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Everett: There are a ton of reasons why falling for my tiny, adorkable best friend is a terrible idea—starting with the body in my trunk.

I have other reasons—he still mourns his late husband, I’m way older, he’s a foot shorter, my tattoo shop is a front, he’s an assistant professor at UT.

Still, I can’t help but think we’d be perfect for each other if I didn’t kill people (very, very bad people) for a living.

Rafi: How the f*ck did I not realize how hot my best friend is? Yeah, grief, or whatever, but were my eyes not working?

Silver fox, check. Tattooed hotness, check. Cuddles with me on Monday nights while we watch Australian melodramas, check. Says he’s not a good person but totally is, check.

New goal: Get Everett to stop looking at me like a grieving widower and start seeing me as someone he’d like to pin against the wall.

Now if I only knew what was behind the door marked Portal to Nowhere…

Hard Target is a mercenary MM romance set in Austin and the Texas Hill Country. It features tattooed hotties, adorably complicated twinks, best friend antics, an illegally confiscated vineyard, and a team of killer do-gooders.

This is the first book in the Wrecked: Guardians Series. Several characters from the Wrecked series make an appearance, but the Guardians books can be read as stand-alones.

246 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 23, 2020

About the author

Kelly Fox

52��books680 followers

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49 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 267 reviews
February 23, 2021
I'm not gonna pretend I didn't like some aspects of this story because I did. The sex was scorching, and I'm always a fan of strong femme characters.

Rafi is a hoot, although the constant weeping was mildly irritating (he's this badass sniper but has the emotional control of a toddler).

I liked Everett less, mostly because the "I'm not good enough for you" trope is so cliche. Everett needed to get over himself.

I appreciated that Rafi and Omar are Arabs and that the cast of characters is fairly diverse.


- Why is everyone so damn good looking and smart and basically perfect?

- Many of the characters are cookie-cutter and interchangeable. Even Rafi and Everett's voices sounded the same.

- If you're going to start a new series, don't begin the first book in the middle of a scene and don't include multiple characters from your previous series, assuming every reader has the necessary context because they don't.

- Murder isn't funny.

I'm being generous with my rating because the story was mildly entertaining. I'm going to give the second book a go.
June 21, 2024
re-listen June 2024

I feel like I've loved this more the second time around.

4**** stars
audio: 5+ stars

Sometimes guys with guns and a heart of gold chasing the bad boys is exactly what I need. And there is plenty of it to be found in this series.

I liked that this book addresses the question when it’s the right time to move on after grieving or better while still grieving the loss of a life partner. In Rafi’s case his husband Asadi. And not only the topic when the person left behind is personally ready to move on but also the struggle with the question when it is socially acceptable. Another case where public opinion is something that makes a hard impact on individuals in what they think they are allowed to do and feel. The fear of getting seen as disloyal or that it would seem like what Rafi had with his late husband wasn’t special or deep enough. It was, after all, only a year ago that he lost him.

I very much like that Rafi doesn’t try to figure that out all on his own but discusses this with a therapist, when he suddenly feels sexually attracted to another man for the first time since Asadi died. This story also portrays beautifully how you can fall in love with someone new while still loving and missing the person you lost and share fond memories with the other. And it’s especially beautiful here as it’s not only about Rafi here, but because he shares that experience of love and loss with Everett who also once lost someone he loved. I somehow find that heartachingly romantic.

But, this story is ofc not only about grief, loss and finding a new love but has an action-filled plot where all the guys on the team as well as our MCs can show off their very dangerous skill-sets.

And so far I also love the female cast Kelly Fox adds to her stories. They are sassy and honest and really good and supportive friends to the guys.

So yeah, I enjoyed this one and I’m on to the next book/audio in the series.

The Guardians series

Book #1 - Hard Target - 4.0 stars
Book #2 - Full Contact - 4.5 stars ♡
Book #3 - Most Wanted - 3.5 stars
Book #4 - Deep Impact - 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,516 reviews146 followers
September 24, 2020
DNF at 35%. I just couldn't anymore. Unfortunately this author is hard pass for me. Sorry. Copy received for my honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Layla .
1,328 reviews19 followers
November 3, 2021
Well.... that was something else.

Q: What's the matter?
A: This was my very first Kelly Fox book.
I know I know... Stow your pitchforks.

Q: So, what made you pick it up?
A: Zane Daniels....because I'm kind of obssesed with him.

Q: And? What's the verdict?
A: *wipes drool* He was amazing 😭🔥

Q: How about the book? Tropes?
A: Best Friends to Lovers, Size difference, Bossy Bottom, Do-Gooder Assassins. What's not to like?

Q: Nice! What about the characters?
A: Loved the characters, both main and side. They were a HOOT! The comradery and the banter were a highlight for me.

Q: What about the plot?
A: Enjoyable plot, not intricate and easy to read through.

Q: Steam-o-meter?
A: Steamy! Alot of UST and dirty talking. Loved that part of the book. It was HOT AF. The size difference was a big turn on too!

Q: Angst-o-meter?
A: Medium Angst. Rafi is a widower dealing with grief. Everett has his own hangups too.

Q: Seems like a great read! .
A: Yeah, and the fact that both Rafi and his late husband were Arabs was a plus! No clichés or stereotyoes which I appreciated.

A: Totes! Rafi keeps proving that great things come in small packages. Everett proves that he's totally whipped.
Profile Image for SC.
798 reviews22 followers
September 30, 2020
Ok, I'll take the heat, I will be the odd one out, because I DO NOT LIKE THIS BOOK ! It's pinged a couple of my reader pet peeves, but more than that, I simply do not like the writing style. The incessant movie/tv show references, "baby boy", "bone up", the way Rafi behaves, just the whole way his character is written is off to me.

So this is my first book by this author, it's book 1 in a series, however, going in, it read like this was a spinoff of another book/series, so there were references that were not clear to me, and they were not exactly well explained either. You have Rafi, a 30 yr old university professor, who climbs onto a stranger's lap to cry after he beats up a guy. Who does that? What kind of a man would just cuddle up to a stranger in his car like that ? Weird shit. Apparently, it's his thing though since he does it when they hang out too. Seems like he never found himself as an adult either. I mean, he wears clothes that are too big for him, dad jeans with cuffed legs and cinched waist? WTF !!! And no, I will no accept that it's because of his size, because my husband happens to be a dark skinned, 5 foot 1 man, and I assure you, his jeans are NOT like that at all. Rafi comes off as confused, he doesn't know how to dress, how to express himself or his feelings to Everett, he's just a freaking mess. I also did not feel the connection between the two main characters, at all. How can they claim to be each other's best friend, but Rafi had ZERO clue about Everett's loss ? Oh, and the whole organization Everett and his friends have, comes off as a poor imitation of Sloane Kennedy's Protectors series. Lastly, the constant inner dialogue between Rafi and his dead husband aka it's actually his subconscious but he needs it to sound like his husband. A strange brother-in-law and his relationship with him. I mean, it's a hot mess. Not only that, but Rafi seems to spend the better part of the book crying. Just crying. Over everything.

I'm only at 50% but honestly, right now, I'm only skimming through the pages, not really reading. There's no way I'm reading anything else written by this author either, she's just not for me.
Profile Image for L Ann.
630 reviews136 followers
October 10, 2022
DNF @ 10%

This is probably a really good story but something about it isn't working for me. It's a combination of the narrator, Rafi's weird relationship with Everett (Rafi is a grown ass man, right?), him talking to his dead spouse, and the fact that I feel like I'm missing important background information. I may give this another chance in the future but for now I think I'm better off reading another Franklin U story. 😅
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews166 followers
February 26, 2021
DNF @20%
I won't rate this book since I didn't read enough to give it a fair rating. It basically rubbed me the wrong way from the start. But let's be honest, the biggest problem with this book was Rafi. His character made zero sense.
Profile Image for ✨Lucy  IntheSky☄️.
960 reviews125 followers
July 28, 2023

It's me who had high expectations, considering I've read all the series connected to this one, so I knew about the setting, what goes on and I knew about the characters.
But now actually reading their stories is another thing, I was way too excited for this.

I did not like this story. For the first half of the book I was cringing all the time, so many things just didn't sit right with me - and the second half was mediocre, it didn't catch my interest, the main love story wasn't good and I just have a really awkward feeling after reading this book.

🟢 Age gap - 11 years
🔵 Size difference
🌶️ Little spice, but good
🟡 Both MMCs are grieving
🟣 Connected to almost all the other series

The story is about Rafi, who's a middle eastern 30-year old man, who's husband Asadi got killed on a mission with Roly from the Wrecked series.
Everett is the 41-year old tattooed hunk who's a tattoo artist, but in fact a hired killer and worked on Asadi's mission.
At the end of the Wrecked series he's hitting on Rafi, but they stay friends and in this book they've been friends for about 6 months, while Rafi is still grieving over his dead husband.

They both like each other, Everett has a complete crush on Rafi and when Rafi wakes up a little bit from his 1 year of grieving, he realizes he likes Everett too and tries to make a move - and this is where my problems with this story begin .

🟣 Rafi has been in baggy clothes, unkept and miserable for quite a while and when he starts trying out different styles, he's being ridiculed left and right. He's a small man, he's cute and even though he's 30, he looks way younger, so I absolutely resented the fact that Everett didn't have one damn nice thing to say about him to lift him up, Rafi was vulnerable and needed those couple of words, so that was my first cringe moment.

Second was when his really good friend Parker laughed at his face and all throughout the book compared him to various bad styles, characters, whatever.

🟡 Rafi was a very educated guy who's had a really precise and hardcore training in terms of guns, defense, operative, you name it, he was really good at his job, an expert and even though he now worked at a University, that doesn't mean all of those credentials flew away.
So I was floored when Everett doubted his abilities, made fun a little bit of how small he is and actively prevented for Rafi to become part of the Guardians team. I mean, it was a total joke, Rafi was a great addition and that should've been clear if those bozos were professionals - by bozos I mean Everett.

🟠 Everett's strong feelings evaporated when he was supposed to tell his great friend Rafi the truth about himself.
Pining over a guy big time and then saying you don't want it in a hearbeat, hurting him and turning him down, because that guy would see you're killing the bad guys for a living. What are you, 12?

🔵 The scene where Rafi puts on nice clothes and goes into the dining room, where they all have dinner, then people making fun of him, the stain of sauce on his shirt, the poor guy I mean, I just felt bad for this MMC all the way, what a terrible story for such a wonderful, amazing character.

Everything Everett did was just me seeing myself throwing something at his stupid face. He was terrible! My god I hated that guy!

It felt like Rafi settled here, I absolutely didn't like Everett, but more than that, I didn't like the way Rafi wasn't appreciated. He was a real catch and when he finally stopped the grieving process and dressed up nice, put on some make up, I really thought the story was going to pick up, because the first 20% wasn't promising at all, but what a disappointment.

I didn't like this story at all and I'm hoping Anders and Omar's will be better.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,486 reviews248 followers
April 22, 2023
3.5 ⭐️

- tattooed vigilante mercenary
- nerdy professor
- both ex military
- size difference
- age gap (40s/30s)
- friends to lovers
- found family

Everett has been in love with his best friend for the last six months, the only problem is that Rafi is still mourning the loss of his husband and has stuck Everett firmly in the friendzone. Oh, and Everett kinda sorta moonlights as a vigilante mercenary with some old military buddies when he's not tattooing veterans for free.

Rafi and Everett spend all their free time together, and to outside eyes look very much like a couple, except they're only best friends. Things start to change for Rafi when he sees Everett in a new light and his libido goes from 0-100%, but he doesn't want to betray his deceased husband by moving on too quickly.

When his life ends up in danger, Rafi throws his hesitancy into the wind, and realizes maybe he's been in love with his best friend all along and life is too short to keep himself from being happy again.

This kind of book was a little outside of my wheelhouse, and was a bit too slow, but the crazy action and steamy HEA for Rafi and Everett won me over in the end.
Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
October 28, 2020
3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed this!

This is a new-to-me author whose book I picked on a whim so I really did not know what to expect. It was written in 1st-person which always throws me off when I encounter it in a book but in this it worked.

I loved the humour interwoven into the story and laughed from beginning to end. Rafi was the cutest and Everett had his moments.

It wasn't all perfect though, there were a whole set of characters from a previous series who were referred to, with some already established relationships and inside jokes that left me wishing I'd read that series before starting this book. It wasn't too bad but that's probably just me who want to be "in" on everything when I'm reading.

Also, the fact that Rafi was pint-sized was repeated so many times it got annoying and some of the things that happened were unrealistic.

Despite all the above, this book was super fun so it was easy to overlook all these and go with the flow.

Next up is Omar and Anders I KNOW it's going to be a good one!!
Shelved as 'not-for-me'
September 24, 2022
I’ve tried, I really did. I got the audiobook, and the narration is, indeed, great.

The plot however… first of all, it feels like I’m thrown in the middle of a plot, having missed the beginning. It’s the first book of a series, but obviously there’s another one that’s chronologically before this one. I could have gotten into it, it not for…

…the dead ex trope. Yes I know - I should have known from the synopsis that there’s a dead ex. And I did. What I didn’t know however is that Rafi „talks“ do his ex


in his mind. I’m not exaggerating. And he might be smart, but he’s so infantile at times, it made me roll my eyes more than once. I mean - his attempts to dress sexy? Or how he started wanking for a week after realising that he’s into Everett?

Anyway. I’m calling it quits at around 40%. There are more books out there that just beg to be read. This one isn’t for me.
Profile Image for Madigan Likes to Read.
1,186 reviews96 followers
January 12, 2023
What fun! I had a really good time with this. Action, adventure, and romance between a hulking tattooed man and a pocket sized military man turned professor. Additionally, the description of Austin, Texas and the surrounding area was chef's kiss. Typically authors write dismally inaccurate depictions of Texas, but Kelly Fox knows what's up.

This is the first in a series, but I can tell it's part of a shared world. I look forward to going back to the beginning and reading in the suggested order.
Profile Image for Myriam.
371 reviews62 followers
January 2, 2021
So this was always going to get at least one bonus star for including the line " Orgasm practically calling on the power of Grey Skull". I wish lines like these and the fun premise of "body in the trunk and hot date in my car, oh no!" were actually what this book is like but that would be a lie. This is a lot potential with deficits in the actual execution department. Isn't that the song of us M/M lovers? So many good ideas, so few writers actually writing good stories about them.

Rafi and Everett are cute and have some fun sexy times once they are finally allowed to get there. That's really the only time in the whole book I was waiting for a plot development. Everything else pretty much happens either out of nowhere, is barely explained by the "plot" or is just underwritten as all hell.

I had tried and DNF'ed the main series this is based on so at least I finished this one? I might check out the next one in the series because now that the team is established it might get a little bit less contrived. Then again one of the main pairings is a trauma surgeon who moonlights as an assassin, so contrived is the name of the game :)
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,675 reviews20 followers
May 3, 2022
2.5-3 stars for the book
4 stars for the audio

Ehhh not my favorite that I’ve read, a lot of crying and memories of the dead husband.. idk it got to be a little much…

I am debating on giving book two a go since Anders and Omar are this enemies to lovers situation… haha

Profile Image for Janet (iamltr).
1,188 reviews69 followers
January 17, 2023
Audiobook Review

I have read the ebook for this one so I knew what to expect but this narrator killed the narration. I was hooked from the moment Rafi was crying in the car until the epilogue.

I'm not going to lie, you may be confused about all the side characters in here in the beginning but eventually it becomes less important to the story.

All in all, I highly recommend this one.



I loved these murder guys so much. It started off odd, but I'm glad I kept reading. The sexytimes took awhile to get to, there was a lot of crying, and a Daddy was created.
Profile Image for Emily Souza.
138 reviews
September 10, 2020
I don’t even know where to start. I adored absolutely everything about this book. I fell in love immediately with the Wrecked series, but this...the Guardians are absolutely next level. And Kelly’s writing just keeps getting better and better

After reading Shameless, I hated Rafi. How dare someone beat up Roly, the most wonderful and heartfelt man? I was so worried this book wouldn’t hold my attention because I thought I wouldn’t connect to one of the main characters. But then we get Rafi’s backstory, and we hear his struggles first hand, and we see his relationship with Parker (who is a serious hot shit by the way), and Kelly had to go and make me fall in love with him. I can say, with not regrets and no hesitation, that Rafi is the best character Kelly has ever written.

AND EVERETT. I mean come on! A big, tattooed silver fox of a man with a giant heart and a penchant for murder...how can you not love him?! And the Guardians as a whole, I can’t wait to see more of them as this series progresses.

I am continuously blown away by Kelly’s writing. This book is hilarious, but it has this dark edge (looking at you, mercenaries-for-hire) that gives the story so much depth. I belly laughed, I cried heartbroken tears, I cried happy tears.

This book is immediately being added to my re-read list. I already can’t get enough of this crew, and we’ve only just started unwrapping their lives.

If I could give this book 10 stars, I would.
Profile Image for Courtney Bassett.
754 reviews192 followers
September 23, 2020
Couldn’t put it down!

I started this as soon as I saw it show up on my Kindle (yay preorders). I had other things I was supposed to do today, but I could barely put it down! I’ll admit it made me tear up a time or two, but it made me laugh or smile so much more. And there was some exciting action, too! I can’t wait for the next one.

While this *could* be enjoyed as a stand-alone, I think it would be best read following the three books in the Wrecked series, especially the final one featuring Roly, since it plays a lot into the background of a character in this.
11 reviews
September 11, 2020
I was really nervous to read this book. Our first impression of Rafi was not the best and, to be honest, can we really love someone who doesn't love Roly? Yes, that answer is YES! Rafi won my heart.

Rafi is struggling with the death of his husband and finds a friend in Everett. Their friendship evolves, lots of tears are shed, trust is earned, coversations became dirty (who knew sweet Rafi had such a dirty mouth!) and I bet you can figure out what came next. It all sounds very cliche, and maybe it is. Friends-to-lovers, size (height) difference, getting over past trauma, I'm not good enough for you, etc can all be found in this one book but it works, and it works well and was done with a purpose.

Rafi's story is one of love, loss, pain, anger, heartbreak, forgiveness, redemption, new beginnings and second chances. Don't even get me started on Everett *swoon*

This book, along with every single one Kelly has written, is unique in the way you become immersed in the characters' stories and lives; the way you can feel their emotions, laugh when they laugh and cry when they cry.

Before starting this book, be sure to block out your entire schedule because once you start the first page, you will be sucked in. Sleep, who needs sleep? Drink extra coffee in the morning because it's well worth staying up all night to finish.
Profile Image for Jesslan Rose.
1,139 reviews46 followers
December 11, 2021
Hard Target
By Kelly Fox

I absolutely loved this book! I adore Rafi and drooled over Everett. Rafiq is a short little guy with a seriously lovable and snarky personality. Everett is snarky too, but not in such a cute adorable way. More in an all manly sexy way.

Rafi's husband, Asa, passed away a year ago. He's barely surviving until Everett enters his life. From that moment on he has a sweet dear friend who consistently watches out for him and comforts him during the worst of his grief, but Everett feels as a hired killer of murderers and rapists, etc he doesn't deserve love, especially not Rafi's and that Rafi deserves much better than him. But when both of them get a wake up call all bets are off.

The book is in both Rafi and Everett's POV. The snarkyness is off the charts and I was continually laughing throughout the book. I especially love Rafi's conversations with his dead husband.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,991 reviews1,117 followers
January 21, 2022
3.5 stars

Most of the stars are for Zane Daniels' excellent performance. From the blurb, I thought this might have a strong suspense plot, but nope; it's mostly two guys mooning in unrequited love, some - admittedly well-written and superbly narrated - hot sex and an iddy biddy bit of plot near the end.

Brownie points for the strong female characters and diverse cast, but there was too much here that just didn't work, and there's no real chemistry between the leads.
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,261 reviews94 followers
September 12, 2020
[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Hard Target
is the first book in the spin-off series in the Wrecked world. This can definitely be read without reading the Wrecked series but if you have you'll recognize and know all the characters involved in this one.

Rafi is a man trying to pull his life together after losing his husband only a year ago. Certain events lead him to a friendship with Everett. Everett is a man with many secrets, one of which is, he is in love with Rafi. His other secret prevents him from acting on his feelings for the still grieving widower. Once Rafi decides he's decide explore his new-found growing feelings for Everett, his past and Everett's secrets combined result in danger.

"I knew kissing him would destroy me, I just didn't know how much I would enjoy it. I don't know how my brain and body manage both fireworks and home, but they do."

Rafi is a complicated character. His husbands death really took a toll on him and even as he starts to heal it continues to make him an emotional mess. His sense of humor and the fact that he still talks to his husband is precious. His sexual reawakening has you laughing because you can feel his frustration in every page. Everett may be leading a secret life but his love and adoration of Rafi is very real. You can tell he fights it as much as possible but giving Rafi physical and emotional support is the best and worst thing Everett does to himself. He struggles with being worthy of Rafi because of the work he does. Luckily Rafi is on board, even more so than Everett wants. Once him and Everett finally connect it just feels right.

"Want to go shoot something , baby?" I ask Rafi as I kiss the top of his head. Stretching sleepily against my body, he nods. "But coffee first."

For those who have read the Wrecked series : This book takes place six months after the events in Shameless. Although the gym is referenced and some characters do cross over this is going to be an entirely different set of stories. This story was paced well moving forward with both the plot and their relationship. With a whole group of sexuality fluid men looking for love I think we are in store for some great action filled romances.

Profile Image for Amos24601.
1,266 reviews40 followers
April 6, 2022
An okay addition

I had such high hopes for this book. I’d been looking forward to it for such a long time. I wish it had been better. With that being said, I still enjoyed the story overall.

I’ve been waiting for Rafi’s story for a long time. He just seemed so broken when we first met him, and who could blame him? I wanted to give him all the hugs. I liked Ev for him too, but I had a hard time with their “journey” to get there. I hated that Ev did the whole, I know what’s best for Rafi and it’s definitely not me, bull crap. Seemed like a misunderstanding that didn’t need to happen.

Rafi, whole sweet and adorable all around, came off as being someone who needed to be mollycoddled all the time.

HOWEVER, once Rafi and Ev got together? Fireworks. They were so hot together and Rafi was undeniably enthusiastic in the bedroom. Ev seemed to get his head out of his butt and accept that Rafi and he could have a perfectly fine life together, thank jebus. The action in the book kept me interested and I wanted to know how it would resolve itself.

I’ll definitely read the next book in the series. Anders and Omar seem like they’d be 🔥 together.
May 6, 2021
2.75 stars
Kind of all over the place.
*I kept thinking that.*
I’m not even going to think about the plot too hard. It was ... confusing, yes very convoluted.
In fact I couldn’t actually tell you what happened in the book.
I mean the action was so oddly done.
*I kept thinking where is this going and when are we getting there!*
I’ll tell you what really, really bugged me about this book. I don’t like women who cry constantly, so what the heck makes you think I’m going to enjoy reading about a man who cries constantly. I’m an equal opportunity no-thank-you human.
It really bugged me.
I almost want to read the next book to see if it gets better.
Profile Image for Badh.
3,308 reviews61 followers
July 4, 2022
I loved seeing Rafi get his HEA. He went through so much with his family and with his dead husband. And Everett is so good for him. Rafi is just a joy and delight, and I really liked him so much.
Profile Image for Drusilla.
679 reviews223 followers
July 29, 2022
The Guardians are, as a whole, very nice - bad guys doing the right thing by killing the really bad guys. Rafi's story is sad and Everett is so wonderful with his giant heart.
The best part of this book is its dark side and the shooting near the end. I feel like the plot is a little too invested in the sad side of Rafi and doesn't show enough of his strong and smart mind.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 267 reviews

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