” y adoro el trabajo que hizo Jay con el arte, es simplemente increíble, la complejidad de los personajes es muy realista, especialmente la de Irene Adler, mi personaje favorito (jeje), y la profundidad de la historia es excepcional.
No me gustó del todo que lo dividieran en varias partes, pero no está mal.
Profile Image for mayday.
415 reviews11 followers
March 31, 2020
Dibagi beberapa bagian dong, lol.

Aku rasa fandomnya juga udah mati, tapi karena terlanjung ngikuti ya klo gak beli gak sreg juga.

Bagian yang lucu-lucunya di dramanya dulu masih bisa disampaikan dengan bagus di komiknya:

"kau pakai celana dalam?"



Btw, brainy is the new sexy terjemahannya aneh ya, "intelek itu sexy gaya baru", dominatrix diterjemahin jadi ratu, kok ya rasanya aneh. Atau karena ini diterjemahin dari Bahasa Jepangnya ya?

Anyway, sangat menghibur. Terima kasih m&c, akhirnya setelah bertahun-tahun :)
Profile Image for Jo-ann Wong.
23 reviews4 followers
July 17, 2020
Thank you to Edelweiss and Seven Stories Press for the ARC!

A Scandal in Belgravia is a fun and fast-paced read, with all of the complexities of a Sherlock mystery.

The graphic novel is a shot-for-shot artistic depiction of the television episode on which it is based on. The art in the graphic novel is great, and really captures the feel of the episode. However, if you have seen the episode already, it is pretty much the same story and shots.

In the end, I would definitely recommend this book/series to people who have not seen the television show.
421 reviews3 followers
November 15, 2020
I think some of the artist's choices in making the characters slightly off from the actors is to give them more of the character's personality. In previous volumes, I thought sometimes the art was just slightly off. When I saw Moriarty at the beginning of this volume, it just clicked that the reason he looks different from the actor is that he looks more like the personality of the character Moriarty. At least that is what I think now, and it makes the experience better.
I enjoyed the story of this volume. Eagerly awaiting the next volume. A lot of the humor came through this time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews

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