Booktastik—discounted ebooks discussion


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message 1: by Dionne (new)

Dionne (httpwwwgoodreadscomdionnelister) | 16 comments Mod
Hi and welcome to this new group. I'm Dionne and I've set up Booktastik to let everyone know about limited time discounted and free ebooks, as well as new releases. All the books have been checked for quality.

I'm from Sydney, Australia and love to read most genres, I'm also an author and copywriter. I love cats and have a Siamese called Lily. That's about all I can tell you without being boring :).

message 2: by Anita (new)

Anita Viccica - Toss (goodreadsnitareeny) | 4 comments Hi I'm Anita from NY! My favorite genres are romance, historical fiction and biographies, but I am open to reading any book that my friends or anyone rave about! :)

message 3: by Dionne (new)

Dionne (httpwwwgoodreadscomdionnelister) | 16 comments Mod
Anita wrote: "Hi I'm Anita from NY! My favorite genres are romance, historical fiction and biographies, but I am open to reading any book that my friends or anyone rave about! :)"

HI Anita. Great to meet you and thanks for joining the group. You're the first!

message 4: by Anita (new)

Anita Viccica - Toss (goodreadsnitareeny) | 4 comments Thank you! :)

message 5: by Charity (new)

Charity Parkerson | 5 comments Hey guys. I'm Charity from Tennessee. I'm an award winning and multi-published author currently writing for Ellora's Cave. My favorite genres to read are Historical Romance and Paranormal Romance.

message 6: by Amberr (new)

Amberr Meadows (amberrisme) | 1 comments Hey, I'm Amberr from Georgia. I'm not an author yet, but I am an avid writer and reviewer. I love many different genres, and I love Dr. Pepper, social media, dreaming, and great books. So glad to be invited!

message 7: by Charity (new)

Charity Parkerson | 5 comments Amberr wrote: "Hey, I'm Amberr from Georgia. I'm not an author yet, but I am an avid writer and reviewer. I love many different genres, and I love Dr. Pepper, social media, dreaming, and great books. So glad to b..."

Ooooh, waves!! I'm so addicted to Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper.

message 8: by Anita (new)

Anita Viccica - Toss (goodreadsnitareeny) | 4 comments Hi Charity and Amber! :)

message 9: by Charity (new)

Charity Parkerson | 5 comments Anita wrote: "Hi Charity and Amber! :)"

Nice to meet you :-D

message 10: by Dionne (last edited Mar 07, 2014 03:23PM) (new)

Dionne (httpwwwgoodreadscomdionnelister) | 16 comments Mod
Hi Charity and Amberr. Thanks for joining us!

message 11: by Charity (new)

Charity Parkerson | 5 comments Dionne wrote: "Hi Charity and Amberr. Thanks for joining us!"


message 12: by Boyko (new)

Boyko Ovcharov | 1 comments Hi, thanks for the invite.
Best wishes,
Boyko - author

message 13: by Dionne (new)

Dionne (httpwwwgoodreadscomdionnelister) | 16 comments Mod
Hi Boyko and welcome :).

message 14: by Renee (new)

Renee Pawlish (reneepawlish) Hi all, I'm Renee Pawlish, an award-winning author and a voracious reader. I write and read mysteries and horror, and I'm always on the lookout for good reads.
Thanks for the invite!

message 15: by Charity (new)

Charity Parkerson | 5 comments Renee wrote: "Hi all, I'm Renee Pawlish, an award-winning author and a voracious reader. I write and read mysteries and horror, and I'm always on the lookout for good reads.
Thanks for the invite!"

**waves** :-D

message 16: by Dionne (new)

Dionne (httpwwwgoodreadscomdionnelister) | 16 comments Mod
Renee wrote: "Hi all, I'm Renee Pawlish, an award-winning author and a voracious reader. I write and read mysteries and horror, and I'm always on the lookout for good reads.
Thanks for the invite!"

Thanks for joining us, Renee. Great to see you here!

message 17: by Ben (new)

Ben Ditmars (benditty) | 2 comments Hello, everyone! I'm Ben and I'm a poet. I also like Dr. Pepper, but usually drink Diet Coke because too much sugar upsets my stomach. Mostly I like to read fantasy and poetry.

message 18: by Anita (new)

Anita Viccica - Toss (goodreadsnitareeny) | 4 comments Hi Renee, Boyko and Ben! :)

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