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Anyone But... #1

Anyone But Rich

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From USA Today bestselling author Penelope Bloom comes the first novel in the romantic, sexy, and hilarious Anyone But… series.

Seven years ago, my best friends and I made a promise: No matter what, we would never date one of the King brothers. Even if they grew up to become megafamous, gorgeous, heart-stopping billionaires. Even if they crawled on their knees and begged for forgiveness.

But guess who just flew back into our lives in a private jet? And guess who just showed up to my job on my first day? Richard. King. Fortunately, it takes two seconds for Richard to reveal he hasn’t changed. Conceited. Cocky. Rude. Unfortunately, he’s also the kind of gorgeous that’s borderline offensive—with a jawline to make statues self-conscious and a grin that short-circuits my brain.

He’s spent years taking what he wants. I doubt he’s hungry for anything else—except me, apparently. There’s no way I’ll let him maneuver his way back into my life. My friends would never forgive me. I would never forgive me. But did I mention his jawline?

249 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 3, 2019

About the author

Penelope Bloom

63 books2,356 followers
**My first ever traditionally published book, Anyone But Rich, is going live September 3rd. Don't miss it!!!**

I'm a USA Today Bestselling Author and have written nearly a dozen top 50 amazon bestsellers, including four books that have hit the top 10! Despite all that, I'm still a nervous wreck before I release every new book and I still feel like I have so much more to learn about writing and publishing than I can even wrap my head around.

I'm just beyond honored and humbled that so many readers have embraced me and found enjoyment in my words, because I can't think of any better opportunity than this.

When I'm not writing and stressing about what I'm going to write, I'm trying to wrangle my two little girls who are 2 and a half and 1 and a half. When I'm not wrangling them, I'm trying to keep my husband in line.

Writing and helping run the family aren't easy, but I'd never trade it for anything!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 600 reviews
October 3, 2019
Penelope Bloom delivers the romance and wit as much as in the Objects of Attraction series

I loved Penelope Bloom’s raunchy wit in the Objects of Attraction series. I still plan to read more of those books. She continues in that same vein in this series. She has Hero in this book, Rich King, as more of a straight laced guy. However, Rich has a twin brother Cade who is quite a bit more immature than him and he is the one that cracks a lot of the jokes. So it fits in with his character perfectly. I was laughing out loud throughout the book.

Kira Summerland is a school teacher that has a history with Rich. She knew him in high school and had a crush on him, but dated his younger brother Nick. Rich did something that screwed her over and she has hated him ever since, but all three Kings moved away, and Kira along with her two friends made a pact to never date a King again. So when the King brothers return to town to put their Company Headquarters nearby and Rich pursues her, the pact becomes a problem.

Kira and her two friends are also hilarious. They meet and talk about the funniest things. Her friend Iris is a police officer and she also provides quite a bit of comic relief. Penelope Bloom is great at developing supporting characters as well as the main characters.

“I walked into Bradley’s with a stereo I’d borrowed from school over my head. It wasn’t technically a boom box, but I hoped my friends would get the reference anyway. The CD player also didn’t work, so I had to awkwardly wait in my car until a half-decent apology song came on the radio and then rush in with the thing held up high.

Everybody stopped talking and turned to look at me as I came walking in slowly, eyes locked on the table where Iris and Miranda were watching with wide-eyed horror.”

Cade and Nick King returned to town along with Rich in part because they had some unfinished business with Kira’s friends, Iris and Miranda but those relationships will be the next books in the series. I happen to like this humor and I can’t wait to read more.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with and ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,288 reviews957 followers
September 16, 2019

God I really hate when I have to shelved a book under DNF. I know how hard it is to write a book then publish it. But this book have to go to DNF. The blurp is very very promising. I thought it was going to be a hilarious second change romance story.

What I find is a childish jokes, plot is very confusing. Through out about 55% of this book, Miss Bloom fails to inject some glimpse of the past. Most of the story is about how the hero chasing the heroine for second chance with the hero's brothers acting like a dumb second character.

Even the wooing part is so boring that I just want to skip several parts of the audio book.
Overall, I just can not continue.

2 stars
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews609 followers
September 5, 2019
3.5 Stars

Now I had to wonder what was going to happen when the Kings came storming into West Valley like horsemen of the apocalypse—except these horsemen didn’t bring plague and pestilence. They brought ladyboners, bad decisions, and enough money to make my head spin.

Back in high school, Kira and her two childhood besties, Miranda and Iris, made a pact they promised to keep for life. Never, under any circumstances, fall for a King Brother. Forget the over the top good looks or seemingly endless supply of money, those boys are not to be trusted.

Fast forward seven years and the King brothers are back in town, newly minted billionaires ready to make amends to the three girls they wronged all those years ago. Iris and Miranda are no where near ready to listen, but as soon as Kira spots Rich again, she starts to get that special tingle in her lady parts and all thoughts of resisting pretty much get thrown out the window.

To be honest, this book felt like an outline of an actual story but with the dialogue and witty banter fully fleshed out. I had a great time reading it (Cade alone is worth the time it takes to finish this) but I never found myself emotionally invested in the story. I DEFINITELY needed more explanation as to why Iris, Kira and Miranda all thought the King brothers were scum of the earth. These ladies were willing to throw a friendship away at one point, so it had to be major. And the fact I still don’t really know why doesn’t sit well.

Bottom line, if you’re looking for something to make you laugh for a few hours, Anyone but Rich is your book. If you’re looking for a story that brings all the feels, maybe pass this one over and keep looking.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, voluntary review
Profile Image for Sabi.
1,147 reviews343 followers
March 26, 2023
Is it just me or the cover gives vibe of a mafia-romance type book? Anyway, it isn't. It's a more of a sweet millanaire romance..

Things I liked:

🧡 I liked the friendship between the girl group. Plus, they had some funny scenes together.

🧡 The first few chapters of the novel were very nice. They were on mark with friendship, enemies to lovers romance.

Things I wasn't impressed with:

Very weak romance: Even though the main couple's first date was funny, I didn't connect to their romance. Everything happened so fast with them. The couple hasn't even spend much time dating before things progress further.

⚫ Last fifty percent the novel is so boring: Or, at least, The curruption sub-plot at the last 30 percent of the novel. Is it just me or the cover gives vibe of a mafia-romance type book? Anyway, it isn't. It's a more of a sweet millanaire romance..

Things I liked:

🧡 I liked the friendship between the girl group. Plus, they had some funny scenes together.

🧡 The first few chapters of the novel were very nice. They were on mark with friendship, enemies to lovers romance.

Things I wasn't impressed with:

Very weak romance: Even though the main couple's first date was funny, I didn't connect to their romance. Everything happened so fast with them. The couple hasn't even spend much time dating before things progress further.

⚫ Last fifty percent the novel is so boring: Or, at least, The curruption sub-plot at the last 30 percent of the novel.
Profile Image for Neermboop.
225 reviews37 followers
July 20, 2022
Eh, this one was okay. Maybe I just wasn't feeling it from the beginning, but I didn't feel like everything flowed super smoothly. 🌊

I might be in the minority and will probably read the second book in the series still (I enjoyed the side characters 👍) but this one I wouldn't read again. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for nikki.
792 reviews108 followers
August 13, 2019
So, I received a copy of this book from Netgalley; I loved the sound of the blurb and hasn’t read anything by the author before, so went in with a completely open mind...and I came out of it wishing that I could get the time back that I had just spent on it. Guys, I was so bored. I’m not going to pull this book to bits, because some people have read it and loved it. I’m just going to say that it wasn’t for me, and move on.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
September 2, 2019
3 High School Vows Stars
* * * Spoiler Free
Picture the High School Hallway...three brothers walk the walk and each has this thing about them. The most intense is Rich, with his brother Cade being handsome, funny and just this south of goofy. The other brother Nick, is earnest, genius and will totally come into his own as he matures. Nerds usually do.

They are a movie scene with the girls wanting them and they having their pick.

Picture the girl crew...a sweet bookish one, a loud, funny one and the third just as cute as the others. They have their own ways about the school and are a tight bond in Girl Power.

The King Brothers leave a wake of broken hearts in their path causing these three friends to vow they will never ever, no matter what date or mix with a King Brother again.


Fast forward, the King brothers are back, more handsome than ever and billionaires.
One of the brothers has come back specifically to make amends for the harm he did in high school.

Kira Summerland is the one Rich King wants to apologize to... but due to the vow the girls made, she is not wishing to have anything to do with him. Rich takes this as a challenge and game on...

This is a new series and we are introduced to all of the brothers and the counterparts for future books.

Anyone But Rich (Anyone But... #1) by Penelope Bloom Anyone But Rich (Anyone But... #1)
Anyone But Cade (Anyone But... #2) by Penelope Bloom Anyone But Cade (Anyone But... #2)

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for "Avonna.
1,335 reviews546 followers
September 3, 2019
Check out all of my reviews at: https://www.avonnalovesgenres.com

ANYONE BUT RICH (Anyone But…Book 1) by Penelope Bloom is a new release romantic comedy/contemporary romance that had me laughing out-loud. This is the first of a trilogy featuring three billionaire brothers who return to their small hometown to claim the women they could never forget, but the girls made a promise seven years ago to never date one of the King brothers again.

Kira Summerland is starting her first year of teaching at her hometown high school. Seven years ago, Kira, Iris and Miranda made a promise when they were students at this very high school to never date a King brother again. When Richard King shows up at Kira’s classroom door on the first day of school, she is as angry at herself as she is at him.

Richard King has returned to town with his brothers. Cade and Nathan to set up their company’s headquarters in their hometown. The beautiful woman on his arm is just a ruse to keep both sets of their parents from matchmaking. He has his heart set on Kira. He knows it will be hard work to get Kira to forgive him and get her friends approval, but Rich has always worked hard to obtain his goals.

Kira must deal with her promise to her friends as she begins to let Rich back into her life. Can she have both? Will Rich be able to get Kira to forgive him and get the girl he has always wanted?

I love Rich and Kira together. Kira is the perfect lovable heroine to bring out serious Rich’s softer side. The dialogue between the friends and the brothers is laugh-out-loud funny and at times raunchy which made it more realistic. The sex scenes are explicit but not gratuitous. Each character’s unique personality adds to the fun of reading this book. For me, this is not a new plot or storyline, but the author’s voice makes it very entertaining. This is an easy-to-read romance that has me anxiously waiting for the other brothers’ stories.
Profile Image for Dianna.
582 reviews106 followers
November 8, 2019

Once upon a time, Kira and her 2 BFFs got into messy situations with 3 brothers and hurt each other and made a vow they’d never get involved with those boys again, no matter what. It’s not actually explained what went down, because presumably Bloom wants to build some suspense around it for later. It’s not particularly important, and given what this book is like, the reveal won’t be worth the wait.

The boys finish high school and go to California where they are become tech billionaires. I.E. evil monsters but still somehow heroes, like vampires are, and we’re not allowed to hope they get staked. The girls stay in town and Kira is about to start work as a high school teacher, and one of her BFFs is now a cop and the other probably does something else. Urgh, teachers. Sorry teachers, but your job keeps showing up for heroines and its boring. Teaching is a grim, thankless, poorly paid and dangerous profession and once upon a time it used to be something in fiction that made it clear that this person cares about children and education. I’m not into it. I’m not into cops either, and I won’t be into whatever the 3rd girl is into, which I’ll never know about because I can’t get further than 8% into this book: it’s awful.

At the 8% mark this book has already been so stupid I can’t deal with it. I was a little interested in the no date pact, but only because there’s a 0.01% chance that the girls will all stick to it because it’s both important to keep promises you make to your friends, and a good idea on its own because the boys all suck. There’s a 0.005% chance that they try to do something adult about it that will be difficult but will end with a friendship that will remain strong for the rest of their lives.

That early interest waned when grown up Kira is reintroduced, sitting in a café and watching townspeople gather to murmur at each other. The last time Kira recalls this happening was a rumour about bestiality that turned out to be true. In recounting it, Kira tells it as ‘that boring time everyone thought that guy boinked a sheep but defended himself by saying it was a goat, and then his wife divorced him and took the goat with her and hey, I guess that wasn’t boring after all.’

Am I a grump to not be amused by an anecdote of a man raping an animal, where the punchline is someone makes it so he can’t rape it anymore?

The answer is no. The answer is why isn’t this treated as a crime? The answer is that it’s still barely funny to giggle about how maybe people sleep with sheep, but since we’re all now more brain conscious of animals having rights (and yes I will keep eating them because they are delicious, but I still want them cared for and killed humanely before they end up on my table), and raping one is horrible. Minus 1000 points to Kira’s character, for finding this funny.

What everyone is murmuring about is the return of the 3 tech boy billionaires. They are going to build a technology building outside town and employ people. Hooray for the small town economy? This makes no financial sense for their company. The book knows it, too, but simply pointing out that you’ve put something in your book that you know is a bad idea doesn’t make it any less of a bad idea: it still looks like really lazy plotting. And fictionally, no one is shaping up to go all Veronica Mars on this place, so: blah.

Rich starts POVing from his company plane, en route to Kira’s town. He likes his brothers, hates his parents, and is seated beside a silent beauty who is his fiancée of convenience. She’s secretly gay which is great for him, because she’s the right sort of wealthy and he can use her as a shield. No more nagging from parents to find the right girl: there she is. And she won’t make any relationship demands. He’s already musing about how he’s doing all this to get Kira back, if he can.

And that sums up Rich: self-centred boy child with mummy and daddy issues. Minus 10,000 points, since he’s also evil.

Then one of his brothers is all: I’m spontaneous and amusing! Let’s get the parachutes and jump out of the plane!
Rich doesn’t want anyone jumping out of the plane so he tells his stupid assistant to bring him the parachutes. The assistant goes to open the door on the plane and the brothers are all: no, dummy, that’s the door to the outside of the plane. And the assistant is all: oh, phew lol, I thought it was a closet.

So let’s be very clear: in the world this book inhabits, it’s possible for this young white male to be so lacking in spatial awareness and object permanence that he cannot tell the limits of the confined space he entered only hours ago. And/or: all the stupid doors on the stupid private plane look the same for some stupid reason.

I cannot let this go. I mean, the bestiality looks pretty bad, but this is dumb. Really, really dumb. Couldn’t someone involved in this book have looked at awful photos of rich people on Instagram, and realised this joke won’t work?

I did that thing with reading where I know this book is lost to me, that I’ll never believe in this world and I already don’t think much of the heroine, where I keep going for a little longer anyway. Just another chapter or two, to absolutely confirm that nothing gets better.

It doesn’t. I’ve left the book with Kira at a party at the big stupid mansion that Rich is resentfully paying for to house his horrible parents, and I’m out mid-sentence with Kira is catching up with one of the other brothers, and telling him as a hobby she makes sweaters for pet rodents. Urgh, a teacher and quirky. This girl is the worst. And she’d checked in with her friends before accepting the invite to the party, to ensure it wasn’t breaking their pact, and they urged her to go, because: sure. The plot can’t go anywhere otherwise, and we all have to at least try to pretend for a little while that the friendship vow is important.

I’ve reached a point where I don’t want any of these people to have any happiness in their lives. I’m outraged that they are all guaranteed happy endings they will do nothing to deserve. The only character I didn’t hate was the secretly gay fiancée, and I like to imagine that she somehow manages to escape the books and find happiness.
Profile Image for Ruby The Romance Enthusiast.
428 reviews33 followers
September 3, 2019
Penelope is a newish author to me but I found myself very entertained by her characters. I have been meaning to read her Objects of Attraction Series for some time now. Now I know exactly what I am in for. Anyone But Rich is a tale about a man returning home only to have his life turned upside down by a woman he spurned years ago.

When they were in high school, Kira and her two friends made a pact that they would never let a man make you choose between him and your friends, especially NOT a King man. But something happens when Rich returns home and sees Kira, things begin turning in a direction that they never saw coming. Kira is a school teacher who has some history with our leading man, Rich. That history is what brings them back together.

I love a book with chemistry between the two leads, so their banter is great. It was nice to watch him try to break down the wall she has up, to show her that he isn't the man she remembers. No matter what Rich tries, it always comes back to the pact.

The pact in question. Is it a problem or a way to get around themselves?

That aside book is hilarious. The side characters were hilarious; Rich's twin brother is the court jester of the group, kept me laughing. I know their books are going to be just as funny. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to be entertained and likes when a man knows he screwed up and tries to fix it at any cost.

ARC generously given by Netgalley and Montlake Romance.
Profile Image for Mielle.
63 reviews
March 5, 2024
Příšerná nuda a cringe “vtipy”/situace, mělo to být DNF 🥲 tohle bylo moc už i na tenhle žánr.
1,919 reviews26 followers
August 20, 2019
I really loved this book. I’m a big fan of this author’s writing and this story did not disappoint. Kira and her friends make a vow to never date, talk to or do anything with the King brothers way back in highschool and when a business deal brings them back years later what’s a girl to do? You do what you do best, deny, deny, deny you have any feelings for Rich King and when he shows up to your work on your first day, and you about lose your mind. All Rich wants to do is apologize for all the damage he caused in highschool. I loved the banter between them, watching him break her walls down a little bit at a time to show he’s not the guy he was. No matter what it always came back to the promise between the girls, never make a woman choose between her man and her friends, the outcome may not be what you expect. I felt the brothers needed to grow up a bit, especially Cade if he wants to win Iris back, he kind of drove me nuts and Nick if he wants a chance with Miranda. With obstacles in their way, can Kira and Rich find their HEA? Great read and I can’t wait for the brothers books to see what kind of spin this author is plotting out. I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley.

Profile Image for Jessica Morales.
716 reviews57 followers
September 8, 2019
I received this book through Netgalley.Not sure on how I want to rate it. At times i felt like quitting this read to be honest. The author included so much of unoriginal things you have seen in other books. Now at times she had ne dying laughing. I think if she would have focused on making this a romantic comedy this would have been a hit. Yes I'm kind of intrigued what happens to the other characters but I'm a bit hesitant to pick the other books up.
Profile Image for Ashy Khaira.
376 reviews50 followers
February 3, 2021
Kira Summerland.Richard King.Two people who loves each other but have a bad history.What happens when you break a promise made 7 years ago with your friends never to date the men who hurt you and ruined your life?What happens when they come back into your life like a wrecking ball anyway?An awesome book full of sexual innuendos that make you laugh and wonder why you never picked it up earlier to begin with
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sakshi *the bookish romantic*.
38 reviews38 followers
August 27, 2019
Three kings despised by three friends bounded by a promise. A promise to never ever date a King.

The king brothers were kings of the high school. They were the unattainable ones. They played their way through high school, flirted with everything that could walk and were the dream guys of every other girl back then. Now, the Kings were back as billionaires and celebrities only to carve the shit of the friends’ solemn vow to stay away from the brothers. King boys brought with them a storm and these three friends were determined to stay together to weather that storm.

Rich was absolutely captivating with his thoughtfulness and charm, wrapped in an irresistible packaging of shockingly good looks and obnoxiously gorgeous smile. Rich had always been magnetic but now he was more irresistible than ever. He knew he screwed up in his high school and was well aware of the apologies he had to make. However, the reunion didn't go as Rich well as he expected.

“There were burned bridges, and there were burned bridges over rivers that had run dry, and then there was Kira and I.”

Kira had a sexy librarian vibes that made her sweet, innocent, and sexy at the same time. She was smart, independent and loyal to her friends and her promise to them. She had dreamed of Rich throughout high school only to be betrayed by him in the end. Now, she had her shields up and weapons on to deter any and all efforts of Rich to charm his way back into her life. Rich, however, would do his best to tempt her from her promise.

Rich was used to people kissing his ass but Kira didn’t give him any leeway. It was refreshing to see how Kira didn’t give in to Rich just like that. She made him work for it and made him count those efforts. She cold shouldered him at every turn, but he was unstoppable in his efforts to woo her. Rich was determined to worm his way back into her heart by hook or by crook. Uninvited feelings were stirred, lines were blurred, and promises were shaken leading to fervent moments of love and an intense romance.

“I was being pulled by a kind of gravity when I was him. The right words stuck in my throat and the only ones that would come dug me deeper and deeper into the trouble.”

This book had the best kind of angst with the constant push and pull, amusing comebacks, and witty remarks. The author did a fantastic job of bringing the two closer from a sworn enemy to passionate lovers. She shaped all the characters so beautifully. There are very few books where all the characters, leads or not, are just so damn likable. Dialogues were amazing and plot was addicting that had me acting like a junky.

Kira and her two friends were so damn hilarious. Their raunchy wit took the humor quotient of this book to another level. Analogies that the three friends often made me shake my head at times and act like a lunatic after laughing so hard at other times.

Rich, the wise one, Cade, the smart idiot, and Nick, the spectacled genius, all had their quirks that were just too funny for words. They stayed together, fought together, and won together. There was such easy camaraderie between the brothers. I absolutely loved their wacky moments, they put life into their relationship and in the book.

We’ll be tapping into the stories of Cade and Nick King in the next installments of the series and I will definitely be getting my hands on them.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,955 reviews1,522 followers
October 30, 2019
3.75 – 4 Stars

The cover was the wrong marketing for this book. You got to love Kindle Unlimited when they have the audio version to listen to. I had this audio book for sometime, but I wasn’t really interested in listening to it because (based on the cover) it looked a little dark, serious and angsty. Ummm… no.

Do not be fooled by the cover, to my surprise, it’s a really light-hearted book which made me like it even more. I was in the mood to listen to something light and bam, I got what I wanted.

Honestly this book wasn’t anything out of the ordinary nor it was it great, but it was nice to have it on the background and I really liked the narrators which makes all the difference.

If you are looking for a smutty read, this is NOT your book. If you are looking for a book where it’s mainly about the main couple, this is NOT your book. This is the first book in the series and I think the author used this book as building block for the rest of the series.

You will get a lot of character development on the secondary characters, that might or might not be your jam. For me (and usually it isn’t) it was jam. I really liked listening to the brothers (who at times acted really stupid) they were entertaining to me.

Miranda has had a HUGE chip on her shoulder against Rich and when you find out the reason, it’s really stupid, but that wasn’t the bases of the story so it didn’t bother me. I liked that Rich was trying to get Miranda and I’m always a fan when the Hero chases after the Heroine.

Was there chemistry between the two main characters? No, not really, but (and I’m shocked as you are) it didn’t bother me. Was Rich a billionaire? Yeah, but did it matter? Not really. Besides the fact he flies private and he’s more well off than Miranda, that’s about it.

To me, this book was the introduction to the series, even though it’s a “stand-alone” about Miranda and Rich. I didn’t really care about them and I was just enjoying listening to the background noise.

I’m looking forward to Cade’s story, I found him the funniest in the book.

Profile Image for Alaina.
6,688 reviews213 followers
March 25, 2021
Honestly, the audiobook for Anyone But Rich really flew by for me. In it, you will meet Rich and Kira. These two have a some history together so it was kind of entertaining when they reunited. Mostly because Kira used to date his little brother Nick. I also enjoyed seeing her reaction of Rich and Cade being twins. Mostly because Cade was hilarious and he always made me laugh. No matter what.

Now Cade wasn't the only one with some witty comments because Kira's two best friends could be funny here and there. The only thing that bugged me was when they gave her an ultimatum. Yeah, that's not really cool of them and I hate that they put Kira in that certain situation to begin with.

Then there's the romance, it was cute but predictable for me. Mostly because anyone saying they have to close loose ends but deep down they just want to get into bed with them - usually means that they will end up in bed with one another. I did like the ending because his mom was a real piece of work and now she has Kira, who she thinks is beneath her, as a daughter-in-law. Ha.
Profile Image for Karma Queen.
294 reviews
June 27, 2021
This book was OK to me. I had a hard time liking any of the characters. There were a couple times I smirked or chuckled, but nothing close to what I would consider a rom-com. It is still not clear to me what Richard King did to Kira to not only throw her life off track, but to cause her and her two best friends to promise never to get involved with any of the three King brothers. Throw in Rich's wealthy, snooty, parents. They are so vested in their sons marrying within their class that Rich is acting as a beard for a woman with equally despicable status conscious parents. There's potential, but the story did not quite hit the mark for me.
Profile Image for Tzelina.
502 reviews130 followers
October 28, 2019
**Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the ARC in exchange for an honest review**#AnyoneButRich #NetGalley

First time for me reading a book of Penelope Bloom ! This was a 3 star for me! Great cover .... Overall It was a pleasant story and I really enjoyed it but sometimes I felt like smth was missing!! Despite that it was a sweet and funny read !!
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 24, 2019
This book was beyond boring.
I didn’t feel any connections with any of the characters. The writing was very uninteresting and dull. I was waiting for some spark but there wasn’t any.
Maybe I had too much expectations from this book.

Profile Image for Lenny_reads.
419 reviews31 followers
March 13, 2024
Jenom ne Rich začal veľmi sľubne. Množstvo vtipných momentov sa striedalo so spomienkami na starý sľub, ktorý trom kamarátkam mal pomôcť držať sa ďalej od bratov Kingových.

Chechtala som sa, chichotala a užívala si vtipné hlášky našich hrdiniek. A potom prišiel (po 7 rokoch od ich posledného stretnutia) na scénu Rich King a romantika bola na spadnutie.

Postupne sa vtip vytrácal a moje prvotné hodnotenie išlo dolu. Trochu priemerné, ale stále prijemné oddychové čítanie so štipkou papričkových chvíľ a premýšľam, že si postupne zadovážim aj ďalšie dve knihy o sexi bratoch a ich romantických útrapách.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews51 followers
Want to read
July 25, 2019
💝 ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 💝
Profile Image for Tia.
805 reviews291 followers
August 20, 2022
From the first paragraph I almost put this book down. The dialogue is juvenile and the dick jokes are not funny and one too many.

Them talking was a repetitively cringey experience. Kira had her vulgar diatribe moments and thank goodness Rich really didn't have any. Otherwise, this book would've been a did-not-finish for sure. Cade (Rich's twin brother) made all the crude dick and or genitalia references. I don't know a business man, young or old that speaks like a silly pre-teen.

I continued on with the story because it was short and I did eventually warm up to Rich. Kira's friends are over the top as well. Each friend dated or liked one of the King brothers and the other books are their stories. I won't be continuing on. Oh, and the "use a gay person as a cover" is old and overdone everywhere.

I received an eARC from Montlake Romance
Profile Image for Tracy *To the point Reviews*.
647 reviews175 followers
September 3, 2019
Couldn't finish. Not connecting. The premise sounded promising however seems like a boring preamble to a three part book series about three best friends and three brothers they fell for in high school 7 years earlier.

Nothing was funny. Nothing was juicy.
Profile Image for Karina.
826 reviews19 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-2021'
June 14, 2021
DNF 56 % . Bored
Profile Image for Claire B **paused for now**.
66 reviews20 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-it-was-just-that-bad'
September 25, 2019

Disclaimer: I DNFed this book at 8% and am only commenting on the little I read. If you liked this book that’s fine. I didn’t and that’s also fine. This was a BR with a friend (Mags) who isn’t on Goodreads the opinions expressed are all mine although it was a DNF for her for similar reasons.

Of the little bit I read I found the plot premise a bit immature and the characters of the girls a little insipid. However, my biggest problem was with one of the brothers, more specifically, Cade (who God help us is probably going to get his own little HEA). Let me be frank. Cade is a MUNT. If you are still not sure what I’m saying. CADE is A CUNT! There said it twice. This secondary character is not funny. Basically he’s a pig and I’ve only spent about six pages in his company. So, some of the stuff that came out of his mouth goes like this, and I quote:

”You know she’s hot and everything,” he said suddenly. He pointed towards Stella, then leaned in like he was trying to catch her eyes. “But it’s pretty weird how she’s always so quiet. And if a girl ever touched me like that” he said nodding towards where her hand sat limply on top of mine, “I think my dick would retreat so far into my body you’d have to start calling me Cadealina.”

“I got it. I’m not an idiot,” Cade interrupted. “But hey, I’m not judging. If you’re into weirdly quiet women who kind of give off a Viking princess vibe, then have at it. But if you do eventually decide to fuck her, let me know. I’ll knit you a little sweater for your dick. Wouldn’t want it freezing off inside the Ice Queen.” A really little sweater.”

“We’re identical twins”(...)

He gave me a grudging nod. “Yeah, you’re lucky you got my huge cock. If you weren’t my twin, it’d be as small as Nick’s. I guarantee it.”

So Cade is a misogynist, a bully and happy to denigrate a woman to her face in front of a private jet full of people. Rich “fake” boyfriend of poor Stella and supposed hero in this little tale, says nothing. NOTHING!!! What a couple of fuckwads and I don’t mean Stella. Although she could do with showing some backbone. Insipid comes to mind again.

Nick at least seemed to have some decency and I was going to persevere for a bit longer then the author gives us this little gem from Rich a page later.

”Actually...” I sighed. “I was going to say Cade was like a dog, but better because he won’t piss in your house. But then I remembered last Christmas when he got really drunk.”

Fuck Off! Just, FUCK OFF!!!!! Dogs generally don’t piss in the house unless they are puppies. I can tell you right now toilet training my pooch was a bloody site easier than potty training my child. Cade pissed in the house. What a charmer. What a catch. I bet there will be a veritable stampede of women after that fine specimen. Cade isn’t good enough to be a dog. Cade only wishes he could be a dog. The fluffy variety with paws. Not the man whore version, he’d like that comparison because he’s a **** “C” word again.

Cade and Rich, Ugghh. What a couple of fucking fucks!

I opened the door of that private jet and all of its puerile nonsense and put myself out of my misery. I’m afraid Mags felt the same way as me, without all the swearing and a lot more laughing. She made it to 12% before giving up. Probably wine helped.

Now I need to leave it there before I’m up on charges of Kindle rage.

DNF no rating
Profile Image for Naaytaashreads.
923 reviews183 followers
February 23, 2022
"Seven years was a long time, and people changed. I knew I had. Chances were the girl I'd secretly longed for would be unrecognizable now. Guilt welled up in my chest when I realized I'd probably be the reason she was so different. Like everyone else who crossed my path, she'd been left with a life that was a burned ruin of what it had been before she met me."

Sorry but I DNF this, I cannot.
It had something but later on, it became me getting confused and being like what.
It's a really short book but I had to DNF it because I was enjoying none of it.

The plotline started fast and straightforward with the introduction of characters, enemies to lovers' sort of and second chance romance.
There's a good amount of humour, banter, and side character involvement.

However, it felt like the plotline was all over the place.
Like they hate each other, they flirt, like, break up then suddenly in one page they together like it was so confused and I can't keep up.
The storyline couldn't make up its mind and I just got bored of it.
The chemistry wasn't wow or exciting enough for me to root for them.

"I get it. I wish I could just drop it too. But I can't, and I'm going to keep obsessing over this until you at least give me a shot. So we could make it pleasant, or you're going to have to see just how pathetic this can get if you keep making me beg."
Displaying 1 - 30 of 600 reviews

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