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Sci-Regency #2

The Englor Affair

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In hiding who he was, Payton found himself...and the man he would grow to love.

After his brother is kidnapped, Prince Payton Townsend masquerades as an Admiral's assistant in order to track the culprits through the tangled mysteries of the planet Englor. He finds way more than he bargained for in the form of Marine Colonel Simon Hollister. Simon is no ordinary soldier. He's heir to Englor and his life is mapped out for him: throne, bride, and eventually an heir. He never expected a dalliance with Payton to blossom into love, or that the organization that taught him to lead would threaten that love and their lives. Danger and intrigue abound as they learn more about their shared enemy, and about each other. What they learn could help them rise above to an enduring love or pull them apart.

298 pages, ebook

First published November 1, 2008

About the author

J.L. Langley

31 books1,854 followers
JL has been talking since she was about seven months old. To those who know her it comes as no surprise, in fact, most will tell you she hasn’t shut up since. At eighteen months, she was speaking in full sentences. Imagine if you will the surprise of her admirers when they complimented her mother on “what a cute little boy” she had and received a fierce glare from said little boy and a very loud correction of “I’m a girl!” Oddly enough, JL still finds herself saying that exact phrase thirty-some-odd years later.

Along with the motormouth, JL also displayed a very vivid imagination and artistic ability. The artist first surfaced in way of drawing and painting, then became more apparent with dance. JL was a member of the National Art Honor Society in high school and has won several regional and national titles in dance, specifically tap and jazz. In college she majored in Graphic Art, but chose to make dance her profession. She taught tap, jazz and ballet for fifteen years before settling into her career as a writer.

Today JL is a full-time writer, with over ten novels to her credit. Among her hobbies she includes reading, practicing her marksmanship (she happens to be a great shot), gardening, working out (although she despises cardio), searching for the perfect chocolate dessert (so far as she can tell ALL chocolate is perfect, but it requires more research) and arguing with her husband over who the air compressor and nail gun really belongs to (they belong to JL, although she might be willing to trade him for his new chainsaw).

She also writes under the name Jeigh Lynn

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 266 reviews
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,446 reviews507 followers
November 24, 2018
4 Stars

I’m totally digging this sci-fi setup with Regency undertones as it appealed to the hidden geek in me, all the while being nicely nostalgic for those MF historicals I used to read way back when. What is it about the stuffiness and propriety that's just begging to be ripped away in a storm of lust and hormones, this time though, with heaving dicks instead of bosoms. Oh yeah…. you know what I mean.

This pretty much starts a few weeks after My Fair Captain, continuing with the mystery of missing stolen weapons and whether or not all this is originating on fellow Regency planet, Englor. I won’t bore you with the details as this is NOT a standalone. Just know that this is about two princes trying to be proper and then not succeeding, as desire gets the best of both Payton and Simon.

Again, for those who need to know, the main mystery isn’t completely solved at the end of the story but more questions are answered. Also, know that this still contained some really really good UST, ripening for delicious picking, leading to some impressively hot smexy! This also had some fun and funny just like its predecessor, all tied up in some military espionage and twisty political conspiracies, while maintaining Regency culture but in space. That entire concept just puts a smile on my mug. *high five*
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,479 followers
February 1, 2021
Even though I didn't like this one as much as the first, I'm starting to feel invested in this smutty little Regency-in-Space series. It doesn't really fit into my tastes exactly, because I'm not someone who likes a big age difference or unequal power dynamic with romance couples, but it is strangely captivating.

It must be all the future-in-the-past tech. They have horse-drawn carriages that can take them to the ball, OR a hovercar taxi. I'm thinking that those horses must be pretty pissed off at this point. I mean, why the fuck am I still dragging your ass around in a carriage when you can take a damn hovercraft? Get your fat ass in the flying car, bitch!

Nice burn bro!

So, I like the weird-ass world with all of the inconveniences and ridiculous amounts of clothing they wore in the old days matched with computers, space flight, and disembodied robot butlers. I also liked the Jetsons when I was a kid, so...

Yeah, so don't ask too many questions. Things don't always have to make sense!

This one was set in the planet that is just like Regency England where, you know, homosexuality was a bit of a problem. So, we find it very different from the last one that was also like Regency England but everyone's gay. I don't know... .gay planet or non-gay planet??

Cuz you know that gay planet needs a middle-aged cishet housewife in their midst!

The hero in this book is the brother of the hero from the last one, so he's also a prince. But in disguise. Acting like a twinky commoner. Of course he meets the prince of this planet and they immediately fall into the deepest of lust... I mean love. The problem I had wasn't with the twink. He was adorable. It was the bear. He was kinda dickish. He basically offers the twink the position of being his side-piece on the DL while he does his royal duty to marry a woman and have an heir.

Oh, Grumpy Cat. You gave so much to our younger selves. It was such a simpler time.

Even once they get together I didn't care for him acting like our adorable prince-twink, or Prink, was only there for his occasional need for sexual healing. It was gross and disrespectful. So... eh. Not the best in that way. I'm going to try the next one. The only problem I can see is that the themes of young, virginal boys with these older guys is kinda twinging my gross-o-meter. But then they try to make it better by having the guys in their 20's even though they act like world-weary 40 year old men. And the twinks are young. This one was 19, and I think the next is 18. I couldn't even commit to a hairstyle at that age let alone a lifelong commitment. And, I lived in the 80's where the hairstyles never ceased to amaze.

What? You aren't breaking quarantine again are you? With that hair? At least wear a mask!

So yeah, he wasn't my bag, but since I like the world and there is always a new couple to like .. .or hate.. I'm on to the next one.
Profile Image for Richard Derus.
3,344 reviews2,132 followers
October 6, 2018
***2018 UPDATE*** Dreamspinner now publishes this series! This book is here.

This is a sci-Regency. That means a Regency romance set in outer space, don't bother asking how it works or this whole review will be wasted on you. It's also a smutty gay-sex romp written by a very nice straight lady.

If you're still here, we'll get to the plot: The Queen of Englor, an Earth colony that's chosen Regency England as its societal model, is a nasty, homophobic gambling addict whose son and heir happens to be a big ol' 'mo with a taste for chicken (men younger than the subject). He's also a Marine Colonel, a gym rat, and as heir to the throne, PRIME marriage material. He's been dodging scheming mamas and aunties at the Englorian revival of Almack's for most of his life. Colonel Hollister, Our Lantern-Jawed (and big-eared) Hero, discovers that his revolting Mama is up to her hiney in badness...she's being blackmailed to deliver to Persons Unknown some schematics for something the Englor Marines have designed that's so secret that even the heir to the throne/Colonel Hollister doesn't even know what it is.

So, it's a romance, and that means a counterparty: Prince Payton Townsend of Regelence, another Regency-based society, is a nineteen-year-old computer genius and son of the King of Regelence and his Consort. No, not Queen, Consort. A Man...and a very studly one. Payton's younger brother has just married a Captain in the Interplanetary Navy (subject of a previous book, My Fair Captain), who also happens to be the heir to an Englorian Dukedom. Englorian spying on Regelence has been discovered, an investigation takes place, Payton meets Colonel Hollister the heir to the homophobic Queen, sparks fly, virginities are lost, tops bottom, and all sorts of runnin' from pillar to post takes place. There is an agreeable amount of very, very dirty sex. The expected miscommunications and misunderstandings and emotional angst takes place, and in the end (pun optional), Our Hero and his little bit of stuff are married and parents and just gooily happy.

Well, it ain't for everybody, but I really, really, really liked it. Is it a perfect novel? Oh heavens no. Someone needed to guide Ms. Langley to a few of the more obvious embellishments that a spy thriller really needs, and the world-building that a sci-fi novel needs is woefully absent.

But the love story is charming. The sex is waaay smutty, exactly as sex should be. (My father said it best, during his first teenaged-indiscretion talk with me: "If you can do it in front of me, you're doing it wrong. So don't do it until you need to close the door. If you need to *lock* the door, you're doing good.") So why do I like the book so much, given its flaws? Because these characters are not in any way conflicted about themselves. True, the Englorian heir is closeted, but he never feels he's bad or wrong, he feels he's put-upon and wastes little time in angsting over what he wants, just over not being able to see how he can have it. That's an adult dilemma, not a boring coming-out story suitable for kids. I am so weary of coming out stories I could urp. I was never in, really, so coming out didn't make a big impression on me. (Yes, yes, married two women, had two children, but never ever hid my true nature from anyone.) Chacun a son gout, of course, but I for one am not buyin' any more gay fiction with the words "teen" or "awaken" or "life-changing decision" in the sales copy.

So should y'all read it? Maybe. Sex is rampant in these pages. Don't pick it up...heck, don't even look at the *cover*, if you're not into big, hairy-chested semi-nude studmuffins *drifts off to Bermuda for a moment* sorry, where was I, oh yeah so if anything here makes you gag, leave it. If you're squirming a little, try it. The rest of us are waaay ahead of you.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,790 reviews3,926 followers
August 27, 2020
The second in this space opera series was just as fluffy and feel-good as the first only this time it's set on the Regency "companion" planet Englor and involves Lord Plague a.k.a. Payton and the future king of Englor, Simon. Payton accompanies Nate to his home planet posing as his aide due to his computer prowess. However he finds himself drawn to the military life and enjoys assists in the investigation into the shenanigans that occurred on Regelence in book one.

One rather problematic fly in the ointment is he soon finds himself enthralled with the giant ginger at the gym.

*pause for applause on the alliteration*

The tension between Simon and Payton builds much the same as it did with Aiden and Nate with the addition of Payton essentially investigating Simon as a possible suspect in the spy game. The tension and heat builds nicely between them. I am a fan of public and or semi-public shenanigans and these two are a fan of the each other. At the gym. Though there was enough actual relationship development to satisfy me as well.

As backwards as it sounds, I'm almost more invested in the investigation than these romances which may entice me to carry on with the series. I need to know who this villainous villain is! Plus, my curiosity was piqued by the Colton pining over Sebastian that was hinted at more than once in My Fair Captain so...

Aside from the subplot, I share a fondness for a size difference that Langley seems to favor and who doesn't like a bit of feel-good fluff set in space in a Regency time period from time to time?

Say that four times really fast.

If any of the above appeals give The Englor Affair a try, though you will likely need to read My Fair Captain first.


A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
February 16, 2015
This book was mega-tons better than book #1 for me!

I liked My Fair Captain but I wanted a little more...something. I couldn't name it but, I found it.

Ding, ding, ding!

Man I zipped through this! (Oh how I've missed blasting through a novel late into the night, it's been awhile)

I was hooked from the first page especially once I knew a ginger alpha MC was involved: I can help but picture Seth Fornea as Simon

Plus my favorite time period to read about? Regency. And this mixed with sci-fi - I must be honest I didn't expect to work but it TOTALLY did.

Prince Payton, Aiden's older, computer genius brother is acting as a spy on the stuffy regency plant Englor. He finally get to lose his chaperones and pretend to be a normal person for awhile. But then Prince Hot Ginge aka heir to planet Englor's throne, Simon steps into the scene and makes cocks stiffen and legs quiver.

Both men can't deny the sexual napalm their desire was. Both try to hide who they are, sneak around, have some fun but that pesky emotion called love develops and its a fun ride to the L word.

And the dirty talk?

I must bust out my Tim Allen grunt:

And...wait there's more than just sex.


There seems to be a conspiracy brewing from book #1 and in "The Englor Affair" another juicy piece of the puzzle has been revealed. I can't wait to read the rest of the series to watch it unfold.

We get to seem Payton blossom into his own. I think he and Simon are perfect for each other and I liked how their HEA progressed. There is still a lot of characters but it was easier to navigate this time around. I liked that Payton found his man off planet Regelance because his family while well meaning can be a little cloying.

And was it 100% perfect? No...but the minor niggles I had: the silly miscommunication, MANTEARS (albeit briedf still not a fan) are minuscule blips on my rating.

4.75 STARS

Might not be for everyone but it was definitely worth it for me.
Profile Image for Ava.
Author 27 books761 followers
November 11, 2008
This book was amazing!!! I won't even attempt to blurb the plot. I loved My Fair Captain and was so looking forward to today when this book came out. Needless to say, the book totally delivered. The sparks just flew off Simon and Payton from the moment they laid eyes on each other. Great characters, great sex, great emotion and a great plot. This book is an absolute must read for anyone who likes a m/m romance.
Profile Image for Mati.
1,016 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2009
I was anexious to grasp and read this book after I finished My Fair Captain from the same author. Admiral Nathaniel Hawkins was in this book just supporting character and his role was from almost paternal supervision to scarring king of Englor to the core. Hawkins went back to Englor to investigate the espionage affair and took with him prince Payton Townsend, who was the second oldest son of royal pair and skilled hacker. Regelen with preference in males had obviously some gaydar and found the nearest gay man and promptly loosened his virginity with him. Prince Payton was hardworking undercover lad as you see. His partner turned to be prince Simon Hollister, who was by chance the main subject of investigation. Payton and Simon went trough oh nice fuck in shower to hey you are prince to oh my you compromised me and my brother in law bumped on us so you will marry me at one phases. Too much marriages, too much gay way is the best way and who is hetero is cause of all evil things in our planet.
However this book was pleasant to read and still it stays above average gay romance.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,789 reviews294 followers
October 8, 2018
Imma gonna make this quick!

This was a bit of a roller coaster on many fronts:

Confusing beginning.
Great UST.
Stupid non-communication.
Good plot.
Uneven writing.
Steamy sex.

And of course:
And I want the next one NOW!
Profile Image for Jack.
19 reviews
March 24, 2009
I really like Langley's style of writing. It is so easy to picture the story in my mind as she is telling it. I truly enjoyed every minute of this novel. It had it all humor, suspense,and some very heated moments between the sheets! I loved this book, and I am planning on reading more books by this author ASAP!
Thanks for the recommendation ladies!
Profile Image for ⚣Michaelle⚣.
3,662 reviews223 followers
March 17, 2019
Audio Review 17Mar2019: No Change

I was absolutely dying to listen to this series (somehow I forgot to listen to the first one, first)...and now I'm not so sure. Joseph Morton just kinda...reads the story. Which, I guess is a type of narration. But I have been ridiculously spoiled with fabulous performances by other voice actors and expected more. No character differentiation, no vocal inflection. Dramatic scenes were as rote as filler and the sex was so MEH I almost fast-forwarded.

Good thing I got this one from the library rather than Audible. Not so happy that I wasted my weekly request/recommendation limit asking for this and book 1, though. Honestly can't say I'm going to listen to the first installment now. Maybe for a challenge?

But again, I don't dock for re-reads via audio so the rating stands. If you're interested in listening to this series I SERIOUSLY recommend that you check out the sample before buying.

Color me hella disappointed.

Original Review 03Feb2017: 4 Stars

Yep, like I said in the update: I need to re-read the first to figure out why I rated it so low. I know I read it a long time ago (despite the review date here) and for the life of me I just can't remember what I didn't like...

Well, unless it was because I wasn't partial to historicals at all until relatively recently and the Regency-esque aspects all up in my SciFi wouldn't have endeared it to me back then.

But I really did like this one, a lot, and the whole melding of the two seemingly opposite genres is fascinating. So, definitely going to re-read #1 and putting #3 on the TBR now.
3 reviews
September 29, 2012
If you are looking for a book with some sort of substance, then this is not it. This is not better than any $4 romance book you fish out of a large bin at a grocery store. It does not deserve the average four-star rating it carries.

1. The author had a good premise lined up. The two male leads were raised in a similar fashion but have enough differences in their upbringing to make for some great forbidden love story. To top it off there's a big government conspiracy that these two guys have to overcome. Unfortunately the author mucks it all up and glosses over a lot of the issues she could have used.

2a. Payton might as well be a sack of potatoes. For all of his upbringing, his stubbornness, his strong will and genius, he lets himself be constantly pushed around. He's dumb, whiny, and too easily corralled. In all honesty, I would have preferred a sack of potatoes to Payton's wishy-washy opinions and personality.
2b. Simon is just as ridiculous.

3. The timing of the whole thing is just awkward. The majority of this book takes place within a week and a half. It's just way too easy on all accounts.

4. The sex was almost as annoying as the personality changes. They give blowjobs to one another in very public places despite the fact they could be run out of town or possibly killed for it. Then they go from slow love making to some dirty and rough sex in a hot minute. Not to mention the fact they get aroused at anything. Oh, Payton's in the room? Instant erection! Simon is being crowned king? Someone's cock is twitching.

The whole book is a gigantic mess that fails in every possible way.
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,638 followers
September 27, 2012
I enjoyed this book as much as the first and maybe more. The plot was plausible and the characters were great. The relationship between Payton and Simon did go physical fast, given who Payton was, and his responsibilities as someone high in the succession. But expecting young men to be celibate to age 25 does seem like you'd end up with sex just waiting to happen so I was able to buy it. I liked both MCs a lot and they were very hot together. In the style of a Regency, some plot elements seemed primarily romantic. In all, this was a fun, fast read that has me looking eagerly to the upcoming third book.
Profile Image for Natsroshan.
135 reviews38 followers
March 30, 2009
This second story of the sci-regency serie is really amazing!!
I liked the first one a lot and i did not think it could be better, but it really was.
A serie i highly recommend: a must read absolutly.
Can't wait to read the third one: arrgh...still in progress...
Thanks J.L. Langley for these beautiful stories.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,831 reviews115 followers
January 12, 2009
n hiding who he was, Payton found himself…and the man he would grow to love.
After his brother is kidnapped, Prince Payton Townsend masquerades as an Admiral’s assistant in order to track the culprits through the tangled mysteries of the planet Englor. He finds way more than he bargained for in the form of Marine Colonel Simon Hollister.
Simon is no ordinary soldier. He’s heir to Englor and his life is mapped out for him: throne, bride, and eventually an heir. He never expected a dalliance with Payton to blossom into love, or that the organization that taught him to lead would threaten that love-and their lives.
Danger and intrigue abound as they learn more about their shared enemy, and about each other. What they learn could help them rise above to an enduring love-or pull them apart.
From Samhain Publishing.

So after months of teasers about Payton and Simon the boys are finally here. If you’ve not already got this weighty tome of an ebook, best you shift your toot and get it now. It is 295 pages of delicious Sci-Regency Romance that is not to be missed.

One element that I kept coming back to in this book is that it is a regency romance. Payton for all intents and purposes has been as cloistered as a nun. Despite the odd foray without a chaperone, also known as the household computer back on his home planet, he is quite innocent in many ways. All this comes to a bit of an end when he hies off to assist the goodness that is Nate on a dangerous mission on Englor. He is certainly more than capable with his mad tech skills. Geeky and cute!

So, here he is far from his home on Regelence and minus duenna. What’s a poor boy to do? Fall into the den of iniquity that is the marine base gym of course! Hoo Ahh? Where he meets Simon of the auburn locks and muscular physique. The dynamic between the two men is electric and Payton is like a kid in a candy shop (50 cent song in my head as I write… grubby, bad man) with all the naked men casually undressing, working out and heavens to Betsy showering. But Payton is made of sturdy stuff and does not disappoint with a swoon. Although, he does do a bit of fleeing later in the chapter. JL Langley is just so incredibly good at building that tension and keeping you turning that page till the wee small hours. I totally have bags under my eyes after her books!

The sexual tension was different from My Fair Captain which was cool. I always worry in a series that I am going to get a carbon copy of the previous book. The voice is different from last time. It is certainly not polite regency romance sex with nighties on and the lamp low either! It was bawdy, hot and definitely fit the the story and for those more delecate flowers avert your gaze. I was most impressed that the scenes did not feel like she had a list she was ticking off with big free for all at end, it just flowed. This book seemed less about the power dynamic in the relationship and more about having one hell of a time and yet it did not overshadow the mystery and action in the plot.

The world building is tight and I enjoyed the almost steam punk feel I got occasionally. Englor is so very much like regency England but with spaceships. It was also so nice to have small cameos from Nate, Aidan and the rest of the family and I am already rubbing my hands together in anticipation of the next one!

I think this has to be one of my favorite series for cover art. As far as slick marketing goes I think Samhain Publishing and the artist definitely got this right. It is gorgeous and I love the colours. Roll on the paperback version because these two books are going to look gorgeous on my shelf!

I did enjoy this book. Immensely. I think JL Langley is a talented author and she just keeps getting better. I am not sure which I like best in the series either, might have to mull that one over!
Profile Image for Bookwatcher .
746 reviews118 followers
September 22, 2010
This second book from the Sci-Regency Serie is amazing!

To be honest the first book was really good, but I lost a lot of my concentration trying to understand the characters. Too many, and I was always preoccupied that a new one would appear from nowhere

Click here for my review of My Fair Captain

I can understand that the first was the begin of a serie, so the writer put a bunch of possible main characters to next books, but I guarantee that was a little too many... after pages of names, nicknames and surnames I get really annoyed and almost give up the serie... I'm glad I didn't!

This second book, thanks God, is more "simple" to read, and I really enjoy it!

The story is still very interesting. Now will be Prince Payton story (the brother of Aiden, the main character of the first book). He will help his brother-in-law (Nate) to investigate who kidnapped his son and consort (it's something that happen on the first book). So, they went to Englor, another regency type of planet, where Payton in disguise will try to hack Englor's computers.
Like Payton native planet, Regelence, also Englor follow strict society rules (exactly like regency times on earth). There (Nate words ) Payton has the capacity of find the only gay man of the planet, Prince Simon, the first and only one in the succession to be king
But Englor is full of homophobic, and Simon never came out of the closed. His planet would never accept a gay men, so a gay possible king is out of question! But, let's say that Payton will be a great temptation...
and I'll stop here, or will spoil the story.

Simon is not an alpha male... he is the super jumbo mega king of all the alpha men!. I'm exaggerating? Oh boy, no, I'm not! Read it and then tell me... someone that HOT and with such dirt mouth is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge alpha men in my view. He, regardless the fear of be discover as gay, is not a virgin and know very well what to do, so Payton, 10 years younger and innocent will have a lot to learn from master Simon!

So, get a reeeeeeeeally cold drink before start this book... you will sweat!

Great serie! I gave 5 star to both of them!

Obs: I also loved the humor of this book! All Payton first person narration was soooooooo funny!
Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
October 28, 2018
This was another good instalment in the series.

It had good writing and once again, as with the first book, I found the regency and sci-fi mix fascinating to read about.

I liked Simon and Payton as a couple but found their relationship to be a bit rushed. I believed they cared for each other but everything else related to their "romance" seemed a bit all over the place.

Also, I would've loved for more page time for these two to communicate more rather than Payton behaving like a child. Though granted, he was just 19 years so I guess there's that as well...*shrugs*

Another niggle for me was on how this "conservative" society accepted their relationship without any major blow ups. Yes, there was little dissent but the overwhelming, almost immediate acceptance seemed a bit unrealistic to me to be honest.

Finally, there wasn't a solid conclusion on the IN/Caldwell issue so I suspect it'll be mentioned in the next book.

Let's get on to it!

*** Review Copy Graciously Provided By DreamSpinner Press In Exchange For An Honest, Unbiased, Review ***
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
November 4, 2020
Never would I have put historical and science fiction together but it just works in this series and it's so much fun! I really enjoyed both Si and Payton and the UST was fabulous! Payton thankfully seemed more than his 19 years - he was confident, smart and it was fun watching him exert his independence and step away from all the pomp that comes with being a prince. Simon was also a lot of fun and I loved how he decided he needed better leadership examples and so he joined the military. There were some frustrating lack of communication moments but there was a lot going on for the characters to deal with so I could at least understand it and thankfully it didn't last long. The plot continued from the first book and while some wraps up happen there are still some open threads. I'm looking forward to more from this series.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
January 11, 2019
It's a bit of sci-fi...

It's been a really, really long time since i've read this series. J.L. Langley was an early days author for me when it comes to m/m and I strongly remember how much I enjoyed these stories.

Sci-fi is another one of those genres that I rarely venture into. So while I'll be the first to admit I'm not expert in the world of sci-fi I am an pretty knowledgeable about what I like and I liked this series...probably even more on audio than I did the e-books.

We met first met Prince Payton Townsend in 'My Fair Captain' the first book in this Sci-Regency series, he's the brother of Aiden one of the MCs in that story and in this book we see him traveling to the earth colony of Englor with his brother Aiden's husband, Nate Hawkins. It's on the planet Englor that Payton meets Colonel Simon Hollister and all this would have been simpler if Simon wasn't more than just an ordinary colonel...nope, Simon's the heir to the throne of Englor. But of course life is never simple for the royal family.

This one's got spies, intrigue, espionage, undercover escapades and ultimately a wedding to protect someone's honor...and oh how I loved this but I'm not telling the details about the who's and whys of this because for me this was just all too precious.

The Englor Affair is a thoroughly fun and enjoyable romp through a regency world of an entirely different creation. On the planet Regency being gay is not only accepted, it's preferred, but on the planet Englor it's a different story...being gay is only beginning to be accepted. Simon may be a prince but he's a prince with a homophobic biotch of a mother, a father who needs a bit more spine and his whole world is about to get upended when he suddenly find that he's not the heir to the throne...he's inherited it.

'The Englor Affair' is sexy, entertaining and enjoyable story narrated by Joseph Morton and as much as I enjoyed reading these stories more than a couple of years ago, enjoying the story on audio narrated by this new to me narrator has definitely added a whole new level of listening pleasure to this story...one that I know I'll be revisiting again soon.

This is my second audio book narrated by Joseph Morton so while he's fairly new to me after having enjoyed his narrations for the first two books of this series this narrator has impressed me both times with a very solid and enjoyable audio experience.

While this may not be classic literature or even classic 'sci-fi' it is an enjoyable and fun read/listen with some humorous and fun moments that leaves the listener (meaning me) smiling and adding it to my mental 'I'll be listening to this again' list.


An audio book of 'The Englor Affair' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nikyta.
1,436 reviews264 followers
September 20, 2012
I'm writing this review after my fourth reread of this book and in preparation for the next book in the series coming out soon. To say I love it would be an understatement. It's probably one of my favorite books out there.

I love how it ties in the same aspects and partial conflicts from the previous book, My Fair Captain. The world that is created in this series is exceptional and brings together science fiction and regency times but while one planet is based like Old England with the same prejudices and hostility, the other planet embraced homosexuality and created a world revolving around it. I found this extremely fascinating to see the two worlds and their inhabitants collide.

I also liked how this story dealt with a mystery of figuring out why Enlgor was spying on Regelence and how the IN was mixed into it all. I loved that Nate was still a part of the story because I loved seeing him happy after his mating with Aiden. Getting a taste of Englor was fun because Payton never experienced any of the more 'adult' entertainments especially since he was free to do what he wanted. The secondary characters were great. From Simon's friends being pranksters to his supporting uncle and his eccentric friend Dru, I loved them all! And we even got to see a bit of Cony and Steven, too!

One of my favorite things about the story was the little captions taken from Payton's journal. I found most of them very funny and witty which just made me appeal to Payton even more. I loved Si because he's noble and honest but more than that he's a man of his word. I loved how he handled everything and still made it all work with Payton in the end. Their connection was hot and intense but sweet and caring. And I loved their version of cussing by bringing up stars and planets. It was too cute! And did I mention Simon is a ginger? I fell in love with him even more because of that!

The ending was definitely cute! I'm so glad things worked out between them and how they've settled the problems that were arising. And I loved the new addition to the family! I really hope we see more of Garrett in the future! So looking forward to My Regelence Rake
Profile Image for Unapologetic_Bookaholic.
565 reviews71 followers
March 18, 2009
Simon is described as having red hair and the sculpted body of a god.He is the future King of Englor but is satisfied serving in the military. Payton has eyes the color of yellow Englorian sapphires and is a prince on the planet of Regelence. Despite Payton's customs he won't deny his attraction to Simon. Not while staying on Englor anyway.

The conspiracy that is laced throughout the Sci-Regency series carries into Payton and Simon's story and is blended smoothly. I love the seamless way the content is mixed. The idea of having high tech toys in a regency period works! Simon and Payton burn up the pages every. Single. Time. They cannot resist even thinking about what other must feel, taste, or smell like when aroused. So yeah overall I definitely was pleased with the continuation of this series. The passion jumped the scale from sizzling to scorching for sure. The touching and most enduring character trait I liked about Payton was him not knowing for sure how Simon felt for him. So I liked seeing how that developed.
Profile Image for Alvin.
388 reviews103 followers
November 4, 2016

Because overall, this is as great (if not better) as the rest of the series.
I liked this one. Especially in the beginning were Payton & Simon had their first encounter. But towards the end part, I didn't liked it that much. (That's why I gave it 3 stars before) Hence my rating of only 3 stars.

As usual, I really liked J.L. Langley's writing again. This one is also easy to read and easy to follow. And if you already read My Fair Captain, you won't have a hard time picturing the world she already created.

Again, I adore the characters. Payton & Simon were nice. I liked Simon a little more. And a lot of cameos from the first book were here. I liked Dru, Simon's friends and his uncle, Aldred.

Payton is second in line (if Raleigh is not counted) as heir of the Regelence kingdom. He's a master hacker but very sheltered. Going to Englor as Nate's accomplice, made himself to explore all the other things that he haven't when he was still in Regelence.

Simon is heir to Englor's kingsdom, as the only of Englor's king and queen. And he's a colonel of Englor's marines. A very hot and sexy redhead, who is also straightforward, confident, unashamed of himself. But since Englor didn't encourage same sex relationships, he have to hide his sexuality.

I kind of liked the storyline about keeping enemies closer but falling in love with them. Haha! It was nice.

The story picks up from My Fair Captain as Nate and Payton went to Englor to investigate this 'Hollister' (who turns out to be Simon). Payton covered as Nate's aide. Simon was involved with Benson who was a spy and died on Regelence to save Aiden and Trouble. Payton & Simon met at the gym were they found that were really attracted to each other. But they didn't really know one another. After finding out each others identities, each of them ponder on how they can continue their relationship and how they can continue to work to save their planets.

I really liked the beginning of this story but when , it dragged for me. I didn't like what Payton did.

My favorite was when Payton fired Mrs. Cobbs! Lol! Loved it! I would love to do that to someone who is disrespectful as her. Who does she think she is???

And I really liked their first encounter. It's like a cheesy porn scene. But very hot!

Overall, I liked this one. It was a good read for me and I've enjoyed it actually. I'm kinda liking the Sci-Regency series already. More love teams please! :D

Recommended for M/M Rom, Fantasy fans. But still don't expect too much Sci-Fi, kay? This is again, Romance and Erotica first, then Sci-Fi & Fantasy.

Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,515 reviews146 followers
September 2, 2018
** 4.25 stars **

Regency, manloving and Sci-Fi make a delicious read. I loved the intrigue, the characters and the pace of the story. What I didn't like was the lack of communication between Simon and Payton that resulted in unnecessary drama and a flight across the galaxy. Why can't people talk to each other and just hug it out or sex it out? Another thing that made me feel disappointed was the ending. Considering how intense the first book was (which I loved) I expected something explosive but it was very mellow and too lovey dovey.

But there was plenty to love. The chemistry between the MCs is hot hot hot! The men are just scrumptious both in their uniform and evening wear. And the juxtaposition of Payton's naivete and Simon's experience makes a book fun, sassy and sometimes romantic. It was enjoyable experience and I can't wait to see what the Princes of Regelence will come up with next!!!
Profile Image for Roger - president of NBR United -.
712 reviews27 followers
April 19, 2023
This book was amazing, I never thought I could come just from reading a sex scene without help from my hand, but with this book I did it twice and while there were hot scenes nothing I would consider pornographic or lewd. This is the second of the series and having read the first and third before this I would say this is the one I liked best. but they are all great reads and Highly recommended. and while these can be read stand alone, read as a series they are so much better. I want more stories of this family of brothers who find the men that love and complete them.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
June 26, 2020
Sci-Regency is a genre all its own. Think of it this way: what Steampunk is to the paranormal/historical genre, Sci-Regency is to science fiction. A Regency-era society that has been transposed into the far future – aristocracy and monarchs are in charge of entire planets, military careers start in the Intergalactic Navy and continue in planetary military forces, and societal restrictions and morals are part of the deal. There is Regelence, where male/male marriages are preferred and procreation is achieved via artificial means. Then there is Englor where heterosexuality is praised and “sodomites” risk banishment. As expected, these differences continue to create friction between members of both societies, but so do the underlying plot, espionage, and political machinations. Picking up where ‘My Fair Captain’ left off, the focus is on Prince Payton, second son of Regelence’s ruling couple, and Prince Simon, sole heir to the throne of Englor. And what a wild adventure they face!

Please find my full review of the third edition on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews501 followers
January 23, 2013
I liked this one slightly less than the first but it was still a rousing good read. There was enough time to develop the characters - although I think Simon got the shorter shrift here. I do love the world - unique concept and so fun to read - and the sexual tension between Pay and Si was exceptionally well done. I loved all parts of their love life :)

There are times when it feels as if the way the boys are trained on Regelence is more suited only to a "wife" type role - yet I continue to wonder because one of them may be King - so why not the more Kingly upbringing? At times it seems more noticeable to me esp. when I think of who would run Regelence in the future if everyone knows about managing a household, accounts, how to hold a ball, and speak some languages. Perhaps there was more "alpha" type training but it didn't feel that way. I also remain every so slightly wigged out about the fact the genetics are shaped in such a way as the boys always like men. That still seems way too big brother to me but whateva'. It makes for good story!
Profile Image for Bill.
412 reviews96 followers
June 6, 2012
I keep looking for gay SF, but keep ending up with m/m Harlequins.

This book had a bit of character dev and a bit of political intrigue separated by one boring, detailed sex scene after another. Nothing about it was SF except for house computer butlers with programmable personalities. Or, the 2 guys were from different planets which could just as well have been from different states—all without a bit of originality. I might was well have spent my time watching a Bel Ami video.

There are some good SFs out there. Don't waste your time on this if you want science fiction or even a good romance.

Profile Image for Julio Genao.
Author 9 books2,128 followers
Want to read
June 25, 2013
Emanuela says Trouble's Uppance at long last Comes, in this one.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,359 reviews186 followers
August 28, 2018
I’m loving J.L. Langley’s Sci-Regency universe and The Englor Affair is every bit as wonderful as the first book in the series. The endearing Townsend princes continue their quest to find love, making mischief and losing their virginity along the way. It’s not all scorching hot sex in these books, Langley also writes a wonderful story and an intriguing mystery. Everything builds upon events which begin with My Fair Captain so you’ll need to read these books in order.

Under the guise of a computer expert, Prince Payton accompanies his brother-in-law, Admiral Nate Hawkins, to the planet Englor. Coming from an extremely sheltered upbringing and unchaperoned for the first time in his life, I love the way Payton approaches everything in this new world. He’s never seen such a buffet of manhood displayed out in the open and the scene when he’s checking out the naked men in the locker room is hysterical. His reactions are adorable and I’m completely smitten.

One of the hotties who approach him is Simon, a Colonel in the marines, and the immediate attraction between them is compelling. The virgin and the confident bit-older guy is one of my all-time favorite tropes, and the encounter between these two men is incomparable. Simon is a total Alpha, all commanding and confident, while Payton is sweet and so responsive…. Easily one of the best, most detailed deflowering scenes I’ve ever read, J.L. Langley writes this genre to perfection.

When Nate interrupts the two men in flagrante, he blows his top. Since Prince Payton has been “‘compromised’”, he insists the two men marry immediately. Of course Simon turns out to be the Crown Prince of Englor, so their union would ensure a treaty between their two planets.

The way Payton processes his uncertainty over whether Simon truly wants him, or is just marrying him to get the treaty reminds me of those old fashioned historical romances, and I love it. Sweet and uncertain, Payton stoically assumes his position as Simon’s consort, and the missed cues between the two men make for some delightful (and steamy) moments.

This is such a fun and interesting spin, blending science fiction and Regency period romance. The characters and the pairings just keep getting better, and the mystery that’s evolving is extremely well done. I’m impressed with J.L. Langley’s writing and I swear the only thing I’m not enjoying about this series, is waiting for the release of the next one!
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,402 followers
July 7, 2011
Are there only two books to this? Why only two? I enjoyed Englor Affair a LOT. The play on Regency romances is delightful. I liked this book even better than the first. Payton is a hoot. He's a hacker and I have to love a hacker; I'm such a geek. Simon - love him. The two of them together are so hot. The only thing hotter is if they had some BDSM mixed in. I would have probably grabbed for a toy immediately or jumped my DH. Because seriously, the sexual tension between the two guys are amazing. I'm constantly surprised at how turned on I become from these m/m books.

I don't know if the author is male or female and at this point, I don't care. The book flowed for me. I wanted to know what happened next. The characters were engaging. They have what I love best about historical romance novels. The twist is the sci-fi element with the m/m sex. Honestly, when Simon told Payton he was his guardian until he was 25, I could only wish Simon's next phrase was...

Glitter Graphics

I could not get enough of the two of them interacting. Nor could I get enough of them having sex. I've officially crossed the line and can say, m/m romances are good for me too. I recommend this very hot little number for those who love a good romance with a happily ever after. If you like futuristic slightly sci-fi twist, this will be great. And if you enjoy m/m romances, this will be even better for you.
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