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Book giveaway > Belabour: Dark Domestic Thriller - ONE DAY (23/8) Giveaway

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message 1: by George (new)

George Veck | 1 comments The pitifully dysfunctional Paxton household isn't one to be envied. Ruled by the viciously corrupt Detective Sergeant Drake Paxton, served by his full-time domestic housewife, Amelia, and clung onto by Amelia's emotionally crippled, unemployable addict leech of a brother, Anton, nobody's come close to thriving for years.

Amelia's endured this dismal nightmare for nearly a decade. Once her parents were jailed for fraud, Drake took advantage of their destitution by taking the pair in and piling them with Valium. Neither have been allowed to leave Chester and see their dear hometown of Rhiwlas, North Wales since....

Everything was great, for all of six months before Amelia and Drake's wedding.

But when the harrowing physical and mental abuse began, leaving wasn't an option. As their sole Valium supplier, reluctant loyalty was already safely secured. After all, most reasons to linger come sealed in plastic strips or baggies.

Slowly stripped of all support, Amelia's prospects lay painfully thin on the ground as she nears thirty. But while scared for her life, some glimmers of hope can't be touched or snatched through domestic torture.

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