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The Cupid Effect

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Ceri D'Altroy watches too much Oprah Winfrey - and it's having serious repercussions. Bored with London life and writing yet another 'have the perfect orgasm' feature, she's decided to take Oprah's advice and follow her heart's desire. Going back to college might not be everyone's dream but all Ceri's has ever wanted to do is lecture . . .

Unfortunately, Ceri's new start seems to involve disrupting within days she's reunited a happily uncoupled couple, encouraged her new flatmate to do something about his unrequited love, and outed the secret relationship of her two colleagues. Only, while Ceri's playing Cupid for others, the highlight of her social calendar is trying a new hair conditioner. Something needs to be done, but can Ceri stick to her vow to give up her accidental matchmaking for good. . ?

A delicious comedy about love, life and following your heart...

342 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

About the author

Dorothy Koomson

44 books3,032 followers
Hello, my name's Dorothy Koomson and I'll try to make this bit that's all about me as interesting as possible.
I wrote my first novel called There's A Thin Line Between Love And Hate when I was 13. I used to write a chapter every night then pass it around to my fellow convent school pupils every morning, and they seemed to love it.

I grew up in London and then grew up again in Leeds when I went to university. I eventually returned to London to study for my masters degree and stayed put for the following years. I took up various temping jobs and eventually got my big break writing, editing and subbing for various women's magazines and national papers.

Fiction and storytelling were still a HUGE passion of mine and I continued to write short stories and novels every spare moment that I got. In 2001 I had the idea for The Cupid Effect and my career as a published novelist began. And it's been fantastic. In 2006, third novel, My Best Friend's Girl was published. It was incredibly successful - selling nearly 90,000 copies within its first few weeks on sale. Six weeks later, it was selected for the Richard & Judy Summer Reads Book Club and the book went on to sell over 500,000 copies. Oh, there I go again, this is meant to be about me, not my novels.

Okay, back to me. I recently spent two years living in Sydney Australia, and now I'm back in England. But I can't say for how long I'll be in the UK for because I've been well and truly bitten by the travel bug

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February 11, 2019
❤🧡💛💚💙💜 #Goodreads #RomanceWeek17 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

3.5 stars

A maioria das pessoas, quando passava por uma crise na vida, descolorava o cabelo ou ia para a cama com alguém pouco recomendável. Mas eu abandonei uma vida e mudei-me."
“Most people, when they had a life crisis, bleached their hair or shagged someone unsuitable. I jacked in a life and moved two hundred miles.”
- Ceri D'Altroy

* * *
"Sei que mais doloroso do que uma rejeição será olharmo-nos ao espelho dia após dia e perguntarmo-nos: 'E se?'. 'Uma vida vivida a medo é uma vida vivida pela metade'. E sejamos sinceros, quem quer metade de uma vida quando pode ter uma vida inteira? É como comer metade de uma tablete de chocolate quando se tem fome para comer uma inteira."
“I know now that the one thing more painful than rejection is looking at yourself day after day and wondering 'What if'. (...) 'A life lived in fear is a life half-lived'. And, let’s be honest, who wants to live half a life when you can have a whole life? That’s like eating half a chocolate bar when you’re hungry enough for a whole one.”
- Ceri D'Altroy

* * *
"Eu compreendia o que estas pessoas realmente sentiam, porque também o sentia. As suas emoções assaltavam-me, tal como as assaltavam a elas. As suas emoções esmagavam-me, consumiram-me ou davam-me forças tanto como a elas. Eu sentia os outros numa nuvem enjoativa que parecia abater-se sobre mim e, depois, transportar-me para o meio das suas almas, para o mais fundo dos seus corações."
“I understood how these people really felt because I felt it too. Their emotions jerked through me just as they jerked through them. Their emotions crushed or consumed or energised me as sure as they did to them. I felt others in a cloying cloud that seemed to descend then transport me to the midst of their souls, the very core of their hearts.”
- Ceri D'Altroy
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,464 reviews184 followers
April 5, 2023
Dorothy Koomson has done it again.

These characters, like in all her books I've read so far, are real, relatable and we all know them.

An easy five stars from me.
Profile Image for Sherry.
575 reviews21 followers
January 14, 2016
Oh man. Oh man oh man oh man. This woman can write. Great story, great characters... oh man.

The first thing I notice in every Dorothy Koomson book is that her characters start out completely whole - they are real people with personality. The main character, Ceri, is no exception here. By page six I wanted to be her best friend. Or I just wanted to be her.

The storyline here was less dramatic than I expected, but great nonetheless. It has a supernatural twist that isn't forced or overanalyzed, it just is.

The one thing that still got me was the ending. I said this about the last DK book that I read and it seems to hold true with this one. She could have ended the book with one chapter less and it would have been perfection. The last chapter always seems to be a wrap up the loose ends and give it a happy ending with a big fat pretty bow on it to remind us that it is, after all, just a story.

Still, I give this book five stars feeling it was well earned.
Profile Image for TinaNoir.
1,829 reviews320 followers
July 18, 2013
This is a book I really struggled with how to rate.

The writing is stellar.
The story is funny.
The characters are great.

It was frustrating as hell!!!

I was expecting a romance. If not a romance novel romance, I at least expected the main character to flirt and find love in that light, chick-litty way. None of this happens.

The main character, Ceri, lives through a lot of people. Through her we relive other couples' romances troubles. She listens to them, understands their issues instinctively and solves their problems. The other couples are great reading material. Their romantic troubles run the gamut -- a gay couple who can't communicate, two people who are in other relationships who want each other, a shy guy who pines for the gorgeous popular gal from afar. Ceri navigates these romantic waters like Horatio Hornblower. She's a champ.

But I kept flipping he pages waiting for her to get her own guy. I was sure the next chapter would be her fateful meeting with HIM.

Until I got to the Epilogue.

It really should have dawned on me sooner, but I was hopeful. The whole point of the book was for Ceri -- just like me -- to realize that her being 'Cupid' was the whole point. She wasn't supposed to be the focus, she was the accelerate so to speak. There is a little bit of the woo-woo factor that adds to the story to sell the idea.

If you can simply bury the hope that this should be a conventional romance then you will enjoy the book immensely. Once I got over my pout, I had to acknowledge that the book was very good. Koomson is a brilliant writer. Simply brilliant. Some of her other books tend to rip your beating heart right out of your chest and dance on the squishy mess right in front of your face before walking away to leave you to pick up the pieces. But you don't mind -- kinda-- because it was worth it. Not this one, though, it is one of her lighter books and I laughed out loud in places. Thank Goodness. It even ends on a hopeful note for our intrepid heroine that makes you think she will indeed get herself a guy in the end.
Profile Image for Tracy.
307 reviews28 followers
June 2, 2015
Glad this wasn't the first of her books I have read as it would be the last. The writing is excellent, as is the character development but the story is twee and frustrating. Also her name annoyed me (irrational, me). This was the first book in a long time that I didn't read properly - I got about 200 pages in and realised I just didn't care so skimmed through the latter part to the epilogue. It's something I rarely do but I did feel that investing any more was time wasted. Do yourself a favour, skip this and read her later work - much much better!
Profile Image for Laura.
36 reviews3 followers
July 11, 2010
I couldn't put this book down, it was one of those books where you end up hating everyday life for getting in the way of you finishing it sooner.

I read the first 140 or so pages in less than 2 days, and then I started running out of time to finish it.

Ceri D'Altroy is a modern-day Cupid who touches the lives of everyone she meets. Ceri narrates the story of how she left her life as a journalist in London to achieve her dream as a psychology lecturer in Leeds. Along the way she meets many different people who can't help but pour their hearts out to the woman they hardly know, and while Ceri originally told herself she would stop getting involved in other people's lives, she finds she can't help herself! In the end Ceri just wants love herself, and following the final chapter I found myself wishing it hadn't ended, I just wanted to know what happens next in her life.

This story is incredibly funny, and made me smile, totally different to everything I've read recently!

I'm really looking forward to reading more Dorothy Koomson books, and I've heard they're even better than this.

As ever with a first novel, this scores 4 out of 5 stars. I want to give it 5, but I know that's like me saying her other books won't be any better. And if the reviews are anything to go by, I think they will be!
Profile Image for Jack.
70 reviews23 followers
May 4, 2009
I swear, I would NEVER again read this book in public. I must have turned tomato red more than half a dozen time just trying to get through the book. Don't get me wrong, the book was fairly entertaining. It's the fact there was a lot of swearing and barely any sense of decency in it that embarrassed me. I mean, how do you read a book where it mentioned the word "Orgasm" (with the exception of a Medical Journal, thank you very much) in its chapter title? Other than that, I don't think I have any problem with it. The story, like I said, was fairly entertaining. Maybe I was being biased seeing I'm not a fan of chick lit. Or maybe I had watched much too much sappy love movies when I was little. Maybe it was just a bit too predictable. Still, I liked the humor in it. Ms Koomson, I could say that she's a bold writer. There was less than pleasant usage of words and comparison. But, if you manage to overlook it, you'd find it's not so bad after all... I might just read another book of hers. Just not in the bus...
Profile Image for Bhavya.
396 reviews12 followers
June 29, 2016


That's what I did when I finished the book. I squealed, incoherently. And it felt so so so good to do that. This book was so freaking awesome.

I seriously don't know how to review this book. I don't want to review this book.

This is one of those books I don't want to share with anyone. Crazy, right? Because usually when you find something this good, you want others to fangirl about it, but this one? Nope. Because, well, because reasons! :P

Also, her 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' is my 'Supernatural'
Her 'Angel' is equivalent to my 'Winchester Brothers'.

P. S. I have no idea what purpose, if any, this 'review' serves! :P
Profile Image for Kay Han.
21 reviews8 followers
April 3, 2015
As much as I like Koomson's works, this is my least fav book among all her titles.
Well, I would just say, this book is like every other chic lit out there.
Nothing special and perhaps, because I disliked the character especially Cezza aka Ceri.
I felt there was no climax in the story development. Page after page, Im anticipating the big reveal but I was disappointed because there is ups and downs.
And predictable ending doesnt help at all.
Profile Image for Nataliec7.
445 reviews5 followers
November 3, 2020
This is the first book that I've read by Koomson and I'm surprised I've not read any by her before. I really enjoyed this book.

Ceri is a likable, sweet character who I enjoyed getting to know and who made me chuckle on a few occasions. Meeting her friends and colleagues was a fun little journey. I'm not sure what I expected from this book but I can say, it surprised me by how much I liked it.
Adding more books from this author on my TBR.
Profile Image for Marta Campos.
309 reviews44 followers
October 20, 2021
Dos livros mais fraquinhos da Dorothy, na minha opinião. Enredo sem conteúdo, personagens entediantes, final previsível e cliché...
Profile Image for Sara.
368 reviews14 followers
May 4, 2019
Gostei da originalidade da história, das personagens não-perfeitas e do ênfase no amor-próprio! Esta é a minha estreia com esta escritora tão conhecida em Portugal e no estrangeiro! Uma óptima sugestão para uma leitura ligeira de verão, com momentos cómicos e de romantismo (por vezes) dramático e hilariante! Preparem-se para algumas gargalhadas!
Profile Image for LindyLouMac.
931 reviews74 followers
April 3, 2010

When I discover for me a new author as I did when I read My Best Friends's Girl in 2006, I often add their back catalogue of novels to my wish-list. This is what I did with Dorothy Koomson as I thoroughly enjoyed the first book of hers that I read. As you can see from my review http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/4...

So this is only the second title by her that I have read and I am sorry to say that my opinion of it is in complete contrast to the last one. I plodded through this getting no pleasure at all from reading it, I like to loose myself in a book and with this I was just unable to do so.

I had no interest at all in the so called modern day cupid character of Ceri D'Altroy, who returns to Leeds the town of her student days, to take up a post as a Psychology lecturer. Having vowed to leave her match- making days behind her in London. This does not prove to be the case, as everyone she comes into contact with seems to be inspired to change their lives due to comments she seemingly innocently makes!

Sorry but this storyline just did not draw me in, due to me not any fault of the book, which I am sure others may well enjoy.

As this was Dorothy Koomson's first novel originally published in 2003 and as I enjoyed the later one I read, I will leave her other novels on my to be read mountain!
Profile Image for Moon .
3,350 reviews230 followers
January 30, 2012
Enjoyable. I liked the premise of someone who match made and solved people's problems. I imagine it would be horrible to actually be like that in real life, because you'd be so overwhelmed with other people's problems, an aspect Ms.Koomson covers. This is the second book of hers I've read, and apparently this is her first one to be published. I will admit to enjoying this book, I enjoyed "The Chocolate Run" much, much more. It's great to know she'll only continue to get better with following books, so don't pass on a chance to read something by her!
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,072 reviews65 followers
December 12, 2015
Nunca pensei que iria dar uma negativa a um livro de Dorothy Koomson mas também nunca pensei que tivesse um dia tão mau como este. Desde o início foi uma grande seca e de um completo desinteresse. Aquela história de Ceri ser a Cupido dos tempos modernos é uma grande treta; as situações que, supostamente, seriam divertidas soaram-me a nada.

A sério, que tremenda desilusão!

Tive foi muita sorte por não ter começado por começado pelos mais fracos, mas sim pelos melhores, verdadeiramente maravilhosos.
Profile Image for Hannah.
225 reviews14 followers
June 20, 2014
Not a fan of this one. The first Dorothy Koomson I've read which I was disappointed in. The main character has nothing happen to her after the premise of her leaving her job. The whole book is about the MC watching events from the side lines. In real life, I watch things from the side lines, I read to escape / experience those wonders. Not watch them from afar. Really let down by this one.
Profile Image for Ainur.
408 reviews44 followers
October 15, 2017
I think this book is one of a kind.

The title itself promises readers with romance story. The difference is that it didn't happened to the main character, Ceri, until at the end of the story.

The story line is different from what I used to read. The character, Ceri, is one of the characters that you can't help but like instantly. Sure, she likes to involve in other people's story, but it's not her fault that people felt comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts with her. And her Angel obsessions is kinda cute, especially when you reached the end of the book.

Some story however, I don't even bother want to know, like Gwen, Craig.. Others like Mel and Claudine really frustrates me for how dumb they were to see it until Ceri came along. The one I like is Jake and Ed. I like the bond and friendship between the three of them, how they instantly click and how comfortable they make Ceri felt when she first moved in.

The writing is good, fun to read, and easy to get into.
1,261 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2023
Yes, I understand that this was the author’s first ever book but it was rubbish.
Perhaps this was before she got into the swing of her more thriller-like books but it seemed like a bad chick-lit book. Ceri, the main character was 29 and a university lecturer, came across as a very immature and lacking in self confidence / assertiveness. It certainly took for her to get angry at the end before she stopped being a person others dumped their problems on. And what was all that with Drew, her friend/love of her life? I certainly expected her to get together with him, otherwise what was the point of him being in the book?
I appreciate that this was set 20 years ago but the references to Star Trek and Angel left me cold, mainly because I was too old to ever have watched them then.
I’m glad this only cost me 50p.
Profile Image for Ayda Razak.
339 reviews25 followers
April 24, 2020
This book makes me laugh out loud and smile out of sudden. Ceri D'Altroy is seriously hilarious.

I really like the epilogue. Finally something do happens to Ceri, Ceri the modern-day Cupid.

This is the fourth book I've read written by the author, surely not going to be the last one.
Profile Image for Tita.
2,131 reviews216 followers
January 10, 2021
Estava a precisar de uma leitura mais leve e, por isso, peguei neste livro pois pela sinopse parecia ser um chic-lit. No entanto, a história foi uam desilusão e não revi a qualidade das histórias da Dorothy neste livro.
A nossa protagonista é Ceri que deixou Londres, para mudar de vida e voltar à faculdade, quer para estudar, quer para dar aulas. Ceri é uma espécie de cupido, influenciando os relacionamentos amorosos, de terceiros, com a sua presença. 
Esta premissa prometia uma história divertida mas achei chata e aborrecida. 

Vídeo de opinião aqui
Profile Image for Fay Flude.
743 reviews37 followers
January 31, 2021
I listened to the audio version of this book.
For some of the time The Cupid Effect did not wow me and I found myself thinking that Koomson's later books are far superior.
Some of the time I wanted to award just 3 stars to this book and at others I was laughing out loud and decided it was a 4 star story.
I give 4 stars for the end word which made me gasp and smile!
Otherwise, overall probably more like 3.5 because I thought some of the dialogue was irritating, especially that of the main character Ceri.
She has left London to return to Leeds as a lecturer in psychology at All Saints College. She lives in student accommodation with Jake and Eddie and her best friend Jessica Brakefield, who was Ceri's mentor when studying, lives nearby.
The premise of the story is that everyone's lives begin to change once Ceri arrives. She seems caught in a trap of always advising others in their complicated love lives, whether she wants to or not, whilst being unable to fall and stay in love herself.
I can't make up my mind whether I liked the supporting cast of characters - Mel, Claudine, Staring Man et al - or whether they too irritated me. I think there was some funny dialogue and I particularly liked the harridan overseeing the photocopying in the reprographics department.
I liked Gwen too, especially when she does something unexpected.
Pleasant with a few highlights, but ultimately forgettable.
Profile Image for Maria.
1,006 reviews106 followers
November 12, 2010
Sem que se aperceba Ceri faz mudar tudo à sua volta. Quando decide mudar de frenética Londres para a pacata Leeds nem imagina que vai transformar tudo à sua volta, ou melhor, as pessoas que com ela convivem. As pessoas começam a descobrir e a compreender o amor, a gostar mais delas próprias ou a abarcar novos projectos de vida. Tudo isto com a ajuda da jovem professora da psicologia Ceri. Após o fim do seu casamento Mel descobre uma forma de diálogo com a sua ex-mulher. Claudine, que teve uma noite de amor com Mel, decide continuar com o seu companheiro Kevin, Ed encontra o amor ao lado de uma mulher que pensa inalcançável e muda completamente a sua vida. Mas será que ela própria vai descobrir o amor? Será que o seu coração vai ter uma oportunidade de saber o que é amar? Dorothy Koomson aborda uma temática diferente do que o que li num seu livro anterior, A filha da minha melhor amiga, e das sinopses que li dos restantes livros da autora, que é a temática do amor entre dois adultos. Um livro diferente mas que vai agradar, como me agradou a mim, os seguidores da autora inglesa, que começou precisamente na escrita com este O Amor está no Ar, em 2001.

Profile Image for Liliana Pinto.
134 reviews7 followers
January 10, 2014
A par de Lesley Pearse, Dorothy Koomson é a minha escritora favorita. Todos os livros que ela publica me ensinam algo: amizade, solidariedade, compaixão, amor. Este não podia ser diferente.
Uma das coisas que mais gosto em Dorothy Koomson é o facto de TODAS as protagonistas dos seus livros serem negras. E isto é um ponto positivo.

Ceri é uma mulher na casa dos 30 que, depois de ver dezenas de programas da Oprah e ler uns quantos livros de auto-ajuda decide deixar o seu emprego estável e Londres para voltar para a faculdade e para Leeds. Ela quer mudar de vida. Quer deixar de ser a pessoa com quem toda a gente fala quando tem alguém problema e ser uma pessoa normal. Infelizmente, em Leeds, as coisas continuam iguais.

Este livro é diferente de todos os outros que Dorothy Koomson escreveu. O objectivo deste livro não é o romance da protagonista com um homem, nem um final feliz para sempre. Claro que existe romance, mas não é o principal objectivo do livro.

Como sempre a escrita da autora é fluída e este livro lesse de um sopro. É divertido e leve. E a capa é lindíssima.

Profile Image for Kisha.
22 reviews
March 8, 2009
This was Dorothy Koomson's first published book. And although the dialogue doesn't flow as nicely as her other books, the story told in The Cupid Effect is really wonderful and unique. There a large handful of intriguing characters and the main character is easy to love. And, luckily, this one won't make you cry like some of Koomson's other novels. The setting of this story is a university...a world I know well since I'm an academic and all.

This book just cements the fact that I love Dorothy Koomson...Now I need to get my hands on the Chocolate Run.

I've also put this book on my "better than going to the movies" shelf. I happened to turn down an invitation to a movie to read it--so it is seriously true.
Profile Image for Raquel.
1,332 reviews37 followers
November 12, 2020
Adoro esta autora, para além de ser um amor de pessoa, e que tenho imensa pena que ela já não venha a Portugal há uns anos, mas espero que volte o mais breve possível. Quem já teve a oportunidade de privar com ela, sabe bem do que falo. Sobre o livro, achei a história da Ceri um pouco diferente do habitual, a mania de querer ser casamenteira e que nem sempre dá certo, achei que a história dela e do homem que está sempre a olhar para ela podia estar mais no centro da história, porque achei cativante aquela troca de olhares. Como tenho sempre a expetativa bastante alta dos livros que já li desta autora, achei que este ficou um pouco aquém do esperado.

Profile Image for Jazmin Heaven.
16 reviews
February 18, 2016
Koomson is and has been my favourite author for a very long time. 'The woman he loved before' got me into reading in the first place, and now I'm going to study creative writing in September, because I'm so inspired by this woman! The characters are so realistic, there's a quality in most of them that I share. This means I can relate to her book. Reading this book was like going in a journey with Ceri. It was a light hearted read and hilarious! I literally laughed out loud.
Profile Image for Janeka.
197 reviews86 followers
October 14, 2013
Apesar de ser bastante diferente dos restantes livros de Dorothy Koomson, gostei bastante, e revelou-se a leitura simples de que estava a precisar na altura.

Não tem a carga dramática que a autora costuma apresentar, sendo uma história bastante mais leve e bem-humorada.
Profile Image for Natasha.
12 reviews
February 11, 2014
Two stars only because Dorothy Koomson is the author. And I sure love her, but this book was so disappointing... There is nothing in this book that will draw you in and leave you sleepless, just the opposite, I did get my sleep with this one.
Profile Image for Debs Morgan.
9 reviews
August 29, 2022
Sorry...I gave up with this...it didn't hold my interest at all....
I’ve read many of her books…but this one! No!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews

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