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The Host (The Host, #1)
This topic is about The Host
Heroines > Wanderer (The Host)

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message 1: by Erika, Dream Thief (new) - added it

Erika (livingforthebooks) | 3819 comments Mod
What do you think of her?

message 2: by Megan (new)

Megan Yates (megreadsya) | 1 comments I really like her. She defiantly not like any other Heroine I've ever read about. Although I like that she's not afraid to get help from others like some other Heroines.

Sian (sianwatson1) I love Wanda. She's so selfless and I really admire that about her. She's really smart and I would love to listen to her telling one of her stories about all the worlds she's been to and lived on.

The-Readaholic | 2 comments Sian wrote: "I love Wanda. She's so selfless and I really admire that about her. She's really smart and I would love to listen to her telling one of her stories about all the worlds she's been to and lived on."

I totally agree, she had courage and also the ability to see what was right

Whoever | 18 comments i love her. she is so selfless. i never read about another heroine who is selfless like her.
also she didn't sound unrealistic.
she makes me try my best to understand her.
after all, her circumstance is different than mine.

Justa She's so pure and that pureness made me cry. I loved the book and this character. She's so selfless (definitely abnegation, if you know what I mean :D) kind, pure (as I said.... She would do anything to protect the people she cares about. I can't even find words to describe what she means to me :)

Lina | 79 comments I liked her character, she was smart and very interesting to read from, her relationship with Melanie at the start was hateful, because Melanie hated her but later you know, her relationship with Ian it was so sweet and interesting and how he was always protective of her, even if she was different that doesn't mean they shouldn't accepted her, all people are equal and different, but it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be accepted on the planet, Wanda was that kind of example and that was what the author thought of, that all people are equal.

Lynne Stringer | 339 comments Yes, Wanda's selflessness and ability to accept others was a key reason why I loved her as a character.

Lyna Berkati | 2 comments i love wanda so much! of course she's not humain!! i've never seen someone so selfless and adorable and just amazing as her.
and i loved her throw the whole book and really hated melanie she's nothing like wand selfish and all.......and jared i dont even want to get started the way he traited wanda was horrible but thank god for ian!!! oh my good he's way better the jared anyway so IN YOUR FACE MELANIE!!!!!!! those two are one of my favorite couples of all time

Delphine Vanlanduyt (ayakarose) | 21 comments Wanda is in 1 word 'respectfull'. It must be hard to share the mind of a person but she and Melanie cope with it both at an amazing level. I liked her from the start and came angry when they tried to kill her. Like Ian is the most caring guy you can have, they are so adorable together. At one point i hated Melanie and Jared because i liked Wanda way more !!!

Lynne Stringer | 339 comments SM said a while back she was going to write two more. I thought one of them was going to be her next book but now she's moved on to this other project that's due for release soon so I don't know what's happening with a sequel to The Host.

Zara   | 244 comments Pure and selfless
I love love love her.
I am so obsessed with The Host.
I really want a sequel.

Dorothy | 38 comments She is very selfless and kind, she balanced Melanie out perfectly.

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