✨ A ✨ 's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
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“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

The summer is dragging and Harry can't wait to join the Weasleys and Hermione at The Burrow and go with them to the International Quidditch Cup final.

It's Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This year will be different to the previous ones, for Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament, a competition which hasn't been hosted for a century. A contest involving two other international magical schools and three dangerous tasks, only students of age are allowed to compete in.


Harry is looking forward to watching the games and supporting whoever the Hogwarts champion is. What Harry doesn't expect is finding himself entangled in these dangerous events.


For me this is where the story really picks up. The games, as well as the dark atmosphere make this book so compelling. You can't help but want to know what happens next and how Harry decides to face all the challenges that come at him.

“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

The introduction of foreign wizards/witches in this book sets this one apart from the others. I absolutely loved seeing how different they are to the usual British magical community. And the rivalry that is usually present at Hogwarts between the Houses is amped-up.


I really felt for Harry. He faces hate from the other students for something he had no control over as well as being shunned by one of his best friends. I don't know how he deals with everything honestly.

“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”

Our trio are growing up. I loved those scenes with Harry and Ron struggling to communicate with girls 😂. Their sudden awareness of the female population was so sweet.

I always associate this book with magical Christmas-sy vibes. It just felt a lot more enchanting than the previous books in this series.


“What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”


Buddy reading with Snape's brother

My reviews for:

1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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Reading Progress

November 23, 2019 – Started Reading
November 23, 2019 – Shelved
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: young-adult
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: fantasy
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: five-stars
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: re-read-in-2019
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: read-in-2019
December 3, 2019 – Finished Reading
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: buddy-read
January 9, 2020 – Shelved as: faves-ya-scifi-and-fantasy
December 24, 2020 – Shelved as: arcs

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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Fares Oh no you didn't!
I don't know how I feel about this tbh, I mean in one hand I'm his brother and I don't like that but on the other hand, I'm your brother in law and I like that 🙂

✨ A ✨ Fares wrote: "Oh no you didn't!
I don't know how I feel about this tbh, I mean in one hand I'm his brother and I don't like that but on the other hand, I'm your brother in law and I like that 🙂"

You made me Snapes wife so this is what you get bro!!

Warda Honestly I feel more sorry for Snape right now. 🌚🙃
Stop using him as a scapegoat!!!!

↠Ameerah↞ Snape's brother..damn. 😂

✨ A ✨ Warda wrote: "Honestly I feel more sorry for Snape right now. 🌚🙃
Stop using him as a scapegoat!!!!"

Blame fares for this 😵

✨ A ✨ Ameerah☆ wrote: "Snape's brother..damn. 😂"

Fares started it Ameerah 😭😭. He wrote on his review that I'm Snapes wife ,,how dare he

Fares I said so cuz I wanted you to help Snape, you'll be a good influence on him. The poor guy had a rough life 😞
Also Mrs Snape suits you, Azrah Snape :)

✨ A ✨ Fares wrote: "I said so cuz I wanted you to help Snape, you'll be a good influence on him. The poor guy had a rough life 😞
Also Mrs Snape suits you, Azrah Snape :)"

but Azrah Malfoy sounds so much better 😍

Warda I’m going to have to agree with Fares on this one. Mrs Azrah Snape has a nice ring to it.

Fares See Azrah, Warda always says what's right! And Malfoy is french for bad faith and you don't want that in your name.
Also Azrah and Severus would mean your couple name would be Azerus and that just sounds so cool

Warda Now THAT!!!! Is what you call a ship name! Damn! Azerus SOUNDS SO COOL!!!

Dr. Rida  HAHAHA! I absolutely love the comments section here

Fares Warda wrote: "Now THAT!!!! Is what you call a ship name! Damn! Azerus SOUNDS SO COOL!!!"

YES! Tell her!
It sounds like a spell from Hary Potter, a love spell :)

Rida wrote: "HAHAHA! I absolutely love the comments section here"

It's nuts Rida 😂 But since you're here help me convince Azrah :)

Warda Lmao Fares, you are on fire!!!!! Azrah needs a dose of this spell ASAP!

Dr. Rida  Fares wrote: "It's nuts Rida .."

Hahaha no cause Azrah and Draco could be Azco..their ship name sounds like some tech company 😂

Fares @Warda
Snape can make a potion for her but I bet he doesn't want to, he wants her to love him on her own terms. Also Azrah really loves Mr Darcey and Snape is the Darciest man ever!
I have a feeling Azrah will block all of us when she sees this 😂

LOL that's exactly it. And there's nothing more loveless than a company about machines 😂

✨ A ✨ I hate all of you


@fares why would you tell me that about Malfoy's name 😭😭 this is why English is the only language i can speak!! French just ruined Draco for me 💔

@Rida our ship name would be Drazrah 💁

I need someone on my team!! This is my review guys wtf

Dr. Rida  Drazrah.. that sounds like some ethereal goddess; I like it :p

Fares This is an intervention Azrah, we're all here cuz we care ❤

Okay okay Malfoy isn't exactly that but it is what JKR was going for, technically bad faith in French is mal foi.

message 21: by Gina (new) - added it

Gina Fugate GoF is my fave of the HP books 😍

✨ A ✨ @Rida Ethereal goddess?? I'LL TAKE IT

@fares i like Rida more than you and we just met ;P

✨ A ✨ Gina wrote: "GoF is my fave of the HP books 😍"

i believe all the books from number 4 on wards are superb, so its hard for me to choose a fave XD

Fares Rida is awesomer, I like her more than me too.
And I was just trying to be a good wingman and find you a husband as all best friends do! Does this mean you revoked our parabatai rune?

✨ A ✨ Fares wrote: "Rida is awesomer, I like her more than me too.
And I was just trying to be a good wingman and find you a husband as all best friends do! Does this mean you revoked our parabatai rune?"

well I can't just burn it off myself can I?

message 26: by TMR (new) - added it

TMR Awesome review, A.

✨ A ✨ The Masked Reader wrote: "Awesome review, A."

thank you 💕💕

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