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So…you’d think after banishing an immortal being and a fallen High Priestess, saving Stark’s life, biting Heath, getting a headache from Erik, and almost dying, Zoey Redbird would catch a break. Sadly, a break is not in the House of Night school forecast for the High Priestess in training and her gang.
Juggling three guys is anything but a stress reliever, especially when one of them is a sexy Warrior who is so into protecting Zoey that he can sense her emotions. Speaking of stress, the dark force lurking in the tunnels under the Tulsa Depot is spreading, and Zoey is beginning to believe Stevie Rae could be responsible for a lot more than a group of misfit red fledglings. Aphrodite’s visions warn Zoey to stay away from Kalona and his dark allure, but they also show that it is Zoey who has the power to stop the evil immortal.Soon it becomes obvious that Zoey has no choice: if she doesn’t go to Kalona he will exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. Will Zoey have the courage to chance losing her life, her heart, and her soul?

319 pages, Paperback

First published October 27, 2009

About the author

P.C. Cast

165 books27.7k followers
PC was born in the Midwest, and grew up being shuttled back-and-forth between Illinois and Oklahoma, which is where she fell in love with Quarter Horses and mythology (at about the same time). After high school, she joined the United States Air Force and began public speaking and writing. After her tour in the USAF, she taught high school for 15 years before retiring to write full time. PC is a #1 New York Times and #1 USA Today Best-Selling author and a member of the Oklahoma Writers Hall of Fame. Her novels have been awarded the prestigious: Oklahoma Book Award, YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Prism, Holt Medallion, Daphne du Maurier, Booksellers’ Best, and the Laurel Wreath. PC is an experienced teacher and talented speaker. Ms. Cast lives in Oregon near her fabulous daughter, her adorable pack of dogs, her crazy Maine Coon, and a bunch of horses. House of Night Other World, book 4, FOUND, releases July 7th, 2020. More info to come soon about the HoN TV series!

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Profile Image for Penny.
215 reviews1,392 followers
August 30, 2010
Have you ever read a book that's so irritating you can't help but think, 'It would be great if most of the characters died right now, especially the main character because she sucks'? Possibly even go so far as consider writing and posting your own ending to said book on fanfiction.net? An ending in which Buffy the Vampire Slayer shows up and kills everyone in a hilarious yet incredibly violent fashion?

If your answer is YES then you've probably been reading this series. XD

Seriously though, Tempted killed my addiction to the House of Night series. And I know I should be grateful--in a way I am--but, more than anything I can't help but be incredibly disappointed. The first HON book had some potential but instead of getting better as the series continued, it just got worse. So. Much. Worse.

Zoey Redbird went from being a normal teenage girl, who just so happened to be a vampire, to a complete slut-faced ho bag vampire with extrasuperspecial powers by the sixth book. To be completely honest, the full transformation to Supernatural "Slut-Face" Sue occurred a few books back.

Zoey is so much worse then Aphrodite was at the beginning of the series. And I think we can all agree Aphrodite was kind of slutty way back then, what with her forcing her company on an obviously uninterested, slightly disgusted Eric all the time. Now that I think about it, that's way more sad then it is slutty. I digress. My point is now Aphrodite is committed to a nice guy who loves & respects her, and Zoey is lusting after/sexing/heavily-petting/groping/making out with just about every guy that comes her way.

For whatever reason Zoey's behavior is not considered slutty because she's a priestess, or whatever. Apparently if you wield the power of Nyx you can get away with anything, even being the Whore of Babylon. How nice.

Erik/Stark/Kalona/everyotherwaytotallyhotguyevuh? Hate them. So much. Because seriously, Zoey is the Whore of all Babylon, has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, yet they're all hot and bothered over her. Morons. All of them. Obviously Kalona is just some disgusting, evil...God? Demon? Whatever! who wants to get Zoey in the sack and then kill her--I'm sorry but where's the downside to that plan? Just kidding! (not really) And I really don't understand Erik's attraction to her, especially since she cheated on him with THEIR ADULT TEACHER the same day Erik became a full-fledged vampire (It was, what? An hour after the fact???). And Stark? Ugh! Don't even get me started on the Stark/Zoey 'ship. That whole complicated/nonsensical mess just makes me want to bash my head against a brick wall. Repeatedly.

Moving on...

The gay couple in this series is completely ridiculous. Look, I don't have an issue with homosexuality in YA fiction, but I do have a problem with the way it's portrayed in this series. Damien and Jack are like a parody of a stereotype, if that makes sense. Their relationship is so--dare I say--gay, for lack of a better description. It's just a bunch of rainbows, puppies, kittens, lollipops, fluffy clouds, sunshine, glitter-farting unicorns, and of course fabulousness! in Damien-and-Jack Townshipville.

The Twins? Sooooooo stuuuuuuuuuupid. These are two of my least favorite characters and were I to write a Buffy the Vampire Slayer/HON crossover, these two would go first (at the exact same time). It wouldn't be pretty, either.

Stevie Rae? I don't even know what to think about where her story is going. I mean, seems like the girl's gonna be gettin' it on with some sort of demented raven-man thing, which is incredibly disgusting. That whole weird relationship aside? Stevie Rae just isn't the same. In fact, she hasn't been since she died and came back. Stevie Rae just flat-out gives me the creeps so I don't like her either.

Then there's Heath. Poor, stupid, very mortal Heath. One of the few characters I still kind of liked in this horrible horrible, oh, so very horrible series. And yes, I know I'm probably the only person who actually liked Heath (you slags were wanting him to die and you know it!) but I don't care. The fact is, he's the only person that really knew Zoey and he still loved her, despite all her faults. He loved her so much he decided it was time to grow up and quit drinking/partying. And put his life on the line for her. He's the only person that kept Zoey grounded (besides her grandmother, of course). I actually liked the interactions between Zoey and Heath. Their conversations were cute, and sweet, and fun. I actually kind of liked Zoey when she was with Heath--I could relate to her.

And what did the Casts' do? They killed him. KILLED! At the end of the last chapter! And because he's mortal he's actually dead dead. As in, never coming back dead (unlike Stevie Rae and Stark whou should have stayed dead, IMHO). And I've got the feeling the Casts only killed him because their story got away from them and they didn't know what else to do.

The Casts are going to drag this series out for SIX MORE BOOKS, people! And considering the fact that they've already lost control of their story, It's pretty safe to say that this series won't end well. (Don't say I didn't warn you.)

And it needs to be said, I am dumber for having read the first six books in the House of Night series.

That is all.

Profile Image for Lola.
67 reviews44 followers
November 3, 2009
"Like, a lot of people like me and all, I'm important and shit, this god also does. Oh yeah, I have, like, three hawt guys after me. I seriously can't believe he - insert one of three guys name - would do that! It's his fault! Enough loving me already! Oh wait, I forgot, this sick thing happened, *insert spoiler* Oh my gawd! " Well, that's my perspective on Miss so-effing-beautiful-high-and-mighty-mary-sue Zoey this book. Cue head banging.

I was thinking that since the last book wasn't very impressive, this would make up for it. I mean, seriously, I get that there are some fillers or at least one bad book in a series, but this has got to be one of the worst. Let me rephrase that: There are some-to-little interesting developments regarding the plot and where Zoey was left of last time and another twist. Sadly, all this takes a backseat (well, at least they mention it). Why? Because Zoey is in a freaking love square and she can't decide who to choose. *gasp* She, the important one, with a shitload of problems involving danger, can't concentrate because something happened (I thought it was kinda okay, not bad) and she can't choose the right guy! Zoey, we have a word for you, chica, with troubles with the amount of guys you have and how quickly you switch: it's called being loose and a slut. I can't even say emotional development because while the main character *kind of* gets things sometime, I would expect her to - oh I don't know - mature a little after 5+ books? Nope. And while it is cool to see other POV's in this book, it seemed suddenly out place because the authors just threw them in for the sake of what? Understanding? View points? It didn't seem right after 5+ books on just Zoey's view (unfortunately). It wasn't much use anyways since it was a recap of actions that already happened and how they viewed it. And it was pretty much about "I can't believe - Zoey! - Oh no! Maybe this -" It was messed up and to suddenly add more later in the series? Incoherent and

Well, moving on the who-to-choose (I swear, at least lessen it to two, don't decide on a third), there was this pretty awesome development on the story and I liked the direction the authors were taking it. But, man, the pace of the story was uneven with it that the authors weren't able to execute it properly. I just hope they concentrate on that more then Zoey's "love dilemma". I like the concept of the story, but I just don't like the round-about way the authors are taking and focusing on lesser problems. Remember the main focus in the last book? There is a completely useless side-plot that distracts everything and is an obstacle; the series is starting to drag the plot line. And since I'm already used to the over-the-top use of slang, I'll skim that part. And what about other side characters? What happened to them here? My love for Stevie Ray and Aprodite grew. I prefer them as the main characters instead. I actually liked Stevie Ray's part of the story and her POV. Also, WTF happened that made others whiny and unlikable? I already find Zoey annoying (dude, you have to take the blame sometimes), and including other characters that are going downhill because of - you guess it - Zoey. Seems like the authors are doing switches on others too. Crap, well there goes the rest of the series.

Suffice to say, something plot-wise does happen to Zoey that took a turn. Well, I can sympathize a bit on that. Kinda sad. Reminded me of the risks and all and will the plot actually go straight-forward instead of a detour and off the cliff? Hmm, I'm seriously giving up this - although the ending where some things were redeemed was cool and I think hopefully some ties are done - though the cliff hanger had me hesitating. The love square is kinda done. There are some characters I want to keep reading. The actual plot is weakening but I'd like to see what happens after a side-problem is complete. Blah, forget it, I'm done. I'll just ask my friends if it gets worse or we'll just snark from the campus library.
Profile Image for Darien.
862 reviews322 followers
September 23, 2010

So after I gave birth to my son, lazing around the house, cus “come on” my newborn slept around the clock. So I thought “heck I am gonna give this series a try”. Well I am not going to front, I was in love with the first five books of this series, blame it on the hormones or trying to re-live some form of my youth, I was addicted and gobbled up all the books in less than a week.

The sixth book happened and I am now questioning my sanity, I will say this “WHAT THE HELL KIND OF BULLSHIT WAS THIS”. I am all kinds of annoyed with this series, and I am weeping for the trees lost, and the ink that could have been used for something more productive. The House of Night series I feel has become a great disappointment, don’t know what the HON series is, I don’t have the time to explain.

This book picks up right after the showdown between Kelona and Zoey and her goons. I was expecting this book to be wrapped in action and have this storm a brewing. Wanna know what I got? Zoey and her boyfriend drama, some psychic visions, Zoey and her messed up feelings of being in love with the entire universe. Basically just a bunch of adolescents using swear words, and throwing in slang’s because nothing says teenager like slang’s.

Did anything eventful happen in this book, honestly I can’t even say because I am trying to forget the time I wasted on this, the Cast’s needs a serious reality check. I am not the type to spend time talking the politics of a book, buuttttt I realize this book is filled with stereotypes.

Heads up to the authors, not every black person speaks like they stepped out of a rap video, not every gay man tends to over exaggerate and go crazy for shoes, and I am a little sad that this was the best way they portrayed diversity. MOVING ON!!!

The use of language! This book is a blow to teenagers, I was one not toooo long ago and I don’t remember speaking like an idiot. This book hit me with such deep words like……

“ I heart me some brown pop” Are you thinking what I am thinking? Just pick a brand already.

“I love Z, more than white bread” I don’t even know what that means.

Not to mention the “sex thing” that pops up all around. Like sex is everything to these characters but lest we forget “ Zoey ain’t no HO” thing is she can’t help how she feels cus all these guys r so hot. Of course puritan Zoey has sworn of sex since she slept with a teacher at the house of night, a person she knew all for a tremendous amount of time, of a month. Since Zoey ain’t no Ho, she will not sleep with the guy she’s pretty much known all her life, you tell me if Zoey ain’t no HO!

Then to make matters worse they kill of my fave character. I am all kinds of pissed! Something I did like, well…… Stevie Rae and a Raven Mocker, I don’t know but that is sounding all kinds of hot.

I just cannot believe a series with such promise turned out like this, I could go on about all the ways I dislike Zoey but quite frankly this review will never end. I will not continue, just ask around to see what’s up. Jesu, I am in the mood for some Edward Cullen!
Profile Image for Alex.
5,944 reviews1 follower
December 18, 2009
I just have to continue this series to see what happens to Kalona. I hope Zoey dies in this one....


So I've made my disdain for Zoey quite clear. So why do I keep reading this? Simple - the plot is actually really good. I really enjoy the Kalona and Neferet story arc, and I REALLY liked that we finally got some chapters from other character's perspectives.

The beginning of this book was hard for me to get through, though. I'm sorry, but the Zoey-going-out-of-her-way-not-to-cuss thing is getting RIDICULOUS. It would be one thing if the authors were trying to prove a point that they don't have to cuss to sell books. But that's not the case, as every other character drops constant f-bombs. So Zoey saying things like, "I'm sorry I dragged you into all this poo" and "That's a bunch of bullpoopie" is just downright ridiculous. She can't even say the word crap? Or crud? Or ANYTHING other than bullpoopie? It is just really ridiculous, and drags me out of the plot everytime she says it.

I was happy this book focused less on her guy problems, though. I laughed my butt off when Eric said, "I'm sick of you cheating on me with everyone who has a dick." HAHAHA! Even the characters in the book think she is a hoe!

But even with all my ranting, the last half of the book was awesome, and I couldn't put it down. And thanks a lot, for ending the book so ambiguously that I am now actually excited to read the next one.
Profile Image for Armendia.
40 reviews
November 2, 2009
OMFG!!!!! Okay, "The End For Now." Who ends a book like that????!!!! And I was just starting to like Heath!!!!!!! I was totally Blissed out that she finally dumped that asshat Eric, But I was just starting to like Heath! He wasn't a Stark, but he did get really sweet!!!!!

Random thought-Zoey beat one of Aphrodites' latest death visions. I really don't think there is any way for her to fall for Kolana now.

But...dadadummmm....she only altered another one. She didn't drown on the island with Stark just out of her reach. Her soul shattered with Stark just out of her reach. I think it had the same intended affect.

DAMN!!!! WHEN DOES BURNED COME OUT???????!!!!!!!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tori.
228 reviews64 followers
March 22, 2010
I tried. I really did. But this book blew it really hard. I literally skimmed over pages and pages of useless and boring things. This is the first book of the series that wasn't interesting to me. I almost gave up on it. And I think I should have. Instead I wasted 2 bucks in late fees trying to finish it. And all the characters seemed so OUT of character that I just couldn't really focus or really care about it. And you know what was really annoying? All the " I heart me some__" shit. Really annoying. I mean, why did everyone in this book just start saying this phrase? I did like the ending though. 1 boyfriend down right? I mean, seriously, how many guys can be in love with her? Maybe she really is dead and the next book will just be some even crazier random shit about Buffy killng all of them and then the humans live happily ever after. Okay, I can dream though, right? I know this is a vampire book, but can we at least be a LITTLE bit more realistic? Please? And how can she be such a 'heroine', for lack of a better word, if she keeps passing out and almost dying and really dying? I mean, not a good role model for girls who want to be strong independent women. What is this? Twilight? In the least it's a huge lame soap opera. Don't know why it took me this long to realize it. Oh, and excuse me, I'm out $2.50. 2 effin 50. And whoever can say that they liked this book, obviously doesn't know what a good, detailed book is.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
January 6, 2019
Still he was too late.

The book with the two very important deaths and the shuttering of a very important soul.
One of the best cliff-hangers that I have ever read.

In a voice torn from her soul, and so filled with anguish Stark hardly recognized her, Zoey screamed, “No!” and threw the glowing ball of spirit at Kalona.

In contrast to the first books in the series, Tempted has 6 points of view by: Zoey, Stevie Rae, Aphrodite, Rephaim, Heath and Stark.

Lots of things happen in the book that make Zoey’a story take another devastating turn. Although this is a young adult novel, it does not lack scenes of seduction and cruel deaths.

This is also the book where:

-Rephaim and Stevie Ray get closer

“Kill me. End this,” he gasped, panting in pain.
The sound of his voice was so human, so completely unexpected that Stevie Rae dropped her hands and staggered a step back. “You can talk!” she blurted.
Then the Raven Mocker did something that utterly shocked Stevie Rae and irrevocably changed the course of her life.
He laughed.

-Aphrodite and Darius are together

“She’s really amazing,” Darius said as he gazed lovingly after her.

The truth is that Aphrodite has changed remarkably since book 1 and she has become one of the most interesting characters....while Erik has become one if the most annoying characters.
Profile Image for Brigid ✩.
581 reviews1,846 followers
February 7, 2010
Okay, I might spoil a few things here, so be warned.

There are so many things I hate about these books. I hate Zoey, for starters. She is a terrible MC. I mean, you have books like Twilight getting all that crap about the MC being a bad influence, but come on … Zoey does next to nothing except walk around and let boys drool over her. I don't even understand why so many guys are obsessed with her, when she's such an annoying idiot! Sure she has all the magic power thingies, but even that's not all so impressive. It's like, she just magically calms people down … and like drives away evil spirits. I don't even know.

So yeah, the boy drama also really gets on my nerves. I'm so glad that Erik is out of the picture, pretty much the only cool thing Zoey has ever done is break up with him. *Rolls eyes* I always thought he was a total asshat. Stark … Stark is cool. I liked him better in books 4 and 5, and now he's getting all arrogant and obnoxious. But he's the least annoying/asshole-ish of Zoey's bfs, soooo if I had to choose a team – Team Stark. Heath, I just hate. He's a stupid, annoying little puppy dog who has absolutely no life, whose world revolves around obsessing over Zoey. So in that way, he is essentially like a male Bella Swan. Heh heh, more on him later. *Evil grin* I must say, I do like Kalona in a twisted way. He just confuses me so much. On one hand, he is very very evil. On the other hand, he seems really hot … and he has a backstory. He's the only character in the book who comes close to actually being developed. Plus I love that thing he did at the very end … Heehee >:) But yeah, Zoey obviously isn't going to end up with him. Too bad.

As for the other couples … It sort of ticks me off that Stevie Rae is now becoming like Zoey and has like three boyfriends, which is stupid because I don't even know what the significance of those boyfriends is. Like … Dallas, and … that other kid whose name I don't even remember. It's like, whatever, who cares? I hated how Zoey was like "Heehee, I hope Stevie Rae will have lots of boyfriends like me, and then everyone can start calling her a slut instead of me!" I mean, really? Yeah, that's a great friend right there. But anyway, I liked Raphaim. He seemed cool. Although I didn't really understand why he was pretending to help out those other vampyres trap Stevie Rae and then he was like "Nooo Stevie Rae it's a trap!" But then it's like … Well then why did you agree to be part of this plan, which involved you getting beaten nearly to death, just to tell Stevie Rae that it was a trap? It makes NO SENSE!

So … Couples. Right. Damien and Jack are cute together, as always. I also like Aphrodite and Darius together. And yeah, I guess that's pretty much it.

Ok, now to rant about the writing a bit. I ABSOLUTELY HATE HOW THESE BOOKS ARE WRITTEN! What I mostly hate is that the authors seem to think it's "cool" to write in text speech. Like, being all like "So my BFF Stevie Rae …" and "I heart you!" Really? *headdesk* And then Zoey being like, "I'm too pure to swear, teehee! BULLPOOPY!" I mean, helloooo? You're the one whose had FIVE BOYFRIENDS! USUALLY 3-4 SIMULTANEOUSLY! ARGH! YOU ARE NOT PURE, ZOEY REDBIRD! YOU CAN SAY "SHIT"! I'm sorry for the outburst. But really. It gets on my nerves. I also hate Zoey and her stupid "brown pop". What? Who says that?! Can't they just say "Coke"? Or is that, like, illegal? Could they at least say "soda"? GAAHHHhhh. And I hate the way they spell "vampire" like "vampyre". WTH? It doesn't make me think you guys are more original or anything, it just makes me think you can't spell.

Also, the writing is so repetitive. They use the same description about 50 billion times. It came to the point where I would just scream in frustration every time I read about Kalona's "amber eyes" or – oh God – Stark's "cocky smile/grin". Just remembering it makes me shudder. If I ever see the word "cocky" again I will explode. IT'S CALLED A THESAURUS, PEOPLES! USE IT!

As for the plot …

Ahhh I don't know what to say. I'll just narrow it down, because I could rant about every stupid little plot twist but I won't.

First off … Not so original, you guys. The High Vampyre Council? In ITALY? I believe I have heard this one before. It was this book called Twilight.

And the ending – !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMIGOD!!! AKJF;AKDSJ;FKJS;DF!!!! Ok, well the ending actually did shock me. I'm still trying to comprehend. Heath … Heath is … DEAD?! *The sun comes out and the birds sing* YES!!! YES YES YESSSSS!!!! Well, this would be good for many reasons. First of all, it would end the boy drama for the most part. Erik has been eliminated because he is a jerkface. Kalona has been eliminated because he killed Heath and he's an evil jerkface also (but I love him for killing Heath. Wow, I am so mean!). Heath is eliminated because he is dead. So I guess that only leaves Stark. Yesssshhh! Thank goodness! Second of all, I just hate Heath. He always annoyed the crap out of me. Please let him stay dead forever. If he comes back from the dead somehow I will be majorly MAJORLY pissed off. Thirdly, these books could use some substance, like an actual death. Something that would actually make me feel slightly bad for the characters.

So … In conclusion, I felt like my brain was being raped as I read this book. But as always, it's a decent fluff read, if you're bored and don't mind killing off your brain cells. It wasn't my favorite of the books … I can see it going downhill from here. But you never know. I guess I'll have to wait and see. And I only have to wait like two months … because these books multiply like rabbits.

Wow that was a very long ranting review. O_O But I am done now! :D
Profile Image for K.D. Absolutely.
1,820 reviews
February 28, 2012
The sixth book in The House of Night series.

It’s been 3 years since I read and like Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight (the book, not the movie). People always wonder why I liked that book. Well, aside from the fact that it was one of my first reads when I joined GR, it turned me into who I am now: a voracious reader. I guess it had something to do with its simple, readable language and the buzz it created. I became popular in the office by being the first one to read it and my books, all the 4 of them, passed down from my hands to another, to another, to another… Until I became known as “the one who told me read the Twilight series.”

Well, I am not planning for them to hear the whole of The House of Night series. In fact, I only picked this 6th book which is so far, the book that has the highest sales. So, I thought I should read this if only the sample the series. Besides there are still other books in the offing so the series is still on-going.

This book is better than Twilight which is the first book and the one with the highest sales in the Twilight saga. (It was also the only movie in the whole series that I saw). It is meatier – richer in twists, more imaginative author, younger characters and more heartfelt interactions with the grownups. The last one is important to me because the best part in the Twilight saga for me was the relationship of Bella to her father. I just found that relationship open and trusting. Something that I would like to establish with my own daughter. Not that I am praying that she’ll end up with some vampire-man who will have to break the wedding bed on their first night.

In this book, that relationship between a teenage vampyre (yes, the spelling is like this courtesy of the mother-daughter tandem writers: the Casts) and a grownup is beautifully depicted by Zoey Redbird and her grandmother. The old folk is there in the House of Night to recuperate and she is being taken care of by her granddaughter who is the High Priestess. Since Zoey is also taking care of the wounded boy Stark, her friend Stevie Ray does some of her roles. The main conflict, that the two have to settle is that the ancient goddess Koloma has hots on and the only weapon Zoey can use to drive Koloma away is to sleep with another boy and Stark is very much willing to do that.

There are other minor yet still delightful characters. They are all vampyres which means that they are all gorgeous and like Superman with their powers. They don’t eat people or drink human blood. They have this “imprinting” that is both pleasurable to them and to their grownup victims. It is enjoyable and you would not regret being bitten by gorgeous teenagers, would you not? It's like being bitten by your child when you are all rolling on the floor laughing and hugging each other.

I know that Twilight came first but who cares if the next one is a lot better?
Profile Image for jay.
120 reviews7 followers
January 18, 2024
Profile Image for Jennifer Salaiz.
Author 15 books143 followers
November 17, 2009
I can't even begin to think how to start this review. I just now finished the book so I'm trying my hardest to process everything. The reason I give this book 5 stars is because for one, I loved the overall story. Not once did I get bored reading it, or have to set it down because things weren't going smoothly. I truly adored it........until of course the ending. I'm glad I read some of the review with nonspoilers so I was expecting something dramatic to happen. I read people throwing the book, screaming, all sorts of things, so at least I was prepared.

But I have to tell you, I, myself was in tears and close to nausea (yes I REALLY get into the books I read). It took everything I had to hold in the tears. Even now, I'm having to fight against them and the anger I feel for the events that took place. I'm even angrier that I didn't wait longer to read this book because now, I'm going to have to wait until April to figure out what happens. I love this series and pray things turn out better in the next one. I don't want to put any spoilers in here for fear of ruining the book for someone else, but if you've read it then you know what I'm talking about when I say this....I pray he comes back, it doesn't feel right without him there. Damn, hope even that isn't too much. But now my heart feels empty.

Cast authors, I really hope you do the right thing for the next book. I think if you don't, I truly might throw this next one and refuse to ever read another again.
Profile Image for Nasty Lady MJ.
1,090 reviews16 followers
May 18, 2013
To see full review click here.

Note: the following scenario is fiction and is used to illustrate my absolute hatred for the House of Night series. Note, I am not actually a teacher and have not actually substituted for PC Cast. I am merely using the classroom setting to illustrate my disdain for this piece of shit.

Somewhere in Oklahoma

MJ: Good morning class. You're teacher Mrs. Cast isn't available so I'll be teaching you guys today. It says you were talking about Tempted?

Brown Noser: Yes, Tempted. Its Ms. Cast newest and greatest book that she wrote with her daughter, Kristin.

MJ: Oh, hell no. Your teacher isn't PC Cast of House of Night fame.

Random Student 1: That would be the one.

Brown Noser: Are you okay Ms. J?

MJ: You've been taught by PC Cast, I thought it was only a myth in the YA world that she's a teacher.

Brown Noser: Oh, no. She's our teacher. And she's really great. We talk about the House of Night series all the time. It's an educational experience.

MJ raises an eyebrow.

Brown Noser: It really is. And if we're really good we become a self insert character in the book. Like, I'm one of the red fledglings.

MJ: There's a Red Fledgling named Brown Noser?

Brown Noser: My name's not Brown Noser it's Ebony Darkness Dementia....

MJ: Do you think I'm actually going to remember your name? I'm only a sub. And regardless, why would anyone want to be associated with those books. I use them to get drunk.

Brown Noser: You can't get drunk from House of Night. It's a literary classic.

MJ: Okay, fine. I'm all ears on how not to get drunk on what's this one called again...

Bored Kid: Tempted. Though there's no sex in it. They talk about the importance of not losing your V Card to a slut.

MJ: Then no one must do it with Zoey.

Brown Noser: Hey, Zoey isn't a slut. She's a self assured woman. Having six boyfriends does not make you a slut. That Z put Erik in his place. Ms. Cast calls Zoey a feminist.

MJ: Why can't I get drunk on the job?

Brown Noser: You want some brown pop I'm sure....

MJ: Okay, so you learned it's okay for Zoey to cheat on Prince Eric because she's a feminist. But if a guy cheats on her...

Random Student 2: Then he's a man ho. I tried asking Mrs. Cast what the difference is and she says that's feminism.

MJ: No, no. No. Feminism is about equality for women. That you can...you know what....let's watch a documentary on Susan B Anthony or maybe watch that clip on Entertainment Tonight about Hillary Clinton and the evolution of pant suits. Okay? And after that let's talk about feminism.

Brown Noser: We're supposed to watch movies in class. Mrs. Cast says they rot your brain. Besides, we finished talking about feminism a long time ago. Now we're talking about cultures.

MJ: Oh, this should be good. Let me guess more bull shit about the Cherokee culture.

Bored Student: Pretty much. We've learned how to say daughter in Cherokee probably every other day in class. Oh, and we talk about the legend of A-ya a lot. It's actually real, believe it or not. I honestly thought Ms. Cast got that off of Wonder Woman. But I Googled it and it's actually based off of a real legend. She does do some research. Some being the operative word.

MJ: Like the fact that somehow she incorporates Greek mythology into it and it's not rationalized.

Brown Noser: That's not true. She did provide an explanation remember when that Nyx and the Virgin Mary are the same person and...

MJ: What? What?

Brown Noser: I was saying that....

MJ: I heard you Nyx and Mary are NOT the same person. The Virgin Mary is Christ's mother she's not the personification of night.

Brown Noser: Well, in the book the nuns hinted that since Catholics worship Mary....

MJ: I am Catholic. We do not worship Mary. We only worship God. Just God. Mary is Jesus's mother. She holds an important place in the church but she is not a deity.

Brown Noser: But Ms. Cast said.

MJ: Fuck Mrs. Cast. She probably did most of her research on Catholics from The Sound of Music.

Student Three: You need to put a word in the swear jar. Ms. Cast only allows us to use the word bullpoopie and that's in extreme circumstances. Once I said asshat in class and she didn't know what that meant.

MJ: Isn't the meaning sort of obvious? Does she even use context clues? Or for that matter watch South Park?

Student Two: What's context clues?

MJ: Haven't you learned anything about writing?

Brown Noser: We learned a lot about writing. Ms. Cast wrote tempted in multiple POV and in first and thrid person. They did it so that we could see different types of writing.

MJ: It was an incoherent mess though. They can barely write first person so why did they think third was going to be much better. In fact it was even worse if that's even possible.

Brown Noser: I liked the other POV. I liked how the Casts used the word "dang" to designate Stevie Rae's POV. And both Heath and Stark...

MJ: Sounded the same.

Bored Kid nods head.

MJ: Okay, so it seems like the only thing you sort of learned from Tempted was Cherokee legends and they were butchered. And you guys all do your homework so that you can be self insert characters?

Student One: Pretty much. But it's more educational than Twilight.

MJ: Yes, but Stephenie Meyer wasn't a teacher. She didn't state that student/teacher relationships were okay. And that wanting someone to be in a monogamous relationship is being pushy. And that making assumptions about someone's religion....you know what guys, let's watch The Avengers. No, wait, she's dampened that with all her not so subtle innuendoes of how she's crushing on RDJ. Okay, let's watch Glee-wait, they referenced that too. How about Oklahoma! Damn it. Let's just watch a movie the Casts haven't tainted. How about Roman Holiday?

Brown Noser: Cool, the next House of Night book is taking place in Italy. Well, the end of this one sort of did...but Mrs. Cast said.

MJ: Fine. We're going to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Because if anyone can kill Zoey Redbird it's her.
Profile Image for Maria Eduarda Lucena.
72 reviews18 followers
April 27, 2018
When I first started to read House of Night, I thought 'oh, well, this is good stuff. The authors have a nice material to work on, and I'm sure it is going to be a hit series' ― except I was wrong. They had a nice material, indeed... but from the second book on, the authors started to lose it, and the story started to suck. And the main character, Zoey? I mean, talk about getting lost. Her personality is a piece of shit, and she doesn't seem to think that one man is enough ― not even two. Also, there are some characters that inspire this weird freak side that makes me feel nauseous. Don't get me wrong, I absolutly love twisted characters and paranormal stuff is one of my favorite genre, but there's something wrong with the characters in that book, particularly ― they just sound like an unfinished work from a secondhand author.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jess.
21 reviews33 followers
November 15, 2009
About the start of August both Untamed and Hunted were (FINALLY) released in Australia... so I'm really hoping that means we'll get Tempted the same time its released in America! (but my mum isn't... apparently I should be studying instead of reading...)

Logically Zoey will get with Stark, because he's the only one who hasnt gotten or caused a broken heart yet. Also, because he's gorgeous, whereas Heath is obsessive and Erik is possessive. It's the best way.
March 11, 2017
Contrary to what others say about this series, I think they're quite good. Ok I will admit the first few books were a little slow and perhaps could have been condensed a bit, but this series is getting better. I gotta say I like the informal vibe of these books and the fact that they stand out in their own way. I'm liking this world more and more as I read along!
Profile Image for Mariana.
46 reviews6 followers
December 18, 2012
Garbage !!!! que libro de mierda!!!!!

-- SPOILER Alert---

Im sooooo upset about this book! is the worst so far! I just dont get it? WTF happen to the authors???? when they become such a crappy writers??? I mean the last book was boring, but this one was unbearable ! NOTHING happen in 250 pages ! and suddenly in the last 15 pages they kill Heath! and then is over...just like that..!

And is pretty obvius that the writter decided to make the book more "kid and teen like" because suddenly Zoey is acting like a even more naive, litle girl... I can't explain my anoyed point so well in english so I going Spanish here..

Qué mierda paso en este librooooo !!!!!????

Es una real porqueria, Zoey ahora habla conmo una niña de 12 años de edad! y aparecen todo tipo de comentarios forzados sobre "lo bueno q es leer" y "es mejor esperar para tener sexo" es decir, todo eso estaria bien si los 5 libors anteriores no hubiesen sido con Zoey teniendo sexo con su profesor, y casi teniendo sexo con 2 chicos más,y Afrodita haciendo sexo oral en los pasillos, osea no tiene sentido que ahora decidan que ella(zoey) se convierta en casi monja, y todos los personajes pierdan el interes sexual repentinamente y apelen a la castidad.

Además, el libro repite todo una y otra vez, en varias ocasiones deje el libro ahi y decidi hacer otra cosa porq estaba realmente aburrida, hasta considere no terminarlo ! eso jamas me habia pasado con los anteriores, (bueno el último también me aburrio pero no TANTO)

No no, este libro es un chiste! Una desgracia, se nota que lo escribieron sin pensar mucho, y guiándose más por lo que piensan que "los niños y padres" quieren escuchar,y por terminarlo rápido para ganar más ventas, que por seguir con una historia interesante y coherente ... una verdadera decepción que los autores hayan caido en esta mediocridad....

El próximo probablemnte lo leeré si alguien lo compra y me lo presta o me conformare con una reseña sobre lo q paso, porque este me dejo de MUY mal humor.

Profile Image for Annabelle.
202 reviews10 followers
September 21, 2015
Zoey Redbird is back in her full Mary-Sue glory. She's beautiful, she's unique, she's almighty and powerful; she's basically a giant pain in the ass and annoying as hell.
Despite that, the series is beginning to unfold in a most interesting way as the stakes get higher. Apocalyptic prophecies and ancient vampire councils make for satisfying twists and turns. And the occasional switch to third-person gives fresh new perspectives and a welcome break from our beloved Zo.
Stevie Rae's story specifically hooked me in. Her link with Rephaim was dark and intense and muddled the line between good and evil beautifully. Even Zoey and her harem of men were tolerable. Sure Erik's character was ruined, but Heath was just as puppy dog-ish as ever and Stark managed to keep his cockiness despite the case of Zoey-worship. Kalona of course remained hot in all his twisted possible-evilness.
Add the fact that the ending is easily the most powerful one so far, and the inevitable conclusion is that I will be purchasing book number seven.
Aw, hell.
Profile Image for Cyna.
219 reviews259 followers
January 3, 2016
On the last episode of The Worst Thing Ever, we hit rock bottom when Zoey did a whole lot of nothing for dozens of pages, then allowed a serial rapist into her inner circle, and banished Kalona and Neferet with the power of love. Tempted picks up moments after the end of Hunted, with Zoey and her party scrambling to tie up loose ends in the aftermath of the fight.


While Zoey rushes Stark to the infirmary to get his stupidly-shaped burn looked at, Stevie Rae is left in charge of both the fledglings and narration duties for the first time.

Yep, Tempted is the book in which the series begins to split the narrative perspective between Zoey and the rest of the cast. We get full chapters with other characters at the wheel, including Aphrodite, Heath, and Stark, but most of the focus shifts to Stevie Rae, who’s being maneuvered into a sort of co-protagonist position with Zoey.

I have to say, I think this was a really good decision. For one, it helps to feel like more shit is actually happening in this installment. Not to say that Tempted isn’t still extremely decompressed – I swear this thing reads like a monthly comic series in the worst possible way – but we at least have multiple storylines running, so that our downtime between the start and climax at least seems like it’s filled with things besides Zoey’s boy troubles.

For two, we get to spend time outside of Zoey’s head. Whole chapters, you guys. You wouldn’t think that the effect would be that significant, because it’s still the same author, and the writing and characters are just as obnoxious in the non-Zoey chapters as they are normally, but holy shit, going from third-person perspective following Stevie Rae or Aphrodite around to one of Zoey’s first-person chapters is like getting in a big lungful of shit-scented air before having your head dunked back into raw sewage.

I really can’t emphasize the difference enough. I’m not a fan of Cast as a writer, but you don’t realize just how much Zoey’s voice contributes to the insufferability of this series until you’re given a chance to experience it from someone else’s perspective.

Anyway, chapter two puts Stevie Rae in the driver’s seat for the first time, and she promptly makes a hard left out of fucking nowhere.

Stevie Rae moved before she remembered even making the decision. When she reached him, she only hesitated for a second. He’d passed out facedown, so it was a simple thing for her to move his wings aside and grab him under his arms. He was big, really big — like, as big as a real guy, and she’d braced herself for him to be heavy, but he wasn’t. Actually, he was so light that it was super-easy to drag him, which was what she found herself doing while her mind screamed at her: What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?

What the hell was she doing?

Stevie Rae didn’t know. All she knew was what she wasn’t doing. She wasn’t killing the Raven Mocker.

Enter Rephaim, who had like one line in the last book, and is now looking like he might have been bumped up to series regular. He’s introduced as “Kalona’s favorite son”, his lieutenant, because of course this is House of Night, and he couldn’t just be a rank-and-file Raven Mocker. He also has a normal dude voice, so that when Stevie Rae finds him badly injured after the battle, and he asks her to kill him, it hits Stevie Rae right in the “I-don’t-kill-people-unless-they’re-homeless” feels. Against all established canon and reason, she doesn’t finish him off; instead she drags him back to the nunnery and stashes him in a gardening shed, tending to his wounds, and taking on her own dirty little secret.

It’s a contrived-ass decision, to be sure. Tempted is all about loudly justifying Stevie Rae’s choice so that it doesn’t feel plot-mandated, jumbling out some stuff about how Stevie Rae’s not a killer, and sees herself in the Raven Mockers, but right off the bat it feels plot-mandated. I mean, neither we nor Zoey and her pals have been given any reason to see the Raven Mockers as anything but mindless bestial monsters. Zoey certainly had no problem killing them in the last book – remember how she roasted that one alive back at the train station?

Anyway, this provides majority of the material for Stevie Rae’s storyline. It’s mostly about keeping Rephaim from her friends while angsting about sparing an enemy, and is the decision that sort of “justifies” this new formatting, giving Stevie Rae a redemption plotline of her own to pursue that Zoey doesn’t know about.

The books are really building Stevie Rae as a red analogue to Zoey – she’s been called the red fledgling’s “high priestess” for a while now, even though they’re pretty vague on what that means or entails – but now she’s got her own plotline, her own narration duties, her own secrets, and, oh yeah that’s right baby, she’s embarking on her own little love triangle with her own morally ambiguous immortal!

But we’ll save that for later.

Meanwhile, Zoey’s getting in on that whole making random-seeming decisions. The start of this book has her finally accepting that she’s A-ya, even though it seemed to be at least partially in doubt or whatever in the last one. She leaves Stark in the infirmary, and goes to speak with her grandmother.

I sat beside Grandma, tucking my legs up under me, trying to be careful not to jostle the bed too much. Her face was bruised and burned from the airbag that had saved her life. Part of her lip and her cheek had stitches darkening them. She had a bandage on her head and her right arm was swathed in a scary-looking cast.

“Ironic, isn’t it, that my wounds look so terrible, but they are far less painful and far-reaching than the invisible wounds inside of you,” she said.

“Oh Zoey, I’m an old women broken and battered and bruised all to hell, but your fee-fees are hurt, let’s talk about you, you’re the most important thing ever!”

No wonder Zoey’s such a fucking narcissist.

Zoey chats briefly about about her A-ya fee-fees, and then goes to make sure everyone’s settled in all right, during which she has her first actual A-ya flashback. It’s a weird bit of flip-flopped pacing, in that it would have made more sense for her to resign herself to her past life if this had happened sooner, but whatever. She remembers the moments just after she trapped Kalona, and it’s about fifteen different kinds of fucked-up.

“Oh, Goddess, no! Do not let this be!”

It was Kalona’s voice, and my immediate reaction was to cry out and struggle blindly away from him, but I wasn’t in charge of my body and the words that came from my mouth were not my own.

“Sssh, do not despair. I am with you, my love.”

“You trapped me!” Even as he cried the accusation, his arms tightened around me, and I recognized the cold passion of his immortal embrace.

“I saved you,” my strange voice responded as my body settled more intimately against his. “You were not meant to walk this world. That is why you have been so unhappy, so insatiable.”

“I had no choice! The mortals do not understand.”

My arms wrapped around his neck. My fingers twined through his soft, heavy hair. “I understand. Be at peace here with me. Lay down your sad restlessness. I will comfort you.”

This is so gross. So so so so fucking gross. I mean first, see how quickly she shifts the blame for Kalona’s actions away from him? “You were not meant to walk this world. That is why you have been so unhappy, so insatiable.” = “It’s not his fault he’s a raping, murdering monster! It’s this world’s fault, totally circumstance, you understand. SUCH A POOR, TRAGIC, MISUNDERSTOOD WOOBIE.”

Then there’s this: “I understand. Be at peace here with me. Lay down your sad restlessness. I will comfort you.”

So many questions. One, why the fuck is A-ya even sentient? If her only purpose was to trap Kalona so that he couldn’t rape or murder anyone anymore, why does she need to be self-aware or have a soul AT ALL? Why wouldn’t the Ghigua women just make some beep-boop mud robot who detonates upon penetration and leave it at that?

Two, if you are going to make her self-aware, why would she be so ~understanding~? She was created by members of the VERY COMMUNITY Kalona tormented for years, why the fuck would they create a trap that would want to comfort him? You’d think if anything she would be programmed to hate him, spend eternity tormenting him, maybe have some vagina dentata going on. THAT would make more sense than her makers programming her to be all “AW POOR BABY, LET ME COMFORT YOU WITH MY COOCH.”

Finally, since the plot has decided that she is a sentient woman with feelings and shit, WHY OH WHY is it HER RESPONSIBILITY to comfort Kalona? WHY? I mean I get in a literal sense that she’s a living trap for his dick, but in a thematic sense, why have the Casts decided that it’s a woman’s responsibility to rehabilitate the immortal murderer-rapist?

I hate this idea so much. It came up with Stark and Zoey in Hunted, Kalona and Zoey later in this book, and even Stevie Rae and her immortal bad boy – this idea that it’s somehow these women’s mystical duty to reform these guys, who are, for some convoluted reason or another, totally not responsible for their actions. They’re all just so tragic and hurt and sad, oh, if only they had someone to pat them on the back and tell them everything was going to be okay, they would obviously stop being monsters, right?

That line of reasoning is so fucking dangerous. The idea that because a dude is in pain, it’s not his fault when he lashes out at other people, the idea that the “right” woman can fix a broken, violent man, that a “good” woman SHOULD, that the choice to “do good” can and should absolve anyone of their past sins, no matter how destructive or violent, and that anyone who might hold a grudge after that is unreasonable and harsh.

This series and its godforsaken “moral themes” are so steeped in rape culture and rape apologia that it’s really, really hard to stomach sometimes.

Anyway, back on plot: Zoey settles everyone in and begins making her multiple-chapters-long trek to bed, during which she tries to sort out her boy problems, because god forbid we not get right on that.

More words, so many more words, like thousands more + quotespam at You'reKilling.Us

Profile Image for Fangs for the Fantasy.
1,449 reviews191 followers
December 30, 2015
It’s time for another House of Night book, yes my epic suffering continues

Here we have an evil plot to take over all vampire society and doubtlessly do bad evil things – but far more importantly we have to spend an age battling with Zoey’s endless love dodecahedron. This eclipses doing any actual plot line. Oh and Stevie Rae decides to lose her ever loving mind and find yet another irredeemable evil to redeem. Of course she does.

The desperate, awful, contrived theme of this book is “choice” and making the right choice. This was kind of touched on in the last book and now has been taken to new, utterly awful, appalling levels. So the whole point of the Red Fledglings is because they made the right choice which made them good little vampires. Or there’s the whole conflict with the Raven Mocker and, again, choice.

So, here’s the theme – making the right choice to be a good little Nyxy follower

Now the problems, firstly this “making the right choice” comes with a clumsy and pretty offensive retcon. Previously we knew Kalona came to the House of Night and managed to get everyone to worship and obey him because he used woo-woo. Mind control allowed him to take over the House despite how clearly dubious the whole thing was – and only a few managed to resist because they had sufficient woo-woo to do so. Even Zoey’s band of sycophants had to fight against his pull and they managed that because of their woo-woo

Now, instead of woo-woo they make a big thing of choice and outright blaming people for making the wrong choice. There’s a whole lot of judgement of people who continued to follow Kalona and Neferet because they made the “wrong choice” – but that support goes up to and includes actually murdering a teacher. So what is it now? Are these students and professors mind controlled (and we’re blaming them for “choosing” to be controlled?!) or did they, of their own free will, decide that a raven monster killing one of their teachers was totally ok? Whichever way you look at it, it makes no sense. It’s there only so Zoey & co can be morally superior to their mind controlled fellows

But this goes to much much much worse levels when we consider Becca. Becca was the girl who Stark (the new redeemed Red Vampire) raped – something Cyna covered in her excellent take down of fucking Stark here. Becca was assaulted by Stark and he would have raped her if Darius and Zoey hadn’t stopped him. She was then mind controlled into forgetting and promptly turned into a mean girl so Zoey could get on with redeeming Stark. Now, Becca is back, and she is the terribad awful mean girl who hates Zoey because Becca just can’t make the Right Choices. Because that’s how it’s framed now – Becca is a terrible, weak, awful person because she’s not making the Right Choice.

We have zero sympathy for the rape victim, have demonised her and are outright blaming her for her victimisation (for making a bad choice!) while Stark is now firmly on team good guy. This is when I’d normally call for killing everything with fire but I fear the air pollution it would cause.

But let’s look at this redemption mess – because ye gods is it awful. See, we already have Stark the rapist now declare himself to be Zoey’s warrior and because he has made a “good choice” (i.e. joined Zoey’s sycophant team which absolves him of everything) and all his bad actions are now redeemed but now we also have Rephraim.

Rephraim the Raven Mocker. Rephraim the Child of Kalona. Rephraim who has killed or tried to kill numerous people. Rephraim the enemy found weak and helpless – and Stevie Rae declares that she simply cannot cannot cannot bring herself to kill him because she can sense his HUMANITY and how can she possibly kill that humanity?

Now, don’t get me wrong, not killing a helpless enemy isn’t a bad thing. Being merciful, being kind, being empathetic, refusing to be cruel, valuing life – these are all precious traits and good to explore.

Except Stevie Rae is a killer. We’ve had numerous references to how she and the other Red Fledglings killed a homeless person – and regarded it as nothing more than an embarrassing, unfortunate incident, a faux pas which is oh-so-awkward. There are still at least 3 other Red Fledglings out there who are still out there killing people eating them and Stevie Rae not only leaves them unsupervised to go about killing and eating – but when they talk about it she just brushes over it. She skips past the topic with, perhaps, mild disapproval at best – certainly no outrage or worry about someone’s humanity.

For that matter, what about the Black men that Zoey so casually killed and then didn’t spend more than two seconds feeling sad about this guy

So, no, I’m not exactly going to praise the agonising over the humanity of the vicious, evil Raven monsters when none of them have so much as spent 10 seconds together worrying about the humanity of the now demonised Becca, or those nameless Black stereotypes, or the often dismissed and demeaned homeless people that Stevie Rae snacked on. I’m not going to celebrate the agonising over the life of another monster while innocent bodies have been scattered in their wake - in fact it’s an insult to all those dead and victimised people that they finally decide to realise the value of life when confronted with an evil Raven-monster

Who they then start to walk down the path of redemption! Which means we’ll have another load of victims hastily brushed under the rug for the sake of a character’s rapid joining of team good guy. And while we at it, let’s add extra awful of how the Raven Mockers are evil because they’re products of rape.

While we’re at it, let’s look at some of the people on the various bad guy teams:

Kalona – who we spend most of the book with Zoey umming and awwwing because she wants him to be redeemed as well! Yes, of course she does! Because he’s hot (yes, we will return to the tortuous morass of awful hat is her love life later). He even gets a sympathetic back story.

Neferet – evil with a capital E. While Kalona is considered redeemable, no-one even spends a second considering that the former High Priestess may rejoin team good. In fact, in the last book and even this book Kalona’s evil is repeatedly blamed on her – she is presented as corrupting and possibly leading Kalona astray

Nicole – leader of the rogue Red Fledglings. Evil, despite a couple of requests (well, threats actually – yes threats) redeeming her is not high on anyone’s agenda. She’s evil and even scares her fellow rogues

Venus – Venus is Aphrodite #2, a woman who exists entirely for Zoey to hate, to be sexual (therefore evil), dare to go for Zoey’s men (because, of course, Zoey can have multiple love interests but someone even looking at her ex is a slutwhorejezebel) and is generally straight from Mean Girl central casting.

Aphrodite – has now joined team good guy – but only by debasing herself at every turn. The last three books have had multiple instances of Aphrodite saying what a terribad, awful person she was and how much she hates herself and is totally unworthy of anything. Aphrodite is one of the rare women who is allowed to be redeemed or considered redeemable like the men only by engaging in constant mea culpas and self-punishment which none of the men have had to endure. It’s also worth noting that when Aphrodite was terribad evil, she was sexual – she had sex. She even outright denounces her past sexual behaviour as a desperate need of control. Now she’s good? She’s chaste, because her relationship with Darius is “purer” than sex (because this book so loathes all things sexual). Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want Darius (a man in his mid-twenties) and Aphrodite (a 17-18 year old girl) to enter a sexual relationship (but then, him declaring his eternal bonded love to her is hardly better) but the contrast between evil sexual Aphrodite and good, chaste Aphrodite is gross and obvious.

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Profile Image for Cara.
20 reviews11 followers
March 6, 2010
This book was crap, just like the rest of the series. It was a watery filler unworthy of my time. I'll break down some of my biggest problems with the series as of now.

Damien and Jack -- they aren't a real gay couple. The Cast's have twisted them so outside of real people that it makes me cringe whenever I read them. Instead of being a real couple, they've become a cute puppy sideshow. It seems like they're constantly patting themselves on the back for having a gay couple without having to add things like emotions and problems, you know, the things the straight couples have to deal with.

Kramisha -- Oh my uck-fay. WHY?! I can't remember much about this book because reading it felt like sitting in the middle of a lake, treading water, but I feel the need to mention the ever racist Kramisha. She is the stereotypical black 'guurl' right down to the name. Kramisha? REALLY? Are you stupid or just racist? You'd think that a student at a school that's so fantastic would be able to make her literate! But no. She's black so she's dumb, right?

The Twins -- How many times do you have to point out that one of the girls are black and the other white? It's annoying. Seriously annoying. I feel like their characters have deteriorated over the series. They've turned into shallow harlots who live to shop and go goo-goo for boys. Together they are sort of rich, love to shop, and hate Aphrodite. But what are they on their own? Well, they're from different sides of the country, and they don't have the same color of skin... And nothing else. Does no one else feel like the whole Twin's thing was just a way to keep from having to form two different characters?

There is so much more wrong, but I need to stop before I get angry, but there is a lot more I can't stand about this book.

In the end, this book sucked, the characters sucked, and I'm not spending any more on the next series.
Profile Image for Courtney.
57 reviews
December 20, 2009
I loved this book! Oh! I'm going to miss Heath soooooooooo much! I absolutly loooooooooooooooooooooove Stark! And seriously it's about time she dumped Erik. I love Aphridite and Darius, they're prefect for each other. I understand Zoey's delema, but her loving Kalona is really upseting Stark which I'm not okay with so she really needs to snap out of it. Stevie Rae is getting old, I don't really like her character anymore. But this is currently my favorite series. I'm not sure how I feel about all the third person point of views but I know that I like it better from Zoey's, even though getting to hear from Aphridite was nice. Did anyone else notice all the typing errors? One of Zoey's parts were told from Zoey's thrid person point of view instead of her first person like the rest also. Maybe they were really trying for the deadline. I can't wait until Burned!
Profile Image for Charisse.
79 reviews41 followers
August 13, 2012

That's what I'm currently feeling right now. I can't barely breathe (literally) just how amazing and major cliffhanger-y this book ended. Just give me a minute to catch a breath. **takes a deep breath** **starts to relax** Ok, so may the review starts!

What I Love:

-The plot of the story.
The idea of Kalona, a sexy fallen angel who is currently the antagonist, once being Nyx's Warrior and Zoey being the reincarnation of A-aya (I hope I spelled it right) totally spiced up the story!

-The characters!
I really felt that they were all real, at my side with Aphrodite saying sarcastic bitchy remarks while at the same time flirting to Darius, Darius being polite and flirting back, Damien saying another wise things, The Twins complaining about Damien on his smartness, Jack busy petting Duchess, Erik acting like he was cold, Heath (I won't forget you! :'( ) trying to get Zoey's attention, Zoey busy stressing about some things and Stark convincing her to relax for awhile. **sighs** I wish I can be in their world.

-Writing style!
I love how words flow freely like a serene stream, rolling its way towards the river on a spring with flowers blooming, sun shining happily, birds chirping and frogs croaking. Also count bees busy buzzing and the fresh wind blowing around- a perfect peaceful scene I can imagine that'll surely always take my breath away. That is just how amazing P.C. and Kristin Cast wrote this!

-The title!
Tempted is totally the best word to describe the whole plot of this book. Zoey always feels tempted when Kalona is around for she was the reincarnation of a woman made specifically to love him. But I'm still glad that Zoey managed to overcome the temptation and still choose good over evil.

-The moments Zoey and Stark had! (Also the unusual love story of Stevie Rae and Rephaim and the forbidden love story of Darius and Aphrodite).
They're just so so so romantic! It never fails to make me squeal! And just remembering how heartbroken and despair Stark felt at the end for failing to protect Zoey just send excruciating pain in my heart.
Just like Zoey and Stark, Stevie Rae, Zoey's best friend also had an unusual beginning of a great forbidden love story! And that is with Kalona's favorite son and a Raven Mocker named Rephaim! I love their moments together! It is romantic too! Though I must say Zoey and Stark's moments are way better.
Can you imagine an adult vampire and an unique human with visions and a once fledgling can be together? This is proved by Darius and Aphrodite whose love strengthened than any other. And no, they're not like Bella and Edward. Darius and Aphrodite's love story is way more better than theirs. Anyway, theirs are so romantic too! But again, Zoey and Stark's love story is the best among the rest!

-The ending!
Oh goodness! This is my most favorite scene! When they were confronting Kalona, Kalona killing Heath, Heath crumpling to the ground lifeless, Zoey screaming "NO!" and attacked Kalona with her element, spirit; Zoey also crumpling to the ground near Heath, everyone rushing to her side, and finally Stark, her sworn Warrior, crying as he held her soulless body wishing to die for failing his mission to save his High Pritestess. **wipes tears** Truly beautiful! It happened so fast I don't even have time to blink nor to breathe! That's why I said earlier this made me feel breathless!

What I Dislike:

-There is a particular scene that's not appropriate to readers below 18.
Ok, to be specific I'll tell you what kind of scene, sexual harassment. There is this scene that Kalona touched Zoey while on her dream against her will, or maybe some part of her is against it. Goodness, this Zoey-being-the-reincarnation-of-Kalona's-lover is quite confusing! Anyway, so that's what I only dislike in here (if you don't count how major cliffhanger-y the epilogue is).


Over all, Tempted by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast is a truly amazing sixth installment for the House of Night series that'll surely leave every reader breathless and this feeling that'll make that particular reader to find time to read for the seventh book. And for this same reason, I'm giving this book five stars!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Madeleine.
143 reviews2 followers
December 29, 2009
TCL Call #: YA Cast P

Ok. So this is the 6th in the House of Night series and while I've been recommending these as light tweener-early teen reading I can't anymore. It's like the authors know they have a series going. If they just spend the first part of the book rehashing how the last one ended, fill the middle with useless and frankly inane teen hand wringing, they can end with one plot advancement that will make their readers pick up the next in the series.
I felt like I was reading a Dan Brown novel for tweens where nothing really happens and all the symbols and plot themes are gleaned off of other writers or historical events. Yawn.
So in this one the main vampire has just won a major battle against the lead bad guy (he's immortal but fallen - the Bible anyone?). Of course this means we spend the first third of the book discussing this battle and the what-ifs and can-you-believes. Yup. Then we go into the middle third where this main vampire has lusty dreams about the fallen immortal because it turns out in a previous life whe was his consort. Sigh. This is with her juggling her three current this-life boyfriends who are the hottest and all just want to be with her. The human jock who is fine with the other boys because he knows they are meant-to-be, the undead alternative vampire who just wants to protect her (and make out), and the vampire school hottie. So you see, the authors have covered all the bases so the geek teen reader can imagine being sooooooo desirable.
Oh - and toss in endless "Goddess be" bull-poopie (a word from the book!)because of course there's this vampire religion which is just Christianity flipped to have a female god. Ohhhh - the creativity!
'K so the final third of the book is the main vampire chick has to yet again confront the immortal but how will it end? How indeed. If they told you you would never pick up the next book would you?
Profile Image for James Tullos.
371 reviews1,640 followers
April 29, 2020
At one point while reading I realized that after this book I would only be halfway done and I considered giving up. Mama didn't raise no quitter.
Profile Image for Eevebooks.
507 reviews24 followers
November 7, 2023

Este es un libro que forma parte de la saga "La Casa de la Noche" como el sexto libro y si os soy sincera he sentido que la historia en sí ha empezado a mejorar un poco más en estas últimas entregas. Se nota que ya no se centran solo en los amoríos de la protagonista (que siguen estando aun así), sino que también vemos un poco el mundo que han creado y que empieza a verse más complejo y oscuro de lo que pensábamos.

La trama me ha gustado bastante y sorprendentemente me ha tenido bastante enganchada en varios momentos. El misterio que engloba todo se va volviendo más tétrico e interesante, de tal forma que se empiezan a desvelar secretos y desarrollarse situaciones que me han pillado por sorpresa. De hecho ese final me ha dejado impactada, porque aunque me esperaba algo malo, no creía que sería hasta tal punto. Creo que este libro es un punto y aparte en la saga y le da un aire mucho más oscuro y misterioso que tengo ganas de seguir sumergiéndome.

Los personajes me han empezado a gustar mucho más. Sí, hasta yo estoy sorprendida de decir esto pero así ha sido. No me esperaba para nada algunas evoluciones o que la trama tiraría por ciertos caminos y eso es lo que me ha hecho disfrutarlo más. El romance sigue estando presente, pero en esta ocasión no ha sido tan irritante como otras, quizá porque me he hecho a la idea de que Zoey es idiota y ya está o porque no ha sido tan exasperante esa parte en este libro, pero he podido tolerarlo mejor.

La pluma de las autoras me ha gustado un poco más en este libro, aunque sigo sintiendo que en general la narrativa es algo simple, sí que he sentido que le daban algo más de profundidad a las emociones que en los anteriores. He podido comprender mejor a otros personajes que en los otros libros me daban igual y eso me ha ayudado a conectar mejor con todos (menos con Zoey, pero ella es un caso perdido desde el primer libro).

Ahora os hablaré un poco de los personajes principales.

Por un lado tenemos a Zoey, nuestra protagonista femenina. Ella es una chica que ha podido vencer a Kalona y Neferet, pero no de forma definitiva. Los últimos sucesos han llenado de miedo su corazón, pues sabe que ellos volverán cuando menos lo esperen y han de prepararse para la guerra que volverá a avecinarse y que puede tener resultados fatales. Para colmo, ahora debe hacer frente a que Kalona se aparezca en sus sueños, aprovechando el vínculo que tiene de ella por la parte que tiene perteneciente a A-ya, la mujer que fue creada para vencerlo y enamorarlo. Sin embargo, no puede negar la atracción innegable que siente por él y eso hace que su lucha sea cada vez más difícil, especialmente cuando ese sentimiento compite con otros tres chicos que son su especie de novios con los que sigue sin saber muy bien qué siente exactamente por ellos. Y para rematar, su mejor amiga Stevie Rae le está ocultando cosas, secretos que quizá puedan complicar más las cosas entre ellas y para el mundo entero. ¿Podrá hacer frente a todo lo que está sucediendo y lo que está por venir?

Zoey es un personaje que sintiéndolo en el alma sigue sin ser de mi agrado y probablemente nunca vaya a serlo en este punto. Creo que tiene unas maneras de pensar muy preocupantes y estúpidas, que es una egoísta de mucho cuidado y que nada de lo que ha hecho me ha parecido de alguien con algo de lógica en la cabeza. Además, yo lo siento, pero es una victimista de cuidado. Cada vez que hace algo mal se escuda en cualquier tontería para hacer quedar mal a la otra persona. Por ejemplo lo de sus relaciones, uno de ellos se siente mal porque ella está con otros y Zoey tiene la poca vergüenza de indignarse porque, ay, la están estresando mucho cuando ella no sabe qué hacer. Pues chica, quédate sola hasta aclararte y punto, no es necesario que tengas a x novios detrás tuya y te aproveches de los sentimientos de todos ellos. Luego, otro punto que ya me tiene hasta las narices de ella y es que se enfada por ABSOLUTAMENTE TODO. Es irritante a unos niveles enfermizos, es que no puedo con ella de verdad. Da igual las veces que intenten hablar con ella de la forma más civilizada posible, ella SIEMPRE tiene que tener la razón porque es la guay del colegio y no hay más que hacerle. Si hubiera que darle un premio a la protagonista más desagradable, sin duda ella se lleva el premio gordo.

Y por otro lado tenemos al resto de personajes que tendrán más o menos relevancia en esta sexta entrega, pero como sus evoluciones tienen spoilers, os hablaré brevemente de todos ellos.

Aphrodite me ha caído mucho mejor en este libro si os soy sincera. Ya en el anterior empecé a reconciliarme en algunos momentos, pero es en este donde he podido leer algunos de sus pensamientos más ocultos donde he podido empatizar mejor con ella. Además, su relación con Darius me parece demasiado cuqui y tengo ganas de ver cómo va a seguir eso. Sí que es cierto que entre Stevie Rae y Zoey, ella es la que menos puntos de vista ha tenido, pero no por ello han sido menos relevante, todo lo contrario, me ha gustado estar un poco en su cabeza y ver lo que sentía y estoy deseando ver más.

Stevie Rae me ha encantado en este libro y creo que en parte es porque le dan mucho protagonismo a su papel en la historia. Ya iba siendo hora, tomando en cuenta que desde el principio se dejaba caer que era un personaje muy relevante para la trama y yo no veía dónde si apenas aparecía en las escenas. Ahora puedo entender por qué y me ha flipado su evolución y lo que puede dar de sí su nueva trama. Además que se han quedado muchos hilos abiertos que me han dejado intrigada y con mucha curiosidad de ver por dónde van a tirar las autoras ahora.

Damien y Jack siguen sin tener protagonismo excesivo, pues este se brinda a Zoey, a las otras dos chicas y a los chicos que van detrás de Zoey. Así que de ellos se ven momentos muy concretos donde se afirma lo mucho que se quieren y como Damien es la parte inteligente del grupo mientras que Jack es el más empático de todos y a la vez el más emocional. No puedo decir mucho más porque, eso, apenas sabes algo de ellos más allá de que son pareja y que están ahí para ofrecer su ayuda cuando el protagonismo del resto lo permite.

Erin y Shaunee tampoco no tienen mucha relevancia en este libro como en casi todos pero siguen siendo tal y como al inicio. Muy unidas y alocadas y vemos bastante bien como su carácter se une en los momentos más necesarios para aportar el toque cómico a la situación. A mí personalmente no me dicen nada como tal, pero porque en todos los libros siempre se han quedado en un punto muy secundario.

Erik aquí me ha dado hasta pena, no os voy a mentir, pero porque lo han pintado como el malo en todo el libro cuando realmente siento que su manera de ser (dejando a un lado la parte sobreactuada que le meten en este libro solo para redimir un poco las acciones que lleva teniendo Zoey de idiota en todo el libro), estaba muy justificada. Zoey le es infiel con todo el mundo y encima lo tachan a él como el culpable por sentir celos de que se acerque a uno de los tipos con los que le llegó a ser infiel o que se moleste con que haya otro chico por el que ella está confusa. Yo lo siento, pero este personaje me ha dado una lástima tremenda.

Heath me ha gustado un poco más en este punto del libro. Sí que es cierto que una de las cosas que no me gustaba de él es que siempre que aparece en escena es para meterse en medio y tener una falta de amor propio importante por la obsesión que tiene hacia Zoey. Sin embargo, aquí he podido ver un poco mejor el potencial de su personaje y hasta le he podido coger cariño a su manera de ser y de pensar.

Stark me ha encantado como en todos los libros desde que apareció. Siento que es el mejor chico por excelencia y al mismo tiempo el que menos se merece tener Zoey. Es que a ver, yo eso de ver que ella se está liando con todo el mundo y parece darle igual los sentimientos del resto hace que se me reafirme. Además, Stark es de los más compresivos de todos ellos, sin contar que las pocas veces que se queja, ella siempre lo cataloga como un celoso idiota cuando, chica, baja de tu nube y date cuenta de que tener un harem no es correcto cuando estás jugando con sentimientos ajenos. Así que sí, este chico es cada vez mejor personaje que antes y solo quiero su felicidad, sea como sea.

Y por último Kalona y Neferet que tienen mucho más peso en este libro por las circunstancias que se desarrollan en torno a ellos. El primero sigue tratando de llegar a Zoey y mostrarle una parte de sí mismo que es desconocida para todo el mundo salvo ella y Neferet sigue dispuesta a encontrar la forma de crear la guerra contra los humanos para así tener la libertad que todos ellos merecen. Esa donde los vampiros sean los superiores de ese mundo.

En resumen, "Tentada" es el sexto libro de una saga que empezó muy floja pero que ahora parece empezar a mejorar. No sabría deciros si va a ser así los siguientes libros, pero el nivel de este ha estado mucho mejor de lo que me esperaba y eso me ha sorprendido gratamente. La trama ha sido mucho mejor que los anteriores, en parte porque se enfoca más en la historia y el mundo y no tanto en los dramas amorosos de la protagonista. He podido ver un poco mejor toda la oscuridad que empieza a formarse en la historia del libro y eso me ha tenido con demasiadas ganas de ver a dónde puede llegar todo esto. Además que el final me ha pillado por sorpresa, ya que me esperaba algo malo evidentemente, pero no algo de ese calibre y ahora necesito saber más cuanto antes. Los personajes me han gustado mucho en esta sexta entrega. Sí, no os estoy mintiendo, me han gustado más de lo que esperaba porque he sentiod evoluciones que ya no me veía venir. Quizá ha sido gracias a no tener ningún tipo de expectativa ya con ellos, pero sea lo que sea ha ayudado a que disfrutase bastante de este libro y no pudiera apenas soltarlo por las ganas de descubrir más de lo que iba a suceder. La protagonista, en cambio, sigue en las mismas y de ahí no la van a sacar, para mí es de los peores personajes que he leído en mi vida. El romance sigue en las mismas, pero al menos no ha sido tan agotador como en los anteriores y ha estado menos presente. Eso sí, sigo con ganas de ver qué va a depararle a este punto ahora que ha sucedido tal acontecimiento en el final. La pluma de las autoras me ha empezado a gustar un poco más que en los inicios de la saga. Sí que es cierto que sigue sin ser la mejor que he leído, pero al menos ahora las emociones de los personajes se refleja mucho mejor que al principio, por no hablar de que la oscuridad que empieza a desarrollarse en el mundo ayuda a que la narrativa sea mucho más fluida e interesante.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews103 followers
March 29, 2020
Honestly these books sure are great to pass the time! They don’t really take much thinking (you don’t even have to remember the last book bc the author kinda repeats a lot of it).

This one was pretty good, I like how the plot is advancing and I’m ready to get into the next one as soon as I can!
Profile Image for Gemma.
68 reviews15 followers
December 3, 2009
When I first started reading the House of Night series, I held high hopes for it; it was funny and modern, and didn't take itself too seriously. Also, Zoey had yet to become the self obsessed, prattling nitwit she has become in Tempted, an unnecessarily dragged out filler for this series.

Alas, Zoey has become one of the most irritating characters in YA, and this series seems to be stuck in a rut. The narration has now split between characters, Stevie Rae taking on a much bigger role. (And I have to say, if it weren't for the strangely likeable country bumpkin that is Stevie Rae, I might not have been able to get through this way-too-long yarn.)
Seriously, I have never entertained more homicidal thoughts about a fictional character than I did while reading Zoey's thoughts about her unnecessarily complex and idiotic existence.
I mean, the majority of her problems are easily solvable if she actually LISTENED TO PEOPLE, and stopped dithering.
It's a shame really, since I actually used to kind of like her. This was before she started her harem of young and mostly empty headed hot guys who are, for some baffling reason, totally obsessed with our dull heroine.

This book left me with more questions than answers. It seemed to be a rehash of info we already had from the previous books; Kalona is evil, he and Neferet want to take over the world, Zoey is going to die in water (hopefully in the near future, though I doubt it), etc etc.
I think books in series should reward the reader with info at the end so that even if there are new questions, we still feel pretty satisfied and willing to read the next one.
What reaaally got me going however was the ending. Convenient or what? Zoe spends all of SIX BOOKS weeping and wailing about her guy troubles, and instead of growing some cojones and CHOOSING the author takes it out of her hands and lets Fate do a nice clean up job with her love life.
And the 'soul shattering' crap? Possibly the most melodramatic thing I've ever read. Honestly, it's getting ridiculous now. I'm not (however it looks) a picky reader at all, but I'm just fed up now.
And I have a sinking feeling that even though he murdered one of her lapdogs, she will STILL end up making out with Kalona in the next book. Because this is Zoey we're talking about, and she seems to have a dangerously low brain cell count. Sigh.

The only reason I'm buying the next one is for Stevie Rae. The thing with her and the bird dude is surprisingly compelling (BTW, is it just me or is anyone else creeped out by the fact he apparently has a beak? And feathers? Weird). I'm left wishing she would absorb some of my homicidal tendencies and bump off Zoey so we can have an interesting main character, finally.
And more on Aphrodite, please. She gets all the best lines, and I was disappointed she only got one chapter following her. I would read a whole book on the girl personally. =)

I also find it sad how characters I actually used to like have now either become depressingly one dimensional or just plain ignored.
What happened to Damien? The boy used to be hilarious. Now he's like a cardboard cut out who reels off word meanings occasionally and never believes anything Zoey says, even though that always leads to something bad happening.
Eric has also suffered, as it seems the authors just got bored with him and turned him into a total control freak jerk to save the trouble of actually explaining why he's like that. And Stark, who I was pretty fond of, instead of becoming a character who was independent and liked Zoey while retaining a personality, has now become Zoey's personal doormat and lives and breathes to protect her. Interesting.
And poor Heath. He's like a sad little puppy that's not quite all there, & loves it's owner regardless of the number of times it gets trampled on. But at least he was honest about being a lapdog to Zo, and didn't always do everything she wanted. I was starting to like him. So thanks again, dear authors.

So if you liked the others, by all means read Tempted. I just hope that the Casts get a great epiphany about this series and revamp it in a big way, or not even the lovable wiles of Stevie Rae will be enough to lure me back to this series. :)
Profile Image for Suzanne.
284 reviews29 followers
June 24, 2010
Ok, first of all, I need to get this off my chest.

Dear PC & Kristin Cast,

Congratulations! You have successfully managed to learn the word "reconnoitering" and use it properly in a sentence. That is quite an accomplishment, if of course you are capable of also learning how to use other words. I can lend you my dictionary if you want! It is chop full of all kinds of words so you don't have to use "reconnoitering" as the only extension of your vocabulary! Seriously, after seeing that word at least two dozen times that I can think of in this book alone, I have come to realize that you are a one trick pony, only capable of learning one big word and using it as often as possible to seem like you have some level of intelligence.

Ah…. It feels much better now that I have said that. Onto the actual review.

For some reason, I remember the first five House of Night books as being addicting, edge of my seat interesting. I know I was often annoyed by the constant recapping, but I thought the characters were good and the story line was strong. I am not sure if it is because I have read so many significantly better books in between the time I read the fifth and the sixth or if the quality of writing has just decreased that drastically, but the sixth House of Night was a complete disappointment. Regrettably, it appears as though the quality of writing has seriously decreased, and instead of PC & Kristin becoming better writers, they have regressed into writing their sixth book poorly.

It took too long for this story to actually develop into an interesting plot. We get it. Zoey is a slut and she can’t decide which boy toy she wants on her top shelf. However, Zoey juggling her man toys around is not interesting enough to be a plot in and of itself. Not to mention that Zoey has just faced way bigger challenges than multiple boyfriends and somehow came out with flying colors. You would think an experience like that would bring more maturity and depth to the characters; however Zoey is more immature than ever in this story.

In addition, dialogue should be some of the most interesting parts of a book, not something that is so juvenile that you have to really force yourself to not just skip over it.

I will read the next book, only because I have stuck this series out so far and I am inclined to find out what happens next. However, I won’t make the mistake of looking forward to it as I did this one, and therefore will not have to deal with the ridiculous disappointment that surely would follow.
Profile Image for Vivien Noelle.
112 reviews5 followers
October 5, 2021
"Ich hatte gehofft, die Zeit, wo er fremdging, wäre vorbei." (S. 120)
Wtf Zoey.
1. Du und Stark wart kein Paar, dazu war er besessen und gerade von den Toten auferstanden, aber naja
2. Wer pflegt immer drei Beziehungen gleichzeitig und macht währenddessen mit noch mindestens einem anderen rum?

"Und es macht mich krank, wie du mich mit jedem betrügst, der einen Schwanz hat. Geh doch zu Heath und Stark und Kalona! Was anderes als die hast du doch gar nicht verdient!" (S. 145)
Yes Erik, here we go. Spill those damn facts!

'Aber ich war es leid, mir Gedanken um Erik's Gefühle zu machen. Besitzergreifender Arsch! Und so ein verdammter Heuchler. Mich hatte er als Flittchen bezeichnet, aber es hatte keinen Tag gedauert, und schon war er mit einer anderen zusammen.' (S. 255)
Wow, wenigstens hat er keine 3 Mädchen parallel am Start. Warum sollte er sie auch als Flittchen bezeichnen, wenn sie nur mit 4 Typen knutscht und einen noch weiter ranlässt, während sie offiziell ein Paar sind? Und wann hat sie sich überhaupt mal wirklich für die Gefühle anderer interessiert, anstatt nur davon zu berichten, wie belastend es für sie ist, dass andere auch ein Leben außerhalb ihrer beschränkten Welt besitzen? Davon bekommt sie ja nur Kopfschmerzen ...

"Du gehst deine Beziehungen durchaus vernünftig an." (S. 267)
Wtf Grandma Redbird? Wohl genauso dumm und respektlos dem anderen Geschlecht gegenüber wie Zoey.

"Als du weg warst, war alles wunderbar. Kaum kommst du zurück, ist alles wieder im Arsch. Kannst du nicht einfach endgültig verschwinden und uns andere machen lassen, was uns gefällt?" (S. 350)
Yes Becca, gib Zoey das, was seit Buch 3 ungesagt im Raum steht.

Beccas Worte haben so ziemlich alle Empfindungen zusammengefasst, die ich zu diesem 6. Band aufbringen kann.

In der vorherigen Rezi habe ich mich schon genügend über die größten Störfaktoren aufgeregt, weswegen ich sie diesmal nicht wiederholen werde, zumal sich nichts an meiner Meinung geändert hat.

Was allerdings angenehm war, dass in diesem Teil der Reihe mehrere Perspektiven aufgenommen wurden und nicht ausschließlich Zoey's endlos nerviges Geschwafel im Mittelpunkt stand. Besonders die Distanzierung von ihr als Zentrum der Erde, war eine schöne Abwechslung.

Das Ende war überraschend befriedigend, auch wenn der Epilog das Ganze wieder runtergerissen hat. Dennoch war Kapitel 40 aus Heath's und Stark's Sicht das Beste in dieser Reihe und hat immerhin etwas Vergleichbares wie Spannung und Neugier auf den Folgeband suggeriert.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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