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Passport to Heaven: The True Story of a Zealous Mormon Missionary Who Discovers the Jesus He Never Knew

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“You have a call, Elder Wilder.”

When missionary Micah Wilder set his sights on bringing a Baptist congregation into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he had no idea that he was the one about to be changed. Yet when he finally came to know the God of the Bible, Micah had no choice but to surrender himself—no matter the consequences.

For a passionate young Mormon who had grown up in the Church, finding authentic faith meant giving up all he his community, his ambitions, and his place in the world. Yet as Micah struggled to reconcile the teachings of his Church with the truths revealed in the Bible, he awakened to his need for God’s grace. This led him to be summoned to the door of the mission president, terrified but confident in the testimony he knew could cost him everything.

Passport to Heaven is a gripping account of Micah’s surprising journey from living as a devoted member of a religion based on human works to embracing the divine mercy and freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

352 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2021

About the author

Micah Wilder

2 books17 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 208 reviews
1,144 reviews17 followers
May 19, 2021
Micah Wilder has written an excellent memoir on his journey from Mormonism to Christianity. He carefully details this journey, using multiple scriptures to mark the differences between Mormon beliefs (working your way to heaven) and true Christian beliefs (only faith in Jesus gets you to heaven). The story moves back and forth in time, starting at the end of his mission and looking back to the beginning of it and what happened to him along the way.

If you are interested in understanding who Jesus is, this book is for you. If you are interested in understanding why Mormons are not considered Christians, this book is for you. If you are interested in learning how to talk with a Mormon about true Christianity, this book is for you.

Wilder is passionate about his faith, and that comes through clearly in this book. He treats the Mormon church and those still in it with respect. His deep desire for them to find real faith in Jesus is tangible.

This memoir is completely family friendly.

Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of the book. Opinion is mine.
1 review2 followers
November 1, 2021
Book Review

Passport to Heaven is a riveting read, all to God’s glory. It’s the kind of book that you just can’t put down, and when you do put it down to do humanly necessities like eat and sleep, you can’t wait to pick it back up again as quick as you can. I may be biased since I’m “Baby face Elder Warren” in the book and was there with Micah in his journey, but I was drawn in like a tractor beam from page one.

Micah captures his reading audience by starting at the end of the story and then flashes back to explain how he got there. When he returns to the present he only gives a few more inches and then bounces back in time again to give more clarity on the present situation. It’s not like in The Walking Dead where whole episodes pass and the narrative has moved only a snail’s length. This story has no dry spots and even in the doctrine-rich chapters like his encounter with the infamous Pastor Benson or his own discovery of the New Testament where it could get slow, it was extremely enriching because it gives so much clarity to why everything is happening around him as it is.

Being Micah’s first book he shows the talents God has given him to express his story from his eyes as a young Mormon missionary. I love that because it makes it so relatable. We all know the end of the story but to see the details of how he received Christ and the struggle and the gravity of the cost is so encouraging. As I read his book or listen to him share his story (which I have heard literally over a thousand times) I never grow tired of it because it is the Gospel of Jesus in action in someone’s life and it brings my own story bubbling up to the surface.

If you are lost and seeking fulfillment or answers you will find it all in Jesus, and this book will take you by the hand and lead you to the Word of God which has all you seek. If you are a believer this book will encourage you and challenge you to share your faith. No glory to Micah or any man, only to Christ Jesus for changing us by the power of His grace. Jesus truly is enough.
Profile Image for Tanya.
90 reviews
June 1, 2021
Micah Wilder has been writing this book for 14 years! He shares a lot of emotions, feelings and thoughts of his experience in great detail. He set sail into the Mormon mission world full of fire to bring as many people as possible to the one and true church, and he was a man of big vision, he wanted to convert a Baptist pastor too. The greatest thing about this story is that it only proves what the Bible says: seek and you shall find. Micah Wilder was honestly looking for the truth and he found it - Jesus Christ and salvation only through Him. It was also interesting to have a glimpse of a life behind the Mormon missionary uniform, very fascinating. The author seems pretty cool, like the kind of a guy that would be great to hang out with and meet his family. All the family pictures reveal a beautiful family!
Profile Image for Marcie Morris.
11 reviews18 followers
August 8, 2024
I tried to find a way to delete a review and let that be it, but it seems Goodreads won’t allow that, so editing my original review is my only option.

I originally loved this book when I read it back in 2021 and gave it five stars. I must edit that review now that the issues with Micah Wilder and his Adams Road band ministry has been exposed. I cannot condone this book or the author due to the sexual immorality that was going on behind the scenes while this book was being written. These events have now come to light through Joseph Warren, a past member of the band. Micah Wilder has engaged in homosexuality and polygamy, all while writing a testimony of Jesus Christ. It’s a sham and deceiving. Please stay away from this book, from Micah Wilder and from those associated with Adam’s Road. You can Google to find out what happened. I felt shame just reading it, so I won’t be writing it.
Profile Image for Gabie Peacock.
178 reviews25 followers
September 18, 2024
September 17th, 2024 - UPDATE
I am removing my original 5 star rating from this book from goodreads, but I will keep the rating and review I made in May of 2023 below, for transparency. In light of the new information regarding Micah Wilder's apostacy, I can no longer recommend this book. Micah Wilder lied to and deceived his readers, his fans, and the churches and ministries that platformed his band and his parachurch organization. Micah has proved himself to have left one cult, only to become the leader of another. He not only engaged in sexual immorality but enticed others to join him in his deviance. After listening and reading the evidence against him, this man is a false convert. Beware if Micah Wilder and those who continue to associate with him. Please read this article for more information and listen to the episode of Cultish "The Making of a Cult Leader: Micah Wilder," for more information - https://www.mrm.org/adams-road

May 23rd, 2023 - Read & Reviewed
*light spoilers ahead* This was such a precious memoir about the conversion of Micah Wilder. The storytelling was phenomenal and I highly recommend listening to the audiobook, because Micah narrates it excellently. Hearing how Micah plainly read the New Testament and was convinced by the power of the Holy Spirit of justification by faith in Christ’s work was beautiful. Especially considering the LDS works-based doctrine he had been so immersed in his whole life. I pray Micah has joined himself to a faithful local Christian church and that God would use him to spread the true gospel to other LDS members.
Profile Image for Carina  Shephard.
338 reviews63 followers
July 7, 2021
"True love is not affirming others in their sinful and lost state, it is proclaiming the Christ who can liberate them from captivity."

A powerful autobiography of a passionate Mormon missionary who is challenged to read the Bible "as a child" and discovers the transformative love of Christ. 5 stars, read July 2021.
Profile Image for Rachel.
72 reviews152 followers
June 14, 2024
One of my favorite books I’ve read so far this year. Brought me to tears two days in a row. What a testament to God’s redeeming and pursuing grace.
Profile Image for Titus Campbell.
24 reviews
April 25, 2024
A phenomenal story of the everlasting and overwhelming love of God that draws His elect into the fold. Elder Wilder gives a truly breathtaking testimony of Gods grace and sovereign hand in his life as he is challenged as a Mormon to simply read the New Testament as a child. Little did he know that this challenge would lead him to the cross where he would lay down a man made religion that preaches a works based salvation for a relationship with Jesus.
Profile Image for Blessing Bloodworth (naptimereaders).
350 reviews150 followers
August 9, 2024
**Unfortunately, it has recently been revealed that this book was not the true account of that time, nor of the present. Micah was and is choosing a lifestyle of sin that contradicts the Word of God and is an affront to His good design for sexuality and marriage. I will no longer be recommending this book anymore.**

This story of Christ’s rich and sufficient love that pursues a man, delivers him from bondage, and holds him fast through suffering is extraordinary. But truly, is any believer’s story of Christ’s redemptive work in their life NOT extraordinary?
I learned so much about the Mormon faith and the specifics of what they believe. More importantly, I was reminded of the beauty of the Gospel and the miraculous gift of grace that is my own salvation.

The audiobook, read by Micah himself, adds a deeper level of emotion and realness to an already charged testimony.

My only comment is that I sometimes got mixed up in the timeline because he jumped back and forth quite a bit to build the story and fill in details.
Profile Image for Hattush.
135 reviews6 followers
May 28, 2022
Wow...I'm speechless. This is an incredible story of God's work in lives. Amazing!
Profile Image for Samantha | samanthakreads.
189 reviews28 followers
August 5, 2024
Wow, I really enjoyed this book! Micah's powerful testimony and his absolute love, passion, and strong faith in Jesus. This story provided more insight into the Mormon faith, some I didn't know about but never does he belittle or put someone down in the process. The ending of this book was SO good and my favorite part. I listened to the audiobook and 100% recommend it, as Micah himself narrates it which made the story feel that much more personal.

I highly recommend checking this one out!
September 17, 2023
Not often can one give a book 5 stars, but Micah Wilder's Passport to Heaven deserves every single one.

His testimony of Christ's love grips the reader's attention, with every page creating suspense about what the next chapter will bring.

I would 100% recommend that everyone should read this autobiography. May the Lord show you His love through these words, which point you to the One with whom you can have eternal life.

May it also stir up a love for those in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who are blinded by the lies of Joseph Smith and his Book of Mormon.
Profile Image for Emma DeLisa.
2 reviews
August 2, 2023
A pretty amazing testimony! I always love seeing how God pursues his children!
Profile Image for Autumn.
255 reviews33 followers
June 6, 2024
I love reading testimonies of God’s saving grace!!!
Profile Image for Josh Olds.
1,012 reviews93 followers
August 19, 2021
Evangelicalism has had a rather odd relationship with the Mormon church throughout its history, ranging from outright castigation as a cult to acceptance within the pantheon of Christian denominations. Despite its growth, and despite its increased acceptance, very few Christians seem to actually know anything about the church, its beliefs, or its people. If you know one thing about them, it might about be their bicycle-riding, door-to-door missionaries. Micah Wilder was one such missionary.

Passport to Heaven is a personal journey of faith from zealous Mormon missionary to follower of Jesus—a Jesus he never knew. Along the way, you’ll glean insights into the Mormon religion and its connections to Christianity, how it twists orthodox Christian teaching and reverts it back to a salvation from works model that relies on good deeds and good morals. You’ll also see how insular those within the church can become, particularly those closely associated with the church. And then, you’ll see Micah Wilder, whose experience on the mission field meant to convert others ultimately resulted in his own conversion.

Passport to Heaven is a bit wordy at times—I offer that not as a critique, but as an observation. Wilder offers fully-realized snapshots of various specific instances in his life, all of which contribute toward the place in life he’s at today. It’s very much like sitting down and having a conversation with Micah. A lot of memoirs have a clear thematic purpose and every part of the book seems to lean into that. Passport to Heaven is a little looser, letting the story rather than the message take control.

I appreciate that Micah never bashes the LDS church or demonizes them. He portrays the church as zealous but misguided, controlling but loving. Yet at the same time, he is clear that the Jesus preached by Mormonism is not the Jesus of the Scriptures. His story is simple, straightforward, and clear. While on his Mormon mission, he encounters Christians who make him question his understanding of God. This questioning leads to a whole new understanding of who Jesus is.

Micah’s story isn’t unique. I’ve known a number of people raised in the LDS church to grow up and question their beliefs. Unfortunately, most of them give up the faith altogether. Jesus is too tied with Mormonism and in rejecting Mormonism, they reject Jesus as well. Passport to Heaven is able to clearly show that distinction that show how you can reject Mormonism and in so doing come to an even better understanding of who Jesus is. Life is story and this life is worth reading.
Profile Image for Leslie Fanchon.
67 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2021
The LORD has gifted Micah with a great writing style. My heart and mind were engaged as I read his story in short order! I was hardly able to put it down as the end of most chapters had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next. Many times I found myself bursting into laughter, BUT the thing that impressed me the most was to so see the loving hand of God on Micah throughout his entire life.

I have had the privilege of meeting Micah Wilder in person and hearing him share his testimony and the Good News. The love of God and the Word of God pour out of his heart like living water. I don't think I have ever met a more dedicated person.

Through the Adam's Road Band ministry to churches I have had opportunity to see them several times and to meet the other band and family members. So, being familiar with these folks it was a delight to learn more about them and how God had worked in their lives as well. Such a huge miracle!
God is so good.

Because the truth of God's redeeming work is so generously weaved throughout this book it is the best testimony I've ever read. So many exit stories like this seem to get weighted down by comparing doctrines in an effort to educate the reader. PASSPORT TO HEAVEN reads more like a novel, one I intend to read again and gift to others.

Isaiah 55:10-11
"For as the rain comes down,
and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from
My mouth; it shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which
I sent it."
231 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2021
As a born again Christian, I found this book to be extremely encouraging and Bible-based. I have been aware of Micah Wilder and his ministry for quite some time, and I was excited to read this book! His mother’s book Unveiling Grace was one of the best books on Mormonism that I have read. I live in Utah, and LDS people are near and dear to my heart.

Micah does an extremely good job at lovingly sharing truth and sharing his story of how he came to know Jesus Christ. He doesn’t condemn or judge or throw stones at the LDS church. This is his memoir, and it seems that he just factually shares what happened to him. It’s amazing how God worked in his life by using Baptist pastors and the New Testament to draw Micah to Himself.

The timeline of the book jumps around a bit, and while I didn’t care for that, it did help keep me engaged in the story.
I am curious to know more of why he chose the title he did - Passport to Heaven. I didn’t feel the book explained it.
Sometimes the book gave more details than I felt I needed, but I think it would be helpful for someone who is searching.

Those are my only small complaints about the book. Thank you, Micah, for transparently sharing your story! Thank you for your evident love and care for those who are still in the LDS church. I hope to share this with some friends of mine who are searching for a deeper relationship with God.
Profile Image for Stacee Wright.
8 reviews1 follower
September 18, 2021
The first problem with this book is that the author does not have a clear understanding of what actual “Mormon” beliefs really are. Any LDS person who has done of fair amount of study in their religion knows that “Mormons” don’t believe in “earning” their way to heaven. Basically, read this book with a grain of salt. This topic of “earning your way to heaven” is discussed (and falsified) in detail in one of the all-time most popular BYU speeches by Brad Wilcox. The author does not actually know what Latter-day Saints believe, just what he perceived from his own personal observations as a teenager (Mormon missionaries are typically ages 18 - 20). LDS people DO believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Yes, LDS people also believe that by following Christ, life will be better. Isn’t that what other Christian’s believe? That topic alone is an enormous red flag that this author is uneducated about Mormon theology. Could his parents have an incorrect belief about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and therefore passed the misinformation on to their son? Absolutely. That could happen in any religion. Read with skepticism.
Profile Image for Maddie Settle.
33 reviews
June 18, 2021
Wow, I was really excited to read this book after listening to a few interviews on my favorite podcasts by Micah Wilder. I don’t know what I expected but I wasn’t prepared for this book to be one that I couldn’t put down! I read the first 239 pages on day one. He does such an excellent job of keeping you on the edge of your seat, all the while watching his transformation unfold; it’s as though you experience it along side him. This book also opened my eyes to the life of an LDS missionary, giving me greater compassion for them and desire to try to reach them for the truth in love. This book is also another great reminder that we might not always see the fruit of our labor and discussion, but when God moves, there is no stopping. Continue sharing the gospel in boldness, but do so with love, gentleness and respect.
Profile Image for John.
26 reviews
June 12, 2021
For those who think cult evangelism is rather pointless, Micah Wilder demonstrates without a shadow of doubt the sheer and obvious providence of God in his life throughout his life including the events that transpired on his Mormon mission.
I really could not put this book down. Micah’s story made me laugh, made me cry, and at one point made me angry (it was something silly with the angry part 🥲). I’m considering using this book as a new tract for Mormons as well as a gift to those who have reservations about reaching out to their neighbors who are in bondage to their cult lifestyle.
This certainly is going to make a new Christmas and birthday gift I will give out from now on to those who do not own it.
Profile Image for Emily.
133 reviews12 followers
March 19, 2023
This book was such a well written, touching memoir. A gripping and convicting story of how the true gospel of Jesus Christ changes the heart and transforms the life of an individual. I was convicted by his accounts of the Christian ministers and friends who witnessed the true gospel to him boldly and lovingly. I was heartbroken by his accounts of the Mormon leaders who were appalled at his testimony of salvation in Christ alone. Works based versions of “salvation” are all around us and abound, but the true gospel of Christ alone is so much better and so much more sure and glorious. What a beautiful testimony! Riveting!
Profile Image for Amy.
108 reviews4 followers
June 13, 2021
This true story, of how a Mormon missionary came to know the saving grace of Jesus, has opened my eyes to the importance of sharing my faith and having compassion for those lost in a false religion. I had read Grace Unveiling (written by his mother, a former professor at BYU) a while ago and it was neat to see how Micah's conversion affected his entire family. This book is also helpful in understanding the challenges Mormon missionaries face, as well as the fear imposed upon them, should they ever disagree with the leadership of the LDS church.
Profile Image for Sharon Huether.
1,620 reviews30 followers
July 29, 2021
Micah was known as Elder Wilder as he was on his two year mission trip in Florida for his LDS Church.

His goal was to transform a Baptist Church into an LDS Church. Pastor Benson of that Baptist church had a profound influence on Micah. Micah began to study the Bible. After a time Micah renounced the Mormon Church, through many person trials.

He married his longtime girlfriend and started a ministry in Florida. "Adams road Ministry"...spreading the gospel through word and music.

I won the book from Harvest House Publishing.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kim.
101 reviews3 followers
August 15, 2021
What a wonderful book! I could hardly put it down. Micah gives such a great window into the Mormon world, showing us exactly what the inside looks like and he does it in such a graceful, humble way. You will fall in love with Micah when you see his passion for God and his heart that was willing to seek truth - no matter what the cost. And he explains well the cost of leaving a cult. What a joy it was to find out that there are still young men and women who want to live whole-heartedly for Jesus and give their lives to him.
Profile Image for Isaac .
69 reviews12 followers
July 14, 2023
What a beautiful book WOWow
I'm beyond thankful what God has done in Micah's life. All I can say is hallelujah.
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11
Jesus said in Matthew 9:38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. That's my prayer for God to touch the life of many zealous mormons through his powerful Word and may God use me to be the Laborer in his harvest.
Profile Image for Tim Wolfe.
Author 1 book1 follower
June 4, 2021
You need to read this book

This is a thoroughly awesome book. I've gone out and bought about 12 copies of the New Testament comprising four or five different versions. My goal is to read the New testament of each translation and to give away the extras. I pray that my eyes are opened similar to what happened to Micah.
Profile Image for Joshua Riding.
39 reviews
October 6, 2021
What. A. Powerful book. Just wow, Micah Wilder’s story of his salvation is amazing, emotional, and SO full of Biblical truth. How he came to find the Rock is a story of a modern Saul, of his conviction and how God moves even the most lost soul out from the dark. If you’re Christian, read this. If you’re Mormon, read this. If you’re neither, read this book.
Profile Image for Laura Robinson (naptimereaders).
295 reviews177 followers
August 9, 2024
**after recent allegations, this will no longer be a book I recommend.***


A must read for all Christians! This was such a powerful testimony! There was no bashing of any other religion - just this man’s testimony of how he was transformed by Jesus & following him!

Audiobook was WELL DONE. Loved the narrating!

25 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2021
A beautiful book, an amazing story about how the Gospel changes hearts. How God saves us in His providence. How he opens the eyes to see. A book that at it's core shows the reader that Jesus is enough. That Jesus is the foundation.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 208 reviews

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