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War with the Newts

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Man discovers a species of giant, intelligent newts and learns to exploit them so successfully that the newts gain skills and arms enough to challenge man's place at the top of the animal kingdom. Along the way, Karel Capek satirizes science, runaway capitalism, fascism, journalism, militarism, even Hollywood.

241 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1936

About the author

Karel Čapek

492 books842 followers
Karel Čapek is one of the the most influential Czech writers of the 20th century. He wrote with intelligence and humour on a wide variety of subjects. His works are known for their interesting and precise descriptions of reality, and Čapek is renowned for his excellent work with the Czech language. His play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) first popularized the word "robot".

(Arabic: كارل تشابك) (Hebrew: קארל צ'אפק) (Japanese: 카렐 차페크) (Russian: Карел Чапек)

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Profile Image for Vit Babenco.
1,603 reviews4,662 followers
June 11, 2024
In his derisively dystopian War with the Newts Karel Čapek, writing about newts, actually satirizes the foolish ways of mankind. 
Bellicose newts… What creatures are those?
There is a small island… And there is a tiny bay… And it is known as Devil Bay…
And what do those… devils… look like?’
‘Like little children,’ the Singhalese breathed. ‘They’ve got a tail and they are this tall,’ and he indicated about four feet from the ground. ‘They stood all around me and watched what I was doing there… there was a whole ring of them around me…’ The Singhalese began to tremble.

However there’s noting fiendish about this beings… They are absolutely harmless and innocent… And they are quite friendly…
‘They’re entirely naked, Mr Bondy, like some kind of frog or those salamanders. And those front paws of theirs, they’re just like children’s hands, except that they have only four fingers. Poor little things,’ the captain added compassionately. ‘But extremely clever and nice animals.’

Using newts for pearl diving Captain van Toch resettled them to many other islands… They multiply… And they keep learning… And tycoons even establish a special company – the Salamander Syndicate…
‘The Syndicate will be looking for work for millions of Newts throughout the world. It will supply plans and ideas for control of the seas. It will promote Utopias and gigantic dreams. It will supply projects for new coasts and canals, for causeways linking the continents, for whole chains of artificial islands for transoceanic flights, for new continents to be built in the oceans. That is where mankind’s future lies.’

Giving to the newts knives man taught them to defend themselves against sharks… But one day there comes a moment when the newts have to defend themselves from man…
‘Here it says that near the town of Kankesanturai in Ceylon the Newts have raided a village. Seems the natives had killed some Newts there first. The police were called out as well as a company of native troops.’

Tables always turn so eventually slaves turn into masters.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,087 reviews3,310 followers
April 7, 2019
Faking News! Newts Trump Humans!

I'd become rather blasé when it comes to apocalyptic science fiction. I thought I knew them all, those brave new worlds that writers invent to symbolise the immediate danger of human self-destruction out of sheer stupidity?

Think again, Lisa!

The newts invited me to the ultimate, unexpected, completely logical fantasy, containing it ALL. Welcome to a roller coaster of the hilarious kind!

Does it start with the end of the world as we know it, with the destruction of Earth to give way for a space highway like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Not quite, but we are heading there…

Does it contain human scientific hubris, like The Island of Dr. Moreau? Oh yes, and a lot more ridiculous naivety, if possible! What humans can do, they will do. No matter what the results will be.

What about genetically modified plants that fulfill no purpose except for showing us our irresponsible use of natural resources, like in The Day of the Triffids? Actually, the specialised and well-equipped newts make more sense, and are more useful, and potentially more dangerous…

What about weapons of mass destruction, used against unknowing humanity, like in The War of the Worlds? Well, humans gave the newts the weapons, and they were not to be beaten by bacteria in the end, despite an internal discussion between the author and the writer (yes!) to consider such a possibility.

Best of all, it even suggests a bleak future in Atwood’s spirit, showing a drastically reduced humanity in search of new myths, like MaddAddam and his people.

All this, and much, much more, is contained in a small unpretentious book, starting off as a mere farcical adventure story. It changes its shape as the story itself changes, from narrative, to report, to discursive essay, to newspaper clippings and back to farcical narrative again. Not once is it boring, even when you have to go back and forth to read the several pages long footnotes explaining the one sentence you read two pages before. Or when newspaper clippings are published in languages nobody has ever been able to translate. Or when…

Not once is it boring. It is the funniest road trip to destruction I have ever read, despite the fact that it is a chillingly truthful allegory on the political developments in the 1930s.

It is one of a kind!

And universal!

Yes, universal Salamandrism is the natural effect of human hubris and stupidity. It was nobody’s fault, really. Everyone just did what they needed to do, to earn more money, to expand territory, to show off power, to do whatever it is humanity does on a daily basis without thinking.

That the newts were able to take over and to start changing the world according to their needs, thus creating a mythical flood that reset humanity in a state of pre-biblical, pre-Gilgamesh history, was ultimately the direct consequence of humankind’s delusion that they would always be stronger, more clever, less vulnerable than all other species!

Beaten by the mediocrity and homogeneity of a species with less extravagant desires, humanity now has to wait for centuries in remote mountain villages until they can start their comeback:

“A new myth about a world flood will arise which God sent for the sins of mankind. There will also be legends of submerged and mythical lands which were the cradle of human culture; perhaps there will be a fable about a land called England, or France, or Germany.”
“And then?”
“I don’t know what comes next.”

Thus ends the final dialogue between author and writer, and despite highlighting three quarters of the book, I will not add any more quotes, for it is my honest opinion that every human being and newt on earth should read this excellent tale firsthand!
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,036 followers
May 24, 2020
How often this setting has already been used is difficult to say, but the classic evil suppression for maximum profit is as old as humanity. Innocent creatures that are enslaved by the Salamander Syndicate in a technocratic world dominated by economic interests, fanatism and intolerance.

Comparable to Orwells´Animal Farm, Capek describes the cruel exploitation and its possible consequences. Social criticism, fantasy and Sci-Fi combine to a book that was unique in its time and is written with so much dept, wit and ingenuity that it doesn´t seem oldfashioned, boring or lengthy at any moment.

I don´t know if the integration of fictional articles describing parts of the plot has its origins in this work or if it has already been used before by another author. However, the idea is brilliant and has been used over and over again, be it with Pratchett's famous footnotes, quotations, memos, short descriptions or the classic news articles before chapters or as a short refresher between the chapters.

Capek should be named in one line with Orwell, who described the consequences of political extremism and Huxley, who envisioned a soft media/pharma happy go lucky dictatorship as the one who combined it with colonialism and capitalism in it´s most extreme form. One could even go so far as to say that he is even better than both much more popular and well-known authors because he integrates and caricatures all elements and spheres of power and indoctrination.

The way the whole society transforms and integrates the newts in their economic system and how the stages of suppression are just defined by the requirements of the economy opens up room for many interpretations, innuendos and philosophical and social theoretical implications.

Political and economic extremism has hardly ever been satirized in such a deep, perfect and timeless way. One could say that Capek owned both Cassandra and Michel de Notredame and predicted a large part of world history just as it happened after his early death. The main question is who is who in which era and on whose side we are standing right now and if it couldn´t be that we have already been turned into newts without even recognizing it.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books:
Profile Image for BlackOxford.
1,095 reviews69.4k followers
October 7, 2021
We’re Here Because You Were There

Not many go unscathed in the comic sarcasm of The War with the Newts: most European nationalities (Dutch and Czech in particular), Americans (especially Hollywood types and Yale alumni), most Asians, religious enthusiasts (including Jews, Catholics, and militant atheists), and all seamen, academics, and newspapermen are castigated by Čapek without mercy. But his primary target is the emerging global capitalism of the early 20th century. I doubt any other work of fiction has captured either the process or the consequences of unrestrained commercial exploitation better than Čapek - consequences for the exploiters as well as the exploited.

By teaching a peculiar species of aquatic lizard to protect themselves from sharks in exchange for pearls, modern industrial freebooters unwittingly create a competitor-civilisation. The hapless capitalists do not realise that there are what economists call ‘externalities’ or unintended secondary effects of their passionate but ultimately pointless ambitions. The resources they acquire from the newts are worthless except to produce more products to be sold to the newts. Give a newt an oyster and he gets a meal; give him a knife to shuck oysters and he gets a weapon of global domination.

Čapek is endlessly witty and his translator is a master at capturing that wit in English. Describing the tribal chief of an isolated village in Indonesia: “He was an elderly gentleman and naked, but far thinner than mayors are in Europe.” And the tenacious clinging of oysters to their rocky beds as “Shells that stick fast to the stones like the Jewish faith.” And he knows his differentials when it comes to Catholic piety: “‘Then I shall have a Catholic mass said too,’ decided Jens Jensen. ‘For Captain van Toch. But I shall have it said here in Marseilles. I think that in that big church they’ll do it cheaper, cost price.’ ‘It could be; but an Irish mass is the real thing. In my home, man, the Jesuits are devils; they can nearly do wonders. Just like witch doctors or heathens.’” And Čapek is not averse to the odd important sociological observation such as “Fossil reptiles prefer blondes!”

In his introduction, Robert Adams says Čapek writes like G.K. Chesterton. He’s wrong. Čapek is much more entertaining. His wry commentary on sex, business, and the ironies of human ambition could never emanate from Chesterton. And the cosmopolitain Čapek makes Chesterton look like a provincial hack. His attack on European colonialism is as relevant as it ever was in our era of continuing global exploitation of the poor by the rich, not least because of his insight that it leads to massive population movements that are universally destructive.
Profile Image for Glenn Russell.
1,458 reviews12.6k followers
May 21, 2019

It’s war! Humans versus newts. And odds favor a newt victory since a number of key factors work in their favor: newts can continue fighting even after losing two-thirds of their internal organs; newts are absolute realists and make highly disciplined soldiers since they are not bogged down by things like fantasy or humor or lofty ideas; the current population of these creatures standing four foot high when walking upright on their hind legs has reached over twenty billion, outnumbering humans ten to one. Twenty billion! That’s a lot of well-armed, fighting newts.

Such is the crisis in Karel Čapek's 1936 novel, War With the Newts, a highly entertaining satirical dystopian alternate history that's, in turn, fascinating, humorous, a tad unsettling and occasionally downright creepy. The Czech author has addressed similar themes in his most famous work, RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), a play where the word robot appeared in writing for the first time. In the play its humans versus robots, in the novel Karel Čapek traces the history leading up to the newt wars, beginning with the discovery by one Captain van Toch of these giant salamanders living underwater off the coast of a remote Indonesian island.

The captain’s dealings with these amiable creatures starts off innocently enough: the newts trade pearls for knives whereby they can better open oysters, their main diet. Ever the opportunist, van Toch rekons these newts can be his pearl hunters all across Indonesia. Sharks have always kept the newt population in check. So, to increase their numbers, the captain arms the newts with anti-shark guns. More newts, more pearls, more money. And as soon as the good Captain recognized these tireless workers so eager to please are especially fit for underwater construction and could effectively be put to use for human engineering projects, he shares his vision with a leader in the world of industry and commerce.

Bingo. It's not long before the formation of The Salamander Syndicate, owning and trading millions of newts across the globe. Newts boost the world economy – utilizing a newt workforce, nations claim more ownership of the oceans and seas. Meanwhile, after subjecting newts to extensive tests and experiments, scientists write articles explaining now that newts have expanded their habitat, the coiled-up spring of evolution has been provided an opportunity to unwind.

Philosophical issues arise: Does a newt have a soul? The answers are mixed. A Colonel Britton discoveres newts have no sense of honor or patriotism; Arturo Toscanini observes newts have no music; Mae West can plainly see newts are devoid of sex appeal, thus, on all three counts, newts have no souls. On the other side, a spiritual teacher from India, Sandrabharata Nath, is quoted as remarking: “They have a soul like every other creature and every plant as does everything that lives.”

Let the Newts receive a proper education! Many are taught French, literature, rhetoric, etiquette, mathematics and the history of art. Some of the salamanders can even quote Cicero. One journalist observes newt comprehension of the newspapers is at the level of the average human. Prompts us to wonder about those men and women below average. "Human intelligence" begins to sound like an oxymoron.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and other pro-salamander organizations attempt to insure newts are not treated cruelly or inhumanely not only in their capacity as workers to advance human economy but in all areas of their salamander lives. These goodhearted people must fight ongoing battles on many fronts since the gullible newts willingly play the part of lackey and toady (such irony in this amphibian term) for their brutal human overseers.

Big theological question – could newts be baptized? The Catholic Church says no since newts are not Adam’s descendants. However, Protestant churches distribute many millions of copies of Holy Scripture for the newts on waterproof paper and a few eccentric Christian sects attempt to baptize newts. One philosopher even goes so far as to compose a special religious system for newts including faith in the Great Salamander. Where's Christopher Hitchens when you need him most?

Years pass. Millions upon millions of newts are everywhere. Young newts want to make football, fascism, sexual perversion and other things human part of their everyday lives. Old newts advocate sticking to traditional newt ways. Well, sort of - those old newts don't mind reading the daily news in human newspapers.

Comrade newts! Bourgeois civilization has enslaved your souls. Newts are the new working class; newt labor should be prohibited. So shouts pesky liberal agitators. But governments and commercial interests quickly point out how newts have special skills underwater and that the overall standard of living for humans have risen dramatically. Equally important (actually, more important) profits have risen. If no working salamanders then twenty percent of all factories worldwide would be forced to shut down precipitating economic disaster.

Do you detect the entire face of planet earth has been radically altered? Karel Čapek masterfully lampoons and satirizes how we humans can so readily sacrifice decency, compassion and respect for the balance of nature in our quest for self-aggrandizement through the worship of nationalism, economic power and military might. And to think this novel was written on the cusp of the rise of Hitler and Nazism.

Karel Čapek (1890 -1938) from Czechoslovakia, novelist, playwright, essayist, literary critic, photographer, art critic. Much influenced by William James and American pragmatism, he unceasingly campaigned for free expression and against all forms of fascism and communism.
Profile Image for Lilo.
131 reviews428 followers
February 7, 2021
Satire is my favorite genre. And this book is a gem.

Nowhere have I ever found a better description of homo sapiens’s boundless greed, bigotry, stunning thoughtlessness, and utter stupidity.

This book leaves no parts, levels or facets of society unscathed. Karel Capek satirizes science, academia, education, business, politics, fascism, communism, militarism, law, religion, philosophy, racism, journalism, and just about every trait of human nature one can think of. Yet it isn’t all funny. It is also sad and scary. The centre topic of the book is how discrimination leads to exploitation, violence, and cruelty. This will make you cry instead of laugh. And it will make you more cry when you realize that little has changed since 1936, when the book was written.

I wish Karel Capek were still alive and could shoot his satirical arrows at targets in our present world. He wouldn’t have to look very far to find plenty.

This book is a must-read for everyone who is interested in the future of our planet. And I can assure you: In order to achieve an apocalypse, newts won’t be necessary.

I am surprised that this book and its author are quite unknown outside of Czechoslovakia. “War With the Newts” should be a classic. The author’s other works and his life story also deserve more attention. I recommend reading what Wikipedia tells about Karel Capek. Here is the link:


I also recommend reading Charley Ada’s, more detailed review of “War With the Newts”. Here is the link:


P.S. February, 7, 2021: After following and experiencing recent history here in America, I have come to the conclusion that "War With the Newts" is no longer very far off. History in the making has been overtaking satire.
Profile Image for Spencer Orey.
595 reviews186 followers
August 4, 2019
This is one of those bizarre masterpieces that nobody could ever get published today. It's a really bleak but clever and thoughtful take on an idea that then sees that idea allllll the way through. And its sharp politics mostly hold up!

I admire the commitment here to thinking a scenario out so fully. Like seriously it thinks it all the way through, even jumping styles through international newspaper stories that tell short and touching human life stories that also advance the general story. At some points it's more like an accessible nonfiction book but about this bizarre and escalating global newt situation, and even those parts are great to read.

It's amazing.

Imperial European racism, the rise of fascism, and corporate profiteering are in full focus, with a brief comical chapter about wannabe movie star Americans. There's some unfortunate racism and casual Orientalism, but that also makes sense in terms of the story itself (not a justification). There are also profound and sometimes sly critiques of the slave trade and the racism of colonization.

Read this if you're into evolutionary worldbuilding, critiques of imperialism, snark attacks on Europe, that kind of thing. Or if you're looking for something really thoughtfully weird. Or if you just want to know what is up with the newts.
Profile Image for Dream.M.
783 reviews216 followers
January 30, 2023
میتونید دنیایی رو تصور کنید که بعد از نابودی تمام بشریت و بیشتر موجودات، سوسک ها سلطان جهان باشن؟ احتمالا تصورش باعث میشه چندشتون بشه و موی تنتون سیخ شه. ولی واقعا امکان پذیره.
اونهایی که معتقدند انسان اشرف مخلوقات هستش باید بدونن کاملا اشتباه میکنن و این سوسک فاضلاب یا همون سوسک حمامه که اشرف مخلوقاته. چون در بین تمام موجودات زنده روی کره زمین، این سوسکه که میتونه از انفجار اتمی و تشعشعات اون جون سالم به در ببره، در مقابل گرسنگی و تشنگی مقاومه، قابلیت تولید مثل خیلی بالای کم ریسکی داره و میتونه تا هروقت دلش خواست بره یه گوشه مخفی شه تا دوباره شرایط برای زندگیش مهیا بشه. یعنی اگه بشریت هم منقرض بشه، سوسک منقرض نمیشه.
اینکه گقتم کاملا واقعیه، یا خب تا حد خیلی خیلی ��یادی حقیقته.
حالا اگه از سوسک خوشتون نمیاد، میتونید دنیایی رو تصور کنید که نوعی مارمولک آبی یا بزمچه که از زشتی و چندش بودن دست کمی از سوسک ندارن و اتفاقا حسابی ام درشت و تپلو ان، بر جهان تسلط پیدا کنن و سطح زمین رو جوری تغییر بدن که همه چیز برای زندگی طبیعی اونا آماده بشه (دقت کنید اونا مارمولک آبی ان).
این موجودات در اصل همون اشرف مخلوقات هستن چون تقریبا نامیرا ان و در مقابل اغلب بیماری ها و شرایط طاقت فرسا و غ‌ق‌ت برای انسان زنده می مونن. اونا حتی میتونن خودشون رو ترمیم کنن و در مقابل گرسنگی به خواب عمیق فرو میرن.
جالب تر میشه وقتی تصور کنید که انسان با دست خودش (به لطف دیدگاه های چپگرا ) این موجودات رو جوری تربیت میکنه و به رشدشون کمک میکنه که باعث تسلط شون بر جهان و بشریت میشه و....
خب حالا اگه از این ایده ترسناک و چندش خوشتون اومده، این کتابو بخونید :))

من کتاب رو خیلی ساده توصیف کردم خدا منو ببخشه، چون حوصله ریویوو نوشتن نداشتم. ولی واقعا کتاب مهمیه. دست کم نگیریدش و ریویوو های بیشتر رو دنبال کنید ببینید چقدر خفنه.
Profile Image for Argos.
1,154 reviews405 followers
November 18, 2023
İlk sözüm; çok çok iyi bir kitap. Böyle bir eser neden bu kadar az tanınıyor, neden bir baskı ile yetinilmiş ve satışı yok anlamak mümkün değil. Sanırım telif sorunu da yok ancak sadece Everest Yayınları 2008 baskısı ile yetinilmiş. Değeri bilinmemiş kitaplar vardır, bu kitap da onlardan biri, benzerlerinin yani distopik kitapların (1984, Cesur Yeni Dünya, Dünyalar Savaşı, Fahrenheit 451, Mülksüzler vb) kesinlikle altında değil. Bu cümleden anlaşılacağı üzere bir bilimkurgu romanı, distopik roman “Semenderlerle Savaş”. Sanırım yazarın kendi deyişiyle “bir komunist olmaması” bu anti-faşist romanın sol yelpazede görmezden gelinmesine bir gerekçe oluşturmuş, solun çocukluk hastalığı. Tabii bu benim düşüncem.

Arka sayfa tanıtım yazısında belirtildiği gibi Çek yazar Karel Çapek 1930’larda başlayarak Avrupa’da yükselen faşizm tehlikesini tüm yönleriyle görmüş, bu tehlike karşısında Avrupa devletlerinin çıkarcılığı ve kayıtsızlığını kara mizah diliyle bilimkurgu tarzında aktarmış. Çapek kitabı 1936’da yazmış ve iki yıl sonra ölmüş ancak yazdıkları kehanet gibi bir yıl sonra 1939’da nazi Almanyası’nın Polonya’yı işgal etmesiyle gerçekleşmeye başlamış, yani II. Dünya Savaşı felaketi.

Çapek kurgusunda insanın karşısına semenderleri koymuş, fantastik bir seçim, ama biliyoruz ki diğer distopik kitaplarda olduğu gibi iki grup insan var: İyi insan ve kötü insan, başka bir tanımla gayrı-insan, kötücül insan, öteki-insan. Çapek kötü insanı semenderlerle anlatıyor. Kitap bitince görüyorsunuz ki hepimiz semenderiz.

Yazarın dili ve uslubu gayet iyi. Kitabın kurgusu da çok iyi. Üç kitaba bölmüş yazar eserini; ilk kitapta semenderlerin ortaya çıkışı, ikinci kitapta semender uygarlığının yükselişi ve üçüncü son kitapta insanlarla semenderlerin savaşı yer alıyor. Kitabın vurucu bölümü bu bölüm.

Kitabın başında çevirmen Sabri Gürses’in mükemmel çevirisine ek olarak kitap ve yazar hakkında verdiği çok yararlı değerlendirme yer alıyor. Sonra bu kitabı eleştiren Andrey Platanov’un eleştirisi konulmuş. Bu eleştiri kitaba ayrı bir değer de katıyor. Çünkü rejim muhalifi olan Platanov’un faşizm değerlendirmesi oldukça farklı. Platanov bu değerlendirmeyi rejimin kendisine yaptığı baskıyı azaltması için mi yazdığı sorusu geliyor akla. Sanki G. Lukacs’ın Anna Seghers’in Yedinci Şafak (Yedinci Haç) adlı eserine yaptığı haksız eleştirinin bir benzerini çok beğenerek okuduğum Platanov Çapek’e yapmış gibi geldi bana. Okuyunca siz de değerlendirirsiniz. Romandan önce kısa bir bölüm daha var, yazarın Platonov’a verdiği cevap niteliğinde “Neden Bir Komunist Değilim” yazısı. Burada önemli bir not, lütfen doğrudan romanı okumaya başlayın. Bu ön bölümleri okursanız roman hakkında ayrıntıları önceden öğrenmiş olursunuz bu da tadınızı kaçırabilir.

Çapek baş semenderin bir insanın olduğunu ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda çavuş olduğunu yazarak doğrudan Hitler’e gönderme yapmış. Semenderlerin kullandığı sloganlar da Nazi’lerin sloganları: Tek millet, tek devlet, yabancılar dışarı, soylu kuzey semenderi, ya onlar ya biz vb... Kapitalizmin ve teknolojik gelişmelerin insanlığı iyi insandan kötü insana yönlendirdiği, fırsatçılık ve çıkarcılıkla birleşerek totaliter yapıya, faşizme nasıl doludizgin gidildiğini çok güzel anlatmış.

Yazarın bazı öngörüleri var ki kehanet gibi, işte birkaç örnek; 1944’de Müttefik kuvetlerin çıkartma yaptığı yer olan Normandiya’nın kitapta semenderlerle insanlar arasındaki kanlı mücadelenin yeri olarak belirtmesi. Keza 1945 Birleşmiş Milletlerin kurulmasının (kitapta Londra Uluslararası Konvansiyonu), aynı şekilde 1946’da Uluslararası Adalet Divanı’nın Lahey’de (Hauge) kurulmasının (kitapta Hauge’daki Hakem Mahkeme olarak geçiyor) neredeyse aynen öngörülmesi çok etkileyici, çünkü bunları Çapek 1936’da yazmış. Kitap yazıldığı zaman Hitler iktidara gelmiş (1933) ve Cumhurbaşkanı olmuştu (1935). Alman halkı ölene kadar artık onunla führerleriyle birlikteydi.

İkinci kitap romana inandırıcılık kazandırmak için biraz akademik-bilimsel kurgu şeklinde yazılmış, bu bölümdeki dipnotlarının okunması okuma akıcılığını biraz bozuyorsa da kitabın geneline bakışı değiştirmiyor. Kolay okunuyor ve gerçekleşmesi mümkün olan birçok olay mizahi bir dille anlatılıyor. Kitap yazarın insanlığa ilişkin ucu açık bir cümlesiyle sona eriyor. Bu kitabın hakettiği ilgiyi görmesini umut ediyorum.
Profile Image for Guille.
871 reviews2,438 followers
November 27, 2019

La guerra de las salamandras es la típica novela que seguramente jamás leerán justo aquellos que más necesitarían leerla. Una paradoja que no llega a ser ni preocupante pues seguramente serían incapaces de enterarse de nada y mucho menos de darse por aludidos.
“- Las salamandras son salamandras -gruñó Bellamy, encogiéndose de hombros y desviando el asunto.
- Hace doscientos años también se decía que los negros eran sólo negros.
- ¿Y acaso no es verdad? - dijo Bellamy.
Los Bellamy nunca creen que hagan nada malo. Por eso son incorregibles.”
Ellos se lo pierden, el tono satírico, por muy cruel que en el fondo sea lo expuesto, con el que el autor trata un buen montón de cuestiones —morales, éticas, sociales, políticas— es de todo menos aburrido y no son pocas las veces en las que es francamente divertido. También es un punto a su favor la originalidad con la que las presenta esa amalgama de géneros y formatos que configuran este puzzle a modo de álbum de recortes que es la novela… quizás ese álbum que preparaba el pobre señor Povondra. Ellos se lo pierden, sí, aunque en realidad perdemos todos.

Así considerada, la novela me ha parecido notable, pero en literatura mis necesidades van algo más allá. Necesito que, hablándome a la razón, me ganen por el corazón, y en este campo la novela no ha estado a la altura. Se me ha hecho imposible otorgarle esa cuarta estrella que marca mis preferencias.
“Así nos comimos a una salamandra a la que llamábamos Hans. Era un animal culto e inteligente, con especiales disposiciones para el trabajo científico. Trabajaba en el departamento con el Dr. Hinkel, como su ayudante, y se le podían confiar los análisis químicos más delicados. En las largas noches teníamos conversaciones interesantes con él, y nos distraía su insaciable afán de saber. Tuvimos que deshacernos con gran pesar de nuestro Hans, pues a causa de unos experimentos que hice en él sobre trepanación, quedó ciego. Su carne era oscura y esponjosa, pero no produjo en nosotros ninguna reacción desagradable.”
Muchos son los objetivos sobre los que Čapek dispara su mortífera ironía, muchos los colectivos que toma como ejemplos para destacar las muchas sandeces que nos caracterizan como especie, pero sobre todas ellas destaca nuestro jodido afán por la diferenciación. Esa diferenciación que nos lleva a separarnos por la raza, la religión, la lengua, la nación, la situación económica o la sexualidad, pero que también nos aleja por gilipolleces como un equipo de fútbol, un tipo de música o un estilo de ropa. Sí, señoras y señores, nos sobran los motivos. Llevamos estas diferencias a categorías ontológicas y, lo que es más terrible y estúpido, nos ayudan a crear frentes, grupos cerrados, a sentirnos diferentes y pocos son los que, sintiéndose diferentes, no se sienten, al mismo tiempo, mejores. De ahí al conflicto, al odio, al enfrentamiento, no hay ni medio paso.
“Más tarde o más temprano, cada presunto "todo" homogéneo se desmoronará irremediablemente en grupos sin coordinación, con diferentes intereses, partidos, posiciones, etc., que, o bien se destrozarán entre sí, o sufrirán de nuevo los tormentos de la vida en común.”
Unos enfrentamientos que desgraciadamente nos impide afrontar problemas verdaderamente importantes de una forma global que es la única forma eficaz de poder abordarlos. El individualismo y el sálvese quien pueda que está en la base de ese capitalismo ultraliberal sin control ni oposición que cabalga desbocado en pos del beneficio de unos pocos y que consigue vender, con la inestimable ayuda de los medios de comunicación y ahora también con la de una legión de hackers a sueldo, la idea de un interminable crecimiento del bienestar universal que se extenderá hasta el infinito y más allá, queda aquí perfectamente retratado. Por ello, la novela no puede ser más actual. Cambien a las salamandras por el cambio climático y aquí encontrarán, paso a paso, lo que está pasando en el mundo y hacia dónde nos dirigimos.
“Esto es sencillamente la lógica de los acontecimientos....Todos tenían miles de objeciones económicas y políticas -igualmente justas- sobre por qué no se debía hacer (nada en contra de las salamandras).”
En fin, he estado alrededor de una semana viviendo entre salamandras, y ya les digo que al menos dos de ellas no eran mi mucho menos esos esperpentos que nos describe nuestro amigo Čapek, ni tampoco esos seres sombríos que nos dibuja Hans Ticha en la fabulosa edición de El zorro rojo que he tenido la dicha de disfrutar. Por toda explicación, más que suficiente, creo yo, diré simplemente que eran oriundas de la costa gallega. También ellas me hicieron ver algunas de esas estupideces a las que tan aficionados somos los seres humanos, y, aunque no tan peligrosas colectivamente como las imaginadas por el autor checo, son desatinos lo suficientemente graves como para provocar grandes catástrofes a nivel individual. Pero bueno, esa es otra historia.
Profile Image for H.M. Ada.
Author 1 book386 followers
November 8, 2015
A Dutch sea captain discovers intelligent, human-sized newts in a remote island bay.

So he does what anyone would do and tells somebody with money. The Newts are then put to work building harbors and extending coastlines, and hilarity ensues. Well, for the most part. There is a war at the end of this book. Racism is also a major theme, both directly and allegorically through humanity's treatment of the Newts.

The humor is sarcastic and in a few places dark. It skewers all elements of society: industry, academia, the media, law, political activism, religion, etc. None of the characters stay for very long, and unfortunately, we don't get to know any of the individual newts very well. The character studied in this novel is humankind, and all of its foibles.

In a way, I thought the events were a realistic prediction of what might happen in this situation in the real world. Some parts of society were more to blame than others, but ultimately it felt like there was no one really "steering the ship" - just a series of independent self-interested decisions and predictable social and economic trends leading humanity toward inevitable disaster.

At times, some of the jokes made me feel like I was watching a Simpsons episode. At least, they had that kind of intelligent, absurd, undercuts everything type of humor. My absolute favorite was when (by the time it should have been obvious the Newts were intelligent), someone asked at a corporate shareholder meeting (about increasing profits) whether the company's newts were edible.

All in all, a great read that I'd recommend to anyone.

Profile Image for Reza Abedini.
142 reviews35 followers
July 18, 2022
قبل از هر چيز بگم كه اگر اين ريويو رو مي خونيد، خوندن اين كتاب رو جزو واجبات زندگي خودتون بدونيد، چون قراره با ��ك شاهكار به تمام معنا مواجه بشيد!
درباره این کتاب خیلی حرفی زده نمیشه ، خلاصه اینکه تو ایران خیلی دیده نشده اما اگر 1984 رو شاهکار بدونیم ، نهایت کم لطفیه که لقب شاهکار رو به این کتاب ندیم.
فوق العاده بود
روایت هنرمندانه ، پیوستگی داستانی در عین روایت های اپیزودیک از زبان راویان مختلف!

زبان قاصره از اين همه خلاقيت و پيوستگي داستاني در كنار ذهن بي نهايت پربار "كارل چاپك"
خواندن كتاب شايد كار راحتي نباشه (بيش از ٢٠٠ اسم توي كتاب هست) اما اين به معناي از دست رفتن موضوع داستان نيست، اسم ها هيچ وقت خواننده رو گيج نميكنن.

قدرت نويسنده به قدري در بيان داستان زياد بود كه هرقدر تلاش ميكردم در حين خواندن به خودم ثابت كنم كه اين فقط يه داستانه و زاده ي ذهن نويسنده ست ، موفق نميشدم
راوي به شكلي تحقيقاتي (حتي از بريده هاي روزنامه هاي ساختگي توسط ذهن خودش و چيزي بالغ بر ٥٠ صفحه پانويس) داستان رو بيان ميكرد

نويسنده داشت تاريخ جهان رو بيان ميكرد جهاني خود ساخته اما نه چندان دور از ذهن ، جهاني كه اين بار بوجود آورندگانش بزمجه ها هستند

نحوه شكل گيري دين در تمدن تازه تاسيس بزمجه ها يكي از بهترين مباحث كتاب بود جايي كه مبلغان ديني حتي بازار كسب و كارشون رو از بزمجه هاي تازه به فرهنگ رسيده هم دريغ نكردن ، با پرتاب مجسمه هاي قديسان ضد آب به دريا ، مجسمه هايي ساخت شركت هاي مختلف ، كشورهاي مختلف، مبلغين مختلف و اديان مختلف (چقدررر هنرمندانه بود اين روايت)

روند تبديل بزمجه هاي باهوش و بي آزار به مهاجمين خطرناك دقيقا مشابه روند توليد مجرم و مخالف توسط دولت ها و سركوب اون ها از جانب خود دولت ها بود.

پايان بندي كتاب به شكل ديوانه واااري خوب بود.
جايي كه نوسينده از جانب خودش و صداي درونش شروع به تحليل ادامه ي انقلاب پيش آمده و ادامه حيات انسان ها ميكنه.
و به نداي درونش ميگه نگران نباش ، حتي بين بزمجه هاي متمدن و باهوش هم مطمئنا غرب و شرقي شكل ميگيره يا اختلاف ديني بوجود مياد كه خودشون خودشون رو نابود كنند.

بعد از تمام شدن كتاب تازه ميتونستم درك كنم كه چرا نويسنده ي بزرگي مثل "توماس مان" بعد از خوندن اين كتاب به نويسنده ش نامه اي مينويسه و بعد از كلي تبريك ميگه : هيچ داستاني من را اينگونه شگفت زده نكرده بود، قلم من از توصيف احساساتم نسبت به قوه ي تخيل شما قاصر است.

كتاب كمي من رو ياد ١٩٨٤ اورول انداخت ، نه به دليل شباهت داستان و نوع روايت ، به اين دليل هر دو كتاب داشتن دنيايي خود ساخته و در عين حال قابل لمس براي بشر امروزي رو به تصوير مي كشيدند
هر كدام به يك شكل روند نابودي انسان و دنيا رو به تصوير كشيدند.

و تمام
Profile Image for Ali Karimnejad.
327 reviews186 followers
April 12, 2021

بسی پشم ریختم در این سال سی
نیاورده کس بهترش فارسی

نپرسم چه باشد مگر داستان
ضمانت منش چون کنم پس بخوان!ا

از عجایب کتابی که مشاهده می‌فرمایید یکیش اینه که در سال 1936 و قبل از جنگ جهانی دوم نوشته شده و این نکته که چطور کارل چاپک بدون دیدن بیشتر اتفاقات قرن بیستم تونسته چنین کتابی بنویسه، برای خود من یکی هنوز نمی‌گنجه!ا

کتاب در واقع نوعی طنز علمی-فرهنگی–سیاسی-اقتصادی(!) هستش که طی یک داستان ساده، قشنگ و گیرا، خیلی سر راست و بی‌حاشیه، ته و توی آدمیزاد رو میاره جلوی چشمش. و اگرچه هسته اصلی و بستر داستان یک ماجرای علمی-تخیلی ساده است اما اونچه که کتاب رو ارزشمند می‌کنه "روند منطقی رویدادها" {به قول خود نویسنده} و پایان‌بندی تاثیرگذار اون هستش که آدم رو به فکر فرو می‌بره و در واقع محصول همون منطقی بودن داستان هستش. با این همه لازم می‌بینم که بگم انتظار یک پایان خاص یا عجیب و غریب رو نداشته باشید و لذت کتاب رو به پایان اون موکول نکنید.

از اونجایی که کتاب به رفتار جوامع و دولت‌های مختلف در قبال یک موجود هوشمند دیگه پرداخته، بحث‌های سیاسی هم پیرامون این کتاب شکل گرفته که کم هم نیستند. در این راستا و در یک کلام می‌شه گفت که کتاب خیلی کمونیسم‌پسنده! چون میشه از دل داستان، مضامین ضد سرمایه‌داری و ضد فاشیستی بیرون کشید. بعلاوه اینکه به طور ضمنی، تعریف و تمجیدی از جامعه بدون طبقه هم محسوب می‌شه. با اینحال بایستی اشاره کرد که چاپک در زندگیش دل در بند هیچ ایده سیاسی نداشت و خیلی ظریف نسخه کمونیسم رو هم پیچیده.

در حین خوندن این کتاب دائما به یاد ویدئویی که مدت‌ها پیش در یوتوب دیدم می‌افتادم. یک ویدئویی بود که در اون یک ربات توسط چند انسان مورد آزار و اذیت قرار می‌گرفت. آدم‌ها با چوب زیر پای ربات می‌زدن، جعبه رو با ضرب زور ازش میگرفتن و اون رو دست‌رشته می‌کردن. بهش شلاق می‌زدن، با صندلی به پشتش می‌کوبیدن و زمینش می‌زدن. ربات هر دفعه بلند می‌شد می‌ایستاد و بنا به تعریفی که براش شده بود به دنبال جعبه می‌رفت. صحنه بسیار زننده‌ای بود. ویدئو با این هدف ساخته شده بود که آیا ربات‌ها از حق و حقوقی برخوردار هستن؟ مدتها از دیدن اون ویدئو می‌گذره اما اون سوال همچنان در ذهن منه. شاید تا زمانی که رنج رو درک نمی‌کنه، جواب منفی باشه. اما واقعا انسان چقدر برای لحظه پاس شدن آزمون تورینگ آماده است؟ تا چه حد حاضره حقوق یک موجود هوشمند دیگه رو به رسمیت بشناسه و این حد اصلا باید تا کجا باشه؟ تبعات دادن این حق و حقوق و به رسمیت شناختن اونها چه خواهد بود؟ بنظر میاد ضرورت خوندن این رمان، حدودا یک قرن بعد از نوشته شدنش، بیش از هر زمان دیگه‌ای حس می‌شه.

پ.ن: بنظرم در صورتی که میخواید به یک نوجوان کتابی هدیه بدید، حتما این کتاب رو مد نظر قرار بدید.

پ.ن2: نسخه صوتیش رو گوش کردم با صدای امین بسمل. کیفیتش خوب بود.
Profile Image for Peiman E iran.
1,437 reviews899 followers
March 4, 2017
‎دوستانِ گرانقدر، این کتاب از 11 فصل و 300 صفحه تشکیل شده است... این داستانِ خیالی و عجیب، به نوعی نابودی نسلِ انسانها را به دلیلِ خودخواهی و خودبرتر بینی نشان میدهد
‎داستان از آنجایی آغاز میشود که ناخدا <فان توخ> به جزایر اطراف سوماترا سفر میکند تا تجارتِ مروارید انجام دهد... ولی منطقه ای ممنوعه وجود دارد که مردم بومی یعنی <باتاک ها> اعتقاد دارند که در آن منطقه شیطان ها زندگی میکنند... ناخدا که اعتقادی به خرافات بومی ندارد، به حرف آنها اهمیت نمیدهد، ولی پس از سفر به آن منطقه متوجه میشود که موجوداتی در زیر دریا زندگی میکنند که کوچک هستند و چهار انگشت دارند و دم درازی هم به پشتشان چسبیده است
‎خلاصه، ناخدا گروهی را جمع کرده و برای تجارت به آن سرزمین رفته و این موجودات بیچاره را اهلی میکند... موجوداتی بسیار باهوش که به راحتی میتوانند از ابزار آلات استفاده کرده و حتی به زبان انسانها سخن بگویند
‎همانطور که انسانها در تاریخ بارها نشان داده اند که علاقهٔ زیادی به برده داری دارند، این موجودات را به نقاط مختلف برده و از آنها بیگاری کشیده و از این موجودات سو استفاده میکنند... در ساخت و سازها و در کارخانجات و کارهای دریایی بسیار، از این موجودات بهره میبردند و البته مبادلاتی نیز با آنها انجام میدادند و حواسشان هم نبود که این موجودات کوچک که آنها را <بزمجه> مینامند، در حال تولید مثل هستند و زیر آبها برای خود دنیایی درست کرده اند و تمدن و تکنول��ژی را از انسانها می آموزند
‎ستم و زورگویی انسانها بر این موجودات لحظه به لحظه در سراسر کشورهای اروپایی و آسیایی و آمریکایی بیشتر و بیشتر میشد، تا آنکه در فرانسه و استرالیا این موجودات قیام کردند و کم کم انقلاب آنها به آلمان و هلند و کشورهای دیگر نیز شیوع پیدا کرد
‎بله عزیزانم، کار به جایی رسید که روی کرهٔ زمین، چیزی حدودِ بیست میلیارد <بزمجه> بود که ده ها برابر انسانها جمعیت داشتند و البته دیگر متمدن هم شده بودند و لحظه به لحظه به حکمرانی کرهٔ خاکی نزدیک میشدند... نکته ای که سبب همگن شدن و اتحاد آنها شده بود، این بود که: هیچ یک با دیگری اختلافِ زبان و اختلافِ اندیشه و اختلاف در فلسفهٔ زندگی نداشت و تمامی آنها کار را بین یکدیگر تقسیم کرده بودند و هیچکس ارباب آن دیگری نبود و هیچ اختلاف طبقاتی در بینِ آنها وجود نداشت.... بله..... <بزمجه> ها درحال حکمرانی بودند
‎بهتر است خودتان این داستان را بخوانید و از سرانجام آن آگاه شوید... آیا انسانها میتوانند آبها و حتی خشکی ها را ازاین موجوداتِ کوچک و ناراضی پس بگیرند؟!؟ موجوداتی که حتی حاضر بودند که با انسانها همکاری کرده و در کنار یکدیگر زندگی کنند... امّا انسانها آنها را نجس و کثیف و پست میدانستند
‎امیدوارم از خواندنِ این داستان لذت ببرید
‎<پیروز باشید و ایرانی>
Profile Image for Linh.
170 reviews248 followers
February 7, 2017
Một kiệt tác của thế kỷ 20. Thật ngạc nhiên là lại quá ít người biết tới Karel Capek như vậy. Tác phẩm châm biếm gần như tất cả mọi thứ trào lưu của thế kỷ 20: chủ nghĩa tiêu thụ, chủ nghĩa phát xít, chủ nghĩa thực dân, chủ nghĩa cộng sản, bài Do Thái, các loại giả-khoa-học, chạy đua vũ trang...

Chỉ một loài lưỡng thê có tên là sa giông mà người ta có th�� hình dung về tương lai (và nhớ lại về quá khứ) của loài người: Số phận của sa giông, khi thì làm người ta nhớ tới người da đen, khi thì là thân phận người Do Thái dưới ách Đức phát xít (đoạn mô tả các thí nghiệm với sa giông của các nhà khoa học rùng rợn không kém gì các thí nghiệm với người Do Thái trong thế chiến thứ 2- một điều thực tế đã xảy ra trong chưa đến 1 thập kỷ sau khi tác phẩm này ra đời), khi thì giống như các cỗ máy sản xuất phi nhân tính, niềm mơ ước có lẽ là của cả Henry Ford và Karl Marx (có một nhà tiên tri rất giống Karl Marx cũng xuất hiện trong tiểu thuyết nhỏ này với lời phán truyền về một thế giới sa giông đại đồng hậu con người).

Không chỉ tiếp nối truyền thống của những kiệt tác châm biếm như Gulliver's Travel của J. Swift hay Nghệ nhân và Margarita của M. Bulgakov, tác phẩm này của Capek còn là tiên phong trong thể loại sci fi về tận thế. Có thể thấy sa giông rất giống với robot, những thứ lao động giá rẻ do con người tạo ra và có thể trong tương lai đe dọa trở lại sự tồn tại của con người. Điều khá thú vị là chính Capek là người đầu tiên sử dụng từ "robot" trong một tác phẩm văn học (một vở kịch của ông). Tuy nhiên theo ông thì cha đẻ của từ này là anh trai ông, một họa sĩ nổi tiếng của Tiệp.

Capek chết năm 1938, chỉ hai năm sau khi kiệt tác này ra đời. Cái chết đó của ông có lẽ cũng là may mắn để ông không phải chứng kiến những thảm họa của nhân loại đến ngay sau đó. Cùng năm đó, hiệp ước Munich được ký kết và một vùng đất của quê hương Tiệp Khắc của ông được các cường quốc cúng cho Hitler bất chấp sự phản đối của Tiệp Khắc, một tình huống rất giống việc các quốc gia trong tiểu thuyết đem Trung Quốc nhượng cho loài sa-giông mà không ai quan tâm đại biểu Trung Quốc nói gì. Một năm sau đó, quân Đức chiếm Tiệp Khắc và người anh trai của ông bị bắt vào trại tập trung và chết ở đây năm 1945.
Profile Image for Tyler Jones.
1,748 reviews92 followers
October 18, 2014
1985 was the worst year of my life. The previous summer our family had moved from Calgary to Saskatoon and I had left behind a group of very close friends. I had just graduated high school and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I did know that I would rather go to school than get a job, so for perhaps the first time in my life I really applied myself academically in a last ditch effort to get accepted into University. I pulled off a 99% in a summer school Chemistry class, which must have impressed somebody because that September I found myself a chemistry major in the University of Saskatchewan. The only problem was I didn't like chemistry.

As the year progressed I did less and less work in my science classes, and found myself spending more and more time in the library reading fiction. I couldn't find the science fiction I favoured among the more literary selections at the University, so I was forced to expand my horizons. One day while browsing the stacks I came across this book by Karel Capek. Capek was a name I was familiar with as Asimov frequently mentioned him in his essays as the man who devised the word "robot". Picking up the book, I was surprised to see a blurb from my favourite author, Kurt Vonnegut, on the back. Of course I had to read it.

It was a revelation. Capek had, if possible, an even more jaded view of human nature than I did, but his cutting sense of humour transcended the hopelessness. The message I took away from the book is that Man is a greedy and vain creature who will destroy the world in pursuit of small comforts. With a message such as this, why did I find War With the Newts so uplifting? Perhaps because it awoke the slumbering optimist in me to recognize a second message; the best weapon against the vanity and greed of Man is humour. Religion, capitalism, fascism, celebrity, and even social reform each take their turn in Capek's dunk tank. A brilliant social satire.

Why this book is not more widely recognized as one of the great novels of the Twentieth Century has always been a mystery to me.
Profile Image for fคrຊคຖ.tຖ.
285 reviews71 followers
September 14, 2021
یک داستان متفاوت و خاص! ...
هرچقدر فکر کردم دیدم نمی‌تونم ری‌ویویی بنویسم که حاوی اسپویل نباشه وپیشنهاد می‌کنم مثل من بدون آگاهی از موضوعِ داستان به سراغش برید تا مثل من شگفت‌زده بشید 😃

Profile Image for MJ Nicholls.
2,139 reviews4,546 followers
March 10, 2016
Having impulsively nabbed this from the library, to return home and see Robert’s tip about reading a later translation (Penguin Classics ed. is a facsimile of the Weatherall from 1938, replete with arcane spellings), I entered the novel wearily, to be won over by the first-rate Swiftian brilliance pirouetting from each page like Darcey Bussle doing The Hustle. Making use of newspaper clippings, excerpts from academic studies, letters to the editor and so on in the second book, the novel is also innovative in its form. As I wallow in despair at the direction of contemporary fiction and frustrating fruitlessness of so much modern ‘innovation’, this sort of novel brings me comfort that undiscovered works from the past can still startle with their timeless wit and invention. The future novel might be an echo chamber, where the most-used tropes echo the loudest, but once in a while if a work of similar calibre to this is published, things will tootle along happily, and my nervous breakdown will be postponed for another year.
Profile Image for Calzean.
2,694 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2019
Subtle, satiric, black, poignant, fiendishly clever.
A species of newts are discovered which are intelligent and soon are able to talk and be trained as underwater workers for man. Naturally they are seen as commodities to be traded and utilised basically as slave labour. As they grow in numbers and gain knowledge they are used as armed forces by various nations. Eventually their might threatens mankind.
The cleverness of the tale is the author's understanding of man-kind's foibles. Capek throws barbs at various nationalities, religions and professions. He also warns of the unknown and unexpected impact of consumerism.
Profile Image for Mohammad Hrabal.
365 reviews260 followers
December 23, 2020
متن زیر از کتاب ادبیات و انقلاب (از آسیا تا آمریکا)، یورگن روله، ترجمه علی اصغر حداد، صفحات 269 تا 275 انتخاب شده است. خطر لو رفتن (اسپویل) داستان وجود دارد.
کارل چاپک کتابی نوشت که از یوتوپیاهای بزرگ ضدخودکامگی به شمار می‌آید: جنگ با سمندرهای آبی (جنگ با بزمجه‌ها). درباره‌ی محتوای این کتاب طنز آمیز-پرمعنا، اهل فن هنوز هم در حال بحث و جدل‌اند. غرب می‌گوید: «طنزی انتقادی درباره‌ی دانش پیشرفته»، شرق می‌گوید: «طنزی انتقادی درباره‌ی امپریالیسم».
فان توخ، کاپیتانی ساده‌دل، در دریای جنوب نوعی سمندر کشف می‌کند که می‌توان آن را آموزش داد و در صید مروارید و آب‌بندسازی به کار گرفت. این سمندرهای باهوش حتی یاد می‌گیرند فکر کنند و حرف بزنند. ارباب فیلم، رادیو و مطبوعات برای تهیه‌ی گزارش هجوم می‌آورند. درباره‌ی سمندرها پایان نامه‌ی دکترا نوشته، و کنگره‌ی علمی ترتیب داده می‌شود. مدیران فرصت طلب برای استثمار این کارگران ارزان قیمت سندیکای ویژه‌ی سمندرها راه می‌اندازند. دولت‌ها در نیروهای نظامی و ناوگان دریایی خود از آنها بهره می‌گیرند. دورانی سرشار از رونق و شکوفایی، عصر سمندرها، آغاز می‌شود. اما سرانجام سمندرها که به کمک آدمیان هوشمند و قوی شده‌اند، سر به شورش می‌گذارند. سواحل را از هم می‌پاشند، قاره‌ها را زیر و رو می‌کنند و زندگی آدم‌ها را به خطر می‌اندازند. یک پنجم اروپا زیر آب می‌رود. از میان رودخانه‌ی البه در پراگ، کله‌ی یک سمندر بیرون می‌آید- نشانه‌ی اضمحلال پراگ طلایی.
این کتاب تا آنجا طنزی انتقادی درباره‌ی دانش پیشرفته به حساب می‌آید که چاپک مفهوم پیشرفت تکنیکی- علمی عنان گسیخته را زیر سوال می‌برد. چاپک به دانش (کشف، پژوهش و رام‌کردن سمندرها) به چشم روند خود ویران‌سازی آدمیان نگاه می‌کند. اگر این تفسیر را مبنا قرار دهیم، می‌توانیم جنگ سمندرها را به عنوان عنان گسیختگی عناصر، به عنوان نماد جنگ اتمی در نظر بگیریم.
اثر چاپک تا آنجا طنزی انتقادی درباره‌ی امپریالیسم است که نویسنده ابتذال تمدن ما، وحشی‌گری استثمار و استعمار، خصلت مرگبار و مهمل رقابت بی‌امان را افشا می‌کند. رمان چاپک این اندیشه‌ی مارکس را به تصویر می‌کشد که بورژوازی در وجود پرولتاریا گورکن خود را می‌آفریند. اگر این تفسیر را مبنا قرار دهیم، می‌توانیم جنگ سمندرها را نماد انقلاب جهانی در نظر بگیریم.
از آنجا که کتاب چاپک با تخیل ادبی سر و کار دارد و نه با سمبل، هر دو تفسیر (و تفاسیری دیگر) پذیرفتنی هستند. ما در ارتباط با بحث خود به‌ویژه به تفسیر دوم می‌پردازیم، به جنبه‌ی سیاسی اثر که نقد کمونیستی بر آن تاکید می‌کند. پذیرش این تفسیر بلافاصله پیامدهایی به بار می‌آورد که چندان باب طبع نقد کمونیسمی نیستند.
چاپک به هیچ وجه از نابودی جهان امپریالیستی ساخته و پرداخته‌ی انسان‌ها استقبال نمی‌کند، از نظر او پیروزی سمندرها یک فاجعه است، اگر چه فاجعه‌ای به جا و به‌حق.
«گوش کن، واقعا می‌خواهی بگذاری تمام بشریت نابود شود؟
چهره‌ی نویسنده در هم رفت. از من نپرس چه می‌خواهم. فکر می‌کنی این خواست من است که خشکی‌های آدم‌ها ویران شوند، فکر می‌کنی من خواهان این پایان هستم؟ این نتیجه‌ی منطقی رویدادهاست؛ به نظر تو من می‌توانم در آن دخالت کنم؟ من هر کاری از دستم بر‌می‌آمد انجام دادم. به آدم‌ها به موقع گوش‌زد کردم... گفتم: اسلحه و مواد منفجره در اختیار سمندرها نگذارید، تجارت نفرت انگیز با سمندرها را تعطیل کنید و غیره ‌خودت می دانی کار به کجا کشید. همه با هزاران دلیل کاملا درست اقتصادی و سیاسی ثابت کردند چرا چنین چیزی شدنی نیست. من نه سیاستمدارم و نه اقتصاددان؛ من نمی‌توانم قانعشان کنم. چه می‌شود کرد، شاید دنیا به زیر آب برود، نابود شود؛ در این صورت هر چه رخ دهد، دست‌کم به دلایل سیاسی و اقتصادی مورد قبول همگان رخ خواهد داد، دست کم به کمک دانش، تکنیک و افکار عمومی و با بهره‌گیری از مجموع هوشمندی بشری رخ خواهد داد! فاجعه‌ی عجیب و غریبی در کار نیست. رخدادها دلایل دولتی دارند، دلایل سیاسی، اقتصادی و غیره. از دست کسی هم کاری بر نمی‌آید.»
و حتی اگر دنیا نابود نشود، باز از نظر چاپک انقلاب یک دستاورد محسوب نمی‌شود.
«نباید که حتما تمام بشری�� نابود شود. سمندرها برای سکونت و تخم گذاری فقط به سواحل بیشتری نیاز دارند. شاید در بخش‌های خشک کره‌ی زمین، باریکه های طویلی را از خشکی‌های به هم مرتبط جدا کنند تا خطوط ساحلی بیشتر شوند. فرض کنیم تعدادی آدم هم بتوانند در این باریکه زمین‌ها باقی بمانند، قبول؟ اینها می‌توانند برای سمندرها فلزات و چیزهایی از این قبیل تولید کنند. می‌دانی؟ سمندرها که نمی‌توانند با آتش کار کنند.
یعنی آدم‌ها به سمندرها خدمت کنند؟
بله اگر دوست داری این طور فرض کن. آدم‌ها درست مثل حالا در کارخانه‌ها کار خواهند کرد. فقط کارفرماهای دیگری خواهند داشت. خلاصه این که شاید اوضاع خیلی فرق نکند.»
تفسیر اثر وقتی پیچیده‌تر می‌شود که چاپک پای ناسیونال سوسیالیسم را به میان می‌کشد و ترتیبی می‌دهد که یک سمندر اصل و نسب دار شمالی با جمجمه‌ای کشیده به صحنه بیاید («چنین موفقیت‌هایی فقط می‌تواند نصیب سمندرهای آلمانی شود»). دیکتاتور آتلانتیکی به نام رئیس سمندر، «فاتح بزرگ، تکنسین و سرباز، چنگیزخان سمندرها و نابود کننده‌ی قاره‌ها»، در اصل مردی است به نام آندریاس شولتسه که در جنگ جهانی (اول) استوار ارتش بوده است. ظهور این نوع سمندر در برابر دروازه‌ی پراگ پیشگویی موضوع حاد روز است که چند سال بعد به تحقق خواهد پیوست.
کمونیست‌ها از گرایش ضد فاشیسم رمان تمجید می‌کنند و با تکیه بر آن چاپک را یکی از خودشان می‌نمایانند. مولوچیکوسکی، منقد اهل شوروی، می‌نویسد: «در برخی صحنه‌های تخیلی مربوط به پیدایش "دولت سمندرها" نشان داده می‌شود که چگونه نظام سرمایه‌داری ناگزیر رژیم‌های فاشیستی به بار می‌آورد، و چگونه رژیم‌های فاشیستی انواع دکترین‌های سیاسی پرخاشگرانه مانند تئوری‌های "فضای زندگی" و "نژاد پست‌تر" را مطرح می‌کنند...»
در این جا تفسیر کمونیستی شروع می‌کند به پشتک و وارو زدن، الگوی مبارزه‌ی طبقاتی را که با بخش نخست رمان خوب جور در می‌آمد (بورژوازی- پرولتاریا) کنار می‌گذارد و برای توضیح بخش پایانی از کلیشه‌ی ضدفاشیسم (دموکراسی- فاشیسم) مدد می‌گیرد. به این ترتیب جنگ سمندرها پرخاشگری فاشیست‌ها محسوب می‌شود و نه انقلاب جهانی.
ولی بالاخره کمونیست‌ها کجا هستند؟ یعنی چاپک، نویسنده‌ای وارد به زیر و بم جامعه شناسی و سیاست، شوروی را که در سرنوشت اروپای مرکزی، و اصولا جهان مدرن، نقشی تعیین کننده بازی می‌کند، به این سادگی از یاد برده است؟
چاپک کمونیست‌ها را از یاد نبرده است. به واقع وجود سمندرها فقط به نوع اصل و نسب‌دار غرب (آتلانتیس) محدود نمی‌شود. سمندرهای بدوی، نیمه وحشی شرق (لموریا) هم هستند: شاگردان سابق کاپیتان فان توخ پیر که سمندرها را کشف کرد و اولین کسی بود که آنها را آموزش داد- همان طور که مارکس، پرولتاریا را. این دو پاره شدن سمندرها چرخش ناگهانی پایان رمان را رقم می‌زند:
«بله اینجا آتلانتیس است و این لموریا. این تقسیم بندی دلایل اداری-تکنیکی، جغرافیایی دارد...
{و البته} دلایل ملی. دلایل ملی را فراموش نکن. سمندرهای لموریایی به انگلیسی دست و پا شکسته و آتلانتیکی‌ها به انگلیسی پایه حرف می‌زنند.
بسیار خوب. سمندرهای آتلانتیکی به مرور زمان از طریق کانال سابق سوئز به اقیانوس هند رخنه می‌کنند.
طبیعی است. راه کلاسیک رسیدن به شرق.
بله. از طرف دیگر سمندرهای لموریایی با عبور از دماغه‌ی امید نیک به سواحل غربی آفریقای سابق نفوذ خواهند کرد. آنها ادعا خواهند کرد که تمام آفریقا به لموریا تعلق دارد.
طبیعی است...
آتلانتیکی‌ها، لموریایی‌ها را تحقیر می‌کنند و آنها را وحشی‌های کثیف می‌نامند؛ لموریایی‌ها هم به شدت از سمندرهای آتلانتیکی نفرت دارند و از آنها به عنوان امپریالیست، شیطان غربی و مختل کننده‌ی سمندریت دیرپا، پاک و اصیل یاد می‌کنند. رئیس سمندر در سواحل لموریا به پایگاه‌هایی دست می‌یابد، ظاهرا به سود صادرات و تمدن. عالیجناب کینگ سمندر کهنسال به ناچار و بر خلاف میل خود کوتاه می‌آید، چرا که به اندازه کافی مسلح نیست. در خلیج دجله، نزدیک بغداد سابق، کار بالا می‌گیرد: لموریایی‌های محلی به پایگاه آتلانتیکی‌ها حمله می‌کنند و دو تن از افسران آتلانتیکی را به قتل می‌رسانند، ظاهرا به دلیل یک توهین ملی. سپس...
...خیلی طبیعی جنگ در می‌گیرد.
بله، جنگ جهانی سمندرها علیه سمندرها شروع می‌شود.
به نام فرهنگ و مدنیت.
و به نام سمندریت راستین. به نام عزت و شرف ملی. شعار این است: یا ما، یا شما! لموریایی‌ها، مسلح به خنجرهای مالائیایی و دشنه‌های یوگا، متجاوزان آتلانتیکی را بی‌رحمانه سر می‌برند. آتلانتیکی‌های پیشرفته‌تر و تربیت یافته‌ی اروپا هم در آب‌های لموریایی‌ها سم و باکتری ضد فرهنگ می‌‌ریزند و موفق می‌شوند تمام اقیانوس‌های جهان را آلوده کنند. دریا به طاعون آبششی مصنوعی مبتلا می‌شود. و عزیزم، این پایان کار است. نسل سمندرها منقرض می‌شود...»
این پایان را نه با کلیشه‌ی مبارزه‌ی طبقاتی می‌توان تفسیر کرد و نه با کلیشه‌ی ضد فاشیسم. این پیش‌بینی پیمان هیتلر- استالین و جنگ هیتلر- استالین است، اگر چه چاپک بدبین پایان کار را خوش بینانه در نظر گرفته است.
این کتاب آشکارا تمثیلی است از پیدایش عصر تکنولوژی: تولید سلاح‌های کشتار جمعی و نیز یورش توده‌ها علیه جامعه‌ی بورژوایی جوانب دوگانه‌ی یک پدیده هستند. سمندرها: این‌ها می‌توانند بمب‌های اتمی، فاشیست‌ها و بلشویک‌ها، ملت‌های استعمارگر، جامعه‌ی توده‌ای آمریکا و شوروی باشند. خشکی‌ها: این فرهنگ باختر زمین و اومانیسم است که به مرگی به حق و در عین حال اسف‌بار می‌میرد.
Profile Image for Jan-Maat.
1,615 reviews2,269 followers
November 23, 2016
Great fun.

The story of mankind's downfall and destruction as caused by human hubris.

The tensions and ambitions of Imperialist Europe find new expression once a species of super-newt is discovered. This is expressed in Oswald Spengler style musings and a re-imaging of the super-newts as having the characteristics of the empires that employ them. To the surprise of all the newts eventually turn against the humans, but in a nice touch they hire human lawyers to represent their interests at the peace talks required once the newts start making the world fit for newts and so unsuitable for non-amphibians.

There is a thematic overlap here with the abuse and revolt of labour in Capek's RUR, possibly an allegorical comment on the rise of Bolshevik Russia and communism as well.

Profile Image for Robert Khorsand.
356 reviews293 followers
December 22, 2021
آخیششششششش، روحم به ارگاسم رسید.

فکر می‌کنم، تقریبا همه‌ی دوستانی که سیاه‌های حقیر را دنبال می‌کنند، می‌دانند که وقتی ریویویی را با جمله‌ی فوق آغاز می‌کنم، حرف دلم چیست.

عالی، درجه‌ی یک و ممتاز، زبان و قلمم از توصیفی بیش از این قاصر است، در عجبم که امسال به سراغ هر نویسنده‌ از کشور «جمهوری چک» رفتم، کتاب‌هایشان عالی از آب درآمد!

جنگ با بزمجه‌ها، شاهکاری بود در سبکِ «علمی تخیلی» با شروعی طوفانی و به شدت جذاب، پرداختی حرفه‌ای و میخ‌کوب کننده و پایانی به شدت جذاب و صدالبته حرفه‌ای که با یک نتیجه‌گیری عالی همراه بود.

قلم آقای «کارل چاپک» به شدت روان و دوست‌داشتنی و فاقد هرگونه پیچیدگی ادبی بود، همه‌چیز در کتابش به اندازه بود: اگر جایی به طنز می‌پرداخت، یا جایی نیاز به توصیف داشت، این موارد را به اندازه استفاده کرد و از هرگونه اطناب خودداری کرد.

برخلاف گذشته، حتی یک سطر از داستان کتاب نمی‌نویسم و فقط و فقط شما را به خواندن و لذت بردن از آن ارجاع می‌دهم.

شایسته است از این تریبون از دوستِ‌ کتاب‌خوانم آقای «علی کریم‌نژاد» که با ریویویش موجبات آشنایی من با این کتاب را فراهم نموده‌ بود تشکر کنم، اعتراف می‌کنم از روزی که این کتاب را خریدم تا وقتی که خواندنش را آغاز و به اتمام رساندم، به هیچ‌وجه احتمال نمی‌دادم که این کتاب به این اندازه فوق‌العاده باشد!

نقل‌قول نامه
"آدم‌ها حقه‌بازهای بزرگی هستند، به این دلیل انسان باید جلوی دهانش را بگیرد."

"هیچ‌چیز نمی‌تواند به اندازه‌ی فرزند، گذر زمان را محسوس سازد."

"همیشه باید طبیعت آن‌چه را که آدم‌ها برای خود ویران و تکه‌پاره کرده‌اند دوباره آباد و درست کند."

بدون هرگونه حرف، توضیح، لطف و ارفاقی پنج ستاره را برایش منظور و خواندنش را به تمام دوستانِ کتاب‌دوستم پیشنهاد می‌کنم.

یکم دی‌ماه یک‌هزار و چهارصد
Profile Image for Nancy.
557 reviews837 followers
November 6, 2011
A Dutch captain discovers giant talking newts on a remote island and teaches them to use tools, fight off predators, and collect pearls for him. They are eventually exploited by international corporations and the newts challenge man's place at the top of the animal kingdom.

Capek covers a multitude of issues and subjects in this wonderful satire -- capitalism, militarism, racism, and even Hollywood. A great read!
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,543 followers
May 20, 2018
This was a pleasant surprise! And a total satire, too!

1935 and lambasting fascism in a very funny and totally SF way. Little 4 ft lizards as smart as us who can breed like CRAZY, who are totally literal, and who (mostly) follow orders like good soldiers.

Of course, quickly outnumbering the human race at 20 billion, things get a bit hairy despite how much all the leaders of industry love their huge workforce. :)

It was funnier than anything, but the SF concept was nothing to sneeze at. I loved how much humans mistook all their actions and their intelligence, how souls, self-consciousness... even sexiness is so much more important than asking a simple little question... "Is this really a good idea?"

We all miss the point. It's damn fine satire.
Profile Image for Leo.
4,663 reviews496 followers
January 8, 2022
I was browsing a book called something like 1000 books to read before you die and this book or another by this author, Karel Capek came up. Never hear of either the book or author before but I was very intrigued to pick something up. Luckily I could order this from my library system and I'm glad to report that I wasn't disappointed. Didn't have a clue what the story would be like but it has one of the most interesting and intriguing plot I've read in a long time. Definitely recommend this classic
Profile Image for Matt.
752 reviews576 followers
March 6, 2017
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Vaduz in the mountains of Liechtenstein where negotiations are being held to end the hostilities between humans and newts. Although the meetings are held behind closed doors, it has become known that on the 117th day an agreement has been reached concerning the temperature and the salt concentration for the water in the tubs in which the members of the newts-delegation are staying during the trials. In two or three months the agenda will presumably be decided by both parties. We therefore have reason to be optimistic. In the meantime, the battles on the coasts of the continents continue unabated. Just now the doors open and the negotiators enter the lobby. We are lucky to have a brief interview with the deputy chief salamander.

Your newtness; Thank you for having some time for us. May I ask you a few questions?

You may – Ts.

Thank you. I know you are not supposed to discuss the results of the negitioations. So let me ask something different: Are you familiar with the book “War with the Newts” by Karel Čapek and what do you think of it?

Yets, indeed. We know the book. A lemal [remarkable] piece of wolk. – Ts. Ts. – Although tsome detailts ale not light and tshould be collect [corrected]. The tstyle at the begin [beginning] and end tseemed odd. – Ts. – We am, flankly, not vely famil [familiar] with human hitstol litel [historic literature], but we think Čapek hats made an impolt [important] contlib [contribution] to the undelts [understanding] of the newt-human – Ts. Ts. – lelat [probably relationship].

What do you mean by “odd”?

Well, in the filtst palt, the filtst chaptelts the book leadts mole like a novel than a hitstol [historical] leview, which it its tsuppots [supposed] to be. The factts in thits palt ale light ats fal ats we can judge. – Ts. Ts. – The ditscov [discovery] of the newts at Devilts Bay by Captain Van Toch, hits tlading company, the acquits [acquisition] of peallts by the newts, hits buitsnetsts with Bondy – all thits its hitstolically jutstified. – Ts. Ts. – But the dialoguets of the humants, how they came into contact, and tso on, all that its not known at all. And what ale thetse tstlange two chaptelts with the movie people on the beach and the yacht? – Ts. Ts. – We can not imagine that thits wats tso—

However, the general public was informed about the existence of the newts by those people; in the papers?

That its tlue. – Ts. – But the cautse of thetse exaggel [exaggerated] newtspap [newspaper] itemts at that time may have been anothel leatson. The tsecond palt of the book its much bettel. The hitstoly of newtsitsm is elabol [elaborated] in fine detail hele. The impolt [importance] of the fotstsil findts, – Ts. Ts. – the untspeak [unspeakable] tsalamandel tladets [S.-Tradings], the expel [probably experiments] that wele conduc [conducted] – all leal factts. All of thits mutst be known to man and altso to newts, if one wants to judge why we ale now at the point whele we tstand. The lecold of the Pacific Expolt Tsoci [Export Society] wats paltic [particularly] levealing to us. Ts. We will mention thits at the applop [approproate] time in the negoti [negotiations]. Hele it its alleady cleal what will happen in the end. Ts.

You mean the war.

Yets, the wal. – Ts. Ts. Ts. – But befole the wal, thele wele tso many thingts happen [happening], tso many thingts that have gone wlong, – Ts. – that only the humants ale to blame fol. It its good we have the Povond-Alchive [Povondra-Archive] of which you will find tsome impoltant excelptts in Čapekts book.

So you believe this book is important?

Abtsol [Absolteley]! – Ts. Ts. – We think evely leadel tshould take the time to lead it – humants and newts. Aplop [Apropos] time. – Ts. – Oults its vely limited and we now need watel [water or watering]. – Ts.

I understand. One last question: Do you believe in the success of these negotiations? Will newts and humans avoid conflicts in the future and be able to share this planet in peace?

Look at the wolk of Wolf Meynelt. A tsummal [summary] can be found in the Čapekts book. – Ts. – Thele its the antswel. – Ts.

Thank you very much, your newtness.

With this somewhat prophetic response, the deputy chief salamander turned around and tapped back into the meeting room to his tub. For the sake of better readability, we have amended longer words from in the transcription of this interview. As you probably know, in Newtish only the first one or two (sometimes 3) syllables of words are spoken.

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Profile Image for Lauren .
1,797 reviews2,494 followers
October 7, 2021
"Well, that's just the story... It all started when I was pearl-fishing on Tana Masa", the captain checked himself. "Or somewhere in those parts. Ah yes, it was some other island, but that's still my secret, old chap..."

From WAR WITH THE NEWTS by Karel Čapek, tr. from the Czech by Ewald Osers, 1936 Cz / 1999 En.

#ReadtheWorld21 📍Czechia

Delightful and creative satire - I laughed so much while reading this book. Not only is this story creative, but the form of the writing - parentheses, copious footnotes, news clippings and images - is so inventive and modern. Written in 1936, this is absurdity and satire to the highest degree, and it was a joy to read and experience.

A Dutch boat captain encounters a human-sized aquatic species on an uninhabited Southeast Asian island. His industrious mind begins to imagine a trained work force of these newts. He procures financial backing from a wealthy Czech merchant to take the species to farm / exploit them for underwater labour... and in a few short years, society, and the earth itself looks a lot different.

The early chapters of Book 1 discuss human and newt interactions, including a particularly hilarious chapter with a Hollywood starlet and a version of the monster genre film. The book goes on to satirize the science of the newts, their anatomy, brain, and their capacity for learning. There's a particularly hilarious interchange in a zoo where a captive newt begins talking to the zookeeper.

Book 2 is the deepest dive and longest - and the one where I laughed the most! "Up the Ladder of Civilization" documents the evolution of the newts through news clippings, interviews, and academic articles. Book 3 is the "War" of the title. A showdown of newt and human... Which isn't really a war because by this time, newts outnumber humans 10 to 1. The last chapter is a very amusing meta turn, the author's internal dialogue questioning how to end the book.

It is abundantly clear that this book was written in 1936, even at this pre-WWII time period, much of it pokes fun at Nazis, and German race science. Race and ethnicity and discussed and satirized frequently here, through the veil of the newts. Southeast Asian and African newts vs. Nordic newts. Parochialism, sexism, racism - e.g. some news clipping references to newts in America being lynched for their sexual advances on white women. Čapek wasn't holding back or hiding his political leanings here.

Clear forebearer to the dark humor and satire of Kurt Vonnegut a few decades later. KV even blurbed this edition thanking the publisher for making this available to an English speaking audience.

Čapek, who died in 1938, was a well-known and recognized writer in the interwar years, but unfortunately is not as well known today. This is my second work by him, following last year's read of his fantastic 1920 play, R.U.R., which was the first time the word "ROBOT" was coined. The themes of R.U.R. and WAR WITH THE NEWTS are very similar, and were both so enjoyable to read.

📚 A brilliant satire of colonialism and nationalism - poking fun at all the establish institutions. Čapek's writing is brilliant, as is Osers' translation that doesn't miss a beat in the humor. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,492 reviews
February 5, 2019
Quando, em 1939 — no ano seguinte à morte de Karel Čapek —, os nazis invadiram Praga, interditaram a sua obra, a qual censurava o fanatismo, a ganância, o materialismo e todas as formas de seduzir e manipular o povo que facilitam o totalitarismo.
Publicado em 1936, na ascensão do nazismo, A Guerra das Salamandras é uma sátira brilhante sobre a estupidez humana.

Numa ilha vivem uns bichinhos espertos que ao serem descobertos por um capitão, cuja actividade é o comércio de pérolas, os domestica e escraviza como "pescadores" de conchas. Ao tornarem-se conhecidas, estas criaturas pacíficas e simpáticas tornam-se objecto de estudo e são utilizadas como cobaias e diversão. Entretanto, vão-se multiplicando e necessitando de espaço para viver começam a conquistar o dos humanos.

Reconheço que é uma obra singular, pelo tema e forma de o tratar, mas de que eu não soube desfrutar plenamente pelo, para o meu gosto, exagerado número de anexos: notícias de jornal; estudos científicos sobre a procriação e capacidades intelectuais das salamandras, etc; depoimentos; discursos e "o diabo a sete". E tudo isto, em vários tipos e tamanhos de letra, que graficamente é bonito mas me atrofia os miolos. Como reflecte a média, aqui no Goodreads, este é um livro para cinco estrelas, no entanto, como a minha bitola não é o valor da obra mas o meu interesse e prazer a lê-la, deixo as três estrelas.
Profile Image for Roya Arbabi.
84 reviews65 followers
March 19, 2023
کتاب شاهکار به‌ تمام معناس و نویسنده نابغه‌ی تمام عیار

چی می‌تونم بگم جز اینکه آب دستتونه بذارین زمین و این کتاب رو بخونین (من نسخه صوتیش رو گوش دادم و قابل قبول بود). تاحالا هیچ کتابی رو توی این سبک نخونده بودم. اواسطش من رو یه جورایی یاد جزیره‌ی پنگوئن‌ها می‌نداخت اما جنگ با بزمجه‌ها خیلی وسیع‌تر و فراتر از اون کتابه.

اسکار بهترین کتابی که توی سال ۱۴۰۱ خوندم رو قطعاً تقدیم می‌کنم به این کتاب.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,462 reviews

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