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Change of Heart #1

Change of Heart

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As a young gay man—and a werepanther—all Jin Rayne yearns for is a normal life. Having fled his past, he wants nothing more than to start over, but Jin’s old life doesn’t want to let him go. When his travels bring him to a new city, he crosses paths with the leader of the local were-tribe.

Logan Church is a shock and an enigma, and Jin fears that Logan is both the mate he fears and the love of his life. Jin doesn't want to go back to the old ways, and mating would irrevocably tie him to them. But Jin is the mate Logan needs at his side to help him lead his tribe, and he won't give Jin up so easily. It will take time and trust for Jin to discover the joy in belonging to Logan and how to love without restraint.

260 pages, ebook

First published November 8, 2009

About the author

Mary Calmes

118 books4,876 followers
Mary Calmes believes in romance, happily ever afters, and the faith it takes for her characters to get there. She bleeds coffee, thinks chocolate should be its own food group, and currently lives in Kentucky with a six-pound furry ninja that protects her from baby birds, spiders and the neighbor’s dogs. To stay up to date on her ponderings and pandemonium (as well as the adventures of the ninja) follow her on Twitter @MaryCalmes, connect with her on Facebook, and subscribe to her Mary’s Mob newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 847 reviews
Profile Image for Julio Genao.
Author 9 books2,129 followers
September 7, 2015


Once you get past a wobbly first few pages, forgive minor plotting issues, and just sorta... sit back and let this book happen to your face?


[gag reflex on the "aaaawww" in "hawt"]

One passage in particular gave me a raging boner for an hour, ehrmergherd you gaiz, srrrssly, I cannot even.

Some people dislike the tropes so deftly deployed in this one, but not me. No ma'am.

Well... whatever. But not this time!

I went through half a bottle of Eros with this puppy before all was said and done to All Who Quite Obviously Needed Things To Be Said And Done To.

Jeez, another boner just for casually referring to that one scene in a stupid little review.

The meet-cute? Good.

The ratcheting sexual tension? Oh, very good, yes.

The inevitable Climax of events unfolding like the Merciless Pounding of the...

...leading to, the... um...

...torrential Release of... of the...


*trails-off huskily*

Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews528 followers
April 24, 2011
Jin is a panther shifter who has been on the run for over eight years. At age 16 he was beaten by his own tribe and left for dead because he was an abomination. See: Jin is a reah, a destined mate to a tribe leader, but they're not supposed to be male... or gay...

I read this book because of the raving reviews. People loved the story and they were particularly praising about the world building. And now I wonder: did we even read the same book?

Because, yes: the author tried to set up a new world in where there are such things as panther shifters. But throwing around old Egyptian mythology doesn't cut it. We didn't really know anything about the world, the game, the rules or the players. I was left with a lot of questions. What are the characteristics of a shifter in both human and animal form? What about things like heightened senses, strength, longevity? Are there other supernatural creatures? Also: what are the rules within a panther tribe? What makes someone a leader, teacher or enforcer? And what about the rules of conduct between panther tribes? Are there turf wars? Is there animosity? What about people who don't have a tribe?
Seriously: did I miss a prologue or something? If you want to create a new world, do so, don't come up with bits and pieces without further elaboration, especially if those bits and pieces aren't consistent throughout the story! A reah is really important and has a holy status. Yet everybody wants him dead. A reah can only be destined to one person. Yet everyone wants to give it a shot. A reah is the perfect fit for a semel. Yet there is fear of not being accepted. It's no fun playing a game if the rules keep changing!

Oh yes: The Rules. There was some talk about The Rules. It seemed like some kind of shifter's Bible, but again: there was no further elaboration. Only that it was really, really important, yet only a handful of people seemed to actually know something about The Rules, the tribe leader not being one of them!

When world building is lacking or inconsistent, it's no longer a story setting but an excuse for plot devices. Another obvious plot device was the main character's -let's just call it- sudden fits of narcolepsy. Whenever Jin did something wrong, it was because he was dead tired. He managed to keep his secret for eight years, but one tired night and he blows his cover? Moreover: I didn’t really understand he was tired until I was told that he was tired. I didn’t see it though. I didn’t notice any signs that could lead up to Jin being so worn out that he could possibly slip up. This happened throughout the book. It was a lot of telling not showing.
Same with the emotions within the main character or dynamics between characters. The dialogs felt stilted. I just didn’t feel the emotion, the love, the angst.

All of the above made it really hard for me to enjoy the story. I couldn't connect with Jin. I know he was a good looking guy (since he stipulated that point himself, on multiple occasions) but I just couldn't help imagining a whimpering girl. I got that he had issues, but he acted like a selfish jerk most of the time. Spending a lazy afternoon at your house after being kidnapped? Not telling anyone where you are? Being angry because your lover is protecting you the only way he knows how? Finding it strange that your lover flips out, after you bring another man to your bedroom and ditch your lover's clothes for the other man's? Seriously!

The only characters with some potential were Koren and Domin. I was more interested in their possible romance (even if it came totally out of left field...) than I was in the love between the main couple, which felt cliché and, again: I wasn't feeling it.
Writing a 'destined mate' kind of love story without losing the tension or the angst and while still making it believable is no small feat. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. With this book, it just didn't.

All in all: Change of Heart was a huge let down for me. I can't give it more than 2 stars.
Profile Image for Jenni Lea.
801 reviews293 followers
June 3, 2019
Hi, my name is Jenni Lea and I'm a Calmes Crack Whore. It's been 5 minutes since my last Calmes. I tried to stop once but I almost died from lack of oxygen as my panic attack from thinking I would never get to read those addicting words took over.

Now I don't fight it. I just wallow in the goodness that is The Mary Freaking Calmes; flipping the bird to all those "friends" who want to "help" me kick the habit. Fuck them and their interventions!

Me and my fellow crack hos will be in the van, partaking in our next fix of some good ole Mary.

Ahhh. Life is good.


I love Sean Crisden, but his voice for Crane is weird. Other than that, I loved the audio.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
February 28, 2021
Forth re-read: 28.02.2021
God I wish insta-love was my thing but I just fucking hate it. This book could've been such a good book had it not had insta-love. If there had been more build-up in the relationship, this book could've been so fucking great. Insta-love is the fucking worst for me. Also, have you noticed that the author's main male character's POV is usually quite similar. Jin, Miro and Jory is almost the same character, just a change of name.... Maybe that is what is bothering me as well...
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Insta-love Is Its Downfall*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Third re-read: 24.11.2018
I hate myself for not loving insta-love. I love the concept of the book, I love the animalistic side of the characters, and I love Jin and Logan as characters and as a couple, BUT that damn insta-love destroys it all for me. I absolutely detest insta-love and this book is so insta that it isn't fair nor should be allowed. The whole book centers around a semel finding his reah but the timeline for that is TWO ONE DAYS before the word love enters the picture, and less than 2 week from start to finish after meeting!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you doing this to me?! I just.... I can't stand insta-love but the book could've been so damned good if the timeline was months of build-up instead of just a couple of days of meeting (technically just one day) and love is in the picture. I'm so mad. The book could've had it all...
“So you’re saying no semel can afford to wait for his reah.”
“Realistically, no, they’re too rare. The chances of finding one are too small.”
“And yet,” he said with a flourish, “there you stand.”
I flipped him off.
“Oh, c’mon, Jin, all this talk about reahs and here you are, the rarest of all panthers, the one and only male reah in existence.”
“I don’t count.”
“You count, idiot; you’re a reah.”
“I’m not a real reah; I’m not a girl.”
“Who says a reah can only be female?”
“Oh, I don’t know… everyone,” I said, sounding bitter even to myself.

Other Characters:
Crane Adams (26?), Jin's best friend; has known him since childhood and left with him when Jin was left for dead by their old pack. Crane is the beset (companion of a reah) to Jin.
Delphine, Logan's sister.
Andrian Basargin, a khatyu, a fighter of Logan's pack (the Mafdet tribe).
Simone Danvers, the sister of Pakhet tribe semel, Christophe Danvers. Simone was supposed to mate Logan to covenant bond between the two tribes. Talon Danvers, Christophe yareah (wife).
Raymond ‘Ray’ Torres, Jin and Crane's boss; they work at Fusion; a nightclub on the strip. Jin bartends in the club, and Crane bartend upstairs in the Bossa Nova lounge. Ray wants Jin to take over the night manager spot at his restaurant in King’s Beach so he could run the club (with Crane working there as well), though the restaurant is in Logan's territory and Jin and Crane would need permission to cross their territory, which he gets (from Andrian) as he saves Logan's sister.
Yuri Kosa, the sheseru of the tribe of Mafdet (enforcer of the tribe, guardian of the mate of the semel; Jin was a reah, his place was to stand as his champion. Instinctively, he wanted to be my shield, as he was supposed to be the mate of a semel).
Mikhail Gorgerin, the sylvan of the tribe of Mafdet (the crook, the shepherd, teacher of the tribe, counselor to the semel).
Domin Thorne, semel of the tribe of Menhit.
Ruslan ‘Russ’ Church, Logan's brother.
Korneiley ‘Koren’ Church, Logan's brother.
Eva and Peter Church, Logan's parents.
Avery Cadim, Christophe Danvers’s sheseru.
Markel, Domin's sheseru.
Mitchell Rayne, Jin's father and the sylvan of Jin's old tribe, the Anuket tribe. Their new semel, Archer Pike, brother of the previous semel, Gabriel. Danny, Jin's cousin.
My smile had the desired effect; the man stepped back, shaken. He wasn’t like me; he wasn’t a reah. He didn’t have my power. He could be man or beast; he could not be pieces of either by choice. He could not take the form of a werepanther; it was the ability of only a semel or a reah.
“I… I don’t….” He trailed off, unsure of what I was. I was not a semel; he knew that. There was no mistaking the power of a semel, and that kind of raw, primal energy didn’t radiate from me. What rolled off me in waves was different, warmer and gentler because of what I was. A reah was the yin to the yang of the semel, each complimenting the other, fitting together so that the reah gave softness and compassion to the semel, the semel bringing strength and logic to the reah. Every semel exuded strength and dominance, but I did not, so the man standing before me was at a loss as to what to make of me.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*I like the beginning*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Second re-read: 08.12.2017
Don't ask. I don't know. I seriously HATE the insta-love that is soooo damn INSTA (like 2 days), BUT I adore the animalistic side of things. And man, I really do love the first... 12% (?) or 20% of the book. But why I decided to re-read yet again? I have no clue. I guess I'm just tired of trying to find any new interesting books to read, but all I end up is disappointed...

Re-read: 23.05.2017
Why the hell did I re-read this? I'll tell you why: I'm sick and tired looking for books only to get disappointed, so why not read books I know I won't get disappointed in? It's not that this book is great, because it isn't. But it's good, and have a strong potential to be great. My main problem is, of course, the insta-love. I hate insta-love. But as far as the story goes, it's actually kinda good. The plot about finding acceptance, love and safety, to find a home, somewhere to belong. It's good. And I also like Jin and Logan's connection. I do, but I still hate how fast the connection became.

First read review:
Damn, it could've been so damn good...
Thank god for SheReadsALot's review, or else I would have been so damn lost. This book really had potential! Fuck, I really loved the beginning, but then, of course, there had to be insta-love. And if you know me, then you know I hate insta-love. I felt like Logan Church (32) and Jinnai ‘Jin’ Rayne (24) didn't actually know each other, specially not personally. So you can understand that I'm kinda pissed that so much potential got wasted.
So there's three things I definitely didn't like:
→ That damn insta-love.
→ Jin's father and Jin's old tribe didn't get
→ Too little depth and action

Overall, it's was good, then it was alright and then I got bored. I wanted more from the book, more from the characters and when I didn't get it, I was kinda disappointed. I did like Logan's possessiveness though. Don't know if I'll continue the series...
“It was surprising to hear it from his lips, my plain, ordinary name spoken as it never had been before, with awe, lite it was sacred, like treasure. Like I was treasure.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Paranormal Romance (M/M)
Series: - Series, Book One
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Logan Church.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Unsure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Unsure.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - First half: 3.5 stars, second half: 2.5 stars | overall: 2.5/3 stars.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
November 1, 2016
“My mate is a man, and therefore I can be no other than gay.


"Don't judge a book by its cover" has never been so true until I read this book after looking over it more than ten times. Shame on me because Change of Heart is amazing. The chemistry between Jin and Logan is palpable and exploding. Mary Calmes started this one off very well, she introduced me to this fascinating world with panthers and hierarchy. I love them. I love these big cats like my chocolate xD


“I love you" I sighed, unable to keep the smile from my face,leaning back and looking at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "I really do".
"I know", he grunted, very pleased with himself. “You can’t live without me. I’m like cheese.”

Jin is a complex character. I liked the way he thinks of himself, he had run for so long, he has no idea what happens in his life until he meets Logan. Logan is the semel of his tribe, he protects his peopla and all he wants is somebody to be with him. So when he catch Jin's eye, he can't and won't let him go, no matter how hard Jin fights against this attraction.

“You belong only to me, and it’s just going to be me, forever, holding you like this.”

I loved the family drama. Jin was kicked out from his tribe when he was young because he was gay. It wouldn't be so cruel, if his father didn't do this to him. My heart broke for what he has been through. And I was grateful to see Logan going crazy for this man, he was like a control freak when they first met and after that, he's very much tender and caring for his mate. Oh ! My poor heart.

This book is extremely sweet and I can't deny that this is one of the good reads I've ever had this year.

This song is fit for this book. https://youtu.be/nFyDer33GRU

Profile Image for Sheziss.
1,364 reviews489 followers
December 18, 2014
One of my first books in the m/m genre.


This review will be Tarzan talking.

Jin is an unmated reah.


That means, he is destined to be the mate of one single semel.

That means, he is looked for by all tribes to be paired with its leader.

That means, he is respected and adored.


Yet everybody wants him dead.


Ah, I forgot, because he’s the reah.


Yet he hides himself because he thinks they won’t accept him.


Ah, I forgot, because he’s the reah.


Yet he is not respected.


Ah, I forgot, because he’s the reah.


Does it make sense?


I think the premise is good. It works for Nalini Singh. But it feels wrong here. Logan only knows one word:


It’s… exhausting.

And the author is the WHOLE time explaining The Rules. Really, I paid more attention to Physiopathology classes at 8 a.m. last year.


I felt as if I was listening to lectures. I don’t escape classes to go into other classes. Because it seemed I had to study it for some kind of exam, due to the number of times The Rules were repeated.


Talking about The Rules… listening to Mike Myers introducing his Things is by far more interesting and has more logic.


Logan is a shallow creature, but Jin is annoyingly annoying. If he does something wrong it’s because he’s tired. So please, forgive the pilot when he crashes planes because he’s tired. Everybody makes mistakes, but ALL of them with the excuse of being tired?


All in all, I was really shocked I found more holes than material here.

Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,183 reviews781 followers
March 2, 2019
4 Solid Stars

This was my third read by this author and as they say, Third time’s the charm because the other two weren't that good but I really enjoyed this one! Yeah, it’s an insta-love but what can I say! I didn’t mind it. Alpha and his soulmate, two strong men who do everything to protect each other, they would even sacrifice themselves for each other. One who wants to belong to somewhere and call it home, to belong to someone and the other accepts him with open arms, in the blink of an eye! Told in single POV, 1st person. I didn’t even need to know Logan’s POV because his actions talked a lot! It’s the first installment in the "Change of Heart" series, it’s not cliffy but the next book is still about this couple. It’s low on angst and loved the tension between the MCs. I wish there would have been a glossary at the beginning of the story because it took a bit time for me to learn what were those words meaning (or maybe it was just me because I haven’t read so many stories about shape-shifters). Overall, it was an enjoyable read and hope you like it as well!
Profile Image for Marci.
478 reviews277 followers
December 20, 2021
i may only have four chapters left but i can't even finish this. i hate it too much! i cannot believe how far into this book i got. why do i do this to myself!!!!!
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,477 followers
March 4, 2020
Holy moly, how many crunches per day is that book-cover model doing? He could crack a nut with dat ass! And, not a wimpy peanut shell - no. I'm talking pistachio that doesn't even have the tiniest opening. A completely closed pistachio shell! That's like bionic butt strength!


This book is a panther-shifter male/male romance with that thing where if they find their destined mate, it is insta-love. As a set-up to this world, there are a bunch of new words for things and positions in each "tribe" (instead of pack) that is kind of annoying. Look, just use the words we all know. Shifters, Alphas, Mates, Enforcers, etc... You really don't need to reinvent the wheel here. We've had that thing for a long time now.

Unless you plan to do this. I am fully on board with whatever this is and want one now.

The main guy is Jin and he is the best panther-shifter that ever lived. He's so special that there is no other thing like him. He is some sort of magical creature that every other shifter in the country wants. He's also beautiful. The most beautiful and smartest guy on earth. So, basically, he's a Gary Stu.. or since he's a cat shifter, you might want to call him.....
Meowy Sue.

Oh, sorry. okay.

So, anyway. Jin is the best. He brings all the boys to the yard, but only one boy is the lucky winner of being his mate. Of course, this guy wasn't gay before he met Jin, and he was engaged to a woman, but he gets over all of those minor details faster than Jilly gets over being on a diet.

Jin: "Why didn't you tell me you're not gay?"

Logan: "I don't understand what that has to do with anything. You're a man, and you're my mate; therefore, from now on, I'm gay. Why are we even discussing this?"

Okay. That was easy. Dude goes from planning a hetero honeymoon to buying tickets to the gay rodeo in 60 seconds flat.

They do dress a lot better than the non-gay rodeo.

Despite everything, I did like Jin. He is just so darn special. I need to know what happens next.
Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,657 followers
November 6, 2017
This is my very first book of Mary Calmes and I’ve been dying to read this series for forever. But you all know .. as usual, too little time to read all the books. Anyhow, started this book and I was very happy with it. 😊😊😊

Jin is a male Reah and he’s first in his kind in the history. Reahs are the true mates of Semel which is the tribe leader of panther-shifters. He had been branded an abomination and thrown out of his own tribe for him being a male Reah and he’s been running away avoiding Semels ever since. But things turned out really different when he got to Chicago and met his true mate. He’s afraid to be thrown away again, to be left, unloved and branded abomination. But this Semel is different and he’s not going to give up. Will Jin trust his true mate enough to stay and be a worthy Reah he’s destined to be?

Logan is one of the tribe leaders of panther-shifters in Chicago. And unexpectedly, he met his true mate, Reah, while he’s planning to marry another person. And to make things more complicated, he’s straight and his fated Reah is a man. And his mate won’t believe that he loves him and wants to protect and cherish him for the rest of their lives. He must convince Jin to accept that their destinies are intertwined and inseparable and he also needs to teach Jin not only to love but also accept to be loved.

This shifters world Mary Calmes created is really interesting and has lots of potential. This is mostly only Jin’s POV story and he plays the most part in the story. This is the battle of love, trust, bonds and families. And the sex, Mmmmmmm, their fated mate sex is really hot. 😏 Love, love, loveeed it! ❤️ I really like when the smut is mixed with half shifted shifters who are dominant, macho and sexy. 😘 There are five books in the series and I really can’t wait to read other books in the series. I’m happy that Jin finally accepted to be Logan’s mate and they have a HFN now. And I’m eager to read what more will happen between these two in the future.

4 sexy panther stars
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,444 reviews506 followers
June 10, 2017

I'm not going to be bringing anything new with this review. I will say however that despite this story embodying classic, standard Calmes plotlines and characters (but with different names and settings) it really works well in the paranormal world.

The absurdity and plot holes can easily be explained away with the destined mates trope. Claiming and possessiveness and Logan going alpha on Jin's ass are all acceptable. Spontaneous sex whenever and wherever is absolutely guaranteed, and just lends to the overall yumminess of this preposterous setup. Because really?? Anywhere else this would be a big no-no.

So yes, Calmes is a certain kind of crack. Everyone knows this. And everyone knows that you either love and accept it for what it is, or you know it just isn't for you. Well, the majority of the time it's for me. And it certainly doesn't hurt that this was freakin hot, if a bit overdone (Yes, I put my own self in the corner. For shame!)

My brain is still reeling from all the new words/terms/world building, but in the grand scheme of things, that matters little.

Again - enjoyable, predictable, combustible.

Good fun with Meags as we delved into this craziness!
Profile Image for BWT.
2,216 reviews241 followers
May 25, 2022
This is not your standard fluffy Mates romance - this shifter story has bite.

See, here's the thing. Usually, most shapeshifter stories drive me nuts and I get super hyper critical. There are only a few that I really like.

That being said, I loved the werepanther world Calmes has built. I really liked the story, even though I felt like the lore wasn't super fleshed out and there were a couple of little problems and issues, BUT my enjoyment trumped any niggling points by far.

This is not a fluffy romance either, and it's not your typical "we're mates let's fuck!" shifter story, either. There's some deeper stuff happening, Jin's past isn't for the faint of heart (some of the scenes are downright brutal), and just because Jin and Logan recognize each other as "Mates" doesn't mean everything is smooth sailing.

Look, I'm not going to lie...Mary Calmes just does it for me. The insta-love, the sarcasm, the humor, the pain in the ass MC...it all works for me. The alpha / dominant who's also able to let his lover be himself hits all my tingly spots.

Sure, it's not going to be for everyone but, for me, it was a super enjoyable read and for those who love Calmes' work, I don't think they'll be disappointed to try the series.

Belens Audio Book Review
I love Sean Crisden's narration. That does not mean I am blind to it's flaws or faults. The first time I listened to this book I thought he made Crane sound like a Muppet, Domin sound like a bad weird D-movie actor, and Logan sound like Christian Bale's version of Batman. It was still a REALLY good listen, but I was surprised by some of the voices used.

The second time I listened I liked Crane and Logan more, and now that I listen to this story almost every single month (Yeah, yeah...what can I say? It's become a favorite of mine in so many more ways than I can explain to you.) it's funny, but when I listen now I absolutely love the character voices for Crane and Logan (I still hate and cringe every time Domin is voiced), and I always feel something's missing when Jeff Gelder narrates books two and three. I'm weird, I know.

So considering I've listened to this audio book a dozen times (by this publication date - wait a month and it'll be more) - I cannot express my love enough for it.



This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews

Read: 09/2014, 10/2014, 11/2014, 12/2014, 01/2015, 02/2015, 03/2015, 04/2015, 05/2015, 06/2015, 07/2015, 08/2015, 02/2016, 03/2016, 06/2016, 08/2016, 10/2016, 04/2017
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,924 followers
March 2, 2019
I just can't help it...Mary Calmes' books are like crack to me. Once I start reading I just can't stop. I know they are ott at times and I know that one of the characters is usually so fucking perfect and loved which makes it all really unbelievable, but I just love this stuff !!! Worms for me every single time. Hopefully, it will stay that way..since I have a lot more of her books to read.

This one was about Jin and Logan. They are big cat shifters (yummy). Now the whole storyline is too much for me to explain. Too many details, rules, and names, so I will keep it simple.

Jin and Logan are true mates...destined to be together. Now in this book, that is something that is pretty rare. A Semel (leader of the pack) finding his true mate (his rea) is extremely rare. What's also very rare is the fact that Jin is a Rea. He is the only male one known off..since they are always females because the Semels are always male.

That makes things very complicated. Jin was thrown out of his own pack when he was 16 because he was a male rea, the pack and his father almost killed him. He and his best friend have been living from one place to the next because they don't want to be part of a pack. Once a Semel sees a real rea, he wants to claim her (or in this case his) as his own. It doesn't matter if they are true mates...they just can't help themselves. A Rea is just wanted by everybody...kind of like a magical being.

So as you can see, things are a little dangerous for Jin. He really tries to nice the fact that he is a Rea, for his own safety. Of course, everybody is gonna find out and Jin comes face to face with multiple Semels...one of which is Logan...his true mate.

Logan is supposed to be mated with a woman within a couple of days. She is not his true mate of course, but since finding your true mate, your rea, is so rare, Semels choose a mate themselves. This is important for their pack but also, because, without a mate, their bloodline cant continue.

Once Logan sees Jin...all best are off. For him, it doesn't even matter that his rea if a man. From here on the story continues. They will have to overcome all sorts of shit. One of those things being Jin's insecurity about being someone's mate and being a part of a pack.

I loved this story, I loved the world they lived in, the shifters, the pack, the steam. Mary did an awesome job describing everything.

I will definitely be reading more books in this series. 4-4,5 stars from me
Profile Image for εllε.
758 reviews
January 16, 2017
This book has been on and off my TR shelf since I don't remember. I'm glad I finally decided to read it.

MM romance and shifters was an amazing combination. This book had action and everything a paranormal one should have. It was very well written, although some times it felt strange. It was cute and Jin and Logan were sweethearts.

I like once in a while reading about possessive males and dominance showings.

I ended up liking other characters, too, and I saw some very potential couples in them...

The book had me captivated from page one, I read it in one sitting and I'm right away on to book 2.
Profile Image for Darien.
862 reviews322 followers
July 27, 2018

The Story: 2.5 Pants Off

I’m starting to realize that the more I listen to MCs books in audio more inconsistencies and just overall fuckery that goes down.

Jin is a Rhea, which means he’s like some super panther Andy if he gets mated then him and his mat would be like some super couple. After being beaten and thrown out of his pack, Jin has no time for romance and settling down. He gets pursued a lot, and accosted a lot but he’s a fucking airhead so it’s all water under the bridge 😒

Now there’s an all out war for his body, but he’s found his mate and things are set but Jin is still an airhead, like a fucking leaf in the breeze who just mosies on bout without a care in the world for anyone or anything.

He’s a freaking psychopath, because how does he not understand human emotions?? He’s always hella surprised at any form emotion from others, unless he has the emotional range of a rock, or he’s just plain foolish. He irritated me!!

Stuff happens, Gin walks out, acts surprised because people care for him and numerous amount of women like to fling themselves into his arms (but touch wasn’t allowed without direct permission from his mate) but I guess that only apply to all the mans dem.


Overall, I hate it more than I did when I read it for the first time. It’s a flighty story, and nothing original happens 🤷🏽‍♀️

The Narration: 3.5 Pants Off

Sean Crisden did an alright job and I’m not rating it higher because of his take on Logan Church. That shit is damn near comical!! Every supporting character was done perfectly, but when Logan voice came on I was just filled with ultimate cringe, and the sex scenes...


Listening just makes you realize how much WTFuckery happens and it’s damn near hard to ignore. But catch me post up listening to another one 😩 (crack).
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
January 20, 2018
4.25 stars

I first read this book in 2014 before I was such a die-hard Mary fan. It’s safe to say I didn’t like this book very much. But…. it’s 2018 now, my favorite author is Mary, and I’ve read 1000 MM books since then. And now…. I absolutely LOVED this!

This book is so very Mary, and this time around the crazy shifter law didn’t bother me that much at all.

Jin is the martyr hero in this story. A rare reah werepanther. It’s not the werepanther part that is rare, but the reah part. Apparently Jin is the only male reah alive. Reahs are usually only female, and the perfect fit for a semel, the head of a tribe of werepanthers.

If a semel can find his reah, who is also his true mate, the semel is blessed beyond words. Almost no one has ever seen a reah, let alone a semel with his true mate reah.

Jin is on the run with his best friend Crane ever since his old pack kicked him out. But other werepanthers can sense he is a reah, so everyone wants to bring him to their semel to see if he is their true mate.

And that’s how Jin finds himself faced with Logan Church, head of the Mafdet tribe. And despite Jin never wanting a mate, it is obvious this semel is his true mate. But Jin doesn’t know what to do with this instant family, and with Logan’s attention and love…

This book had all the ingredients of a great Mary shifter story. We have the martyr MC, who is loved by everyone, but doesn’t see his own worth at all. And we have the alpha male who yells MINE a lot, but who is also sweet and loving.

I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.



This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for LenaLena.
387 reviews154 followers
September 15, 2011
I'll have to read more shifter books, I guess, because I am really, really not getting the ones I've read so far. And I'm not getting why this one is so popular, in particular.

I recently complained there weren't enough rules in some book I read (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...). This book has taught me that there is such a thing as too many rules too. A quick and dirty word search shows that there are roughly 50 discussions of laws and rules in here. The reason there is so much talk about the rules of pantherhood is because they drive some major plot developments. Especially the fact that no one seems to know the fucking rules, not even the people leading these tribes. Yet, we live and we die by these rules. That we are not familiar with. So deadly mistakes are made. Imagine that.

In fact, Jin seems to be the only one that knows the rules. And I am starting to suspect he's making them up on the fly as they get more and more complicated. Never mind the fact that half the damn rules don't make any sense in the first place. Why would you even have a 'sons of Horus' rule that pits 5 panthers against 1 to settle a dispute? Who were the founding fathers of this particular Constitution and what were they smoking?

Jin is annoying in his waffling. And does Logan say anything in this book that isn't a variation of: 'You are / He is MINE'? Seriously, the man might as well stick with grunting and pointing at his crotch.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,632 reviews477 followers
April 19, 2019
I was seriously considering a whole Sam and Jory then Marshall’s re-read again. But I looked around at Mary’s other books and found this. The reviews were very mixed but I decided to give it a try anyway.

I loved it from the get go and I was seriously wondering what on earth was wrong with all the low ratings. This book was fabulous.

Okay so as I continued on I understood perfectly the mixed reviews. What started out so well (for me anyway) turned into a huge mess of inconsistencies. I’m not going to list them simply because it would take too long. And don’t get me started on ‘get into your starting blocks’ Jin

What started out so well turned into a book I struggled at times to finish. Even though I’m not thrilled by the blurb for the next one I’m going to give it a shot. I mean it took me a while to get used to Mary’s writing in the first place. And I struggled with Jory at times so it’s onto the next book for me. Fingers crossed because I really do want to enjoy this series. I don’t want to get stuck doing re-reads again like last year.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
April 8, 2019
I haven't read many books by this author, but when I grabbed this freebie, I got hooked. I didn't expect to enjoy it so much! I loved the story and the hotness!!! I really want to read the other books in this series!
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
July 31, 2016
2nd reading 7/30/16 Still loving it!

I just want to say about this book….OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!

This was fun, exciting, hot hot hot like i have not read in a book in a while and MM and panther shifters, and trauma, past abuse and wonderful world building. I enjoyed myself so much reading this, I can’t even wipe the smile off my face!!

Did I mention the sex was hot? Well it’s red hot, it’s panties on fire hot! It’s my hands are absolutely glued to my kindle hawwwt!!!!

There, i got it out, now I feel better! Now that I am done screaming in glee for this book i will say it wasn’t perfect. There was what I can only call insta-love for lack of a better word. Jin is a panther shifter and a reah, which in this story is a rare and much sought out mate for a semel (tribe leader). Panthers born a Reah are special and rare, and never male, so when Jin comes of age and finds discovers he is a reah and gay, he father and his tribe beat him to near death and leave him on the side of road. Jin’s best friend Crane stays by is side and together the set off to find a life and peace. Jin and Crane never stay in one place very long, worried about being discovered Jin is always fearful, alert, he does not want to be discovered that is a Reah.

Now this is fantasy of course and you have to keep that in mind when you read this book. I enjoyed the world building in this, I can’t wait to read the other books and learn more. What I loved about this world so far were the customs, the rules regarding the tribes and everyone place in their tribe. The leader of this tribe is Logan, and he definitely your uber alpha, hear me roar sorta guy. But in his defense his overwhelming love and devotion to Jin nearly had me in tears, OMG!! And Jin, with his loneliness, past abuse and yearning to belong someplace is heartbreaking.

Now is this reality? No of course not, are the characters a little to good to be true? Well, yes I suppose so. But despite these niggling thoughts this book took me a ride that had me squealing in delight and texting my friend Macky because I simply couldn’t contain myself. I had to tell someone how happy I was! OMG OMG OMG!!

Yes you see what I did? OMG’s at the beginning AND at the end! My GR friends that know me and my reviews know that is pretty much all I need to say to let you know how I felt.

Profile Image for Melissa.
1,316 reviews88 followers
April 3, 2020
2020 sort of re-read
Did a very quick read of this because the audio isn't available using audible escape (or at all) but the rest of the series is and so I wanted a quick brush up of events so I knew what to expect for book 2. Not sure how that will go so fingers crossed.

12-17-17 Review:
I don't have much to say that's new. The story gets shorter and shorter with each re-read because I skip all the weird, still, or stupid parts I don't care for. At its base, the story is a good one. :)

3-28-17 Review:
I've read this book (and series) so many times I can't tell you. And because I've read it so often I skip the parts I don't care about. Those who read Mary Calmes know she has a very specific style of writing, and it works for this series. Shifters are unique and have different rules and lives, so it just makes sense that Logan and Jin have this instant connection and love.

Mary's writing does have some annoyances for me and this book is no different: the constant interruption of people mid-sentence; the "knowing" what the other person is thinking; using "wanna" instead of "want to" (boy is that annoying!); the obsession that people have over Jin (or Jory or whoever) can be over the top at times, and I roll my eyes waaaaay too much.

And now that I've started this re-read I can't just stop at book 1. Here we go!!!
Profile Image for Josy.
992 reviews3 followers
October 11, 2017
Well, that's surprising! I loved the hell out of this book and honestly? I didn't expect that. I thought I would like it but to enjoy it so much that I was able to completely ignore the tiny flaws in the writing and the narration, and the obvious similarity to other MCs written by Mary Calmes? I didn't see that coming. Seems like I can deal with overly possessive alpha-males and instant-love better when shifters are involved.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,325 reviews591 followers
September 22, 2024
3 Stars

For some strange reason, I’m finding it really difficult to decide how I feel about this book. On one hand, this story was basically an amalgamation of all of my favourite book tropes. This was a paranormal story; an m/m romance; a shifter tale, incorporating shifter lore which was wildly unique (if somewhat confusing at times); and is a story of destined mates (with a MAJOR Mine!Mine!Mine! feel). All of this just screams MEAGS! Weirdly though, something didn’t quite work for me in the way that I had hoped.

My main issues lie within the use of the tropes that I adore so much (strange that). I felt the whole mates relationship was way too artificial. The constant use of lines like, “you belong to me/you are mine,” got old quick. I felt all these (usually) romantic proclamations and physical demonstrations, that are the main reason I read and love PNR, were over-used here, ultimately diminishing their impact on me as a reader.

It also doesn’t help that, at semi-regular intervals throughout this story, I had a difficult time curbing my urge to smack Jin and/or Logan into next week. Jin’s personality simply grated on me, especially once he had meet Logan, before which I was all up on team Jin. I just couldn’t relate to his decision making thereafter.

Also – don’t hit me – there was too much sex! The first two scenes were smoking hot, but then I found myself skimming, or I’d get to the end of a sex scene and be all, “oh thank god that’s done, let’s have more story,” but 2 pages later, BAM!, there was another sex scene. I’m feeling blasphemous even complaining about this. I love sex scenes; I’m a total perv! But still, I feel how I feel.

Anyway, if you’ve read all of this, you may be thinking, “why did this bitch rate this 3 stars when she has so many damn issues with it?” Well, my friends, I still love the book-crack appeal of a good flufftastic Mary Calmes story. It was so easy to read. It had an addictive quality to it; I smashed it out in under 24 hours. I still liked the story as a whole and I see the potential for these characters, main and side alike, to draw me into their world to an obsessive degree. I simply want more.
Profile Image for Tara♥ {MindforBooks}.
1,515 reviews113 followers
February 14, 2017

Followed by:

With all of the awesome Mary bits in between.

I hadn't a clue what was happening most of the time and I don't know who was who and what was what but it has a Jory (Jin) and a Sam (Logan) and Jory (Jin) being stupid and thinking he is not good enough or good at all for Sam (Logan) and Sam (Logan) being straight and falling head over heels in love with Jory (Jin) at first sight. Classic MC. Full of awesome.

The whole tribe thing is confusing and all the Russian names makes it even more confusing but I'm just going to go with it and pretend I know what's happening.

Profile Image for Ingie.
1,424 reviews167 followers
November 1, 2016
Written July 29, 2013

3 Stars - started well, kind of sweet, but I wasn't really hooked

A fairly entertaining novel, but also a complicated shifter world. Both good and bad, but I wasn't commited to these characters. Too rushed perhaps? ~ ...Although overall quite okay.


Jin Rayne is a shifter (wewpanther) who prefer to avoid all were-tribe's. He wants to live free from the traditions and now he works at a restaurant in Reno to where he and his good friend Crane fled from Chicago. But Jin has a special ability and is coveted by all the pack leader, he is perfect and coveted mate - if only he were a woman.

In Reno, there are three competing tribe leader and one of them is the mighty Logan Church. Will he choose a handsome young guy to be his mate for life?
 photo Dragees-Silver-Hearts-FS_zpsf04e62f9.jpg

“It was surprising to hear it from his lips, my plain, ordinary name spoken as it never had been before, with awe, lite it was sacred, like treasure. Like I was treasure.”


I feel this started out good but then it became more and more unrealistic and forced. Although it's PNR, I want to accept a little of what is happening. It is hard to decide how to judge this one. I read with pleasure, didn't skim but still felt it wasn't more than okay = 3,5 stars from me.

Botton line; These panther shifters are quite interesting, they love to steam and it's a pretty cute story with some suspense. Maybe, just maybe, I continue with the series.

I LIKE - nice, steamy and kind of sweet!
Profile Image for Kat.
939 reviews
November 28, 2016
I know that it's almost mandatory to start your review with a "wtf did I just read?!" in the romance/taboo genre, but "wtf did I read here?!". After 2 beers it did get better, in the sense that I couldn't stop laughing at the telenovela madness, but I think I need to snort some to really get into it.

Okay, that's it for me. But hey, my curiosity's been satisfied.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 847 reviews

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