Addicted to YA discussion

Challenge Rules

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message 1: by Farren (new)

Farren (mmmcookies) | 306 comments Reading Challenge Rules

These are general guidelines that will apply to all reading challenges unless otherwise specified.

🔹 A book can only be used for one task per challenge.

🔹 You can use the same book for all of your challenges, as long as it fits one of the tasks. This makes it easy to complete many challenges throughout the year!

🔹 If there is more than one option for a task, you only have to read one of them to mark it off.

🔹 Books must be a minimum of 150 pages to complete a task.

🔹 Audiobooks count, too! Just use the page count for the default book format that comes up on Goodreads.

🔹 If you sign up for a challenge after the start date, feel free to backdate to the beginning of the challenge in order to get credit for all the books you read during the challenge runtime.

🔹 Tasks can be completed in any order. When completed, just link the book title followed by the finish date to mark it off.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I’ll post any additional information above!

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