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The House on Druid Lake

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A new city, a new job, a new home—things are definitely looking up for Oliver Foster. An aspiring young architect, embarking on a successful career in Baltimore, all he wants is to put the pain of a broken heart and broken trust behind him. The last thing he needs is another ill-advised romantic entanglement. But despite his best intentions, Oliver can’t help his growing fascination with Nym Brown, the mysterious owner of Lakeside Lodge.

When Oliver rents an apartment in an old Victorian house overlooking Baltimore’s Druid Lake, he expects it to be quaint and shabbily charming. But as Halloween draws near and all things spooky come out to play, Oliver becomes convinced there is more going on at Lakeside Lodge than meets the eye, aside from the faulty plumbing. His neighbors are a whole new definition of quirky, and his enigmatic, gruff landlord is both intimidating and dangerously attractive.

Dark and sinister secrets lurk behind the house on Druid Lake’s crumbling façade. Unearthing them might yet put Oliver’s future—and his heart—on the line.


First published October 4, 2021

About the author

Isabelle Adler

12 books112 followers
Isabelle Adler writes M/M romance, sci-fi, adventure, and fantasy.
She has been a voracious reader from the age of five and always dreamed of one day putting her own stories into writing. She loves traveling, art, and science, and finds inspiration in all of these. Her favorite genres include sci-fi, fantasy, and historical adventure. She also firmly believes in the unlimited powers of imagination and caffeine.

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Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,444 reviews506 followers
November 10, 2021
2.5 Hearts

I’m a bit conflicted here. I’ve enjoyed every Adler book I’ve come across, and when I saw this spooky paranormal come up, I felt it was total no brainer.

You’ve got Oliver, new to town, trying to start over in life and career and though his move is not the easy transition he was hoping for, he’s attracted to his gruff landlord Nym, and there seems to be a reluctant mutual attraction brewing. However, the other residents that live at Lakeside Lodge are a lot odd, there’s strange voices to be heard, and unexplainable goings on that give rise to goosebumps and paranoia. Things obviously are not what they seem.

So it’s a wonderful seasonal premise that had lots of potential but the whole set up felt somewhat flat as everything just wasn't explored enough - the kooky denizens of the house, the quick romance between Oliver and Nym, the awkward reveal, the awful conflict with unwelcome dramatics, and the resolution that was just too easy. For me. That’s just my unimportant thoughts as many others have loved this story and its quirky protagonist.

So I hate to be a bummer. I truly do. Assuredly, I am a fan of Adler, and she has written some really good stuff! I wholeheartedly recommend The Wolf and the Sparrow if you want a twisty historical fantasy or to start with Adrift if you’re jonesing for an outer space adventure. I’ll mark this as an unfortunate blip that just didn’t quite meld with my expectations, and I absolutely look forward to what Adler will bring next.

Thank you to the author for a copy in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
October 28, 2021
Awful. Disappointed because the blurb had so much potential.

The female characters are introduced then fully described down to their hairclips. All have weird stares. Landlord Nym is pale, possibly to make him sound 'extra' despite working in construction so largely outdoors? I didn't realise he had a beard until past halfway, post sex scene.

There is zero chemistry, when the characters kiss it's actually jarring it's so out of the blue. The narrating character Oliver is entirely unsympathetic with dubious morals. How the big supernatural reveal is handled is odd, but his reactions are extreme and don't add up, the author has decided how the story goes and not bothered to add any nuances or lead up. The whole solution to problems is ridiculous and brushed off with a 'we'll never know why' well actually yes we do - because the author couldn't be bothered to think out a reason! Nym mentions presumably an ex by name, that's it, that explains something - no context, no other mention. Oliver's ex is mentioned but not in a fashion that made him real.

The quirky house instead of being interesting is dismissed as derelict and best demolished, oh until it's suddenly special. Depending on what mood Oliver is in.

For me there were no feels, beyond growing dislike for Oliver. I really didn't like him. Also hard to care for any other tenant because we don't get to know them beyond the over detailed visuals. There's cartoon villains and nobody felt real.

The blurb promised so much, this left me in bad mood.
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews260 followers
October 14, 2021
Truth be told, I’ve now waited too long to give this a proper review.

Truth be told, I’ve been avoiding the review, I just didn't even want to have to think about the book to write anything about it.

Truth be told, I detested this book. I found it beyond awful and no one really wants to have to review something like that. It’s one thing to be annoyed or bothered but something totally different when it is such a strong dislike.

I was sucked in by the blurb, the beautiful cover and the thoughts of a Halloween. What was between the pages wasn’t like any of those things.

I should have known the moment that Oliver judged the house. I myself thought the house was going to play a part of the story, be a character itself and having the main character dislike his new home immediately, well, that should have been a clue. Who moves sight unseen anyway and then is a judgmental prick? Especially an architect! I can't even for one second believe an architect would not have seen an old Victorian Manor as anything but magical.

Oliver’s new job seemed to just be a way for us to meet the bad guy because everything else about it made no sense and was really just over the top ridiculous. There is just no way that he wouldn’t have heard that the boss was the way he was and there is no way the boss would be the way he was and have a staff.

The entire setup was that Oliver had an abusive ex who broke his heart. That is how deep that part of the story was. I never felt like he was running from something or was broken hearted. Same with Nym’s ex. We are told they weren’t good guys but there wasn’t any real feelings about it.

The middle part of the story was nothing. Oliver got sick and that took a week and it didn’t really move the story forward. I think he saw Nym once. It was an odd thing to have happen when it didn’t make anything happen. Honestly, if anything it was just odd and the fact he missed his first week of work made me cringe a little. More time passed off the page with no explanation about what happened. Again, none of it moved the story forward.

After the big reveal, Oliver’s reaction and then behavior was so unforgivable I don’t even know how I finished the book. I’m not even joking, there was nothing the author could have done to redeem that behavior and well, that was the end for me.

This was just an all around bad read. The blurb made it feel like It had potential. An old spooky ancestral home full of quirky neighbors. Like I said, I expected a spooky home, a ton of paranormal shenanigans and cool characters but everything was just bland and even if any of those things had happened, Oliver ruined most of the story anyway. The romance really had no feeling at all the behavior of some of the secondary characters was not funny or ok. The lack of substance and all the judgy attitudes just did not work for me. There was just no chemistry between anyone in the book, especially the main characters.

I would have thrown in the towel early on had I not requested this book to review.

**This book was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Cristina.
Author 30 books102 followers
October 31, 2021
A cute twist on the 'haunted house' trope where the forbidding manor

Who are the real monsters in this novel?

I always enjoy Isabelle Adler's writing style, understated and subtle.

A lovely Halloween read, although not truly spooky.

A solid 3.5 stars (or, even better, pumpkins!).
Profile Image for A.E. Bross.
Author 7 books45 followers
September 29, 2021
When Isabelle Adler announced that she was going to be doing a Halloween novel, I was the first in line when ARCs became available. A long time fan, I am always ready to read the romance, adventure, and character-driven plots she brings to the page. I am happy to say that this was another addition to her other great works.

We all know what it's like to want—no, to need—change. Oliver Foster needs change. Leaving his life in Florida behind him, he's moving to Baltimore to start a new job, in a new city, with a new outlook. This is how he finds himself at Lakeside Lodge, a run down Victorian home with great bones, unreliable water, and whispers of spooky secrets. This is also how he finds himself living in the apartment across from the mysterious, gruff, but secretly quiet and kind Nym Brown.

Of course, it isn't all squeaky floor boards and hidden blushes. Lakeside Lodge holds its own secrets. There's no shortage of individuals who might be looking to find them out, for both good and ill. And those people have some sway over Oliver, often in somewhat dire ways (not to be dramatic or anything :P).

Honestly, Adler does an amazing job of balancing romance and mystery (and steam *fans self*) in this spooky-inspired story. With an eclectic collection of characters (I'm looking at you, Rafe ;D) and a gentle hand when delving into the hurt and trust that comes from experiencing loss, Adler weaves the reader into the story, and by the end of it, we can't believe it's over and we want more. Not that the author leaves us wanting more, but that we've grown to love the characters, the setting, and the romance so much, that the ending is bitter sweet.

I also might be angling to get a novella, or maybe just a short story, featuring Rafe. Because, please?

Note: I received a complementary copy of this book and am leaving a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,302 reviews481 followers
October 25, 2021
A Joyfully Jay review.

4 stars

The House on Druid Lake is a paranormal romance by author Isabelle Adler. It takes place in Baltimore, Maryland and is largely set in the fall, which makes it the perfect Halloween read. The lyrical descriptions of the setting and the house gave me “cozy read” feelings. The coziness is balanced out by the inexplicable anomalies Oliver endures while living at Lakeside Lodge, like mysterious voices, hushed conversations, and vanishing visitors. Plus, there is the tempered attraction that ebbs and flows between Oliver and Nym to spice things up.

Read Camille’s review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for Isabelle Adler.
Author 12 books112 followers
October 2, 2021
Cover Artist: Jaycee DeLorenzo
Genre: Paranormal romance
Word Count: 69300 (254 pages)
Sex Content: Explicit
Pairing: MM
Orientation: Demisexual, Gay
Identity: Cisgender
Warning: references to past domestic abuse and assault (off page), references to a toxic relationship, past trauma, workplace harassment, passing illness

Buy links:
NSP: https://ninestarpress.com/product/the...
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09...
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/ebook/the-...
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-...
Profile Image for AMHH.
93 reviews2 followers
October 9, 2021
This book has got the supernatural atmospherics down pat-- it takes some really familiar tropes and dynamics and gives them a refreshingly engaging presentation (I’d absolutely read a sequel starring Rafe, for example). I liked that readers will very, very quickly pick up on the dynamics of the house, while Oliver, for important plot reasons, will not. It’s not really sinister so much as charmingly creepy, and I liked that the real threat in this storyline has nothing to do with the paranormal and everything to do with the darker sides of being human. There are, of course, some straight up villains: Oliver's boss and a shady-af real-estate developer, but there are also just bad choices by otherwise ordinary, decent people (cuts eyes to Oliver).

Oliver is a beautifully, frustratingly flawed person, which makes him a really interesting protagonist. He’s kind, thoughtful, and talented. He’s also impulsive, judgmental, and vindictive when upset (he makes a choice towards the end of the novel that made me want to yell at him for DAYS). He’s also utterly genuine and committed to making up for his own mistakes (by the end, he’s done enough to salvage the consequences of his awful choice that no yelling turns out to be required). I liked the gradual building of his relationship with Nym, the plaid-clad construction worker / landlord with the weight of the world on his shoulders, a supernatural secret, and a heart of gold. Nym is such a fluffy marshmallow of goodness under his gruff exterior that even though I knew he’d fix it I still kinda hated Oliver for hurting him. I loved the residents of the house, and the solution they found to keep it exactly what it was always meant to be, only better. A really engaging read, with plenty of spooky sweetness (sweet spookiness?).

*I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily composed an honest review.
Profile Image for A.L. Lester.
Author 26 books153 followers
October 24, 2021
This is kind of a cosy mystery and also a Halloween story, which I find counter-intuitive but turns out not to be at all. Oliver's a bit of a mess--his last relationship was abusive and he's moved from Florida to Baltimore for a new job and a fresh start. He moves into a flat in an interesting old house, sight unseen except for the photos in the listing on the internet. The very attractive landlord is a bit odd as are the rest of the tenants. It was such a set-up...creaky old house, mysterious tenants...I loved it and immediately began working out what particular kind of entity each person was.

The house turns out to be the target of an unscrupulous developer and Oliver and his new landlord have to outwit them. Nym, the landlord, has his own secrets and hang-ups and I found their relationship development satisfying and well-rounded. There are some pleasingly inexplicable little bits...I don't like my magic systems to be spoon-fed to me and they were little loose threads independent of the main story that gave me things to ponder on once I'd finished. It's a very happy book and I recommend it. Also, I love the cover!
Profile Image for Sarah Bell.
Author 3 books38 followers
May 29, 2023
A great Halloween read

This was a fun, spooky, haunted house story. Oliver is a super relatable character & the development of his relationship with Nym is brilliantly done.

I loved how throughout there were hints to solving the mystery of what was happening in the house, so you could pierce together bits of it as you read, meaning by the time of the big reveal there were parts I'd guessed and parts where I hadn't but was like 'ah, yes, of course, that makes sense.'

The ending also works really well. There's a definite moment of 'how can they possibly fix this?' but then the story plays out in a manner that suits the plot and the characters.

I definitely recommend this for anyone looking for a queer Halloween story
Profile Image for Books+Coffee=Happiness Blog.
273 reviews12 followers
October 11, 2021
The House on Druid Lake has a slow build that feels slightly like a horror romance in the beginning until making an abrupt shift into a definite paranormal romance… but that’s part of what I loved. It kept me guessing, unsure what to expect or how it would turn out in the end.

The relationship between Nym and Oliver gets off to a rocky start, has a rough middle, but thankfully ends with a happy ever after — or at least a happy for now. I would seriously love to read more about the characters in The House on Druid Lake so my fingers are crossed there will be more books set in this world.

The House on Druid Lake has a bit of mystery, romance, and friendships with a paranormal spin. Perfect reading to get you in the mood for Halloween! Ms. Adler has a true gift and I’m eager to see what she’ll write next.

(Disclaimer: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review)
Profile Image for Dez Schwartz.
Author 17 books39 followers
November 2, 2021
*I was kindly provided an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

Creaky floors, questionable plumbing, ghostly visitors, and paranormal tenants welcome Oliver to the house on Druid Lake. But of all the quirky staples of this old house, Oliver finds its landlord, Nym, to be the most mysterious.

This story has everything you're looking for if you love steamy MM Paranormal Romance! A perfect read for Halloween but also great for year-round Autumn comfort.

4.5 stars

Profile Image for Clemy-chan.
619 reviews11 followers
February 17, 2023
This was slightly disappointing compared to The Wolf and the Sparrow for me.
It was cute overall, and I was interested both in the old house and Oliver's job (random I know). The story was simplistic though and the pacing was all over the place. One moment a character would be declaring they would do such and such a thing, or have made such and such a decision only for their actions and emotions to contradict them in the next page.
Maybe it's because of the length, or the wacky pacing but I think this would have worked better in a movie format.
Profile Image for Meg Mardell.
Author 5 books11 followers
November 1, 2021
3.5 stars. I was hoping this book would be Adler's In the Winter Woods: Halloween Edition. I really enjoyed Adler's cosy murder mystery last year and was looking for that immersive seasonal feel. House on Druid Lake definitely gets the spooky ambience correct and I really enjoyed the creepy boarding house feel of the place. Also the romance interest is hot. But I missed the snarky first-person narration of Winter Woods and struggled to connect with Oliver. He also does something pretty damn unforgivable. A testament to author that she still pulls things together for a satisfying ending.
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