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Neil Gaiman's award-winning masterpiece The Sandman is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels of all time. The series is a rich blend of modern and ancient mythology in which contemporary fiction, historical drama, and legend are seamlessly interwoven.

This first book collecting Neil Gaiman's genre-defining series about the Dream King. Collects Sandman issues #1-20.

560 pages, Paperback

First published August 28, 1990

About the author

Neil Gaiman

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 449 reviews
Profile Image for William Gwynne.
439 reviews2,552 followers
March 5, 2023
I committed sacrilege and watched the adaptation before reading the source material.... so this was me attempting to rectify this crime.

It was very interesting to see how true to the first books of The Sandman it was, and they were very true, down to the story, characters and also a lot of lines of dialogue. Both were fantastic! I love how this graphic novel is even more creative and crazy and random, and it just brings Neil Gaiman's quirky imagination to the full.

Before this, I had not read a graphic novel for about a year, but now we desire to read more has been reignited, and I imagine I'll be picking up Book 2 of The Sandman very soon.

Profile Image for James Tivendale.
330 reviews1,388 followers
September 19, 2022
After watching and enjoying the Netflix series, I picked up The Sandman Book #1 from Forbidden Planet. Graphic Novels aren't typically my go-to medium for fantasy but I'm happy I gave this a shot. Dream, The Endless, Lucifer, Cats, Vortex, Shakespeare. Each comic was a great 20-minute read, taking me away from reality to this wonderfully gothic and magic dark world. Looking forward to seeing what happens in Book #2 and hoping the Netflix series gets renewed for season 2.
Profile Image for Krystal.
2,014 reviews440 followers
February 9, 2024
It took me several attempts to get into this, but once I did I was pretty hooked.

The stories are so fantastical and wild; a great blend of fantasy and real world. Also cool to see the subtle (and not-so-subtle) inclusion of other DC characters.

So unique and clever, and the gorgeous artwork does a fantastic job bringing the story to life. The layers here are incredible and I really enjoyed being absorbed by it all.

Not much I can say that hasn't already been said, really.

I've got a gorgeous, black leather-bound copy of the series so that made it feel like such a luxurious read.

Another one I put off for far too long! Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Will .
96 reviews8 followers
October 2, 2023
I've read comic books before, but this was my first time reading an omnibus edition with multiple issues in, and I'm so glad I chose this approach with The Sandman.

This edition covers the first 20 issues out of the original 75 that were published, and I'm so surprised at how good the storytelling was.

This was mainly down to there being some longer story arcs which allowed you to get really stuck into the story, with the occasional 'spin off' story that would give you a breather, but still be entertaining.

The artwork is phenomenal. There's so much detail in every tile, you don't want to rush through in case there are some Easter eggs on the page that the artists have included.

I was also surprised at how dark it is at times. Whilst the other Gaiman books I've read have featured dark themes, some issues are straight up gory and disturbing horror in parts.

The character, Dream, is easily one of the most intriguing protagonists I've come across. And whilst being the main character in the series, there are times where he doesn't appear at length, and out of the blue comes in and steals the show. I personally love how his speech bubbles are black, just to add to his eerie nature!

I haven't watched the Netflix series yet, but I've heard it's quite faithful to the graphic novels, and I will eventually check it out to see how true that is.

I'll definitely be continuing with the series, and I've found it a great way to keep up reading when not in the mood to fully engage in heavy reading.
Profile Image for Maurice Africh.
169 reviews43 followers
December 3, 2023
This graphic novel was excellent. It contains issues #1-20, Volumes #1-3. Some issues felt like they didn't really belong in the book (namely Volume 3), but served to build a bigger picture. Sort of like short stories in a collection that make up one whole. Even still, I really enjoyed them!

Can't wait to see what happens next!
Profile Image for Darya Silman.
367 reviews144 followers
December 10, 2023
Two possible ways for me to digest fantasy are TV series and comics. I hadn't found out about the latter until yesterday when I wanted to give Neil Gaiman's works another try and opted for comics at a local library. I ended up with ten comic books: two volumes of Gaiman's American Gods (the library doesn't have other volumes), four Marvel books (in hopes my son will start reading in English), and four books of The Sandman. I had watched the Netflix series and loved it. I had tried an audiobook and couldn't connect with it. Comics tricked my mind.

I lacked the backstory, so some parts of book one remained unclear. Who is John Constantine? Why are Marsians in the arc? The comics contain unrelated stories: 'Calliope,' a kitten's dream, and Nada's arc that looks, to my judgment, nonsensical. Nada falls in love, suffers to get to the Dream Lord, and then rejects him on the grounds their love is against the natural law. Hasn't she understood from the start he was not human? Nada flees, but the Dream Lord catches her. She destroys her virginity, but he still wants her to be his queen. They make love. In the morning, the sun burns down her city, and she commits suicide out of guilt, again rejecting Dream Lord's advances. Above all, the story is recited during a ritual of gaining manhood; a grandfather tells his grandson about Nada. Why??? I didn't get it if there had been some wisdom in this story, apart from not messing up with the Endless.

While I found the books in the YA section, they are for somebody older than teenagers. The series' producers removed many disturbing moments that are present in the original comics. R'pe, s'x and open violence, both psychological and physical - comics do not shun away from these topics. The play of white and black or intentionally distorted images create an atmosphere of fear. I wonder if parents allowed children to read these comics in 1980-90s.
Profile Image for Celeste.
1,045 reviews2,461 followers
October 7, 2023
I’ve read this compilation three times, and have read some of the individual issues even more than that. I honestly disliked the series when I first tried it, but I loved Gaiman enough to keep reading. If you would have told me that I would keep coming back to it, I would have been skeptical, to say the least. But there’s something about this story that just grips me, that captured my imagination and still hasn’t let it go. I’ve consumed this through the physical comics, through the audiobook, and through the Netflix series. But this read through I combined the physical with the Audible Original audio production, and it was by far the most immersive reading experience of my life.

Some of the issues that make up this book are absolutely brutal. Some are lovely and elegant. And sometimes the two are immediately back-to-back. 24 Hours remains one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read, and The Sound of Her Wings is one of the most beautiful and inspiring. I love the presentation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and am utterly appalled at the thought Calliope’s story.

Listening to the full-cast audio, complete with sound effects, while reading along in the physical, sucked me into the story in a way I’ve never encountered before. I love tandem reading the audio and physical versions of a book at the same time, but I’ve never had the opportunity to do so with a graphic novel. The addition of art into the fray just took the entire reading experience to another level.

I can’t say this is a 5 star read for. me. While I love it in part, I will always have some issues with it. And yet I will also always be fascinated by it. And the two formats combined was definitely a 5 star reading experience.
Profile Image for Mariann.
735 reviews123 followers
December 3, 2022

Neil Gaiman "The Sandman Book One" räägib une valitsejast ja muredest, millega ta seisab silmitsi, kui naaseb pärast pikka vangistust. Raamat koondab koomiksi väljaanded numbritega #1-20. Huvi selle sarja vastu oli mul juba varem, kuna mulle väga meeldib Gaiman. Viimase tõuke ostmiseks andis samanimeline Netflixi seriaal, mis oli võrratu - nii kaasahaarav ja fantaasiaküllane.

20.-21. sajand, unemaa ja meie maailm. Uneisandat tuntakse mitme nimega: Morpheus, Oneiros, Dream jpt. Ma lisaks listi muidugi ka Une-Mati, aga Gaiman millegipärast mitte. Igatahes, üks maagia harrastaja tahab hirmsasti surma võita ja viib läbi keerulise rituaali, kuid tal õnnestub vangistada hoopis Morpheus ning ühtlasi varastada temalt kolm olulist väeeset. See põhjustab kaose nii inimeste kui ka unenägude maailmas. On neid, kes enam kunagi ei ärka kui ka neid, kes enam magada ei suuda. Lisaks ei hoia enam keegi luupainajaid ohjes. Möödub terve inimpõlv, kuni uneisandal viimaks põgeneda õnnestub. Enne kui ta saab asuda oma valdustes korda looma, tuleb naasta surelike maailma ja otsida üles kadunud väeesemed. Seejärel tegeleb Morpheus riburadapidi muude hädadega, mis tema äraolekust võrsunud on.

Raamatut küll ei tasu kaane järgi arvustada, aga kas koomiksit võib piltide järgi hinnata? Sisu osas mul üllatusi ei olnud, kuna Netflixi ekraniseering on üllatavalt truu algmaterjalile ja katab numbrid 1-18. Muidugi oli mõni teema lahendatud veidi teisiti ja detailides oli muudatusi, aga suur pilt oli täpselt samasugune. Seetõttu meenutas koomiksi lugemine mängu, kus on kõrvuti kaks pilti ja tuleb erinevusi otsida. Teose pildikeel ei olnud üldse minu maitse järgi. See oli nii sünge ja rusuv. Ma parema meelega vaataks seriaali uuesti, kui loeks seda koomiksit. Samas tahaks kangesti teada, mis edasi saab.

Morpheus on paeluv peategelane ja samuti meeldib mulle tema maailm. Gaimani fantaasialend ei väsi vapustamast. Ta seob mõnusalt kokku mütoloogia, ajaloo ja popkultuuri. Lugu algab põnevalt ja haarab kohe kaasa, kui kangelane läheb otsirännakule. Iga peatükiga või koomiksinumbriga, ma ei ole päris kindel, kuidas neid õigem nimetada oleks, lisandub kihte ja tegelasi. Mängu sekkuvad Dreami õed-vennad, teised Lõpmatud, nagu Death ehk surm, Desire ehk iha, Despair ehk meeleheide. Kõiki veel tutvustada ei jõuta ja jääb veel lahtisi jutuotsi, mida järgmised väljaanded saavad edasi arendada. Tegevus põikab ka minevikku ja tutvustab muuhulgas seda, millist und näevad kassid. Mu isiklik lemmik oli see osa, kus Dream ja Death kuulavad pealt surelike jutuajamist ja sõlmivad nendega paar huvitavat kokkulepet.
Profile Image for Tim.
209 reviews149 followers
December 28, 2023
This was rather complicated. Maybe too complicated. It was a bit of a chore reading this through the first time. It seems to jump to new characters and storylines too quickly, before I even understood what was happening with the last storyline.

But after I read it, I went back through much of it. I started to appreciate the richness and creativity of the story. I’m really into it now. And the Sandman character is one of the coolest, most badass characters I’ve ever read.

I started watching the Netflix series, and it is excellent. They simplified some things to make the story flow better but kept the same creepy, mysterious feel that made it a great read.
Profile Image for Anne (ReadEatGameRepeat).
741 reviews72 followers
August 6, 2022
So this is simultaneously nothing like that I expected form a "Gaiman story" but also everything that you expect from Gaiman wrapped up in one story (although the story isn't technically finished yet?). I read this a little slower than I normally would, I think that's partially because it is a heavier story & wanted to make sure I took my time with the novel rather than rush through it and partially because I've been going through it recently and this book was both the escape I needed and a bit much to deal with at times. I will say I expected more of a fantasy story but this does definitely lean more towards horror than I expected and while idk if I would pick up other horror stories after this I do think I will continue with this one. It deals with a lot more heavier topics that I expected - like I know it was a more mature story but I didn't expect some of the stories to get as dark as they did. I'm very interested to see what hte adaptation has to offer now and will for sure be continuing on with book 2 (although I'm going on a bit of a book buying ban after last month so idk when I'll get to it/buy the next books but oh well).
Profile Image for Bill.
1,808 reviews103 followers
May 25, 2022
I saw The Sandman Book One by Neil Gaiman in my local book store while I was out shopping with my wife the other day. Since I knew I might have time to spare while she looked in stores, I bought it and sat outside one, beginning to read it. (Yes that's my story and I'm standing by it!). The book is a collection of the 1st 20 graphic novels in this series. Well, now I'm going to have to get Books 2 - 4 and I think also Death: The Deluxe Edition because she appears in this collection and was automatically one of my favorite characters.

So simply put, The Sandman was captured by a human, er... magician. He was trying to capture Sandman's sister, Death, but failed. His reason was that by capturing Death, Death would no longer exist. However, having captured Sandman, he keeps him locked up for years. Without Sandman (aka Dream) around to control the world's dreaming, everything goes somewhat crazy. People spend years just dreaming or trying to stay awake. The book focuses on certain people in the early chapters; e.g. Unity, who is basically in a coma, is raped while so and has a child. This will be resurrected in later chapters.

Sandman finally escapes and now has to spend the next chapters straightening things out. Some of his creatures have left his realm while he has been incarcerated and he's also lost some of his 'equipment', his helm, etc. so the next chapters involve him searching for these artifacts and beings. It's a fascinating adventure and we get to meet other characters, John Constantine, Death, etc. There are other smaller stories, like The Dream of a Thousand Cats and his work with William Shakespeare that add to the richness of this series.

Great artwork, great stories. The more I read Neil Gaiman, the more I enjoy and appreciate his imagination and story - telling. So what next, Death or Book 2? (4.5 stars)
Profile Image for Kieran Healy.
242 reviews1 follower
October 9, 2022
Decided to dive back into the Dreaming after a 20 year hiatus. Watched the Netflix series and was stunned at the fact it improved upon Gaiman’s comic masterpiece. But that doesn’t change the fact this piece of fantasy fiction brims with imagination and wonder. It remains like nothing I have ever read, a world that sparks the creative mind and tilts the reader’s worldview ever so slightly. There are some story points that are slightly underwhelming and some anachronisms (an immortal being dressing up like Robert Smith from The Cure works for something written 30+ years ago, but is a little goofy now). But in the end an entire world gets created in the mind through the wonderful writing and art of this comic. I remember being underwhelmed by the subsequent storylines but hell if I care, I’m going to check it out anyway.
Profile Image for Jason Ray Carney.
Author 32 books56 followers
January 6, 2023
This is a collection of Sandman #1-#20. I read it after watching the Netflix adaptation. I really liked it. I was surprised by how faithful the Netflix show was to the comic. There are so many things you can praise about this series: its sincerely magical tone, its robust engagement with mythology, its interesting characters, its philosophical depth, and more. One thing that surprised me was how Dream is not really the protagonist (for the most part). Each issue focuses mostly on mortal main characters, and Dream interacts with them in this way or that. I assumed this would follow Dream like any other superhero comic book. Finally, another surprising element was its connections to the DC universe. It was surprised to see DC comic book characters sprinkled in here and there. Looking forward to volume 2.
Profile Image for Brad Lyerla.
212 reviews206 followers
October 9, 2022
I cannot find a way to read this book on my kindle. The comic book format does not work on kindle, at least not for my eyes.

There ought to be a warning about this in the Amazon book store.

Anyway, I am abandoning this book for now. It goes on my did not finish book shelf.
Profile Image for Teleseparatist.
1,145 reviews146 followers
November 7, 2022
Re-reading the series in new edition.

I don't think Gaiman's series is flawless - some storylines aged better than others, for sure, and the actual art is not always to my liking - but there's just so much power in this storytelling. The eponymous protagonist is very much a pretext for so much exploration of various weaknesses and strengths, and then there's the deeper mythical overarching plot already getting hinted at. I'm really looking forward to the next book.

(The adaptation made me want to re-read and while I admit there are some changes that I appreciate, the sanding away [sorry] of sharper edges and not-quite-gratuitous darkness of the original makes me wistful. And then, there's the odd moment when I thought something had been added in the adaptation but it's already there in the original - see the "I consider myself a feminist writer" line. But then, I didn't like the adaptation that much, yet I still want to watch the next season.)

(Gilbert <3)

(Can't wait for more Barbie.)
Profile Image for Bingganᥫ᭡.
24 reviews
August 28, 2023
Pues sí, lo confieso, Neil Gaiman escribió The Sandman exclusivamente para mi. That's the truth.

Esta historia sigue a Dream, el señor de los sueños y pesadillas, que al ser capturado por error desata una serie de consecuencias en el plano humano y en su reino. A medida que esto se desarrolla, otras subtramas se entrelazan muy ingeniosamente, creando una telaraña de historias sobre historias (casi como una recopilación de cuentos más oscuros que mágicos). Así que tenemos un universo que solo sabe crecer y contar.

Es sabido que Neil Gaiman es un contador de historias con todas las letras y este cómic lo demuestra perfectamente. Se nota mucho cuando alguien conoce su material y sabe lo que quiere contar. El autor abraza su propia obra y la respeta. Logra transmitirte esa fascinación.

The Sandman es un desborde de creatividad, y una prueba de las maravillas qué pueden salir cuando se le pierde el miedo a la imaginación.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,345 reviews156 followers
April 30, 2022
I'm not really a comic fan. I'm even less of a superhero fan, so for a long time I simply didn't read comics and ignored both Marvel and DC. But then I heard about Sandman via Neil Gaiman. I think that Neil Gaiman is a master storyteller and I was quite curious how I would like his comics. The expectations were not that high, but I was prepared to be surprised!

And Neil Gaiman, and all the artists and creators working with him, did manage to surprise me! Although there were stories I liked more and stories I liked less I had an amazing time reading this very dark and thought provoking collection. Because that's what I got. It wasn't pretty most of the time, but it was so intriguing.

The world building is done over all the installments and as a proza reader I had to let go of the idea that I had to understand how everything worked from the start. Especially this graphic novel does what a good book should do: It shows and doesn't tell. And the more comics I read, the more I started to admire how well thought out everything seemed!

Although the artwork is not really my style, it's a little too harsh and lacks a certain smoothness I prefer in my graphic novels, it does fit the story and the characters and the world. As I already said, the stories can get quite dark and quite gruesome and yet there is also this beautiful symbolism and mythology. I got that excited that I already got the next collection!
803 reviews32 followers
September 8, 2022
A masterful tapestry of deliriums woven through both art and the written words into a mind bending experience. What ever aspects were the graphics land outside of my personal preference zone is compensated by the dimension of the vision, which just started to scratch the endless surface of these pages..
Profile Image for Trevor Abbott.
335 reviews27 followers
April 19, 2023
The flow of the graphic is very difficult to follow. We literally forced ourselves to read it every night. After 1/3 and no improvement she was donezo
Profile Image for Clara Levi.
268 reviews12 followers
April 19, 2023
Trevor said I could DNF… so I did.🥰
Hopefully the show will be better?
Profile Image for Brian.
351 reviews14 followers
October 11, 2022
“They only see the prize, their heart's desire, their dream… But the price of getting what you want, is getting what once vou wanted.”

I enjoyed the Netflix series and loved this graphic novel. It’s weird, it’s gruesome, and it’s everything Gaiman.

Gaiman’s creation of the dreaming realm is other worldly. Admittedly, I’m always a bit skeptical of the abilities of graphic novels to transport. But, “Sandman” did just that and I was sucked in from the start.

Gaiman’s inclusion of non-binary, trans, lesbian, and gay characters is the true MVP of “Sandman.” It’s all done so seamlessly and with such a knack for understanding the humanity in us all.

I’m still processing ALL the metaphors. My favorite is that of our titular vortex and her epigenetically transmuted, trauma-laced DNA, “The vortex was instead transmitted along her genetic line to her grand-daughter, Rose Walker.”
Profile Image for Callum Evans.
47 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2023
I had to read this after watching the series, and I noted two things, firstly that the series is impressively faithful to the source material. Secondly is that the source material is far more sombre in tone and allows itself to be more brutal, and that is strength of this comic. If you're looking for something dark and gritty, with magical vibes and godlike being set to the backdrop of the DC universe (there's brief mentions of the likes of batman but not much more) then absolutely give this a read.
Profile Image for Balloonhands .
90 reviews1 follower
December 4, 2022
9/10 strong 9/10

I didn’t think I’d like it this much but daaaaamnnn

This being one of the first graphic novels I’ve read… it’s going to be hard to beat this. I’m sure the next books r better but outside of this story I hope I can find something as good as this in the graphic novel realm
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
286 reviews42 followers
February 1, 2023
It took me way too long to finally start reading Sandman (Preludes was, in fact, the very first book I added to my want-to-read list upon creating a Goodreads account over a decade ago...). But wow am I glad I did! While some small parts definitely did not age as well as others, the core of it is still an extraordinary work of comic book history. Others have, over the years, analyzed Sandman a lot more intelligently than I could in this review.

While I'm not sure whether it was intentional hat this new collection correspond so neatly with the television show, it did help me get into this medium more easily. I am excited to continue reading with the next collection.
Profile Image for Smack.
52 reviews8 followers
December 27, 2022
So that was a trip. All the arcs were interesting but they felt disconnected most of the time so I hope things peace together more in the other volumes.
Profile Image for Brianna.
122 reviews
July 17, 2022
Up front, I will admit that I am not usually a reader of graphic novels. I therefore don't really know the standards that distinguish a great graphic novel from a mediocre one. I *can* comment though on what makes for great characters and what makes for great story - "The Sandman" has both.

There are a lot of great standout characters in this novel and not just the titled protagonist himself, the Sandman Morpheus. I also adored the introduction of each of the Endless and their own unique relationships that they had with Morpheus. The antagonists in this book were also "killer", ranging from the deranged, to the delusional, to the downright deadly, Doctor Destiny being my favorite as a disturbing combination of the three. The characters, both "good" and "evil" (a theme commonly explored in "Sandman"), also interwove beautifully with the story arcs. There was a rich blending of new and novel storylines that mixed with mythology, legend, and history.

All that having been said though, I felt like "Sandman" fell just short of perfect. Weirdly enough, I felt like there wasn't much of the Sandman in "Sandman". Though he does appear in every issue, in some form or other, he always seems to take a backseat in his own storyline. I also felt that Morpheus himself just lacked proper characterization and stayed a bit two-dimensional. The only moments I thought really highlighted who Morpheus was as a character were those with his fellow Endless. Otherwise, Morpheus often became a backdrop to his own series.

Lastly, a particular bias of my own, "Sandman" is very quintessential DC. As a Marvel girl myself, I prefer my superhero stories to be lighthearted and fun with just a hint of tragedy to rip out my emotions. DC always seems to take itself just a little too seriously, dark and tragic with a hint of comedy. There is nothing wrong with either formula of superhero stories; I just am partial to the first. As a result though, I felt the marvel and whimsy of Morpheus's dreamworld to be unnecessarily darkened by the gratuitous torture, gore, rape, and murder that existed around it.

However, all in all, I am very pleased and did enjoy the read. If I am to read any graphic novel, to deviate from my normal reading material, I am glad to have read this one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 449 reviews

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