40k Book Club discussion

Bruce Sterling
This topic is about Bruce Sterling
40k > The Brand New Novel by Bruce Sterling

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message 1: by Letizia (new)

Letizia Sechi (letiziasechi) | 67 comments Mod
Hi Readers!

Have you heard the Big Christmas News? Tomorrow, 27th of December 2012, we are going to publish the brand new novel by Bruce Sterling, Love Is Strange.

For the occasion, we are collecting questions for an interview to the author from many people, about science fiction, future, publishing and changes in culture.

Richard Nash, Cory Doctorow, Paul Di Filippo, Matthew Battles, Marianne de Pierres, Giuseppe Granieri have already posed their questions.

And we were wondering: is there anything you would like to ask to Bruce Sterling?

Post your question here, we'll pick a couple of them.

Love Is Strange by Bruce Sterling

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