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Robert Hunter #11

Written in Blood

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Los Angeles, December 4th - exactly three weeks until Christmas day. Angela Wood, a master in the art of pickpocket, has just finished for the day - six hundred and eighty-seven dollars – not bad for less than fifteen minutes work.

As she celebrates her profitable day with a cocktail, one of the patrons in the lounge she’s in catches her attention by being rude to an old man. Angela decides to teach him a lesson, and steals the man’s expensive-looking leather bag.

Inside is no money ... no laptop computer ... nothing of any value ... at least not to Angela. Just a black, leather-bound book, surprisingly heavy. Curiosity takes over and in the comfort of her apartment, Angela quickly leafs through the pages.

That is when the worst nightmare of her life begins.
This is no ordinary book.
Read it at your own peril.

496 pages, Hardcover

First published July 23, 2020

About the author

Chris Carter

126 books4,509 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Biographies can be an absolute drag, so I won’t bore anyone with a long life story.

I was born in Brasilia, Brazil where I spent my childhood and teenage years. After graduating from high school, I moved to the USA where I studied psychology with specialization in criminal behaviour. During my University years I held a variety of odd jobs, ranging from flipping burgers to being part of an all male exotic dancing group.

I worked as a criminal psychologist for several years before moving to Los Angeles, where I swapped the suits and briefcases for ripped jeans, bandanas and an electric guitar. After a spell playing for several well known glam rock bands, I decided to try my luck in London, where I was fortunate enough to have played for a number of famous artists. I toured the world several times as a professional musician.

A few years ago I gave it all up to become a full time writer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 961 reviews
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,029 followers
October 11, 2020
The extremely rare case of the personal tragedy of an exceptional author who wrote this novel around the death of his partner and included and added dark, meta horror to the usual serial killer setting.

How the ending and especially the motivation of the antagonist in his monologue are described is how reality functions, how humankind rolls, what is several times happening right at this moment. not to forget the, for the work irrelevant, secret prisons, NSA surveillance stuff, Orwellian tendencies, etc. There is money to make, cash is king, and it´s a buyer´s market. So better give black Friday special offers, why not

What is even more disturbing is that, with such a setting, nobody is safe anymore. Before, it were certain main target audiences that got the most attention and deadly love by serial killers, but by imagining such a scenario, everyone could be a coincidental kill. Hope that the voices don´t have too specific wishes.

And that´s just the industrial world, imagine what must go in in the Southern hemisphere or in the areas of Europe and North America that are under control by organized crime. If one single person with special skills, talent, and motivation could do it, what could the criminal franchise equivalent of a megacorporation conglomerate do, let´s say a cooperation of Asian, Russian, and European crime syndicates that don´t fight, but work together and help each other?

Back to the story, Hunter is pretty confused regarding the killer's personality, motivation, and possible mental illnesses, a small second protagonist´s plotline refreshes the story, and Carter mixes the fast paced first half with more and more disturbing revelation and the final meta hit comes out of nothing, I completely wasn´t prepared for that. I don´t know if Carter did already go meta with some indirect social criticism or if this was his first time, it would however be a splendid idea to mix in more of the questions and answers why and how sociopaths are created and why prevention isn´t possible under the current, exploitative, economic system. Enjoy the hereof allegory and far range of possible interpretations of the ending.

I am not sure if there is a bit of autobiographic fatalistic pessimism and nihilism in there too, could be subjective and thereby wrong, but regarding the circumstances of the creation of this work, it could easily be possible that we are seeing a reappraisal of life and preferences after a tragedy hit one of the most amazing thriller authors out there.

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_...
Profile Image for Paromjit.
3,064 reviews25.6k followers
July 31, 2020
Chris Carter's latest in his Detective Robert Hunter series of the LAPD's Ultra Violent Crimes Unit (LVCU) is a dark, intense, heart pounding, frantic adrenaline thrill ride from beginning to end. It will keep you glued to a thriller with what appears initially to be a mentally unstable serial killer, who has managed to remain below the radar for many years, completely undetected, a killer who cannot even remember just how many he has killed. The young Angela Wood, a gifted pickpocket, is sipping her cocktail, after successfully lifting some wallets, when she observes a man be incredibly rude to an older customer when she makes a decision she will live to regret. She decides to teach the man a lesson by stealing his leather bag, whose contents she is later disappointed to discover is only a journal.

However, on closer inspection, the journal turns out to document the names of people killed in the most barbaric, gruesome and sadistic ways, with details of each murder victim and the location of their remains. A shocked Angela hand delivers the journal to Dr Susan Slater, a LAPD forensic scientist, which leads to Hunter and his partner, Carlos Garcia, becoming involved. It soon becomes clear the journal is no hoax after the discovery of a body buried alive in a wedding dress at a location detailed. Angela finds her life spinning dangerously out of control, the killer is no ordinary guy, he wants his journal back. He has no qualms about threatening Hunter either, displaying a sense of confidence and self assurance that becomes a matter of deep concern to the police. Hunter and the LAPD are facing a level of horror and evil they could not have imagined as they find themselves outwitted at every turn.

Chris Carter is an accomplished thriller writer, his plotting makes great and expert use of the tropes commonly deployed in the genre. This is a fast paced, and hugely entertaining read with a raft of twists and turns that make the storylines utterly compelling and riveting. I can see many crime and thriller readers loving this, and it leaves me eagerly anticipating the next in this fabulous series. Many thanks to Simon and Schuster for an ARC
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,033 followers
June 7, 2021
My capacity for writing reviews atrophies with time. It's been 8 years and about 800 reviews. I can't find non formulaic words to tie my thoughts in a neat bow.

Words fail me. But I still want to write reviews. If I didn't, maybe you wouldn't have considered giving this book a try. It's not all philanthropic, you know?

I get pleasantness from writing. By that I know that if I write a novel, I'll be really happy. But that's catch 22 for another day. Reading too makes me happy. Hope you found the review useful. I know I haven't talked about the book. Next review I'll be more mundane.
October 6, 2021
Toe curling, fast paced, gripping, thrilling and terrifying. This is crime writing at its best and the first book I’ve read by Chris Carter, and it won’t be the last.

Picture this, you are a career thief / pickpocket and by all accounts a highly skilled one. Then one day you make one fatal mistake, you decide to snatch a bag containing a journal. The problem is, the bag belongs to a serial killer and the journal holds an abundance of dark secrets. On reading it’s terrifying details you soon learn that if your name is in this diary of horrors, you are already dead, and you have made yourself his next mission. He is out to get his diary back and he will kill you.

This is the worst kind of killer because he is faceless and plans his kills through the dark web, where victims are killed to order and slaughtered for viewing. He will not make mistakes, he will maintain his composure because he is a highly trained killing machine. He operates fast, he knows how to get information and he tracks you down before the day is out. Hunter has to quite literally put his life on the line to stop this assassin and rely on him making one mistake because he knows he cannot outsmart and out manoeuvre the Werewolf.

We have read many books about the trained assassins, the serial killers and it is difficult to make these stories unique, different and absorbing. However, Chris Carter created a lurid theatre of evil and with it delivered a super crime novel with all the tension and suspense I love. The writing style was excellent, the horror palpable with a never ending feeling of fear in this deadly game of cat and mouse with detective Hunter.

Some gruesome details in the diary of horrors that I skimmed past, but otherwise a fabulous read for crime lovers.
Profile Image for Matt.
4,203 reviews13k followers
September 8, 2020
After devouring a sensational psychological thriller by an up and coming great author of the genre, she reminded me of her passion for Chris Carter and spoke highly of his work. With Carter’s latest on my teetering TBR pile, I knew it was time to pull it to the top and return to the dark world of serial killers, who are safe to roam the streets of LA until Detective Robert Hunter locks onto their scent. Carter offers yet another stunning novel that reminds me just how passionate I get about great writing and a disturbing plot line. With only a few weeks until Christmas, Angela Wood is doing her best to reap the rewards of being a pickpocket, that is, until she targets the wrong man. Her stash for the night may include a sizeable amount of money, but there’s also a satchel with a mysterious journal inside. After gazing at it for only a moment, Angela realises that she is in too deep and turns the journal over to the authorities in a way only she could devise. When the journal is revealed to Detective Robert Hunter of the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit of the LAPD, he and his partner, Carlos Garcia, begin at the start, only to realise what they have before them is a murder journal. The pages include a narrative about what ���the voices’ are telling this person to do, which includes photos of the sixteen various victims. The names all match missing persons reports, but the deaths have never been reported and the bodies never found. Hunter and Garcia follow the precise coordinates offered for the first victim, which leads them to a coffin in the ground, one in which the victim was mishandled before and after death, as well as viewed as she suffocated, by web cam. As Hunter and Garcia delve deeper, they learn about Angela and her role in all of this. What begins as an interrogation soon turns into something much more dangerous, as the killer locks onto the lowly pickpocket and wants his journal back. When Hunter and Garcia learn more about the voices and the killer’s likely schizophrenia, they know that what they thought was real has taken a significant turn for the worse. After Angela is plucked from protective custody, the race is on, with a killer who only wants a journal and is prepared to kill anyone in his path for get it, turning Hunter into hunted! Stunning in its presentation, Chris Carter has done it again. Binge worthy writing if ever there was some in the genre! Recommended to those who need something dark and sadistic to keep their reading life spiced up, as well as the reader who cannot get enough of the genre.

I have never gone wrong since I picked up the first of the Robert Hunter novels. Chris Carter is a master craftsman and knows just how to lead the reader down a path before trapping them inside the prison that is his narrative. Robert Hunter is back for an eleventh (!) novel and could not be more in tune with his job. With no real backstory to add to his complex past, the book focuses on his present and some development, though things tend to be fairly case-centred for him. Hunter uses his intuitiveness and keen skills to hone in on the minutiae that help blow the case wide open, though he is not one to wait patiently when the clock is ticking. Series fans will likely enjoy his grit and determination, though he can sometimes lack the sense of humour needed to offset the work he does. The handful of secondary characters keep this story on point, while serving to help push the story in a forward direction. Carter knows which tools to use and when in order to make it an adventure the reader will not soon forget, flavouring the narrative with dialogue, development, and even some twists that no one saw coming. Offering clues like breadcrumbs, Carter begs the reader to follow, but warns that there may be no way out, save to finish this sadistic piece of writing, when the killer’s true intentions are revealed. The story is nothing less than I would expect from Carter and the rawness is something that some readers will likely find over the top. His mix of chapter lengths reel the reader in and force them to negotiate a web of intense emotions and a case that gets more complex the deeper Hunter delves. With that warning though, anyone prepared to allow themselves into a world where no depravity towards victims seems too much, Chris Carter is one of the only guides you’ll ever need!

Kudos, Mr. Carter, for another stellar piece of writing. I cannot wait to see what else you have to offer.

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Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,423 reviews699 followers
July 12, 2020
Hands up fans of dark and gruesome serial killers? Chris Carter is the author for you. I am such a big fan of this author and his Robert Hunter books and I will admit to squealing when I was approved for an advanced copy of Written In Blood. This is book 11 but they can be read on their own. I would suggest reading them all in order though as Robert Hunter is such a complex and interesting character. With each book we learn more about what makes him tick and I love it. I think I might have a little bit of a crush on him! I couldn't get enough of this book and really didn't want it to be over.. Now I am eagerly awaiting book 12!

Written in Blood starts with Angela Wood, a young woman who spends her days and nights picking pockets in LA. But this time she has messed with the wrong man. When she opens this bag she finds a journal, the journal of a serial killer. She finds her way to get this to the police and it lands on the desk of Robert Hunter. Along with his partner Carlos Garcia they make their way through it, trying to find the killer and stop him. I won't say anymore about the plot as there is so much to look forward to in this installment.

These books are not for the squeamish, they are graphic and violent and the killers are sadistic and twisted. This one did make my stomach churn as I was reading some of the murder scenes. But I seriously loved it and I cannot recommend this book and series more. But don't don't say that I didn't warn you about the content!!

Thank you so much to Simon and Schuster Australia for my advanced copy of this book to read.
Profile Image for Nora|KnyguDama.
423 reviews2,270 followers
June 14, 2023
Su Carteriu jau draugauju 11... knygų :D Tikriausiai taip, apie ilgas draugystes su autoriais būtų galima pasakyti. Nors pardžioj į leidžiamą seriją dėmesio neatkreipiau, bet kai perskaičiau pirmą dalį „Krucifiksas“ - viskas. Man reikėjo daaaar. Ir gavau! Labai smagu, kad pasitelkdamas savo patirtis dirbant su serijiniais žudikais, autorius vis geba stebinti, vis randa naujų kampų, naujų idėjų ir sukuria gąsdinančiai žiaurius scenarijus. Perskaityta 10 dalis nunešė stogą - buvo vienas geriausių mano kada skaitytų trilerių. Tad imdama šią, įtariau, kad pakartoto tokio „pasirodymo“ Chrisui gali ir nepavykt.

Čia žudikui žiauriai nenuskyla. Bare, visiškai dėl atsitiktinumo, jį apšvarina apsukri vagilė. Andžela nežinojo nei ką, nei iš ko vagia, bet iš baro išėjo su didžiuliu krepšiu. Tikėjosi ten rast ką nors vertingo, bet rado kai ką nesuvokiamo. Žudymo dienoraštį. Detalų, iliustruotą nuotraukom ir iškrypusių idėjų pilną. Neilgai trukus, dienoraštis atsiduria Hanterio rankose, o su juo susisiekia pats žudikas, reikalaudamas atgauti knygą. Jis stato savo sąlygas, kurioms Hanteris paklust nenori, bet pasirinkimo neturi. Šis nusikaltėlis gabus, protingas, tikslus ir klaidų nedaro. Savo žiaurius pažadus irgi tesi.

Knyga tikrai gera. Geras detektyvas, labai patiko Andželos personažas - net norėčiau, kad ji serijoj dar pafigūruotų. Viskas labai gerai, bet kai prieš tai buvusioji TAIP nustebino, akivaizdu, kad wow efekto nebuvo. Bet didžiulis pliusas, kad čia taip nesijautė tas Hanterio „visažiniškumas“, kuris jau buvo kiek erzint pradėjęs. Gaudynės, įtampa tęsėsi visų puslapių metu, o tai visad džiugina :D Taip pat, ši knyga leido mesti akį ir į paties rašytojo pasaulį. O tiksliau - jo griūtį. Įžangoje ir pabaigos žodyje jis prisipažino, jog covidas pasiglemžė jo mylimąją. Chrisas skyrė jai jautrius žodžius, o aš pagooglinau kaip Kara atrodė. Net nustebau - ji kaip iš akies lupta Carterio sukurta Hanterio mylimoji. Plaukai, stilius, apranga - viskas kaip Karos. Labai miela ir gražu. Jautru. Su kiekviena knyga džiaugiuosi, lad nėriau į šitą seriją ir labai nelaukiu dienos, kada Chrisas nuspręs ją užbaigti.
Profile Image for Edgarr Alien Pooh.
303 reviews238 followers
May 22, 2023
I am trying not to be harsh on this one because of what Chris Carter was going through at the time of writing - you can google that for yourself.

The storyline was again intriguing, bloodthirsty, typical Robert Hunter stuff but I felt two areas in this one that were a bit disappointing. Firstly, the dialogue between Detectives Hunter and Garcia was at times quite childish, especially for their job roles. You know when your child or a child deliberately dangles a carrot because they want you to ask them about it, this happened so many times when surely Detectives would speak openly to each other and just pass the facts. Too many times Hunter would say something like, "He is certainly very smart" and leave it at that without clarification prompting Garcia to pick up the chase with, "What do you mean?" or "How so?" I know this is really picky but when it is obvious like it was I feel like it is a bit of a weakness.

The second note of disappointment comes when the killer takes a good 6 or 7 pages to actually explain, verbally, to Hunter why he did the things he did and why he is who he is. This is one of my pet peeves in Hollywood movies when the 'bad guy' has the 'good guy' beaten, all he has to do is finish him off. Instead, he launches into a grandstanding master show of telling him all about the who, what, when and why. All the time supposedly allowing the 'good guy' a chance at escape. Yes, movies are short on time and this is a good way to push the plot along to the end game, but in a book I feel it is really cheating and would prefer the backstory laid bare by actions, or in the least, chapters where we delve into the past.

I did say I wasn't going to be too harsh, and that is because Carter has still written a solid thriller. There are nods to other movies and novels like SE7EN, Kiss the Girls, Hannibal and the reasons behind the 'bad guy's' behaviour are not new but Written In Blood will still have you turning the pages and for me, personally, I am still looking forward to my next Chris Carter read.
Profile Image for Eglė Eglė.
414 reviews32 followers
July 22, 2023

Carter visą laiką įvardindavau kaip vieną iš mylimiausių savo rašytojų. Kiekvieną kartą stebiuosi jo sugebėjimu sukurti tokias kraupias ir visiškai nepanašias knygas, kur žudymai bei žmonių kankinimai yra kiekvieną kartą vis žiauresni, o žudikai - šaltakraujiškesni. Šį kartą lyg šviežio oro gurkšnis knygoje buvo Andželos personažas. Protinga, drąsi bei daug gyvenime patyrusi mergina iš karto mane sužavėjo.
Beeeet.. nežinau kaip tiksliai įvardinti, ką aš galvoju, nes ir pati tiksliai to nesuprantu. Robertas pastarosiose knygose, ir ypač šitoje, pasidarė lyg super žmogus - nenugalimas, nesustabdomas, išsisukantis iš kėbliausios, atrodytų be išeities, padėties. Ir tai mane pradėjo šiek tiek erzinti ir mažina susidomėjimą juo. Jis pasidarė per daug nerealus ir netikroviškas. Labai tikiuosi, kad tai tik trumpalaikis nuosmukis, ir Hanteris vėl bus toks kaip buvo!
Profile Image for Shaghayegh.
344 reviews94 followers
February 15, 2023
قاتلی که دستور «صداها» رو اجرا می‌کنه.
صداهایی که بهش دستورات خاص و دقیق می‌دن.
دختر آسیایی که کیمونو و جوراب سفید پوشیده، پسری بین بیست تا بیست و پنج با موی بلوند طبیعی، زن و شوهری که حداقل پنج سال ازدواج کرده باشن و …
صداها فقط مشخصات فردی نمی‌دن، روش مردن هم القا می‌کنن، زنده زنده دفن شه، توی اسید غرق شه و …
این قاتل ما دفتری داره که توش می‌نویسه، از قربانیاش عکس می‌گیره و سمپل خونیشونو می‌ذاره، اما از قضا یه روز یه دزد کیف‌قاپ کیفی که این دفتر داخلش بوده می‌زنه و جهنم آغاز می‌شه !!!
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews481 followers
July 16, 2020
Has Robert Hunter, lead detective in the LAPD Ultra Violent Crimes unit (UVC), finally met his match? A young woman, Angela, makes her living pick-pocketing. Only one day, as she snags a canvas bag off the floor, she targets the wrong person. When she realises what she has she sends it straight to the LAPD forensics lab - a clever move. Inside the bag is a murder diary detailing 16 gruesome deaths, meticulously recorded, as requested by ‘the voices’. Each murder is different and the GPS coordinates for where the bodies have been left have been thoughtfully included.

Clearly the killer is smart and extremely organised, and clearly he will keep killing until he is stopped. Hunter has grave fears for Angela’s safety as the bar where she lifted the bag has CCTV and when he goes to check it he finds that a period of time is missing from all the camera recordings. Oops! Angela is installed in a safe house and Hunter and his sidekick, Garcia, go to work on the diary looking for clues about this cold and calculating killer. I don’t want to say any more as I don’t want to spoil it for you. I did have my suspicions and I was right but that in no way detracted from my enjoyment as it only addressed a small part of the unknowns.

This book was tense, very tense and quite gruesome in parts. It was clear from the start that this killer is unlike anything the UVC unit has ever tackled. He is like a ghost, and he can get to anyone. What I can tell you is that if you are a Chris Carter fan you will love this. If you enjoy a serial killer thriller you will love this. And if you just want to scare yourself senseless (you will find out why) you will love this. As for me - I am keenly awaiting the next book.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,423 reviews
July 3, 2020
I used to read every book by Chris Carter and then, and I’m not sure why, a few years ago I stopped
After reading this book I have been bersting myself, this was truly superb
It was great to be back with Robert Hunter and Garcia and I was thrilled that the battleaxe Captain Blake was still very much in evidence, ‘seeing’ all 3 again was like welcoming old friends back
The story itself is, of course, gruesome and scary and reminiscent of ‘The Hostel’ in some ways with a touch of the ‘SAW’ ideas and a helping of 24 slung in, other than that I am not going into the plot other than to say I am not exaggerating when I say I shuddered, quite a few times, the killer is multi layered and cleverly you almost, almost understand what has driven them...other than that you are on your own to discover this story
A unique writing style that I think has got even better than I remembered and not once did I lose track or the momentum of the story, it literally never let up
Loved it and will be looking at reading the ones I missed out on
5 Stars
Profile Image for Tonkica.
693 reviews137 followers
March 6, 2022

Detektiv Robert Hunter je u još jednom svom, jedanaestom, standardnom lovu na bolestan i poremećen um gdje mu je kao i uvijek oslonac njegov partner i prijatelj detektiv Garcia. Interesantno započinje cijela priča jer ne bismo rekli da bi slučajna krađa dnevnika mogla otkriti puno više od popisa sastanaka i liste za kupovinu. Ono što ovaj dnevnik skriva je puno puno groznije, nezamislivo i kao tako savršeno za posebnu elitnu jedinicu za sva ubojstva počinjena s velikom brutalnošću i sadizmom (ultranasilnim zločinima) s Hunterom na čelu.

Cijeli osvrt pronađite ovdje: https://knjige-u-svom-filmu.webador.c...
Profile Image for Leo.
4,662 reviews497 followers
October 13, 2022
I'm not quite sure what to rate this book. Chris Carter's writing is as addictive as usual but the story while it was a good one didn't had the same pull as the other books. But I'm intruiged in picking up the next one sooner rather than later
Profile Image for Gary.
2,816 reviews404 followers
July 29, 2020
This is the 11th Robert Hunter novel by author Chris Carter and I have enjoyed every page of this series. If you have ever read any of this series you know what to expect, gruesome serial killers that are well written by an author who has a background of criminal psychology.

When pickpocket Angela Wood decides to teach a man a lesson for being rude to an old man she gets more than she bargained for. She steals his expensive bag only to discover that all it contains is a leather bound book. On further investigation she gets the shock of her life and her nightmare begins.

This is another excellent read by Chris Carter and his usual trademarks are there to produce an exciting page turning thriller. I didn't feel it was quite as gruesome as the other novels in this series but still up there. An enjoyable read that kept me up well into the night to finish it. 

I am always eagerly anticipating the next book in this series.

I would like to thank both Net Galley and Simon Schuster for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lénia.
Author 2 books664 followers
August 9, 2020
Let me be clear: there is NO ONE in the whole world who writes better or more gripping thrillers than Chris Carter. Period.

This book is another gem. What a surprise. Hummm... Nop. Actually, not surprising at all. Because it's Chris Carter's and he's the best. Did I say this yet?

Now I am counting the days till the nr 12 of the Robert Hunter series comes to life. Can't wait.

Mr. Carter, you did it again. Congratulations and thank you for these hours of pure delight and entertainment. Thank you!
717 reviews149 followers
November 25, 2021
This is one of those books that I liked immensely when it started and I thought would be a 5 * but then it went downhill. I know you can't question plot holes in a work of fiction. I don't mind them and can suspend disbelief and enjoy the book. But then this one had glaring plot holes.

1. The stupid murderer who carries the murder book with him, and quite careless with this damning evidence. In the end when the killer had Hunter at gunpoint, yet went on confessing, I almost expected Hunter to say. 'It is not too late, Voldemort, feel some remorse and save your soul'.
When will the bad guys learn that they have to kill the hero when they get the opportunity, and not start baring their souls.

2. The dim-witted Angela Wood. She had read the book and knew what the killer is capable of, but [ all she wanted to was stream music from internet. oh Really ! I didn't feel any sympathy for her.

3. The police caption Blake was also a complete jerk. After the failure to catch the killer, she was so disparaging. And she was not supporting the detectives in any way. They didn't even know that there were some recent victims, who could be alive. All they had to do was read the complete diary.

4. When LAPD got the murder book and when they unearthed the first victim and it was clear that this was not a hoax, why didn't they quickly find where the other victims were buried? Why go one by one? And it was strange that Hunter and Garcia read only the first case and started their sleuthing. They were not even interested to know about the other victims, and look for their details in the missing persons DB. Also, knowing that the killer is still active, they should have gone to find who the latest victims were and to try and save them. It was like Hunter and Garcia were the only detectives available. And the PD couldn't deploy anyone else to start a manhunt.

The writing was mediocre. The number of times he used the idiom 'The penny dropped!'. That is a really nice phrase, but you don't have to use it so many times. The author seemed to have got bored midway.
I read the short story Hunter by Chris Carter first and thought this series would be great, and I started with the latest book in the series. I will go slow on this series for now, and pick them up only when i have nothing else to read.
Profile Image for Helga.
1,166 reviews306 followers
August 23, 2020
I am a huge fan of Chris Carter. I have read or more like devoured each and every one of his books. They are un-put-down-able. They are horrifyingly gory and macabre. Reading a Chris Carter is like riding on a fast-moving train. You are not sure you want to be on it but you can’t resist the urge and when you are on it, you are frightened out of your mind till the train stops and as soon as it does, you are running to buy another ticket for another risky adventure.

Written in Blood was nothing like the other books. It lacked the usual twists and shocks and it took me a long time to read it.
Profile Image for Vaida Book lover❤️.
197 reviews31 followers
June 24, 2023
- Gyvename liūdname ir labai pavojingame pasaulyje - pasakė Garsija. Žmonės gali pirkti ir pardavinėti tokius dalykus internete, bet yra šimtai.. tūkstančiai žmonių, norinčių tai pirkti, ir mes nieko negalime pakeisti. Mane tai žiauriai erzina.”
Imdama šią knygą žinojau, kad bus gerai, bet kad bus taip gerai.. pradėjus skaityt negalėjau sustoti, ir pati save nustebinau kaip greitai perskaičiau.
Hanteris ir Garsija vėl tiria pragariško žiaurumo nusikaltimus. Bet kodel žmogus taip elgiasi? Kas slypi už jo motyvų? Patikėkit čia visko labai daug.. labiausiai patiko kad šioje dalyje labai daug papasakojama pačio nusikaltėlio minčių motyvų.
Patiko labai labai, tik nepaprastai liūdna, kad tai priešpaskutinė Carterio knyga..
Profile Image for Feyre.
1,230 reviews117 followers
November 17, 2021
"Jeder macht mal Fehler, und dann brauchen wir jemanden, der uns hilft, denn keiner kann immer stark sein."

4.5 🌟
Himmel, was ein Krimi. Also... ihr wisst schon. Spannung von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. Dieser Gegenspieler von Hunter und Garcia war schon wirklich speziell. Alles sehr verstörend. Auch wenn ich die Morde nicht ganz so verstörend fand wie sonst (vielleicht weil man selbst meist nur darüber liest, wie die Polizei darüber liest), waren sie aber nicht weniger grausam.
Ich habe am Rande mitbekommen, dass Angela wohl nicht so beliebt ist bei den Lesern. Ja, sie ist nicht einfach, aber ich fand das Gesamtbild unfassbar stimmig und wäre sie anders gewesen, hätte sich das auch verändert.
Ich hoffe jetzt einfach, dass es noch mehr Bände geben wird, denn ich kann es kaum erwarten, wieder mit Hunter und Garcia auf Verbrecherjagd zu gehen.
Profile Image for Mohamed Dawood.
98 reviews13 followers
October 5, 2020
Always comfortable on reading Chris carter Novel. As usual "Written in Blood" is a stand alone Grippy Thriller which you can devour.

An Expertise Serial Killer loses his Diary (contains list of Murders) to a thief Angela which reaches in Robert hands and he starts hunting for the Hunter.

* Crispy twists at the end of short chapters.
* The Contigency plan that Hunter had.
* Out of Box thinking from the detective.

Very Difficult to identify the con's from my favourtie author.
* Reason for Hunter Insomnia was elaborated for atleast one chapter in the earlier series, which is missing in this.
* Even though I like Hunter character, kiling a Serial killer (who he was expertise on killing) with one bullet made me thinking.
* Missing Carlos involvement and bit of his funs.
Profile Image for Justina Neliubšienė.
317 reviews46 followers
July 6, 2023
Džiaugiuosi labai atradusi Chris Carter. Jo knygos atrodo viena už kitą geresnės, įtraukia ir nepaleidžia iki pabaigos ir ta kartelė tokia aukšta jau nuo pirmų knygų. Bet va ši kartą, nu man kažkaip prailgo pabaiga, kažkokia ne Carteriška ir to veiksmo gale vis laukiau ir laukiau ir kol laukiau ir knyga baigėsi 😀
"Jis - samdinys, mirties pardavėjas. " 4,5⭐
Profile Image for Dragana.
414 reviews42 followers
September 3, 2022
3.8 ⭐

Standarno dobar Karter. Da sam je čitala kao drugu ili treću bila bi veća ocena; ali nije moglo više pošto se malo ponovio iz prethodnih knjiga.
Nadam se da će još dugo, dugo pisati jer zaista nisam čitala bolji serijal od ovog
Profile Image for Ugnė | pilna_lentyna.
287 reviews143 followers
September 22, 2023
11 Roberto Hanterio serijos dalis 🔎

Pagaliau perskaičiau naujausią ir paskutinę lietuviškai išleistą serijos dalį. Džiugu, leidykla greitu metu išleis "Genezę", o pats autorius pasidalino, jog ir 13-osios knygos rankraštis jau pabaigtas. Panašu, kad su Hanteriu dar padraugausim 😀👌

C.Carter šį kartą pasuko įdomesniu keliu ir knygos nepradėjo nuo aukos radimo. Netikėtai į kišenvagės Andželos Vud rankas pakliuvęs, o vėliau Los Andželo policijai perduotas dienoraštis tampa raktu į šešiolikos žmogžudysčių išsiaiškinimą. Atsakymai paslėpti jo puslapiuose, todėl nusikaltėlis pasiruošęs bet kokia kaina jį atgauti.

Puiki dalis, kupina veiksmo, įtampos ir galvosūkių. Nors Hanteris gudrus, šį kartą jo varžovas tikrai jam nenusileido.

Labai patiko ir Andželos personažas. Tikrai nesupykčiau, jei kažkokiu būdu, ji dar grįžtų į būsimas istorijas.

Apibendrinant - nieko naujo nepasakysiu - Carteris vis dar kuria puikias istorijas, žiaurumai knygose nešvelnėja, o Robertas vis dar išlieka vienu iš mėgstamiausių veikėju.
Profile Image for Dragana Zečević.
220 reviews10 followers
March 14, 2023
Hunter poznat i kao Džon Vejn. Molim lepo. 🙄 Bila bi petica kao kuća,al' taj kraj...
Profile Image for Knygu_jura.
408 reviews213 followers
October 7, 2023
Kiekvienos naujos šios serijos dalies laukiu su nekantrumu. Taip buvo ir su šia, jau vienuoliktoji dalis. Knygos stiprioji dalis buvo kitoks siužetas, nei mums įprastas - čia su žudiku susipažįstam nuo knygos pradžios ir nors jo aktyviai ieškoma, jis lygiai taip pat aktyviai dalyvauja visame veiksme.

Knygos silpnasis bruožas, kuris mane nuvylė, tai pats detektyvas Hanteris. Žinau, kad jis nuo pirmosios serijos dalies yra visažinis, kartais tai jaučia labiau, kartais mažiau, na bet šioje knygoje tai mane erzino skaityti, kaip visi veikėjai aplink padaryti "kvaili" ir uždavinėjantys klausimus su AKIVAIZDŽIAIS atsakymais, bet tik vienintelis Hanteris žino atsakymą. Jis žinos visus atsakymus, visus sprendimus ir šiaip iš esmės yra vaikščiojantis enciklopedija. Šis bruožas knygoje su kiekviena dalimi darosi vis neskanesnis, o gal tiesiog "Parašyta krauju" to turėjo daug daugiau, nei visos dalys iki šiol...

Nors ir turėjau sunkumų su Hanteriu, tačiau pati istorija būdinga autoriui - įtampa, įtraukiantis tekstas ir daug mįslių! Pradėjus sunku sustoti ir norisi skaityti toliau, nes C. Carter geba kurti atmosferą, leidžiančią įsijausti į siužetą ir bendrą knygos nuotaiką. Prie žiaurumų jau esu pripratusi, tai jie taip šioje knygoje nebestebina, o tiek serijos dalių jau perskaičius, tikrai skaitysiu ir toliau!
Profile Image for Димитър Цолов.
Author 32 books363 followers
February 25, 2022
Картър си е Картър - традиционно задъхан, кървав и двуизмерен, а формулата, експлоатирана в предните десетина романа остава несменяема и тук. Уви, финалната сцена, респ. кулминацията и развръзката, бяха толкова нелепи, че на мига ми се прищя да взема кухненския нож и да се гръмна в главата под магически ъгъл - прочетете, ще разберете ;)
Profile Image for BeccaJBooks.
434 reviews36 followers
May 21, 2024
Written in blood is Chris Carter’s 11th book in the Robert Hunter series. I was kindly gifted a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. And I am delighted to say this book was amazing!

Robert Hunter works with the UVC unit in LA. He and his partner, Garcia, investigate Ultra Violent Crimes, which includes serial killers. They are put on the trail of a prolific serial killer when a pickpocket, Angela, steals the killers bag containing his murder diary. The diary details the previous 16 murders committed by the killer. Hunter and Garcia must catch the perpetrator before he can kill again and protect Angela from him.

The book is fast paced and packed with action. We are thrown into the drama as soon as we open the front cover. I don’t think there is ever a bit in this book where I got bored and didn’t want to turn to the next page. It’s gory, it’s gruesome, it’s very graphic, but we get a proper sense of these horrible crimes and how much impact they have. Don’t read this just before bed and definitely don’t read it if you are squeamish!

In the previous books we have seen Hunter develop and progress and this one is no different. I actually felt that there was a softer side to him in this book in the way that he handled Angela from the start. He’s complex and mood driven, and his personality really shines through when he has got a problem to solve.

The conclusion to this book was great, as usual. I read it so very quickly. I think 4 days? For me that’s impressive, with a baby at home and a house to run!

Release date for this book is 23rd July 2020 and I 100% recommend going and getting yourself a copy.

Profile Image for Paula Fialho Silva.
211 reviews114 followers
July 30, 2020
Chris Carter é um autor que nunca desilude. Li o livro em menos de 48h porque não conseguia parar de o ler. Já estou desejosa que seja publicado o próximo 😊
Profile Image for mnemosineirknygos.
319 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2023
11 detektyvo R. Hanterio serijos dalis.

"Grąžinkit mano dienoraštį. Nutraukit tyrimą ir aš pamiršiu, kad visa tai nutiko. Jei ne, jūsų laukia dar baisesnė lemtis nei jos."

Detektyvas Hanteris - ne tas, kuris dažnai klysta. Dauguma buvo girdėję apie jo sėkmingai ištirtų bylų skaičių ir ypač žiaurių nusikaltimų padalinio reputaciją. Tad jam atitenka ne bet kokios bylos. Ši buvo kitokia. Autoriaus patirta netektis perteikia knygoje kitokią istoriją nei esame prate.

"Mes visi buvome tiksinčios bombos, galinčios bet kada sprogti. Jie tai žinojo."

Atsiradęs dienoraštis atskleidžia serijinio žudiko paslaptis. Aukų ne viena ir ne dvi, o dienoraštis yra didžiausias jo turtas, dėl kurio atgavimo žudikas pasiruošęs padaryti bet ką.

"Tai štai koks vyras slepiasi po Vilkolakio kauke, - pamane detektyvas. Vyras, pardavinėjantis žmogžudystes tamsiajame internete."

Displaying 1 - 30 of 961 reviews

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