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Pearl Boy

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Dooshik is in a bind. After making off with the takings from the gay bar where he worked, he seeks refuge in a small, coastal town. As his funds dwindle, he desperately needs a way to make ends meet. Still, a boy’s gotta eat! So he dives into a clam house to satisfy his cravings. But with no money to pay, he dashes off leaving Jooha, the server, to foot the bill. Later on, when Dooshik returns to pay his debt, he’s greeted by a sordid scene that offers a tantalizing glimpse of the solution to his money problems. For within Jooha’s beautiful shell lies a secret treasure waiting to be drawn out. And Dooshik is just the man to do it.

560 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 18, 2022

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 reviews
Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 11 books82.4k followers
May 29, 2024
2.5 estrellas.

Ustedes me recomendaron esto y yo caí, jajaja. Me dijeron que el protagonista era la GREEN FLAG más GREEN FLAG del universo y yo sólo quiero decir que: DOOSHIK NO ES UNA GREEN FLAG. O sea, que ame a Jooha y que esté dispuesto a dar su vida por él no le quita todo lo demás.

EN FIN, lo terminé porque I was rooting for them y quería saber cómo acababa su historia. NO ME GUSTÓ CÓMO ACABA. El final me dejó muy insatisfecha.

Profile Image for Pelingül Uçar.
Author 2 books48 followers
October 4, 2023
Thank you for the memories. I’ll cherish all of them. Even the heartbreaking ones. I’m thankful for Doshik. The greenest flag ever. I’m so emotional now. Ahh what a roller coaster of emotions…
Profile Image for Je'vache.
31 reviews3 followers
October 28, 2023
why did they have to end it like that, I need a straight forward explanation I need more what the heck😭😰
Profile Image for Leila ✨.
1,658 reviews470 followers
September 8, 2023
Exijo que me devuelvan todas las horas de mi vida que desperdicié leyendo esta historia.

El dibujo es hermoso (a excepción del pelo del protagonista morocho en las primeras dos temporadas JAJAJAJAJA qué era eso por dios). Creo que es lo único positivo que puedo destacar de esta historia. ¿Después? Sólo tengo ✨ quejas ✨

Para empezar, tengo un serio problema con la cantidad de violaciones que hay en esta historia, hermano. Cada dos capítulos había al menos 1 personaje (normalmente el protagonista de pelo violetaceo) al que violaban; que, para colmo, ya de por si la violación es un acto completamente aberrante y horrible, pero acá para colmo lo hacían super violento. Y, aunque va a sonar horrible lo que voy a decir, entiendo que el tener que sufrir algo de ese estilo para un personaje sea una especie de "piedra" que tiene que superar más adelante para desarrollar some character development. Pero en este manwha pasó demasiadas veces y llegó un punto que ya pasaba y no tenía ninguna relevancia para la historia ???? además de que lo que le terminó haciendo el protagonista morocho a los gemelos incestuosos me pareció nefasto y me arruinó todo el cariño que tenía por su personaje porque posta fue imperdonable; terminó volviéndose el mismo que le arruinó la vida a su novio.

Eso por un lado. Después tenemos el final. Que, si bien tiene la trope de amnesia (ugh la ODIO), creo que dentro de todo soy de la minoría que no lo odió. Onda, no me gustó para nada, porque después de todo lo que sufrió el protagonista de pelo violetaceo, lo MÍNIMO que merecía era al menos 5 años de felicidad pura. Pero, al mismo tiempo, soy fan de los finales no convencionales y/o tristes, así que podría haber sido peor.

En conclusión: me dieron una historia excesivamente perturbadora donde me hicieron encariñarme con un personaje para terminar volviéndolo extremadamente tóxico y dañino, ¿y ADEMÁS no me compensan todo el dolor con un final feliz? Smh una poronga.

2 de 5 estrellas.
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Profile Image for AuralilaBooks.
170 reviews14 followers
October 2, 2024

Ok, solo porque el extra aclaró mis dudas sobre el final ya no me siento TAN frustrada, pero aún así me molesta que tuve que esperar tanto para saber qué había pasado jsjsjs
Profile Image for gio.
61 reviews9 followers
August 28, 2024
dude this was so much that i can’t even process anything but what i can say is that i enjoyed this story sm. funny thing is none of the two mmc’s pissed me off and that’s something.

i LOVE jooha sm and i also love his relationship with dooshik, they’re literally cute and everything. dooshik is a green flag, idc.

plot was top tier, pilwon was pissing me the FUCK off tho like why is this dude still alive until basically the end?? if he would’ve just died then jooha and dooshik would’ve had their happy ending but damn does the author HATE healthy lives for those..

the sexual assault scenes were uncalled for cause nobody wanna see that but i read it anyway (i went in blindly not looking at tw’s) it didn’t bother me but dude💀…

”I can make him so happy that he’ll never have to even think about pain ever again.”

Profile Image for JLA.
796 reviews1 follower
October 27, 2023
This was dark - lots of TWs- rape (a lot), sex-trafficking, mafia, torture, murder, attempted suicide, drugs

I was totally with the storyline until chapter 88, and then the ending just pissed me off. It was a real letdown. The comic was full of suspense and drama, and the end was random.

I was super invested in the bad guys in this comic, and the resolution for all of them was so vague. I was hoping Daehui and Seung-Hyun would get together. There was some tension there. I wanted both twins to join the organization.

Seung-Hyun and his boss? I guess that's ok, too, but he still needs a second. I wanted Dooshik to become his second and for him to stay with the organization. Their life there was good, and they could have returned to it after Pilwon died.

The most aggravating part was throwing a memory loss wrench at the end? Jooha was so strong at the end. They both went through so much together, and then he just forgets and they live happily ever after?!

I don't totally regret investing in this comic since I enjoyed about 80 % of it, ɓut there is some disappointment in the ending.
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20 reviews
November 7, 2023
This was so fucked up, god damn. There were things I loved about this manhwa, such as the beautiful artwork and parts of the story. But some truly deranged stuff happens in it and it's too extreme. At some points it's honestly kind of ridiculous how over the top brutal and dark it is. Also too much sex, it gets boring if they keep going at it for four chapters straight.
Profile Image for Yunise.
14 reviews
August 15, 2024
Yo creo que no era taaan necesario que el prota pasara por tanto dolor
Profile Image for iii555.
101 reviews5 followers
September 3, 2023
POR FIN un manga en el que no hay violaciones dentro de la pareja (por ahora) y la comunicación es fluida entre los novios!!!
Todo dentro del ambiente mafioso y violento que tanto me gusta YASSS

Reseña 2:
Lo he vuelto a leer y me he dado cuenta de que es mucho más violento de lo que lo recordaba...
El aesthetic impecable y la relación me encanta 🤍 el final es un wtf que la autora se ha sacado de la manga y se ha quedado tan ancha, una pena...
Profile Image for Nayli.
560 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2023
Ya tenía anotado el manhwa en otra fecha, pero acabo de leer el epílogo, así que al fin puedo decir que lo terminé. La historia tiene un arte que amo con todo, pero no sé cómo balancearlo con la historia. Way too dark for me. Es que hay tantas cosas de las que yo digo ¿CUÁL FUE LA NECESIDAD? (Ronda lo enfermizo) y yo que tanto adoro a la pareja principal y la quería ver feliz, solo por eso seguía leyendo, pero no puedo amar el final agridulce
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Profile Image for Dai Amado .
263 reviews3 followers
May 30, 2024
No sabía que lo habían agregado a goodreads, pero me acuerdo que cuando lo leí me pareció muy meh~ La premisa es buena pero después me aburrió la dinámica "secuestro/tranquilidad/secuestro/relleno". El insta love también me aburre💔 Y es una lástima porque las ilustraciones eran hermosas, Joha es de los pixeles más lindos que vi♡
Profile Image for Nero.
51 reviews
November 18, 2023
This manhwa was brutal and graphic. But I love the main characters with all my heart. My only wish for them throughout was to be happy.
Profile Image for giulia.
1 review
November 26, 2023
a wonderful manhwa... going forward I felt joy, pain and hate along with the characters and their stories
Profile Image for _svecovaaa.
51 reviews
August 25, 2024
It actually took me hot minute to finish but its for sure one of my top stories 🫶🏻
Profile Image for Jess.
766 reviews43 followers
September 21, 2024
Actual rating: 3.5 stars

Was going to rate this 4 stars before that ending happened 🥲

First of all, the art in this is amazing and everyone looks hot as hell. But Kang Dooshik (ML) in particular is in a league of his own. Every time he showed up with that face of his, I found myself thinking "oh my god he's so handsome" 😩 I was obsessed with him, honestly couldn't get enough of his looks. And not only is he good looking, he's also really good to Jin Jooha (MC), always doing his best to take care of him and provide for him. It was really sweet and their chemistry was incredible.

Now moving on to the story itself, initially I was thinking this was going to be another one of those BL webtoons with little plot and lots of smut but I was proven wrong as the story progressed. The main antagonist is a devil in disguise, Choi Pilwon and he has a twisted obsession with JJH, the type of person who would rather destroy something he can't have rather than let someone else have it. He was the reason that JJH was sexually assaulted for who knows how long before KDS came along. The SA scenes in this are explicitly brutal which made the second half of the story so much darker and than the first half.

I think the plot overall wasn't bad but the pacing was slightly off for me. So much happened in the last season that I was worried the author would give the characters a Bad Ending, and the ending turned out to be bittersweet for me. But the author did a good job at writing the characters. The decisions that KDS and JJH made weren't the smartest but I understood where they were coming from - a place of desperation and genuine belief that they could protect the other from the devil.

There were overarching character arcs for each and by the end of the story, each of them had fulfilled it but none better than KDS who did everything he could in order to keep his hyung safe. KDS and JJH truly loved each other so much and had a good understanding of each other, that even when KDS took revenge on the people who SAed JJH, JJH was alarmed but he didn't push KDS away, instead choosing to embrace him tighter. It also broke my heart when it was revealed that their meeting in JJH's clam restaurant wasn't the first time they had met because KDS had previously saved JJH before.

They had come across each other much earlier but due to circumstances, neither remembered until the same thing happened and KDS had to save JJH again. Obviously KDS took it hard when he remembered what happened to JJH and to see JJH experience the same thing again, not being able to protect JJH, broke something in him. This led to a chain of events in the final season, which is why the story ended it way it did. As of writing this review, the side stories are still ongoing and I can see that the author is on a mission to give KDS and JJH the happy ending they deserve.
Profile Image for Alexandra Taco.
477 reviews21 followers
October 25, 2023
Hace mucho que no lloraba con una historia pero tiene un gran final.

Dooshik es un joven que ha vivido en el bajo mundo desde siempre. Por motivo de deudas se va a una ciudad portuaria sin nada, es aquí donde conoce a Jooha.
Jooha también en joven y lleva adelante un restaurante de almejas, su jefe Choi Pilwon, siempre le recalca que todo lo que tiene es gracias a él.

Un día mientras camina en la noche, Dooshik ve como Jooha está con varios hombres intimando y como él es bueno en eso, se acerca al día siguiente con esas insinuaciones.

Pero todo tiene algo más oscuro, Jooha es abusado cada noche pues al eyacular le salen perlas, con estás intenta pagar a Pilwon para que termine su deuda.
Jooha siente mucha afinidad hacia Dooshik y empiezan a tener una relación.

Pilwon no va a dejar ir a su perla así que les hace la vida imposible.
Dooshik y Jooha para este punto se aman y se complementan pero el camino que deben recorrer es aún largo y tortuoso.
Al final logran superar todo ese dolor, son libres de Pilwon y están construyendo una relación feliz y tranquila.

Realmente Dooshik queda dentro de mis tíos favoritos, es guapísimo y muy fuerte.
Jooha también es de mis ukes favoritos porque tiene una fortaleza incomparable.

Recomiendo leerlo con precaución pues toca temas muy fuertes como la violencia sexual, drogas y mafias.
19 reviews
January 10, 2024
i am RABID for this manhwa. not only is the art style SO TOP TIER (although i'm still confused why there was such a sudden glow-up in season 2, not that i'm complaining), but so is the PLOT and CHARACTERS and the SMUT.... the entire concept is just so mwah. 😭

it may be controversial but i really quite liked the ending and it's probably the only time i will ever really accept a "cliff-hanger" like that. it's such a fresh and interesting ending that brings juha some peace from all that trauma. thank god he didn't die, or not fall in love with doosik again, or turn into a nasty personality. i think it was executed tastefully and have trust that juha will eventually remember, but will be able to come to terms with his past in a way that doesn't make him blame himself for making doosik hurt.

and thank GOD it didn't end when doosik was 🚩🚩🚩..that part really really scared me but juha was so smart and him reclaiming his freedom was such a nice thing to see. with the relationship being a green flag (minus the let's-fuck-instead-of-addressing-our-problems parts), it was really a whiplash from jinx since it set my expectation for my bl readings...made me realise just how strange the dan-jaekyung dynamic is.

honestly the writer ate this up. and i inhaled it. within 24 hours. LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT.
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August 9, 2024
Spoilers spoilers spoilers this is your last warning spoilers

I'm conflicted on how do i categories this yaoi manga if i ignore chapter 78 and the chapters that came after it it's easily a good yaoi manga but if i include chapter 78 and the chapters that came after it it's easily a bad yaoi manga don't misunderstand me i like beating bad people just like any decent person would ,but the seme gangraped the side uke to an inch of his life and now he is in a coma why didn't he have the same energy for the uke's ex boyfriend and the side uke's brother because he was the strogest man that works under pil won and has the biggest part second to pil won in human/sex trafficking the uke so why aren't these two are the ones who are getting tortured and murdered instead of the side uke so fucking underwhelming and i saw so many yaoi manga with underwhelming justice against villains like the yakuza falls in love,the sushi restaurant owner falls in love with a mermaid etc in but this one takes the cake if it weren't for the uke he would have killed the side uke immediately i don't care for pil won and side ukes brother tho still gangraping and murdering people is too much no? Ok the gangrape is ok then cut off one of their hands to remind them that human/sex trafficking is not okay i think i will make a grey yaoi manga list and put an end to this existential crisis lol
Profile Image for Hazel.
309 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2023
I can't stress this enough: heed the trigger warnings, especially later in the story. Oof. There were some really really hard chapters in there.

But the art is absolutely gorgeous, and Dooshik is the prime example of "if he could, he would" - Jooha deserved a much better life than the one he had to live. Thank goodness Dooshik was there to help carry him through some of it. I cried multiple times, which doesn't happen often when I'm reading manga, but this one ripped me apart.

Someone said Dooshik went from green flag to morally gray for his love, and that's so true. But he did what needed to be done for his Jooha, and I was here for it ... except for that one time he took it too far. Those chapters were a little too much. But at the end of the day, they were so happy together, and that's what I'm choosing to focus on.
Profile Image for bee.
458 reviews4 followers
December 12, 2023
1.5 stars

I am so mad at myself for finishing this. The first part of this was gripping - I was like, it's dark and I knew that going in but at least they do the fade to black thing. Like, you'd see a snap but you could also as easily scroll past because for the majority of the time, it wasn't too much. It also added to the plot - what, with him quite literally producing pearls during climax.

Also the art is truly chef's kiss. The way it got better as it continued.

Now, the other parts after... I do not understand why there was need for a vivid scene depicting animal cruelty and chapters upon chapters of r*pe. Like, it wasn't even the ones that you debate with people. It was just straight up horrific to the point where I wondered if the author has psychopathic tendencies...I just did not understand. It didn't even matter how much I'd scroll past, it was just there - a copious amount of times. It was so much the twincest hardly shocked me.

Then that fucking ending? I pushed through this for that fucking ending?

Fuck this book.
Profile Image for Sandra.
267 reviews23 followers
January 29, 2024
ohhh, my god. oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. this is fucking VICIOUS. brutal and violent and bloody and i don’t even know where to start. i didn’t even read the manhwa in full… i browsed through some chapters (more like ALL chapters in a weird order, lmfao) to kinda figure out which genre to put it under and ended up sticking around for a bit, but i can most definitely tell that this one’s gonna consume me wholly once i PROPERLY immerse myself in the story. even now, i feel like i understand everything that’s going on, but the fact that i’ve skipped over so much and still feel this strongly about it… i can only imagine what’s yet to come, lol. i couldn’t possible even BEGIN to imagine the kind of pain and torture these two would’ve had to suffer through. i’m getting anxious just from the small (?) parts i’ve managed to see thus far. INSANE.

edit: FUUUUCK.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Evelyn Speranza.
Author 3 books4 followers
January 12, 2024
It is so full of hot scenes but omg the plot is SO well built!
The panels are so aesthetic that sometimes I stopped reading just to appreciate the art.
There are a lot of plot twists and most of them will make you very very angry! But it’s so damn worthy.
You will hate some characters and still think they are so freaking beautiful.
There are messages between the words that devastated me.
And the end was so unexpected and heartbreaking.

I started reading this manga just for chill and enjoy a BL with a good smut (I found it on Tik Tok with a joke about the pearls lol) but I ended with an empty space inside me and wondering why love something is really painful and yet beautiful and reassuring.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 reviews

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