Val's Reviews > Marked

Marked by P.C. Cast
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Not recommended - Slut shaming, and actual depictions of non-consensual sex present.
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December 21, 2011 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Well, I must say, then - you have fantastic taste for a fourteen-year-old. :3

Have you read Sunshine by Robin McKinley? It's a pretty interesting take on vampires. I don't think it's YA, but I see it being sold in that section all the time, so...

message 2: by Sophia (new) - added it

Sophia I haven't read this book, but finally another 14 year old who thinks it's revolting

Angelofthefallen I agree its a crap book but for fucks sake, just because you're 14 it doesn't mean you cant think for yourself. All of you saying "im 14 and I hate it" doesn't make you a special snowflake. I'm 16 and I dont like it. So? Have your own reasons for hating something. Think for yourself. God.

message 4: by Nightwillow (new) - added it

Nightwillow Once you get passed the writing style and the first 150 pages, it's good

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

This is one of the greatest reviews I have ever read. Ever.

Shiann Taylor Why is everyone so full of hate? Jesus! Put it down! Trust me, you can do it! You have the power i promise! Remedial minds are directly responsible for the moral decay in society!Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't it considered ignorant to respond so vulgar and hateful to something you don't understand or may dislike? Hmmm Personally it feels too primitive to me, like we have completely and abruptly stopped evolving as beings spiritually, emotionally, and communicably and are full throttled and hell bent in reverse! Rapid Devolution! I fear by the time my children are grown they'll have fuckin amoeba brains! I found the whole series to be wonderfully imaginative and creative. Even if I didn't like them I would still have been shocked and appalled by some of the reviews I've read. Forget the horror books, the reviews are horrific! Shame on you guys. This is a book, not an evil dictator or a baby raping murderer. Why are you so hateful? I read some of these out loud to my son who is 13 and he was disgusted and couldn't understand your thought process from some of you adults out there. Im glad my child has enough common sense and respect and love to not only recognize, correct, and show sorrow and pity for your immorality, he was bigger than to gloat about it and talk crap about it because he disagreed with it. He set an example is what he did. Im truly blessed to have such an amazing son. He's autistic too BTW! Wtf does that say to you people? When will people get past themselves and see the bigger picture for its simple beauty? If you dislike something would it kill you to say it in an unhateful way? Huh, maybe constructive criticism even? What is that too much? Lol I'm SOOOO digging a hole and going to live like the mole people!!! Good luck society! > (°π°)< fk fk

message 7: by Lina (new) - rated it 1 star

Lina Dear Shiann,

no one has to sugarcoat their criticism if they think that is the criticism the criticised object deserves.

This review contains constructive criticism. That is written in a tone you seem not to like does not change that.

Maybe your son didn't understand these thoughts processes because he hasn't had the experience to understand it? Most teens at 13, autistic or not, still have much to learn, especially regarding reading, or criticism of social issues.

And if you honestly fear that our brains will decrease to "amoeba brains", then you are gravely exaggerating something ridiculous. Do not worry, they won't evolve "backwards".

And if you could tell me what this "bigger picture" is supposed to be regarding this lame excuse of a book, then by all means do so. I'd love to hear it.

And I can ask you the same! Why are YOU so full of hate that you write these things about people who disagree with you?

Your friendly pony from the neighbourhood

Madeline I enjoyed the book, because for once women are shown as the higher being than some male. Personally I don't believe there is any rape, just more so a person being used.

message 9: by Lina (new) - rated it 1 star

Lina Madeline, rape IS using a person.

Also, it is not good if any gender is shown higher than the other, unless it be to criticise that situation.
If you'd like to read a book with a strong female character, I'd recommend "House of Cards" by Michael Dobbs, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Truman Capote, "Kassandra" by Christa Wolf, "Wildthorn" by Jane Eagland(Contains LGBT) and the "Rivers of London" books by Ben Aaronovitch. :)

Bitch When where It any rape culture in this book??

Sierra Pinion Where is the rape in this book please explain to me?

message 12: by Celly (last edited Apr 10, 2018 04:03PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Celly Bitch wrote: "When where It any rape culture in this book??"

I know that question is almost a year old but for the future:
When Zoey watches Erik and Aphrodite, Aphrodite is forcing herself on Erik. He states multiple times that he doesn´t want this, he doesn´t want her and they are over. Aphrodite ignores that, basically pulls a "I know you want it don´t kid yourself" and starts giving him a blowjob.
I don´t know if it would legally count as rape since there is no sex but even then, it would definitely count as sexual assault.

Also OP I agree with you completely!

message 13: by Mahdi (new)

Mahdi Warning: This review is just me being very negative. In no way will this review sound intelligent and well written. Therefore, if you wish to continue, you may.

David So you mean to say that only consensual sex should ever be written about? That non-consensual sex never happens? They don't exactly treat it as a good thing.

message 15: by Josh (new)

Josh T Not saying these are good books by any means... but there's some of the most messed up thinking here. So only consensual sex can ever be written about? What about theft, murder, drugs? Should we not write about any of that too because it's "bad"?... Want a good story, read RAPE: A LOVE STORY by Joyce Carol Oates. It is horrific, but it gets it point very well across! It's a damn well written story about a tragic thing that happens to so many women far too often...

What next? No writing about anything bad at all? This world is full of snow flake SJWs now, and it's gotten so bad it's ruined comedy, and it's ruined most of Hollywood with their woke garbage movies/shows. It's FICTION. NOT REAL. It doesn't mean it endorses rape, or that it encourages you do go rape people, just because it happens in the book.

message 16: by Corrie (new)

Corrie David

But they don't treat it as rape. The focus was completely on what a wanton "slut" Aphrodite was and not at all on how predatory the situation actually was. It was played off as a joke

message 17: by Leah (new)

Leah Johnson The slut shaming is annoying as f**k. I can't remember if it's as present in the first one, but I'm the second book she used the words ho, slut, etc. To talk about other girls and herself

message 18: by Laura (new)

Laura You picked up a book like this and get upset when it's dark and unsettling? Clown.

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