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Aecoria #2

Wildflower Heart

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She rejected convention to live life on her own terms. He had never known love. Together, they discovered an untamable passion that would break them both.

Fenella Lorcan never expects to wed, least of all the most fearsome man in Aecoria. But her family is destitute, and even though marriage feels like a punishment, she knows she must give herself to the only man who will take her hand… the only man who can awaken her desires.

People fear Arun Darkon, and he knows his wife will be no different. Despite his efforts to remain aloof, he finds himself falling for his wife’s charms. She’s carefree and capricious, and she’s the only one able to ignite the warmth beneath his forbidding exterior.

Even as the lovers clash in a battle of wills, passion erupts with a frenzy that has the power to save… or destroy. Struggling against societal expectations and personal torments, they must overcome pride to realize how they truly feel, and discover what it takes to tame a wildflower heart.

224 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 9, 2020

About the author

Heather Crews

20 books547 followers
Art, dreams, spray paint. Love, death, villains. Awkward but nice. Can't keep plants alive.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Crews/...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lemonadegoth/

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December 9, 2020

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The best part about having friends who write books is reading their books. The worst part about having friends who write books is reviewing their books. Like if you agree. Also, hi, I was a beta reader for this book, but it's been edited and reworked so much since I saw it that it's basically a different books and I paid money for it.

WILDFLOWER HEART is the second book in the Aecoria series, although it can be read as a standalone. I think it's actually ten times better than the first book in the series, SEA AND SKY, which I felt ambivalent about. It's honestly amazing how much better this book is in terms of character development, complexity, and prose. It's filled with gorgeous passages, and the two leads, Arun and Fenella, are such well-rounded characters. I loved spending every moment with them, especially Arun, who has supplanted Tristan and Branek, my favorite vampire duo, as my favorite Crews-written hero. #bye

The plot is pretty simple in that it's just a character-driven marriage of convenience, but it ends up being so much more than that because of the writing. Fenella is flighty and headstrong and Arun is gruff and stoic. I think the best part of the story is getting to see them slowly fall in love and finding out what makes them tick. There's also an interesting secondary romance with Fen's wastrel brother, Emyr, and one of the forest sprites. The sexual tension is off the charts and the writing descriptions are so immersive. When Fen and Arun go to Seaside, I actually felt a physical ache, because it reminded me of the small, oceanside towns I visited in Portugal.

This is definitely one of Heather's best works and I'm so glad that we're friends because it's honestly been such a privilege to see her learn and grow as a writer (and also because she's basically the best human ever for putting up with me). I can't wait to see what she writes next.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for julia.
979 reviews149 followers
December 19, 2020
⭐️ 4.5 "safe with me" Stars ⭐️

“I’d do anything you wished, my lady.”

i will use any excuse to add in a Princess Bride gif.

Initial Thoughts

Sea and Sky walked so Wildflower Heart could motherfucking fly. This book was amazing and I literally could not put it down! I loved Fenella, I adored Arun, and I loved the setting as a whole. It's like author Heather Crews looked into my brain and wrote this book just for me! Seriously this is how you write an arranged marriage romance!

The Plot, Synopsis, Summary, etc.

WILDFLOWER HEART stars Fenella Lorcan, a true free spirit, and Arun Darkon, a tall, brooding, and slightly reclusive man whose been dubbed the "most fearsome man" in Aecoria. Due to some, monetary constraints, the wild Fenella Lorcan must marry Arun Darkon. Fen is unlike any person Arun has ever met and they both butt heads immediately. They argue, verbally attack each other, have intense chemistry, and underneath it all come to love one another.

Together they must discover what it takes to tame a wildflower heart

The Highlights

Character Spotlight - Fenella "Fen" Lorcan

Fenella was such a magical heroine, and I loved everything about her. She had this untamable free spirit, she was kind and compassionate, had a wandering heart, fought fiercely, held true to her morals, and had a deep streak of loyalty. Not only that, she was flawed yet at the same time she showed immense growth over the course of the book. When we meet Fenella she's been missing for 3 months - don't quote me on that - and masquerading as a handmaid to the mermaid princess from book 1. She's a bit. . .flighty to put it kindly.

“Perhaps my brother has mentioned my troublesome rebellious streak,” she went on brazenly. “Perhaps you have heard the rumors of my unsuitability. I’m afraid they are all true.”

However, what made Fenella incredibly likable was that she was so unapologetically herself, and nothing less.

“I grew up doing what I love, and I intend to continue doing exactly that. If you choose to let that bother you, I’m sorry, but I won’t give up the thing that brings me joy.”

She knew what her "shortcomings" were, but she also had a lot good qualities to balance them out. Essentially she was an incredibly well rounded heroine.

Character Spotlight - Lord Arun Darkon - AKA my future arranged husband

Oh Arun, my poor misunderstood, secretly soft marshmallow, Arun. Lord Darkon was in a word, insecure, and he was in desperate need of a hug. He was a man who had been told his whole life that he was wrong, imposing, ugly, and fearsome.

There was too much of him, none of it likable, and he had known this all his life.

When he meets Fenella he's pretty much resigned himself to never falling in love, having a wife who even likes him, and he's pretty terrible at emoting. And yet there's this softness that at first glance is easily over looked. Arun has an extremely grumpy exterior and an extremely gooey and soft center, at least when it comes to Fenella. Honestly there is something so satisfying about watching an extremely grumpy, standoffish, and brooding man meet his match in a larger than life heroine.

The Romance ✦ Man WILDFLOWER HEART had a beautiful romance at its center. I loved Arun and Fenella separately, but I adored them together. What made this romance so spectacular was not only the wicked chemistry constantly present between every interaction between Arun and Fenella, but the fact that both characters fought so hard to make their love work. Honestly, WILDFLOWER HEART's "arranged-marriage-romance" felt super realistic - well. . .you know what i mean. It felt realistic in that you have two people who ordinarily would not have chosen each other but end up having quite the spark between them. However, with Fen being Fen -

*cough* strong willed *cough*

and Arun being Arun -

*cough* unable to communicate *cough*

they had to put in work to figure out their own special "love language". It frankly took them a lot of the book to really work out their communication issues, but you could tell that both of them really did want things to work out.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Arun.” “Nor I you. But we both have. The only thing we can do now is learn from our mistakes.”

It is sincerely a testament to how great this book is because I usually freaking hate prolonged miscommunication in my romances. Legitimately, hate them. And yet, here, not so much! In fact the miscommunication and misunderstandings felt true to the situation the couple were in. For example, our homeboy Arun? Yeah, he was deemed so unapproachable by his peers that he always just paid to be intimate with women.

Fenella was not a woman he had paid personally, which made this kiss different than any other he had experienced.
It made sense, when he realized he hadn’t kissed or been kissed very often at all.

Not only did that make me want to b-slap every person who ever made him feel like no one would truly love him, but it also caused me want to give Arun a huge hug! Seriously Lord Darkon needed hugs often and daily.

But you know what? Despite Arun not having much experience - read: none - with dating or how to "woo" a woman he did good.

He thought of her. Leaving flowers was his decidedly sweet and subtle way of telling her so.

Once Fenella and Arun finally started to get their shit together they - in my opinion - reached their full romantic potential #ProudMamaMoment.

I want you to know I feel that way when I’m with you. Every moment is like freedom. Each breath a revelation. Your love has broken me utterly. It’s torn down all my walls, and I’m captivated [. . .]

The Side-Romance ✦ So, in book 1 not only was there a primary romance, but their was a random secondary romance thrown in out of nowhere. While it wasn't bad it wasn't great. However, I'm happy to report that the secondary romance in WILDFLOWER HEART was really sweet! It didn't overtake the main romance, both characters were really intriguing, and if anything I wanted more from them! Plus I mean, come on, the lady-love was a sprite!

That's cool right? I would say the reason that I didn't rate this book 5 stars is that I wished that we were given a bit more from this side-romance. I just wished there was a bigger resolution / more concrete resolution to the two characters. Other than that I don't have any complaints about it! If anything I'm hoping that the next book in the series will focus more on the magical creatures that reside in the Aecoria kingdom.

Concluding Thoughts

WILDFLOWER HEART was an amazing sophomore addition to the Aecoria series. It vastly improved and added to the world, gave us two amazing characters, had a killer romance, and was wildly romantic. WILDFLOWER HEART blew me away, and delivered on one of my favorite romance tropes - arranged/forced marriage. Therefore, I highly highly recommend this book to everyone! Seriously guys, read this book!

“You’re not to run off without letting me know,” he told her. “That should be plain enough by now. I won’t stand for it. Wherever you go, I’ll go with you.”
Profile Image for Heather ~*dread mushrooms*~.
Author 20 books547 followers
Shelved as 'i-wrote'
November 10, 2020
UPDATE: It's live!!! You can find Wildflower Heart here on Amazon. :)

Just to recap: Stubborn heroine, hot/damaged/grumpy/soft hero, lovable side characters, and plenty of TEH SEX.


Well, it happened. I'm writing another series. I NEVER MEANT TO DO THAT.

This is set in the same world as Sea and Sky, but follows different characters. As Nenia, who beta-read it, said in her pre-review, "it has witty banter and hot sex and strong ladies and gruff gentlemen who like to bang."

I will have you know this rumor is true.

Currently the lovely Jess is beta-reading it. I hope to have it out soon after she's finished and will post updates here. :)
July 12, 2021
Disclaimer: So I am friends with this author Blah Blah Blah

I read this for my awesome and talented friend Heather back right before it was published last year. And I am that beta reader who has copious notes. Like too many notes. Like I'm pretty sure Heather was rolling her eyes at me when I was giving them to her.

But despite my copious notes, I actually really liked this book at the time. Yes, you heard that right. I liked this book. Which is basically 100% romance.

Even if Heather hadn't edited a thing, this would have been a high three or a low 4. And the edited and revised published version is a solid 4, which may be one of the highest ratings I've ever given to a romance, ever.

This one is not really a sequel, but is set in the same world of Aecoria as Heather's previous book Sea and Sky which I read right before this one and that I also beta-read before it was published back in 2017. Although that one wasn't my favorite, I enjoyed in in a light kind of way, and am very happy to see that a lot of the flaws I saw in that one were fixed in this installation.

I enjoyed the two romantic leads very very much and I believed in their chemistry, their story, and their romance. I found the characters very well developed and consistent and I loved the way they found passion in their differences. The supporting characters were also interesting, and like its predecessor, I still really enjoy the world of Aecoria. It is a world I want to spend more time in and a world that is built tightly and consistently. I will say that while I enjoyed the secondary romance very much in Sea and Sky, the secondary romance in this volume falls a little flat and was not as memorable.

Ultimately, a romance to me is only as good as the believability of the coupling, and in this case I believed in Fenella and Lorcan and actually looked forward to how their story would end. I have a little bit of a thing for the dark and stormy teddy bear which our male lead encompasses, and the sides of himself that developed along with his developing affection for his wife showed vulnerability and tenderness that I actually enjoyed. And the sex scenes were written well and I found that I didn't tire of them as much as I did with Sea and Sky.

I love seeing the growth in this author who is also my friend, and I look forward to reading more stories set in this world!

4 stars.

I just beta read this for my amazing and super talented friend Heather! This sequel to Sea and Sky is a fun romantic romp in a world where sprites and mer are citizens, arranged marriages are commplace, a battle of wills is fought in the bedroom, and yes, bodices are ripped.

You're welcome.

No rating or full review until publication.
Profile Image for Vilma.
375 reviews47 followers
December 19, 2021
This is how a book with an arranged marriage is done well! I was surprised by the amount of steamy scenes, and they took place everywhere but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about both Fen x Arun and the side romance which was a nice addition to the story! 🥰
Profile Image for Amber.
160 reviews60 followers
May 2, 2021
I will read anything this woman writes.

Ok, seriously, just stop. Stop being such a fucking bad ass, Heather. You’re making the rest of us look bad. ;)
Profile Image for Krista.
962 reviews25 followers
July 15, 2023
2.5 "lucky to get them" stars. It started off as a 3 and held strong for the most part but I MUST DEDUCT half a star for the TSTL ending. Sorry! But that ending (see rant at the end) almost made me DNF at 90%!

Fenella is a "free spirit" free to roam around the countryside after she and her brother are left orphaned. She wants adventure- valid, right? But it is way more disfunction than that. We are thinking that she is more mature and self-disciplined at the beginning, that she plans her trips on purpose but no, she just drifts along to the whims of fate. Could have been funny but was not.

And she acts really childish and immature, as Arun points out to her dismay.

Arun was great but it was a little hard to believe that people were really afraid of him. He was a head case, being abused physically and verbally from his father, and so he needed help too.

It had a few humorous touches:
"Her first thought, in the forest, was that she could not trust Lord Darkon enough to enlist his aid. But with the sprite’s life in imminent danger, she would be a fool not to appeal to him.
If he declined to help, she would simply look elsewhere and refuse to speak to her husband for the rest of his life."

She starts to reach Arun:
"The low noise he uttered in response sounded very much like a laugh. Her heart bloomed like a flower, for she had almost begun to believe she would never hear such a thing from her husband, and she was so glad she had."

Sex scenes are well done and hot. World building a little vague. Did we need the side story with her brother and the sprite? Not necessary.

After running away into a storm, it was funny how she had to remember she was mad at him:
“Hello there,” she said. Then she remembered she hated him and frowned. “What are you doing here?”
“Your horse returned without you early this morning. I feared the worst.”
Her heart stuttered, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of gratitude. She huffed. “I didn’t need you to come rescue me, you know.”
“And yet here I am.”

They get their HEA but I was over it by then.
Spoiler for the ending:
Things were finally getting promising for Fen and Arun when she gets bad news about her brother. Most people would be like "Oh no, I need to tell someone where I am going if I am feeling a party in the middle of the night in the middle of a storm". Like maybe their husband or the people the came with?
But no, not only does she run off (AGAIN despite previous bad decisions) to her childhood home that is falling off a cliff. And walks right along the unstable edge that just collapsed and falls in. She should have just died- just end her. Darwin's theory Survival of the Fittest dis-qualifies her immediately.

Unfortunately she is rescued by Arun, again, and after he drags her up in the mud and rain decides the edge of a collapsing cliff in a storm is the best place to make passionate love. OMG. TSTL people. Yes it is fiction but COME ON.
Profile Image for jesse.
1,089 reviews103 followers
May 12, 2023
I barely remember why I bought Wildflower Hearts. Probably because of Nenia's raving review. Definitely not because of its unoriginal title nor nondescript cover. I bought the book and forget about it, until I browsed through my library and picked it up again at random.

The sprite’s body lay decaying on the forest floor. Dead leaves and flecks of dirt clung to the dark green skin of cold limbs. Insects crawled into the empty eye sockets, and flies hovered nearby, buzzing incessantly.
The first couple of sentences and they're beautiful, descriptive and morbid. My cup of tea! The book is filled to the brim with descriptions that make mundane details interesting. This was surprising to me, since I thought, I didn't have the patience nor a particularly high tolerance to read about an author waxing poetic (Tolkien comes to mind... blabbering about minutiae... Bleh!). Turns out, I was dead wrong. In the hands of the right author anything and everything mundane can be magical! I'm thrilled and delighted!

Both storylines were very rewarding with slow-burn romances and nuanced character building. The first couple features Arun, an insecure grump and Fenella, a happy whirlwind. The second, Fen's brother Emyr and a dangerous, bitter forest sprite.

“What are you doing out here?”

That she should have the cheek to ask him that when she was the one wandering the night like a ghost amused him, though he didn’t so much as crack a smile.
“I came to speak with you,” he said in a clipped voice. “That isn’t necessary,” she told him flatly. She took a deep breath before continuing. “Marriage is never something I desired, but I have tried to maintain a positive attitude about it for my brother’s sake. This afternoon I was taken off guard, and I apologize for my outburst. It won’t happen again.” She paused. “Not for several days. I can promise that.”

“So there will be outbursts,” he clarified. She frowned. “Not intentional ones, of course.” “I see.” Arun’s lips thinned into a grimace. “We will be married on the morrow.” Her mouth dropped open. “So soon?” “Months have passed since you were promised to me, my lady. I have been more than patient. Your brother has invented several ways to delay our union, but the time has come. I suggest you come to terms with the fact that we will be married at this time tomorrow and safely ensconced in my manor. I certainly have.”
“Have you.”
The wryness of her voice provoked some strange feeling in him. Annoyance, perhaps. “Yes.” “And will you be suggesting things to me after we are married? Or will you allow me to think for myself from time to time?” He ground his jaw contemplatively, not knowing what to say. He’d not expected her to strike back at him with such vehemence, though he supposed he should have. “Perhaps,” she continued, arching a fair brow, “your mistresses do as you say, since they depend on your generosity. As your wife, however, I will not be commanded. My worth is more than my association with you.” Arun frowned as she whipped her head to one side, turning up her nose at him.

He felt his cheeks warm at her words. “When we marry, you will act as my wife.” “Only if you do not act as my keeper.” His cheeks were on fire now, and he was glad of the darkness to mask their deepening color. “What I do with my mistresses is none of your concern.” “According to you, it will be tomorrow.”

I wish more people knew about this book.
If this is what I can expect from Heather Crews, I can't wait to see what's next in store.
599 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2021
I like whodunits with murder, mayhem and sex - my favorite genres.

I do not read fantasy or romance, even with some sex. Well, not normally

A GR reviewer, whose reviews I read which often bring me to read new stuff, new authors, loved a book so I read and really enjoyed it, had also recommended this.

Maybe I do like fantasy with romance, with some sex.

No, this isn't an adult or erotica book, silly, it's a love story....

A day's read.....

And on Kindle Unlimited so no cost to me during my third 3 month free trail. Amazon is so silly.
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