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The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named Gloriously Bright.

On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen could all live together; where three very different intelligent species could find common ground at last. Or so he thought.

Lusitania also harbors the descolada, a virus that kills all humans it infects, but which the pequininos require in order to become adults. The Starways Congress so fears the effects of the descolada, should it escape from Lusitania, that they have ordered the destruction of the entire planet, and all who live there. The Fleet is on its way, a second xenocide seems inevitable.

Xenocide is the third novel in Orson Scott Card's The Ender Saga.

592 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published August 1, 1991

About the author

Orson Scott Card

835 books20k followers
Orson Scott Card is an American writer known best for his science fiction works. He is (as of 2023) the only person to have won a Hugo Award and a Nebula Award in consecutive years, winning both awards for his novel Ender's Game (1985) and its sequel Speaker for the Dead (1986). A feature film adaptation of Ender's Game, which Card co-produced, was released in 2013. Card also wrote the Locus Fantasy Award-winning series The Tales of Alvin Maker (1987–2003).
Card's fiction often features characters with exceptional gifts who make difficult choices with high stakes. Card has also written political, religious, and social commentary in his columns and other writing; his opposition to homosexuality has provoked public criticism.
Card, who is a great-great-grandson of Brigham Young, was born in Richland, Washington, and grew up in Utah and California. While he was a student at Brigham Young University (BYU), his plays were performed on stage. He served in Brazil as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and headed a community theater for two summers. Card had 27 short stories published between 1978 and 1979, and he won the John W. Campbell Award for best new writer in 1978. He earned a master's degree in English from the University of Utah in 1981 and wrote novels in science fiction, fantasy, non-fiction, and historical fiction genres starting in 1979. Card continued to write prolifically, and he has published over 50 novels and 45 short stories.
Card teaches English at Southern Virginia University; he has written two books on creative writing and serves as a judge in the Writers of the Future contest. He has taught many successful writers at his "literary boot camps". He remains a practicing member of the LDS Church and Mormon fiction writers Stephenie Meyer, Brandon Sanderson, and Dave Wolverton have cited his works as a major influence.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,551 reviews
Profile Image for Ezra.
134 reviews35 followers
February 9, 2017
This xkcd web comic makes for the best review of this book. http://xkcd.com/304/

I didn't hate it. The philosophy and science annoyingly reminded me of Tom Clancy's later stuff where he rambles on and on over minutia no one but him and his 7 true fans really enjoy. The rest of us start skimming hoping to find something to make continuing to read worth it. Only to depressingly read the last sentence wondering why successful authors stop using editors.
Profile Image for Andrew.
623 reviews140 followers
December 24, 2020

I grudgingly give this book a 3, based only on my affection for the characters and the creativity of the story. Most of the book suffers from overkill in one sense or another, which leads to its main problem of length. It´s impossible to deny that Card is brilliant, but I can think of no writers other than Tolstoy and Dickens (barely) that can justifiably write 600 or more pages of novel. Yes I'm aware I'm including Dostoyevsky in this statement (sorry Karamazov-lovers). Card could have brought this one in at under 500 and lost nothing while gaining much due to brevity.

Problems (where to start?):

Much of the length problem was due to tedious treatment of 3 of the main characters. Miro -- look, I get that he doesn´t like being paralyzed and that he´s wallowing in self-pity. You can cut at least 10 pages of his wallowing and I will still understand it. His transformation at the end will still be impactful.

Si Wang-Mu -- the introduction of Path and the gradual revelation of OCD was masterful. What I needed much less of was the hammering home of their inner turmoil over the gods. There´s a specific 5 page passage starting on 430 that as far as I can tell is used solely for Wang-Mu to ponder the nature of godhood. If you´re going to spend 5 pages on her, at least use it to develop the mind-boggling and completely inexplicable split-second decision she makes at the end.

Quara -- I did not swallow this character for one instant. Besides the ridiculous lapse in logic that she´s prepared to wipe out 2 species (including her own) so as not to kill 1 species, I´m supposed to believe that she´s defending Descolada just to get back at her family? And this is the first sign of mental instability that she´s shown in 30 years? Ender couldn´t have "healed" her in all that time (Is he a demi-god with supernatural powers of healing as shown in Speaker for the Dead or isn´t he?)? And then in all the arguments they had with her, no one could have raised the point that a dying Piggy raises at the very end:

This woman is simply insane, and I do not believe that she would have been allowed to affect so much of the goings-on if Card were trying to be at all realistic. She was used to create conflict in an already uber-conflictive book, and guess what -- not necessary! That´s almost 30 pages saved right there. Did anyone else catch the part where she was passing Ela´s defense work to the virus itself? Mentioned but never follwed up on.

My other objections are less grave. There´s the dialogue style, just as present in Speaker and to a lesser extent in Ender´s, where every character is constantly psychoanalyzing every other, and everything they say can be decoded to show a deep personal insight. Although it worked without overtly bothering me in the first two books it got to be too much in this one (perhaps due to the length). People don´t actually talk like this, or if they do I´ve never met them. It´s not natural and became intrusive to my reading experience. There was a bizarre narration sequence on page 100 where Card suddenly addresses the reader in the 2nd person -- jarring to say the least. Finally

This book was very frustrating to me, because there were so many really good things about it (mainly plot and the ethical/geo-political dilemmas), but some really bad ones as well.

Not Bad Movie and Book Reviews.

Profile Image for Will M..
327 reviews656 followers
December 21, 2014
The war for the survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named gloriously bright.

Says the cover. Such a misleading thing to say. This novel was 500 pages of bullshit, and 91 pages of slight enjoyment. More or less 81.8% of useless shit.

Nominated for the Hugo award? Thank heavens it didn't win.

I loved Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead, but Xenocide was just bullshit. It even felt like Card didn't write this. How could he create amazing characters, and manage to make them lifeless all of a sudden? I didn't feel any kind of connection with any of the characters in this third novel. To make things worse, this novel is way too long. 591 pages, rambling on about uninteresting stuff.

The main goal of this novel I believe was to keep things interesting by introducing another possibility of a "xenocide", but all it did was introduce another set of alien species that are not even likeable. They were flat and unrelatable. I'm chinese, and I couldn't even relate to the characters. They were written that bad. I even had to check the front cover to see if Card wrote this alone. Unbelievable how much I hated this novel.

The list of annoying things does not end. Card made the characters seem like they were trying to be like Ender a lot. Miro, Grego, and Wang-mu were all pretentious in this novel. They were trying too hard to be likeable, but they seemed like losers. Especially Wang-mu, and the twist that Card wrote in the near end about her was not even good. She was not a likeable character from the start, so relentlessly trying to make her likeable is not going to work. You might ask, who could be more annoying than Wang-mu? Qing-jao. Another pretentious little bitch. All her whining from the start annoyed me already. I got it the first time, you don't want the life that you were given, so stop whining about it every fucking time you appear in a chapter.

Ender himself was fucking unbearable in this novel. I saw this coming already, but Card just made it worse.

"Ela, after you've inadvertently killed a couple of people with your bear hands, either you learn to control your temper or you lose your humanity."

You killed people with your bear hands? You fucking killed an entire species, shouldn't that be the cause of your "losing of humanity"? Terrible example given, and I thought you were supposed to be the amazing speaker of the dead/murderer of the buggers. And up to now, I still can't believe that he married Novinha. She was fucking crazy right from the start.

The plot itself ventured off a cliff. Instead of focusing on the main story, it focused on the art of whining instead. We get more of scrubbing grease off hands, Miro's paralysis, Ender's marriage, and Novinha's family problem rather than the fucking possibility of a Xenocide. Let me add the constant whining of everyone regarding Jane's "humanity". I don't give a rat's ass who created her, please talk about the fucking Xenocide instead. Based on the summary at the back, this should've been the best of the 3. Instead, I'm considering giving up on the whole series because of this being such a bullshit novel. Once I've calmed down though, I believe I'll be reading the next novel.

1.5/5 stars. I gave this 2 stars because I still have an ounce of mercy left in my system. Card could've done better, and he already proved that with the first two novels. I'm not sure what happened here, but I'm hoping the next novel wouldn't be this bad.

This novel should be called "The Art of Whining" and not "Xenocide".
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
285 reviews14 followers
March 30, 2014
This is one of the most profoundly philosophical science fiction books ever written.

Humans have colonized the planet they call Lusitania, home to the "piggies," intelligent mammal-like animals with no technology. Then Ender Wiggin arrives, with the Hive Queen, the last remaining member of her high-tech species. Now three intelligent species must cohabit one world -- for if they leave it, they will take with them the ultimate biological weapon, the descolada virus.

Human contact with not one but two intelligent alien species sets the scene for a thorough and balanced discussion of some of the most important questions about being human:
What does it mean to be intelligent?
What does it mean to be alive?
Does free will exist?
Where did the universe come from?
How can we pursue our own interests while remaining respectful of others'?

My only reservation about this book is that it really only makes sense having read the other two first, Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead. I tried reading it immediately after Ender's Game, and put it down in frustration after a few pages.

But if you have time to read a great sci-fi trilogy, with interesting characters, a suspenseful plot, and some surprisingly unique ideas, you will be richly rewarded.

Addendum: In light of Card's homophobic statements, I feel obligated to add a few words. It is incredibly disappointing to me that such an imaginative, creative writer as Card sees homosexuality as wrong. He is able to imagine species that reproduce in incredibly innovative and foreign ways, yet is not able to tolerate something as banal as one human loving another human who happens to be of the same sex. I admire Card's creativity, but I am saddened by his narrow-mindedness regarding his own species.
Profile Image for Sarah.
330 reviews19 followers
February 8, 2009
Had this been a stand alone novel, rather than a continuation of the Ender Wiggins series, it probably wouldn’t have irritated me so much. In the interview with the author at the end of the CD, he pretty much verifies what I thought throughout the whole novel. The premises of this book is one that he had first thought of as an independent story line, but since Ender Wiggins was a ready made hit, rolled it into the trilogy instead. With each subsequent book, Card looses a bit more of the initial power of Ender Wiggins. His need to explore philosophical ideas, in far greater depth than is necessary, overwhelms the story. One of the greatest aspects of Ender’s Game was that it delved into a number of deeper issues, without being in your face or pushy. It managed to be a fast paced, action oriented science fiction novel, while at the same time offering enough substance to appeal to a more intellectual mindset. Xenocide completely missed the mark in this aspect. The philosophical debates are rammed down your throat, detracting from, and eventually completely ruining, the characters introduced in Ender’s Game. Had he simply written a separate novel that dealt with the issues addressed in this novel, I think I would have enjoyed it much more. As it is, though, the forcing of a separate story plot into the continuing saga of Ender Wiggins did not work.
Profile Image for Samantha Leigh.
10 reviews6 followers
October 5, 2007
Let me tell you the most beautiful story i know.
a man was given a dog, which he loved very much.
the dog went with him everywhere,
but the man could not teach it to do anything useful...
instead it regarded him with the same inscrutable expression.
"thats not a dog, its a wolf!" said the mans wife
"he alone is faithful to me" said the man
and his wife never discussed it with him again.
one day, the man took his dog with him onto his private airplane
and as they flew over the winter mountains
the engines failed
and the airplane was torn to shreds among the trees.
the man lay there, bleeding
his belly torn open by shards of sheared metal...
but all he could think of was his faithful dog
was he alive? was he hurt?
imagine his relief when the dog came padding up
and regarded him with that same steady gaze.
after an hour, the dog nosed the mans gaping abdomen
and began to pull out the intestine, spleen and liver,
gnawing on them,
all the while studying the mans face.
"thank god" the man said.
"at least one of us will not starve."

how can you NOT love that.
the book was AMAZING.
my second favorite in the series.
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews11.9k followers
January 30, 2010
5.0 stars. I was amazed by how good this book is. Speaker for the Dead is one of my all time favorite books and this book picks up right where Speaker left off. Superb characters, amazingly orginal concepts of life and the universe and intense ethical debate (Card's strong suit) highlight this exceptional novel. Highly recommended.

Nominee: Hugo Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (1992)
Nominee: Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (1992)
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews387 followers
January 20, 2020
Xenocide (Ender's Saga #3), Orson Scott Card

Xenocide (1991) is a science fiction novel by American writer Orson Scott Card, the third book in the Ender's Game series. On Lusitania, Ender finds a world where humans and pequeninos (Portuguese for "Little Ones") and the Hive Queen could all live together. However, Lusitania also harbors the descolada, a virus that kills all humans it infects, but which the pequeninos require in order to become adults. The Starways Congress so fears the effects of the descolada, should it escape from Lusitania, that they have ordered the destruction of the entire planet, and all who live there. With the Fleet on its way, a second Xenocide seems inevitable.

Profile Image for Spider the Doof Warrior.
435 reviews246 followers
October 12, 2014
I keep taking away stars. I am cruel. The problem with this book is the use of stereotypes and isn't it sort of, I don't know, unsettling to people how monochromatic these worlds are? A world where everyone is Chinese or Japanese or Brazilian. Where would someone like me fit in? Just because you're in a world full of people like you ethnically or religiously doesn't mean you will fit in.

This is sort of the same problem in Children of the Mind too, where you have whole worlds were most of the people are the same race and religion and they act as stereotypical as possible. Just because someone is Japanese doesn't mean they eat raw fish. OSC is not good at creating characters that are believable as PEOPLE and not just as some kind of stereotype of this ethnic group.

More later. I must exorcise these books. Lucky for me someone wants them so I will mail them to her so I stop reading these books and getting angry. I have enough stress, thank you.

Reading this again. OSC is so ABLELIST!

Also, he can't write people without using so many dang STEREOTYPES.

OMF Why would you torture a child this way? What is UP with this guy and tortured, tormented children?

WTF would you believe in gods who want to torment you with OCD anyway? These gods are terrible! Why does he create so many warped and insane cultures? I know the world is warped, but when you are a writer, you can create the sort of world you want. And his worlds are extra dysfunctional.

Look, a person can be disabled and still be brilliant! Being psychically disabled doesn't change that. It doesn't make you less you!

So they went and converted some aliens, but how do you know the aliens don't have the One True Religion, eh?


BLOODY HELL WHY AM I READING THIS?! it's so freaky, Ender and Valentine. UGH.


Am I the only one bothered by all of this ableism in this book? It's really bothering me.

How do you expect me to believe that it's THOUSANDS OF YEARS into the future and people are going to choose to live like this? To have bowing servants and be carried around on sedan chairs. This seems a bit... well... KIND OF RACIST! As if these folks on an all Chinese world can ONLY live like they're in some old school precommunist Chinese society. I'm surprised there's no foot binding. HOW COULD I HAVE THOUGHT THIS GUY WAS A GOOD WRITER?! And this whole concept of kow towing to congress. Why? You have to think critically about EVERYTHING!

Goddess's TITS almost everyone in this book is a complete and total asshole.

Still reading this book like an IDIOT. Goddess's TITS OSC, Having sex before marriage doesn't mean you're some immature person who would not stop a mob. It just doesn't. And that sort of attitude isn't healthy. What is up with religions that get their nipples in a twist over sex, but when it comes to real issues, they balk?

You cannot science. stop trying.

Fuck you osc. rape is not a reproductive strategy.

WHY do I keep reading this book? Woman excepts my rule? Male and female social models? WTF?! OSC's world view is stupid and narrow. One aspect of Science Fiction is to long for a better world, not just a world where we follow the same tired conventions that are not really working. Atypical genes my left butt cheek. These simple stereotypes don't take human complexities into consideration at all. They don't understand that men and women VARY!
Profile Image for Kaora.
617 reviews293 followers
January 22, 2015
I can't say that I enjoyed this as much as the other two.

I found the characters bland. There wasn't one that I could connect with among them, other than Jane, and perhaps Valentine. The women were all ridiculously emotional, leading to foolish and irrational decisions that made me want to scream. (Quara, Gloriously Boring Bright, Novinha) The only redeeming factor was a "female" computer and Valentine, as the other women just opened their mouths and made more problems or spent the entire book talking about their unworthiness. Luckily they have men to fix everything right?

Lets move to the synopsis, which states:
The war for the survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named Gloriously Bright.

I can't even say how irritating that statement is, since Gloriously Bright exacerbated the problem, and then spent the entire book being a stubborn fool, contributing nothing further. That statement alone dropped my rating by one star. I would have enjoyed this book more had she never had been in it. Wang-mu is the real hero, and should have been credited, or maybe it is because she is just a lowly servant.

And don't get me started on how weird the relationship is between Ender and Valentine. They are so close they make their marriage partners jealous? What?

The story isn't awful, although I feel like it could have been shorter than it was, featuring pages and pages of dialogue. While some of it was interesting, I did feel myself start to glaze over as it continued with no end in sight.

I can see why people don't progress with the series past Ender's Game.

Cross posted at Kaora's Corner.
Profile Image for Riku Sayuj.
658 reviews7,395 followers
September 21, 2013

Ender’s series has long been one of my favorite in the sci-fi genre and that is why I am slowly working through the series long after I have moved on from most of my childhood favorites. There was something about Ender’s world - even for a reader who was most at home with the most elaborate of high fantasy and sci-fi, the subdued world of Ender had a different sort of fascination. It did not try to sell a fancy world or any fancy technology or an advanced race of humans - none of the regular tropes. It was the most human of sci-fi stories in a way - only dealing with the fundamentals, with life and death alone and with how to deal with them. True it was set in a fascinating slot to tell this story but it asked nothing of the reader, no suspension of belief, no acceptance of an distinct world, it only asked the reader to connect with Ender.

Then Uncle Orson had the brilliant idea to take this brilliant story line and merge with a rejected story from his early career and mix in all sort of mumbo-jumbo. He took the big leap that so many sci-fi authors love to take - straight into ancient hindu philosophy - which is a very tempting and logical end space for all of sci-fi. In fact, you will not find a more cogent and perfect sci-fi universe. But that is no excuse for so throughly mixing it up with a series that was going so perfectly.

Worse, just when I promised myself that I will wrap up this series with this book, Orson throws at me the most absurdly taunting sort of conclusion and then has the nerve to come along with an afterword and tell me slyly that the best way to earn more from a book is to split it in two. So bingo, please read the next one and sorry to leave you hanging. And true to the spirit of Ender, I am pretty sure I will.
Profile Image for Jeremy Johnson.
35 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2011
How many stars do you give a book that starts off good, wanders around dully in the middle, and then becomes offensively horrible at the end? Do you average 5, 3, and 1 star? Do you give it 2 because of the overall picture? Do you give it 1 because it's doubly bad to start out promising and then mislead the reader?

I'm in the last category.

I'm 90% finished, and I think I'm not going to make it much further. I loved the first two books, but this one is sort of awful. It started out with a good mystery: who are the gods and how does this planet relate to the other, but that got resolved about 3/4 of the way through the book, somehow the struggles on Lusitania seem mostly tedious and obnoxious. All of this is fine though, all it did was impact my reading speed. Instead of chewing through the book, I read it at a casual pace. On the other hand, what happens at about 90% of the way through the book appeals only to people who have absolutely no grasp of science, or buy into that whole J.Z. Knight (the frustrated housewife who started channelling a 35000 opponent of atlantis and suddenly got rich) cult recruitment film: What the Bleep do we know?

I love the first two and this one started out well, but it explodes in a gigantic ridiculous Deus ex Machina event that reinforces that Orson Scott Card knows little about science, and expects the same from you.


P.S. Just so you know, I lost all will to read this book right at the end. So I never actually finished the book. I asked my buddy who had initially warned me about it what happened and I call that good. I can't bear to read any more.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jeraviz.
973 reviews582 followers
November 27, 2023
Me sorprende cómo Orson Scott Card cambia de registro con cada libro de esta saga.
El primero, El juego de Ender, es una novela más juvenil llena de acción; la segunda, La voz de los muertos, es una novela de primer contacto con una nueva especie alienígena, mucho más madura. Y esta tercera parte es una novela filosófica, donde se plantea el dilema de exterminar una especie entera por salvar a otra.

Es bastante más lenta y tarda algo en arrancar. No hay apenas acción, solo debates entre los distintos puntos de vista. También la parte técnica tiene un peso importante ya que Scott Card no ahorra páginas para explicar las partes más científicas de la novela como el viaje más rápido que la velocidad de la luz, o la solución a un virus indestructible. De hecho, estos capítulos finales me han dado la sensación de ser un poco "deus ex machina" para poder salir adelante. Es un final que no me esperaba y que vuelve a abrir la saga. Todavía estoy pensando si me ha gustado o no. Dependerá de la calidad de los siguientes libros y si le ha compensado estirar el chicle.

De todas formas, si te gustan los dilemas éticos este es tu libro. Sin embargo, si sigues buscando algo parecido al primer libro creo que el autor no va a continuar por ahí por lo que no te recomendaría seguir.
Profile Image for Magick.
261 reviews38 followers
May 1, 2022
Xenocide is the third book in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Saga series. It picks up where Speaker For The Dead left off, with Lusitania struggling to survive the Descolada and The Little Doctor.

It's hard to corral my thoughts about Xenocide, because there are so many things going on. We have threads of solving the Descolada AND Path viruses, multiple family dramas, solving FTL travel, the nature of the soul, intricacies of inter-species relations, first contact, the frivolity and wastefulness of intentional violence, the meaning of spirituality, and that's just a start. You might think a book jammed with so many big ideas can't possibly give them all adequate attention. Card not only discusses all these big ideas at length, he painstakingly works his way to conclusions. I firmly believe The Godspoken's purification rituals are a metaphor for Card's writing style. Writing this book had to be similar to endlessly tracing lines in floorboards. There's a lot to take in here, but Card rewards you for opening your mind to his words.

Ender's Saga takes its place in my pantheon of science-fantasy series. Xenocide reminds me a lot of Hyperion, Dune, and Children of Time. I'm sure there are others, but these come immediately to mind. I love series that take a broad, deep dive into all aspects of a planetary setting, and use that rich, detailed canvas to paint intimate stories of the inhabitants with a blend of sci-fi and fantasy. I think a lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into writing books like this, and I'm eternally thankful to the authors who do it well. Thank you Orson Scott Card.

I highly recommend Xenocide to anyone who's finished The Speaker for the Dead. The series must be read in order, though. I think of this series as a single book with three acts. A must read for all sci-fi fans.
Profile Image for Dave.
3,321 reviews408 followers
May 14, 2019
It’s Getting Complicated

Xenocide, the third book of the Ender’s Game series, continues the story from Speaker For the Dead. It is a far more difficult story to follow as it is filled with philosophy, physics, religion, and strategy, much more than action and could perhaps have risked some editing. As it is, though some might find it obtuse, others will find its moral quandaries illuminating and rewarding.

Things are happening in the far-off planet where several intelligent species are co-existing. The humans still live within their fences. The piggies or pequeninos are everywhere. And, the queen bee is laying her eggs and building something. Because the descolada virus which is in every part of the planet’s environment and essential to the pequininos is deadly to the rest of the universe. And, there’s a fleet with a doomsday bomb ready to save the universe from the descolada and the reemergence of the alien species. And Jane is being revealed as she tries to quietly stop the fleet.

What makes this a worthwhile read is the moral issues and ethical quandaries of how to save the universe and for who. And whether the coexistence can continue. The themes of the difficulty understanding the alien species continue, but the threads connecting them all are complex and lead to dimensions and surprising results.

A very different novel from the first two in the series and a more complex read.
Profile Image for aPriL does feral sometimes .
2,041 reviews479 followers
February 8, 2021
I adore the Ender series. 'Xenocide' by Orson Scott Card is really part one of a two-book set in the Ender series, and it's book 3 if reading in order. On to Children of the Mind next which will finish what was started in Xenocide. There are a lot of ideas in the story as everything related to the psychology and philosophy of prejudice is explored in a dramatic speculative fiction setting. Religion and politics, as well as basic species survival imperatives come into play throughout the complete Ender series.

Generally the book is very realistic and true to human nature, with the additional bonus of well imagined two other sentient species involved. I love it. That super smart people would be driving the story forward is a plus as well, but I find myself wishing that intelligence really was behind more real-life politics than it appears in this series.
Profile Image for Pat the Book Goblin .
424 reviews140 followers
January 28, 2020
I really enjoyed this. In all honesty, stick Ender Wiggin in any book and I'll probably love it. Unlike the last book which was basically a 300+ page ethnography, Xenocide went into the looming threats of the descolada virus, the growing threat of war between piggy and human, and the survival of every race in the galaxy. On the negative side, this book could have gone through some editing, as parts seemed to be long winded and overly drawn out. But overall, I really liked it.
Profile Image for Ashley.
3,148 reviews2,176 followers
November 11, 2014
"So let me tell you what I think about gods. I think a real god is not going to be so scared or angry that he tries to keep other people down . . . A real god doesn’t care about control. A real god already has control of everything that needs controlling. Real gods would want to teach you how to be just like them."

The third part of the Ender Quartet, the sequel to Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead, which takes place on the Brazilian colony of Lusitania -- the habitat of all three known species in the universe: humans, pequeninos, and the Hive Queen's buggers -- and a planet called Path, a descendant colony of China whose inhabitants believe themselves to be "godspoken." The plot is concerned with three main issues: the development of a cure and an understanding of the descolada virus, which is threatening to wipe out all life it comes into contact with, but which is necessary for pequenino survival, and the existence of which has led Starways Congress to condemn the planet to destruction; the growing conflicts between species on all planets and the ethical, spiritual, and philosophical dilemmas that result; and finally, the quest of three individuals on Path to find out what happened to the Lusitania fleet which was sent by Starways Congress to destroy Lusitania -- a "godspoken," his daughter, and her servant -- all who will be instrumental in the shape of things to come.

I enjoyed this book. As always, Card manages to make you care about his characters at the same time as making you think in ways you never have before about religion, philosophy, and the nature of life. Reading one of his books is like a religious experience; I always walk away after finishing one feeling as if I've really accomplished something, like I'm a better person for having done it. For this reason alone all of his stories are 'A' quality, but this one misses the mark (as does it's sequel, Children of the Mind) in terms of narrative structure and control. More on this below. Overall, though, this book is well worth your time, if only for the education of your soul (and the tying up of a few plotlines from Speaker for the Dead).

I love Jane -- so much. I also really enjoy all the ethical dilemmas that Card so brilliantly orchestrates. His creation of a planet full of people who believe themselves to have the ability to speak with the gods, but who have really been genetically manipulated into having a specific form of obsessive compulsive disorder, is frankly genius. But I think my favorite part about this book (and the rest of the Ender Quartet) is the way that they force you to examine the way that you see the world through the use of the pequeninos and the buggers. Everything looks different and a hell of a lot scarier when you don't understand it.

The thing that makes Speaker for the Dead such an A+(++++++) book, a masterpiece really, is the way that Card interweaves character, plotting, pacing, and action. Speaker for the Dead is the perfect length, with things being revealed at just the right pace, and tension perfectly distributed. The result of this is a feeling of perfect completion upon finishing. The narrative is also almost all self-contained. With the exception of several unresolved problems (how they're going to stop the Lusitania fleet, what will happen to Miro, etc.) the conflict of the story is perfectly resolved. This is where Xenocide suffers. Xenocide and Children of the Mind were originally supposed to have been one book, but the narrative became too long and Card was forced to separate the two. Unfortunately this hurts both stories. Xenocide feels incomplete in terms of theme, and Children of the Mind feels almost trite in comparison to its behemoth of a brother. Ultimately, it would have been a much more successful story with a good paring down, and combining the two into one, as Card originally intended. And, to end on a whine, Ender's fate was pretty upsetting and I'm not sure what exactly about it bothers me, other than I felt cheated. Intellectually, the decision to give his soul to the Peter-body was a good one. He can now live out his life without the immense burden of guilt of having committed xenocide, which has haunted him since Ender's Game. While I know this is good, I still can't help but feel cheated in some way. But I digress. Oh, and also, I really hate Qing-Jao.
Profile Image for Josh Hopping.
56 reviews8 followers
October 28, 2011
Three months ago I was introduced to Orson Scott Card through his book “Ender’s Game.” Seeing how awesome his envisioning of modern technology (a lot of which have come true since the book was published) and study of human nature was, I eagerly jumped into the second book of the series, “Speaker for the Dead.”

This book was even better!!

True, it was not as action backed as “Ender’s Game” but nonetheless it was an amazing book that dove deep into the human behavior. How does one treat an alien race that is different than one’s own? How about a human who is reacting out of guilt and secrecy? Can you learn to understand someone, even when they are ‘evil’ and do bad things?

It was with great joy that I picked up the third book in the series, “Xenocide” (especially since book two ended before everything was resolved).

Sadly enough, I have to report that “Xenocide” failed to uphold the same standard as the first two… =(

Well, kind of… the first three-fourth of the book was fairly good as Card tried hard to explore how one could live side-by-side with aliens, who by their very existence, places your life in danger. He also explores the nature of life and what it means to be alive.

I grant you that these are not easy questions/topics to explore…so some grace must be given to Card for tackling such concepts. However I must say that Card ended up backing himself into a corner with tons of major problems for his characters that could not be solved easily…

So instead of letting them die or having them fail, he jumps the shark and solves 95% of the problems with one action.

[Spoiler Alert!]

Normally I let an author get away with as there are times when something has to give…yet… when Card has his characters recreating their bodies, figuring out faster-than-light travel, bring 3,000 year old dead people to life, and developing new forms of a virus by simply wishing for it… sorry, I can’t go there… that is a tad much for me.

True, he develops a huge ‘scientific’ theory/argument for such wishing…but no…can’t buy it. =?

Sorry, Mr. Card, but you lost me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kelly.
86 reviews73 followers
December 4, 2013
Wow. It took me so long to finish this book after racing through the previous portion of this series. It's really too bad because Orson Scott Card's ideas are definitely worth exploring -- some of the most thought provoking and original of the ones that I have read in my limited science fiction repertoire. Card is truly one of the most brilliant writers I have had the pleasure of reading.

That said, certain portions of the book I just found to be tedious. I finally finished this only after borrowing the audio version from the library and listening to it during my commutes. Certain notes of the book were hit too many times: the constant bickering between the family on Lusitania (you know they'll eventually get their act together) and the sometimes seemingly endless discussions about the nature of philotic connections come to mind. I also find fault with the fact that it is obvious artificial intelligence and the brilliant scientists of Lusitania will solve the scientific issues faced in the book, making the buildup of suspense difficult.

Nevertheless it's worth it to read the book. What Card does would be foolhardy for most writers, but for him it works. How many writers do you know that can write convincing dialogue and philosophy for the most intelligent people to populate a planet of geniuses? I can only imagine how truly amazing this book would have been if a bit shorter and more tightly constructed.
Profile Image for Lisa.
270 reviews58 followers
August 3, 2024
Friends, gather round and behold what happens when an author’s agent sells his trilogy when only two books have actually been written, putting huge pressure on the author to deliver something (anything).

So said author rehashes an old philosophical mishmash and squeezes it into the series, ensuring that no real character development or action is made available to the reader.

For instance, when it comes to disconnected behaviour:
- Father trees suddenly become murderous and anti-human (explained away by the virus or religion?)
- Ender’s wife suddenly wants to break up because she’s jealous of his sister and his AI assistant
- Ender goes from being virtually prescient in his management of people to being a henpecked old stepfather
- How did we get from initial alignment between races to torch bearing villagers burning down the forest of sentient beings??

Scott Card admits that he relied on an old treatment that was “complicated, philosophical and talky”. And, surprise surprise, he ended up with a book that is exactly that.

When it comes to religion, he really misses a beat here, and wastes way too much space on their philosophical deliberations (penance, anyone?). Also, given how much the practice of Christianity has changed in 2,000 years, are we really expected to believe nothing else significant has changed in the ensuing 3,000 years? It is jarring to have so much change in so many other areas of life and culture but somehow this has remained frozen in time with no real reason to back this up.

To add insult to injury he actually split his final book in two, and while I’m all for commercial success, this felt unnecessary. It reminded me of the feeling engendered by the last season of Game of Thrones where the showrunners, D&D, phoned it in because they had other projects to get to.
Profile Image for Tudor Vlad.
328 reviews81 followers
July 6, 2016
When I first started this series I was afraid that the first book would be good and then the quality would slowly start to dip, because the goodreads rating did so and you have to trust user ratings, right? I was so wrong. Not only was Speaker for the Dead so much better than Ender's Game, but now, Xenocide is EVEN BETTER than Speaker for the Dead. The character of Han Qing-jao was probably the best thing in this book, and probably the best storyline this series had to offer (I reserve the right to change my mind once I start and finish Children of the Mind).

“Mother. Father. Did I do it right?”
Profile Image for Darth.
384 reviews11 followers
November 7, 2013
This was on it way to being a middle of the road - didnt love it or hate sci-fi novel, when a sermon broke out. I spent a number of hours getting preached at, and I didnt care for it.
It didnt even feel like the well-intentioned if ham fisted style of RAH trying to dole out advice / his world view - it was literally a sermon.

Jesus save the aliens, and in the end, just wishing (and a self-aware super-computer) can make miracles. It was a pretty bad excuse for fiction. And the ending resolved very little but tying down a superfluous oxbow in the story line.

I cant help but wonder if the success of Ender's Game & Speaker for the Dead - which were both very good - gave this author so much clout that his editors no longer reigned him in. 80% of the characters in this novel are extras - some were interesting, but they really did not have much to do with the story moving along. It seems like this was missing some red ink at the editorial phase.
But I bought it, and the next, and several dozen others by the same author, so here is to hoping that it picks up!
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,962 followers
January 22, 2024
This one was great until the deus ex machina ending, with a useless kind of cliffhanger to entice you to read Children of the Mind. I liked how this one started out and wanted more about the co-habitation of humans, piggies, and buggers. I got lots of exposition on philosophy, but it was less satisfying than Speaker for the Dead because of the "jumping the shark" ending, really. I liked Andrew Wiggins less in this sequel, but I did like the Chinese folks on Path and found that was a nice addition. I'll avoid spoilers, but the various twists and turns are sometimes surprising, and sometimes come off as kind of dumb. I am on the fence as to whether I'll read book 4 or not. Would anyone reading this review like to chime in?

Fino's Enderverse Reviews in internal chronological order (I think):
Ender’s Game (Ender's Saga, #1) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Ender's Shadow (The Shadow Series, #1) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Ender in Exile (Ender's Saga, #5) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Shadow of the Hegemon (The Shadow Series, #2) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Shadow Puppets (The Shadow Series, #3) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Shadow of the Giant (The Shadow Series, #4) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Speaker for the Dead (Ender's Saga, #2) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Shadows in Flight (The Shadow Series, #5) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Xenocide (Ender's Saga, #3) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Children of the Mind (Ender's Saga, #4) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
The Last Shadow (The Shadow Series, #6) by Orson Scott Card - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Profile Image for Lancelot Schaubert.
Author 28 books375 followers
July 4, 2020
Ender's Game was one of the best modern novels I've ever read, especially in this genre. It surprised, delighted, and asked ethical and epistemological questions I hadn't thought to ask up until having read it (not to mention some fascinating universe-wide questions of pneumatology, psychology, and hamartiology). Speaker for the Dead was better and did the same, though in an almost entirely different genre — that book changed how I offer eulogies forever, changed the nature of funerals in my mind.

Xenocide, it seems, fell flat. A la: https://xkcd.com/304/

Or at least the audiobook version did — perhaps I need to merely read it in print as I read the other two. Then again, of the making of books there is no end and much study wearies the body. But the words of the wise are like goads, and the anthologies of the masters are like firmly embedded nails driven by a single Shepherd. The first two novels in the series clearly seemed like mastery. This one... not so much. Please leave a comment if he improves or returns to mastery in another series or even this one – am I way off base here?

Card seems obsessed with the nature of humanity, specifically humanity as tethered to the idea of consciousness, and the seedbed of that question lies in both Speaker and Ender's. Can a machine be a conscious being? Can a tree? A larva? Can a hive? All good questions. In this book, it shows up over and over again in the quarantining of OCD humans who — prior to the revolution led by an A.I. — had been treated as less-than-human. It shows up in a conscious virus. In conscious clones of memories of Andrew. In the piggies and buggers and so on. But I feel the farther we get into the series, simultaneously the more interesting his questions of religion and faith get AND the less interesting his questions of consciousness and systematic theology / philosophy grow.

I feel like rather than reading this book, everyone would do well to read the consciousness section of The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss — in fact, all philosophers of the mind, folks who study A.I., people who have questions of consciousness, and the like should have read that chapter. It's heavy, but it's worth it.

As for Xenocide... the title sums up the question of species extermination and how far that implication goes.

It's also telling that these questions seem wholly absent from the author's personal politics. Or at least they seem lacking in any discernible sense.

He is, in the end, a tight storyteller and I'll be checking out his lessons on writing. He even says in the afterward that to make it this philosophical and talky, he needed to grow into a better writer — it might be a good idea for him to revise Xenocide into a new edition, but what do I know? I'm no better or worse than him. The last word of the book does help with the brightness, but it feels it ends in a similar way to The Waste Lands in the Dark Tower series, the only problem being Stephen King WARNED us he'd split his book at the start, Card did not so... yeah.

Cannot recommend Ender and Speaker enough.

If you've read it, what did you think? If you haven't, why do you want to?
Profile Image for Debbie.
2,163 reviews49 followers
September 14, 2007
Xenocide picks up Ender's story on Lusitania. With a starship on the way to destroy the planet, Ender and his family race to find a cure for the descolada, a virus integral to the life cycle of the pequeninos, but lethal to humans. Jane, a sentient being who came to life as a result of the bugger's attempt to contact Ender through the fantasy computer game, may die as a result of her efforts to help Ender stop the destruction of Lusitania. A faction of the pequeninos decides they want to bring the descolada virus to other planets and wipe out humanity.

The third book in the Ender series would have been better with about 200 less pages. I loved the conversations between the Hive Queen and the pequeninos and Jane's developing character. The philosophical discussions of religious concerns had some interesting elements, but went on far too long for my taste. I felt like Card was trying a bit to hard to teach a lesson. And all the family fighting--ugh--that got old too. You'd think that the starship coming to destroy the planet would be a bit more of a uniting factor. I didn't like this one as much as Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead, but there was enough worthwhile stuff here that I will finish reading the series.
Profile Image for M. Tatari.
Author 32 books294 followers
December 17, 2022
Ender Serisi'nin üçüncü kitabı olan Soykırım'ın çevirisini nihayet bitirdim. Ama ben de bittim. Sanırım "2312" (Kim Stanley Robinson) adlı devasa bilimkurgu romanından sonra çevirdiğim en zor kitap buydu.

Aslında 2312 kadar bilimsel açıklama yoktu içinde, onun kadar ağır da değildi. Filotlar ve çalışma presipleriyle ilgili sayfalarca süren, karmaşık açıklamaları saymazsak tabii. O kısmı gerçekten zorluydu.

Mesonlar, atomlar, nötronlar falan derken "filot" adını verdiği yeni olguyu bildiğimiz fizik kurallarının içine katmayı ve yepyeni bir fiziksel düzen kurmayı hedeflemiş yazar.

Ama bir önceki kitabında kime insan denir, kime uzaylı tartışmasından yola çıkan Card bu sefer işi bir adım ileriye götürüp tanrı nedir, kime tanrı denir konusunu irdelemiş. Batı ve Uzak Doğu dinlerini ayrı ayrı ele alıp bunları birbirleriyle çarpıştırmış. İnancı sorgulamış.

Öyle olunca da felsefi ve teolojik tartışmaların bol bol döndüğü, 600 sayfalık bir roman çıkmış ortaya. 3 ayda bitiririm dediğim kitabın çevirisini 6 ayda zor tamamladım.

Özetle, beynim yandı 😅 Muhtemelen seneye Pegasus Yayınları'nda...
Profile Image for Jessica.
633 reviews
June 26, 2013
The short-version review for this book comes in the form of an image I’d like to plant in your head.

Imagine yourself standing in a large, densely populated area. Think Grand Central Terminal, Times Square or the floor at Comic Con on a Saturday. You’re standing there, head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut, hands clenched into fists at your side as you scream out every ounce of anger, frustration, confusion, and disappointment that you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime, from the depths of your very soul.

Now, imagine you’re releasing all those feelings through one epic scream as a reaction to this book.

There’s your short-version review. You are welcome.

For the longer version, let me just add that I’m pissed. I’m pissed at myself for reading this, pissed at Card for writing this, and pissed at the characters for being so frustratingly annoying.

I read this book because I was told - by Card himself, in the introduction - that this book would be, at long last, the final chapter in the story of Ender Wiggin. Even though I doubted his words (there are still a gazillion books after this one, after all), I put my doubts aside, because he promised that when the door closed, it’d be with a finality that would allow the reader to move on, knowing that every last question had been answered; that new, thought-provoking and open-ended questions had been delivered; and that you, as the reader, would be at peace with it all.

I call BS. This wasn’t an ending at all! It was an opening that led to another set of questions, another group of characters I could barely stand to read about, and another series of books that I just can’t bring myself to be interested in!

This book was far too long, but I can usually deal with books that ramble. This book, though. It didn’t just ramble. It rambled on the theological, metaphysical, scientific and theoretic fronts. My eyes glazed over more than once. My brain wanted to shut down at almost every page. And just when I thought I couldn’t hate certain characters more than I already had (I’m looking at you, Novinha!), I got to the next chapter and realized, nope…it is possible to hate a fictional character with every ounce of my being.

I realized pretty quickly that I just didn’t care. What I wanted was Ender. His story, his progression in life. What I got instead was a group of arrogant adults, each convinced they were right, each blissfully oblivious to the damage their small-mindedness was causing.

Were there problems? Of course. Were they solved? Absolutely. Did they spawn yet more problems? What good series could survive if that weren’t the case? Did any of it matter, in the long run? Did any of it move me, the reader, to care more about the people, their issues, their thoughts or fears? Not one. Damn. Bit.

So yes, I’m pissed. Shame on Card for writing that this could be read as the last book in Ender’s life. Shame on me for believing him, when all the evidence pointed at something else. And shame on these characters, for being too flawed to be believable, too smart to be humble and too near-sighted to care about anything other than their own worlds.

And don’t even get me started on that ending…
Profile Image for Duffy Pratt.
567 reviews148 followers
August 9, 2012
The fleet is coming to destroy planet Lusitania! The piggies may counter by releasing the Descolada virus to destroy all humanity! No matter what Ender decides, an intelligent life form may be annihilated! Holy ethical dilemma, Batman! Let's talk freshman philosophy.

Speaker for the Dead was about what it is to be human. This one raises the stakes, and it's mostly about what it is to be a god. And here, Card basically goes a bit heavy handed on the Mormon theology. A true god would want to make people just like he is. In the end, we are all gods. And there's even a hint at the end of the idea that people can make it possible for their ancestors to enter the kingdom of heaven. I don't really object to this morphing of Mormon theology into sci-fi, but I did roll my eyes a couple of times.

The philosophy that really bothered me in this book was an extensive discussion of free will/determinism. We are three thousand years into the future, and these are the smartest people who ever lived, and the discussion here basically falls into the simplest trap. Valentine says that the problem with determinism, if its true, is that it leads to a lack of responsibility. That totally misses the point. If it's true, determinism is useless. It only might lead to a lack of responsibility if its false and people believe in it and act on it. If it's true, people will simply do whatever has been determined.

Even that wasn't my big issue with the book. One of the strengths of the first two books was Card's ability to get you to care some for the characters. Here, I had the feeling at times that he was working to achieve the opposite. There were times when I thought the best way to end the book would be to have the fleet receive it's orders and wipe these insufferable people out. That would still leave the insufferable people on Path, but one can't have everything, can one?

Finally, Card thoroughly writes himself into a box in this book, and I had some curiosity as to how he was going to get himself out of the box. I didn't suspect that he was going to have a physicist "invent" a pair of ruby slippers for Ender, so that all Ender would have to do is wish very hard that "There's no place like home." With these slippers we get faster than light travel, the fountain of youth, and a Star Trek style replicator without the limitations. Pretty nifty device. It makes pretty much anything come true as long as the person using it wishes hard enough for it (holds its pattern in their mind). Too bad Card didn't actually have such a device, then he could have wished for something other than a deus ex machina machine.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,551 reviews

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