Emily Bell's Reviews > The Cellar

The Cellar by Natasha Preston
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's review

it was ok

What I Liked
The best part about The Cellar is its potential. The premise is fascinating and the reason I picked up the book to read in the first place. Four pretty girls held captive in a basement, named after flowers. The thrill of a kidnapping and hopeful escape.

What I Didn't Like
The writing in this book simply isn't up to par. There is almost no descriptive language. At the end of The Cellar, I sat and stared at the last page, thinking, "What did Poppy even look like? For that matter, what did Summer or Lewis look like?" The only detailed description that stuck out in the entire book is of Clover. He is tall, dark, and has heavily-hairsprayed hair.

There is no real emotion to be found. A phrase I've been told by English professors at university is, "Show, don't tell." An example of this would be writing "My heart sank to my toes" instead of "I was scared." Natasha Preston is constantly telling instead of showing in The Cellar. There are never vivid emotions that Summer or Lewis seem to feel. Their emotions are written plainly on the page, which leaves every character vanilla and pretend. (view spoiler)

Clover drives me insane. He is not ominous. He is not terrifying. The most disturbing scene in the entire book is when he watches a movie with Summer and softly strokes her hair the entire time, simply because this draws on every woman's fears. It seems like Preston Googled the characteristics of a murderous pyschopath and blandly painted them across Clover's character in broad strokes. Hatred of women, need for control, a strange relationship with his mother. I was never afraid of Clover. I was rarely creeped out by his presence in the novel. Even his violence and murders did not frighten me. They seemed entirely unrealistic (view spoiler).

(view spoiler)

I don't think I've read a book with such poor sentence structure since maybe Twilight. Maybe. The past and present tenses occasionally seem confused from sentence to sentence (even in the first paragraph of the book). The narrative is plain, undescriptive, and awkwardly worded. A brief example of clumsy sentence structure from page 54: "I literally couldn't think of one thing to say. Everything I thought of sounded lame in my head."

(view spoiler)

The mild cliffhanger at the end also does not work. At all. (view spoiler)
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Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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message 1: by Ruqaya (new)

Ruqaya Brown She isn't a professinal writter btw. She is just someone who had an idea and wrote it down on a website. Read the sequel online.

message 2: by Sarah (new)

Sarah I totally agree. The book had a lit of potential to be an awesome psychological horror/thriller, but sadly it wasn't. I hated the main character, the villain made me laugh when i should have been scared. Not to mention one big problem i had, all the girls are absolute idiots. They were presented multiple opportunities to escape, he gives them knives to cook food with and they don't use them??? It baffles my mind...

message 3: by Bec (new) - rated it 2 stars

Bec Horowitz I definitely agree. One of my friends randomly picked this book up for my birthday. I read the first two chapters out loud and by the end of the second, we were rolling around and laughing at the not so great writing. Then things turned... weird. Just plain weird. Not my favorite book. It didn't even creep me out. :(

message 4: by Kaylah (new)

Kaylah Shelton I thought it was okay, I have a theory that the author stole the story line of the Lifetime movie Kept Woman where a young woman has a creepy up kept neighbor and he kidnaps her and keeps her locked in the cellar to create the "perfect family". The woman's fiancé looks for her and gets the police involved. Eventually she escapes and is in the hospital, etc. The two storylines are EXTREMELY similar!

Renee I've literally just started this book and I don't know if I can finish. Ugh, I feel like I'm reading my teenager's school paper. I'll probably force my way through..but already it is very difficult..

message 6: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Mullins She actually is a professional writer as implausible as this seems. I picked her book up at Barnes and Noble as it looked interesting. It was the worst written book I have ever read. The fact that she has written other books just blows my mind. It did feel like I was reading someone's creative writing assignment for high school. I'm sad I paid $10 for this piece of crap.

message 7: by Tara (new)

Tara Reed So in the he does get arrested for his crimes right cause I'm in like chapter 11 and there is 34 I don't think I can stand this muck longer. Please tell me so I can read something else!

message 8: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Mullins Jodi wrote: "She actually is a professional writer as implausible as this seems. I picked her book up at Barnes and Noble as it looked interesting. It was the worst written book I have ever read. The fact that ..." Tara......here are the spoilers.............

He does. At least one of the girls dies, not the main one. Believe it or not there is actually a sequel which is even worse than this book, as if it were possible. At any point the three adult captives and the girl could have overpowered Clover but never did. The main girl actually goes back to get revenge in the sequel (because that is plausible). This author has other books (Awake, The Cabin) but I would never waste my time on them. Clover was never scary or menacing. The girls' characters were never developed fully. It was just horrible. There are so many awesome YA books and this is not one of them. Happy reading!

message 9: by Amy (new) - rated it 1 star

Amy Summers I do agree with you. There are things missing, and the ending was like...what happened? I don’t think he killed Rose/Shannon, it was vaguely implied that she killed herself. I could have used a chapter from her perspective. It was just too shallow, no real depth of characters.

message 10: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Mullins I was really disappointed in just the overall story. My OCD kicked in and I had to read the sequel, which sucked even more, if you can believe that. It was just bad writing. The potential for a good storyline was there, but she just didn't have the ability.

message 11: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Mullins What is crazy to me is that she has another book out. I know that some author's first attempts are not as good as their later works. She just sucks all the way around. Her characters are consistently flat and undeveloped. Her stories are without real bite or realism even. Her characters act in ways that are just not realistic.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

WHY is this cover SOOO MUCH BETTER than the original.


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