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Love, Paris

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Meet Paris: missionary, artist, and resident apple-pie-maker.

Kathleen Alexandria Paris has lived at Grace Mission in New York City for over five years. She teaches, disciples, and loves of the teenagers like they're all part of her family.

Never mind that she hasn't seen or spoken to her immediate family in over twelve years.

Now the quiet life she's lived is in for some turbulence.

Between the arrival of a new staff member who keeps smiling at her and a phone call that leaves her fighting panic attacks, Paris can't help but wonder if there is any way to go back and heal twelve years of brokenness.

403 pages, Paperback, Kindle

Published February 16, 2021

About the author

Natasha Metzler doesn’t have a whole list of credentials to tell you about, but she does have the incredible story of how God met her in the midst of her greatest sorrows and brought redemption.

Her deepest hope and prayer is that every part of her life may be marked by conversation with the Father.

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3 reviews
January 14, 2021
Natasha is such a good writer...I feel all the feels of this book "Love, Paris", I went from crying, happy & sad tears to laughing out loud! It is so well written! It makes you want to read more...I like to read but often books do not hold my attention, but if I had no other responsibilities I would have read this entire book the day I received it! It is such a good story of the Love, Faithfulness and Redeeming quality of GOD! I love how every encounter pointed to the goodness of GOD...not in a cheesy unrealistic way but in a down to earth true quality that seemed like it was written out of personal experience.
Profile Image for Olivia.
693 reviews130 followers
January 18, 2021
{I was given a copy of this book to review by the author as part of her launch team}

Imagine my delight when I heard there would be a second book in the Women of Promise series! This one didn't disappoint in the least. Much like the first, it captures spiritual themes and every day life of mission work perfectly. I couldn't help thinking as I read it that I wish more Christian fiction was written in this way, challenging my own walk with the Lord, but also giving an enjoyable story to captivate me.

Paris is a relatable character, as well as the people that surround her life. Each person introduced made the whole book feel like my family too. Reading about her healing over time, the way God stirred in her heart a desire to do what was right truly made this story effective. Forgiveness, obedience, honoring authority, joy, and more is beautiful woven throughout the pages. I cried and laughed, the deepness and realness of it all touching home. We all have pain of some sort in our past and I believe this book will stir truths to every reader's heart.

The romance content was beautiful, funny sometimes and just super deep. Dan and Paris are adorable :P I liked the contrast of the romance themes from the first book, and it continued on with some of Emma's story as well, giving everyone's story a chance to develop.

I can't recommend this book enough. I don't agree with every aspect of the character's lives, but the way this is written, it's okay if you don't agree on everything. In our own lives, we will disagree, but we can love and forgive and share the love that Jesus has given to us. Go pre-order, you will love this book <3
Profile Image for Rebekah Morris.
Author 112 books247 followers
May 31, 2022
This story has a lot packed into its pages. It’s not just a “romance” although is a very sweet, real life romance in the story. This deals with hardships, past mistakes, families that are splintered, hurts that need forgiven, grace that needs shared, and so much more! I wasn’t sure if I would like it as much as I liked the first book, but I do. Even if I really, really wish there was forgiveness from certain people! I have to wonder what sort of church that family belongs to since the Bible talks so much about forgiveness and restoration, and grace, and there didn’t seem to be any of that among those people.
One thing that just stood about to me was the talk about the "silent places" in families. How often do we just ignore the difficult or the uncomfortable and not talk about it? How often do we take courage and move into those silent places? Probably not often enough.

Anyway, I did really like this book.
Profile Image for Abigail Westbrook.
350 reviews26 followers
January 18, 2021
I rarely make time to read fiction, even Christian fiction - but if more books were like “Love, Paris” I would read them all!

This book is SO much more than just an engaging story, though I did find it very hard to put down. It beautifully captures an inspiring walk of faith and the shows restoration that God can bring to a heart that is surrendered to Him. God really can work through each of our stories and bring something beautiful from the mistakes and pain and loss!

Each of the characters is well-developed and believable, and I loved the humorous exchanges they shared. The romance storyline is sweet and made me chuckle because all the second-guessing is so realistic. I also loved the way several of the characters had such vibrant prayer lives, quick to pray about everything that came into their days and to be there for others in the same way.

As one who grew up in a very conservative Christian home, those facets of the storyline were very familiar and well-portrayed. I appreciated that the author did not feel compelled to wrap it all up with a perfectly happy (and fake-feeling) ending, but instead showed how God can bring freedom and peace and joy even when difficult circumstances remain.

So many encouraging Biblical truths are woven through the pages of this story, yet it somehow never feels “preachy” or that the storyline has been forced to fit in spiritual references. I found myself highlighting a number of passages that spoke to what I need right now.

I would recommend this book to any Christian woman, and I look forward to sharing it with my daughter when she is a teenager. Thanks to the author for letting me read this copy as part of the launch team!
Profile Image for Rachelle Cobb.
Author 9 books308 followers
January 19, 2021
Another novel from Natasha that I fell head over heels in love with! What a sparkling soul Paris is; I adored her immediately. The plot moves along at a perfect pace, so that I didn’t want to put the book down. Also, the spiritual theme woven through was SO refreshing. Read this book. You’re welcome. 🥰
Profile Image for Martha.
1,882 reviews53 followers
May 12, 2022
Realistic, sad and meaningful all in one..

I found the story sad, heartbreaking and yet funny at the same time. This realistic story hits you in all the feels and yet, I know many people just like Paris’ family and it made me so sad. I love that she made the best of it, in giving herself to the perfect family and realizing all family doesn’t have to have the same blood.
Profile Image for Lindsay Emery.
Author 3 books6 followers
January 18, 2021
I was able to be an early reader for this book and it was fantastic! Paris is so relatable and real. It feels almost like an autobiography in the best possible way. This book has all the wonderful things we look for in a novel with the bonus of deep theology woven beautifully throughout the story. I’ve already recommended this book to many friends.
January 19, 2021
This is a wonderful book! It is so engaging . You don’t want put it down until you have reached the end of the story! It deals with deep issues of a person while at the same time is filled with laughter, joy and the never ending presence of God!
Profile Image for Naomi Brignola-van calster.
146 reviews4 followers
January 21, 2021
I really really really loved this book.

I was expecting a good book, but it surpassed my expectations quite a bit.

The story was great. The writing was terrific. It was such fun to read while also being inspirational and encouraging. It's an easy read, appropriate for when you feel uninspired and exhausted. Yet you won't come away feeling like you just read meaningless fluff. You'll walk away thinking what a fun story this was, and how you loved living in it for a little while.

Maybe I loved it so much because some of it hit close to home for me, bit I'm pretty sure it's mostly just because it is such a great book.

Read it. You won't be sorry.

You'll want to read it again.
Profile Image for Betsy.
Author 5 books29 followers
February 11, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to more novels from this author! This story was relatable and fun, yet deep and I sure loved the characters. PS It also made me want to bake all the things!
Profile Image for Michelle Gonzales.
4 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2021
I truly enjoyed reading this story! I had a hard time putting it down last night and ended up staying up way too late to finish it!

It was a beautiful picture of growing through past hurts to become who you are meant to be and the ability of God to redeem the biggest hurts in life. I loved that Paris’ healing was a process that took time, and even seemed to have set backs, that didn’t end in the typical “happy ever after” that so many books do. Overall, a beautiful picture of God’s redemption in the lives of his people.

Paris is quirky and fun, but also has a huge heart for Jesus and helping inner city teens meet him. We get to see her blossom into herself and learn to be loved, all while being filled with truths about God and his love. I enjoyed that the romance of this story wasn’t the main focal point, but a sweet addition to the healing of Paris throughout the book.

I loved all the characters in this book and find myself wanting to hear more about them and their lives! Honestly, really curious where Elliot’s story will go!

I do wish that there was more clarification on Paris’ religious background. Based on what I know and what was offered in the book, I had trouble pinpointing what it was. That might have been intentional though.
4 reviews
February 13, 2021
I happily accepted the opportunity to preview “Love, Paris” as part of the launch team. After reading her first Women of Promise book, I knew that Natasha’s newest book would be one that I would definitely need to add to my library! She didn’t disappoint me! It was hard to put down this book as each page unfolded more of the daily life of Paris, as well as her struggles with past pain and how she should respond to that pain and heal from it. As she worked through the healing process she was not alone. God had provided her with loving friends who were more like family to her. They encouraged her, prayed with her, and supported her through her journey. Although not perfect and working through her own pain of the past, Paris mentors and works with teenagers who are also struggling in life. It is a beautiful reminder that we are not going to have every aspect of our lives perfect before God can use us to encourage others in their path of knowing Who God is and His love for us.
Each book can be a stand-alone book, but it was wonderful to revisit characters who were in the first Women of Promise book, “Emma and the Reasons”, as they intertwined into the story of “Love, Paris”.
Profile Image for Jessica.
58 reviews13 followers
January 19, 2021
Fantastic read!

I've been a reader of Metzler's for well over 10 years now, thoroughly enjoying and being uplifted by her non-fiction books. "Love, Paris" is the first fiction book of her's that I've read, and it was incredible.

The story is well written and engaging, with characters and dialogue that are believable, while still allowing the reader to imagine and hope, not be sucked down into anticipating every plot change.

Paris' story is one that many can relate to on at least some level, the pain of separation and broken families. How hurt people often perpetuate that hurt because they don't know how to move beyond it. If nothing else this story does a fantastic job of laying the groundwork for what that looks like.

An excellent read. If you have the chance to pick it up, do so! You won't regret it!

I did receive this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion and review.
41 reviews
January 25, 2021
This book really touched me in so many. I can relate to Paris and what she had gone through, feeling closed off and wounded, but I love the journey that God took her on to not only find healing but freedom in knowing that he loves her and has a plan for her life despite her past. The characters we so funny, and I love how each person's story has a message of their own. I love the storyline between Paris and Dan. It has increased my faith to keep pursuing the heart of God and his plans for me no matter what they may look like because they are always good. I can appreciate a storyline that doesn’t always have every issue resolved but can make you think and enjoy the process.
1 review
January 21, 2021
Love, Paris is a beautifully written, well-rounded book. It showcases the beauty and struggle of relationships (romantic and not) and life. I completely enjoyed this book, and appreciated the style of writing; it’s so natural and easy to read! I loved seeing the characters grow and come to know themselves and each other better, and was encouraged in many ways through reading it. I would definitely recommend this book!
Profile Image for Fayelle .
417 reviews5 followers
February 1, 2021
My #1 favorite thing about this book is while this is obviously a Christian book, and of course Godly instruction is going to run throughout the fiction, it's done in such a lovely way that's not foreign to the characters.

Also, the fact that not everything is wrapped up in perfect bows by the end is encouraging. It's more natural and not sugary or sappy or... eyeroll-y. That being said, it leaves room for a sequel!
52 reviews
February 25, 2021
Divinely Inspired Writing.

Paris' story speaks to many of the broken places of my heart and seeks to mend them together with the Heavenly Father's love and patience. A reminder that I only see what is before me, but He sees the whole picture and writes a beautifully broken epic novel of my life if I only let him have the pen. A story I will read over and over when I need a remind we of my worth in the Father's eyes.
30 reviews
April 1, 2021
Can there be novels that are rollicking and fun...and nourishing to the heart? Can there be romance novels that encourage singles too? Yes, and yes!

My friend Natasha Metzler just released her second full-length novel, and I loved the way she used her experience in parenting adopted children to present trauma recovery in a natural, yet eye-opening way.

Proofreading *Love, Paris* kept me up for more than one late night and made me laugh out loud repeatedly. Hope you'll check it out too!
1 review
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January 23, 2021
"Love, Paris" is a heart warming love story interwoven with truths of the goodness of God and His plan of redemption, even through deep pain and loss, and the results of living in a broken world. The author kept us guessing to the end, and emotionally involved in the hopes and prayers of the main character for restoration of painful relationships. Through it all, God is a good Father.
7 reviews1 follower
February 7, 2021
Paris is busy in her ministry of an inner city mission. But is forced to revisit painful memories and attempt to reconcile with her estranged family. I cried a lot and laughed along with her adventures of learning to love again and rebuild and make new friendships and even romance.
Profile Image for Jessica Telian.
83 reviews20 followers
February 22, 2021
I loved this book so much! Paris was extremely relatable, and the threads of redemption running through every part of her story were so encouraging to see. Natasha is an incredible author, and I was convicted through her words multiple times. This is definitely one of my favorite books of the last several years. Can't recommend it enough!
Profile Image for Ronda Daniels.
2 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2021
This book was amazing. Natasha is a wonderful author. Her characters come to life as they seem so authentic. I enjoyed every minute of this book and can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Carrie.
47 reviews
May 3, 2021
So good

I love Natasha’s books. Her characters have such deep and true relationships with Jesus. I find myself being challenged in my own faith as I read. I look forward to reading more!
Profile Image for Anna.
310 reviews34 followers
May 16, 2022
We live in a broken world. Sin is so ugly. But there is a God who is a Redeemer—the Redeemer.

There were so many things I adored about this story.

1)It challenged my heart to draw closer to my Lord. I LOVE reading fiction that does that. Honestly we need more Christian fiction that goes deep, draws us to examine our own walk with God, and inspires us to do better.

2) Paris’ friends were just so awesome. They remind me of some amazing friends in my own life and the kind of friend I want to be. They aren’t without faults but they point her to the Bible often and they pray—they prayed a lot in this book. Seriously, again, we need more of this. Not just in a book but in real life relationships. Because if Jesus is our everything it should show! That point probably goes back to the first but that’s ok :)

3) There is just so much good “stuff” about dealing with our past biblically. Also hard topics of when others sin affects us…and through all that there is the Lord and the body of Christ. So grateful for that.

4) i don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll just be vague about this part but the romance is so adorable. You’ll find lots of baking in this book—the apple pie is very important and key to the story ;) Bonus: the author also includes recipes at the end!! Yum ❤️

So much more I could say, but I would give away too much if I say more! I really did love this book. I’d give it a bonus star if possible! It may be my favorite fiction yet this year, and I will plan to read it again. I hope the author decides to write a third book in this series, because I’d love to see Paris (and Emma!) again.

(If you haven’t read “Emma and the Reasons” yet, go back and read that first! But come back—because you don’t want to skip this book. Reading in order will be most enjoyable)

Content: Paris does work at an inner city mission and the book deals with working through past sins. Because of the content (though tastefully done) I would recommend this book as best suited for adults and possibly older teens, as well, at their parents discretion.
Profile Image for Gretchen Louise.
385 reviews160 followers
February 16, 2021
Once in a while, you read a piece of fiction that invites you into the story, making you feel like you are part of each conversation in its pages. The characters feel like friends and their journey becomes yours. "Love, Paris" by Natasha Metzler is one such book.

I laughed. I cried. I poured more maple syrup in my coffee (I blame Emma, from Natasha's first Women of Promise book, for that).

On each page of "Love, Paris" I found sweet truths and hidden pearls of wisdom. When I finished the book, I felt like I'd just finished a difficult but productive counseling session. Natasha's insight into Scripture and the Body of Christ make her books more than just delightful page-turning fiction; Natasha's words are a gift and an exhortation to each one who reads them.

"Love, Paris" deals with some tough topics, including broken family relationships. And it doesn't tie everything up with a pretty bow at the end. But that's what I love about Natasha's books: they are fiction that reads like real life, featuring real people who are growing and learning, day by day, to trust the God Who heals.

Book two in the Women of Promise series, "Love, Paris" can be read alone or in sequence.
Profile Image for Krystal.
114 reviews
February 1, 2023
breath of beauty

I cannot compare this book to the first except that it is also so beautiful and full of love and hope and truth that I want to read it again and often.

I so hope Ms Metzler writes more in this series!
Profile Image for Alicia Schulz.
448 reviews2 followers
March 24, 2023
A wonderful story! This series will definitely be a favourite of the year!
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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