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The last volume of the fabulously popular A Series of Unfortunate Events series, in which the history of the Baudelaire orphans is brought to its end.

You are presumably looking at the back of this book, or the end of the end. The end of the end is the best place to begin the end, because if you read the end from the beginning of the beginning of the end to the end of the end of the end, you will arrive at the end of the end of your rope.

This book is the last in A Series of Unfortunate Events, and even if you braved the previous twelve volumes, you probably can't stand such unpleasantries as a fearsome storm, a suspicious beverage, a herd of wild sheep, an enormous bird cage, and a truly haunting secret about the Baudelaire parents.

It has been my solemn occupation to complete the history of the Baudelaire orphans, and at last I am finished. You likely have some other occupation, so if I were you I would drop this book at once, so the end does not finish you.

With all due respect,

Lemony Snicket

353 pages, Hardcover

First published October 13, 2006

About the author

Lemony Snicket

166 books25.5k followers
Lemony Snicket had an unusual education and a perplexing youth and now endures a despondent adulthood. His previous published works include the thirteen volumes in A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Composer is Dead, and 13 Words. His new series is All The Wrong Questions.

For A Series of Unfortunate Events:

For All The Wrong Questions:

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Profile Image for Federico DN.
752 reviews2,680 followers
March 25, 2023
Cordial SADNESS.

After leaving Hotel Denouement and every single character from the past behind, the morally gray Baudelaires travel to Olaf-Land; a remote isolated island in the middle of the oceans; during their stay they meet Ishmael, the unquestionable leader of the place, and many other passive villagers stranded on the island. Away from everyone and everything, the orphans start living a peaceful life for once in their miserable lives, and they befriend Friday, a lovely young islander. A brief respite of uneventfulness takes place; until King Olaf breaks free from his prison cage and...

End of the line. No more questions, except for all the ones that were left unanswered. VFD means Volunteers Fire Department, period. Yet it may also mean Vaporetto of Favorite Detritus, among many other things. And the sugar bowl; well, what sugar bowl? Life doesn't have all the answers, and we have to live with it. LOVED Friday, a tender soul bent on protecting the orphans and helping them adjust to their new life on the island. I have MIXED feeling regarding Ishmael, a deceitful facilitator that hides many secrets and never *forces* anyone to do anything, specially about rocking the boat. HATED Olaf, a totally convincing pregnant villain The flawed Baudelaire orphans still noble enough, always with the best intentions in their hearts; although not always making the right decisions, especially regarding taking sides in schisms, and many other things.

This sequel was sometimes dull, yet also quite entertaining and full packed in several occasions, especially during the middle and end. I thought I was going to read a Hitchhikers ending here, so I’m sincerely happy being gravely mistaken. The ending was not the best, yet not the worst either. Disappointed with never getting my long awaited answers, sure, but I’ll learn to live with it. We don’t always get all the answers we want, but we can always imagine them. It was marvelous reaching a final conclusion to this extensive series of unfortunate events. The orphans ever strong and reaching some kind of *closure* to all their misfortune, especially with Beatrice. An open ending for sure, but all things considered. a fairly welcomed one.

Godspeed people. And like Lemony warns ever so often, if you want a happy ending, better pick another book!

Still remaining, the movie (2004) and the series (2017).

Oh btw, calamity strikes again.

[2006] [357p] [Children’s] [Recommendable] [Baudelaire Castaways] [Life has no answers] [I'm strangely proud of never having mentioned Mr. Poe in any previous review, not even once] [You would think after thirteen reviews I would've run out of ways of saying 'calamity strikes again', but you would be wrong] [Never forget the Baudelaire orphans and their strength to overcome any misfortune <3] [Long live the Quagmires <3] [Beatrice Snicket <3]

★★★★☆ 1. The Bad Beginning [3.5]
★★★★☆ 2. The Reptile Room [3.5]
★★★☆☆ 3. The Wide Window
★★☆☆☆ 4. The Miserable Mill [2,5]
★★★★★ 5. The Austere Academy [4.5]
★★★☆☆ 6. The Ersatz Elevator
★★★★★ 7. The Vile Village
★☆☆☆☆ 8. The Hostile Hospital
★★★☆☆ 9. The Carnivorous Carnival [3.5]
★★★☆☆ 10. The Slippery Slope [3.5]
★★★★☆ 11. The Grim Grotto
★★★☆☆ 12. The Penultimate Peril [3.5]
★★★★☆ 13. The End
★★★★☆ 14. The Complete Wreck



Después de dejar el Hotel Desenlace y a casi todos los personajes del pasado atrás, los moralmente grises Baudelaire viajan a Olaf-Landia; una remota isla aislada en el medio del océano; durante su estadía conocen a Ishmael, el incuestionable líder del lugar, y muchos otros pasivos aldeanos varados en la isla. Alejados de todos y de todo, los huérfanos empiezan a vivir pacíficamente por primera vez en sus miserables vidas, y traban amistad con Viernes, una amorosa joven aldeana. Un breve respiro de tranquilidad sin sobresaltos tiene lugar; hasta que el Rey Olaf escapa de su jaula de prisión y...

Final de la línea. No más preguntas, excepto por todas aquellas que nunca fueron respondidas. VFD significa Voluntarios Departamento contra Fuegos, punto. Aunque también puede significar muchas otras cosas. Y el cuenco de azúcar; bueno, ¿qué cuenco de azúcar? La vida no tiene todas las respuestas, y hay que vivir con ello. AME a Viernes, una alma amable inclinada en proteger a los huérfanos y ayudarlos a ajustarse a su nueva vida en la isla. Tengo sentimientos MIXTOS respecto a Ishmael, un facilitador engañoso que esconde muchos secretos y que nunca *fuerza* a nadie a hacer nada, especialmente sobre sacudir el bote. ODIE a Olaf, un totalmente convincente villano embarazado Los imperfectos huérfanos Baudelaire todavía suficientemente nobles, siempre con la mejor intención en sus corazones; aunque no siempre tomando las decisiones correctas, especialmente respecto a tomar lado en cismas, entre otras muchas cosas.

Esta secuela fue a veces tediosa, pero a su vez entretenida y cargada de acción en varias ocasiones, especialmente durante la mitad y final. Creía que iba a leer un final de tipo Hitchhikers, así que sinceramente feliz de haberme equivocado gravemente. El final no fue el mejor, pero tampoco el peor. Decepcionado con nunca haber obtenido mis tan esperadas respuestas, seguro, pero voy a aprender a vivir con ello. No siempre obtenemos todas las respuestas que queremos, pero siempre podemos imaginarlas. Fue maravilloso alcanzar una conclusión final a esta extensiva serie de eventos desafortunados. Los huérfanos siempre fuertes y alcanzando una especie de *cierre* a toda su larga desventura, especialmente con Beatriz. Un final abierto a claras, pero consideradas todas las opciones, una justamente bienvenida.

Buena fortuna gente. Y como Lemony advierte tan frecuentemente, si quieren un final feliz, ¡mejor escojan otro libro!

Todavía pendiente, la película (2004) y la serie (2017).

Ah por cierto, la calamidad golpea otra vez.

[2006] [357p] [Libro para Niños] [Recomendable] [Náufragos Baudelaire] [La vida no tiene respuertas] [Estoy extrañamente orgulloso de nunca haber nombrado al Sr. Poe en ninguna reseña anterior, ni una sóla vez] [Uno pensaría que después de trece reseñas se me agotarían las formas de decir 'la calamidad golpea otra vez', pero estarías equivocado] [Nunca olvidar los huérfanos Baudelaire y su fortaleza para sobreponerse a cualquier infortunio <3] [Larga vida a los Quagmire <3] [Beatrice Snicket <3]

Profile Image for Nic.
1,679 reviews73 followers
July 5, 2009
Okay, rant time.

I've spent the last few weeks reading this series from beginning to end. I have been certainly entertained by the language, intrigued by the story-outside-the-story, as it were, and concerned for the Baudelaires. The series has been so grim that, on occasion, I had to take breaks from it because it was honestly starting to get me down.

But, obviously, I persevered. I had numerous questions and, as I do when I feel my entertainment has been in the hands of a good writer, trusted the author to answer them. Instead, I got the following:

1. The theme of this book is that stories are extensive and all-encompassing, and you cannot know everything, and histories and connections go on and on and on so that it is impossible to know where anything starts or ends.

2. In case you readers didn't get it, let's hold up the action and exposition again to explain how you can't possibly know everything. (Yes, of course I am used to Snicket holding up the action for longwinded and usually humorous asides. These were exceedingly longwinded, not especially humorous, painfully repetitive, and did not hold up exposition so much as replace it - as in "but that question can't be answered, because you just can't know every part of a story.")

One of the things that bothered me the most was the unanswered question of why Snicket is documenting the Baudelaires' lives - particularly if he's going to just stop when he does. It's as if he gets bored or something. He's obviously put himself through a lot to research what happened to them - more than it seems the general research purposes of VFD would call for.

Kit's death seemed kind of contrived and unnecessary. And I liked Kit, which makes it that much worse.

I take real issue with the last chapter, too. Not only is it really, really obvious that he's trying to avoid naming the baby to readers until the last moment, but I think he cheated with regards to the whole Beatrice story. Here's the thing: It's very cool if you can write a mystery to which readers don't guess the answer, yet the answer makes sense when you think about it. It's okay if you write a mystery (or surprise) which readers guess because it just makes so much sense (tangentially, this is kind of how I felt about J.K. Rowling's "Snape loved Lily" bombshell - lots of people guessed it, and for a reason). What's not cool is if you obscure the answer - or keep people from guessing it - by placing evidence which says that's not the answer and which is then never cleared up. Here's the problem I had: Twice, in front of the children, Esmé says that Beatrice stole from her. Once, she even says it to the kids. Up until then, I'd guessed that Beatrice was their mother, but when they had no reaction to her name, I figured it wasn't possible. By the end of The End, I'd guessed it had to be her, as nothing else made sense and the baby's name was pretty darn obvious. Still, it seems unfair to make characters act out of character in order to obscure the answer. It would be as if J.K. Rowling had heard by Book 5 that people were guessing about Snape's motives, so she stuck in a line in Book 6 where Dumbledore said "You know that Snape's only true love was some Slytherin girl, right?" so that readers would go "Oh, I guess we were wrong about him and Lily."

Also: The end of this book is, I think, unreasonably grim, even for the series. "Well, the world sure is a bad place. Got to get out there into it anyway." My problem is that yes, the Baudelaires' world is a terrible place, but not in a way that relates to the real world. The villains are everywhere, and the good people are unspeakably stupid, easily-tricked sheep. The orphans are, comparatively, like genius alien lifeforms, because they are allowed to be introspective and to have more than one character trait, although barely. Pretty much all of the other characters act like very simply programmed artificial intelligence: like the captain in The Grim Grotto, most have one trait, motto, or idea, or sometimes two (ex. their aunt in the second book has love of grammar plus fear of everything else) from which they are incapable of deviating. And they believe anything anyone tells them (see "stupid, easily-tricked sheep"). Of course their world is grim! It's a place where townsfolk want to burn children at the stake because they believe that a baby broke into a jail and murdered an adult with her teeth!

(As an aside, it is interesting the way the people of Snicket's world see children as capable of pretty much anything adults are, yet somehow inferior. They don't mind bossing them around or saying they should be seen and not heard, but still expect them to be able to do adult jobs starting at infancy. And of course, the children in the book are very capable, especially Sunny.)

Of course, the world of these books does not try to be all that realistic, in psychology or in physics. Still, considering the way that some of the themes apply to real life, and the way that Snicket sometimes makes astute observations about real feelings and situations, I guess I expected the conclusion to be more real-world applicable. I can respect the idea of "It's a big, scary world out there, but you can't hide from it forever; you've got to take that apple from the serpent" (cute, Snicket) "and get out there and live." However, what we get instead is "It's a big, horrible, murderous world out there, full of villains and good people who let you down, but for unclear reasons you've got to get out and live in it anyway."

To round off my rant, some other questions I wanted answered:

1. What happened to the Quagmires?! What the heck, besides a big freaking blunt-edged metaphor, was that question mark thing?

2. Did Count Olaf set the fire that burned down the Baudelaire mansion, or not?! If he didn't, who did?

3. Were the Baudelaire parents connected to Olaf's parents' deaths? How? Why? And what was up with his moment of indecision in The Penultimate Peril? The books keep hinting at his having done noble things once, but never explain! Maddening!

4. What was the VFD schism about? VFD, after being really important for about seven books, drops right out of the picture in this one.

5. S.U.G.A.R. B.O.W.L. ?!?!?

6. What was the untrue article in the Daily Punctilio (I assume the "poorly-edited newspaper" was in fact that one) that made Beatrice marry Mr. Baudelaire instead of Mr. Snicket?

Basically, instead of answering these, Snicket seems to thumb his nose and say "This book's theme is unanswered questions and stories that consist of more than you can ever know!" But that's not fair. You can't do something that really, really doesn't work for your story, then go "But it's my theeeeeeme!" I feel betrayed by the author in whose work I've invested quite a bit of reading time and some emotional commitment. I think it's especially frustrating because Snicket, as narrator, often speaks directly to the readers, and there are lots of issues that he, as a character, clearly could answer, but does not. (Like number 4, above. And probably 2. And quite possibly 3.)

I realize that the answers to some of my questions probably lie in the supplemental books. I truly believe the series ought to stand alone - and certainly a book with a name like The End ought to answer questions that were raised during the story. Will I read the supplemental books? Probably, just for closure and out of curiosity. But under heavy protest, and I'm not sure I'll ever recommend this series to anyone - certainly not without serious qualifications.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Barb.
503 reviews45 followers
July 21, 2007
This book INFURIATED me! What a lazy author. Taking us down the garden path through 12 books and then ending the series without really completing the story. As a children's librarian, I no longer recommend this series to kids. I hate to see them as disappointed as I was at this really stupid final book. Shame on you, Mr. Snicket!! You took the chicken's way out. Next time, have an idea of where you expect the series to go before you start it. Truly shameful.
Profile Image for emma.
2,253 reviews74.5k followers
September 10, 2020
Endings are truly the worst part of human existence.

This is saying a lot, because "human existence" is a category that contains things like "stepping in water when you have socks on" and "bad haircuts" and other excruciatingly painful experiences.

But endings are the worst ones of all. And endings of long, unique series of books that happen to be your very favorites are especially heinous. (Dun-dun.)

I know a lot of people hate this book, and thus I am currently living out my curse of having unpopular opinions but on the more positive side, because I love it very much.

It doesn't contain many answers. The end of the end of The End is ambiguous and melancholy. People die and people cry and people are cruel and unjust.

But isn't that LIFE?

Bottom line: This, like everything else in this series, is painful and funny and wonderfully, truthfully real.

The end.


well, now i am sad.

send thoughts & prayers.

review to come / 5 stars who am i kidding


please tell lemony snicket that i would prefer if this series went on forever and i never had to finish it, even in reread. endings are sad and i've decided to never be sad. thanks
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author 89 books54.2k followers
January 14, 2024
May I steal the lyrics from the eponymous Door's song?

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

The important thing to recognise here is that in a continued move to the meta that Patrick Rothfuss might admire (and even have studied) this is a story about stories.

In order that we not forget this fact/theme (a theme that, incidentally, is probably far too old/advanced for any reader of this series who didn't grow old reading it as it came out) Lemony provides us with essentially no answers to any of the many questions posed in the series.

That's right. You won't for example . Or be presented with the solution to many other puzzles teased throughout the series.

The big reveal is that the books may have stopped ... but the story doesn't. And that when the books started ... that wasn't the start of the story. We've just been afforded a view through a moving window and now the curtains are closing again.

That's not to say that interesting/amusing things don't happen, or that the bizarre altered-reality of the books doesn't saunter on in its usual style. The entire population of an island survive on drinking an alcoholic beverage and never touch water. Trained sheep drag any useful flotsam and jetsam to the far side of the island where nobody ever goes (though they all firmly believe it's an island...)

Count Olaf shines in this book. I particularly love the way he commits to his disguise despite everyone seeing through it. Also how he names the island Olaf-land and is dedicated to being acknowledged as its king.

The story addresses issues of leadership, group dynamics, rebellion etc ... some of it gets quite tedious if I'm honest, but knowing it's the last book gives a following wind that carries you on.

In the last section there are some moments which, by virtue of having spent 13 books in the company of the characters, can't help but be touching - and are.

The main problem for me is, having read all 13 of these books aloud to my disabled daughter, and having developed the perfect Count Olaf voice ... what the hell do I do with it now?

In conclusion I would say that this is an enjoyable series of books for children of a certain age and that if at any point you feel you've had enough of reading them ... just stop there...

All this aside - here is my answer to the following question, posed on this site as an "author question"

Who is your all time favorite villain of the fantasy genre?

- I'll have to go for Count Olaf. Having read all 13 books of the Series of Unfortunate Events to my daughter recently, I have developed the perfect Count Olaf voice and that, I feel, helps me understand the man.

The great thing about Count Olaf is how unabashedly 'all about me' he is. From his outrage on discovering that the thing he'd kicked a hole in was a bag of flour not a baby - "I've been tricked!" - to his indefatigable sense of entitlement - shipwrecked on an inhabited island he names it Olafland and declares himself king.

Olaf is the triumph of wrong over right, cunning over intelligence. Olaf understands the power of the lowest common denominator and employs that base mathematics of stupidity to triumph (almost) time and again.

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Profile Image for k.wing.
721 reviews25 followers
January 11, 2008
Like life and college, this book leaves you with more questions than answers. However, there is a satisfaction in knowing one cannot possibly know all the answers to all of the questions in the world, and neither can the Baudelaires. This book is particularly suitable for adults who have experienced rotten childhoods and need the confirmation of gaining what he/she missed hearing: you might never know the answer.

I am very sad this series is over, but in my head, the Baudelaires are still alive and kickin', with the new addition. I also leave this book with an unexpected, serious but not eerie, crush on both Brett Helquist and Daniel Handler. Combined.

More thoughts. At work today, it was one of my favorite student's last day for tutoring. I was extremely sad to see him go for some reason. He was one of the most difficult students I have ever had, and yet I was so sad to see him leave. I was there throughout his fits and his triumphs, and I had thought many nights about how I could help him learn and help cultivate a love for learning within him. I realized that through the journey, I was just wanting to get the day over with, especially when he was difficult. But when the end came, and only a few questions/hopes were answered, I realized I would miss him very much - and I would never get to see 'the end result'.

Just like these books. I zoomed through the books, hoping the next one would lead to more answers, when really I see how I should've simply enjoyed the ride. Now that these books are over, and Snicket has made an ultimate point of truth, I see my error and failing in not enjoying each book's creativity and connectiveness. I think the whole point of these books was that, in seemingly the most difficult circumstances, there are no answers to the ever-encompassing question "Why?" And I feel foolish, now when the books are over, that I did not spend more time enjoying the journey rather than thinking of the end result, when I should've known due to life experience that all of my questions would probably not be answered.

And this is also why A Series of Unfortunate Events is a brilliant, deep, sorrowful, and satisfying group of stories. My only advice for people who are about to read these books would be to enjoy the ride, and enjoy them as if there were no end in sight.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nicole.
684 reviews15.9k followers
September 26, 2021
Jak na 13 tomów to mało pytań zyskało odpowiedzi.
Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
June 14, 2020
The End is the final installment of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I’ve read and reviewed each book, and I have to admit this was my least favorite of all. If you plan to read this series, it may be best for you to skip my book review.

At the end of the previous book, the Baudelaire orphans are leaving the burning Hotel Denouement along with Count Olaf, in a boat. They arrive on a strange island, home to an entire community of people, and they’re welcomed by a girl named Friday. Here they discover more secrets and continue looking for answers about their parents. After a mishap with Count Olaf, the orphans must deal with the venomous Medusiod Mycelium again in order to save the island.

Going into this book I had high expectations, which was obviously a huge mistake. After all this time through every book, I’d hoped there would some sort of resolve for the Baudelaires, and maybe some readers feel that there is, but I wasn’t pleased with the ending. Hints were given along the way that meant nothing. There are still many questions in my head that are unanswered too. With that said, there were a few things that I liked, including some returning characters, and of course the demise of one specific character.

This installment wasn’t comical at all; in fact, it was probably the most serious of them all. The Baudelaires have come a long way, overcoming so much tragedy, and I think that’s the biggest take away from this series in the end. Not only that, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love the bond between these kids and the way they support one another. I’ve always appreciated the strong message of family, the importance of good morals, and the themes of overcoming, courage, good versus evil, and hope.

I’ll never be sorry I read this series because we did enjoy it (my kids especially). In the end, we don’t always get the answers we’re looking for, but even so...I just wish this last book added a little more information about other characters and had a more pleasing end.


You can also see this review @www.readrantrockandroll.com
Profile Image for Scott.
695 reviews119 followers
May 7, 2007
Oy, how annoying!

Twelve books! TWELVE books posing question after question and mystery after mystery with twists and intrigue and all that for what? Not answers, that's for damn sure.

This book didn't tie anything together. The sugar bowl. The poison darts. The Schism. All dismissed in some silly existentialist philosophical conclusion about unanswered questions and the Great Unknown. Not cool.

It was a little bit thought-provoking, I guess, but come on! If I wanted thought-provoking, I'd have read a thought-provoking book. The first 12 books in this series were light, fun entertainment and I loved them. To suddenly turn that all around into some awkward, half-ass Philosophy 101 lesson is bad form.

So I'm a little pissed, as many people are. It was like he couldn't think of a clever way to answer his own questions. Lame and lame.
Profile Image for Bern.
192 reviews
April 19, 2013
The End is a very strange book because although it serves as the Baudelaire orphans's beautiful swan song, it also makes you reflect on the on the state of the world and where your life fits within it. I don't mean in a existentialist way, such as "Who am I?", "What am I doing here?" or "Why is there a person disguised as a bush standing on my rug?", but rather in a way that The End wasn't about answering all the questions and mysteries set in the previous unfortunate events to take place in the Baudelaires' lives.
The End was about how three intelligent, resourceful, and reasonably attractive orphans survived all sorts of misadventures and had their fair share of misfortune bestowed upon them. The End is about how although the world is ripe with villainy, grief, and parsley soda, it is also filled with love and companionship, and that regardless of how many unfortunate events life may throw your way, there will always be someone there to hold your hand and temporarily make you forget about all the darkness outside.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
277 reviews884 followers
May 1, 2020
I'm sorry, what?

What was the point of the previous twelve books? I understand the whole idea that it's a series of unfortunate events, so it can't really end happily, but the story just ended in the middle of nowhere with no answers to anything. The Quagmires? The sugarbowl? VFD? The whole thing just seems really pointless now.
Profile Image for Ruben.
104 reviews54 followers
October 21, 2007
Well. Snicket himself told me that no book can truly contain the end of a story, although it may describe the end of a person. I finished this book on October 13, 2007, exactly one year after it was released. It was not as funny or exciting as the last few books in the series, but it might be more allegorical than all the rest. It had heaps of literary allusions, only a few of which I managed to catch-- Robinson Crusoe, Moby Dick, the Bible... To sum it all up, the biggest "problem" with this book is that it leaves many things unresolved. It's not that surprising, I guess, but it's still not fully satisfying.

Even though I didn't laugh as much, I did say "Oh!" more times than in any of the previous volumes. I don't know if there's an actual O!Scale, but this would rate highly on it. One part I need to share with you is what LS says about happiness that has really stuck with me ever since I read it. He writes that happiness is probably an acquired taste, like coconut cordial or ceviche (or a root beer float), in that the more happiness you have, the less you enjoy it, where as suffering is the opposite: the more you have, the stronger it gets. This is one of the most profound things I've read recently. It even explains things like divorce and taxes.

I cannot say that "The End" is not a fitting end to the series--it bookends a sense of mystery and mysfortune--but it does not end our desire to know what happens in the lives of Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire.
Profile Image for Leah Craig.
119 reviews74 followers
January 17, 2019
"...letting their tears run down their faces and into the sea, which some have said is nothing but a library of all tears in history."

The. End.

I have so many more questions than I have answers, but I think it's actually not going to drive me crazy. I love this series and it's vague, eerie, surreal tone. There's so much beautiful character development throughout the series that I didn't pick up as a child and I'm so, so glad I did this reread. The struggle with their moral compass is so real and relevant for a children's book, and I plan to pass this book series down to all the quirky, precocious kids I know.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
July 30, 2019
The End (A Series of Unfortunate Events #13), Lemony Snicket
The End is the thirteenth and final novel in the children's novel series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. The book was released on October 13, 2006. The book begins with the Baudelaire orphans and Count Olaf on a boat heading away from the Hotel Denouement (which is on fire). After a storm, the Baudelaires arrive and are welcomed on an island by a young girl named Friday. Count Olaf, however, is not welcomed due to his snobby attitude and death threat to Friday. Later, the pregnant Kit Snicket and a friendly snake known as the "Incredibly deadly Viper" (which first appeared in The Reptile Room) are shipwrecked on the island. Count Olaf disguises himself as Kit, but for the first time in the series, Olaf's disguise fools nobody, and the Islanders, led by a man called Ishmael, capture him and shun the Baudelaires for their possessing forbidden items. ...
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و هشتم ماه آوریل سال 2011 میلادی
عنوان: پایان؛ نویسنده: لمونی اسنیکت؛ تصویرگر: برت هلکوئیست‏‫؛ مترجم: رضا دهقان؛ تهران: انتشارات ماهی، ‏‫‏1387؛ در 263 ص، مصور؛ فروست: مجموعه ماجراهای بچه‌ های بدشانس‏‫؛ کتاب سیزدهم‬؛ شابک: 9789649971858؛ چاپ دوم زمستان 1387؛ چاپ سوم 1388؛ چاپ چهارم 1390؛ چاپ پنجم 1393؛ چاپ ششم 1396؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان امریکایی - سده 21 م
عنوان: پایان؛ نویسنده: لمونی اسنیکت؛ مترجم: فرزانه کریمی؛ تهران، قدیانی، 1395؛ در 288 ص؛ فروست: ماجراهای ناگوار، 13، شابک: 9789645361707؛
پایان داستان بودلرها، و رفتنشان به جزیره ای بی نام و نشان است. در حالیکه «کنت الاف» میمیرد، «کیت اسنیکت» باردار هم بچه‌ ای به دنیا می‌آورد، ولی در حین زایمان، جان خود را از دست میدهد. بودلرها بچه را بزرگ میکنند، و نامش را همنام مادر خود «بئاتریس» میگذارند. و ...؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for ☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚.
911 reviews472 followers
September 9, 2019
“The end of THE END is the best place to begin THE END, because if you read THE END from the beginning of the beginning of THE END to the end of the end of THE END, you will arrive at the end.”

*Please note that this review (but not the rating) is intended as a conclusive overview of the whole series*

After reading thirteen books in a series, you can't help but feeling a little sad when you close the last one. Indeed, these novels were a fun read, and I am glad I decided to pick them up. Of course, my liking of them had ups and downs; but the fact I went through all 13 of them, must mean something, right? :)

This is one of the funniest author I ever read; his childish humour reminded me of one of my favourite childhood reads, Roald Dhal. The absurd, the inversion, the comically big words: some of the sentences in this series had me laughing out loud, and I am a full-grown woman 😂. The fact that the books were all fairly short, kept me going even if some of them were not completely of my liking. In general, I will say I enjoyed the first half more, while the second half of the series, the last four books in particular, were a little dull in my opinion. I felt like the pattern of the first books, even if somewhat repetitive, was keeping the series together, and the plot of the last ones was a little dull and less interesting. I also blame the lack of new interesting characters, which make a good chunk of the enjoyment with their comic and absurd personality, and were fewer and fewer towards the end.

In a word, I found this series anticlimatic. This doesn't mean I wasn't completely satisfied with the very end, but I would have skipped the first part of this last book completely, and probably even the penultimate one. In any case, I will always have a positive memory of this whole story, and after watching and loving the movie, I will soon watch the series to see if I like that as well. All things considered, I would rate this series as a whole 3.5 stars. I am sure I would have enjoyed it even more if I had read it when I was a kid.

Profile Image for lauren ❀.
320 reviews685 followers
April 19, 2018
I don’t even know what to say. After reading the last book I reevaluated all my ratings for this series because I realized I was a little harsh. I was planning on doing a full series review but now I don’t think I can. I only read this series because it was short and I needed to read it last year to catch up on my reading challenge but now I’ve realized I’m glad I read it. It’s very different and unique. Everything that happened was tragic and that’s what sets it apart. The series was a little repetitive at the beginning but it got better later on. The ending was crazy and I can’t believe it ended this way. I loved how Daniel Handler used Lemony Snicket as a pen name. Its hard to explain but Lemony Snicket was an actual character in the story and was the narrator. The writing style was different and unique which I really liked. I am so excited for the TV show which comes out in a few days!!!!!!!!

Sorry that this review is short and useless
Profile Image for Amy.
Author 1 book22 followers
May 31, 2013
NOTE: Spoiler alert! (Thanks to Tommy for letting me know)

Mediocre and disappointing. For the most part, The Series of Unfortunate Events provides a good set of light reading. Repetitive phrasing, stark imagery and clever descriptions of words gives them the definitive feel of children's books while the plots and dialogues are adequately entertaining for adults. Though the character development is certainly a little thin, the reader still finds themselves deeply attached to Sunny, Violet and Claus and therefore ready to read on to find out their fate.

The End was disappointing because the end was no end at all. Of course most novels "end" with the characters continuing on without us - the readers - but "The End" leaves us with the Baudelaires just as we found them: in a boat in the middle of the sea. The only difference between the beginning and the end of the book is the state of the Baudelaires' hearts. At the beginning they are despairing, at the end they are not. They are not happy, mind you, nor particularly hopeful, but they are not in despair.

Further, there are developments in the relationships of some of the characters that are simply bizarre. Fiction has every right to take liberties with possibility and to catch us off guard at any moment, but there must still be a sense and an order to things. You cannot conjure love stories out of thin air just because you have two characters dying at once and the love story would make the scene more poignant. There has to be a background, a history, SOME sort of explanation when every prior encounter with the character has contradicted the present moment. Forgive me if that's a little vague, but I do hate spoilers.

All in all, the book was a disappointment. A poor tribute to the wit and mystery of the prior books in the series.
50 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2007
Rather than review all the Series of Unfortunate Events books individually, I'll just say this here: I loved this whole series, it's blackly funny and engaging and filled with so many little tricks and gags that could only possibly work in print fiction (which is why the movie was such a disaster), that they remind you why you love reading in the first place.

For the record, around the third book I was worried that things were starting to get too formulaic and that I might be getting bored with them, but stick with it! There's some repetition, but it's all building to something bigger!

I'm putting this review on the last book of the series in order to say this: this is, seriously, one of the most brilliant and satisfying endings to a long-running series this side of The Kindly Ones. Forget Harry Potter, sooner or later some crazy christian parent with a vague grasp of metaphor is going to pick up this book and realize that this here is some hardcore questioning of Chrisian dogma—there's a garden, an apple, and a choice to be made between blissful ignorance and knowledge of good and evil in the complex world outside, and the snake is definitely the good guy—and I for one think its fantastic.
Profile Image for Liz.
342 reviews43 followers
July 13, 2009
Pa-THETIC! Absolutely pathetic. What a poor effort from the guy everybody absolutely loved!

I want to go back and read the series again to find more allusions I almost certainly wouldn't have picked up the first time around, but I can't be bothered to. Now, I would've if there had been any sort of plot resolution to keep me going through to the

Very bad, from a commercial point of view, as I'm certainly not going to buy the series now, am I?

I felt so cheated, not knowing the end. The feeling I got upon finishing the series was that Daniel Handler got so tangled up in his own plot that he couldn’t work out how to round it off. Which smacks of poor authorship. Or even worse, that he didn’t respect the readers (_his_ readers) enough to give us a proper plot and a feeling of satisfaction after all that slogging through misery after misery experienced by the Baudelaires. Instead, he just strung us along for a pointless, repetitive journey that dragged through thirteen books (and, yes, okay, if you want to get technical, a fourteenth as well. Even worse) and for what? A non-ending. A nothing.

The whole POINT of stories is just that: to tell a story, to unravel the secrets of a tale. Not to provide random excerpts of a tale, but to give you the whole thing in a way you can understand. I personally feel that I’ve been insulted- I’ve read all these books to be entertained, waiting breathlessly for a conclusion, and instead, apparently the author didn’t care enough about why books are read in the first place. Nobody wants to be preached at. People read to enjoy themselves. This wasn’t enjoyable.

If it was a short story, or even a poem, I wouldn’t mind at all. That’s where the ideas such as ‘lack of closure’ belong. But a whole long (and how!) series is just too long a wild goose chase to bother with. It’s a crime against the art of storytelling, to let those books still be regarded as a tale.

I do want the plot holes patched up. Before the last book came out, I was on tenterhooks. I couldn’t wait to see what this guy had done. I was expecting some literary conniving plot-weaving-twisting triumph from Daniel Handler. Something that would fantastically weave all these elements into a complete and breathtaking whole.

What we got was unspeakable.

No closure. Give me a break.
Profile Image for Carlos Peguer.
260 reviews6,845 followers
March 5, 2018
Después de tantísimo tiempo he podido terminar esta saga, y aunque me pone tristísimo que se haya acabado la historia de Violet, Klaus y Sunny; estoy mega feliz de ser libre.

Me ha cabreado un montón que no se hayan resuelto prácticamente ninguno de los misterios de la saga. Me han hecho creer todo este tiempo que iba a entenderlo todo para al final dejarme con un montón de incógnitas.

Sin embargo creo que esta saga es "disfrutar del viaje". En plan, que no importa el final de la saga y la conclusión, sino divertirse con las aventuras de los Baudelaires. Así que estoy muy contento de haber conocido a estos niños, y de haber podido leer sobre sus catastróficas desdichas. ❤
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews175k followers
July 8, 2012
I really enjoyed this book, but I'm just not sure if it wrapped up the series well enough for me.
I'll update this later when I'm finished grasping what I just read. ;)
Profile Image for ✦BookishlyRichie✦.
641 reviews1,052 followers
May 9, 2016

Not an end I would've preferred but I still very much enjoyed it. I like to think the Baudelaires are still out there somewhere, carrying on what their parents left behind and making life the best it could be. I'd love to read about what they are like as adults, I think that would be amazing. :) I did cry when I closed this book because I'm going to miss these characters greatly. I will need to purchase all 13 for my own shelves eventually because it has become one of my favorite series of all time.

Also while reading the the ending I couldn't help but think of this song. For the Baudelaires! <3

With all due respect,
Profile Image for Lee  (the Book Butcher).
326 reviews71 followers
September 26, 2022
The End of the Baudelaire long series of unfortunate events was a little lack luster. These series never end the way I want them to.

The Baudelaire land on a beach after a bad storm. The island's colonists take them in leaving the villainous Count Olaf behind. The only problem is the colonist freedoms are reduced by their leader Ishmael. Who is slightly better than Olaf. The Baudelaire parents were once on this very island but we're exiled by Ismael when he took control. There is a little family history here but more mystery which matches the whole series. Kit snicket show up after another storm because everything washes up on the beach. She is injured and very pregnant. Ishmael has failed his colonist and is on the verge of being exiled. Then count Olaf show up to finish the series with his poisonous mushrooms.

The Baudelaire help kit give birth naming her after their mother. The whole series answers questions with more questions and the fact that everyone is always on the verge of a schism is truly unfortunate!
Profile Image for Sophia.
2,279 reviews355 followers
June 4, 2021
First off, Ishmael is a jerk.
Second; Olaf didn’t burn down the Baudelaire mansion??
Third; I thought the Quagmire triplets’ fate was more definite although things certainly didn’t sound good - which I’m not fond of.

I like how Chapter Fourteen shows that even though the Baudelaire's childhood was cut short, they were able to provide a good one for Kit Snicket's child.

With this reread I’ve come to the conclusion that...I like the Netflix series more.
While the books are good, I prefer the lighter tone of the show. The books could get quite dark and repetitive while the show was able to alleviate that, especially with Barney Stin….I mean, Neil Patrick Harris.
Plus I think the satirical nature of the story came across more easily in the show.

Side note: The song at the end (of the audiobook) starts off sweet but then it gets like, really weird…
Profile Image for Emily B.
478 reviews498 followers
December 3, 2020
I read this series this year because I was aware of them as a child but never read them. So in essence I was reading them for the younger version of myself.

I just wish there were some answers in this final book. I understand that not everyone needs everything to be answered and closed but I sort of do. As a result I was left with a lot of frustration when I finished reading.
Profile Image for Jack Parra.
12 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2008
A total let down.

I loved the first 12 books! Witty, creative, and intelligent.

There are many things about this book that dissapoint.

To start off, don't expect to get answers to the plot points he brought up in the other books. Not even points from book 12 are answered. No answer to Poison Darts or the Sugar dish. No resolution to the Quagmires. Olaf's resolution is forced at best.

If you like the little quirks that each of the Baudelaires had in the previous books, don't expect them here. Violet doesn't invent, Klaus doesn't research, Sunny doesn't bite/cook.

Even the title doesn't fit with the rest of the books. The title to every other book in the series uses alliteration, but not this one, why?

I know they wanted the series to end in 13 books, but honestly if there was more story to tell than just one more book, he should have just gone on. The "life's unanswered questions" direction can work in some cases, but it does not replace plot resolution.

This book was such a let down, that I sold all of my books. I did this because I knew I would never re-read them thanks to the poor ending.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,368 reviews473 followers
June 20, 2020
And just like that I am finished another series! I am more than a little behind in my reviews this week, so thank goodness for Saturday morning coffee.

As the story begins, Violet, Klaus and Sunny are trapped in a boat with Count Olaf and soon find themselves on an island with interesting inhabitants. Lots of dramatic moments infused with punchy vocabulary and spontaneous laugh out loud moments kept me turning the pages. As I closed the last page of this volume, I felt very satisfied with the way things had ended even if I didn't get all the reunions I personally wanted.

But I also feel sad to say goodbye to three of the most fascinating literary orphans I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. They had many unfortunate events, but I am glad I was there to experience it with them! After all, they quickly became attached to my heart strings and I hope I shall meet them again someday.

Goodreads review published 20/06/20
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,054 reviews996 followers
March 5, 2017
I'm a mixed bag of emotions after reading The End. I'm terribly sad that my reread of this series is over yet I'm so glad that I revisited them and got to relive a big part of my childhood. It's such a dark and depressing series and this last book was no different. But that's why I loved this series as a kid and continue to do so as an adult. Real life isn't always sunshine and butterflies and I love how these books reflect that. I think the only happy moment for me was the demise of a certain character that I won't name so as not to spoil it for anyone. Other than that these books really are quite a series of unfortunate events and I've loved every minute of them!
Profile Image for kate.
1,463 reviews974 followers
March 4, 2017
3.75* although I really enjoyed this, I'm definitely not entirely satisfied with the ending, I feel like I've finished it with more questions than I had she I started?! But I guess that very much suits this series, it's just a little (a lot) infuriating, I can't bare all this questions hanging over my head. :') I've really enjoyed reading this series, although I'm so happy to have finished it! I wish I had read it when I was younger, as I definitely think I would have enjoyed it a lot more had I read the books as they were released and at a younger age. Nevertheless, this was a bizarre, dark and incredibly unique series and I can definitely see why so many people when it love with it when it was first released! I'm so happy to finally say that I've read The Series of Unfortunate Events!!
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