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message 1: by Amy (last edited Jul 18, 2016 07:12PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy (asawatzky) | 1743 comments Beatlebone by Kevin Barry

About the Book: (from
A searing, surreal novel that blends fantasy and reality—and Beatles fandom—from one of literature’s most striking contemporary voices, author of the international sensation City of Bohane

It is 1978, and John Lennon has escaped New York City to try to find the island off the west coast of Ireland he bought eleven years prior. Leaving behind domesticity, his approaching forties, his inability to create, and his memories of his parents, he sets off to calm his unquiet soul in the comfortable silence of isolation. But when he puts himself in the hands of a shape-shifting driver full of Irish charm and dark whimsy, what ensues can only be termed a magical mystery tour.
Beatlebone is a tour de force of language and literary imagination that marries the most improbable elements to the most striking effect. It is a book that only Kevin Barry would attempt, let alone succeed in pulling off—a Hibernian high wire act of courage, nerve, and great beauty.

About the Author: (bio source:
Kevin Barry is an Irish writer. He is the author of two collections of short stories, and the novel City of Bohane, which was the winner of the 2013 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. His 2015 novel Beatlebone won the 2015 Goldsmiths Prize.

Rave Review:
This book is available from Audible as well and highly recommended as an audiobook as the author reads it himself with his Irish accent and peppered language.
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Happy reading!!

message 2: by Jan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jan (janrowell) | 1243 comments Is anybody reading this one? I listened to the audio and fell in love. Anybody?

message 3: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy (asawatzky) | 1743 comments Working on it (also audio)... Due to the heavy accent from Cornelius I can't listen on the freeway so I'm making slow progress.

message 4: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy (asawatzky) | 1743 comments Okay. I'm actually switching to print on this one... I just couldn't keep the thread with audio.

Lagullande | 22 comments I read it in print. I enjoyed it, I think, but only because I gave up trying to understand what was happening or what it was trying to say, and just let the words wash over me....which was quite a relaxing thing to do, actually. Trippy!

message 6: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy (asawatzky) | 1743 comments Okay maybe I need to relax then because I am working too hard to figure out WTF is going on and evaluate if I think it's okay or not.

message 7: by Margot (last edited Aug 16, 2016 07:50PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Margot (goodreadscommerelybookish) | 11 comments Ooooh. I read this. I thought the premise was interesting and the prose is stunning at times. It's definitely disorienting, but intentionally so. I didn't love it, but I'm not sorry I read it.

message 8: by Jan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jan (janrowell) | 1243 comments @Lagullande, that seems like a great way to approach this one. It definitely gave me a feeling of being lost in the fog, searching for a possibly nonexistent island and going in and out of time. Very 1960's.

message 9: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy (asawatzky) | 1743 comments Oh excellent Jan! I think I'm being too "21st Century" about this one and failing to think of the time this takes place in; the drugs in John's past, and the dabbling in gurus and such that was so popular at the time (which for the Beatles included actual trip(s) to India and influence on their music. For instance, I laughed when "The Rants" were first mentioned but then quite alarmingly thought Joe Director was abusing the kids when they were screaming upstairs :S
Of course,I'm also being influenced by reading "The Girls" a few months ago... So there's my excuse!

message 10: by Drew (new) - rated it 3 stars

Drew (drewlynn) | 431 comments Lagullande wrote: "I read it in print. I enjoyed it, I think, but only because I gave up trying to understand what was happening or what it was trying to say, and just let the words wash over me....which was quite a ..."

I'm only about 1/3 of the way through this but that's the approach I'm using and it's working for me.

message 11: by Jan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jan (janrowell) | 1243 comments Drew wrote: "I'm only about 1/3 of the way through this but that's the approach I'm using and it's working for me.

Glad to hear it!

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