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The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
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Book 3 > Book 3: What Habit Are You Changing?

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message 1: by Carmen (last edited Apr 26, 2019 07:55AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Carmen | 32 comments Mod
What habit are you looking to change?

When I went into this book, I was not looking to change a habit, but after reading decided I would apply these recommendations to change some of my drinking habits. Typically when I drink, I drink to get drunk. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, but I rarely find myself ever having just one glass of wine or whiskey. When I was 22, I overlooked this habit- but I'm almost 27 and engaged, and I don't think it's an okay habit anymore. I've picked up a journal for this exact purpose!

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