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From the New York Times bestselling author of MEG: A Novel of Deep Terror. Mayan legend tells of the Hero Twins, destined to confront the Lords of the Underworld and rescue their long-lost father from the realm of darkness. A two-thousand-year-old myth-or a prophecy of an apocalyptic battle for the soul of mankind? On December 21, 2012, a date long foretold by the Mayan calendar, Michael Gabriel disappeared from the face of the Earth after saving the entire planet from thermonuclear destruction. Less than a year later, his bereaved wife gave birth to twin sons, both possessed of extraordinary mental and physical gifts. Are these at last the Hero Twins? As crucial as the twins are, they are not unique. A third child has been born, blessed-or cursed-with the same superhuman talent and potential. Born into poverty, raised in obscurity, the seductive Lilith may be the key to humanity's ultimate future. Once again, as in Domain, Steve Alten has ingeniously woven the mysteries of the past into a gripping and unforgettable vision of the future.

432 pages, Hardcover

First published February 21, 2004

About the author

Steve Alten

47 books1,312 followers
Steve Alten grew up in Philadelphia, earning his Bachelors degree in Physical Education at Penn State University, a Masters Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Delaware, and a Doctorate of Education at Temple University. Struggling to support his family of five, he decided to pen a novel he had been thinking about for years. Working late nights and on weekends, he eventually finished MEG; A Novel of Deep Terror. Steve sold his car to pay for editing fees. On September (Friday) the 13th, 1996, Steve lost his general manager’s job at a wholesale meat plant. Four days later his agent had a two-book, seven figure deal with Bantam Doubleday.

MEG would go on to become the book of the 1996 Frankfurt book fair, where it eventually sold to more than a twenty countries. MEG hit every major best-seller list, including #19 on the New York Times list (#7 audio), and became a popular radio series in Japan.

Steve’s second release, The TRENCH (Meg sequel) was published by Kensington/Pinnacle in 1999 where it also hit best-seller status. His next novel, DOMAIN and its sequel, RESURRECTION were published by St. Martin’s Press/Tor Books and were runaway best-sellers in Spain, Mexico, Germany, and Italy, with the rights selling to more than a dozen countries.

Steve’s fourth novel, GOLIATH, received rave reviews and was a big hit in Germany. It is being considered for a TV series. MEG: Primal Waters was published in the summer of 2004. A year later his seventh novel, The LOCH, hit stores — a modern-day thriller about the Loch Ness Monster. Steve’s eighth novel, The SHELL GAME, is about the end of oil and the next 9/11 event. The book was another NY Times best-seller, but the stress of penning this real-life story affected Steve’s health, and three months after he finished the manuscript he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Steve’s ninth novel, MEG: Hell’s Aquarium, is considered to be the best of the best-selling MEG series. Steve says his best novel is GRIM REAPER: End of Days. The story, a modern-day Dante’s Inferno, takes place in New York when a man-made plague strikes Manhattan.

Steve’s novels are action-packed and very visual. He has optioned DOMAIN, MEG and The LOCH to film producers. Steve has written six original screenplays. His comedy, HARLEM SHUFFLE was a semi-finalist in the LA screenwriting contest, his comedy MINTZ MEATS was selected as a finalist at the Philadelphia film festival as was his psychological thriller, STRANGLEHOLD. Steve’s reality series, HOUSE OF BABEL won at Scriptapalooza. He has also created a TV Drama, PAPA JOHN, based on his years coaching basketball with Hall of Fame coach John Chaney.

Over the years, Steve has been inundated with e-mail from teens who hated reading …until they read his novels. When he learned high school teachers were actually using his books in the classroom (MEG had been rated #1 book for reluctant readers) Steve launched Adopt-An-Author, a nationwide non-profit program designed to encourage students to read. Teachers who register for the program (it’s free) receive giant shark posters, free curriculum materials, student-author correspondence, an interactive website, and classroom conference calls/visits with the author. To date, over 10,000 teachers have registered, and the success rate in getting teens to read has been unprecedented. Steve now spends half his work week working with high schools. For more information click on www.AdoptAnAuthor.com

As an author, Steve has two goals. First, to continue to work hard to become a better storyteller and create exciting page turning thrillers. Second, to remain accessible to his readers. Steve reads and answers all e-mails, uses the names and descriptions of his loyal fans as characters in all his novels, and even hires readers as editors, depending on their particular expertise.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for John.
1,458 reviews36 followers
July 14, 2012
When discussing a book like RESURRECTION, it's hard to decide where to begin. Seldom has a book struggled so hard to achieve so little. The story combines so many elements--ancient Mayan mythology, time travel, spiritual warfare, remote viewing, natural disasters (volcanoes, hurricanes, and global warming), politics, alien civilizations, the Space Program, oceanography, sports (both football and a sort of alien hockey/soccer/basketball hybrid that you play with a severed head), martial arts, the Nephilim, drug addiction, etc.--that it's like Alten suffers from a severe case of ADD and can't decide what kind of story he wants to tell. Ultimately, it's as though Alten, a la Dan Brown, spent several months looking at various kook websites and then came up with a plot line that would allow him to vomit up every little tidbit of "information" he had garnered. Never mind that said plot makes very little sense. While reading this book, I experienced the same overall emotion that I felt when watching the movie, GHOST RIDER 2: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE. Namely, a constant desire to scream out, "How does something like this even get made?!" In fact, everything about the novel is SO bad that you can't help but read with anticipation as to what kind of story-telling travesty will occur next. Then there's the writing. For some reason, Alten often goes into great detail regarding things that have very little impact on the story. When he imparts scientific or factual information, he does so in giant narrative blocks rather than interweaving it with the dialog as Michael Crichton or Dan Brown would do. The effect is that half the time you feel like you're reading a college textbook rather than a novel. And it doesn't help that Alten's scientific explanations are incredibly dense and hard to follow, making readers (at least this one, anyway) feel stupid instead of smart. Again, if you want to feel smart, read Michael Crichton. Or even Dan Brown (just don't admit it to anyone).
Profile Image for Analia.
662 reviews
November 10, 2019
4/5 estrellas.
No le dí las 5 estrellas porque el tema de los alienígenas no me es creíble, pero sí tenía la sensación de que éste libro me iba a gustar mucho más que el primero y por suerte eso pasó.

En éste segundo libro, Dominique se nos presenta practicado "Kendo" una técnica del samurai y su comienzo es muy bueno porque el autor nos presenta a nuestra protagonista que viene del primer libro como una mujer fuerte luchando contra sus propios demonios. Luego el libro se centrará en los hijos de Dominique y del ya desaparecido Michael: Jacob e Immanuel (Manny) y su nacimiento estará relacionado con el Popol Vuh. Estos gemelos cambiarán la historia porque serán los primeros guerreros gemelos, los cuales son tan diferentes como el día y la noche porque Manny quiere llevar una vida normal, lejos de las "teorías" de extraterrestres y "leyendas" con las que están obsesionado su hermano Jacob, en cambio, éste se siente "el mesias" y desde muy temprana edad tiene una inteligencia y capacidad de aprendizaje que no son normales.
Pero hay otros personajes en ésta historia plagada de ciencia ficción: Peter J. Mabus, ex presidenre de una gran empresa contratista, pastor evangelista y futuro presidente a los Estados Unidos. Es un personaje de los más insoportable con un discurso religioso extremista y por desgracia no será el único "loco" porque aparte de volver a saber de Ennis Chaney, también aparecré Quenton MacHead, quien se hará cargo de la crianza de su nieta Lilith (sip, como la de los vampiros) y con ella será un autentico monstruo (cuando yo leía las escenas se me ponían los pelos de punta). Con el paso de los años él la transformará en una "mujer devora hombres" y con eso quedo corta porque Lilith será más monstruo aún de lo que fue su abuelo. Éste personaje es de lo peorcito. Cada vez que leía sobre ella, me preguntaba: "¿Qué estoy leyendo?".

Como dije más arriba éste libro está cargado de mucha imaginación, por momentos exagerada y del tema maya toca poco y nada y es un libro que toca muchos temas, entre ellos el bien y el mal, calentamiento global y explicaciones sobre la necromancia y el sucubo; cuando se centraba en éstos yo dudaba de estar leyendo un thriller pero mi análisis que hago es que todo esto está rodeado de dos palabras: Esquizofrenia paranoide. Y vaya trama que ha armado el autor porque cuando se enfocaba en los aspectos psicológicos yo me devoraba las páginas hasta caer con el Popul Vuh, sobre el cual el autor vuelca en el libro toda la leyenda completa y allí yo perdía interés en la lectura porque yo sentía excesiva imaginación, tanto que el lector puede sentir un caos mental (jajajaja); los personajes están locos y puede contagiar al lector. También debo decir que hubo partes en las que se me hizo pesado su lectura y en partes donde aprendí cosas como por ejemplo sobre la muralla China. Repito: el autor incluye en éste segundo libros temas muy variados donde el tema "Maya" sólo parece ser la excusa para abrazar toda una trama que se vuelve explosiva y peligrosa cuando se juntan tantos temas (alma, abominación, infierno, la doctrina albinense más los ya mencionados arriba) que deja de lado su contenido "histórico" para meterse más en la fantasía.
¿Lo recomiendo? es un libro raro. Veremos qué me espera en el tercero y último de ésta trilogía.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,778 reviews590 followers
September 28, 2015
So the first book was a decent read. It wasn’t one of my favourite books but it kept me interested for the most part. As someone who does not like giving up halfway through series I forced myself to work through this one.

Honestly, it was much harder to get through than the first.

I’ll start with my dislike of one of the storylines. Enter Lilith, the typical story for how someone comes into their role as a bad guy (well, technically bad girl). Was it really necessary to pick that storyline for her to come into her role? It wasn’t just that it has been done a hundred times before and has lost all of the shock it could have, but it was just generally badly done. I’ve always disliked that kind of storyline for the ‘evil’ females but in this case I disliked it even more than usual – worse still is the fact that I cannot pinpoint what part in particular knocked me over the edge into complete hatred of her story. Whilst she is an interesting character her entire backstory drove me insane.

Speaking of backstories, I feel as though things were over intellectualised on the twin front as they were growing up. Yes they’re meant to be smart, I get that, but at times I felt as though the conversational routes that adults had with them were too much. No matter how smart your kid happens to be you’re not going to sit exchanging some of the conversations that occurred at the start of this book.

Most of my dislike, however, is limited to the first few parts of the book. I thought that the first book in the series could have been cut down by a couple of hundred pages but it is nothing compared to how this one could have (and probably should have) been cut down – with most of it being at the start. Again, sadly, most of the action seemed to be limited to the end.

Really this should be a one and a half star review, but as I’m not feeling generous (it really did take me far too much effort to work through this book) and it has been brought down to a one. Whilst lots of things were explained and brought about I couldn't bring myself to get over everything that annoyed me, let us just hope that the last book is an improvement…
July 20, 2020
“El universo no sólo es más desconocido de lo que pensamos, es más desconocido de lo que imaginamos.” – J. B. S. Haldane

Oh. My. God. Mi mente se ha roto.
4.5 estrellas

Empezaré con una cita que tomará más importancia de lo que parece a lo largo del libro:
“El tiempo no es en absoluto lo que parece, no fluye en una única dirección, y el futuro existe simultáneamente con el pasado.” – Albert Einstein

Advertencia. Todo lo que esté a continuación es spoiler si no se ha leído el primer libro, El Testamento Maya.

La entrega anterior terminó con Michael Gabriel entrando a un portal que lo llevaría a Xibalba, desapareciendo frente a Dominique y dejándola sola, revelando después que estaba embarazada. Todo esto debido al fin de la humanidad pronosticado para el 21 de diciembre del 2012 por los mayas, sólo Hun-Hunahpú podía evitarlo. El precio a pagar por la salvación fue su alma.

Soy el fin de la humanidad y su principio.
Soy Hun-Hunahpú y el universo se ríe de mí.
Soy.. Michael Gabriel.

Este libro inicia con Dom, superando la pérdida de su alma gemela y entrenándose con una identidad falsa para protegerse, ya que debido a los sucesos apocalípticos se encuentra en el foco de atención de todos, corriendo un riesgo junto con sus hijos. Dom, protegida por el presidente Ennis Chaney, da a luz a los Héroes Gemelos el 22 de septiembre del 2013. Jacob, con el gen Hunahpú dominante, siendo de cabellos blancos y ojos azules oscuros, tiene fijo su destino y lo acepta desde el inicio gustosamente; el otro hermano es Immanuel, teniendo el cabello oscuro, él decide rechazar su genética y anhela más que nada una vida normal. Ese mismo día nació una joven, Lilith Eve, que sería conocida como la Abominación.

Mientras sucedía el nacimiento de los gemelos, comenzaban a crecer y, en general, sus vidas avanzaban, Mick se encontraba en Xibalba buscando una existencia pura en la que pueda obtener respuestas. Su vida parece titilar entre pensamientos alternados de pasado a futuro, coexistiendo con una consciencia que no le pertenece, encontrando sólo maldad pura.

“El mundo es un lugar peligroso en que vivir; no a causa de las personas malvadas, sino a causa de las personas que no hacen nada al respecto.” – Albert Einstein

Spoilers de La Resurrección Maya

Steve Alten avanzó a pasos agigantados en el tiempo, no dudó en adaptar su historia a lo que el instauró como 2020, 2027 y más tarde, 2033. Él en verdad se informó demasiado, dió detalles específicos de la tecnología, la vida cotidiana, el aspecto de las personas, etc.; aquí es cuando las cosas dieron un giro de ciencia ficción futurista, nombrando incluso viajes a Marte.
“La Tierra es la cuna de la humanidad, pero uno no puede quedarse en la cuna para siempre.” – Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Un punto a destacar es el magnifico trabajo del autor mezclando misterios de la humanidad con su historia, tales como: la construcción de pirámides y edificaciones antiguas, desarrollo de culturas, los personajes importantes en la historia (Kukulkán, Osiris, Merlín...), el eslabón perdido, etc. Creo que esa es una de mis cosas preferidas, manipula la historia de una manera que me deja impactada. Cuando leí que aquellas figuras importantes de ojos azules y barba blanca (Quetzalcóatl, Merlín, Kukulkán...) eran miembros del Guardián, realmente tomó un sentido para mí. Estos detalles me mantenían cada vez más eclipsada en la historia.

Me perdí múltiples veces, haciéndome bastantes preguntas como: ¿Estuve equivocada todo este tiempo?, ¿El futuro es el causante del pasado?, ¿Quién se salvará? ¿Hay un traidor?, ¿Cómo se creó el bucle?, entre otras. Sólo para al final encontrar una respuesta devastadora que en muchas ocasiones me dejó abrumada.

Es increíble como Steve Alten da su propia forma a un ángel, Dios, Lucifer y Lilith, mezclando el tronco bíblico con las raíces mayas de manera que encajan idealmente.

“Dios nos está poniendo a prueba, para ver si somos capaces de matar al Satanás que llevamos dentro.” – Elie Wiesel

El libro en verdad puede llegar a causar la sensación de desesperanza, dejando a uno vacío. Sentí que yo misma estaba viviendo lo mismo que los personajes, me sumergía con ellos y el destino me engullía sin encontrar escapatoria. En mi opinión, superó a su libro antecesor.
Aquí un fragmento de lo que me dejó totalmente desamparada:

Bien, si el libro es tan maravilloso, ¿Por qué no tiene 5 estrellas?
La razón es simple. El exceso de información. Alten mezcló mitología maya, viajes en el tiempo, política, desastres naturales, civilizaciones alienígenas, visión remota, Yin y Yang, tecnología futurista, artes marciales, etc. Es delirante. Me gusta obtener nuevos conocimientos, pero tanta información pudo llegar a aturdirme en partes específicas. Agradezco que quisiera explicar a lujo de detalle lo que es un huracán, como surge, las agencias que se encargan de ello, como detenerlos, categorías... Pero dedicar páginas enteras sólo para al final decir que se aproxima un huracán del más alto riesgo, me pareció innecesario.
El problema aquí no fue establecer bastantes temas, fue poner temas complejos, explicandolos extensamente sólo para recibir una pequeña inclinación que sería mencionada en la historia.

En fin, de cualquier manera, me pareció un gran libro y no dudó en que leeré el siguiente y último libro de la Trilogía Maya.

Cada uno de nosotros fabrica su propia prisión, y cada uno de nosotros posee la capacidad de salir de ella.

Profile Image for Diana Vera.
15 reviews3 followers
September 28, 2012
What happens to us when we die?
Is there really an afterlife?
Do we possess a soul?
Does God exist?
For Michael Gabriel, the answers to these questions lie in another dimension, a realm of eternity where there is no concept of time, only pure life force . . . pure existence.
And pure evil.
Five hundred years ago, the Mayan Popul Vuh prophesized the birth of powerful twins--the sons of Michael Gabriel. White-haired, azure-eyed Jacob, blessed with inhuman physical prowess, intelligence, and insight into the cosmos, knows from birth that he is meant for more. His dark-haired brother, Immanuel, refuses his genetic calling, desiring a normal life. But only the combined powers of the Gabriel twins can resurrect their savior father and save the human race from an eternity of repeating its own self-destruction.
There is a third great power upon the earth, born the same day as the twins. Exposed to the uglier side of existence, empowered by her post-human genetics, the beautiful, schizophrenic Lilith will travel down a darker path that leads to Xibalba---the Mayan version of hell. An epic battle of good versus evil will begin . . . and the final fate of the human race will be revealed.
Profile Image for Jesus Velasco.
376 reviews
October 1, 2023
La resurrección maya es la segunda parte de la trilogía maya del autor estadounidense Steve Alten. La historia continúa donde lo dejó el primer libro, El testamento maya, con Michael Gabriel desaparecido y su esposa, Sarah, embarazada de gemelos.

Los gemelos, Dylan y Seth, nacen con habilidades físicas y mentales extraordinarias. Sarah pronto se da cuenta de que sus hijos son los gemelos heroicos profetizados en el Popol Vuh, el libro sagrado de los mayas. Estos gemelos están destinados a enfrentarse a los señores del inframundo y salvar el mundo.

Mientras tanto, Michael Gabriel sigue desaparecido. Un grupo de científicos descubre que ha sido secuestrado por los mayas, que lo están utilizando para resucitar a los antiguos dioses mayas.

La resurrección maya es una novela de acción y aventuras que combina elementos de ciencia ficción, terror y mitología. El libro está lleno de giros y vueltas inesperados, y el ritmo es vertiginoso.

La trama es un buen ejemplo de cómo la ciencia ficción y el terror pueden combinarse para crear una historia emocionante, aunque algunas de las situaciones son un poco exageradas.
Profile Image for A~.
312 reviews9 followers
October 31, 2016
Finishing Domain I started this book off with great expectations. I mean if you read carefully you realized that this was always meant to have a part two. And while not excellent the first book was competent and entertaining so I was ready.

I was not ready....Okay so remember how in the last book took pains in showing how Aliens who looked like old white men created civilization and all that? Well turns out they were not Aliens. They were literally old white men...but from the future.


Dominique Vazquez: She had sex with Mick one time, and got pregnant. Due to the ancient legend she knows her kids are going to be the future saviors of humanity. Takes Karata goes into hiding and teaches her kids. Look at this point she is a low budget Sarah Conner from terminator.

Jacob: Neo from the Matrix. That's all I can say to describe him. He is born as one of twins and it appears as if he was stilling from his siblings umbilical. He is born muscular like waking in two days gets stronger as he grows is able to enter bullet time when he gets older...oh wait they call it the source so it's totally not the bullet time from the matrix. He spends all his life getting ready for his 23rd birthday when he knows that there will be a test for him and his brother. When the test comes he passes/fails I don't know you read this flipping book...I have and it's sequel and I still don't know if he won or lost.

Immanuel: A normal kid. Resents being forced into hiding. Spends most of the book learning, pouting then pretending like he is dead so he can hide. Which he does by finally becoming the most famous College Football star of all time. Oh he also learns a bit how to use the source.

Lilith: Another kid born on the same day as Jacob and Immanuel. She is also a genetic heir to the alien/not alien DNA that was introduced by the old white men time travelers. Look do not read this book if the idea of a girl being abused is upsetting. She spends a good deal of time in this book graphically being beaten sexually abused and then using her sexuality to be evil. (Another one of Steven Alten's great women characters.)

Pepper and Salt: Two former secret service men/FBI agents? They are part of the presidential protection team who eventually get assigned to protect the Gabriel family.

So in the last book the prophesy was that the One "Huitzilopochtli" or Mayan Jesus as he is also called at one point is supposed to save the world in 2012. Then he is supposed to fight the source of evil. However he will be tricked by two demons and decapitated. He would then have his head put on a tree and 23 years later his kids would come and avenge him and then resuce him.

Knowing all this Mick went into the portal to fight the source of evil and defeated the two demons. Yet somehow he still ended up in the Mayan hell, i.e the future, and is killed/not killed.

His sons grow up knowing what is expected of the. Yet despite all the videos and historical accounts of what happened in 2012 Immanuel doesn't believe it's true.

I should note he is not alone. In 2016 a rich man turns into an evangelical and runs for president, seriously this writer predicted Trump. He thinks that 2012 was a hoax to disarm America and bring along a one world government. He repeatedly tries to have the kids killed. Reading this I was so ready to see what this villain could do...oh wait he was assassinated by Salt and Pepper a chapter after being introduced.

Meanwhile the twins grow up one getting strong and possibly crazy the other getting whiny. Lilith is also starting to grow and has meet up with Jacob in the Source. She falls in love with him, He with her. But he then realizes she was born on his birthday and thus is prophesied to be the evil he must fight. He dumps her over the Source, it's like dumping someone over twitter. She gets mad and turns evil.

Immanuel dies in a car wreck and we get introduced to the new villain. It's Pierre Robert Borgia. He has been in prison for years over the attempted murder of Mick and is now out and ready to get revenge. He is financed by the son of the now dead Totally not Trump and his first step is to kill the Former President...oh and it's totally not because the president was black...totally. I was excited he was a great bad guy in the last book...oh and now he's dead.

Yes again a chapter after being re-introduced to the series he is killed. But he also manages to kill Jacob. Thus all of humanity's saviors are dead and the real evil, Lilith, is still alive.

Part 3 of the book. (Yes this book had 3 freaking parts and as weird and unusual the first parts were I was longing for them half way through this part.)

A few years later and it's the 23rd birthday of the twins. And shock to anyone who has never seen a movie with a plot twist the twins are still alive. Immanual has become a super football/basketball/A++++ college student. He has also gained access to the source which he uses to help his football career. However, in the last incident, while in the source he is disturbed by a woman asking him who he is? He still wins the game but doesn't use the source for the rest of it causing there to be a uproar in the legal gambling scene as he doesn't beat the point spread. (BTW betting on college football is now legal and the students get paid.) Since his performance for the rest of the game is way under average he is accused of throwing it for a paycheck. There is also a subplot introduced where we meet his girlfriend, he loves her but has to go for an interview with a sexy ESPN interviewer, and jealousy abounds. Well it would if this plot lasted more than a chapter.

He find's himself picked up in a limo by his mother. She takes him to a secret base where we find his brother...dum dum dum...alive, oh wait anyone reading this already guessed that. His brother has continued his training, well as much as he can without using the source. During his training he has been talking to his father who is in the future and dead/not dead or maybe in a bathtub flying in space. (Hey if you have a better explanation please let me know)

His father while, I'm going to go with sleeping, has been experiencing a past/future life. Look I know this doesn't make sense. But he is experiencing the life of someone who was born after him, but because Mick is traveling in space in time it is totally possible that he was now in the future and looking at a past life. OHH AND IT GETS EVEN MORE FUCKING CONFUSING. The life he experiencing is a man who is on a space shuttle from Mars, one of the last of 12 to leave the planet earth before it dies. However it and the other 12 shuttles are hit by a worm hole and end up on an abandoned planet with future technology. We later find out that this is Earth in the future. So at this point he might just be in Mick's future who is now in the future of Jacob while he is living the life of a man born after Jacob but may now be in the future. Are we all clear?

Oh and we find out that Lilith and her son are on one of the 12 shuttles. While they they establish a godhood cult and basically kill Mick. But we also learn that they were the demons who tried to confuse Mick when he entered in the worm hole so now his future version of himself has been killed by people he killed thousands of years in the past.


Jacob, with some spiritual help from Mick, help to clarify everything to Immanual. Earth is stuck on a time loop and is repeating the same events over and over. People from the future came back to the past to warn about how to save the world. However their warnings got written down as legends. Jacob and Immanual have done this rescue of their father countless times before always failing. Jacob can remember them and has built a hollideck simulation but can not beat it. It's time for Immanuel to step up and help. And Immanuel decides to be a man and step up and by that I mean he says no I want to be with my girlfriend. He leaves the ship and Jacob decides to take his mother to the future. We go to watch Immanuel and his girlfriend have a happy long life of 30 seconds before she gets killed.

Aboard the good ship Baalam Jacob and his mother land and meet some of the remaining people of the 12 shuttles. They call forth a dragon, that looks exactly like the one that attacked in 2012. We find out that these dragons are actually genetically modified whales who can open worm hole. Together mother and son climb into the mouth of the dragon/whale and go to fight Lilith and her son and almost all that is left of humanity.

Lilith's followers are they rest of the people from the 12 space ships and used to live on a giant floating city that had water in it that turned them into super freaky super people with brain powers. Oh and by the way Lilith's son is also Jacob's son. He had sex with her despite knowing that her child would become the devil because he is a genetic super hero and she is a genetic super hero and apparently superhero hormones are strong. The son being a child of two genetic super heroes and also having drunk the super hero water is a super hero to the 3rd or is it 4th power. He has the ability to change himself and makes himself into a giant albino angel/dragon.

Lillith and her son convince their followers to leave the sky city, aka heaven, and go down to earth, aka hell. And this earth has no oxygen no growing things and the only thing that nourishes them is an old tree with glowing orbs. Most of these now super intelligent enhanced humans can see what a wonderful idea this is and they do it. Then over the years they are tortured and changed by Lilith and son to become hideous semi human monsters.

Jacob and Mother have some adventures and by that I mean they walk, get lost, walk some more, get more lost and then separated. Jacob comes upon an albino angel dragon raping a woman. When trying to rescue her he finds out that the woman is actually Lilith. And not from the way it was written he was not just pretending to have sex with his mother.

Jacob gets caught and brought to the tree with the glowing orbs. We find out that Lilith controls the tree and feeds the orbs to her followers. They in turn worship her and her son as gods.

Meanwhile Dominique finds her way to where Jacob is being held. A fight breaks out, Jacob kills both Dominique and her son but is fatally wounded. We find out that the tree was actually Mick, that Lilith, her son and all the followers are actually dead and just spirits or energy or I don't know I stopped caring. And as he dies Jacob somehow cleans Lilith's soul.

Dominique and Mick return back through the dragon/whale's mouth, thankfully it was a two way portal and they didn't have to go through the other end. The aliens put Mick in a virtual reality program and explain to Dominique that he was in the tree for thousands of years being tortured by Lilith and that he was the source of the glowing orbs. He needs to recover and they offer to link her up to his mind so she can help him gain his sanity back. She agrees and is also put in a coma. The wise white men then set their ship to travel back to the beginning of the space loop where they can once again set up the world to survive the 2012 apocalypse, but this time their ship goes off course and most of it explodes leaving a small fraction orbiting Mars. The fraction a couple of million years later gets called Phobos and is falsely identified as a moon of Mars. Inside Mick and Dominique are still connected in a still functioning VR system alive and having freaky mind sex.

I really wish I was making this up but no this is the story the best as I understood it.

Profile Image for Jim.
171 reviews6 followers
October 28, 2020
MAYAN RESURRECTION (or RESURRECTION - apparently this series has been printed at least a couple of times with slightly different titles and publishers) is the sequel to a very interesting ancient aliens-von Daniken-Mayan 2012 end-of the-world tale called DOMAIN. Unfortunately for the series (which was originally written and released well before December 21, 2012, the supposed end of the Mayan Long Calendar and with it, the end of the world), author Alten basically shot all his bullets in DOMAIN when, at the end, the hero sacrifices himself and prevents the end of the world. Game Over. We're saved.

But then there is the sequel, RESURRECTION. Here, we find the “Hero Twins”, the progeny of our original hero and heroine from DOMAIN (the result of the one and only coupling of said hero and heroine the day before the hero saves the world and dooms himself in the process) as young children, also fortetold in the Mayan Mythology as saviors of their father (after one or two false starts), possessed of great powers. One twin, Jacob, basically starts preparing for his destiny (foretold when the twins reach age 20) from the get-go, mastering his abilities and prepating to defeat the lords of the Mayan underworld. The other twin, Emanuel, is less sanguine about the Mayan prophecies and just wants to be a regular kid. And then there is a third child born the same day as the twins, Lilith, who is destined to become the Abomination, a sort of monster in human form.

Unlike DOMAIN, RESURECTION is more sci-fi than mythology, with lots of alien and alien tech, space and time travel, other planets as well of plenty of scenes of gruesome torture and death. Unfortunately, the science is not nearly as good nor as able to induce suspension of disbelief as the ancient mythologies in the first novel. There are a few interesting twists and turns, but the whole tale becomes rather convoluted and hard to piece together and is not as well written as DOMAIN. It’s still interesting in von-Daniken sort of way, but I’m not sure that I’m going to spring for another $7.99 for the third and final entry. Two stars.

JM Tepper
Profile Image for Paul.
723 reviews70 followers
September 2, 2011
Please note The Mayan Resurrection is the direct sequel to The Mayan Prophecy and the following review will likely contain spoilers for those that have not read the first novel.

The prize was our salvation. The price was his soul.

After sacrificing himself to preserve the human race, Michael Gabriel is imprisoned in a torturous, purgatory-like dimension in the Mayan netherworld.

The Mayan prophecy states that the Hero Twins – Michael’s sons Jacob and Immanuel, born to his wife Dominique the year after his entrapment - must travel to the Mayan realm in their twentieth year to free and resurrect him.

Yet it also carries a warning. Born on the same day as the twins is a dark force that threatens their destiny. This, the Abomination – the female yin to their yang – represents evil in its purest form, and will not yield until they succumb to its temptation.

The 21st December 2012, the winter solstice has come and gone and the prophecised apocalypse has been averted by Michael Gabriel. He has saved all of humanity by sacrificing himself. The Mayan Resurrection picks up a few months after the events in the climax of The Mayan Prophecy and follows the birth, childhood and adolescence of Michael’s twin sons.

Michael and Dominique take a back seat in this novel, as it is Jacob and Immanuel (Manny) that the story focuses on. As sons of the world’s savior, they grow up under intense media scrutiny. The Twins are worshiped by some, and derided by others.

The brothers are polar opposites of one another. Though they are both hyper-intelligent, Jacob is completely consumed with his mission to travel to the stars and free his father. Manny, meanwhile, has no desire to accept that his fate is predetermined. He wants to live a normal life, as far out of the limelight as is possible.

In this novel the reader is also introduced to the character of Lilith, The Abomination. Raised by a crazed foster grandfather from an early age, she is abused and used by everyone around her. These experiences shape her fragile mind into something terrifying, and she learns that in order to survive, she needs to manipulate and kill. By the time the Twins and Lilith finally meet, she has become a powerful psychotic sociopath.

Like its predecessor, this novel blends South American myths and theology, with intricate thriller action, and a liberal dose of science fiction. I think it is fair to say that the same observation I had with the first book still exists here. If you are a fan of standard action thrillers then you may find the science fiction and Mayan theological elements a trifle far fetched. Personally, I enjoyed this but I can appreciate that not everyone will feel the same way. This is a novel that really does span a couple of genres.

At six hundred and forty two pages the novel does feel a little over long. There seems to be a lot of exposition that I think could have been removed, or at the very least trimmed down. For example, in the midst of a thrilling chase, a group of characters travel to Cape Canaveral but the flow of the story is jarred by multiple pages describing the history of NASA at the Cape. All very insightful, and at another juncture, something I would be happy to read, but I felt that this didn’t really add anything to the story. Some of these inclusions feel like additional padding and they are a trifle unnecessary and only succeed in detracting from the main narrative.

This novel was originally published under the title Resurrection back in 2004. Reviews I’ve read from around that time have bemoaned the fact the science in the novel is somewhat inaccurate. This may well be true, but to honest I don’t really care. When I read a fictional work I am not going to be put off by out of date scientific information, the occasional error, or amendment for dramatic effect. This novel is being sold as is science fiction not science fact, and should be treated as such.

Overall, I enjoyed The Mayan Resurrection. It suffers the unenviable task of being the middle book in a series, but manages to keep up the momentum of the story quite well. Will I be back for the final book? Yes, I think I will. There are enough unanswered questions that have peaked my curiosity and I need to have them answered. Alten’s writing is easy to whizz through, and he is definitely an entertaining storyteller. Yesterday I was talking about this book on Twitter and described it as “600+ pages of apocalyptic, time travel, body swapping, theology bending sci-fi”. If that sounds like your kind of thing, I suggest you check it out.

The Mayan Resurrection is available now from Quercus Books. The Mayan Destiny, will complete the trilogy in March 2012. Nice to see that the final novel will be released well in advance of the end of the world in December 2012.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dario Sepulveda.
70 reviews10 followers
May 4, 2012
Resurrection is a misleading title. It gives a sense of reanimation and life, but one discovers its meaning is more like giving freedom to what's already dead. The story was particularly different from its predecessor. After reading Domain three times and enjoying every line of text, I suppose I always held the sequel in high regard. I thought it would live up to the promise that Domain gave and would reveal the mysteries that peaked my attention from the moment I read the first page. Resurrection was the second stage in love that Domain opened up between Mick and Dominique, but in a crude, hardcore way. It is a graphic, sexual novel that creeps into your mind without invitation. It takes people and twists them into sexually-driven, hungry souls who abuse small, innocent children. A side of Steve Alten I hadn't seen before in past books.

The story deviates from our main cast, and it completely ruined it. At first we are presented with Dominique during the aftermath of Mick's sacrifice and how she is holding up for the moment with a new identity, but then we are given a complete new story about Dom and Mick's twin boys throughout their childhood and adolescence. At times the story would completely forget about the basic plot and give more information than what was needed. It prepared us for an ending that didn't even happened even after all the "It's our Destiny, Manny" speeches. It entangled and killed itself describing the ending (even with all those eloquent big words), but alas I finally got to the last few pages of the book, the few pages I had looked for throughout the entire volume.


The story finally started to get back on track and gave back our star-crossed protagonists who are yearning to be together, and it also peaked my curiosity once again with the new, perplexing plot and that gave me hope for the third sequel.
Profile Image for Patrick Ellard.
241 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2012
If ever there was a book written that could be described as having far too many things going on at once then Resurrection would be that book. Domain, the original book in the series, was an excellent adventure/sci-fi book that managed to create an interesting story based around the Mayan doomsday prophecy. Resurrection should have expanded on that story but instead we are treated to a book that starts off well but from the mid point on becomes almost unintelligible due to far too much information being thrown at you and not enough explanation.

The plot becomes far too convoluted and I become lost many times, in fact I even forgot parts of the story as I struggled to remember so much information. It's almost as if Alten wanted to show off how much research he had done and tried to put every little piece of information he could think of into the story.

it's certainly not a terrible book and it does manage to entertain in parts but it is far too complicated and a big let down compared to the first book. let's hope the third can get things back on track.
Profile Image for Libia RM.
20 reviews2 followers
November 27, 2017
Este es el segundo libro de la trilogía maya de Steve Alten, que continúa los sucesos después del 21 de diciembre del 2012. Spoiler alert: el mundo no se acabó, y en este libro te explican por qué y continúan con la historia de los hijos de Michael Gabriel, que de acuerdo a la mitología maya, son guerreros hunahpú que lucharán contra las fuerzas del mal en Xibalbá. Como su predecesor, me encanta como mezcla la mitología antigua con ciencia ficción y elementos de otras religiones; básicamente fundamentan y explican cómo surgieron muchas filosofías. En este libro, podemos ver un poco hacia el futuro, y quizá en el año 2001 en que fue publicado el libro, el futuro se veía como algo muy fumado, pero en este 2017, el mundo cada vez se parece más al futuro que retratan.
Calificación: 8/10
Recomendado: 100% ya empiecen esta trilogía por favor jajaja
2 reviews
July 2, 2013
Steve Altan is one of the top 3 most amazing authors I have had the pleasure to read. This book, just like its predecessor, The Mayan Prophecy, does not disappoint. It is extremely well researched, shockingly good, brutal in many senses of the word! Packed full of action and a race against time in a series of mind boggling time travel. A book with great merit, from a fantastic Author. Must Read!
Profile Image for Chichi.
312 reviews21 followers
August 10, 2012
I just couldn't connect with this book. felt like far too much was going on all at once.
Profile Image for Ronell Snyder.
2 reviews
November 14, 2015
its actually preeeeeetttyyyyyy COooooooooolllll

and its very informative makes you rethink the things you know
Profile Image for Louise Lowe.
5 reviews
July 15, 2012
Brought this one as quite enjoyed the first one but was really disappointed with this one
Profile Image for Ilaria.
Author 8 books57 followers
July 10, 2018
Pensavate di essere salvi? Che la profezia Maya non si fosse avverata? Che il mondo fosse tornato a girare come prima?
Non potevate fare uno sbaglio più grande… la minaccia non è per niente scongiurata!
Coloro che salveranno la Terra, come predetto nel Popol Vuh – antichissimo libro Maya –, saranno i Gemelli Eroi discendenti di Hun Hunahpu, il Primo Padre che affrontò i Signori del Regno del Male Xibalbá.
Avevamo lasciato, nel precedente libro L'ultima profezia. 2012 Il testamento Maya, Dominique Vazquez incinta. Nella prima parte di questo nuovo romanzo di fantascienza (con molti aspetti fantasy), la donna scopre il destino funesto dei suoi figli, poiché partorisce proprio una coppia di gemelli: uno albino con occhi azzurri dove il marcatore Hunahpu è dominate, l’altro bruno con occhi scuri dove il marcatore Hunahpu è recessivo. A sole cinque settimane di vita si capisce che i bambini hanno delle doti straordinarie e uniche, che la madre dovrà proteggere non solo dalla profezia – che pende come una spada di Damocle –, ma anche da misteriosi nemici che vogliono eliminare i bambini a tutti i costi.
Per non bastare, lo stesso giorno della nascita dei gemelli Gabriel, avviene un altro parto. Una bambina dagli occhi azzurri e pelle color cacao vede la luce… ma la sua vita non sarò altrettanto luminosa.
Le loro vite si intrecceranno con la più grande profezia conosciuta, e gli eventi della natura che sembrano di nuovo inquieti e pronti a distruggere il mondo.
Tutti assieme riusciranno a salvare nuovamente la Terra?
Come per il precedente libro della serie, l’autore alterna parti noiose, pesanti e molto descrittive, con altre in cui il lettore non riesce a prevederne l’epilogo, rimanendo in sospeso fino alla fine.
Per una buona parte la trama è lineare, poiché narra la nascita e la crescita dei tre protagonisti, interrotte da pagine dei diari di Julius Gabriel, documenti top secret e capitoli in cui la storia (completamente collegata) si vede dal punto di vista di altri personaggi. Dopodiché inizia una sorta di dialogo mentale tra Michael Gabriel e uno dei suoi figli, in cui il padre (che sinceramente non ho capito se sia morto o meno) gli racconta la storia del suo risveglio in un altro posto (non voglio dirvi dove per non rovinarvi la sorpresa). Da qui ho avuto alcuni dubbi su come si svolgesse la storia, poiché intreccia il presente della trama a quello che sembra una sorta di passato e futuro allo stesso tempo.
Nei capitoli finali però si spiegano molte cose, e con un buon lavoro di memoria si riesce a rimettere in fila la trama.
Un romanzo davvero originale e molto fantasioso, che consiglio però solamente agli amanti del genere o comunque se volete leggerlo, leggetelo con molta attenzione, poiché mescola tanti elementi e vi sentirete come buttati in mare aperto e senza salvagente.
Profile Image for Jan.
694 reviews17 followers
October 14, 2017
The Saga continues....The twins, that are suppose to save the world, Jacob and Immanuel have been separated for many years. The world believes they are dead. They have been living under assumed names. One twin, Jacob, works hard on developing his strengths, the other twin wants nothing to do with it. Immanuel is selfish and all about me, he uses his powers to become a big football star, only realizing it is the power, and not him, that make him the success he is. While his brother is fighting demon's of the earth and sky, Manny is getting engaged, partying and playing football. The twins have an evil cousin, who Manny has no idea exists, however she seduces his brother Jacob, who has been warned about her, but can not resist her. He falls for her, her name is Lilith and she begets a son by him. The son is evil beyond words, Mother and son set out to destroy Earth and humanity and of course, the twins and all they love. Jacob beseeches his brother to join him to save humanity, but Manny scoffs that there is any danger. As Jacob fly's off in a space ship to try and save the world, their mother takes Manny's place, knowing her son Jacob, can not face the demon's by himself. As the space ship leaves, Mannie's future bride is killed by a bullet intended for him, shot by one of Lilith's henchmen. Manny goes into hiding, and Jacob and his mother fly into space to save the day. Do they succeed? You will have to read, be forewarned, the saga continues still in book number three. Will Immanuel grow up, and follow his grandfather, father and brother into an adventure of the past and future? Roll on book #3.
127 reviews2 followers
March 9, 2018
Gawd, what a plod.

Second tome of this Mayan based sci-fi saga centres, in the first part, on the growth and development of the Gabriel twins in preparation for the boss fight with chief protagonist Lilith. The second part is pretty heavy sci-fi and features the rather unconvincing battle between them.

The early chapters are nicely spaced over time as the twins' characters and powers are built amidst a reclusive existence. Lilith also.

Sam (Immanuel/Manny) turns away from his destiny (yawn, yawn) and becomes a football (American that is) star whilst his brother carries on with making himself a hero. This lurches along for two thirds of the book, until the last third just goes off the scale. All the usual suspects are here : the giant worm/snake (that turns out to be benevolent), the evil witch, the tortured souls of a down-trodden race, dimensions, time travel, spacehips and of course a 'journey' across a barren landscape.

Well, what's not to like ?

It just goes on and on that's what and becomes Julian May-like fantasy/sci-fi tosh. It's just dull and after page after page of complex explainations that my brain couldn't possibly compute I found myself wishing it would come to an end, and the prospect of a thirs novel in the series daunting.

Yes, it's not an easy read at this stage. Yes, there is action with yer snakes and flying angels and so on, but I just found my brain wandering off to my next read and couldn't get through this quickly enough.

Not boring, but very long and I shan't be diving in to the third volume anytime soon.
Profile Image for Rogerio Lopes.
731 reviews15 followers
July 27, 2020
Histórico de leitura
100% (496 de 496)
"Confesso que não sei se gostei da solução final do autor,ele conseguiu ser perturbador fato, pecou um pouco nas cenas finais, afinal é tanta preparação e a ação final é um pouco rápida demais. Mas tb é muito provocador, lança algumas questões bem curiosas."
93% (462 de 496)
"Quase no fim, o ritmo acelerado faz perder um pouco a coerência, precisarei reler alguns trechos..Sugestivo, muito sugestivo.."
73% (360 de 496)
"Dando nó na cabeça, o autor decidiu deixar o leitor surpreso, quero ver se ele vai conseguir arrumar essas pontas direito, ate o momento está muito interessante.."
58% (290 de 496)
"Devo dizer que o autor tem feito um picadinho no mínimo curioso, vamos ver se ele não perde a mão.."
48% (238 de 496)
"Aonde isso vai parar?"
20% (101 de 496)
Profile Image for Laura Cruz.
30 reviews
April 1, 2024
Me leí este libro porque lleva en la biblioteca familiar más de 10 años. Tal parece que quién lo compró no sabía que era la SEGUNDA parte de una trilogía (aunque lo diga claramente en la portada) jajaja. Asi que leí resumen en itnernet y me sumergí de lleno en esta lectura y mundo construido por Steve Alten.

Fue una lectura entretenida, aunque pesada por ratos. Esperaba que tema "maya" fuera más relevante en la historia este se ve opacado por temas como viajes en el tiempo, razas alienígenas, desastres naturales, entre otros.

Había partes del libro en dónde el autor describía excesivamente cada detalle de cosas/situaciones que me parecían completamente innecesarias.
También no llegué a empatizar del todo con los personajes y llegaba a desesperarme demasiado.

Todo el tiempo me sentí como si estuviera viendo una película cliché hollywoodense.
Profile Image for Karen Keller Books .
392 reviews21 followers
December 30, 2019
En esta segunda entrega Alten nos lleva a conocer qué fue lo que pasó después del término del calendario Maya.
No sé cómo explicar la verdad sin spoilear, así que voy a comentarles a grandes rasgos.
Este libro tiene el triple de ciencia ficción que el primero, así mucha mucha, formas de comunicación mentanles, naves espaciales, agujeros de gusano y con una historia bastante entretenida de como se une el resto del mundo con los mayas a través de la historia.
Me gustó pero encontré que demasiado fantasioso para un tema tan interesante.
𝓒𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓼 🌷
✨"Cada uno de nosotros fabrica su propia prisión, y cada uno de nosotros posee la capacidad de salir de ella"
Profile Image for Jeheen Zaman.
18 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2018
The first book in the series fizzled out in the end. I was looking for closure and picked this up. A bad mistake :/ A pile of crap. The first one was sci-fi, end this starts with ghosts.

IF it goes beyond ghosts, I don't know. I just couldn't bear it anymore and chucked it after those few pages.
382 reviews2 followers
November 8, 2018
I didn't enjoy this at all. The original was very fun, with ancient history tied to aliens. This was way over done and unfortunately there is a 3rd in the series I have to read. What is Alten doing. He was good to start (Meg) but then goes crazy with sequels. Someone tell him that you should only do the sequel if it will be better. Plus he pushes his books for movies. We'll see.
Profile Image for Ian Schultz.
54 reviews
May 5, 2019
I was initially only going to give this book 3 stars; the convoluted and shaky middle inspiring this. It is saved at the end of the book and makes this one of Steve Altens better sequels...While it is not as good as its predecessor and as previously mentioned suffers in the center, the beginning and ending make for a great read. Just power through the middle and you'll enjoy it.
December 24, 2020
Una obra muy padre... me engancho desde el inicio. Creo que es un libro que pudieras leer sin haber leído el primero, aun cuando teniendo el contexto del anterior lo hace mas interesante.
Esta trilogía te abre la mete y te hace voltear al cielo de nuevo y a preguntarte si lo que estamos haciendo como humanidad lo estamos haciendo bien.
¡Ojo! Este libro también te hace voltear hacia abajo...
Profile Image for Joey.
1 review3 followers
December 30, 2021
No recuerdo cuando lo empecé exactamente pero igual hará unos… ¿10 años más o menos? Y qué orgulloso me siento de haber terminado semejante tostón de libro. Me prometí terminármelo y aquí estoy. Ganó la batalla pero no la guerra.
Profile Image for Jacob Petrossian.
186 reviews2 followers
February 15, 2024
Resurrection took a much darker turn than Domain. I enjoyed the book for the most part, but it was difficult to read in moments (graphic content).

Still a little convoluted without a lot of cohesiveness, but still an enjoyable read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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