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What if free will isn't? What if your every move is predestined? If you kill, are you guilty of murder?

Grammy-winning pianist Landon Jeffers's brain cancer has given him only a few years to live. But when he sleeps, the forgotten terrors of his past torment him. When he wakes, shameful memories come rushing back. Desperate for answers, Jeffers discovers that a brain implant intended to treat his cancer is really a device to control him, forcing him to commit terrible crimes. Now he's being manipulated by an evil crime syndicate and a crooked cop.

When he sleeps, the forgotten terrors of the past come alive ... and his future is a dead ending.

364 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 15, 2019

About the author

Adam Blumer

8 books286 followers
Adam Blumer fixes other people’s books to pay the bills. He writes his own to explore creepy lighthouses and crime scenes. He is the author of four clean Christian thrillers: Fatal Illusions, The Tenth Plague, Kill Order, and the upcoming Termination Zone. He also wrote the upcoming novella Death the Halls, to be released in a Christmas suspense collection in October. A print journalism major in college, he works full-time from home as a book editor after serving in editorial roles for more than twenty-five years. He lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with his wife, Kim, and his daughters, Laura and Julia. When he’s not working on his next thriller, he’s hiking in the woods or learning new chords on his guitar.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for Deena.
950 reviews
August 10, 2019
What a wild ride! I'm a huge fan already, but this would most definitely make me a fan for life. Kill Order is jam packed with twists and turns, some of them hairpin bends.

Kill Order is also laced with faith. Could be the most faith-filled book of this year! But Blumer does it masterfully, without becoming preachy or heavy handed.

I received a complimentary copy from the author, and all opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Lynn.
103 reviews
January 10, 2020
I had a hard time at the start as it changes dates, but after a few chapters, I was hooked.

Interesting premise and likable characters who change and grow. A good read.
438 reviews45 followers
August 19, 2019
Landon a famous concert pianist finds out he has terminal brain cancer. His only hope is to undergo an experimental surgery that removes the tumour and then places a wafer-like implant to stop it regrowing. But strange things start happening and soon enough Landon discovers that the implant is actually a controlling device. Someone wants to use him as a hitman.
I had difficulties getting into the book. The start was very confusing and drawn out. There was no actual storyline, only bits and pieces the reader has to puzzle together, some of those pieces don't even fit. There are also longish internal dialogues and daymares that are unnecessary and even boring.
Once Landon finds out what's going on, the story picks up and is rather interesting. That middle part is the best bit of the book because near the end the story goes all over the place. There are too much action and ideas for storylines packed together and shooting in all directions without a clear destination in mind. Also, the Christian 'saving' near the end feels as if it's thrown in for good measure and not in line with the rest of the story, where only the mother talks about religion. Sorry but I'm not a fan of this book. The 3rd star is solely for that middle bit, the rest of the book gets no more than 2.
I received a free arc of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Deb Brammer.
Author 13 books28 followers
July 29, 2019
If you like Christian suspense, you’ll love Kill Order. Desperate for a cure to his brain cancer, Landon Jeffers agrees to a brain implant, only to find out later that the implant gives an outsider control over his memories and actions. He awakes with evidence pointing to crimes he doesn’t remember committing. Soon he can’t trust anyone, even himself. Where can he hide when the outsider can see his every move? How can he protect himself when this controller uses the people Landon loves most as a weapon against him?

I am usually stingy with 5-star ratings, but I am awarding it to this one for unique plot, strong suspense, and plot twists I didn’t see coming. I also appreciate the strong Christian message. As is typical with suspense, this book contains violent scenes, but the author doesn’t deal with it in an overly graphic way. It is a clean read with no profanity or sex in any form.
1 review2 followers
August 8, 2019
What a new twisted type thriller! Very difficult to put this novel down just to do life. Love the unique details the author used. Landy’s dream/life event was so vivid ... “down...down ...to a dark cold place where the wind howls and freezing fingers wrap around my arms and pull me - screaming - straight down As if yanking me to my awaiting grave.” So perfectly written! I could feel those freezing fingers wrap around my arms!
Loved how Landy thought “Did I really think I could manipulate the Creator?” Landy was dealing with a stronghold, a force he had never known before.
Throughout this novel the reader feels ..... “second guessing my plans and wondering about the mystery that had drawn me thanks to the magnetic pull of place and memory”. I felt this mystery was a magnetic pull for me. I became so involved in the lives of these characters. Each character is so well developed. Love how Paul Blumer made each person as if they were my neighbors or community workers.
1 review
August 15, 2019
I've read Adam's previous books so I was excited to dig into this one. It didn't disappoint. It took a little while for the plot to build, but once it did, I couldn't put it down. I ended up reading the last half of the book in a single sitting. The characters were well developed and believable. The current story, back story, and memories were artfully interweaved together and revealed in digestible chunks in a way that kept you wanting for more. The topic was thought-provoking, and the choices made by the protagonists reflected biblical options. It's refreshing to read a clean book. It does touch upon some violent actions, but it does so in a proper way. I would be comfortable reading this with or to my children, and in fact, I suggested this book to my daughter who loves suspense books. I thought the book was going to end in a way I didn't like (no spoilers) but a twist at the end brought it around.
2 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2019
I’ll keep this short and sweet. I have read Adam Blumer’s two previous books, Fatal Illusions and The Tenth Plague. I thoroughly enjoyed each and highly recommend them. One, because of their clean, Christian message; two, because I love suspense/mystery reads.
When I heard that a third book was on its way, I couldn’t wait. When it released, I read. And read. And read. I stayed up until nearly midnight a couple times, trying to get to a place I could stop. Unfortunately, I had to pick between a cliffhanger and an even worse cliffhanger each time. This is my only complaint against this book. 😂 Great plot, realistic characters, and a nice pace. If you enjoy thrillers and mysteries that are clean and that you can feel good about reading, then this is the book for you.
1 review
August 2, 2019
An exciting read I highly recommend, this book has an intriguing premise brought to life in a very enjoyable book.
628 reviews3 followers
January 2, 2021
Mr. Blumer always delivers excellence

This is another riveting, page turner that I couldn't put down. Questions with no answers, lost memories, spiritual struggles, danger around every corner, mystery, and drama. Plus a family with loads of love and a little romance. It all adds up to an intriguing thriller.

It's wonderful to have an author whose work I can pick up knowing I there will be no inappropriate language or content, but will always be a well-written, exciting, intriguing, inspirational story. I'm rather picky about spelling and grammar and often find so many errors that I don't even enjoy the book. Not so with Mr. Blumer's books. The editing is a work of excellence. I have no hesitation on any level to recommend his books!

Now I'm on to the next book, Termination Zone, the second story about Landon Jeffers.
Profile Image for Dana.
158 reviews
February 27, 2020
I have never read Adam Blumer's book so this was a first for me, it was given to me as a gift from him though all opinions are my own. This was a good Christian Suspense Thriller with an idea that is so intriguing, what IF someone could control your actions and you had No control of them. This was such a crazy idea to me which kept me turning the pages. I loved the characters, some of them endearing, some frustrating and some down right evil. I loved the mix and the storyline. Recommended for Suspense/Thriller lovers!
1,210 reviews13 followers
May 28, 2020
The book has an interesting premise, but there are too many holes in the plot and some of the characters' actions are not believable. And, how many people have brain surgery? It was implausible to have that many mind-controlled people in one area. I also can't believe a woman would leave her young child to go on the run, especially after realizing that both the child and her father could be in danger. The book ends without giving any answers as to who was behind the nefarious plot. Too much was left unresolved.
Profile Image for Mary Hake.
Author 4 books287 followers
July 9, 2020
Landon Jeffers, a gifted pianist, begins having horrible nightmares—or could those elusive memories of murder be real . . . Maybe this is some strange effect from his brain cancer surgery. He seems to be controlled by some outside force, which he determines to fight. The suspense deepens and the tension escalates. This powerful tale is a psychological thriller that will captivate and keep you intrigued till the conclusion. Anyone who likes a fast-paced mystery should enjoy this. All opinions are my own.
Free on Amazon through 7/10/19.
Profile Image for Diane Dixon.
464 reviews
January 25, 2023
Wow Simply Wow!!

This was a page turner, nail biting, and couldn’t put down book all in one. There was so much suspense that I caught myself holding my breath. The plot was great and very creative. Adam Blumer has definitely got a new fan. This book goes to show it can be a thriller without the cussing, explicit sex scenes and all the things that other authors feel like they have to put in a book for good sales. This book had me on the edge of my seat and the ending was unpredictable which I love.
Profile Image for Vickie Jameson.
312 reviews23 followers
February 22, 2020
Wow! If you like edge of your seat suspense novels then you have GOT to read this book! This story may seem like science fiction at times, but it is an absolutely plausible scenario.

This is the 3rd book I've read by Adam Blumer and I am hooked! Can't wait for the next one! I received a copy of Kill Order in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not required to leave a positive review.
Profile Image for Fire.
433 reviews2 followers
April 24, 2020
What a creative reimagination and twist of the Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde story. Actually I'm not sure if that is what Blumer was going for when he wrote this, but that is the story that came to mind, but with a mind-bending twist.

This was a really fun read and a great story overall I really enjoyed it. It kept me going and I was engaged with the story and characters. This is quite a wild ride and an amazing premise.

5 Stars!
Profile Image for Nancy.
259 reviews4 followers
September 21, 2023
First time for me author! Very surprised at the storyline but it is a book worth reading. I loved the characters and the struggles. Good grief... just imagine!! (I am not leaking the storyline). I am moving on to the second in this series and will keep an eye out for new books of his. that come out. I do have the next series of his in the TBR pile.
Profile Image for Sandy.
988 reviews13 followers
May 10, 2020
Kill Order

Very interesting and entertaining storyline about unknown person or persons responsible for implanting chips in human brains in order to control the person and use them as assassins.
Profile Image for Brandi.
97 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2020
Psychological thriller. Landon starts having memory lapse and other strange symptoms after having brain surgery to remove a tumor. He soon discovers that when he signed on the dotted line, he got more than he bargained for and became a slave to evil. Clean suspense with an eternal message!
Profile Image for Laura.
273 reviews
October 22, 2020
This isn't my favorite genre of books, but the plot was very exciting and had lots of twists and turns. I did enjoy the setting for most of the book, which was in the upper peninsula of Michigan.
Profile Image for Hunter Q Lee.
469 reviews3 followers
December 5, 2021
Tremendously written

This story is tremendously written. It is filled with action and adventure. I like the picture of the struggle between good and evil.
Profile Image for C.K. Heartwing.
Author 4 books21 followers
September 3, 2022
Kill Order is a fast-paced thriller with a rather interesting premise--what if your free will was taken away? This idea is explored when Landon Jeffers has a chip implanted into his brain that can control his body. The story is a little confusing at first, as the first several chapters jump from several POVs without a clear direction, but about a third of the way through the book, it begins to become clear, and the middle especially picks up and is rather interesting. The ending is interesting as well but felt as if it was missing something. Perhaps more resolution, though this is the first book in the series, so I imagine things will become clearer in the second book. There are a few continuation/timeline errors. While at times I wished it was a little more in depth, I appreciate the fact that faith is an integral part of the story and is woven throughout the book. I do feel like the themes and faith element could have been explored in a little more depth and that the tension needed just a little something more to it. The internal struggles of the MC could have been more in depth as well. Overall, Kill Order is a fast-paced read and explores themes and topics that leave you pondering them in depth later on. I'll be continuing the series and look forward to the next book. I haven't read much in the way of thrillers before, but it was definitely a fun read.
Profile Image for Cindy .
680 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2020
Interesting, but the ending left me hanging which I hate.
380 reviews5 followers
January 19, 2020
Pianist Landon Jeffers has a brain tumor. When the tumor is surgically removed, the surgeon also places an implant in Landon's brain that allows a secret organization to force him to commit crimes and leave him with no memory of what he has done.

Landon returns to his childhood home to recover from surgery. With the help of his mother and Jade Hamilton, a childhood friend, he tries to break free of the secret organization's control and also to remember and come to terms with traumatic events from his past.

I appreciated the book's fast-moving, exciting plot and strong Christian message.

One small glitch: The first name of Jade's father changes over the course of the book.
Profile Image for Barbara.
775 reviews36 followers
August 27, 2019
In Adam Blumer‘s new novel, Kill Order, Landon Jeffers is an award-winning pianist diagnosed with brain cancer. After his doctors removed as much of the tumor as they could, they inserted an implant into his brain to continue to fight the remaining cancer.

But that’s not all they inserted.

Landon is recovering from surgery at his mother’s house when he starts having vivid partial memories of a couple of incidents in his childhood. As he tries to unravel what really happened, he also starts having strange dreams. In one, he stole an item from his mother’s neighbor. When he wakes up, he finds evidence that he really did commit the crime.

Then he wakes up one morning with blood on his clothes. As he turns himself in to the police, he learns he can’t be sure whom to trust. He has to find a way to escape whoever’s controlling him.

Adam keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Bits of humor are sprinkled throughout at just the right moments. Landon is not a Christian, but his mother and childhood friend both are, so there is some tension along those lines as well.

Adam had pledged to his readers that he will keep his novels clean. There are no swear words or sexual scenes here.

Adam also makes his books distinctively Christian. I’ve read too many books that are “Christian lite” or that are Christian in name only. I like to see Christian people doing Christian things in Christian fiction, seeking God’s will as they wrestle with issues. I loved how Adam’s characters developed spiritually.

Kill Order is a highly enjoyable, highly recommended book.
929 reviews9 followers
January 12, 2020
Heart pounding

Kill Order is a highly suspenseful book of flashbacks vs present day chaos. At first it seems disjointed but then begins to fall together & make more sense. Landon is a highly successful pianist with a brain tumor. His publicist & manager hooks him up with Dr. Kevorin (I read Dr. Kevorkian every time & had to correct myself) who is actually evil and implants a device in Landon's brain that turns him into a cold blooded killer. Excellent story of the power of God over evil. I'm a proofreader and caught a glaring error which someone should have caught. Numerous chapters take place on Oct. 30, which the writer refers to as Halloween. Then suddenly we are on Nov. 1, and I kept looking back to see I had missed a day. I had not, but the writer just flat out skipped Oct. 31. These kind of things wear me out. I highly recommend the book to readers of suspense.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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