The Sword and Laser discussion

Sources for free books...

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message 1: by Eric (new)

Eric Gardner | 113 comments I'm sure everyone knows about Cory Doctorow but how about Jim Munroe? Angry Young Spaceman and Flyboy Action Figure Complete with Gas Mark are both excellent, funny and available for free. As well as most of the rest of his material.

You can get a treasure trove of audio books here all free!

If anyone knows any other authors giving away their works or other good sites for free books post them up :)

message 2: by Tamahome (new)

Tamahome | 7035 comments Here's an old thread about it:

message 3: by Nomad (new)

Nomad Scry (nomad_scry) | 35 comments

Free audio books, including such authors as Mur Lafferty, Scott Sigler, Philippa Ballantine, and Tracy Hickman.

message 4: by Nevan (new)

Nevan | 143 comments

It's got most of the classics, plus it features a list of other sites that provide free content. Enjoy!

message 5: by Mikebliv (new)

Mikebliv | 11 comments

free audio book for a limited time

message 6: by terpkristin (new)

terpkristin | 4374 comments Mikebliv wrote: "

free audio book for a limited time"

for new customers only, just in case any of you existing customers was interested...

message 7: by aldenoneil (new)

aldenoneil | 1000 comments terpkristin wrote: "Mikebliv wrote: "

free audio book for a limited time"

for new customers only, just in case any of you existing customers was interested..."

I was, and I felt so slighted. I Am Legend will have to wait for another day.

message 8: by Eric (new)

Eric Gardner | 113 comments I almost forgot many thousands of books are available on #bookz on undernet. You'll need some type of IRC client to get there. I make no promises on who has permission to copy what though. Be smart and stick to public domain works!

There is an add-on for irc specifically to sort through the chat spam in this channel

If anyone needs help using irc or anything feel free to message brokeeric on aim.

message 9: by Mikebliv (new)

Mikebliv | 11 comments aldenoneil wrote: "terpkristin wrote:

for new customers only, just in case any of you existing customers was interested..."

I was..."

My 6-month old account that did not have a credit card attached but had a gift subscription was eligible. Same for another family member.

message 10: by Mikebliv (new)

Mikebliv | 11 comments And two free audio books per week for the next few weeks here:

A classic and a modern book specifically for young adults.

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