Nasty Lady MJ's Reviews > Marked

Marked by P.C. Cast
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I've decided that it's time that this blog has a drinking game. And I decided that if we're going to do it right, we might as well use one of the worst (in my opinion) series in YA to drink, too which is The House of Night. Note, there are several ways you can play the drinking game. But I advise you not to do all steps at once. Doing so would probably cause organ failure.

About the House of Night as I said before, they drive me bananas. I only read halfway through the second book before I through the towel in on the series, but amazingly the series is doing fairly well. It's been on bestseller lists, optioned, and they even have House of Night merchandise you can buy. I'm not going to try to understand the popularitiy of this series. Instead, we're going to drink. If you're under twenty-one or worried about your liquor you can do what I did and indulge in root beer (put some ice cream on it and you have a float). It's really delicious and makes this book slightly more bearable. Oh, and if your wondering what I rate this book a big fat zero. That's right it doesn't even get a one star.

1) Take a sip every time you want to slap Zoey: When we're introduced to Zoey she's instantly unlikeable from the start. It might be because she failed her Mary Sue litmus test multiple times or the fact she's so judgmental on everyone. For example, our introduction is her bashing her ex because he drinks a lot and smokes. So, freaking what? It's his life not hers. Yes, I get that drinking and doing drugs is bad, but she's not his mother. And she's broken up with him. Here's a few more people she makes ill informed judgments on throughout the book (you can use them as guideposts to know when to drink):

*Her mother/family (save for her hippie grandma): Zoey's parents are religious and have problem, ya'll. And she makes sure that she berates them for it. Especially when it concerns her mother's relationship with her step father. I know I'm suppose to feel sorry for Zoey after reading this, but I don't. I really don't. The one sided judgements that are made just made me angry. Whenever her family's mention you can also take a sip per number three (a.k.a. stereotyping).

*Skinny Girls: Zoey frequently knocks people with skinny body types and make crude remarks about girls suffering from eating disorders. Look, eating disorders are bad, but so is making fun of someone's body shape. You really think that if you say you look like a walking stick to a girl who is suffering form self esteem issues that she's starving herself/causing to throw up is the healthiest way to get around a positive body image. No, just no. Plus, Zoey there are people who are naturally skinny. Who as much as they'd like to have curves don't. Calling them hos just because the way they look is wrong.
Aphrodite and Poor Sarah Jessica Parker: Zoey hates Aphrodite right off the bat for no apparent reason (Aphrodite even attempts to be nice to her) and tells us that she looks like an annoying hag, just like Sarah Jessica Parker. A popular girl looking like SJP? Have you seen SJP as a teen. Sort of awkward looking. Plus, how can you find SJP annoying? She is Carey Bradshaw and she probably has the best wardrobe in television history.

*Stevie Rae (her new bf.f.): Stevie Rae might be Zoey's new b.f.f., but that doesn't stop her from constantly telling the audience what a provincial hick she is.

*Kayla (her old b.f.f.): Zoey goes completely psycho on her former b.f.f. making random accusations that Kayla is into her ex because she's wearing a shirt that's the color of flesh. I kid you not.

*Elliot: This poor sole never even talked to Zoey and she talks about how mean and ugly he is. And just brushes off his death because he's apparently butt ugly.

2) Take a swallow every time we're told she's special: Oh dear lord, the amount of Zoey butt kissing that goes on in this book alone can send someone into a root beer coma. It's constantly hammered into the reader's head: Zoey's an outcast, she's beautiful, she has random out of body experiences, her mark is special, she can control all the elements just like Captain Planet (though heart is replaced with spirit), and all the boys love her.

3) Take a sip anytime the Casts offend a person based on race/gender/sexuality/weight/culture/or just humanity in general. If you decided to drink to this one you'll probably be angry while you get smashed. Here's just a few groups the Casts offend:

*Women: If you wear a low skirt, like to broadcast the fact that you're a vibrant woman than Zoey is going to brand you a slut. If you look at her the wrong way you're going to be branded a slut. If she just doesn't like get the picture. All I have to say is this, grow up!

*Cherokees: I'm like a sixteenth Cherokee or something obscure. While I'm proud of my heritage, I'm not really connected to it like Zoey is. However, I'd say that Zoey takes the very cliche route when it comes to being a descendent of a Native American. I think her only exposure to her culture is through a Cherokee bingo parlor or whatever.

*Oklahomans: My mother is from Oklahoma and hardly ever uses the word ya'll, does not like going to the rodeo, and does not listen to Kenny Chesney. She has relatives who live in Oklahoma and they are the same. And an Oklahoma accent isn't that different from a Texan accent. Just saying.
Conservatives: I might not be a conservative, but I know lots. And their good people. Do we disagree about our values, yes, but they're usually not evil zealots.

*Religious People: People can believe in God and not be a douche. Seriously, having Zoe's family and everyone else who believes in some form of religion that is not Casts hybrid Greek mythology/Cherokee/ Wiccan religion is disgusting.

*Men: A man is essentially raped in this book and it's blown off. Men get raped too. I don't get why that's a hard concept to grasp.

*LBGTs: There's one gay character in this book and we're constantly told he's gay to where he's essentially a token character. I kid you not, there's even some line in the book where the Casts sort of break the fourth wall and admit it. It's beyond annoying.

*Vampires: And I thought Twilight bastardized vampires. This book makes me want to read Stephenie Meyer's take on vampires again. It's that bad the mythology is so confusing and does not make sense see number six and the Casts actually have the gall to mock Bram Stoker's Dracula. I kid you not.

4) Take a gulp whenever Zoey gives an ill advised moral lesson: Zoey and her authors are intent on teaching their audience some ill informed lessons here's just a few:

*Drugs are lame, but don't be a nark: Look, I get drugs are bad and all. But honestly, the way Zoey talks about it reminds me of a really bad PSA.
Slut slamming is okay, if the girl's not your friend: I've already talked about this before, but really the amount of girl hate based on appearances in this book is obscene.

*Men can't get raped: Yeah, the logic here doesn't need to be discussed anymore.

*Anorexics should be bashed as well as individuals with thin body types: You could get drunk off of these offensive statements alone.

*All religious people are nuts: Maybe if they're a member of the Westboro Baptist Church, but normally not so much.

*If your name is Zoey Redbird you can do no wrong: Does anyone that's not deemed "evil" in this book question this girl?

5) Drink an entire glass whenever she talks like an eight year-old (likewise, take a sip whenever Damien demands it necessary to give us a vocabulary lesson): There is an entire chapter devoted to crap, guys. But it's not called excrement, it's called poopie. Poopie. How old is Zoey suppose to be again? I guess I shouldn't be surprise since she uses the words boobies frequently as well. If that's not bad enough Damien gives us an educational vocabulary lesson every time he appears. Although, it's not that educational to me since I knew most of these words by the time I graduated from middle school.

6) Drink every time you try to make sense of the Casts vampire mythology and wonder why they decided to use spell vampire vampyre: Was the spelling done differently because it was cute? Seriously, no explanation whatsoever. Guess that makes sense becuase the mythology in these books is really odd too. I don't understand the vampire origin other than it involves the goddess Nyx (a Greek goddess) and the Cherokee people. Oh, and somehow the Amazons are involved as well. And why do some fledglings die and do vampires (I meant vampyres live forever)? I'm sorry these vampires are not vampires, they're Captain Planet wannabes meant Charmed wannabes.

7) Swallow anytime you question the love interests: The love interests are just horrible in this book. We have many people loving Zoey-it only gets worse as the series progresses. But the first book focuses on these two idiots

*Erik Night: Think of a guy who's super hot and has the personality of a dead fish. He likes Zoey for no explained reason and they share about as much chemistry as Bethany and Xavier Woods. On the bright side, I did prefer him to Heath, but then again that's not saying much. What really amazes me though, is that the Cast women fought so much about this love triangle that they eventually resolved it by introducing a new douche in the series. Honestly, from what I've seen I don't know why anyone who'd pick Heath.

*Heath: This guy reminds me of some loser you'd see on Sixteen and Pregnant the deadbeat you know whose going to abandon his child. He pops in occasionally just to tell Zoey she's hot before staring at someone's "boobies". Though apparently Zoey might've imprinted on him.

8) Drink every time you question the logic in these books: Seriously, this series doesn't make sense. Here are some things I randomly wondered when reading it.

*How is the House of Night getting it's money. Tuition isn't paid

*Why is someone marked a vampyre? If they weren't marked wouldn't they be normal.

*Vampyres they're not vampires. Why are we even putting them in the same category was this just done for marketing purposes?

*Why does everyone love Zoey she's a bitch?

*How many out of body experiences can one have?

*Do these teachers even teach?

*And why hasn't any of these parents sued the school yet for their kids dying?

*If you chose this option to drink too you'll be drinking a long after you finished the book

9) Take a swallow every time you think about how this book got optioned and for that matter wonder who is cool enough to play Zoey Redbird: A movie of this filth is suppose to be released Let's hope it's in development hell. Because this film would be worse than Twilight and there would be at least five of them.

10) Take a chug every time you wonder if this is some published version of My Immortal: If you read the infamous Harry Potter fan fic you'll find some glaring similarities to Zoey Redbird and Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way (the MC Mary Sue of the fan fic). Let's look at a few

*They both are vampires

*They both go to boarding school and have a lack of respect for authority figures

*Both are in love with two boys and have awkward make out sessions

*They both like Count Chocola and think it's ironic because they're vampires (hee hee hee)

*They both are extremely judging and make assumptions about each and every character

*They are loved by everyone

*And everyone who doesn't love them is a prep

And so ends this installment of the House of Night drinking game. Next month, or in a couple of weeks depending on how glutton for punishment I am and the library's reservation list, I'll read Betrayed. The title alone is worth drinking too.
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Reading Progress

October 9, 2012 – Shelved
February 27, 2013 – Started Reading
February 27, 2013 –
page 1
0.33% "Hey, Zoey dumped her boytoy because he got smashed. Unfortunately, I think this book is going to make me want to (okay, I know it's going to make me want to) get smashed so let's take a sip of rootbeer shall we to commence this lovely process."
February 27, 2013 –
page 2
0.65% "Taking a sip for shallowness when Zoey says that she's dumping Heath not because being drunk makes him an obnoxious person but because it will make him fat."
February 27, 2013 –
page 3
0.98% "Um, he could've just gotten a tattoo on his forehead you know. Lots of people do that when they get on a bender. Maybe that's why you want to dump Heath."
February 27, 2013 –
page 3
0.98% "Oh, man with the tat on his forehead sounds like Thor. Though he's nowhere near as cool as Thor, I'm sure."
February 27, 2013 –
page 3
0.98% "Don't worry Zoey you can always laser that thing Thor put on your forehead off."
February 27, 2013 –
page 3
0.98% "Note, take a sip every time tats are mentioned."
February 27, 2013 –
page 4
1.31% "Taking a sip for every time K says "Oh God". Note, it's a good thing I chose root beer for my beverage of choice otherwise my liver would be shot by chapter 5."
February 27, 2013 –
page 4
1.31% "Oh, yes because if you have a car you'd be so willing to ride the school bus. Not drink worthy but eye rolling inducing for sure."
February 27, 2013 –
page 5
1.63% "Take a sip every time you see vampire spelt vampyre and wonder why the Cast women thought that would be cool."
February 27, 2013 –
page 6
1.96% "Um, if your having a hard time with geometry good luck getting into a vet school. It's harder to get into those than it is to get into people med school. Just saying."
February 27, 2013 –
page 7
2.29% "OOh, slut slamming that can definitely get you drunk in this book."
February 27, 2013 –
page 8
2.61% "And every time that Zoey mentions her Cherokee=exotic ancestry. Sip, sip sip. Hey, I'm part Cherokee (like a sixteenth, I know hardly any but still) so these parts really get on my nerves if I remember correctly. Might as well take two sips."
February 27, 2013 –
page 11
3.59% "And I made it to chapter to alive, barely."
February 27, 2013 –
page 11
3.59% "And Zoey's judging people. Nice. Real nice. Are we suppose to like her, Cast snr and jr. Seriously?"
February 27, 2013 –
page 12
3.92% "Take a sip every time Heath says something that sounds like your idiot cousin/idiot on a teen movie."
February 27, 2013 –
page 14
4.58% "Second f bomb in less than two pages. Nice real nice. You know I cuss a lot, but when I'm writing YA I try to limit my f bombs. Or at least don't use one after the other like this."
February 27, 2013 –
page 16
5.23% "The Casts sensitivity astounds me. They can use praying to god/goddess. But then they have the audacity to use the word retard. Seriously, they don't think there's going to be fallout from that. Ugh."
February 27, 2013 –
page 18
5.88% "The mother and daughter relationship between Zoey and her mom isn't what you're expecting considering it's a mother/daughter team that wrote this book. Which makes you wonder, what goes on in the Cast house?"
February 27, 2013 –
page 19
6.21% "Every time there's family bashing take a sip. Man if I was drinking actual alcohol I'd be having fun about right now."
February 27, 2013 –
page 22
7.19% "Okay, my mother is from Oklahoma. She still has a lot of family there who are fairly conservative and slightly annoying like all extended family members are, but they don't act like step-loser. I mean, I feel sorry for conservatives with this portrayal."
February 27, 2013 –
page 24
7.84% "Seriously, a publisher let this past. Take a sip every time a Cast is offensive to religion or conservatives. This is really laughable people. Hideously laughable. I am wondering if it's suppose to be a parody or something."
February 27, 2013 –
page 27
8.82% "Uh, huh your just mad at them because they're going to put stuff on your head to give you a zit. Uh, huh. I need another bottle of root beer."
February 27, 2013 –
page 30
9.8% "Grandma Redbird. Freaking Redbird. Am I going to have to go into how this is stereotyping. Dear freaking lord. You know what my great grandma who was Cherokee name was Dora. Seriously."
February 27, 2013 –
page 33
10.78% "Ugh, more stereotyping. If you have any Native American in you this is the most offensive piece of shit you'll ever read in YA."
February 27, 2013 –
page 35
11.44% "Oh God, this is worse than Pocohontas and that was the movie that ruined Disney for me."
February 27, 2013 –
page 37
12.09% "And slut slamming during a spiritual experience. Because everyone who has sex is just going to get pregnant or die of an STD that eats your brains. Um, no honey, symph doesn't eat your brain it makes you go crazy. See Henry VIII."
February 27, 2013 –
page 39
12.75% "Are we suppose to be impressed that the Casts know a lot about Cherokee culture because I'm not. And I like how they don't mention the Trail of Tears of all. And how the Cherokee weren't even originally from Oklahoma at all."
February 27, 2013 –
page 40
13.07% "And they're connecting these legends to their vampire (excuse me, vampyre crap). Finishing that second bottle. Good thing I'm almost to my goal of five chapters for the day."
February 27, 2013 –
page 42
13.73% "And take a gulp every time we're told by someone important that Zoey is special. Special jack ass maybe."
February 27, 2013 –
page 42
13.73% "And so ends these first five chapters of Marked. I will continue tomorrow with another five chapters. Pray for me people, pray."
February 27, 2013 –
page 45
14.71% "Well, I made a nightcap (tea) and I'm going to attempt to read a chapter so I only have to read four of them tomorrow. And right now I'm taking a sip because once again I've been told how special Zoey is."
February 27, 2013 –
page 46
15.03% "Take a sip Zoey insults someone's appearance a characters or an unintended reader's."
February 27, 2013 –
page 46
15.03% "Oh, and great idea dissing girls who have eating disorders. Like they're not insecure enough about their appearance already. Screw you."
February 27, 2013 –
page 47
15.36% "And of course, Zoey can change her last name from Montgomery to Rebird. Because she's now one with her inward goddess (thank you EL James for that one)."
February 27, 2013 –
page 50
16.34% "Um, yeah not even going to go into the complexities of child custody here. I think this is so dumb it escapes logic. You know what maybe that should be a drinking category as well."
February 27, 2013 –
page 52
16.99% "Oh, a normally mean animal likes Zoey. Feeling out Mary Sue litmus test. Why everything just about checked off. And we're only fifty pages in."
February 27, 2013 –
page 53
17.32% "Get this every vampyre (it's vampire damn it, spell it the correct way) is given a gift like reading minds for instance. Hmm, Twilight inspiration?"
February 27, 2013 –
page 57
18.63% "Oh, yes having a blow job be the introduction to a love interest. Is so appropriate for teens to read. I'll just buy this book for my eleven year old niece right now. Are you FUCKING kidding me! Seriously. Seriously. How did this get past an editor? I know they had to censor Meg Cabot books for language and this gets a pass. For reals?"
February 27, 2013 –
page 59
19.28% "I'm sure it's freaking out the eleven year old whose parents gave them this book without a second thought more than you, Zoey. Seriously, I'm not a prude but this is way too explicit. Especially to introduce the love interest in a book."
February 27, 2013 –
page 62
20.26% "Note, is it necessary to explain the architecture to me in dialogue. Really, does that sound natural to you??"
February 27, 2013 –
page 64
20.92% "Done for the night. Read two chapters so I only have to get through three tomorrow. Which will be good because I'm always in a terrible mood after Secured Transactions."
February 28, 2013 –
page 66
21.57% "I'm sorry but I do not find Sarah Jessica Parker offensive. There are far worse celebrities out there than Ms. Carrie Bradshaw Ms and Mrs. Cast take Miley Cyrus for instance. Furthermore, it's hilarious your insisting that Miss Popularity looks like a young SJP have you seen Girls Just Want to Have Fun? SJP was an awkward looking teen, though I think she's an awkward looking adult too."
February 28, 2013 –
page 77
25.16% "Zoey is not judging at all....sure."
February 28, 2013 –
page 70
22.88% "Um, no one in their right mind from Oklahoma talks like this. Most of mom's side is from Oklahoma so this I can attest to."
February 28, 2013 –
page 71
23.2% "Oh yes, because everyone and their mother is obsessed with Kenny Chesney and cowboy hats in Oklahoma. Okay, time to take a sip for stereotyping I think."
February 28, 2013 –
page 71
23.2% "Um, who wants a roommate? Maybe it's the cynical post undergrad in me, but I don't like sharing my space. A private room, please."
February 28, 2013 –
page 72
23.53% "Damn it she read the Bubbles series books. I have read those books. I have something in common with Zoey Redbird. I need alcohol."
February 28, 2013 –
page 72
23.53% "Oh, ha ha a Dracula reference. So, funny. Not."
February 28, 2013 –
page 73
23.86% "If you can change and alter your school uniform then why do you even have a uniform? Aren't uniforms suppose to be equalizers. Did the Casts just think it would be hot for their characters to wear uniforms. And who's paying for the tuition of these kids at this school? Logic fails."
February 28, 2013 –
page 74
24.18% "Zoey is a judgmental bitch. That is all."
February 28, 2013 –
page 81
26.47% "Oh, wow, the Casts essentially stated that Damien is a token character. Well, a point for honesty."
February 28, 2013 –
page 81
26.47% "Hmm, I think Damien's first sentence of dialogue says all that needs to be said about him. Note, whenever he appears take a sip of something."
February 28, 2013 –
page 85
27.78% "Penis is apparently a swear word. How old are we, eight?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 85
27.78% "They call each other Twin. Explain why the T in twin is capitalized. I assumed this follows the normal grammar rules where you don't capitalize terms of endearment because they're not proper nouns."
February 28, 2013 –
page 86
28.1% "And only now Zoey notices that they're wearing matching outfits. Wait I thought they were in school uniforms. Logic fail? If that's the case I'm taking a sip of tea."
February 28, 2013 –
page 88
28.76% "Oh yes, just because she wears a short skirt she's evil. Slut slamming. Sipping some tea and thinking of getting a bottle of wine."
February 28, 2013 –
page 93
30.39% "Note, being from the South/Oklahoma does not mean you use the word ya'll every other word. Unless you're the Casts and have a limited vocabulary."
February 28, 2013 –
page 95
31.05% "Note, if you are LGBT I'm sorry the Casts are offending you, but if it makes you feel any better they pretty much offend any minority/religion/culture/ human being in general they get their hands on."
February 28, 2013 –
page 100
32.68% "She likes Count Chocula? You know who else liked Count Chocula and was a vampire Ebony Darkness Deminita Darkness Raven Way, from Tara Gilesbie's My Immortal. Is it possible that one of the Casts (I'm thinking Kristin) was Tara Gillesbie?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 103
33.66% "Hey did you know that Kenny Chesney, Faith Hill, Shania Twain, and half of the grand ole opry are vampires. Well, according to the Casts they are. I wonder if Kristen Stewart is a vampire, excuse me, vampyre (must remember to spell that one correctly, thanks Casts) too? That would explain the walking dead look."
February 28, 2013 –
page 112
36.6% ""He was the most gorgeous young lad." Just say boy. When you say lad I think of my grannie. Just how old are you, Zoey?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 113
36.93% "Guzzle down tea every time a boy (or girl) falls in love with Zoey. This can cause alcohol poisoning so you might want to drink something suitable/good for you like nasty smoothies or V8 juice."
February 28, 2013 –
page 116
37.91% "Taking a small break may or may not attempt to read two more chapters tonight. Really would like to finish this shit fest by Saturday so I can start Opal."
February 28, 2013 –
page 120
39.22% "Oh, yes, because reading Dickens is hardly important. Never mind the fact he raised awareness for many of the social issues affecting the lower class in Britain back in the 1800's. Never mind that many people consider him to be one of the world's best writers ever."
February 28, 2013 –
page 120
39.22% "And you know who Dickens is replaced by Nicholas fucking Sparks. I like The Notebook alright, but it's no Dickens. And his latest movies they're all the same crap regurgitated over and over again in slightly different forms."
February 28, 2013 –
page 122
39.87% "OOH, poopie because Zoey isn't woman enough to use actual curse words. You know the only time I don't curse when I'm around my mother. Zoey isn't around her mother. Therefore, she can curse."
February 28, 2013 –
page 131
42.81% "Eek! The word poopie is used again. Let me give you some poopie synonyms Cast and Cast JR so you can avoid using poopie all the time: shit, crap, excrement, dung, poop (variant of poopie but still), feces, dump, do I need to continue becuase I will. Seriously, invest in a thesaurus or better yet if you need to curse or talk about defecating do it like an adult."
February 28, 2013 –
page 131
42.81% "Note, if you have Carrot Top hair you aggravate everyone according to Zoey. Hmm, maybe Zoey should become a stylist if she cares about hair care so much."
February 28, 2013 –
page 132
43.14% "Manure? What-gasp-no poopie? Have you decided to invest in a thesaurus after all, Cast and Cast JR?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 132
43.14% "Oh, yeah Zoey uses the term poopie again. Ugh, do I really need to give you even more synonyms for crap. It's not that difficult."
February 28, 2013 –
page 132
43.14% "Zoey is getting complimented for picking up horse crap. I think the Casts thought this was some brilliant scene well it was shitty(uh, I guess I have to use a term you two understand) It was poopie. There, happy?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 134
43.79% "Okay, I just want to know who greenlighted the crap chapter? I really want to know. And why didn't an editor sit down and explain to the Casts that most people over the age of eight don't use the word poopie. This is ridiculous. I could get drunk off of this chapter alone."
February 28, 2013 –
page 135
44.12% "OOOH, she used the word poo. I have no words. Just when I think they're finished talking about crap they talk about more excrement. Can they just stop now while we're ahead. Or are they just going to continue acting like turds? I think the answer is clear."
February 28, 2013 –
page 139
45.42% "Pentagram sign of evil cliche. That itself deserves a drink. However, I just don't think this chapter will out do the last one. That one was an...going to relent from making crude pun."
February 28, 2013 –
page 147
48.04% "Crunchy granola junk. Nothing really worth commenting about or drinking about. Other than the fact the Casts know how to bastardize any religion or mythology. Seems like they got all their ideas for this ceremony from Charmed."
February 28, 2013 –
page 151
49.35% "Okay how are they even vampires. Sorry, I meant vampyres. They don't drink blood instead all they do is perform ceremonies that seem or akin to what those witches of Charmed practiced. Am I missing something?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 154
50.33% "Oh, no you're not bastardizing Superman. Even though he is considerably lamer than Batman he was one of my childhood crushes (I liked the TV series with Dean Cain in it) and there's no way I'm letting you ruin that for me Cast and Cast JR."
February 28, 2013 –
page 156
50.98% "Um, she gave you a dress so you wouldn't feel out of place. You really are an ungrateful little bitch. I'll make a note of that for my drinking game. You are giving me way too much material Zoe. Way too much. People would need a liver transplant after reading this with the way it's going. And I know form recollection that it gets even worse."
February 28, 2013 –
page 159
51.96% "Apparently, pot smells like naughtiness. Who knew?"
February 28, 2013 –
page 160
52.29% "Um, if you don't want to smoke pot. That's great and dandy, but you really shouldn't be judging others for their choices. As foolish as it may be, it's their life not yours."
February 28, 2013 –
page 162
52.94% "You know some explanation to how Nyx and vampyres (I got it right!) are connected would be appreciated. I usually hate info dumps, but we sort of need one here."
February 28, 2013 –
page 164
53.59% "You didn't have to actually drink it. You could've pretended to take a sip or covertly spit it out. Or even politely decline. Don't get your panties out of joint."
February 28, 2013 –
page 168
54.9% "So they're drinking blood and Zoey's acting like it's a terrible thing. Uh, aren't they vampires (vampyres, got it wrong this time). I get being upset about drinking from Elliot-also a vamp-but still the general idea of drinking blood that should've occured to her by now."
February 28, 2013 –
page 168
54.9% "And on that note am officially done for the night-I got passed the halfway mark. I should be able to put a fair dent (possibly finish) this tomorrow since I don't have class and have finished a good chunk of my homework."
March 1, 2013 –
page 175
57.19% "Um, you broke up with him. Is it tacky she's dating him, yes. But you don't have possession of him Zoey."
March 1, 2013 –
page 175
57.19% "Take a drink every time the Casts enter one of their little lame PSA's about not drinking/doing drugs via Zoey. Zoey. A character that actually makes you want to...never mind."
March 1, 2013 –
page 175
57.19% "Um sprems is not a word. It's sperm."
March 1, 2013 –
page 183
59.8% "Man that was lame. The best friend suddenly being in love with Heath like that. And there's a love triangle with this Heath guy? Seriously. Which Cast preferred him-beause I know their inability to choose lead to the character Stark-this Heath guy is the sort of douchey boyfriend that most YA characters try to get away from."
March 1, 2013 –
page 185
60.46% "Oh, yes, she's so different and special. GMAFB already."
March 1, 2013 –
page 187
61.11% "Okay, it's obvious the Casts were listening to this when they wrote this chapter:"
March 1, 2013 –
page 191
62.42% "So let me get this straight, it's okay for the fledglings to be quasi cannibalistic but they can't drink from humans-normal vampire (Err...vampyre) food. Uh, huh. Logic fail=root beer."
March 1, 2013 –
page 195
63.73% "Cowboy hat pajamas. For reals? Are they trying to make all their characters archetypes?"
March 1, 2013 –
page 197
64.38% "How does one shit puppies, I ask?"
March 1, 2013 –
page 199
65.03% "This chapter could've been renamed Slut Slamming 101."
March 1, 2013 –
page 199
65.03% "They think it's so funny about how Eric rejected the bj. Did it ever occur to them, that Eric was essentially raped. God these girls are stupid."
March 1, 2013 –
page 203
66.34% "Do the Casts think having a uber Mary Sue is a good thing? Seriously. A power that no one has had for hundreds of years. Really? Really?"
March 1, 2013 –
page 211
68.95% "Um, a little too much information Neferet. I'm sure Zoey just loves hearing about how your father molested you when all she was doing was complaining about her step dad. Ugh, and this has been optioned people. Optioned."
March 1, 2013 –
page 214
69.93% "God damn it, imprinting. Seriously."
March 1, 2013 –
page 221
72.22% "Five element. What pray tell is the fifth element? And no, I'm not talking about the fifth element on the periodic table. I'm talking about the old traditional: earth, fire, wind, water, Captain Planet type of elements. Yes, I know Captain Planet used heart. But I don't think the Casts would be brazen enough to steal that (hopefully)."
March 1, 2013 –
page 224
73.2% "How do eyes laugh?"
March 1, 2013 –
page 228
74.51% "Her last name might be Redbird because she decided to rename herself that or she's a hippie or whatever. It doesn't automatically make her a Cherokee. God, these ignoramuses."
March 1, 2013 –
page 230
75.16% "Take a sip every time the Casts not so casually mention that Damien is gay when it serves no point to the overall story."
March 1, 2013 –
page 212
69.28% "Note, in an actual Spanish class you'd fail if you started every sentence with Me gusta. Let me try this: No me gusta el Casa de Noche (excuse my poor translation skills, it's been years)."
March 1, 2013 –
page 237
77.45% "These cat fights are lamer than Jen Calonita's."
March 1, 2013 –
page 249
81.37% "Yawn, of course Zoey is with one with nature. What do you expect? She's a Mary Sue."
March 1, 2013 –
page 249
81.37% "Take a sip every time Damien tries to teach the reader a vocabulary lesson and you're like I already knew that word. Jeez, Casts how stupid do you think people are?"
March 1, 2013 –
page 255
83.33% "These make out scenes are cringe worthy. I think I prefer the makeout scene that the Casts did in My Immortal when Dumblydore stopped...oh, wait not written by the Casts. I'm confused."
March 1, 2013 –
page 267
87.25% "So Elliot dies and all Ms. Zoey Red Deminita Bird Way cares about is her love life. So some respect for the dead, bitch."
March 1, 2013 –
page 277
90.52% "Team Aphrodite because anyone who insults Zoey Montgomery (yeah, I'm using your legal last name so sue me) is a friend of mine."
March 1, 2013 –
page 287
93.79% "And course Mr. Sixteen and Pregnant Dad Wannabe has to show up. Can I just finish this thing already. Please. Is that too much to ask?"
March 1, 2013 –
page 289
94.44% "Do we have to use the word boobies it's almost as grating as poopie. I will be your thesaurus Casts: Call them breasts, knockers, the girls, tits, boobs. Just please don't refer to them as boobies again, okay. I really think Zoey is about eight."
March 1, 2013 –
page 293
95.75% "OH God, the climax is just like this I swear:

Except instead of Captain Planet out pops Captain Zoey."
March 1, 2013 –
page 297
97.06% "More tats woohooo. And more business for my future laser removal center startup that I'm planning. Zoey I'm sure you'll be one of my first clients."
March 1, 2013 –
page 298
97.39% "Do you think a goddess really cares about your stupid Mean Girls antics, I don't."
March 1, 2013 –
page 303
99.02% "Of course Zoey is special. She didn't do anything at ALL to Aphrodite. Bitch, please."
March 1, 2013 –
page 306
100.0% "Honestly, the last part never made that much sense to me. I'm just glad I'm done with this silly book. And into next month the Casts women. I'll start working on the drinking game soon."
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: cliches
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: annoying-heroines
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: anti-feminist
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: bad-body-image
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: beware-whiplash
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: fan-fiction
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: cliche-series
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: content
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: crap-flick
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: cringe-worthy-covers
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: i-m-in-the-mood-to-snark
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: damn-hippies
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: is-it-ebony-or-enoby
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: research-wikipedia
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: dumb-ass-heroines
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: face-palm
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: oh-bother
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: impulsive-stupid
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: insta-luv
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: mary-sue
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: magical-tats
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: meh-characters
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: offensive
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: paranormal
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: prissy-preaching
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: predictable
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: rage-fest
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: rude-and-offensive
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: sanctimonious-bitches
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: sexist-piece-of-shit
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: shallow
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: slut-slaming
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: squeaky-clean-not
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: twi-moms-will-love
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: twilight-wannabe
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: unsanitary-grossnesss
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: vampires
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: useless-characters
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: what-s-the-hype-about
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: will-it-ever-stop
March 1, 2013 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Jac (new) - rated it 1 star

Jac Geez you'd think you'd have alcohol poisoning from reading these.

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