Tessa De Guzman's Reviews > Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell
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's review

Funnily enough, i read this book as a child and thought that it really WAS about animals. I remember thinking, Evil Pigs, I'm glad you're bacon in MY world, and Poor Hardworking Horsies, come live on my farm instead. You can have all the hay and makopa you want (sadly, no apples, tropical climate).

I reread it after education spoiled my natural inclinations for fast and absolute punishment of evildoers and eternal rewards for the good. I do find it pleasantly strange that these animals are symbols for political stereotypes and yet people still appear in the book. Isn't that CRAZY? That's literary perversion in a class all its own.

I'm thankful i read this in my formative years, before I had all this intellectual baggage (emphasis on baggage, piano on the intellect), because I got to appreciate it like a child would, almost like the way I appreciated Charlotte's Web. To me, back then, it was just another story about animals, albeit a wordy one, with no pictures.

Which is probably why I still experience a certain righteous thrill when eating crispy bacon.
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Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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K.D. Absolutely I like your review. Funny, witty and true!

Irene I read this book as a child, too. Now I'm a senior in high school and I haven't yet reread it with all my new knowledge of politics and such, but I know I should so that I can really understand it. I'll try to get to it soon!

Tanvi :) :) :)

Sumeet sweetest review ever!

Cheryl Same here! It was prescribed reading in primary school but it wasn't until high school that I realized its about more than just farm animals...

message 6: by Christina (new)

Christina Moss Tessa, you write so beautifully I wanted to read all of your reviews but I see that you, like I, have not written many.

Somerandom Lol I read this book immediately before eating roast pork!

Marte The bacon thing was disgusting. Pigs are tortured and killed, and you laugh about it? You sound like a typical human being all right, almost like Mr. Jones.

message 9: by Eileen (new)

Eileen I agree! I read this earlier in like 5th grade and still today when I was getting through the first 2 chapters I was still a little confused about where this book was taking me. After reading it, I researched some and when I read that Napoleon was suppose to be a parody of Stalin and Mr.Jones of the Romavnou family really really helped me just THAT much more of a better understanding. It's a relatively short book with ALOT of idealisms and metaphors. I love it! The windmill being a used as a manipulation device for the other animals. AND the animals being expamples for the working class!

Breanna I AGREE with Marte...it's just a book...pigs are people too...just because they're represented a way in a book doesn't mean anything in real life...:/

message 11: by Somerandom (last edited Apr 05, 2015 06:13PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Somerandom Kassy wrote: "I AGREE with Marte...it's just a book...pigs are people too...just because they're represented a way in a book doesn't mean anything in real life...:/"

Books often rely on metaphors, symbolism and similes. These are the tools an author uses constantly. To tell a story is merely the vehicle for an author to put out ideas. George was most known for his political views. Both 1984 and Animal Farm have direct parallels in real life and draw from communism and other political parties. The pigs aren't just pigs and to read a book as such is just superficial. One must always read beneath the layers to get the real meat of a story.

The bacon line was obviously tongue in cheek. Lighten up, bro.

message 12: by Trav (new) - rated it 3 stars

Trav Rockwell Thanks for the spoiler!

GenjiHere The first time I read Animal Farm was for history class XD

HelenaJohnson the" people“ in this book represent leaders of other countries, its not crazy, its just the way it is

HelenaJohnson Its not your education that ruined a childrens tale ,because this book is not for children, so dont feel bad.

message 16: by Abdishakur (new) - added it

Abdishakur Muse can you send me this book please in softt

message 17: by Harriete (new) - added it

Harriete me too . right now i am writing a review about it in class and i feel betrayed

message 18: by Angelina (new)

Angelina I also believed it was about animals. I had that belief for about a quarter of the book. That's when I started realizing they didn't only have human like qualities but they were portraying humans. Although, I would have probably liked the book a lot better if it were actually about animals.

message 19: by Joshua (new)

Joshua Regensberg I like the story line. I like the twists although you can predict what’s gonna happen most of the time.

message 20: by Joshua (new)

Joshua Regensberg I’m just writing a review so if I say random stuff just ignore it.

message 21: by Joshua (new)

Joshua Regensberg I don’t know how I really feel about this book. It was weird when they had that battle and killed the humans. It’s weird to think like what if this actually happened and the animals got smart. Even though it will probably never happen.

message 22: by Joshua (new)

Joshua Regensberg The book is really interesting because it something people don’t think about so the author was really creative

Hannah ☆ I really enjoyed reading this ^_^

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