Emmy's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
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really liked it

** spoiler alert ** I think it's more of a 3,5/5 stars. The vibes in this one definitely made it my least favorite so far, even though it was still good (obviously). I kept getting distracted by knowing what would happen later and it took me out of the story at times, which is not the book's fault.

I had a bit of a hard time piecing together the book canon with the movies, quite a few things that were later explained as "failed" parts of "Moody's" plan (like him giving the book about Gillyweed to Neville, but Harry never asking) actually happened in the movie, which in that case was cleverly done, so they wouldn't have to bring back Dobby and attempt to write Winky into the movie. I was also confused about whether Karkaroff was the one to put Harry's name in the goblet of fire willingly, if they only made it seem like it or if Moody put him under the Imperius curse to do it.

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Reading Progress

April 16, 2018 – Started Reading
April 16, 2018 – Shelved
April 16, 2018 –
page 0
0.0% "I imagine it's a deliberatr choice from Rowling to use bigger/more advanced words like "derelict" as the books progress and presumably the readers aged with the characters."
April 18, 2018 –
page 21
2.86% "Harry is being a dumb"
April 18, 2018 –
page 27
3.68% "I would honestly hate the Dursleys more if Dudley did have something worth bragging about. Perfect grades, weight or even that fake layer of niceness that his school sees, but that sheds off at home."
April 18, 2018 –
page 36
4.9% "Not sure why I would think that it doesn't seem very Ron-like to use a word like "pronto", but there you go."
April 18, 2018 –
page 40
5.45% ""diatribe""
April 18, 2018 –
page 49
6.68% "I can't find Fred and George dropping the fudge very funny because the should've known not to do that and that chaos would ensue. Even if they claim they don't know how bad "the muggles" are to Harry, they know they'd go far enough to put bars on his windows, like he's a prisoner."
April 18, 2018 –
page 56
7.63% "It's clear that the reader is supposed to find Percy's seriousness about the cauldrons ridiculous, but cauldron business must be very serious in the wizarding world.

It's like if foreign imported phones in the real world would start exploding at 3% higher rate than the previous year. It would be huge issue considering how many phones there are. And potions can cause significantly more damage than "just" explode."
April 18, 2018 –
page 64
8.72% "The movie was cleverly done in cutting out nearly everything that happened up to this point and beginning with Harry waking up at Ron's house. I do very much enjoy reading what would be considered "filler" in the movie though. Plus, we get more information about the Riddle house than we got in the mildly-sloppy half-dream sequence in the movie."
April 18, 2018 –
page 67
9.13% "It's also funny how Hermione in the movie was the one waking Harry and Ron as if she just looooves waking up early, but in the book both she and Ginny woke up after them looking "pale and drowsy"."
April 18, 2018 –
page 84
11.44% ""I like a healthy breeze 'round my privates, thanks""
April 18, 2018 –
page 84
11.44% "I hope the pumpkin juice incident will still happen, then Harry will have a streak of slurping water down his front in the presence of Cho Chang."
April 18, 2018 –
page 95
12.94% "I'm just curious if Mrs. Weasley isn't a fan of Quidditch or why else would she not have come to the match?"
April 24, 2018 –
page 105
14.31% "Either someone paid for the gold coins being distributed to the audience or there's a serious case of money-laundering going on.

[I know the quidditch match was probably cut for time and budget reasons, but it would've been so cool to see the match brought to life]"
April 24, 2018 –
page 105
14.31% "The names of the quidditch players have been brought to you by the "Most Stereotypical Names" association or "MSN" for short. (jokes)"
April 24, 2018 –
page 109
14.85% ""Fast and furious" Trademark"
April 24, 2018 –
page 116
15.8% "Imagine the amount of money people spent on tickets and time and meticulous planning that went into the event and then the match lasts like half an hour. Most of the organizers were probably relieved, but if you're not THAT into the sport it would've probably be a let down, even with the unlikely outcome."
April 24, 2018 –
page 159
21.66% "To be fair "please-men" sounds quite close to "police-men" if you've only heard the word a few times."
April 24, 2018 –
page 167
22.75% "It would've made so much more sense in the movie if they had mentioned that no outsider knows where Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are. Instead when Dumbledore says "our friends from the north" in his speech I'd think most people would be like "???" 'Bulgaria is south-east of England'."
April 24, 2018 –
page 174
23.71% "Subtle introduction/ clarifying the existense of the Patil twins."
April 24, 2018 –
page 182
24.8% "And thus the seeds of activism were planted within Hermione."
April 24, 2018 –
page 187
25.48% ""No champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger" Even if I didn't know what was going to happen, this kind of clear statement would have me concerned of an opposite outcome than stated."
April 24, 2018 –
page 198
26.98% "I've always admired Hermione's willingness and excitement to learn. As much as I'd like to say that I'd be all up on not procrastinating homework if I got to learn magic, I'd still be the same ol' lazy piece of shit."
April 24, 2018 –
page 201
27.38% ""Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" I see that a Uranus joke is not below Ron's sense of humor. We're on the same page there."
April 24, 2018 –
page 220
29.97% "Yay, foreshadowing."
April 24, 2018 –
page 227
30.93% "I just now realized how much 734 pages actually is. My library has a book-chute where you can throw books down instead of walking inside with them, but I'm not sure this book will fit down the chute. Also; Harry is almost half-way done with his schooling and I'm getting the same anxiety that I got with my own near-finished base-education a few months ago."
April 24, 2018 –
page 227
30.93% "It's still weird to think that we know that Harry is all grown up canonically. but also, fucking hell was The cursed child stupid or what? I won't rant any further, but CHRIST."
May 15, 2018 –
page 245
33.38% "I love Madame Maxime! "Will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses drink only single-malt whiskey?"

Also werent all of the Beauxbatons women and all the Durmstrangs men in the movie?"
May 15, 2018 –
page 276
37.6% "This. This right here has got to be one of my favorite Harry Potter memes. 49ab292bcac2de87779c9aae6043e194"
May 15, 2018 –
page 276
37.6% "Okay. THIS. right here has got to be one of my favorite Harry Potter memes https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/ab/..."
May 15, 2018 –
page 287
39.1% "I had almost forgotten about the feud and now I know it'll be tedious for about 50 pages."
May 15, 2018 –
page 295
40.19% "I wonder how the Skrewts are going to come into play later. It seems like such a random plot device to get the gang to speak to Hagrid at the moment."
May 16, 2018 –
page 303
41.28% "That ugly green colour they put Rita Skeeter in in the movie suits her much better. Magenta is too synonymous with Umbridge."
May 16, 2018 –
page 362
49.32% "Ah. Here we have Rita in her "Acid Green" movie outfit TM."
May 17, 2018 –
page 454
61.85% ""My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat" *squints* hmmmm..."
May 17, 2018 –
page 478
65.12% "I was just thinking of how Harry wouldn't look down at the map and realize that "Mr. Crouch" was standing right in front of him. It would've been awfully inconvenient if Barty Crouch had a daughter instead of a son."
May 18, 2018 –
page 485
66.08% "Didn't unicprns only let women touch them, or is it just a preference?"
May 18, 2018 –
page 485
66.08% "Don't unicorns only let women touch them, or is that just a preference?"
May 18, 2018 –
page 492
67.03% "The gillyweed was better done in the movie in my opinion, I really like that Neville was a large yet subtle part of the larger plot."
May 18, 2018 –
page 498
67.85% ""more numerous" when my essay doesn't fill the required word count."
May 18, 2018 –
page 514
70.03% "Snape in the books is actually just a dick, while Snape in the movies at least seemed like he had potential for redemption. We only got to see some of Snape's favoritism and injustice in taking away points from houses, but in the books (this one in particular, he's the biggest git)"
May 18, 2018 –
page 534
72.75% "Me thinks that "Snuffles" isn't a very good nickname for Sirius. You'd want something that didn't start with the same letter and without the same amount of syllables."
May 18, 2018 –
page 543
73.98% "Didn't know that Nifflers turned up outside of Fantastic Beasts!"
May 19, 2018 –
page 608
82.83% "I'm honestly just happy that book Harry manages to use other spells than "Expelliarmus". Bless movie Harry, but he'd make a terrible auror."
May 19, 2018 –
page 620
84.47% "I'm not sure how much you're supposed to write/spoil (kek) in an update, but I cant help thinking back to the scene in the movie where the cup takes them back from the Maze and for a full two seconds everything seems fine, before all hell breaks loose."
May 19, 2018 –
page 638
86.92% "That escalated QUICKLY."
May 19, 2018 –
page 649
88.42% "If Voldemort was ever so slightly less of a murderous snake (literally) he'd be into BDSM."
May 20, 2018 –
page 690
94.01% "Chapter 35: exposition

No but really, all the little details that went into this plan are revealed, they're significantly better explained than in the movie. However, I distinctly remember the scene in the movie wherre Karkaroff walks into the great hall at night looking suspicious af, but was he placed under the imperius curse by Moody?"
May 20, 2018 – Finished Reading

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