Chivalry Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chivalry" Showing 121-150 of 164
Richelle E. Goodrich
“The sun, rising and setting in splendid colors, never grows tired of its admirers―much like a lady, aglow with grace, never grows tired of chivalrous acts or pretty flowers.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

George R.R. Martin
“It is chivalry that makes a true knight, not a sword.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

Laney Smith
“He firmly pulled her body against his and he brushed her lips with his. Staring into her eyes, he lightly slid his tongue across her bottom lip. She drew a deep, staggered breath in response to the wave of heat she felt flushing through her. Derrick smiled at her. Then, he softly kissed her. He lightly swept his tongue between her lips, pressing his warm, soft lips to hers. He slid his hands up her body and cradled her face with his hands. Then, he passionately kissed her, tickling her tongue with his. He sucked her lips, gently, as though he was sampling nectar on a delicate petal. Then, with an intense urgency, he dipped his tongue past her lips, caressing her tongue with his. She felt fluttering inside. Anne’s body craved him. A shallow hum escaped from within her in response to how he was making her feel. She could feel his body responding to her. He was breathing heavier which was waking Anne’s primal needs. The tidal wave of lust that had just churned within her was slowly calming as his kiss became more subtle and tender. He gently pressed his lips against hers. He pulled back a little and looked away, exhaling.”
Laney Smith, Lock Creek: One Year's Time

Solange nicole
“Every man is sensitive. Some cover it up with brutality, others with cowardice and vanity, but a small few wear it bravely like armor”
Solange nicole

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
“Whatever the theories may be of woman’s dependence on man, in the supreme moments of her life he can not bear her burdens. Alone she goes to the gates of death to give life to every man that is born into the world. No one can share her fears, no one can mitigate her pangs; and if her sorrow is greater than she can bear, alone she passes beyond the gates into the vast unknown.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Solitude of Self

Natalya Vorobyova
“Gentleman: An imaginary creature found in Jane Austen novels.”
Natalya Vorobyova

Jesikah Sundin
“Love has little to do with romance and everything to do with honor.”
Jesikah Sundin, Elements

Neil Gaiman
“Mrs. Whitaker found the Holy Grail; it was under a fur coat.”
Neil Gaiman, Chivalry

“Many of those who elected to remain might have escaped. 'Chivalry' is a mild appellation for their conduct. Some of the vaunted knights of old were desperate cowards by comparison. A fight in the open field, or jousting in the tournament, did not call out the manhood in a man as did the waiting till the great ship took the final plunge, in the knowledge that the seas round about were covered with loving and yearning witnesses whose own salvation was not assured.”
The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters

E.R. Eddison
“An offer indeed," said Lord Brandoch Daha; "if it be not in mockery. Say it loud, that my folk may hear." Corund did so, and the Demons heard it from the walls of the burg. Lord Brandoch Daha stood somewhat apart from Juss and Spitfire and their guard. "Libel it me out," he said. "For good as I now must deem thy word, thine hand and seal must I have to show my followers ere they consent with me in such a thing."
"Write thou," said Corund to Gro. "To write my name is all my scholarship." And Gro took forth his ink-born and wrote in a great fair hand this offer on a parchment. "The most fearfullest oaths thou knowest," said Corund; and Gro wrote them, whispering, "He mocketh us only." But Corund said, "No matter: 'tis a chance worth our chancing," and slowly and with labour signed his name to the writing, and gave it to Lord Brandoch Daha. Brandoch Daha read it attentively, and tucked it in his bosom beneath his byrny.
"This," he said, "shall be a keepsake for me of thee, my Lord Corund. Reminding me," and here his eyes grew terrible, "so long as there surviveth a soul of you in Witchland, that I am still to teach the world throughly what that man must abide that durst affront me with such an offer.”
E.R. Eddison, The Worm Ouroboros

James Clavell
“It’s only Christian to be chivalrous to your enemies.”
James Clavell, Shōgun, Volume 1

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Stefan Emunds
“Honor is a balancing act and only the heart can strike that balance.”
Stefan Emunds, Gawain and the Green Knight

Regina Scott
“After only a few moments in her presence, he found himself wondering what dragon he might slay for her.”
Regina Scott, The Rogue's Reform / The House of Secrets

Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
“Her name was Hildegardis, and she was acknowledged far and wide as the fairest of maidens.”
Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, Aslauga's Knight

E.M. Forster
“Vagueness spurred him into knight errantry.”
E.M. Forster, A Room with a View

J. Aaron Gruben
“The truly noble heart sacrifices itself for others’ good, to defend the weak and the good against evil. To a heart like this, a heart devoted to chivalry, courage is a matter of form.”
J. Aaron Gruben

James  Anderson
“I remembered a definition of chivalry I'd heard once: a man protecting a woman against every man but himself.”
James Anderson

Nalini Singh
“He was scowling. "What the hell? If I had a daughter and she was dating a guy like me, I'd take him out back and threaten him with a shotgun to make sure he treated her right."

Kit's mouth fell open. "You?"

"Yeah." He folded his arms, his scowl growing heavier. "Jeez, Kit, he didn't even tell me to be good to you. That's bullshit."

Realizing he was dead serious, she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. "Where did you pick up this chivalrous instinct?"

"My father," he said, the sneer that usually accompanied any mention of Robert St. John missing from his voice. "He's a son of a bitch, but he brought me up to look after any women under my care."

"Under your care?" Kit raised an eyebrow. "Chauvinistic much?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, well, maybe it is, but I'm not changing. My imaginary daughters are never dating musicians. Ever."

Stomach somersaulting at the idea of little girls with Noah's features and talent, she shook her head. "Noah St. John, bad boy of rock and concerned father of imaginary daughters. Hell hath frozen over and become an ice rink.”
Nalini Singh, Rock Redemption

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Sadly as some old mediaeval knight
Gazed at the arms he could no longer wield,
The sword two-handed and the shining shield
Suspended in the hall, and full in sight,
While secret longings for the lost delight
Of tourney or adventure in the field
Came over him, and tears but half concealed
Trembled and fell upon his beard of white,
So I behold these books upon their shelf,
My ornaments and arms of other days;
Not wholly useless, though no longer used,
For they remind me of my other self,
Younger and stronger, and the pleasant ways
In which I walked, now clouded and confused.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Complete Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Chrétien de Troyes
“[G]enerosity... is the mistress and queen that gives lustre to every virtue, as it is not hard to prove. Where could one find a man, however powerful and rich, who isn't blamed if he is mean? And who, though not appreciated for his many other qualities, doesn't earn praise by his generosity? Liberality on its own makes a worthy man; and that can't be achieved by high birth, courtliness, wisdom, nobility, wealth, strength, chivalry, boldness, authority, beauty, or anything else. But just as the rose is more lovely than any other flower when it opens fresh and new, so where liberality appears it surpasses all other virtues and increases five hundred times the qualities it finds in a worthy, upright man.”
Chrétien de Troyes

Beth Fantaskey
“Chivalry does not imply that women are powerless. On the contrary, chivalry is an admission of women’s superiority.”
Beth Fantaskey, Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
“Avventurose età e benedette quelle che non seppero la spaventevole furia di queste indemoniate macchine dell'artiglieria, l'inventore delle quali io ritengo che sia nell'inferno a ricevere il guiderdone del suo diabolico ritrovato, per mezzo del quale fece sì che un ignobile e codardo braccio possa toglier la vita a un prode cavaliere.”
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

Mervyn Peake
“His staff had shaken hands with her as though a woman was merely another kind of man. Fools! The seeds of Eve were in this radiant creature. The lullabyes of half a million years throbbed in her throat. Had they no sense of wonder, no reverence, no pride?”
Mervyn Peake, Gormenghast

“It was a symposium of horror and heroism, the like of which has not been known in the civilized world since man established his dominion over the sea.”
The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
“Vossignoria pertanto creda a me e, come le ho detto già prima, legga di questi libri e vedrà come le bandiscono la malinconia che caso mai avesse e le fanno migliore il carattere se mai l'abbia guasto. Per parte mia le so dire che da quando sono cavaliere errante sono valoroso, garbato, liberale, bennato, magnanimo, cortese, mite, paziente, tollerante di fatiche, di prigionie, d'incantagioni.”
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

Harvey Mansfield Jr.
“Masculinity must prove itself, and do so before an audience.”
Harvey Mansfield

Bryn  Hammond
“The gallantry was the women's. ... The woman's chivalry in such circumstances is obviously expected.”
Bryn Hammond, Against Walls

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
“How the little courtesies of life on the surface of society, deemed so important from man towards woman, fade into utter insignificance in view of the deeper tragedies in which she must play her part alone, where no human aid is possible.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Solitude of Self

Stefan Emunds
“The world eclipses and it’s just her and him. No it’s just her eyes and his soul. Her eyes expose and violate him, she turns him inside out. Then, her eyes drop him like a boring toy.”
Stefan Emunds, Gawain and the Green Knight