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Ravens in the Library: Magic in the Bard's Name

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A Limited Edition Collection of Stories and Art dedicated to the health of S.J. Tucker

Featuring Tales by:
Nathan Ballingrud
Ari Berk
Holly Black
Francesca Lia Block
Phil Brucato
Storm Constantine
Charles de Lint
Ben Dobyns
Alexandra Duncan
Jaymi Elford
Neil Gaiman
Laurell K. Hamilton
Alexandra Elizabeth Honigsberg
Elizabeth Jordan Leggett
Shira Lipkin
Angel Leigh McCoy
Seanan McGuire
Kris Millering
Maria Nutick
Midori Snyder
S.J. Tucker
Carrie Vaughn
Catherynne M. Valente
Terri Windling
Erzebet YellowBoy

With Art and Illustrations by:
Jenny Anckorn
Theodore Black
Amy Brown
Echo Chernik
Heather Keith Freeman
Julia Jeffrey
Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
Wendy Lyon Martin
James A. Owen
Brian Syme
Chelsea Wright

Edited by:
Phil Brucato & Sandra Buskirk

Graphic Design by:
Sherry Lynne Baker

370 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2009

About the author

Phil Brucato

65 books43 followers

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Satyros Brucato.
95 reviews7 followers
January 2, 2011
My proudest hour. This book was collected when our best friend, the musician SJ Tucker, landed in the hospital with a serious and expensive illness. Within less than three months, my partner Sandra Buskirk, our graphic artist Sherry Lynn Baker, and a host of top-name and VERY generous authors and artists put together this limited-edition benefit anthology. It was one the craziest periods of my life, and I thank everyone involved for its existence. PS: American "health care" is an ugly joke. MORE AND BETTER REFORM NOW, DAMMIT!
342 reviews7 followers
January 31, 2011
Ravens in the Library was a thick book of very short stories that were mostly thick, dense, filling stories, each with its own wild flavor. Despite my usual swift habit for book consumption, I simply could not get through Ravens at any particular speed. It reminded me of an intellectual box of truffles. Two or three stories were plenty enough at one sitting, thanks. I would bite into one without knowing what the center (ending) was going to be, and I was happy not to know. It was all a grand gustatory adventure through stories that were not dedicated to happily ever after sweetness nearly so much as gaining a new understanding of the nuances of humanity. Most of the time I was at least interested in the flavors; only one or two were horrific enough to leave me shuddering after. I can tell you that some of the authors are powerhouses (Gaiman, De Lint, Constantine), and just as many were totally unknown to me. The last three entries were all on the Peter Pan theme, which might have been boring were they not all so unique from each other.

In short, it was good. If you are at all interested in the intersections and overlays of music, storytelling, bardic influences, or anything that lurks in the dark wood, READ IT.
Profile Image for Izlinda.
597 reviews12 followers
May 3, 2009
It's almost 4AM here. Too tired to write a more robust review. I really liked this collection of short stories and I have a few I liked more than the others, but no story really stank. I'm glad to contribute to helping Sooj pay for her medical bills. I love her soundtracks for three of Catherynne M. Valente's stories.
Profile Image for Jennifer Brozek.
Author 156 books123 followers
June 7, 2009
Fabulous. All of the stories are good. Some are stellar. Seanan McGuire's "Lost" made me cry in a good way.
Profile Image for Aimée.
Author 5 books7 followers
September 15, 2022
Eine Anthologie, die ultraspontan von befreundeten Künstler*innen und Autor*innen zusammengestellt wurde, um die Krankenhausrechnungen der unglaublich putzigen Musikerin S. J. Tucker bezahlen zu können. Es sind so viele geile Namen vertreten, dass ich sie unbedingt haben musste. Das Line-up:

Preface by Sandra Buskirk • interior artwork by Amy Brown

Introduction: Voices, Magic, and Change • essay by Phil Brucato

Ravens in the Library • poem by S. J. Tucker • interior artwork by James A. Owen

Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire • short story by Neil Gaiman • interior artwork by Bryan Syme

Eine irre Geschichte über einen Autor, dessen eigener Schreibstil ihn sehr frustriert. Ein irrer Twist, für den man ein bisschen Geduld braucht.

Out of the Box • short fiction by Ben Dobyns • interior artwork by Heather Keith Freeman

Eine herrlich abstruse Geschichte über eine Elfjährige, die eine englische Lady sein möchte und somit unverzüglich einen Ehemann braucht.

Missing Limb • short fiction by Ari Berk • interior artwork by Julia Jeffrey

Was passiert, wenn man das Gartentor öffnet und sich im Wald verirrt... wunderschön!

Ten for the Devil • novelette by Charles de Lint • interior artwork by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Eine lange Kurzgeschichte über die Macht der Genügsamkeit und die Magie der Musik.

You Go Where It Takes You • short story by Nathan Ballingrud • interior artwork by Theo Black

Erst gar kein Fantasy, dann ein sehr seltsames Ende. Weird.

Mercury • short fiction by Elizabeth Jordan Leggett • interior artwork by Echo Chernik

Ein Kurzkrimi. Hauptperson: Ein Auto.

1977 • short story by Carrie Vaughn • interior artwork by Heather Keith Freeman

Eine absolut abgedrehte Story von einem Zukunftsmensch, der alles über Disco erfahren möchte - aus erster Hand.

Ice • short story by Francesca Lia Block • interior artwork by Theo Black

Eine Reinterpretation der Eiskönigin von einer Frau, die auf lange Stream-of-Consciousness-Sätze steht. Lyrisch.

Kinderkochen • short fiction by Alexandra Duncan • interior artwork by Julia Jeffrey

Neu-Interpretation von Hänsel & Gretel. Gruselig.

Heartless • short story by Holly Black • interior artwork by Theo Black

Eine Geschichte über Mut und Tapferkeit.

King of Crows • short story by Midori Snyder • interior artwork by Jenny Anckorn

Ein Mann verliebt sich in die Prinzessin der Krähen. Um ihr Herz zu gewinnen, geht er eine unmögliche Wette ein. Taschentücher bereithalten!

The Ballad of the Sinister Mr. Mouth • short story by Catherynne M. Valente • interior artwork by James A. Owen

Eine Geschichte, die verstörend viel bietet: Matrosen, die Papageien vergewaltigen, Papageien-Menschen, unaussprechliche Operationen und eine einsame Insel in der Südsee...

A Tithe for the Piper • short fiction by Erzebet YellowBoy • interior artwork by Echo Chernik

Die Kreaturen des Waldes versammeln sich, um dem Pan Gaben vorzubringen. Unsere Protagonistin hat einen besonderen Plan...

Creature of the Wood • poem by Alexander James Adams & Daughter of the Glade • poem by S. J. Tucker • interior artwork by Bryan Syme

Zwei zueinander passende Gedichte über die Kreaturen des Waldes.

Built on Blood • short fiction by Storm Constantine • interior artwork by Bryan Syme

Seltsame Geschichte über einen Karneval in einer apokalyptischen Zukunftsvision.

Fortune • short story by Shira Lipkin • interior artwork by Jenny Anckorn

Eine wundervolle Geschichte über die Macht der Hoffnung. Man reiche mir ein Taschentuch.

Pipsqueak • short story by Angel Leigh McCoy • interior artwork by Amy Brown

Ein Mädchen versucht, mit Hilfe von nach "Sandman" benannten Pixies, auf der Straße zu überleben. Abenteuerlich.

Ravenous • short story by Phil Brucato • interior artwork by Bryan Syme

Ein Mädchen gründet mit ihrer imaginären Freundin eine Band. Spannend.

In His Own Image • short fiction by Alexandra Elizabeth Honigsberg • interior artwork by Heather Keith Freeman

Ein Mann muss sich zwischen seiner Berufung als Instrumentenbauer und seiner Familie entscheiden. Anstrengend, vor allem, wenn man keine Ahnung von all den zitierten Stücken hat.

Of Mouse, and Music • short fiction by Kris Millering • interior artwork by Theodore Black

Beginnt mit vielen Namen, wird dann aber unglaublich putzig - Mischung aus "Doom Patrol" und "Doctor Who".

A Thin Line, Between • short fiction by Jaymi Elford • interior artwork by Chelsea Wright

Die vorige Geschichte konnte mit Niedlichkeit das Namenschaos aufwerten, aber die repetitive Beschreibung in dieser Geschichte konnten nicht überzeugen. Abgebrochen.

The Color of Angels • novelette by Terri Windling • interior artwork by Jenny Anckorn

Künstlerin sucht in abgelegener Hütte nach Inspiration. So langer deprimierender Auftakt, dass wir sie nach der Hälfte abgebrochen haben.

A Lust of Cupids • short story by Laurell K. Hamilton • interior artwork by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Irre Geschichte, in der Cupidos Unverheiratete über 30 terrorisieren. Witzig!

The Substance of Things Hoped For • short fiction by Mia Nutick • interior artwork by W. Lyon Martin

Und nochmal: Magische Wesen sind nicht niedlich - wie die grafische Geburt eines Wesens beweist. Urgs.

The Wendy Trilogy • poem by S. J. Tucker • interior artwork by Amy Brown

Ich vermute mal, das war die Vorlage zu Seanan McGuires Lied "Wicked Girls", wenn auch erheblich länger - über all die bösen Mädchen, die auf Abenteuern verloren gingen...

Lost • short story by Seanan McGuire • interior artwork by Julia Jeffrey

Kinder auf der ganzen Welt fangen an, nachts den Mond anzustarren. Schließlich singen sie alle dasselbe Lied und verschwinden schließlich spurlos aus ihren Betten. Ein abgedrehter Mix aus "Letzte Staffel Torchwood" und "Peter Pan".

Fazit: Ich wusste ja vorher, wie viele großartige Autor*innen in dieser Anthologie versammelt sein würden, aber dass mir so oft die Tränen kommen würden, damit habe ich nicht gerechnet. Wundervolle Texte, absolut großartig. Leider war das, wie gesagt, eine einmalige Auflage um Krankenhausrechnungen zu bezahlen und daher ist sie nur noch antiquarisch erhältlich. Dennoch war sie die Jagd wert und ich freue mich, dieses Sammlerstück zu besitzen.
Profile Image for Maeve Stone.
113 reviews2 followers
September 5, 2019
Many excellent short stories. I especially liked the stories by Neil Gaiman, Teri Windling, Angel Leigh McCoy, Alexandra Elizabeth Honigsberg, Laurell K. Hamilton, Charles de Lint, & Carrie Vaughn.

I'm disappointed that Alexandra Elizabeth Honigsberg doesn't have any novels to read. I really want to read more of her work. She has work in another short story book. I'm glad to see Angel Leigh McCoy has several novels for me to read. I gave it 4 stars because there were a few stories I didn't care for. This book is worth reading.
Profile Image for .keli..
34 reviews3 followers
June 10, 2014
I just received this book in the mail, and I cannot wait to read it. WHY? Because my beautiful friend Jaymi Elford has a story in it! Along with Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint and a plethora of other authors. This book was put together to help with medical bills for a performer, S.J. Tucker (Sooj), and how cool is it that Jaymi has a story in it?!

Congratulations, Jaymi!

ETA: I've started reading this one, and so far love all the stories. Because it's a collection of short stories, it waits on my desk for me to take actual lunch breaks -away- from my computer. (It's going to be a while before I finish this one)
Profile Image for Nicole Bunge.
254 reviews17 followers
March 30, 2009
Go here. Buy it. $25.

I happen to be on SatyrPhil's LJ.
I added it to the website (can't believe I am the 1st one.)
It's only available for a limited time. They're already almost out of the first print run.

So far I've just read the Neil Gaiman and Holly Black stories. But come on! Midori Snyder, Charles de Lint, Terri Windling, Storm Constine, Laurell K. Hamilton, Francesca Lia Block...
is good.
Profile Image for Steven.
Author 40 books172 followers
December 6, 2010
While there were a few stories that just didn't speak to me, this anthology (on the whole) is quite good. As usual, the de Lint and Gaiman stories were my favorite of the bunch, but other standout authors/stories (IMO) were Terry Windling, Shira Lipkin, Angel Leigh McCoy, SatyrPhil Brucato, Alexandra Elizabeth Honigsberg and Laurel K Hamilton. It definitely makes me want to pick up a Sooj Tucker CD and hear the vocals to go with some of her lyrics.

2010 Reread--Even more excellent than I remembered. Recommended (if you can find it).
Profile Image for Omly.
205 reviews4 followers
June 9, 2011
2 years ago SJ Tucker was the musical guest of honor at Arisia, a local science fiction convention in the Boston area. I had already been a fan of her work so I was very happy to pick up a copy of this benefit book.

There are so many talented authors that contributed to this work. Although I am not generally a huge fan of short stories, I did enjoy the chance to read a bit by some authors in the community I was less familiar with in addition to some of the bigger names.
Profile Image for Kat Heatherington.
Author 5 books29 followers
December 21, 2010
i'm not sure if i'm done reading this or not; i have certainly put it down. some of the stories are interesting, but very few so far are memorable for me. it takes a lot for a short story to really get my attention -- there is just not enough time for real character development before the thing is over. the artwork is beautiful, and if you like short stories, this seems to me like a good collection, spanning a range of styles and topics, in the theme of magic.
Profile Image for Misha.
49 reviews
August 19, 2009
Ravens in the Library is an excellent collection of stories by Laurell K. Hamilton, Seanan McGuire, Neil Gaiman, and several others. I look forward to opening its magic again and again. Created as a fundraiser for bard extraordinaire S.J. Tucker, the anthology just goes to show that fairy tales with happy endings still happen.
Profile Image for Diana.
31 reviews
January 15, 2013
Overall I loved it. There were a few stories, while still good, that weren't to my particular taste, but the collection brought together over ten authors I'm very fond of. I will say one thing about an individual story though: "Lost" by Seanan McGuire made me break down into tears. Even if I didn't love plenty of the other stories, it would have been worth it to me for "Lost" alone.
Profile Image for Bridgett.
656 reviews130 followers
April 9, 2009
I really liked this collection. All the stories seemed to fit together. My favorites were "Ice" by Francesca Lia Block and "Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire" by Neil Gaiman and "Fortune" by an author I didn't know of, Shira Lipkin.
Profile Image for Jen.
697 reviews12 followers
April 8, 2009
This is a charming collection of magical stories, poems, and illustrations. It's a wonderful read. I recommend picking up a copy of it while it's still available.
Profile Image for Anna.
28 reviews
June 24, 2011
Great book. Some really interesting and different short stories and endings.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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