
Crafts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "crafts" Showing 1-30 of 34
Sandra Dallas
“After all, a woman didn't leave much behind in the world to show she'd been there. Even the children she bore and raised got their father's name. But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on.”
Sandra Dallas

Demetri Martin
“Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.”
Demetri Martin

Israelmore Ayivor
“There is no other way to determine the difference between the will of God and the crafts of satan... Jesus is the way, the truth and the life... The Holy Spirit of God is the Comforter...”
Israelmore Ayivor

Dave Barry
“Babies and Other Hazards of Sex: How to Make a Tiny Person in Only 9 Months, with Tools You Probably Have around the Home.”
Dave Barry, Babies and Other Hazards of Sex

Charles Todd
“That's the point of working with one's hands, you see. It gives the mind something else to do besides worry.”
Charles Todd, A Duty to the Dead

Roman Vishniac
“Everything made by human hands looks terrible under magnification--crude, rough, and asymmetrical. But in nature every bit of life is lovely. And the more magnification we use, the more details are brought out, perfectly formed, like endless sets of boxes within boxes.”
Roman Vishniac

Stevan V. Nikolic
“You know Pastor, baking is a real art. Especially bread baking. There is something so divine about it. It is a pure alchemy. And all alchemical elements are there: flour that comes from the earth and represents material, water that you mix with flour to make the dough, air released by the yeast fermentation that makes dough rise, fire that bakes the bread. It is fantastic. And the aroma of hot bread released during baking is the most pleasant fragrance for our senses. Think about that for a moment, Pastor. Any food aroma that we like, no matter how much we like it, gets overwhelming after a while, and we open the kitchen windows and close kitchen doors so the smell doesn’t get into the living room. Any smell, but the smell of freshly baked bread. Did you ever hear anybody complain about the smell of baked bread? Nobody, Pastor! Nobody. You hear people complaining about their neighbors frying fish, roasting pork, barbecuing sausages, but nobody ever complains about the smell of baked bread. And you know why? Because it is divine. It is magic – the magic of the craft.”
Stevan V. Nikolic, Truth According to Michael

“We are the craft of our towns.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Chantal Larocque
“In my mind, no other flower can compete with the perfection and the fragrance of the Peony.
The silky petals, delicate shape, romantic shades and graceful foliage make this flower my all time favorite and I’m not alone. Brides plan their wedding dates around peony season. Flower enthusiasts plant them all through their gardens. Florists go crazy over all the different shades available from white, to coral, yellow to reds and every imaginable pink!  Sadly, this bloom can only be enjoyed in nature for a very short time each year. That’s the reason their paper counterparts have become such a hit!”
Chantal Larocque, Bold & Beautiful Paper Flowers: More Than 50 Easy Paper Blooms and Gorgeous Arrangements You Can Make at Home

Arlene Stafford-Wilson
“The eldest ones said that the laughter and tears are sewn right into the quilt, part and parcel, stitch by stitch. Emotions, experiences, heartbreak, mourning, pain and regret, stitched into the cloth, along with happiness, satisfaction, cheer, comfort, and love. The finished quilts were a living thing, a reflection of the spirits of its creators.”
Arlene Stafford-Wilson, Lanark County Connections - Memories Among the Maples

Clara Parkes
“A big stash allows me to have a fluid sense of creativity - a looseness that is very much like playing. It opens me up, unlocks things. The creative bit takes all the other pieces - the possibility, the abundance, the connections, and the actual work of making yarn - bundles them, and explodes like a glitter bomb. It gets everywhere, it makes me smile, and a I can't escape it.

My stash is the spark. Even if I haven't spun for days or weeks, even when I'm feeling dull-witted or anti-craft, I still spend time with my stash. It pulls on doors that have been locked, slides under the crack and clicks them open from the inside. After an hour tossing my fibers around, I am revitalized for making yarn, yes, but for things well beyond that, too. My sash fees like an extension of me that I sometimes forget about: the part that plays, that connects things that don't seem to go, that experiments and makes things.”
Clara Parkes, A Stash of One's Own: Knitters on Loving, Living with, and Letting Go of Yarn

Joyce Carol Oates
“; so too, her glazed ceramics and her macramé are interchangeable with those executed by her women friends in the area, who take courses at the Mill Brook Valley Arts Co-op and whose houses are gradually filling with their creations, like ships gradually sinking beneath the weight of ever-more cargo.”
Joyce Carol Oates, Jack of Spades
tags: crafts

Jalina Mhyana
“I cut our paper dinner with a pair of scissors borrowed from the front desk of the hotel. I cooked with a spice rack box of crayons – sixteen colors. I seasoned the pumpkin pie with orange crayon, and basted the turkey's crisp skin in brown. I was remorseless with my sketchbook abattoir, playing the part of carnivore just as surely as I was play-acting the role of wife. I may as well have been a wax figure in a dollhouse eating the wax-scented food.”
Jalina Mhyana, Dreaming in Night Vision: A Story in Vignettes

Louise Dickinson Rich
“I'm a good knitter, and I'm proud of it. I see no point in being modest about things you know you do well. It doesn't indicate humility so much as hypocrisy or lack of perception.”
Louise Dickinson Rich, We Took to the Woods

Jill Telford
“The magic is in the process. It’s a kind of science. That’s the special sauce. Thats the secret.”
Jill Telford

Brent Weeks
“Like many who make their livelihood with their minds, she had an outsized pride in the few things her hands had crafted. It was perhaps the only things for which Ironfist could consider her a silly old lady.”
Brent Weeks, The Blinding Knife

Kate Solly
“The problem was with the constant deliciousness of a new idea. It was always more exciting to start a new project than to plod away with one whose appeal had gone stale.”
Kate Solly, Tuesday Evenings with the Copeton Craft Resistance

John Joclebs Bassey
“Oftentimes, our hands are more creative than our minds.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Maura Madden
“If you have a tendency to find yourself in MacGyveresque situations, go ahead and choose a synthetic rope to craft with. I don't want you cursing my name as you hang from a cliff by your swiftly fraying Monkey's Fist necklace.”
Maura Madden, Crafternoon: A Guide to Getting Artsy and Crafty with Your Friends All Year Long

Jimmy Carter
“For the first time, we recognized a medium that takes our ordinary, everyday objects like bowls, baskets, and quilts and elevates them to art forms that rival painting and sculpture in their impact.
(From the forward to "Crafts in America: Celebrating Two Centuries of Artists and Objects.”
Jimmy Carter
tags: art, crafts

V.J. Smith
“To protect the child, the court can issue temporary orders placing the child in shelter care-LEARN HOW THE CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM WORKS, Author, V J SMITH, BARNES AND NOBLE NOOK BOOKS”

Kamilla Benko
“It didn't surprise her that in this world where art was magic, color was also it's own alphabet.”
Kamilla Benko, The Unicorn Quest

“After dinner I text Chris to see if she wants to come over, but she doesn't text back. She's probably out with one of the guys she hooks up my scrapbooking. with. Which is fine. I should catch up on I was hoping to be done with Margot's scrapbook before she left for college, but as anyone who's ever scrapbooked
knows, Rome wasn't built in a day. You could spend a year or more working on one scrapbook. I've got Motown girl-group music playing, and my sup plies are laid out all around me in a semicircle. My heart hole punch, pages and pages of scrapbook paper, pictures I've cut out of magazines, glue gun, my tape dispenser with all my different colored washi tapes. Souvenirs like the playbill from when we saw Wicked in New York, receipts, pictures. Ribbon, buttons, stickers, charms. A good scrap book has texture. It's thick and chunky and doesn't close all the way.”
Jenny Han, The To All the Boys I've Loved Before Collection

“Kukapa sitä ei muovihärpäkkeen sijaan tekisi mieluummin ornamentoidulla sarvikävyllä.”
Niillas Holmberg, Halla Helle

Joyce Carol Oates
“Fucking macramé knots were maybe harder than they looked.”
Joyce Carol Oates, Daddy Love

“I'll bet you already have many of the materials on hand to create these projects. How do I know? Well, I'm a crafter and I've got a bead stash, too. Doesn't everyone?”
Terry Taylor, A Very Beaded Christmas: 45 Projects That Glitter, Twinkle & Shine

“A quipu depends on the interaction of breath and thread, hand and voice. To write with breath is to see the body and the cosmos in a continuous reciprocal exchange.”
Jessica Hemmings, Cultural Threads: Transnational Textiles Today

“Embroidery is the bait I use to recruit people into activism”
Shannon Downey, Let's Move the Needle: An Activism Handbook for Artists, Crafters, Creatives, and Makers; Build Community and Make Change!

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