Historyprincess's Reviews > Women of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study of Women in Scripture

Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler
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it was amazing

Probably one of the best books I've ever read on women in the Bible. God uses women for all sorts of purposes and this book definitely covers that.

My thoughts on each of these women.

Eve: The first woman whom God didn't give up on.
Sarah: Brave and loyal, she was made a mother of a nation.
Hagar: Even though she was a slave, God saw her sorrow.
Lot's Wife: God tried to save her, but she ultimately refused.
Rebekah: The woman who accepted God's invitation.
Rachel: She felt forgotten, but God remembered her.
Leah: She was unloved, so God showered her in it.
Tamar #1: Through her actions, Judah's line was preserved.
Potiphar's Wife: Because of her false witness, an innocent man was jailed.
Jochebed and Pharaoh's Daughter: The mothers who rescued Moses and raised him well.
Miriam: The Bible's first prophetess who did her job well.
Rahab: A prostitute with a heart for God.
Deborah: A judge who acted as a mother in Israel.
Jael: A Gentile woman whom God used to help His people.
Delilah: A prostitute who turned her lover over to his enemies.
Naomi: Despite her suffering, God gave her a future.
Ruth: Because of her generosity and selflessness, God blessed her.
Hannah: A barren woman who poured her heart out to God.
Michal: A princess who eventually became a prisoner to bitterness.
Abigail: A wise woman who wouldn't let disaster come.
The Witch of Endor: Though a medium, God used her to speak to Saul.
Bathsheba: Though molested by Israel's king, she was likely emotionally strong.
Tamar #2: Unaware of the danger in her own family, her innocence was stolen.
The Wise Woman of Abel: Because of her, innocent lives on both sides were spared.
Rizpah: A mother who remained loyal to her sons.
The Queen of Sheba: A ruler who valued wisdom over power.
Jezebel: A queen who used her power to destroy her country.
The Widow of Zarephath: Because of her hospitality, God blessed her with abundance.
The Shunammite Woman: When her son died, she was determined to get him back.
Athaliah and Jehosheba: A queen who tried to destroy the Messiah's line, and a princess who helped preserve it.
Huldah: A woman with a voice in a moral wilderness.
Esther: The queen who saved her people.
The Woman of Proverbs 31: A model of wisdom that all men and women can aspire to be like.
The Shulammite Woman: A woman whose love speaks directly to us.
Gomer: She was a symbol of adultery, but she wasn't unloved.
Elizabeth: She was the mother of John the Baptist, and mentor to the mother of the Savior.
Mary, Mother of Jesus: Though a woman who sinned, she was called to bear the Sinless One.
Anna: Though an old woman, she did not outlive her usefulness.
The Samaritan Woman: She was weary of her past, but Jesus gave her hope for the future.
The Sinful Woman: Though she led an immoral lifestyle, she shed tears of repentance.
The Bleeding Woman: She was lonely, but she was brave. And because of her faith she was healed.
Herodias: A New Testament Jezebel determined to silence the voice who criticized her.
Joanna: Though she was from Herod's court, she decided to join the heavenly court of Jesus.
The Syrophoenician Woman: She was a Gentile, but that didn't stop her from seeking Jesus.
Martha: She was worried about small things, but she believed in Jesus.
Mary of Bethany: She never lost sight of Jesus, and had the privilege to anoint Him before He died.
Salome, Mother of the Zebedees: Though she misunderstood the Messiah's mission, she was a faithful follower.
The Widow with the Two Coins: She was poor, but she abandoned herself completely to God.
Mary Magdalene: Though trapped by seven demons, she was freed to share the message of the Savior.
Dorcas: She died before her time, but was raised again to continue her work.
Lydia: Though a Gentile, she helped start the church at Philippi.
Priscilla: A model for female church leaders everywhere.

This book was fantastic and I give it a 5/5.
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