bruna's Reviews > Mile High

Mile High by Liz Tomforde
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it was ok

★ 1.75 stars

I’M FINALLY FREE!!! this was one of the most boring books i’ve ever read. i wanted to dnf it so many times, but i stubbornly forced myself to finish it — why? i don’t know. guess i was waiting for it to get good, but as you can see, it never did. anyway... let’s get into it. this review is going to be a little long, so buckle up.

there are a few spoilers here, so don’t read this review if you don’t want to be spoiled!

first, let’s talk about one of my biggest issues with Mile High: the length. this book is over 600 PAGES LONG, and i really can’t see why. that’s extremely unnecessary. Liz Tomforde, with all due respect: get an editor. please! there were multiple scenes that didn’t add anything to the story, so this book could’ve (and should’ve) easily been 250 pages shorter. i don’t know if anyone would agree with me on this, but there’s literally no reason for a contemporary romance to have more than 500 pages. that should be a crime. i mean, i guess some might work if there’s a nice plot and interesting main characters — but that was definitely not the case with this one. the plot was... i’m sorry, is there even a plot? i didn’t feel like there was one. this book is marketed as a hockey romance and yet we had like one scene of the MMC playing hockey if i’m not mistaken. and the main characters were bland, they honestly didn’t interest me that much.

Stevie: was she an amazing character? no. but she was not really a terrible character either. there were times that she was funny and bold, and i kind of liked that. there’s also the fact that she’s plus size and i really think the author did a nice job of portraying her insecurities with her body. but, those things aside, there is nothing else to say about her. at the beginning of the book, i thought she had potential to be a great and remarkable character, but she isn’t. as i said, i don’t hate Stevie and i don’t think she’s terrible, but in general, she’s not a character that i’d call interesting.

and i have to mention that she was kind of giving i’m not like other girls at times. she drinks beer constantly, only buys thrifted clothes (even though she has money) and uses stained sweatpants and dirty sneakers almost all the time. she’s so different, right? and the weirdest thing is that there’s this scene where she goes out in the street with mustard in her chin — and yes, she’s aware, but she doesn’t even bother to wipe it. like, hello?!

Zanders: i was reading a few reviews and i noticed that almost everyone who has read this book is obsessed with this man, so i’m definitely in the minority here. i don’t hate him, but i don’t love him either. well... if i’m being honest, i hated him in the first half. he was absolutely insufferable and annoying at the beginning of the book. i swear, not even 10 pages in and the guy was already pissing me off. instead of explain with my own words, i’m gonna put some quotes here and you’ll understand why he annoyed me so much.

“There’s a different kind of thrill when it comes to pussy on the road. The unknown of who it’ll be, the excitement of where it’ll happen, the satisfaction that I don’t have to see them ever again if I don’t want to. That’s how I like it.”

“My Instagram is already flooded with messages from my Tennessee roster, and I can guarantee that if I want, my dick will be buried deep inside one of them tonight.”

“Her eyes are probably the most interesting pair I’ve ever seen, and her body is perfectly full, with plenty to grab onto. But unfortunately, her pretty outside that I like is tainted by the attitude I don’t like.”

“Why doesn’t she want to talk to me?
Just being honest here, I’ve never had someone refuse my attention.”

sir, you’re a grown ass adult, act like one.

“She might need a reminder that she’s working for me, but I’ll make sure she understands. I’m petty that way. I’ll remember that little interaction for as long as she’s on my airplane.”

mind you, this was just because in their first interaction he assumed she wanted an autograph, but she actually didn’t, so he got offended. how pathetic. 🙄

the worst in my opinion is that he had a list of all the the women he’s slept with in his notes app — and it was organized by city. it gets worse: he also described what they were like sexually. that’s beyond weird.

“Apparently, Carrie was a great lay with a fantastic rack, and Ashley gave one hell of a blowjob.”

but hey! apparently, he’s not a misogynistic asshole who doesn’t care about women! it was actually a PR stunt! shocking.

“People eat this shit up. We play it up for the media, but the truth is I’m not the piece of shit people think I am. I care about a lot more than just the women I take home from the arena.”

his agent pushed this narrative to make him gain more money and popularity, and it worked pretty well. he also needs to maintain this “playboy image” because he’s convinced it’ll help him get his contract renewed with the Chicago Raptors, the hockey team he plays for.

“Whenever you’re ready to let people know you’re not the dickhead they all think you are, you let me know, and we’ll stop the act.”
“Nah, I’m still enjoying it,” I tell him honestly. “I gotta get that renewed contract by the end of the season, so until then, we have to keep it going.”

to be fair, i don’t know why the author came up with this lame storyline. it doesn’t even make sense, why would his hockey team use his personal life to determine whether or not to renew his contract? be so for real. yeah, we discover at the end that it was all a lie from his agent, but still. and he might not be the bad boy that the media paints him to be — but he’s far from a saint.

he gets “better” (less insufferable) after a few chapters, which is obviously predictable so i don’t know why i’m saying this. and, even though i’m not Zander’s biggest fan, i can admit that there was a few nice things about his character:

1. he’s a co-founder of a charity foundation that supports underprivileged young athletes who don’t have the mental health resources they need.

2. the bare minimum, i know — but he never made Stevie feel insecure, and he was always worshipping her and trying to help her with her insecurities.

3. Stevie volunteered at a senior dog shelter, and there was this doberman there, Rosie, who had been there for almost a year. even though Stevie loved Rosie, she couldn’t adopt her because she was living with her brother who was allergic, but Zanders ended up adopting her. i found that really sweet. he also made a big and helpful donation to the shelter.

4.. he had a cute relationship with his best friend/teammate’s child, Ella. we didn’t get much scenes of them together but i enjoyed the ones we got.

and that’s about it.

the romance left much to be desired. did Stevie and Zanders had cute moments throughout the book? yes, and they had a bit of chemistry too. but overall, i felt like their relationship was lacking something. it wasn’t captivating, it wasn’t very well executed and sometimes gave me major ✨wattpad✨ vibes, they had so many cringe scenes i won’t even bother to quote them here. and there wasn’t enough buildup in my opinion, not even 15% in and they were already lusting over each other, and they slept together at 27%. it was so rushed. and there’s a third act breakup, which i don’t like, i mean, who does? and it dragged on for too long. their relationship was going well, but for a stupid reason he decided to break up things with her at 75% — so we had more than 120 pages of unnecessary drama and pathetic scenes that could’ve been avoided if they just communicated to each other. but of course, they don’t know how to do that! the lack of communication between them made me struggle so hard to read the last few chapters. seriously, imagine how tired i was.

all in all, i did not enjoy this book, not even a bit. i’m extremely disappointed because i had high expectations after seeing a lot of people loving it. i guess it was just not for me. i’ve heard the second book is way better than this one — it’s about Indy Ivers (Stevie’s friend) and Ryan Shay (Stevie’s brother). however, i’m not really sure if i’ll give it a chance. i liked Indy, she was a funny character, and Ryan seemed to be a nice guy, but i’m not excited to read their story. let’s see if i’ll change my mind eventually.
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Reading Progress

November 21, 2022 – Shelved
November 21, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
September 16, 2023 – Started Reading
September 16, 2023 –
2.0% "the mmc is a manwhore 💀"
September 17, 2023 –
2.0% "i have no motivation to read 🥲"
September 22, 2023 –
7.0% "this book is making me cringe every 2 seconds"
September 22, 2023 –
15.0% "Thankfully, she speaks before I have to. “You smell like sex.”

girl what 😭😭😭"
September 22, 2023 –
17.0% "“My Instagram is already flooded with messages from my Tennessee roster, and I can guarantee that if I want, my dick will be buried deep inside one of them tonight.”

okay??? WHO CARES. just stfu 🥴"
September 22, 2023 –
30.0% "200 pages read and i’m not really enjoying this book yet... think i’m gonna call it a night 🥱"
September 23, 2023 –
37.0% "“You following me?”

STOOOOOOOP 🙄 ohmygawd"
September 23, 2023 –
38.0% "they’re so i can see you coded"
September 23, 2023 –
55.0% "this book is unnecessarily long 🙄"
September 23, 2023 –
67.0% "i can feel the drama coming 🙄"
September 23, 2023 –
89.0% "the last few chapters are AWFUL 💀 thank god i’m almost finishing this book"
September 24, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 51-100 of 137 (137 new)

bruna @aeryn ohhh 😭 don’t be!! maybe you’ll like it, give it a try <33

bruna @shei SOON 🤭 i have so many things to say but my thoughts are a mess rn 😭

ˋ✧*⁀➷ ʙᴇᴛᴛʏ (Levi Ackerman's wife) @bruna whoops here it goes off my tbr. I trust your reviews bestie <3

bruna @Sue yeah!! more than 600 pages, i really don’t understand why... 🙄

bruna @maya valendo centavos mesmo 🥴 sério, eu não sei porque me forcei a terminar essa atrocidade sendo que com 10 páginas eu já tava odiando... ☠️

message 57: by sofie ✶ (new)

sofie ✶ sorry you didn’t enjoy babes! i hope your next read is better 💗

Sabrina (semi-hiatus) Sorry you didn’t enjoy this 😔 definitely looking forward to your rant review bc I know I’ll be mostly agreeing 🤭

message 59: by (new)

₊ YESSS GLAD U'RE FINALLY FREE BRUNA!!! though i'm sorry u didn't enjoy this 😭 kudos to u for not dnf-ing it and pushing through! looking forward to hear ur thoughts, hopefully ur next read will be a thousand times better than this

bruna @arya I DID BAE 🤭🥂 i don’t really mind long books but this one... good lord 😭 i’m glad it’s over lol

bruna @betty omg really?! i’m glad to hear that babe!! 🫶🏼🤭 i haven’t had time to write much stuff yet bc i was busy all day so i’ll probably post the review tomorrow <33

message 62: by SK (new) - rated it 3 stars

SK Absolutely agree. It had no business being that long and let's be honest, it's quite a forgettable story 👀

tanveer ⋆。✧ (hiatus) omggg i can't wait for the rant bb 🫶🏻🤭

message 64: by sofie ✶ (new)

sofie ✶ i’m glad you’ve finally finished it, so sorry you didn’t like it bb 💗

message 65: by Sabrina (semi-hiatus) (last edited Sep 27, 2023 01:21AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sabrina (semi-hiatus) Ok, so I deff agree with the points you made. starting with how long it was, bc it was insufferably WAY TOO LONG esp with that 3rd act break up and I’m saying that having liked some of the book . Zander’s was so cringe early on having been that way but I liked him after ofc. i did feel like the chemistry between them was there but you’re right something did feel lacking. When I read this, I didn’t really dissect it for what it lacked, I just somehow vibed with it 😅 But, there’s alot of things I’m realizing with this and it’s not just your review for it.I’m sorry this disappointed 🥲 I honestly believe if you didn’t love this, you might not like the right move either for a few reasons pointed out to me after I read it. Although, I’m ngl I am curious to know what you’ll think sooo let’s see if you give it a chance 🤭 anyway this was a lovely rant review ml 💞 I hope your next read is 5 stars!

message 66: by selin (new) - added it

selin bestie i literally stalked you five times in the past two days to see if you posted that gorgeous rant review but now i can’t read it bc there are spoilers- i’m sad 😭 but i know you write a beautiful one like you always do 🤭 i’m sorry it was a miss but i can understand why you didn’t dnf’ed it, popular books always take my attention bc i’m curious abt why everyone likes it and this book is one of them so i think it’s fomo? anyways, i hope your next read will be as good as tsh, ily 😽🩷

message 67: by lila ⋆ (new) - added it

lila ⋆ okay i LOVE this review sm. i agree totally about 600+ pages for books like this, like, WHY EXACTLY???! it's not even a fantasy to have world-building or anything, it's romance ffs. it should be around 300-350 pages 😂 and ugh wattpad vibes? why 😭 by how you described zander though, im almost certain i'll not like him bc him listing all the women he's slept with on his notes app? no thank you. 😭 i've heard book two is loads better though, so if you do end up picking it up sometime, can't wait to see what you think 👀💗 so sorry this ended up being such a disappointment! :(

kendyl ʚ♡⃛ɞ omg hehe i’ve been waiting for this one! i’m so glad you’re finally free from this book bb. your updates totally made me bump this wayyyyyyyyyy down on my tbr. i bought this book so long ago and idk when i’ll ever find the motivation to read this one, but i have heard good things about the second book so maybe one day i’ll try and get through this one to get to the next😩i love this review sm…still so beautiful even tho it’s a rant review! your next read better be way better or i’m suing😠ilysm🫂

shei ღ OKAY BESTIE. OKAY. You went off with this review and I love to see it🤭🤭. Just reading this review made me annoyed at the characters 😒 lmao. They were both so immature pls 😭 anyways! You finished it and you are a legend for it 👏🏻💜. LYSMMMMMMM❤️

brooke (semi-hiatus) OMGGG YES TO EVERYTHING!! you’ve expressed my every thought and issues w this book PERFECTLY. this book gave me the biggest ick and it had no reason being that long 😭 the third act conflict was so stupid, i hate when authors add it just to make the book unnecessarily drag on?? like pls stop, we are begging you!! they were both so one dimensional and shallow, it was so hard to connect to their characters. stevie’s “not like other girls” and “pick me” persona was way too ott. i preferred the second book so much more bc ryan shay is the biggest green flag. gorgeous gorgeous review, angel! im sorry you didn’t enjoy this book like you anticipated - i hope ur next read is so much better. 💘

bruna @⚝ HAHAHA thank you so much ingrid, you’re so nice!! 💘 and yess, i was so proud of myself for finishing it lol. but reading 667 pages of a book i wasn’t enjoying was hard ngl 😭

bruna @SK yes, it’s definitely a forgettable story! and i still don’t understand why it was so long... so unnecessary 🥱

bruna @tanveer the review is up babe!! 💗

Mary (taylor's version) you should read the second one! I hated the first one, just like you did, and I loved the next one

Miki’s⚠️Safety Reviews⚠️ I agree w your points‼️
I had a hard time believing the ..”I’m not the bad playboy the media portrayed” narrative after he was full on admitting in his POV in the beginning about how much of a hoe he was…. Sometimes having one coming and another going back to back. His friend and teammate setting all his kitchen hookups across the street to the point they have to get special curtains to avoid seeing it. So I thought that was a bunch of crap… he was gross

salamireads RIGHT?!?
I’m not a sports fan in general and know NOTHING about irl hockey but even I was side eyeing the whole bad boy vs the media plot line IT WAS SO UNSERIOUS

April Okay you make a lot of great points. I agree that this was way too long and the 3rd act breakup was unnecessary(as they usually are). I enjoyed this and now I'm thinking about why lol. Maybe because I saw the difference in Zanders from the begging of the book to later. I don't know 😅 I guess I just didn't dive deep into the things that bothered me. Great review ml 💗 I hope your next read is amazing 🥰

message 78: by Adriana (new)

Adriana I don't think the right move will be better, imo I don't know what people see in that book either, because the mcs need fucking therapy for real, their traumas are dragged to long especially Ryan's, I literally don't know how people find him amazing because he was like the bare minimum and did only three things for Indy that I thought a decent person would d and Indy lacked of personality.

message 79: by manju ♡ (last edited Sep 27, 2023 12:35PM) (new)

manju ♡ OMG THE REVIEW IS HERE i’ve been waiting for this 🤭 i removed this book from my tbr because of your updates and now you’re saying they sleep together at 27% AND there’s a third act break up??? absolutely not. thanks for taking one for the team babes 💘 but also this review? incredible. i know i’d agree w u on everything if i did end up reading it :/ not her going out w mustard on her chin bye 😭 and the way he acts like the women he sleeps w are conquests even if it’s a PR thing? 🤨 the image u portray to the rest of the world IS a part of u idc. intentionally spreading the narrative that he's a playboy who doesn’t give af about the women he gets with even if it isn’t true is just so icky like 🥴🥴 no thanks. sorry this didn’t work out for u lovely but i hope your next read is so so much better 😚💞 (also sorry for the rant i had a lot to say <3)

message 80: by dani (new)

dani zander’s giving teenage boy with his thoughts of women being just “pussy” BARFFFF i genuinely hope your next read is better bb bcuz literally NO ONE deserves to sit and read through a book with a mmc like that 😭😭

message 81: by vy :) (new)

vy :) lolll really dislike books that are like 700+ pages long b/c i'm like nope!

bruna @sof thank you love!! 💞 i’m also glad i finished this book lol it was so hard to get through 😭

bruna @Sabrina i think we all agree that the amount of pages was extremely unnecessary 🥴 more than 600 pages and for no reason. you told me Zanders would get better—and he really did. i can see why everyone’s so obsessed with him, but i just couldn’t like him 😭 i’m glad you enjoyed his character though. and i’m a bit conflicted about the next book lol i’ve heard great things, but i’ve heard negative things too. loooots of mixed opinions 👀 as i said, i’m not excited to read it since this one was not good, but i’ll let you know if i change mind! thank you sm babes 💞 i also hope my next read is better 😩🤞🏻

jess YES THANK YOUU I LOVE THIS REVIEW. never have i ever more happy someone expressed everything i felt. i honestly hated zander 😭😭 that fact that his image was “being a playboy” but in reality he was one, how are you going to have names of girls you fucked in different cities and play it off as something your agent is making you do??? ☠️ i’m so sorry this wasn’t a good read tho and i hope your next read makes up for it 💗 lovely rant review bae 🤭

anabel ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ why do romance books need to be more than 300 pages?

Iqmat I felt the exact same way! Great review

message 87: by lulu (new)

lulu oop im removing this off my tbr bec its giving me flashbacks to the reasons i didnt like b13 thank u for ur service 🫡 great review babes 💘

bruna @selin HAHHAHAHAH ilysm my baby and sorry for making you wait 🤭 it took me awhile to post the review bc i had no time to write it since i was busy those last few days 🥲 and it’s okay!! you can come back here when you read this book (pls send updates when you do orrr 🔪 jk) i swear i tried to keep this spoiler-free but then i was like “um that’s IMPOSSIBLE i need to detail all the things that i hated 👹” and yess popular books are either hit or miss, this one was def a miss—i wanted to dnf it, but idk why i didn’t? i didn’t even think it would get better tbh so i was just wasting my time for nothing 😭 anywayyy thank you bestie!! 🩷🫂

message 89: by selin (new) - added it

selin i love you more my sweet angel 🤭 noo i hope you have some time to relax, i was messing! i was not i’m in love with your reviews i will only for you my pretty 😋💋 noo fill that review with your thoughts bestie, they always turn out to best reviews 😭 i will come back to this once i read the book but i’m scared after your passionate updates 🤡 manifesting your next read will be six stars 🤸🏼‍♀️🕯️💓

bruna @selin THAT’S ME WITH YOUR REVIEWS 😚😚😚 obsessed with them hehe 🤭 even though i didn’t like this one, i reaaaally hope you do 💘 don’t trust my opinions too much bc sometimes i’m just being annoying lol and a lot of ppl loved the book so idk maybe you’ll too 🤞🏻 i don’t even know what to read next btw but i also hope it’s a 6 star 😭

bruna @lila aww thank you lovely!! 🩷 yess, that’s exactly what i think! romance books should never have more than 600 pages—unless they have an interesting story, of course. but just a cliché romance story with a mediocre plot? nah, in this case less than 450 pages would be perfect 😭 girl the irony is that i just found out that this book was originally published on wattpad 🤡 so that’s why it gave me vibes lmao. and the notes app list thing was really weird, right? it creeped me out fr 💀 a lot of people is obsessed with the mmc so i was like “am i missing something?”

bruna @kendyl I’M SO GLAD TOO i struggled so hard to finish this book but gladly it’s over 🙏🏻 i think i’m not gonna read the last two books tbh, but if you decide to give this series a chance i really hope you like it bb 💗🤞🏻 and thank you sm my pretty girl i love u sm 🥹🫂 really hoping my next read is better or i’ll have to throw hands 😭

message 93: by Regan (new)

Regan i was debating reading this series and i’ve decided not too because of your review, thanks girl😫so sorry you didn’t enjoy it tho😭❤️

message 94: by shanayaa (new) - added it

shanayaa im sorry you didn't quite enjoyed it my loveee, i have legit heard some good stuff about this book but alas it couldn't live upto your expectations. I love love this review omggg hoping a five star for your next read angel 😍🩷

message 95: by Karla (new) - added it

Karla You described everything I felt perfectly!!! I did not finish this book, the cringe was too much , at some point my bf just kept seeing my ew face and was like maybe you should just not finish it and he’s right. i feel so freeee

bruna @shei LMAO 😭😭😭 i tried to be nice though 🫣 yeah the characters annoyed me sm and on top of that they gave me second hand embarrassment 🥴 this book was painful to read. i think i deserve a golden medal for finishing it 💀 but anyway i love u my pretty bae!! <33 thanks for being so nice 🥹🫂

bruna @brooke ahhh i’m glad you agree with me bb 🤭 zanders and stevie breaking up at 75% was indeed stupid, like what was the point? more than 120 pages of unnecessary drama I HATED IT!! 🥴 and yess i also found them one dimensional. i’m not that excited to read the second book but i’m happy to know ryan is a green flag (thank god bc i couldn’t stand another zanders 🙏🏻) maybe i’ll give his book a try someday!! let’s see 👀 thank you so much my love 😚💘

bruna @Mary i’m still debating if i wanna read it or not 🥹 glad to hear that it’s better though!

bruna @Miki YES! that’s exactly what i thought! it just made no sense. he was like “i’m a good guy and i respect women but i pretend to be an asshole for the media” but then we discover that he literally has a list of the women he’s slept with? and worse he detailed what they were like sexually... 🥴 that’s a bit contradictory, isn’t it? and wait i don’t remember this kitchen thing 👀 disgusting.

message 100: by bruna (new) - rated it 2 stars

bruna @salamireads i honestly don’t know what the author was trying to do 😭 that storyline was lame and made absolutely NO sense lol

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