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Wolfed #1

Cursed By Love

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Following a trail of blood into the woods isn't the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but when I find an injured wolf, I can’t bring myself to leave him behind.

That decision might end up being my last because when a pack of wolves tries to attack us, it looks like we won’t make it out alive. The next day when I wake up in my bed, it all feels like a dream… except for the bite mark on my arm and the fever.

When a mysterious guy with searing blue eyes comes into my bar, hovering around me all night, I’m more than a little creeped out. He’s hot as sin, but also super possessive with legit stalker vibes. I’m convinced my instincts are right when I black out and then wake up in his arms, limp, feverish and dying.

But it turns out I’m not dying, just a newly turned werewolf. And the guy from the bar? Well he thinks I’m his reincarnated soul mate, but if that’s true I’m screwed, because according to him that only leaves me with one choice: to drop dead on my twentieth birthday.

376 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 11, 2022

About the author

Leia Stone

86 books5,637 followers
Leia Stone is the USA Today bestselling author of multiple bestselling series including Matefinder and Wolf Girl. She's sold over two million books and her Fallen Academy series has been optioned for film. Her novels have been translated into five languages and she even dabbles in script writing. Leia writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance with sassy kick-butt heroines and irresistible love interests. She lives in Spokane, WA with her husband and two children.

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89 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 266 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,073 reviews111 followers
May 16, 2022
Just not for me

This has to be my last time with this author for her sake on reviews. This H is just all around annoying and I just couldn't do it. I don't have the mental capacity to read of such ridiculous women who are stubborn, stupid, and so childish. Beyond the H and her issues, I found the book lackluster and a tad boring. I've put down and picked up a few times to get in the mood to read this book. But it feels more like a chore at this point.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews826 followers
November 4, 2022
Overall, I really liked this one. There were some nitpicky things that I wasn't on board with but as a whole, I enjoyed reading this. I really liked all of the world-building and all the different elements of the world. I thought that there was a little too much telling instead of showing and a lot of info dumping though. I really loved Averly's character in the beginning. She was strong and capable - just my favorite kind of heroine. Later in the story when the romance was introduced, Averly became too whiny for my tastes. There is a sorta-ish love triangle in this one and it really dominated a good portion of the story. While I definitely think it needed page time, I also think that it needed a little more in other areas. The romance was really convoluted but I think that it sort of had to be. I don't want to give anything away so I'll put a pin in it right there. You'll just have to read it to see what I mean. I really liked the secondary characters and how they were incorporated into the story. Each character felt distinct and had his or her own personality that stood apart from other characters. The story wasn't perfect but the plot of the story really kept my interest. I am looking forward to continuing to find out what happens next.

Profile Image for Naia Pard.
Author 1 book98 followers
May 12, 2022

This book is strange but in a good way. It made me think about a lot of things. I see that this book is a bit more profound than the usual run-of-the-mill paranormal books. It is strange, more thought of? As if the author took her time to map out some world-building that is a bit more in-depth than the usual flimsy world of the paranormal bestsellers on Amazon.

You think you start somewhere with this story, but it quickly spirals into something else. I liked it. I cannot believe that I am saying this and I am not cringing.

I do hope that the next book in the series will explore at large the world-building that it teased us with. I do hope it will get a bit more high-fantasy in that sense and delve into aspects of royalty and strange magical new lands.

Now, I have to make a last remark on something that was going on in the second half of the book, so, beware, spoilers lay ahead!

Overall, I would give it five stars just to give it a boost, because I am very curious about where this series is going to lead to.

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Profile Image for Sue Harbers.
1,167 reviews11 followers
April 29, 2022
I loved how different and original Wolfed is! Brayden and Lena’s love story is tragic and one for the ages. So it’s very interesting to try to figure out how Averly is going to fit into that story. Averly seems like she’s chalk full of amazing powers and I really can’t wait to see that package get unwrapped. Brayden is strong and loyal and I feel like we are only seeing about 15% of who he is so I’m looking forward to getting to know him better as well. There’s a ton happening that will keep you on your toes!
Profile Image for chev ۫ ꣑ৎ (catching up szn).
482 reviews277 followers
July 8, 2022
the summary
Honestly? I expected wayy more from Leia Stone, and not some "rivalry" for Brayden. Leah and Averly need to stop or I will go crazy. 100+ pages on fighting who is Lena and Wren? Not for me, and honestly no plot development.
the rating
1/5 Sadly.

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Profile Image for Rochelle ♡.
406 reviews291 followers
June 16, 2022
DNF at chapter ten.

there's so much convoluted information, repetitive scenes and inane scenarios, i fucking can't anymore. bye.

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Profile Image for BookishBlondie.
37 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2022
3 Stars because the MMC was not my favourite, and I just found him annoying. That ending though, kind of expected it to turn out that way, but also it's super sus, just sayin'👀 He is a total muppet for his actions in the end. So hopefully Brayden can redeem himself and become more likable in book 2.
Profile Image for Tassi (Read Ramble Repeat).
353 reviews65 followers
May 3, 2022

Heyoh Ramblers! I hope you are all doing well and keeping out of mischief and staying sane? I have to admit my brain has been haywire and all over the place. Definitely keeping out of mischief, but I dunno about the sane part 😆. Life has been crazy. My body has decided it doesn't want to play by any rules and is just here there and everywhere, with what it throws at me of late. So much fun aye. 😆

But let's forget a bit about life for a little while yeah. And this is a great book to do that with. When I say this book dives right in...I mean. Right. In. So if you ask me...

My response is gonna be this...because you have no clue what you are in for.

Now, this was a book I was really dang curious about. There was a certain amount of mystery surrounding it, and the info given made me hella curious...and this story definitely didn't disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed so much about this story. First off, I love shifter books and add in reincarnated mates and the intensity and drama around the developing story...it had me investing myself quite quickly...which left me feeling all the feels. I'm kinda still spinning after all that. That ending. Daaaang. You know how to rip out our hearts and leave us craving and demanding more. I can't believe that's how you left it...

Not only did a certain someone get a thought, but then Averly just had to go and jump in front of the equivalent to a firing squad. I couldn't help but flashback to Hunger Games. Don't worry it'll make sense when you get there. You'll know. And probably be just as gutted as I was.

I'm certain you are just sitting behind your computer with a maniac grin on your face, as you think up the most devious ways to mess with our heads. It's true isn't it lol? You probably live on all the emotions you put us through. It's a good thing I love being tortured like this...it sounds crazy but as book-lovers we understand this feeling well. We have a fantastic love-hate relationship with it. It's totally normal. 😆 But I still feel like this will be me until I have more, more everything and more details. I have a theory but I'm still stuck in a loop of this going through my head.

Okay...Let's try and dive into a little about the book. I'm going to try and keep it simple as the blurb doesn't delve too far in. We have Averly heading home from a late shift at work and on her way she finds a blood trail...and follows it into the woods after hearing a whine. Maybe not the smartest thing but our girl has such a soft caring heart. When she finds an injured wolf, she of course needs to try and help it but...things go sideways fast and she finds herself right in the middle of a fight between wolves. A strange feeling wells inside Averly when the other wolves try and attack her new wolf friend...and obvi she tries fighting back...her wolf friend may have just saved her life...but when she wakes up the next day after her night time extracurricular activities...she finds a bite on her arm and a fever that is crashing over her. Surely it's just rabies...

Now she seems to have found herself a stalker, a really dang sexy one, with blue eyes...but a stalker nonetheless, I guess. Semantics though lol.

Depending on how you look at it…she finds herself blacking out and waking up in his arms…I call that a sorta win haha...but others that are more normal might be like creeeepy but that's on them lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But then she gets some world altering news…she is in fact, not dying but a newly turning wolf…and he's her Alpha. If that wasn't enough to shock her to the boots, she may also be his reincarnated mate…or not…he's not quite sure, but she's definitely someone special…that's for sure. But if she is in fact his soulmate, she may just have a death date…and it's not long before she reaches it.

I think I'm going to leave it there. But just know there is so much more to this story than what I have shared. This is a book full of so much and will take you to all the places. Things are constantly happening and the story depth slowly just keeps unwinding perfectly. You won't regret this read. I loved so much about this book. I will admit, this story is borderlining on a love triangle (usually I'm not a fan of that direction) but Leia handles this quite well. I did get a teensy bit frustrated because I was like dude it's obvious there's a stronger connection between a certain two...but then, our mister Brayden just wants to be a true gentleman and doesn't want to betray Lena (his reincarnated mate)...and I can respect that since he's not leading them on, so that helped...but I was still like Gah! Stop. I can't live like this. Two best friends or more accurately sisters, building romantic connections to him...and it was just hurting my heart. I know that when they find their other half it should resolve. But until then I'm going to keep obsessing over it.

This is a great new world to get lost in and I definitely recommend that when it releases on the 11th of May that you have this book baby well and truly preordered...so it'll be there as soon as it releases. You can find it here ---> Wolfed: Cursed By Love. It'll honestly get you hooked and wanting more. I can't wait to see more of these characters. And I definitely can't wait for a certain two girls to give that douchebucket Alpha a piece of their mind...and annoy and mess with his plans so much that he's like

Annnnyways, thanks as always to the amazing Leia Stone for always providing a perfect escape that just surrounds you. I can't wait to see where you go with this series. If you guys love Urban Fantasy shifter, soul mate reads you'll adore this new upcoming series. It has it all.

GAH and what are the chances that I got the paperback in the mail today!!!

If you are a newbie to my rambles welcome! It’s so awesome to have you here and to call you a fellow Rambler. Don’t forget to hit that follow button so you don’t miss out on any of my newest posts. If you guys are interested in getting in touch you can find more contact options through my book blog ---> Read Ramble Repeat.

Please note that I am a part of Leia's ARC group but as always this is my honest ramble on this book. Also, note that zero funds or money of any sort comes to me by posting any links within my reviews.

Stay safe and will talk soon. Seeya lata.

Happy Reading
Profile Image for Alicia.
2,014 reviews74 followers
June 28, 2022
There's a lot of telling in this one (especially at the start) and some info dumping spattered throughout. Which really dumbs it down, and makes everything seem that much more over the top. It contradicts itself, the MC is pretty annoying and inconsistent, and it ends on a massive cliff hanger. But...
It ends on a massive cliff hanger. And I really need to know what happens here. Because this love triangle it's got going on could go either way (pretty sure she's Lena, but I think I'll be happy either way). It did suck me in, it was just a bit of a slog at the beginning where everything was being spoon-fed, and while I love the idea of the love triangle situation that's going on, at times the execution wasn't quite there. And it is so angsty in that final scene, and you just know the next book is going to be a whole lot of hurt, but you can't help but want to be part of it.
Profile Image for Just Jese.
515 reviews
May 13, 2022
Annoying Heroine returned

I thought we were doing so much better Ms. Stone and you were evolving…. But alas it wasn’t meant to be a forever kind of change.
Hmm where do I begin? First, this was an interesting premise. Truly it was and it was intriguing enough that the synopsis didn’t readily do it justice. I just didn’t love it. I’m not a fan of overly whiny women and the whole thing about how prevalent guns are was just weird. Then we add in all the mismatched things we learned about the world here and it just left me confused and put off.
Will I read book 2.. probably. But it’s not something I’m rushing out for like I did with the Wolf Girl series
Profile Image for Nole4Life.
949 reviews15 followers
June 26, 2022
DNF. Started out good. I liked the heroine and the idea of her being turned. I was looking forward to the battle for Brayden to get his people back. Unfortunately the story line starting straying in another direction. Other supernaturals were brought in, people were being reincarnated, there were other realms, etc. The book started out with a simple goal of Brayden beating Silas in the dual but then other supernaturals were introduced with convoluted plots and conspiracies that weren’t fleshed out. I’d have preferred that this was primarily a wolf book and not include other supes.
Profile Image for Leah Copeland.
Author 7 books25 followers
February 6, 2023
This book wasn't what I expected. Based on the cover and the first chapter, I thought this would be a werewolf urban fantasy, but the world in this story was much bigger than that. It had werewolves, witches, fae, magic, and a lot of other elements that popped up along the way. It was very fast paced, too.
Profile Image for Chanel.
670 reviews
May 15, 2022
Ik zat gelijk in het verhaal! Het boek is zo verassend en spannend! Ik ben echt gaan houden van de verhalen van Leia! Dit boek is weer geweldig maar dat einde brak me echt😭...

En nu moet ik nog zolang op het volgende deel wachten...Ik wil verder lezen!!!
Profile Image for Aimie.
Author 16 books147 followers
November 13, 2022
This was a great start to a new series. The whole world building was interesting and I really find myself liking the characters. The story kept me turning the pages and that ending had me grabbing the nest book even though it was midnight.
Profile Image for Amy Cornwell.
74 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2022
Oh man ! So good

Such a good read. Can't wait to find out what happens next. Leah is liar for sure lol. Hopefully we don't have to wait to long to find out!
Profile Image for Melissa Goble.
512 reviews35 followers
July 30, 2022
The slow burn angst in this was real! I loved the reincarnated aspect of this book as I've never read about that before. With that said I did not see that ending (cliffhanger) coming!
Profile Image for Imee Benzon.
447 reviews19 followers
September 12, 2022

I can't handle this ending with Leah being Lena nooo just no 🥺 maybe Leah was lying this suck big time
Profile Image for Nathalie*.
667 reviews25 followers
December 2, 2022
Soooo good I love this author 💕💕💕 the story the little cute twists
Profile Image for Larissa Rye.
1,269 reviews14 followers
June 23, 2024
I know it’s such a big part of the book but the search for the true Lena is my least favourite part. Everything else though I really like! So that ending was intense & now I’m ready for book two.
Profile Image for S. Morgenstern.
443 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2024
Es un sí pero no. Engancha el no saber quién será (aunque se sabe) y las reacciones que se puede tener pero no he acabado de conectar.
Profile Image for Ella Av.
57 reviews
July 29, 2022
Don‘t like the writing or the Story something is missing
Profile Image for Meaghan.
244 reviews6 followers
January 11, 2023
Loved it!

Amazing! I was completely captivated by Averly and Brayden’s story. It sucks you in page one and then bam, it’s the end of the day and you have no idea what happened to the time! I’m so thankful book 2 is out because that cliffhanger is brutal, but in the best way!
Profile Image for Sristy.
193 reviews11 followers
March 1, 2023
This plot was definitely unique for me. It was part humorous of two girls and one boy confused as fuck and part exasperating.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 266 reviews

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