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The Palace of Rogues #6

How to Tame a Wild Rogue

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In USA Today bestselling author Julie Anne Long’s thrilling new romance in the Palace of Rogues series, an infamous privateer’s limits are put to the test when he’s trapped during a raging tempest with a prickly female at the Grand Palace on the Thames.

He clawed his way up from the gutters of St. Giles to the top of a shadowy empire. Feared and fearsome, battered and brilliant, nothing shocks Lorcan St. Leger—not even the discovery of an aristocratic woman escaping out a window near the London docks on the eve of the storm of the decade. They find shelter at a boarding house called the Grand Palace on the Thames—only to find greater dangers await inside.

Desperate, destitute, and jilted, Lady Daphne Worth knows the clock is ticking on her last chance to save herself and her an offer of a loveless marriage. But while the storm rages and roads flood, she and the rogue who rescued her must pose as husband and wife in order to share the only available suite.

Crackling enmity gives way to incendiary desire—and certain Lorcan is everything she never dreamed she’d wanted, but he can never be what she needs. But risk is child’s play to St. Leger. And if the stakes are a lifetime of loving and being loved by Daphne, he’ll move any mountain, confront any old nemesis, to turn “never” into forever.

384 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 25, 2023

About the author

Julie Anne Long

32 books2,703 followers
Well, where should I start? I've lived in San Francisco for more than a decade, usually with at least one cat. I won the school spelling bee when I was in 7th grade; the word that clinched it was 'ukulele.' I originally set out to be a rock star when I grew up (I had a Bono fixation, but who didn't?), and I have the guitars and the questionable wardrobe stuffed in the back of my closet to prove it.

But writing was always my first love.

I was editor of my elementary school paper (believe it or not, Mrs. Little's fifth grade class at Glenmoor Elementary did have one); my high school paper (along with my best high school bud, Cindy Jorgenson); and my college paper, where our long-suffering typesetter finally forced me to learn how to typeset because my articles were usually late (and thus I probably have him to thank for all the desktop publishing jobs that ensued over the years).

Won a couple of random awards along the way: the Bank of America English Award in High School (which basically just amounted to a fancy plaque saying that I was really, really good at English); and an award for best Sports Feature article in a College Newspaper (and anyone who knows me well understands how deeply ironic that is). I began my academic career as a Journalism major; I switched to Creative Writing, which was a more comfortable fit for my freewheeling imagination and overdeveloped sense of whimsy. I dreamed of being a novelist.

But most of us, I think, tend to take for granted the things that come easily to us. I loved writing and all indications were that I was pretty good at it, but I, thank you very much, wanted to be a rock star. Which turned out to be ever-so-slightly harder to do than writing. A lot more equipment was involved, that's for sure. Heavy things, with knobs. It also involved late nights, fetid, graffiti-sprayed practice rooms, gorgeous flakey boys, bizarre gigs, in-fighting—what's not to love?

But my dream of being a published writer never faded. When the charm (ahem) of playing to four people in a tiny club at midnight on a Wednesday finally wore thin, however, I realized I could incorporate all the best things about being in a band — namely, drama, passion, and men with unruly hair — into novels, while at the same time indulging my love of history and research.

So I wrote The Runaway Duke, sent it to a literary agent (see the story here), who sold it to Warner Books a few months after that...which made 2003 one of the most extraordinary, head-spinning years I've ever had.

Why romance? Well, like most people, I read across many genres, but I've been an avid romance reader since I got in trouble for sneaking a Rosemary Rogers novel out of my mom's nightstand drawer (I think it was Sweet Savage Love). Rosemary Rogers, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Laurie McBain...I cut my romance teeth on those ladies. And in general, I take a visceral sort of pleasure in creating a hero and a heroine, putting them through their emotional paces, and watching their relationship develop on the page. And of course, there's much to be said for the happy ending. :)

And why Regency Historicals? Well, for starters, I think we can blame Jane Austen. Her inimitable wit, compassion and vision brought the Regency vividly to life for generations of readers. If Jane Austen had written romances about Incas, for instance, I think, we'd have racks and racks of Inca romances in bookstores all over the country, and Warner Forever would be the Inca Romance line.

But I'm a history FREAK, in general. I read more history, to be perfectly honest, than fiction (when I have time to read!) these days. When we were little, my sister and I used to play "Littl

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 503 reviews
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
914 reviews1,619 followers
July 6, 2023
6 stars
I LOVED this. Truly one of the best recent historical romance releases I've read in a long time.

Julie has such a witty, clever, and whimsical writing style and such a skill for creating realistic, multifaceted characters. And the tension and longing in this book?! Off the charts.

Lorcan and Daphne meet under some odd circumstances. She's climbing out a window and he offers to catch her when she jumps. A great storm hitting the town means the two are forced to share a room under the pretense of husband and wife.

The daughter of a viscount and former pirate turned privateer.

And the use of "My wife!" by Lorcan with PERFECT timing and sincerity? Chefs kiss.

This was so charming, so romantic, and in my eyes perfectly executed. I adored it.

I received an ARC for review.
Profile Image for Lydia Wallace.
444 reviews76 followers
July 26, 2023
Julie Anne Long your series of books get better and better. The time flies by while you travel along with the characters in this book. I love historical romance novels. Julie Anne Long’s How to Tame a Wild Rogue is a moving, steamy, and entrancing romance. It features two vulnerable souls hungry for love and a sense of belonging. Despite coming from different walks of life, Lorcan and Daphne are united in their yearning to feel accepted, cherished, and loved. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Chloe Liese.
Author 18 books9,222 followers
June 28, 2023
Glorious prose. Achingly raw emotions, characters, and both relationship and individual growth arcs. Sensual, tender, bursting with luminous hope. I loved it.

Also, divinely deployed tropes: forced proximity, fake marriage, opposites attract deliciousness.

(Thank you, NetGalley & Avon for my gifted advance copy. All opinions are entirely my own!)
Profile Image for PlotTrysts.
914 reviews376 followers
July 28, 2023
This is book 6 in the Palace of Rogues series, and we have to say: we absolutely loved it. It has a pretty basic plot - almost novella-trope-level basic: Lorcan and Daphne encounter each other on the eve of one of the worst storms of the decade. They both try to take shelter in the Grand Palace on the Thames (Daphne saw The Rules and thought they were great; Lorcan thinks the place is still a brothel). When they arrive, there's Only One Room left - and they can't share it unless they're married. So, they pretend to be married. And then, over the next week or so, they realize that maybe they'd like to ACTUALLY be married.⁠

We said this is a basic plot, and it is. That said, Julie Anne Long knows exactly how much emotion you can get from the basics. In addition to the simple, strong love story between Daphne and Lorcan, we revisit ⁠some of our favorite characters. Long allows them to evolve beyond their HEA - when Delilah/Tristan and Angelique/Lucien appear, it's not just for a "happy couples weekend" cameo. Instead, their relationships with each other are shown under the stress of daily life. They are still very much in love, but they are also no longer in the honeymoon phase of their marriages.

But - back to Lorcan and Daphne. Their love story is so emotional that it feels like a slow burn, despite the fact that they only spend about a week in each other's company. They really see each other, and through their interactions we understand that they are truly well-suited. And Lorcan's final declaration of love!!! We swooned.

We could go on longer about the characters - how Tristan and Lorcan are perfect foils for each other (is Lorcan Tristan's evil twin?)... how Delilah and Angelique are two different archetypes that illuminate Daphne's fraught past... But really? We're just in love with this book.

44-Word Summaries:

Laine: Daphne is super lucky that the man she met in a dark alley was the good kind of pirate and the first person in her life pretty much ever to care about her wellbeing. Plus he's super hot, so it goes exactly as expected. ⁠

Meg: When the weather outside is frightful, and the fire is so delightful, pretend like you’re married so you can share the last suite in the boarding house. No, this isn’t a Christmas novel, the weather’s just terrible and Daphne and Lorcan share a room.⁠

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.
Profile Image for emtee .
207 reviews93 followers
May 13, 2024
4.5 stars

If I had to choose just one phrase to describe this book, it would be “comfort read.”

After having read and enjoyed book two, Angel in a Devil's Arms, and book 4, After Dark with the Duke, this book felt a little like coming home. It was a light, easy, low-angst read, with lots of smiles and laughs and warm fuzzy feels.

I was intrigued by the opening paragraph and pulled right into the story in the very first chapter.

Who is this dark, mysterious, dangerous man, walking the streets of London late at night, looking for shelter from an impending banshee of a storm? Who is this young woman, escaping from a window using makeshift rope made out of braided bedsheets, and what is she running from?

So even as she felt her every muscle contract against this man’s sheer sensory impact, she didn’t look away from him. And he was fearsome. His face had the stark drama of a landscape shaped by elemental forces, battering seas and brutal winds and the like. Shadows lurked in the little valleys beneath cheekbones hard and high as fortress walls. Black whiskers glinted on his box-cornered jaw. Thick, dark brows hung over deep-set eyes. A majestic nose presided over all of this. And a bright, white scar snaked like lightning from the corner of his eye to nearly his chin.

At this point, not even knowing yet that he’s a (former) pirate/privateer, I’m already half in lust. And then I fell madly in love with his character.

What I Loved

Lorcan - The latest addition to my book boyfriends shelf (which is high praise indeed) and such an amazing man. God I just love a man who feels deeply, and doesn’t run from or deny what’s in his heart no matter how unsettled he is feeling. Falling in love was something he had never experienced before, and instead of putting up walls or running away, he reveled in it.

The pure joy he felt while getting to know Daphne, the beautifully tender, romantic things he did for her, the wonder he experienced, his fierce need to protect her from pain, all made my heart sing. The last 25% of the book really hit me hard in the feels and I didn’t see it coming. When Lorcan stood outside Daphne’s door, speaking to her from the heart, I just about dissolved into a puddle.

Ah, and the gift of an orange…

He handed the curly peel to her, ceremoniously. She held it to her nose and inhaled with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes to find an interesting expression fleeing from his. “May I?” he asked. She handed the spirally peel over to him and he lifted it to his nose and breathed it in. She watched, riveted, and quite touched, as his eyes closed. This, too, felt like another gift. He placed the naked fruit on his handkerchief. “Would you like to . . .”

She separated it neatly into little segments, and he watched, silently. She handed one to him. “Cheers, Daphne. To your health.” He held out his segment so she could bump it with hers in a toast. She put it up to her lips. And oh, the heaven of it. The snap of the taut outer skin between her teeth. The squirt of the juice. The squish of the pulp.

She opened her eyes to find him watching her. He seemed absolutely riveted. Wordlessly, ceremoniously, they ate the whole thing. He honored her by going slowly, savoring it just the same way she’d savored it. As if he truly wanted to understand what she was experiencing. As if in so doing he’d accepted a gift from her, too.

Forced proximity - This is my HR jam so I was very happy that they were together for literally 95% of the book.

The chemistry - The chemistry between Daphne and Lorcan was palpable and I was so there for it. They were true opposites, but he saw her, and she him. That’s a powerful harbinger of connection and deep feeling.

Found family - Returning to the Grand Palace on the Thames felt a little like coming home. Dot and Mrs Pariseau, a new (interesting) footman named Pike, and lots of wonderful male bonding between Lorcan, Delacorte, Tristan and Lucien.

Last, but most definitely not least… the game of spillikins Daphne and Lorcan played, with a wager. If he won, a kiss. If she won, his gold earring. All I can say is I’d be down for a game of spillikins with him aaaany time.

I found everything I expected in this story; smiles and laughter, the joy of found family, chemistry…
And something I didn’t expect - a lovely portrayal of a man falling in love for the first time.

In his presence, unanticipated corners of her character seemed to be unfolding like a secret letter written long ago.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Avon Books, for the eARC. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,100 reviews1,832 followers
September 13, 2023
It was severely okay. Idk what’s wrong with me but literally I CANNOT connect to a Julie Anne Long book no matter how hard I try 😭 maybe it’s that damn hotel like I need her to end this series and start a new one bc the last few books I read are like 25% main couple and 75% other couples at that hotel/palace place.
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,154 reviews382 followers
July 21, 2023
I gobbled this one up in a day, which means it was good. It has everything this author has long delivered and why she remains one of my favorite HR authors: subtle, intelligent humor, lovely use of words or turns of phrase, passion and emotion, tugging on heartstrings.

So why isn't it 5 stars?

Vs. my fave works of hers and of other HR favorite authors, her recent series, The Palace of Rogues, has a lot less plot and movement and more character study. I do enjoy the character studies, but not to this extent necessarily. I also enjoy following the characters previously introduced, peeling their layers back as well, but at the same time, I'm happy to skip those sections.

I know this is advanced manuscript, unedited, so I'm not taking points off - but DO take a fine comb with the editing! There are sections that are repetitive, overuse of certain words, etc. And of course misspelling and typos.

Also, the author has a tendency to congratulate herself on her own writing (I reread my other reviews of this series and basically said the same thing on another book!). She's been doing this through the characters across these recent works, which I find... annoying. Wit is best appreciated when it's subtle and savored, not when you hit us over the head with how witty you just were!

And finally, I'm not a fan of the cover.

But my faith in this author is more or less restored after the last DNF I had. I might even go back to read it all the way through this time.

(but alas, after reading my review, I will not actually pick it back up)

Profile Image for busyreadingwithASD⋆.ೃ࿔*:・.
219 reviews75 followers
August 23, 2023
"We have a cat now?" 🥹🥹🥹

The first Julie Anne Long book I've ever read in its entirety, and wow, just wonderful.

*The only thing that kept this from being a 5-star was the bulky sections in chapters about other couples (I assume from previous books in this series). I understand bringing those relationships back into view, but it was just a bit much sometimes. However, it goes on the "favourite-historical-romance" shelf because I bought a physical copy of this and I haven't been able to stop thinking about this couple.*

This book was so solid. And huggable. To be completely honest, I haven't really read much of Julie Anne Long's books, since what I did read was usually confusing and I just couldn't keep up with it. But with this one! WOW!! I had it on Libby and I was waiting and waiting for it. I was first in line but it still wasn't available because someone was still borrowing it, so after a week and a half of checking constantly on its availability, I caved and purchased the ebook. Now I'm getting the physical copy too!! (the first Julie Anne Long book on my shelves), so there's that.

I knew from chapter one with all of the Will Turner vibes that this was going to be good. I love love love reading about heroes who hate the wealthy. And this one is a docker too. AND he has an earring. AND a scar across the entire half of his face. So, we're working with big pirate energy here. And then Daphne!! How adorable! How tender and sweet and smart and kind! She's wealthy and comes from everything that puts him in a poor social position, but she's so kind and he's so gone for her from the beginning. And he loves making her blush and frazzled because she's inexperienced, but then he hates himself for it because he knows that he shouldn't be chasing humour through her discomfort and UGH so good.

And when he pokes and pokes and POKES until she unknowingly reveals that her father and brothers have not taken care of her (EVER) and he's PISSED because he's like omigod nobody has taken care of you. IF YOU WERE MINE YOU WOULD BE LOOKED AFTER. I love a poke-the-bear fight in romance. I adore it.

THE STOCKINGS. IT WAS GIVING HELEN AND RHYS. HE FELT SO BADLY. SO DID SHE. And they're still in an argument just feeling badly for what they said/did to the other. It was absolutely wonderful. I loved how Julie Anne Long did that. Pining on a whole other level.

AND HE SAVES A CHILD FROM DROWNING IN THE FREEZING THAMES. And he just brushes it off because even if he had died saving the little boy, countless other men of his status have died in that water and so what makes him so special and oh my lord.

And then the SPILLIKIN game. Oh my god how he told her without even looking at her (in a casual voice, mind you) that he loves when a woman's nipples poke through the fabric of her chemise and she realizes that hers are. OH MY GOD.

Profile Image for book bruin.
1,343 reviews345 followers
June 24, 2023
4.5 stars

It's always wonderful to be back at the Grand Palace on the Thames! How to Tame a Wild Rogue started off with quite the epic meet cute/disaster and the sparks started flying immediately between Lorcan and Daphne. Their chemistry and banter was so good and the storm created the perfect forced proximity/fake marriage set up. It's a slower burn between these two, but I loved all the little ways they showed the other care and thoughtfulness (the sugar in the coffee and the orange *heart eyes*). Their struggles and concerns were understandable and I loved how they created this beautiful safe space for the other to just be. Lorcan's declaration at the end had me swooning and the epilogue was so satisfying. My Sagittarius heart was so full when I finished this one.

I loved seeing and getting updates on several of the characters from previous books and there's a particular scene with Mr. Delacorte that had me laughing so hard ("batten down the hatches")! I did feel that this took away from the main romance though and I do wish we would have gotten more time with Daphne and Lorcan. Although each book in the series can be read as a standalone, because of the abundance of cameos/POV shifts, I feel that this book would best be enjoyed after reading at least books 1 and 2. The interactions and moments between Tristan/Delilah and Lucien/Angelique will be much more meaningful. I'm hoping that little chapter of Dot and Mr. Pike means that we might someday see an enemies to lovers story for them too. This was a wonderful addition to the series and I can't wait to see who shows up next at the Grand Palace of the Thames!

CW: death of parent (past), financial insecurity due to parental gambling debts, emotionally manipulative/toxic parent, verbally abusive parent (past), history of/mentions of smuggling, MMC grew up in an orphanage/without housing or food security

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*
Profile Image for Jocelynereadsromance.
731 reviews39 followers
August 10, 2023
Julie Anne Long’s brilliance continues to shine through with this delightful and sensual edition to the Grand Palace on the Thames series. This series honestly gets better and better and you can see the control and craftsmanship in Long’s writing continue to blossom and enrich her worlds. This novel is charming, sexy, deliciously executed with grace. The characters shine, they are beautifully developed and fully realized, they are interesting and ones you want to root for. How to Tame a Wild Rogue is the sixth installment in this series and can easily be read as a stand-alone but holds true weigh when read in series order. Long artfully weaves together beloved characters throughout and history of the past novels gives those characters a stronger weight.

This novel is a fake marriage, forced proximity, slow burn, banter filled romance that thrives is the longing and tension that Long steady builds throughout. The romance truly shines and Long shows the reader she knows how to take you on an emotional journey while beautifully illustrating the joys and frustrations around falling in love. This novel is perfectly sensual and sexy, chemistry and heat sizzles on the pages while still making this a slow burn, but keeping you on your toes for the next touch or stolen kiss.

If you have not picked up a Julie Anne Long book you should definitely check her out. Each of her series is strong and you can see how her writing deepens and grows with each novel. How to Tame a Wild Rogue is definitely a must read for all and sure to charm any historical romance lover!

Thank you so much to Avon, NetGalley and Julie Anne Long for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for aarya.
1,510 reviews14 followers
May 17, 2023
2023 Spring Bingo (#SpringIntoLoveBingo🌷): Scandal

This is the best installment in the series and it's not even close. I've long been a fan of the found family and boardinghouse logistics in the series, even when I struggled with aspects of the romantic ship. I had no issues here — the relationship arc is genuinely romantic with no bullshit curveball ruining the climax. Lorcan is the perfect hero: sexy, scarred, kinda-criminal, thoughtful gift-giver, and capable of swoony romantic declarations. I legit screamed when we got to the spillikins wager (the second one! Both were memorable, but the second one made me cry). Making the MCs familiar to the boardinghouse owners (Delilah being childhood friends with Daphne, the men knowing Lorcan) added necessary wrinkles and secondary conflict that ultimately paid off at the end. In previous books, the Delilah/Angelique storylines felt disjointed from the main romance; that wasn't at all the case here. JAL is such a hit or miss for me; I'm so glad I had the former experience this time.

Sidenote: I don't understand why everyone kept calling Daphne (the unmarried daughter of a still-alive viscount called Lord Worth) "Lady Worth." Like... that's wrong, right? I can't think of a single situation where it makes sense to call her "Lady Worth." Her dad and brothers are alive! This isn't a Scottish title! Someone make sense of this, lol.

Disclaimer: I received a free e-ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,364 reviews1,026 followers
July 30, 2023

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨✨.5

First Impressions
How To Tame a Wild Rogue is the sixth installment in the "Palace of Rogues" series and I would say that the average rating on this one is completely justified. This is also my favorite of the series and I would even say that its my favorite of the author. Its definitely worthy of all the hype that is for sure. Now there are some slow moments at times, which is why its not a complete five star but it definitely came close to a five star despite some slower scenes at times. There is also so much deep emotion that is layered throughout the story that will really captivate the reader so dearly and oh my all the humor that is portrayed is *chefs kiss* perfection.

First Line
He'd been born on a night like this: the sky choked with black clouds, the wind banshee

The Main Protagonists
The Hero: Lorcan St. Leger
Privateer, Grew up in the rookery, leader of the underground, Orphan and has a rogueish personality

The Heroine: Daphne Worth
Working Class heroine, Spinster, keeps her family afload financially

In this installment, we have a set up where our heroine, Daphne, is escaping a bad situation by climbing out of a window with tied bedsheets like a rope. And when her life is threatened by a thief, then comes in her dashing rescuer, who is full of mystery and power.....Lorcan St. Leger. Lorcan is regarded as the King of the Thames. He takes her to the Palace of Rogues which is her destination, but when she finds herself facing a woman she once knew her her childhood home, she and Lorcan are forced to pose as a married couple or her reputation could risk. As they forced to live in the same area of rooms, they also are forced to pose as a loving couple outside of their rooms and are complete strangers inside their rooms. But bit by bit, they slowly start to learn and understand each other. But soon as they fake relationship starts to become more and more real, will they find their place and in their love?

What I Loved
There were so many elements of this story that instantly draw the reader into the story. For me, it was most definitely how this story starts. The author pulls you in with their first meeting and its such a swoony moment and I guarantee that you will get just as hooked as I did. We see how they banter and get along together and for the most part the angst in their relationship is minimal. I really enjoyed seeing them learn each other. It has its stumbling blocks at times, but seeing them work through their misunderstandings and find common ground was so delightful. And we get a focus a bit of some love languages as well. I really enjoyed the way that this is implemented here.

The way that this couple works together and build their chemistry was so adorable. And I absolutely loved the "orange" scene. Seeing the way that Lorcan and Daphne connect over the small simple pleasure is endearing. And their sexual chemistry, is off the charts. There are some of the most delicious kissing scenes that I have ever read. Julie Anne Long really wrote some magic when she was portraying their chemistry and it just feels so real off of the pages here. And there is bantering not only between our main couple but also between the other supporting cast of characters that really adds such charm and humor in all the right moments.

What I Struggled With
The only aspect to the story that I struggled with was that some of the pacing was a bit off in some moments. It's not super obvious, but it felt a bit slow at times.

Overall View
How to Tame a Wild Rogue is a poignant, soft emotion filled, with strong smexy vibes to it that only builds on the intimacy and beautiful touches that only this author conveys in such a beautiful way!

Favorite Quote(s)
Put those stars to use for something other than wishes. For showing them you can harness them to steer to a location. and master your destiny. You can do all sorts of calculations if the mood takes you. After a fashion, the whole universe is right there in your palm, Daphne.

This man is the heart of my heart, she wanted to tell him. An outrageously demanding, skilled lover who took my virginity and made me scream with pleasure, then cradled me in his arms as though I was a treasure. My rescuer. A peeker into my soul. This man is possessive and vulnerable and brutal and brilliant and funny and he's mine. He's mine...
To belong forever to the person who had introduced her to herself. Who loved her for herself. Who was oranges, black coffee, whiskey and sex personified. To be given this fierce, precious man to tend for the rest of her days. She'd endure all of it again--the broken heart and window escape, all of it---if it led to him. he gathered her gently in his arms, which was where she belonged, after all. They had felt like her true home from the moment she'd leaped into them. He kissed her like a man who knew he'd won the wager of a lifetime.

Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Historical Romance
Time Era and Setting: England, Victorian Era
Character Types: Rake/Rogue, Pirate, Workplace Heroine
Themes: Delicious Kisses, Laughs, London Underground, Love Language, Slow Burn
Tropes: Forced Proximity, Opposites Attract, Protector, Fake Relationship

Book Perspective
3rd POV

Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict
A bit of both

Song This Book Inspires
Rewrite the Stars by Zac Efron, Zendaya

Recommendation For Reading Order
You can read as standalones

Steam/Spice Explanations

Steamin' up the room -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes.

 photo Addicted To Romance Reviews 2_zpsplp8m0tb.png
355 reviews9 followers
March 3, 2024
I liked the MCs and how they got along so well for the benefit of both. I liked the stories of TGPOTT and its cartoonish guests and employees. And I especially liked the ending, when the MCs surrendered to their attraction.

I didn't really like the pace of the book; the story was rather squeezed in as there wasn't really a story, which made the book boring at times. I'm giving it a generous 4 because, compared to previous books in the series 😴😴, this one was better.
Profile Image for Niki (mustreadalltheromance).
1,174 reviews96 followers
August 15, 2023
After pulling himself out of the slums of St. Giles, Lorcan St. Leger has amassed a rather mysterious empire. He has used his brilliant mind to stay one step ahead of potential enemies and believes he’s seen enough now to not be shocked by anything. He’s not even fazed by the sight of an aristocratic lady escaping from a window near the London docks in the middle of one of the biggest storms to hit the city in years. They both seek shelter at the Grand Palace on the Thames, only to find that neither was prepared for what was inside.

Daphne Worth is desperate and running out of options. Her last chance to save herself and her family from her father’s gambling debts is the offer of a loveless marriage. The raging storm gives her time to contemplate her choices and get to know the roguish man who rescued her and is now posing as her fake husband during their stay at the Grand Palace, thereby enabling them to acquire the only available suite.

The tension between Lorcan and Daphne soon becomes something more than the initial enmity. Daphne soon realizes Lorcan is everything she wants in a man. He knows he can’t be what she needs, but he’s not afraid of taking risks, especially if the reward is a chance to love and be loved by Daphne forever.

I adored this book. It is an incredibly slow burn, but absolutely delicious for it. Long’s writing just drew me right into the story from the beginning and left me engrossed in a way I haven’t been for some time. She made it easy to visualize the scene as if I were a part of it. I loved how rough Lorcan was on the outside, yet soft and eager for love on the inside. Once he realized his feelings, he faced them bravely and made bold moves to seek his happily ever after with Daphne and his take charge attitude was just perfect here. These two were opposites in many ways, but fundamentally the same in that they each had doubts about their own worth and how deserving they were of their own happiness. They each helped the other see their own intrinsic value and I found that to be beautiful. I also adored the epilogue, as well as the snippets we got with other characters from the Grand Palace on the Thames. I adore this setting and hope the series continues on for some time yet.

This was a new favorite story for me and definitely one worth savoring. I can’t wait for the next Palace of Rogues story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Blog link: https://mustreadalltheromance.blogspo...
Profile Image for Avid Booker.
279 reviews55 followers
January 14, 2024
Uhm..... While I personally now think Julie Anne Long can write her ass off (good thing), it was TOO much of a group tale. These books SHOULD NOT be read as standalones, because they contain WAY TOO MUCH of the other books' characters. Like you HAVE TO CARE about the other characters for this book to be interesting and I just didn't give a fuck. At all. I skimmed every time the pov was not about our heroine and hero. And that was quite a few times.

Our hero, St. Leger reads differently than most men with his background in historicals. In a good way. He was much more gentler. A real supportive man. Like it was so endearing how much he cares and didn't mind showing that he cared.
Our heroine, Daphne, a girl with a martyr complex for her dumbass father. Her brothers get a pass because they were unaware but that dad does not. She was average, nice, nothing too memorable.

Their romance together was GREAT. The problem was we spent an equal amount of time on the OTHER characters! So freaking annoying. They had their own books! It was almost like the owners of the "Palace" were in a poly situation more than just besties. (I enjoyed that the men were close enough friends though that when their wives kicked them out, they could sleep in the same bed with no problem, that felt realistic to just friendship in general).

I don't think I'll be reading another Long book unfortunately. She's a fan of long series and if her other series are anything like this one, I'll be reading about the first couple forever and I dont want that.

I wont bother with quotes, but the oranges thing was so romantic and cute and one of the best things ever! If you'd like a spoiler just let me know and I'll tell you. Because I'm not sure if I'd read this book over that one cute thing, but it WAS utterly romantic. Like SUPER.
Profile Image for Missy.
926 reviews
September 29, 2023
I borrowed the audiobook from the library on September 20th but I wasn't excited to listen to it. I didn't begin until the 27th (yesterday). It was going okay until all these character names popped up in Chapter 2 or 3. I was so confused as to whom they were. Then I realized that they were the couples from the previous books. So this book doesn't stand alone. What was the plot of this book? Nothing exciting happened and before I knew it, I was at the 87% mark. It was a 5-hour audiobook, which I did not know at the time, but I welcome the pleasant surprise. I don't think I will continue the series, as the blurbs for the books do not interest me. The 2 stars were mostly for the wagering scene between the H and h.
Profile Image for guiltless pleasures.
385 reviews37 followers
July 17, 2024
First things first: THE PENCE ISSUE HAS BEEN FIXED! 🎉

So, I am not one to demand high angst/high plot in my romances, although I do enjoy both those things when done well. How to Tame a Wild Rogue has neither of those attributes, being gentle and character-driven, which I ALSO enjoy when done well. And this being Julie Anne Long, of course it is done well. That said, I wanted a LITTLE more in terms of goings-on, as well as more time with our main characters, who had chemistry to spare. Like, it almost set my Kindle alight.

We, and Lorcan St. Leger, first meet Daphne when she’s dangling out of a window trying to escape a lecherous employer. He, a pirate-turned-privateer, had just docked his ship due to an incoming storm, and they are forced to take refuge in the Grand Palace on the Thames. Naturally, they have to pretend they’re married in order to pass the rigorous entry exams by a) Dot and b) Delilah and Angelique. They’re placed in a suite in the annex and – dagnabbit – don’t have to share a bedroom, but believe me when I tell you that there is plenty of action in the shared sitting room.

And really, that’s kind of all that happens. But it’s OK! Because, as previously mentioned, this is JAL and she is a master of her craft.

Daphne is delightfully wry yet uptight at first, and the dark, massive, piratical yet emotionally intelligent Lorcan (he literally has a gold earring) is continually described as feral, which is catnip to me. There is an incredible first kiss and THE hottest game of spillikins ever committed to paper. Just, so hot. There are moments that made me howl with laughter (when Lorcan has to share a bed with Delacourt) and tear up (a result of another game of Spillikins).

I did love the tiff between Angelique and Delilah and their husbands at the beginning, because it’s nice to get a glimpse of a HEA that isn’t always H – but I do think there was a little too much about those couples and not quite enough about Daphne and Lorcan. As I mentioned above, I wanted a tidge more conflict, perhaps, but it took me a while to emerge from the afterglow of this one, so I’m going to give it a solid 4.25 stars.
Profile Image for i_hype_romance.
1,114 reviews47 followers
August 21, 2024
Brilliant. And oh. Currently pining after Lorcan St. Leger.

If you...
Root for heroines who are trying to figure out exactly who they are because they listened for so long to other people trying to shape who they are...
Like men who bring you oranges and know how you like your coffee...
Are intrigued by chance meetings that seem predestined...
Love the thought of a man who will give up his gold earring to keep you warm and dry...
Love a cast of endearing side characters and found family...


Daphne Worth was raised in the confines of polite society and strove to be the epitome of refined womanhood. And then her world came tumbling down around her ears because of her father's recklessness. She's in an impossible situation and she has to escape. But her only escape is thru a window, into a dark alley, on the night of an impending apocalyptic-like storm. She's dangling at the literal and figurative end of her rope when he comes to her rescue.

Lorcan St. Leger scrabbled his way to the top of the heap because of his wits. He's the kingpin of London's shady underworld, and he's amassed both a fortune and enviably loyal network of spies and informers. He rescues her from an ignominious, likely very painful, tumble from a window. He makes a commitment to see her safely to her destination.

That destination is The Palace of Rogues. A haven on the London docks that promises respite and relief. Little do they know that same destination will demand a reckoning of both their pasts.

It begins with a fake marriage, escalates to a sumptuous seduction, and ends with a grand gesture and declaration that will make you swoon into a puddle.

UPDATE - July 26, 2024
Reread via Hoopla audiobook and Eyre’s performance is brilliant.
Rating unchanged! It deserves 5 million stars.
Profile Image for Joanna Loves Reading.
609 reviews251 followers
August 1, 2023
Enjoyed this latest offering from JAL. This was a story with class differences and a fake marriage. It has excellent tension build and character development, which is typical of her books. It takes place almost entirely at the palace, so if you are tired of the location, this one will not be break from it. I wonder if this is where she plans to stay, because the possibilities seem endless, but I find myself wishing she’d return to Pennroyal Green or her contemporary series. However, if she will write it, I will read it.
Profile Image for shaira ✨.
472 reviews156 followers
Want to read
August 6, 2023
okkkk but let’s talk about how cunty this cover is 👅
Profile Image for BrandyD.
551 reviews75 followers
July 6, 2024
“I will love you as though we invented love.” 💕 swoooon
Profile Image for Barb in Maryland.
1,996 reviews161 followers
August 16, 2023
3.5 stars for this one.
I've had some hits and misses with this series. I finished this one, but found the main romance rather 'meh'. However, what kept me reading, were the developments in the lives of the various long-running characters.
I'll be around when the author presents the next book, hoping that it's a winner.
Profile Image for FV Angela.
1,385 reviews129 followers
July 31, 2023
Review originally posted at https://smexybooks.com/2023/07/review...

Ahhhh, I loved this book. So much. Apparently, I’m a sucker for morally grey, charming heroes, and competent yet emotionally bruised heroines in historical romance.

How to Tame a Wild Rogue, the latest installment in The Palace of Rogues series introduces Lady Daphne Worth, a woman fast running out of options, and Lorcan St. Leger a man who pulled himself out of the slums of St. Giles to become a powerful privateer, with a vast network of friends across all stations in life. This is a fake marriage, forced proximity romance that worked for me in almost every way.

This book starts with the hero coming upon the heroine dangling from a bedsheet outside a window as she’s trying to escape a bad situation. He’s intrigued, so he helps her and then later comes to her rescue yet again when she’s set upon by a thief. Trying to outrun a massive storm, they end up together at the door of The Grand Palace on the Thames, but the only issue is that there is ONLY ONE BEDROOM available. Also, Daphne knows one of the proprietors of the establishment, so they have to convincingly pretend to be husband and wife in order to gain admittance and secure the room for the duration.

She’s a woman, down on her luck, used to taking care of everyone and he’s a guy from the streets, who managed to overcome the odds to become wealthy and powerful. She’s a lady, and he’s a rogue, but over the course of the storm and in the confines of their suite those differences don’t matter. He gets her to realize that her family, especially her father, has emotionally used and gaslighted her for years, and she teaches him that love and security matter.

I absolutely loved the tender, quiet moments between this couple. He may be a rogue, with a morally grey background, but his emotional support of Daphne is unparalleled. He listens to her. He lends his strength when she needs it most. Daphne is resourceful and competent, but she’s been let down so many times in her life. I loved that she found someone who appreciated her just for herself and was willing to meet her halfway on all things. The sex scenes come later in the book, but that just lends tension to the relationship and had me clutching my Kindle more than ready for them to finally give in. And even though the relationship develops over a short span of time I completely believed in their dedication to and love for each other. The epilogue is well done, I was so very happy at seeing Lorcan and Daphne years from now, still overcome with joy at the other’s presence.

Alongside the main romance, readers get a glimpse into the current tensions between Delilah and Hardy, and Angelique and Bolt- also at the mercy of the current storm as their ship hasn’t come into the harbor and their financial stability is in question. Lorcan’s questionable background and his past relationship with Captain Hardy add to the angst. I think readers will enjoy the platonic bed-swapping and sexy make-ups.

This is such a fabulous series. I’m always ready for another trip to The Grand Palace on the Thames. This is yet another fantastic installment, and I highly recommend.

Final grade- A
Profile Image for rani.
88 reviews
September 1, 2023
“I will love you as though we invented love.”

the YEARNING in this book was immaculate🤌🤌 also for a fake marriage story, this was Super slow burn to the point i thought they wouldn't do it lol. overall i really love the couple, they had amazing chemistry, i just wished we see a lot more of them. there's several characters' pov that quite frankly, i don't care about, but well. 4 stars for daphne and lorcan❤️
Profile Image for Meghan.
572 reviews11 followers
March 31, 2024
Someone should have told me how good this book was! I would have read it sooner. Honestly, it’s on me bc I know how good Julie Anne Long books are.
Anyway, I now have a new book husband, Lorcan and we will be very happy together. He might be my first “pirate” book boyfriend/husband.
Lorcan comes to port on a very rainy day in London. He happens upon Daphne who is climbing out of a window. He helps her find The Grand Palace on the Thames but there is online one suite of rooms left so they have to pretend to be married. I love a fake marriage! I couldn’t put this book down! It’s officially my favorite in the series.
Profile Image for Anna.
299 reviews17 followers
March 4, 2023
Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for giving me a digital copy of "How to Tame a Wild Rogue" in exchange for an honest review.

Honestly, I loved it.

The story begins with our heroine Daphne, Lady Worth fashioning a rope ala bedsheet and leaving by a bedroom window, intent on escaping a handsy employer. Hero Lorcan St. Leger happens to be walking by and does not hesitate to assist her when her escape does not go as planned. They coincidentally are heading to the same boarding house to escape the Storm of the Decade and end up posing as a married couple because the only room available is a suite.

The forced proximity trope works its magic and over the course of the storm, they form an honest and intense bond. While I'm not always a fan of relationships developing over a short time span, it works this time. He helps her to confront the emotional grift her father has been pulling on her for years; she inspires him to seek permanence and comfort after a long, rough, sometimes violent life.

This book features a B plot of sorts, in that in addition to the main romance, we also see how a stressful financial situation is affecting the Happily Ever Afters of Delilah and Angelique, the boarding house's proprietresses. In true Long fashion, this situation is resolved with authentic and thorough emotional consideration. Also in true Long fashion, it involves humor and platonic bed-sharing that makes me chuckle, just thinking of it. (Oh, Delacorte!)

The entire Palace of Rogues series is delightful. The characters are charming and appealing, even when struggling with the challenges life throws at them. Over the length of the series, many of these characters have become dear and familiar friends, so one eagerly awaits what Dot and Delacorte will be up to. They live up their comedic responsibilities once again.

I have been a fan of Ms. Long for a long time. I turn to her books when I'm looking for stories that combine deep emotional development with heady sensual appeal and a heavy dash of humor. This installment is my favorite book in the series, although Captain Hardy from the first book will always be my favorite Rogue.
Profile Image for Eleanor Lynn.
142 reviews9 followers
May 13, 2023
Oh how the cover of this book is absolutely everything. I mean the earring? The thigh grab? The hair? The EVERYTHING!

The book itself? It wasn't my favorite. I liked the premise of the book, but I didn't fall in love with it.

I really loved Daphne as a character. Her growth and her personality were great. Not necessarily a typical historical romance heroine (or at least in my reading), which made me enjoy her. She grew up way too fast and took on way more than she should have. Her rationale for life is completely reasonable.

Lorcan was also fabulous on his own. I'm always down for a story with the MMC making a name for himself. I especially loved that it was through smuggling. I mean the earring. That whole thing, I just yeah. It was a thing for me. Will not get over it.

I loved the soft moments between the Daphne and Lorcan. The build up in their story was great. The mornings, the presents, and all those in-between moments were perfection.

However, there was a lack of chemistry between the characters that made the romance fall flat. I needed more moments of emotion from both and it was not in this book. When they finally .... I was like, really? Why? Because there wasn't that pining build up that I sooo needed between them.

More communication in general would have been great!

Additionally, there was way too much of the book given to characters from earlier novels in the series. Look I love the characters, but it truly took away from the main romance in the book. Honestly, erasing those storylines would have allowed for SO much more focus on the emotional build up and the pining between Daphne and Lorcan.

Long story short I enjoyed the book. Would I recommend it? Probably for those who have read this series and maybe for other historical romance lovers, but that's about it. It's good, just not a favorite.
Profile Image for Dagmar.
280 reviews43 followers
August 2, 2023
Everyone's favourite new book! I, like so many others, eagerly anticipated this latest edition to the Palace of Rogues series. An absolute page turner. Loved it so much! Lorcan and Daphne are my favourite new HR couple. Exquisite, romantic, descriptive, clever, captivating writing...as always😁
Profile Image for dina.
20 reviews
November 27, 2023
The story is entertaining but there were far too many secondary scenes with characters from previous books (which I have not read). It came to the point where I felt like the main couple weren’t really the main characters, so I wasn’t able to connect with either of them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 503 reviews

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